iattftttnrj Iteralii KLAMATH FALLS' PRINT! THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER "li' "rH ??WW9!rIWBBBflaMBiL TSm' Vr"p-": s"' U,UT r3fi7aiCjju!iitf"rTiTKr"'r".,i'l .lj 3gs--T-"T--rwm KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1914 mh SENDS OF A DAIRY I RAIN piioiir ieurm: mvnit tin: HMi:tMM i Im! Il'l Tlii.l. " n,, ,n t M"t lWrW jhmI I.. OmrUW ul llif H..MII.. P.rlllr 1.1 JMM l'tl.r. AV HIH8HAW NO PROMISE tBtW. I.. AM ! W'" ,,M,,M, ,,, nrr lb r.,.e,M of ... TIm Mr" '"r ""' '" IfcMlli !( llrH- l-e urfe 4 . idurlrd ttfUti l-u ww 44 " ...n...li !.! mowing " oMl 'trlhl Agt HlMlrt- ,w. Aouium iae .titoi4 !( at lVMUul c(cOIO U I'tll l4efl lb" i;ik, b4 w fl4y of lb Itb. iitilc ia iJ bl fao f'4' 4aullUu train I" U MpMl ,4 ) Ifcu omir itJutUitt H fcp t)Jrt AtruUHl Cuc a co'ti iu kuuh I tlU A5il.tJ In ln nil" iOttl4 lilt- ur mnth l twir "Uh u itJlKo Kll ""'w ' I"1 a'' U Ittulr4 n4 UuHf4 lw .4t tilipl. Iiun4 lh M n ,r f etn4 Iho h4ul )J b' fl6 lo KUwalt) rll. Haumtef, lo Ot-rlBB AlM4lUfl CIIW m tti iLt dvc irnrl lit Imt4i" . ..... ....- .1 UUw.ll. y.ll. db.'t'lKl") U) I.Ml)i Um Wfl4r . ..i tdi. 4 KUiualh KalU one'' ...i H.-,.,!., bUi J4h t.J',', lUitt.to-. tiM.l .r l kMb IU ii trrlfH)' 4u4l Allott t lle rk i( Ihv 4mtttt tr.lkft irto sls,btil ll U ut 4utl4 hn lwl lofU iviniotji kl fur the (rain j( (Ut tclnc (ffvli lnel. nt4 li m b ! & l Urel TuOe JUiicf l.utn nntt Ootteoil rtct Atcfii Jutic : Au kincUfo, lln Ifcctu ia iU( KUnuili In H fiilliti lur ihp lflu, I WOLGAST TRYING TO "COME BACK" ('.UHUl-rt roitMi:il trtlAMI IM to n:i.-r jei: hiveiw at mh wai'kki: Tilth i:vi:m.j is a TKV.IIOt'Mi HOUT l!hlU4 I'rws tcrtc Mll.WAt'Ki:,:, vu Jan. :. If XciUan Jon Ithnr snrcveiU In benl'lilKhl will dwrlile brthrr ho can ibc lurmur llI.Ui,lli rhanidoa, Ad Woli HmlRht ho wilt Ik matched llh rrrildle Welsh. I ho KliaiUh lllln Mitt, Votinst HhUKrtie, Johnny ""or Hspiirr O'Nell, In n len round' lUvrra IH demand tneiity-nmnd ut t Maill.rm Hiiara flnrdtu nrxt (t wUh Ohamilun Itllchln on tho ac,,,,, . Icintsl, If h iils Wolxasl to slwp to- Hlvers today appeared in bo In flne'nUbl. Sues S. P. for Damages Aa Action to Recover AtlvKlnK ihm an jry , movHl nll In the employ of Hut Houlhtuut 'wide Ust Kd.nmry, neccMllated ''' umleriioInK a urrcal oiwratlon, 't mlut tho railroad for damages M HUd t0ly ,y John W. llunnaker, "" n of It. K, Ilunaakor. Tho , fiM iir,h v ( , ,,0. 110.000 dnmuge.. AftonlinK to t,0 compUlM, lluu- iL. n" "I'1''!" tur by Mraiinwd nt It. work In Una coun- ho,. KobrUtt')r. o of his II. .n M ffoc,el with "iWMtisr," is Mleso. u,Bt Ule (0MWUl naiIt,t(l ' ttQUor hon t WMk, u kIm REFUND MONEY IN CO. TREASURY - "". MKMI.Nh III.U.IVI.H tt.UIIHM. ON l.lt'ENM! M'M, AMI MM . t t' HIIAIti: OK MHMH I'liOM loitttHr im.i.h Count) Ttrgor J W HletiiHii Ilia. Ju.t iHvr. io ta4rriil Horn i ,, wff( 't - MrllU K "' (" HHlf V fclHVIHI IMflM lilIW mil U for I TO I DC. Till Klamath tiimii)'e pro tala J ..f ll... .,l,......llll.. !!....-. fll.l.t ... i J Tim rti,lll warrant rffpreamU KlaillAlh Hill lit )' tlai' Of tli & Hr trltl li ltlfl,to)t ieeltct it gttlctl) hM Un4 ulri Mllttlli Itieilat TIiU warrant It lor S SI MORE HUNGARIAN PHEASANTS HERE nr.vrt; nun; tAiiiu: write mmi, niM'iiv that roin hi,v iMiii win, in: m:t kimuii ml Ar4lni: lo a llr Jui rll Ilium fiuio (Uii.o Vrdtn William 1. i .. . ,r"" IlilliCiflMI littrHl "III l pcftt ,ro fop llU-fallott. At Bll, 'luli' Inp(i4l to Md t4ffil 'four ialf lit hut fuund litre that mr fr AtallAblc, ..-. 