KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER h rlhVr-l-VM..W HWMWWf -. itumng HraUt PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT.Ii NEWS ii iK.(ir t'fcwar j KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 24, 1914 SAN FRANCISCO FEELS A TREMBLOR WORDEN WRITES WEST, SAYINU HE WILL ASSIST, AND WRITES SALOON MENJJ FORT FOR AW EXPLANATION ' juir, ! Htar irlirr will 4iur .r ist itltll ! IIMlPKIIA. "'" Uu mu"ir',, ,,,u' r,,r ,h"" TIOV liHIM TMK IIWVTV ,),, tlilii inilnu, ll.o llte fOtlltT 'I'Alll dIK Mid llin Intrlratn tU4r ,, I tf, (hrle lll bo alt bui4U uf . .. , ., ... . MUlc suitable fllMtl.U.t b thn r'uw. I c)jJKtw (,, ,j,,fa Itnttfr and Lyons, no r At' nAU-m Ttr, Allrtfnt M,wwM,)i; , ,, HUr ihralcr. (l In IW 1m U-U'I Ih VMU ! HmIIfI u III rll Pew ' for lh (- mi !- H-iHh I'bIimwp'I' lfMnt-J 4ant. an4 put the irJ Tvw. U " ,", ",,,,M ,IM4,'' l," rtrul firutM . u , ,if e;au4m ami era ml pa u-4 im j,rfj MII m full llrM1 ,,,,''flj)h.t, MAYOR ALBEE IS UNOER ARREST !iiiimti' rinr.i' ki:ittii: '" lvuvvvMVlJVlJVXlAfAAAflAlf Afuvu'Li'ir vit i ,-- j .j . - l,(1fTB g irj(t-(y(twJ A. CASTEL SAID WILSON PUTS AN Wo am! Rri Rah, bv pitv pmpi p TO BE A SUICIDE INDORSEMENT ON ! - ' IN A PANIC RUSH ) They Reach New York After HoneymooninEorope myn jnr otdcct i. it'll it riioM ii i (,iiti:h in'' a i humph uti'i.mi: sn'H hi: EXCLUSION WUtfcrt m nH It" mIooM l l'M KUtatls U op-fat"! tt lla iW el U iuii li-jMor l l "" la U 4Hriwite4 by Ounl) Ju4e WofJo fu4) be ! ! folio lb lf (lueIHr Wrl I ta In fcrrlj.t uf ;uui UUp )! 4 J(,i)o :tlh. rrmtliI"J W Ullf ri lb iKwr l Up Wwwr ( WiK4ftl, 'uit KUwUi, Ot4vm, 4r Jlf u( JaiMrj lli, ll(Hl (oKr-tltii trUiho l lm r- tl4 il I'ou KUmtiti hi W, O. Knck "I pVlJ"'1 "" tt thai you hc K! l to w w- offlfo tu IhU rr ilj, 4 ili e ht h4 intl lrm (4 ftUUlt l IttrMi C4r. M 4i!)( ll utl t In 1ct) ) wllit) M Ihrlr t. ttoUUon f l III KUmJklh ruuhlj Wo l jmi im ! Ittti (n tlut tlHr omiliUott M In KUmiH vuuniy )ou m ll04boul the utn, nt)4 Hftiiwl- ii iu (ik fi j .m oio liltiK In Ullom cKllm ihfuUfthoii! Id UI ot O(r(do "I nwlttio liricnllti n o,i- of i lt lt la Mn..r. Huy and KhiIp. Wi UII Idok lull lhl ra, ituil 4oler loUo htlbiT mfi U a tloUllou tf U Voti i. Ik. full)- ,.41.1 A 1tlkljr tt c rati ftKerlnlll Uil. HtoqM no ntiii llul ihrff U Vlnlllnit l Uw, p fehj.lt uKo tucli M. Ur m fan, j4 hmil4 xn 'h lo o fikf, il 4t n,thlitK wiiMn our tutr lo kUt jmu" la d.)Hlon ih! (utlnwlni urtil Ill6)ln4 I:p nl,p K,,rl. -((Ollrtitrh Ciliiillll him Ifrwit "mlf in ()..t Wi, guvprnor f llto J" '' frun, Uy rrUln ,Htiil of ' KUmaili, fr.roiHlim Uio Wt csto of V'no4rntfi, nUii4 by VlnU i, ' tti4 Kmnift Ooritun fur ttml MltalMllnn, oIIpeIiik llml you ro (. "Uo Hit mIi.ou ntul lh tiolol fn f'y lo Uio U. mt t,M holrl ami ' f In I'tillilliiKi. matiilliiK nlxiul lrw Uh .rl, nn4 owncl liy 41 f 'nt iKilltl.luaU -1 nlhrr woriN, C l ll)i u irirlptor of lln joui, knd o. V. i:hv lm thn c,t "'loriior V.t In wrlllitK lo nm M UIihJ tl.At iiiilnwful rartlrj of Ihll Vln.l ... - " cmiw, una llml ir you ' tloUiliiB i((r, nw ,,,, ,,, mrtt , '" y"r idnra mul knoti li iikVI" "" UuU r,lri,l'' x " llonrn mimclfiil lo iirovti or iPfo n, ulloKAtloiiM or