uniting Iteraui KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE if IS NEWS OFFICIAL NKW8PAPKK ui 'Hi" i"1 iTTiiminTrrir-iirnr - wiwiwie. iinwunni vr Tawwusg: HB'tawrir. - za-saafii.1 gaaasac rutitii KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1914 PrtevFtf j? ii t- m &u? Hearing on Asia tic Exclusion Bill Off BRYAN REQUESTS AN INDEFINITE DARING AVIATOR BREAK IN LINE POSTPONEMENT BY COMMITTEE LEST SOME COMPLICATION ARISE about u'ctcxt. hf young (oik w -u., ,.,,im mhhT kTATKn AT 4t" " irrounaiM country, ", ' ltt'ifU t 1'ihf Ufoln ir llfti- W,sMlN.tiN 1 TALK tiftU ,lrfuro flMe ott U horoe- I Oil till. Mil. I. l Jtjfn) in IttO IMllJ l t KUiatoUt llii and KcwiMh "(. """""" (,i0- mil, io tiiuttb Hum, l,iu- jUWA Mo""'" WM r ' ,M,l H,im. and Ciiimi K, tii iui ,li' MJ ''"' "' lM,"',j,,,'')""4M m, ''''. Hwiifk ,,..., iCtcd.letiUllJe nttd It MnlllbnlMtlitr '""' '"" '' -"" 'J'-r,la fiad and tjl4hd llalue all.! . ' OIES "IN BED" ( ii mi. ti Aliens i iiimii.ios. I Al'l'l-Alt UV I'lHM' thi: MHt .un ituroith itoi.ii:tt. Hltll Mil tfl Il.t.MtSS CAUSES POWER TO FAIL THE CITY I LIGHT-. OFF OVI.lt AX llOtlt I.AhT AU Jennings, Former Train Robber Is a Candidate for Governor ofOkla. NIGHT I t' ..l.-ltL Oul JMWI, Hill, Hl.u. tt IW MU) wt Mog"l Un Tni'l'' l lwurtl, irltfe ilUllbar Atttl lOft I'rll Ullt4 I'M- t-MK HAJilUM.IU-S tt '. J 33. ,v r c JuMhal IttlobllM. ho lU4 JtUU- ltb JApatt. the biUM t0,3UtM SmHlUflff WAI 1" 4J t.r4 - t.4el.nlllr lt h-4 tM Msrteg on th AUil elulu Ul, lMtlal fonnwh llV. ,f of Cll.'o&U. it(uif i-l HUU William Jennlnc tlfltfc ii iu-'u to lu fneimJpl la Iko ctttstUriKO that they p4t t irb H I ald lJ b i" mM Item csi lu hold an? )f UC t All ' TkU 4r!tPh MW a el Uf- (liu to ifcfl I'jiriC C nirHkirt J II It J hJ irD rf. ejmllll nviv m Inllt) t't Ittf )f"l l'l U- IMri. UO it. rft, rpfiubd n Klllf frf d r(.iroiilr1, , II It tll Hftjn thai CttttKlfMliliXI IliWi nJ Jebfttun (o( VftttltJlun) u4br V4i.it coriKtomctt, t'ln( t4 w iir n n. rtiqe ai " lUiUm KKiir, atr ttd (omirter ml orfriiiii:.i, join lu Hie HkIiI IIVmI I'i .t.l.. J "tb Hiw(rr J d!mtlM t Jli lr ilian ! nl (MMloCTfi f"iha lft (if IWrmi l WrJfJ)", lit Itupc Of a Utt at t:up rltlitl iilr. uhlchj uet wnl li) JmIiii MrCll lti U JJlllg tll irllUU tallll eUllr4 in iho H'tif llhcf luutt. j l Hill. J 'rrt Jrri m:w VOHK. Jkii 23 nMilwTJ? Ilollllll'ill. i "( Ilia lr-1 LiOtl (ttl- altir lu Hif riMiilr)', ill pit uitJ'iilx !' ilf flow lif-morrhsifi' II lu Urfti uflttrti (mm i-iitnileilou llMinilimi s lli fr man lo uim a i fsiir Itiiiii-alr uirhii,c- on (li l'. filif I'uatl ami Itn hltrariH i)a il' irniiuti i rtjiug I hi in nmrnorV ! Uti lo ptiijujntphlA mi roitirn In ' IImmL Co iiip Jicl n Snricriii Wrrr In lit.' ll)l n( mi 0K-rlluu Mil Imii litlrulir hlmliloitii of Out Imi lluii ltrulli-l lliU At' Irtiiixiii l'i uiii lln' i:nirl f I'oitrr (.HIItll)' I'rru lo Itrpnir l.tlln. ! SHRINERS HONOR On Mll tc(uiti4 ll otvnttiK HnM su nir-.l4 irl ilifiwtli fnlu' foruU. DOUBLE DECKED MEETIN6 IS HELD A n rmtillwf ",, hwvy tiofall )-.prila, KlAtilath KaU a In dark iif for otrr noil lt night, nnJ (or nvi-r ti luiim nlny tl wire Kit iiiiil, X ssN jt nlshlVr ilarknrM wa cul iij- tb brtakloie at the lino carrylnic 'ihn current (rpm the Wt Side l'tant. 