4..VI. bill 1 I.. ......1.1 k.M e4rl In h tirinc, thrj lll b ihiiftiuehlx rrlimtl Uf the coiiltlifi .Hrr Th" tliincnrlan ihraitt In a fatuilif vit bird ntmrmor found, rnd U U htrrd thai (hrjr ran U urr-(all Introdufd hrr .Nmt OriuilJ llaiutt V'rlrii II w Tr, wlm wa rpntly !! 'iKilntrd ilcimiy eamp Mrdm hTurs- itlay tix-pitod Irom Hlat damn War dm U' U Fliil!yVKi'",""M,,, w la.lti Mr. Toxar a lito ah .nar U'or4i. lilchNlll wun kh "l .(ikftrd wild (torn Hatfliu, "lloli Whllrf' ttl .iil , HI, Upo, IIIIii, KUmath roun- l) ' mit l4nl) knun lumntuailrr, tftunir.1 la.i nlcht from a tUlt with hi ifn and rhllilr-it at I'aflrto lro, Calif. aim IT. Ilu etirrrp4 ciilitlilolirp of vlriory, Wnltanl. irallllli that Idulsht's Vomit hark," haa Italnrd counclelf tloilnly for lltn bdlil. Mil declared to day ho will win out lllvrm by the Duu-'kiiockoiil rol, $10,000 Is Filed Today Inslriirliid him to tuKo aro of tho nick niiliiml. On February Ulth, incordlnK lo tho comtilalut. th lioritu becamo vicious, ami trampled uml kicked lluiunkor when h went In tho "Ull. Tho com nlalnt hold Hint tho tUlntlff, then 20 yearn of no, did not know of tho dun Ktr of trentliiK mich n home, and thivt I ho comimny fulled to provide milt nbln stnll. Ah ii result of tho attack, llunskr nlleRi'S Hint ho wah four wwdrn In n hospital hero. Ho nays tho Urgo ! tisllno was badly Injured, and stilt ed In noule appondlcltli. Kor this, he wm onerntad upon In flwtnbr. iwci lL! fet I Tin i iK." of (lip must boiullful. ! 01 tbf miii ilino ? of Ilia flrli. )inrtMr in Ucrtimit)-, IVaiiIi-Iii rlo Anni vim Krlrdlmidrj Kulil, itUueltifr of lUrf Krlli on KrMIn- dir ul4, ro kitte f (lrmnr-" , Tl." Girt II, a tul U k ii ox ii In oocl HK-IA ,H rij ni.r U' Orrwtan nnjure a 1.110 of .licmci bwtuilfulln II. Hlio km r. 'reMtlr -$ii:ap4 in tho Hon. John l'urr lift! ram 0llj' rM-inan-MH-(ol.l. fuurih un uf Irord I(n4rdsl REGISTRATION IS AT THE 276 MARK 1111110 W.Mtll I'ltl.VI.VCT MlOWri IIIWIKsT ItKClHTItATIO.V HI I'Alt IUhiKh WII.Ii Hi; OI'K.V Tll.l. AI.W InT. Ho far Sin wter of Kluuulli coun- l) ie maun lliemoir wisiuie in tulo al the Ma) primaries and No teinbrr general election b) register IIIK III. HiUKa Bl IUU Clltkl ouuv kIII t oimi until the fore part of Ma). Thv h'alil registration I In the Third ard. In rerl of tho pre clncu theie ha beeu no registration n )et. II) prviluru. tin- rrgUtratlou fol lows. Fourth ward " Kl Klamath Falls &1 Third ward &' riiH-mitl ward 31 Wial Klamath Falls 33 HhlppltiKlon . 6 Mills ii.lditloii 3 Mnllu - IMim (Inivii .. 3 Wood HIut , 3 Uwt HIut Title I .aVo 6 Hair) Udell i I'oo Valley ..iii.iii.ii'i Klnmnth like 1 I'levun Worden 2 Midland Hlldebrnud - 0 HpraKtie ItUer I.IHKell Valley , " Hwau ., ... . ... I Algoum a Ml. l.nKI 7 Total .270 Invitation I hi in e. Tho HUrd of tho Klnluwn Club's ilunelne tmrlleu thin season will bo given tonight at the While IVIIcnu Hotel, Tlndall's orchestra of six iileiva has been engaged to render music. A Hum IVdal. A. M, Crystnl, tho man claiming Hie distinction of having tho only sec oml (liisrt saloon In tho city, has been u sufferer for tho past two weoks with h crippled foot. Mr. Crystal ta able to bo out of tho house. Missouri's 1913 wheat crop amount od to 3C.J00.833 bushels, valued at 128,&05(8. fHAYWARD'S TALK OF INTEREST 10 ALL HEARING IT io,nirrri: :vn ,iti: ovviii.t ITo.V nv TIUI.SKK . I III u l.lili-rii MII4r f hUxkholiu Cnir llllim, IllnU tin TmliiluK, THIuiln li ilm Wurk u f hutrurlor lrt.'ll 9 Hltil I'lr In I'MrruU to tsen Tlial Tlirir I'lilkltrti Tkr Hufllrlrnl K. ' rtrlM. I'arU of tlia Tulk. Tin? a&MUnlil)- room at I Im IiIkU .