Dm Wo. of Wm.4er.ifl. If you nr not . "n ilrlrtly u i,nriliic Willi (In. kill y H,,h your MBwiU4lM "" U, ro,,ny court at thn tlnio tlio Lm?" ,(rnl",,'. ' ) courl m !m you '" roturtt TO"' . H n.,U, , K0V(iror , oyory J'.. y"" nr" l'rtliiK atrlctly In !2?,,Br" ,,h ,ho 'w. w'-" .,.,"' "" ""'t w my n)irlo tho JJtraor of , Mttcl flcU (l , . Kindly , ,,,, M 0lr mr)l ""vnloiic, '7; ,,', iiita! loi!ln!,fu "' "'"'wi' lor Iioum JM.I, nmuH,et clrelm. It U '4 oil" " KroRt Uai,co ror ymn UirtJ ' u,q ,0owni or u mw i ii.iu;i:ii uiitii luuiTiM? IIMJMT IKU'lt iaV ll I.AHOIli iMMIHllSi:it lllil'l t'nlic4 l'ir Jilfp I 1'Olttl.ANI). Jn. 51.- -UorCm. tiiltspr HOtT ! faUMMl llio bttr .of Wnc All)f, fclttmi ho trtiareto' villi wui king ttimix'( or ui tjiir Bl4 Of llrtkiHIHBUU tnOIP Otan n(lt tm ll ft, roiiltary U llix i of llmj olalB, t'lly Allninr) lttrx-hn tin en" 10 Matrm to auk nab corpus n( lti mirremn couil la U mwMiiImB a fonilil ac rmiahtr Wajur Allwo mimic it )i Ktwi, I In ! th Ubor rtimminlonpi' In hi win l K ill rlt fur an ln, .rrrtn Of 31 rf IrlU III III" "0 do-S liaMinrnla, an4 will rtt I'lirdaiul aUiui a mltllnn 4ollam, I'MlCH tills l.ll'i: WITH A iiri.i.irr Antin CflH'l. fur many y-ar a ii.itiiliiciu ntlicn ol KUittfttl) touuiy, lia -iii)r-4 hU I iff, artorJIiiK to mcs. er 4riall r-rjll line.. Tim U4 lllga rrarirtl limp liiruueli a ltrr f- crr.l by Mla Uoleii UuKaiilt from s( it lu-riha ltliimliulm, hum in fi.l 1 1. l'...li. CalK Tl.n clfl Uilir u (ormi'rly rm. .lilr. li) i'iitlnl III llU itvrry Utrtv, aii4 lir lUiH In ltit Irtlnr (bat br lallirf lial Jul Iul4 br WDtlirr Mr t irl (mil rxminliu.l ulri4o by .i...( lr,e Wlmlf. No iilirr 4irtlU rlo ehrn i'all - a !lUi of tlrruutiy. Il catnr lu ili. Klamath ruuntry In l. anil lur wtora rear micac! In rlll telnrlne. In l hf mrtHt romtly Mr)or, an4 ur-4 in ii'iw In thai ortltp III 19? lJllrl 1 ttictiwn Kt- mflilrr ot IClamatli PalU. which tvU lion hr hrhl lor fU ''ari H wan nlirai4 a wmW of Ihft city roimrll tnl in loS K(fl a brwrry. an.l l Vi ihl In oratln for a numbrr of r A coi4 of yn ro tpra mln4 H(i-trii io Up wantlfrlne at llmrx On o" alon h Ml horn lo o up ion. an4 wanderml for tftral .! thrniieb th wmiiU Alter thl he a tafc-n lo California by hU lf. ,TIHHi: ATTACKI.Vri IT lIXI,AHH ' ITAtJAI.VhTK.Vtiia.Ml III Au.urr In TliU, TIiom- I'avoHiiKj I In- llr raillri I'olnl l tlt ' Trral) of I Ml.". Ilrtwrrn Knitland mi. I m I'll I (im I Matrw, ArrtinlluiC in M KKTt Mourr, tirallmHti'a jiMTHirnI Willi Japan Cotlllnura. I'llltrd I'rrM 8rlr Hi Ink in 'yir. , I. Tr Ijiiiib ami IU (IrHTllh, two, e k now it rrlipiii of l'io Valcly, crr In ih rounty rat Krl4ay, ltinti hroilKht with htm lli- 4(a of Iwoi royiUM, i DALES DISPOSES OF HIS INTEREST (ItlH.KH A HTU.T xow avts I'Aiat'i: AMI IIAI.ICS MAIIKKTM, AMI Wll.l. llf.MI.Vi: thi: IV. ItmilHIATlOX I WAHIMNOTON, I). C. Jan. SI. ,0iil' th fari thai I ho Iiouht Imrnl cmili)ii committee put the nofi pedal ,1111 Uif Alallc I'lduilon bill, Hccrt tAry of Ijiltor Wlbwn today w?ni th iiii-amim to (bo homo with hU vn- domnnriit. Tito only modification be! Valnnl Ir thai ihrro b further dcflnl-j llou of th term "Asiatic laborew'j The. labor department dciilcn that' ,th