'tttif Ititn lirtilM miller lh ift'Alrhl rtf ' Hit nntf, and In fallluc It rarrtrd out' othtr Workmen ImprovUrd auoUi t rlmili lnt nlelit. and ervlfo wan ' hi unti.; ih Hi-Hi n5 nv MHAi.ifMltmed Mi:il('IIAr. VMi Hi: IS TIIk' Jut after 1 oytock today the power war rut 0(1 again. In !(hn ctfr (o triii.lr lh dainacp. man I'llticlc did not mako dut allow JUDGE BALDWIN' urtiM run imtiathiv nv mm: MiitiMiiitm'iN BsyilJwcwlSv NEW MARKET FOR LOCAL PRODUCE WILL BE OPENED :IXI,TV I'KIl CK.VT l'.VME.V TO N UK MADK IIKRK Th" mt uirUpd man In Ktaui "th TolU Ut iillit Judfi tlroreo T liul.!lti. when aMtil fttty (rlcndi Al J, JnluB. former train robbr, now tiractlclnK oltoruoy In Oklahoma. order to allow iicturminwi mo puonc uan iuuuik Foro- lila reformation, and lo provo thai IMTIATUUV CKIItMttMIM IIMI.II lt UMI ttWINC Ttl they will do ko ho Is now a candidate anrn lor th UnKth of tho delays oc-l(Qr lho nomna,lon tor governor. Ho ca.loht-d lr 'pole hugging" and , .. ... ,f ,, u 0ictcd h will slvo efUiitlnK" In the mow, to It took nbIhni, ,h tmt. ut least the most! loncrr limn piipoctcd. Tho delay In',.. ....t..i.,..r , h. imnn ,.,,,, , , , I I , ,. Bllll. OUWIUI"""""' " "" "- Mi"" " "" "" '"'" .- i. inning io.iay ncraia ih oiio 10 un ,. Utf tMi of DOmnaton or election MAXV and rfWlnur.1 mm tnai nj wa an cnXin Al ihc llmo iho light went off laatl If he- lie will achieved tufllclent promlnencoi I IHHUIIH m:n lo maLo hl law practice even more Tim dlfferencw twlwen Jennlngnj 'and Mme other In politic U that ho. lndmlt.1 he wax a highwayman and & thief, and they don't until Indicted, i i:4liourUuthrir Company and Hcv in.mo Flrtn Arraae WlUi Voctd Concern lo Hrprmeot Tliw Here, t'nylne Tio I'rice to Uic Farm for Tlwlr (inUa, 1'ot.iloea, Klc, AU mini l'li TruBuuicttoBfi. FuICUlng a promIn mad to the farmer of thb community aeveral month ago, A. CGefngV; manager of Uie Aihland rruVKgWra of this city, ba perfected arrajigBienta with th nalfour-Cuthrivcompnr of Saa f'rancUco. and produce houses of Sac- 'nituento., whereby Mr. Glenger Is to 'represent them In Klamath county la buying alt kinds of train and pro- 'duce. In grain deals, samples of wkcsl. oau, barley or rye will bs sent to the Ualfour-Quthrie company, and they will wire market price. If satUfac top market prloo. Mr. OelBtir will top amrket price, Mr. Glenger will r to the farmer 90 per cent hte mo ment the grain Is on the car, the other 10 pur cent coming from the company within Ave das after a gov ernment weigher has weighed the uhlDment. UK MSCl'SSKIJ AT MKKTI.VG whn poutoea are ready for shlp XKXT MOXTU WATKK USKIW ment, the produco houses will seod nn inspector to oxamine mem, aner t which Mr. Gelnger will pay spot cash when loaded for shipment. In speaking about this new ar- IRRIGATIONISIS WILL MEET SOON i IMI'OKTAXT -MATTKIW TO TO SKX1I IIKLKOATK 'Jar old Thu ittYsAirn pftt loal Slirlnrm mIk-i,i It v lnrrtn tnnnnnl tntntni? I -ri'M'v.K MI"TIII!TltIV Willi ;....! n.i, . n.l .tsiirhlrtn. Tho i. ..., i n, i'.ir.l .i,nnl prolltiblo than now '",' ..w ---.