(Ii.il rn parkn at o'clock loiiar. wlirn "JUH" I ! qr4, iliylral In uiirior ut (h ('niter!!' ol Or-Kon, wan Inirixliiri-il by I'rlnrlpat W. K. KaiuIiI Mr Huytmrti Raw an Jiiforaitltig jarnl limlrii-tvu talk on athMlc train-' Iiik tii4 iliylral dwelotimeut. He! fL..lnl.t ..i II.M ur-M.il tiiHrf in rttrwili' ,...,. ... .v -- . ... , M-hooU a lu! coIIcec. In Utal tho uy- ileal dlroctor usually derated most of hU tlmn and enrrcy toward the do vioiilUK of a winulng football team or a c)iamiloiihli track team, ne jPfnB ihe grpai number of younecr ,,., ho could not olbly make . ...l.l .. nrw.H.I.. m.b. any of the athMlc tms. but who.!"'1". h as It is possible rry rrason. really nedcd nro t " wUh "Pl alnlne more than tho oth- " nOM ,n " ' for that lOi) alml tralulnc more than tho oth .,. 11,,-wMrJ t..M of fl.A harmful -f.Niaiuraeo mcc a l.n " ..- frrU of clcarettm and alcohol. i aUourgrd parent, to take more pains ! In teine ner tno e xcrclse of their, children, Hill" said Hip average man would' j.?.l .!... 1.1 I.m.a vlvli... I, It...' proper care and exercise, but would not think ll neeary to try any sys tem of exercise for his children. Mr. lla)ward talked Interestingly of hi trip to Stockholm with the ,mer!rau athletes, and Illustrated his talk with a great many stereoptlcon lew. Th pictures showed howj the athlete kepi In training while 11U ,. nu.MiitlI, TWENTY SEV ctoMlng the ocean, the boat having a mtOFFUTY rrgutar track built on deck. KN :n '"s Aw l,IM MIT1 .. .,...i.. .. i. ...i.i inin. m.' 111 Vll'.IUItt ..W i'W.M W nV.M wm.-. pllmenl to Instructor McCnll of the Klnmath county high school, and con-J gratulated the school In securing thoj service of an Instructor so capable. Mr. Hayward will behcro foraday, or so. and extended an Invitation to Threo hundred and twenty seven Uvea the people to call on him for any de-Lj property amounting to $10,607, tlrrd Information In regard to things j-o ero saved In storms at sea In tho athletic. Futillr t'llllllea awl Iteal Froperty United 1'resa Service , SYHACl'SK, N. V.. Jan. 23. "The Valuation of Heal Property of Public Servlc.i Corporations" was tho sub ject ilUcusned today by Judge Irving (i. Vniin of Syracuse nt the third day's mrtnlmi of the fourth nuuual New York Male tux conference, at the Oiiandaga hutel. PrancU A. Whitney, tax attorney for the Weeteru Union Tolcgrnph company, led tho discus sion following tho principal address. Alfred Kly, prominent attorney of Now York, was scheduled lo lead tho dUrussloti, but a continued lllues prevented his attendance here. IihIIiiiii Hir Noted Illslnrlail Hulled l'rosa Service LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. 32. ltcubcii Uolilo Thwalte, tho noted historian, and other prominent educators and chroniclers, today spoke at tho sec ond da) '8 senrilou of tho annual meet ing of the Territorial l'loneer's Asso ciation. In tho audience wero a acoro of Inilliuix. A number of the oldor Indians, during plonoor das, holped to make tho hlstoiy of tho West and the Northwest. Accepts Nou Position. Mrs, l.ottlo Dale haa realgued her position In tho box office of tho Tem ple theater to accept a position with tho new candy store, The Sugar Howl, which will bo opened lit tho White building Monday, In tho midst of alarms from tho Unlkana tho fact' that the city of Tlrnova, tho ancient capital of Bul garia, has beeu nearly destroyed by an earthquake, passed almost unnoticed. Negro Mayor of Battersea, England Ilaltrv-, in Kncland, baa eluded ni6ro mayor K. J. Archer. He mado a vljorous and jwpular cam- palsn icalul a while- man who was not very well liked. The question of color as not of Urn mentioned, and It had jiracilcally no Influence with the otn. The now mayor Is said to be WSW Ol W wm"l " finf nn nrrount ui i.i uinui win - -..