aitopilon of tbo ItAker bill will bj a diplomatic anront lowaru r.niiann, ill waa amrrttd thai the majture ba netlillii: to do with Japanimo Iromltra- Uun Thi onlclaU ald that many of tho KnelUh colonic have oxctunlonai 'law much moro drantlc 0Kalnt the' Hindu that the linker bill propose.' It la pointed out that lh American-' Knitland treaty of ISIS, under which treaty Immigration differences worc-t retili4. the 'faorel nation" clause j wa not mentioned, mid even If ll nan. It l held that Knsland had no1 llKht to demand of America greater riiuldoratlon than wn obered by It own rolonleit. I'nlted I're SorWco WAS1UN0T0N, Jan. !3.--lntcrna-, lloual I-i Ksiurl Moore, who 1 the .thief nwlntant of Secretary of State, W. J. Urynn on International que .tlon of law, gVo UMiirunces that the entlemen' MrecmMt ktwm Japan nil America on the iluaifrftUea vim. lion reamlnt InUct, M ta UrMe of treulra made with other couHtriM. JPf , ri ItKIHUtT AFFfXTM THK FORKIOM ! MOXKY MARKET i i American Mtocka Dropped Off HeranU l'olnr Ib llcrila Two Otmrp Hhocka Kelt LM Mfc, B Xe l)aaute Wm Dee Wnalm aad Ilenuuraau Were Hctme of Cob ruion. With People TerriftXL ( ! Unltad Pre Srv!c I SAN FRANCISCO. Ja. 24 Two raharp earthquake ihocka wero flt , latt night here. No damage reaulud froai tke shake, although the people, fearla a repetition of the 1904 dlMater, wot badly frightened. Theater audience acreaaaea U fright, and la many case Um people attempted to rtuh oat. Maajr of ta dance hall aad rcetauraata were cleared In no Um. the people raaklac IU1V ftUV VWfcS. MANY NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY United Pre Servie DEKUN, Jan. 34.WI14 mi ,that Saa FraacUco wa etroye4 y earthquake reached her today, aatf 'for a while a panic efcanea la tiw 1 bourse. American atock aad bond bolder were thrown into a stmt of anxiety. I As a reault of the flurrr. all Aar ' lean share at the doe of the kevra showed a decline ot several points. Inttne," William Locke; "OlMtmrry l School Days," "The Man Front Olen gorry." Ralph Connor; "The Ctom- Uniiu mm ve NEW YORK, Jan. 54. The steam uhlp Majestic arrived In port today. t'allnl Mreiliitt for Hrlx-knli. Meiubeni of l'fperlty Keheknli I, ol En nr reqlleated to in! nt the I O. O. P hall on uel Wednesday nfli'runou at : 3D, lo rlioo mnterlnl for ll)! decree ttriin for Ilia roinlug term All who can nte rtMtu-ii4 to be preaelll. Ulllnnt 1'i'M KUiunlli, Mrrir Jntiif Dixon, who ha been apendliiK lln winter m Creell, r. turiieil lo her homo at Fori Klamath Jr'riilny. Him mcouipnuled from hero li) Mr. A i.. iveui nun .Mr, j, I,, Hlmmbiook, slio will upend thn wmk mul nt Hie llUon home. 'IM up-to-date aupa and lliiiunu Imlr ct li red color from ntt exre of ulphur In ll comiol Unit. The lle of VViitlit I to ho connect id with Iho main lAml by n four mllo aubwny coulnliilnK mi flwlrlo rail i mul. I Cblnemi In the IIoukKoiik dlatiift j liiivn ri'iYiilly Inken lo leu crm, Ilium U n iniiiu'iuliiiiH al of Ameil eiiii Iro rrivtm freoter. That llto Klamath Meat company will shunt) chaiiRe from n corpora tlou lo n partuemhlp firm thu tateutenl litnile today by partle In teri'led, The tlrt iilep toward thU end win taken today, wtien