-- HKI IMVH -, w , mvrr '" - - - MIPIIMt VI srvvietMrwa " 'Hhrliitrpiir" put on a mtxk Ittltta- umirr an nnmthetlc at Dlackburnl ... ...... ........ . .... i . . .'.I ti tii rmiriuoiiy wiwi juugp naniwiii m iiiwniui, oring 'oinerateu upon tor. . .i .... -. .. ... I Hii" lciiro. a retc ny an unique anu nnil(, appendicitis uy r. Hamilton! ,,, , ... , ,.,,. , I'OiiTlVNU. Jan. 22 Secretary J. U an all nlcht e.lun l nietd a rould well bo Imagined and Morrow The operation waa flu- '"" ! . ' klnc a ivrfectl r plain r Hlnkle of the Oregon Irrigation rangement for marketing produce this M. IiaII Ut nlclil. H tlghl. ami I Tlw "wori,-' wa msde more gro.Mlf4 af,r other light km secured.!" u" " " ' , ne congress, has seut out the official call morning. Mr. Glenger said ,ll.t exrnlns' prosram Inrludrd l ir.jto In thwt li wan Maged by can- (following a enrch of Hot Spring ad- ' c'' ' ' ' ,,',. mo .'nri.. for the third annual convention.' "Three things I want the famen ,m," on. but he reformed. Now he Is go.ngjwhlch will take place at the Imeprlal ' " ,a Lna' '"t "nosslbt. Tim i mini: umn. hi many friend . ... , . ..i hotel in this city on February 13 and 1'Ul Qclr tuK ,a the t posslBie Aiallc Uberi-r ctrrpt HtiMe aMH frtim tNtrrU ' Thr it-enlla wd h) the "Shrlu- w, Uo ,,,,, t0 Wftrn , reCorerlng . . polltlca Already ho has had ,H. Tho membership of the congress condition for market: second, they 4 by t.rr.iv or (mure li and J .(M wnn mad for Ihn IiiIHaIIoh aiollr" in giving tho Judge- the llf,y from ,,, tlftecU of Ul0 opon. ', n 'f runnnK for county 'has not been lucreabed to forty of the mu8t not "P1 more than " t0P ItHlIrt, Th0 lUlcr bill would go .t rla of fiitiy.lwiirjiiidliUliuk. but iiiii.i).eutli" drgnn. would have .,nn ., .. tnken ...dd.nly III' .......... . m. nirnelual eommercUl bodies, dlteh market price for their product; third. l iIbu Jtmiiin ihp yellow mrwi. Tfc fii'tiiie litimlertton rmtrlc ejii( hiltlatiify crTcmonlr ThU,il0 light. Urn ivretnon) being riiacled ttoft but piupcMrii to ctutillilt ipulf) to W)U ,jMp I,, o, lAlriirKi l ih traliuwliiln Iho light w'er out of rommU- lMtff !. lumiiu Dm Japans. Chl-m about rlghlerii wets from Horrl. mad on ordinary lodge team !", uvjnwday " ui iiititiu pAMlrulariy, aim lo- and had not n-Alitcd the City at tho li.e a uunrn oj wlln prrarnoi-B. fiUli)f ! or ifrir which would i,i.,.,rr Hihp. ih loral mcuibrrt wir When the degree ceremonoU wore J4wll tut of itirnt at at prtmetll. Itiiiched and the Judge revived, all Gltl Horn Word Imh btvn received of the birth "him w" . ...... ... ihnir In mini! th frt that thuv will in r.nn ok-i of rlpetlou Considering companies, water users organizations , ,l 500 xoti of ,e"on- rnr?., '?' .nnniMnni .,.!! nf ., irrieutnd . receive the cash for their stuff as soon the UCl Hint tue proieuionai poim- . -.. clans of both parties worked agnlnst 'dUtrlcts of the state, and the conven- he snys, he believes ho vtui real- " "l he reproseniou oy avo aeie- as It away Is loaded for shipment, doing with tho uncertainty of fluctua- HEAV Y SNOW IN THE LAVA BEDS