- ll. mmm wi1a l'" l hMl' af ihe Matl ol waoa 1""',ro lur,u " qualntance with the American reeling InH ,1.1 . .!.(., CUTTER SERVICE HAD BUSY YEAR Wiilt-i'll MDlti: THAN TKV Mlly .. - ,m.s WERE SAVED (United Fress Service I WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 23. IIscbI ear ending June 30, 1913, by the revenue cuttor service, according to the anuual report made public to day, while tho total expenditure for keepluK up the service amounted to 12,471.532. While .the saving of llfo and prop erty were the most Important per formances of this arm of tho service. It was not by any means all that waa doue. For Instance, n tremendous danger to shipping. In the form or derelicts, an dottier obstructions to navigation, was removed, thirty-one of theee be lli; destroyed. Derelicts which were (recovered and restored to their own- 'era wore valued at 1S,900. BILL AT THEATER PLEASES CROWDS COWHOY FIDHIiKKH PROVE VER SATILE ENTERTAINERS, INTRO DUCING HOME CLEVER NOVEL TIES IN THEIR ACT Au upprelntivo audience greeted Butler uud Lyons, tho cowboy tiddlers at the Star theater last night, and ap plauded every uuiuber from "The Arkansas Traveler" to the "Cowboy's Fllug." These clever artists Intro duced several entlroly new novelties with their flddloa, and completely captivated the house lu a. "square dunce," In which they furnished the tuuslo, "called figures" .and did the dancing. The act Is clean aud moves rapidly, without halt or hitch, and la easily UPON COMPLAINT OF WOMEN OF FORT KLAMATH, GOVERNOR WEST IS INVESTIGATING THE BAR THERE ! the b'i attraction iwn on tho local 'hoanU for insnr months, , Thi jilcturp aro wptclally food, ali, iti. feature picture telnir a thre( ttcvl Wflrn drama of love, hat and iX-ttiiiKe, Tho Star orcbtra contin-' iit j Itj -xfrll-tit musical program, tulnc lhl Heck a rmmhor of orchestra jllt'cn direct from .Vow Vork publish- lfi,fc FRED DUNBAR IN i FULLERTON CLASS I MI. hTUIIKNT AT UNIVERSITY OF OKKCO.V IS IIUniM.VO FORTH AH A SlH)ltTIX SCHIIIK AM) FOUKCASTER Tb many friends of Fred B. Dun bar, now tn his second year at the I'nlrcrslt)- of Oregon, will be pleased to learn thai he has Jait been se lected as sporting editor If the Or egon Emerald, the college paper. As HkUiritV-4 ltim luwajv w i In university 1 1 f -. sport scribbling 1st one of the moil soughl tasks. Dunbar, prior to going to Eugene, was connected with local newspaper work, and bis success caused many I friends to vainly try to persuade htm 'to tak up Journalism rather than! Uw. In the university, his tralnlBg" stood him in good stead, and he haa always been a valuable member of the staff. CAFETERIA TO BE ON JAN. 31 THE WOMEN'S CIVIC LEAGUE AR- RANGES TO SERVE EDIBLES ATJ THE RIUSTOL BUILDING REST ROOM FUND FOR In order to raise additional funds for tho furnishing and fitting up the rent room for visiting women, the Women's Civic League has arranged to hold a cafeteria dluner at the. Bristol building, between Fifth and sixth Rtreets. formorlv occunled by 7 " .. ----- - - the urauiey Harness company. Tho dinner will be given & week from Saturday, from 5 to S. Members If the league are In charge of tho different features of the work, and they promise) a dinner out of the ordinary