Crtitler .Stllw boiiRlil II H Hntes lutri In tho Klamatli Meat compiu. Thl deal leae only t II. CrlKler nnd Harry Blllt n owner of Mock In the rorporiulou, mi It I thlr lu ll ntlnn to ilUolvo the corporation and In bulu under the firm immo of CrUler X Hlllt. ThU will not nffwl In mi)' i)' tho iiirMi mnrketa now dolntf buahio un der the corporation iroino of Klnmath Moit compnuy. The llnlio' market will bo kept run uIuk Juxt the Hiuno a In the pnHt, tho only rliuiiKu belni: tho iimiiKir. J. W. Hlt'lnuul will tiiko the pinto of II, II, Mule, wiio Intends to K-nvo ohortly for Cnllfornlit. That the public library U popular with Krancia II. Sayro and hU bride.' with local people Is attested by tho neo Jennie Wilson, daughter of the 'tact that during tne raontn gone oj nreotdent. aboard. Ithero wore 1.972 visitors at the read- ' ' 1 1M. i.rMai .Uir Mlkft Mar: a rot "K ",UIH 'Ins," "The Modern Chronicle." Wto 'ston Churchill; "Strawberry Acre," 'Grace Richmond; "The Story ot Watt still Baxter." Kate D. Wluina: "Ta LATH FlCf IOX AND NON-FICTION. u of tho rwoimUon." Franc: WOIIKU OF AWrMOKsTY. ETC..'..The FuU of the Qo4.. "Utnh TO BK FOUND ON RHKI.VES OF KIU Ryan; . lnR TniXt iauai.i.'tt..iiw. .Beach; "Peanut," Albert (Paine; "The Spotted Panther," Ji France Dwyer; "Personal A total of 519 books were TELFORD WILL nni I rftT ninnu'wilson. ncronumnlcdV Rovenuo Col-.'""1-1 aurI tl'at t,ra; Pfl HIT K Hf lr Mnlone. went down ,ho bay In A large number of new- h, UULLLU I DIRUO . rescue cutter, and. boarding the received att ho t Me nt Statuu Islaud, they break-1 fnnted with tho newly weds. The couple will leave this after- books have library. The ones will be found on Wll.l, MAKi: ItCSKAIU'HKH IN THK IIHtT KiaMATII ttlUNTItV Ktm'1"1 for WashliiBton StiK.Vrilit' OKI'AHT.MKNT OF l.'.XMK COMMISSION following new the shelves: Fiction A Kentucky Coloney," Jame 'Sltkeen." John Mulr; I. .... ,..,.. rx.. t-........l llinill AFI llilDllllhlMI Vu a .aBaj t 11... lt S:ir will htart his duties as as- ... Abv-mal Urute." Jack London; Islstnnt to PreMdent Onrfleld of Wll- A w,ndow ltt Thrums." James Bar Jllams College. J , . ..ir,..rl 0f the Hills." John Fox The. Plllll k . m 1....1 ....I., r i. i Aiiw i iniirj leuui... ...,.,.,.,. icmuI1,,u,, xvna u very stormy oue. -v. Vs Kyes." H. Sydnor Harrisen: Mrs. Sayro wnh thrown to tho floor of j "Heart of the Vest.""Rolllng Stones" her stateroom by the forco of it big o. Henry; "Westways." S. Weir Mlt- wano. hlttliiR tho voatwl, and badly tcnetl: "The Judgment House," QH-j sprntned her wrist. ThU was bau-'hert Parker; "Keeping Up With Llx diiKcd until today. Nie. passoiiKors on tho Majestic jr.: "laddie," Oene Stratton Porter; iplnliittd that tho passage Just "Song of th Cardinal." "Freckle," In Mllfonl, N. II., n fnrmcr pro poneil to send it imrrel of npplc by pnrcol iiohI, but wn told II would Im loo large, lie thereupon produced a. Imrrt'l nmdo especially for tho pur lime, which exaclly conforuied lo tho purcel post ritqulromimlM. Of overy 800 porsoni who llvo to be 40 year of age, B ro raarrlod. Illriluhty Puny Tho Mivenlh birthday anulvemary of Miss Jean llnydeii was Thursday; Uio third unnlxeimiry of tho birth of MUh