WI(! til Nl (mux v,Uh HHKKV mk mm i; vo havciikh roii AV, HIT l'sTIHi: IH KXI'KtrT. i:iHM)V W IhitfU who U , rly Jo. d liwil Ills ranrh below Mwlll, ri lltni tin, avy niiow In tho Uvit M country u forcing ,muy f nin h,'l iiini In that urclloii lo begin IHMlllDC II l repiirted y.at llmro was IK !?,, "f -"w In tho l.ava lleiU lnNl,y, alM, mmrnX lh0UliaUd ''l ul aliM.1! huvi. been drlvmi nut to . rllt,l" 'r hny. This Is only wilMHAry, ,t H W(1 , t (h ""w will ,oo B off, takxti inio iho iinlrr A Program and a lend followed. inattlgnl In raid gsmea. dancing and a Word ban bw-n r.?e ved of he b It, '"rZ,,. .gates from each of these organUa- lK Price, of commUslon hoM(, 1 Trlniliniiie adilce wee reccUe.1 general good tl whlrli Included mi Wednesuay oi a lu-i pounu g.n w 'V I 7 , I . (J, ,,.n tlons ' Th,s "rniers will he doubly pro- JttZ ,:, were e,..,.A,,l lunch..,, The eieu.ng J?; .! eta or i T congress bus made great fr-!' ta " SZ& w....i- .!,..,.,, u.n iraln cot lii. i.roiniiinriMl one of nolld enjoyment oceurr.vl at tho home of Mrs. Apple- or in ......... .,...,.. ,i... .. WM. what they are getting for their stuff. 'The train airbed Al 3 o'clock thU l.y nil pr.'-riit. Including the Judge. jr.,Ue'.i mother lu Grants 1'aw. , Imiiriilug. n right afierward tho lodge went Into rlon again, and the elgh tirii nitiley iintwi Mnoae lieeatun full'fleilK'd ' Kpecllii IUm, Circuit Judgi, itano,,, wh0 IA "hnd ,.,1( (.,, Ilay ,,,. , w. M ' " evening or tomor- ,hJWrtliliiK. ofiVhl',,,.M1r'M'('ll.i.Hl MUnHellors ocisi... :. ",r" or " yowir SSI? w,"lKO,orft'wh ' ln' living Klswath Falto at TO DRILL WELLS AROUND MERRILL Gang War Is Resumed in N. Y. Conviction of "Dopey Benny" Starts It Afresh ward strides during the past year, due to tho closer union and harmony of Interest displayed by the affiliated', I members, and It U expected that somol and they can see from the dally mar ket reports that the prices recelred arc current market prices. Tt.lu will ....r.iilt Ihn tnnnav Iap nrn. I important nnd effective work will bo, , . ..,,, ,...,. ,,.,.., . ., dueo and grain to bo In local clrcula- fuc-complUhed at tho coming meeting.) , .... . , ,. , ,, ..1,1., tlon before the produce or grain has JA number of important legislative. ........ . .. ,..,. .... .',.-.-., k.. .. r left the local yards. lu.uum ., uv ...avuov. mj buv vwu , gress, following tho report of the spe-i rial legislative committees. t'l.VHH VA.V MI.TI'.H HIHiniVIX AN Ot'TIIT I'HO.M CAI.iniUN ash wii.i. immi:.v'i: or TIOXH THIS MI'IIIMl ' 1.12 Clvilo Van Meter, who for Home llmo ml lin heel! eiitWKed 111 well illrllliiK I" t'lillfornlii nnd Novmlii, WiidnusiliLy received III well drilling outfit from tho mnitli, nnd ho will l",wot,u murli of I hi work In Klamath county I1U till Mprliig nnu HUiiimor Van Motor will tulcu the uutlH lo hi i riincli near Merrill In tw ilny.. When thu wenlhor perimiM no win nIiiIi h well (hero, '.'Saloonkeeper Killed and Two More Beaten and Robbed. A Pitched Battle Fought with the Police DR. HODGE AGAIN FRIDAY EVENING County Judge Will S. Worden of this city U a member of tho execu-' tho committee of