At a moderate price. There Is a collection at 4,500 dolls In tho National Museum at Washing ton. Hawley Has Catechism Submits Statistics in River Closing ConlroTersy According to a Washington dis patch lu the Portland papers, the fol lowing letter has been sent to Sec rotary liane by Congressman W. C. Haw ley, In tho campaign for the re opening "of tho Williamson and the Spraguo rivers to logging operatiens: Tho closing of the Williamson and Sprague rivers In Klamath county, Oregon, la working and will work a hardship on legitimate Industry In that section, which needs encourage ment in Its development, rather than embarrassment. In order to Illustrate the nature of the hardship, aa well as Its extent, I wrote to C, T. OUrer, formerly manager of the Klamath WO.MK.V OP WOODCMtT WRITE TO OKFICIAI, HAVI.VO LAW 1.4 1IKI.VO BW1KK.V (.i.Ti-riior Wrlre CVHtnty JMttct) Wor den, KbcIoaIms; CeeapUlat Freaa Um Wood Itlter Commtrf, ait Aaklac Hmj Jndgt to Xotlry rioftfr Tfiat TlH-lr Place WW Be Ctowd L'nlnwi th Lar la Coilled WMfc. t i The latest spot In Klamath to come , to the eyes of Oorernor Oswald Weet ,'ls Fori KUmath. The goveraor au I received a letter from the Womsb of ..'Woodcraft there. lUtlaf that the ssv loon being conducted by Ora Eagle Is not in compliance with the laws of tbo state. The letter follews: "There la oar village Fort Klamath) which U not Incorporated, a bar where Intoxicating liquors are sold. TbU bar 1 supposed to be raa In connection with a hotel with, ac commodations for fifty guests, but the bar and hotel are Is buildings ataa4 ing about three feet apart, and owaed .and operated by different tadlvMaala. C. K. Hoyt is the proprietor of the hotel, and O. W. Engl haa the llceaee for the bar. We would greatly appre ciate an Investigation, of this Butter. ItUtipectfully yours. "VIOLA FAOE, 'Quardlaa Neighbor. - MMA L. GORDON, Clerk." Tho matter haa been take up wtta the county officials ny tno govermor. County Judge Worden this atoralag received a conr of the Detltloa. the following letter: "I am enclosing herewith a copy of a petition received from the Woas.ee. 'of Woodcraft of Port Klamath, Ore gon. "There has been much, complaint ae to tho violation of the liquor lawa la 'the said locality, and those dispensing (booze have mado themselves particu.- rIr obnoxlou "" of Uqtt0r to the Indiana. "The unlawful practices Bust o and I would ask. that you kindly aotl fy the partlee that unleae they are running a bona. Ode hotel, aa the law contemplates, and obeying strictly the laws of the state, that this oface will close them up. and keep them closed." Judge Worden returned from a business trip tn California oBly last night, so tho letter came ae a surprise. to him. He stated today that he pre- r. . . f erred a little time before giving out anything In connection with the i it- ter. It'a a Boy. A son arrived last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Oleai. Aa this Is tho first boy, the Westers Union manager Is unable to aee any thing shorter than a two-story "build ing. Chamber of Commerce, submttUac a list of questions. He sends a the following summary taken, frem the) first installment of replies: Question 1. -What cutting ajuj tog ging contracts aro now la aglet each river? Ana. Q raves There were few cut ting and logging contracts la once on both rivers. AU ceased when rivers wei Ans. WatsonWe have tat cutting and logging etfeet Wil liamson River, ' Ans. Algoau Lumber C.-Wa wttl (Coatlaued I I &.' i m MM m m 1 m ii Q isS rs m i& t m. M v f 4.