Union Hnydeu I tomorrow In honor of tliu two llttlo lassies, tholr inollier, Mrs. II, K. Haydun, Is giving them n birthday parly this afternoon, with the following guest: Margaret llnrgu! Uorothy Hay, 'orn Meggs, llexMlo Toll, Milium Martin, Ruth ami I.oIh (iiltwood, (lolda llnles, Currol Cnmp, liollln Mend, llesslo Weeks, Kuiiuit llonrok uud l.ols My res. tho latter assisting Mrs, Hnydeu In otjtor IiiIuIuk. Kbt games of nil sorts aro being Indulged In, and refroshmenU wero served. inntl now connected with tho scientific depart mehvof the tlsh MM game, com mission, nrrtVvd from Portland last night. v Mr. Telford will proceed to Fort jKlamntli. wherti ImAvluNnnko n gu- jniil collection of (ho blrdsvand uul- I mills found there at this season of tho enr. I The stale tlsh and game commission .K woikliik- In conjunction with tho biological survey of thu department r ii.., li.iillnr.i nr Wnslilnstoii mi 111 biological survey or tho stale. When HUltUieut data Is gathered, which will ii,iliiliK mVu tu'it vuirfl. ii hiillvtln '"""' - ", will ho published by tho biological Hiinoy, giving tho Ufa nnd crop tones, listing nil birds and unlmals, giving their distribution economic value, etc. Tho Pmt Klamath country is oi-poclutly InteiustluK from un ornltli ologlcnl point of view, for the type i.pocfmcns (that is tho llrst specimens known to science) ot several birds nnd animals wero first Ukcu In that icglon, v Hon ot Jean d'Arc," Mark Twj; "With Um Immortal." Marten Craw Craw eord: "Rab and His Friends." Join Brewne: "A Midshipman In the Pa cific," Cyrus T. Brady. Noa-Ftctkm "Harper's Beginning Electricity." Don Cameron Sbafer; "Harper's Wire less Book." Atpbeus Hyatt; "Sqalr dls and Other Fur Bearers," John Burreughs: "Handbook of Bird of the Western United State," Florence M. Dalley; "Robert Louis SteTMMB, Utters." Sidney Celvln: "Robert K. Leo Man and Soldier," Tboaoa N. Page; "leading Amerlonn Mas. ot Science," David Starr Jordan; "Uf, Letters and Journal," Louise May Allcott. American Suti iian Series EdRad by John L. Morse. "John Adams." "John Quiacy Ad- lie," "The Turning of Griggsby," Irv-, iwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww itng iiacneiior; ine uiory oi wieuieu-i n.uuuuu w v NO BASKETBALL GAME TONIGHT Instead of playiug this oveulug, the Klamath Fulls basketball team and tho team repnyeutlng the Klamath county high school wilt meet next Fri day night. Owing to the fact that Houston's opera houso was used night ly this wek the., tenuis wero unablo to practice. Tho town team has strengthened materially, and hope to put a crimp in tho winning streak of tho students. Civil Service Exam to Be Held Here in April WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 24. Tho civil service commission has an uuoncod tho following dates tor civil bonico examinations in Oregon, out side of Portland, the latter already having been anneunced: Ashland, April 11; Astoria, March 11, March 19, April 15; Baker CMy, March 11, April IE; CenralUe, Marea 11, March 10, AprU IB; , March 11, March 1, April IS; dramas Pass, March, 11, AprU 1, April 11 Klamath Fall. AprU It; Fesdlatsev March 11, March SI, April If. K3J mm mm mrnt m a&y ail IWl m