tho cougresa. ) Tho Klamuth Water Users Assocla-1 nun, at tuo meeiiiiE ot tuo uirectora tho foro part of February, will deslg- ' nato a delogute to attend the meeting. I'lT.VlVKHSlTV I.KCTUHEIt WILL AD- i DltKSS MMtltlLL VKOI'LE THIS Chilli! Is 300,000,000 year. now Importing nimrly KuUciim of kerosene a Ohio Is ono of tho foreiuot of tho Kaatern Mates Is wool growlag. United I're Service NKW YOIHC, Jin. a. War bo- the Nuw York l'otico iiojmri nnd tho gaiiKMlerri lui broken out nfiesli, following tho conviction of "Dopey Honny" Klon on n charge of imsniiltliiK Bergeiint flitlUvnii. Tho lonvU'lloii nioiiiiM ii prison term of II v o !ar. Owing lo the tlneiit tim.lo by giiiig- Hter In i'iiko of conviction, lho,Jiiry l ,,... .-i... i in ihnir homes by men wrm ... the police, Ten minutes ufter lho vordlct was mule known. U Bunmcn, ltd by tho lieW ' 11) P HI" moon, eiuereu a ,un- ory miloou known ns tho "Tub o' lllood," mid shot and killed Tommy Murphy, tho proprietor. Ho was nc- ruHod of "Hiuoallug." While I lui pnllco searched the dens on tho Kant Sldo for "Gyp tho lllood" hU ntoro gunmen fought another sktr- mUli with tho pollco this afternoon. Tho light I oiio of extermination nu holh HldeH. Hlilftlng opurutlou from tho Kast Bide, tho gting attacked the saloon of Felix Seharoff, In llrooklyn, and be foro tho eyes ot bis little daughter, beat him unconscious. Following thin they looted tho till. Thu gang thou ran u block to the vtiloon ot Kdward McDonald. When lui refused them uduittUuco they knocked him down and beat him. While they wero breaking In an other door tho sound ot running feot warned them ot the approach ot tho pollco. In Tiilmun atreet the gang were cornered in a bulldlug, which was sur rounded by a cordon ot police. After several shots hud been exchanged four ot tlio guninou were arrested. The other two cscuped over the roof tops. I.umltvi men Urge Co-Operation United 1'resa Service MUMl'IllS, Teun.. Jan. 22. Closer co.operntlou mid alllllatlon wna urged today by speakers at the closing ses sions ot tho twelfth aununl convention of thu Hardowod Manufacturers' As sociation. Prominent lumbermen from tho Northwestern and MlMle Western states attended in large num bers. U was thought probable today thnt either St. Louis or an Arkansas city would get next year's convention. KYKX1XG TOMORROW WILL TALK "FOItEST RESOUHC8B" raiiumu Bonda about 6,000,000 co coftiiuts n year to tho United States, Ammoula bdmbs are being experi mented with for extinguishing forest ares. Dr. C. F. Hodge. University of Ore gon extenslou department lecturer, owlug to tho light troubles last even ing, was unable to complete his Illus trated lecture on Oregon's game re sources and the need of protection. The meeting was well attended, and there was much disappointment over tho Interruption. This morning Dr. Hodge left for Merrill, and will give a lecture Um tonight. Tomorrow night Dr. Hodf will give bis closing lecture at H ton's opera house. hU the "Forest Resources." Mi , . J-.. L . Jti 'Wi &i v. m te'V.ftS; W,H mm M wd Sl m m fjgm II t TBI I ? m mi ,m M rti 111 s iPf'.i ;-i KVV.J m li ft,: