tmmuj Mzmlh KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NKWSPAPEK i mHiriB"1 limTTiITT "IT ""l" "-' -.. J T5. jeob a3tsrsa.xr in tlfcMh FREE KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1914 RADIUM HOSPITALS PROMISED UNKNOWN MILLIONAIRE PLANS TO ERECT TWENTY INSTITUTIONS AS MEANS OF COMBATTING CANCERS HUERTA WILL NOT CITY POLITICS TAKE THE FIELD' BEGIN TO DRAW SOME ATTENTION MioM i'l'III.HJ DHTUOIt IK miU'KD tn sr.V in ci'ir.i in -mm: mkmiikin or UN CllT. run a iimi:. I AT i.i:at "l'ltyicl Training a u4 'uuitl Mr tfktic," Mh t. iilu.nsicj am, iii. cfn adr dtl't Htlll itlliTf llf't'lllUd lU KefVltw Atbkllf rui MK.NH'O riVV. Jan. il That IU)stl one of Ihe mm dl-jHui'tU h abandoned, I e miliar 1 1 y esird in nittUlilctt ibf Amrfk.n at li. lit plan to ute tbi nld, and Ml tuple lW lt 1IS. t f I won a " "-u trail lil tr( nurtltut tins iei: oi'n;ilma.v to hi: i:i,kjt i:i tiiik timi: Adele Blood Sues "Talmage of the West" tor a Divorce win ! th a il.r ImImiI., H I "rrl,WrB,l Ortory fm all ib nation. tiiwi, l H PMrl Willi Mr il lli world II" b nmij rtalterltic ' . .. ,l . . !'.... I. Atil '" ifm UIC HhlirrUlr III hF i;nM ,( lUdlunl, nwrtlt Jlwwi l,rvoM ii IUl tl Abfeiad. Iilll rrr ID Uf 3iOuil,li Ort'laU ( III" llra frt u4 Miik ) Nimr I Xrlitirr t'r. Tn of lb m'twlwii of lb AWrf ... A.I. ... a.... Il'.ll. tt. !...- jH.1,.1 ,Mllti Hawkta. ! I IllVwtalt) c Otrwi llitcp, lfattt'4 from (ft tlialrrlal l) l)Atd Dull Knlll wiil (i rJHlrt lb ni fwtld (of be ttd-)4fd ijlt. all 4 III llti American rm ( lh l OI)Mplc, nU JlKincir.l' ami ifAiiml li; rU Nor llkrlrlrt. Il;i4. 4 'lfrk llirll (l mtt nlln-r fifral l'UJ l "' VAJfHMiHH I' C J. 5I, llnMcm J M rUnnefjr 'C lb" Aiar fitH Ckwlrl umitir liM!' Iwl"! I), twaw rtii4tilt(eo Mt tttf t4 eiit( ife.i n t tnllliilfe" I' (Ut.lB h U-4iUUt l"H tiiMpllaU (o U (clmrh( i'( (WT Uf I' Itir, fcl.iUtt fl IU fMtt It-,- We, ter "III lw lr i'' I'"" Hill or Sl il h ttbllc, I'atb Ititlluliuti. h I4, wumW be fioil4c4 lll flvp fru lit idlaw,' UiaUn o( ho cvmmlllM, (ll 4o tltiUnt. cnljr Wr4 IUnttn; lit ibo 4ft4 talllldhalfo W " ll Mil lo 4ll bU Wrnliiy. blilAMH AMI UIMHITIUH UA, iuiHi4 it . nUbrf iiiKkoiciUr, Atm: win. in: iiimai to iu:x. tor Cir,tf. DENVER FOLKS TO TANGO IN STREETS I EEeEESEEEeEeEeEeEEb BeEeEEvEEeEeEeEeEeEE I BBEBEBEBEKH BSSSSSSSSSSSSSEIBBSE ' iIbbHBbBHS U g ' ' lfc-J I imIit lli i' "lmtlr, I'ltr r ('iillltilr llti lloanl, unit Tlrc Will Up 1 1..- ilrn lilrtnl I-..I Vfar l.rrii lu tlif I'ltlli WnJ Miiy liv llrlu'tf lliotiiclil Kur-Mnnl for Ihjiii-hII) I'aiiillilnlr. XSSfbn BILL HAYWARD !E FRIDAY': in:u hautimi: AHN iia.M'i: ii:vori;i Mill tiik, , t"ull4 l'p Hlr UKNVI'lt Jan 31 An alii faih' tnrl "rtliM-kmrn- Maicjurfado Hall till t.o liinlsttl' Iraluto o( Iho N- tlunnt HltxW Hto x.Ubrtlan lu pro- rr" lirrn Iblt k. IMMiltn IllISt:it AM IIIWOV-I I'mIt lb" uilrr nl Hip lner ''f Club, Atlanoimniu n ucn frl.rt. a tnlc4 omclall)- Iu4a)' 1 ThU rli(JHKr In JiroSfnm a tuadr utKjn lb" IhnWlmc? ( lils rablnti. H did n( drap Uii dictator, Il I un drrnlrtnd. i:iu:it or Tiii.irrij wn.i. aim I mado lor Um lUnrlnic uk lac ltHiH rili: Hliill m.'lioni. hti). nni nnlr In (l ctiy aiidtmrlum. but !tn "Hnil (or Imir bltKka alnnic Cham- 'pa nlfrrl, d"littili COMMITTEES ARE NAMED FOR YEAR nnvrs II is IOVI, TOO lllih aclnHii aiblriM ami othrra In corner from Kiurirnlli lo Clslitwntli ttt clir air I'Hiklnit forward lo Ibnlatrrrta, mi ibat Ibtno .toolrhiK t Ull of "Hill MaxKard, jdiynlral ill- Unco or lurk?) Ul In ' "I1" " twlfaf o( thr Cnlvrmlty ( Orrtou. do o. H l rip-tcd tbal Vfiral lU0a,,t i(,p tilh rhmi tu.lniuaitd ji-rou lll arikUato In nr,u Krldat- afirrnmin. Ilia ludc Ujh ball. TIiit will mualf on o.ry airral m:i'lli:.NTATIVi: MK.V CIIOHKV I'ollfieliii: tbn rrKUlar city lttlo on lb' nrt Moutia) in May, fHo couo-tllliK-n wllli llii tuarur will conatilule i lie Kovortilnc lard of tlii city of Alatuatb KalU, Unload of ten, aj tl llln (irnlllt IllOr. Oil ttlt) flrtt Hon da) u Juno lh fno lolloriiK eoun riluifii will retire from office, and uo urtrMitra lll vlKtcd to take thuir jiUc: J I. OoclWr. Klrat nard. V, C, Townn-nd, Sond ward; C. IL t'ndurwuod. Third ward; Her btlt J Savlditr' Fourth ward: M. It. (tj I'lltli ward. Tlio counclltucn ulio w ttmaln In ofHco are: L)Ie Itogi'ia. O. I). Mattbcw. John II. Hamilton and Hen 8, Owcna. A uc-r.-r to It Y Cantrall lll have to bo circled at bo natnrd at a lnr rlal nlrllon lotll & vacancy. orflrrni for tbn city to x elected on tbr ntt Monday In May arc: Mayor, fuller. Judcc and city trcaaurcr. Around th oRlr of mayor, bo U to bn cWtcd for two year, la cn lerrd ibo Kri-Att-iil tntrrct on tbo part of the voter W'lillf no candidate for tbla offlco ba yrt madr dcflutto announcement, i: U undontood tbat ther will b iiulto a larK Ht for tbo rotera to to Irci from Major Nlcbola will probably b n randldatrt for reflection. There have bren miim crltlclama of the mayor by tlu who wonlil Ilka to have aeen croatrr arthity lu development and ulri'rt lmproemenU. but all concede that there ban been much food ac romptliihed bj the city during the paul two jcam. For limtance. the city now haa a Urge Dairying Unity to taki: twin: oi' Tin: ri:iu:.T ri:.Ttmi,s or tiik woiik itm thk viait Tb follow Inn commit ii'e lo carry on tltf work of tbo Klnnmth Ubnmbor i " . . . UII'. rhnrter under which It can sell bond. and that In nomcthlni; which It haa not bad for Urtveral yoar before tbo prvmut ndmlnUtratlon. Tlio city U 1uow on n rtuh baala, and Its warranU nro accented for their fnco value any where, which In a condition that haa not been known na (ar DacK ns mo Ifaft ,Mi'irraBaME,(SaaiBaaaBBBaHaiHBaaBiMMajBaMJBBaHBianaBM F'm,MlmKf... Li&IJnEEBfpiBEBEBEflBEBBffnn ij 'iir-t tj BSSBlBBr'eBx'BJBUuiaBBb'KT ZvfmFl - " fk m-1 . "EBBByyTaSyt?'i(jSB tfljBBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBB6Bs SlaEEEEfl'BBEj(BEEjP''BBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELVH i MEBEEf (WmffP' -vHH I BBBQBk. ' i A iff SBJBBBEBBBEBBBJBB H BBBBBBKH '',t J T .!r9ISaBBBBBBBBBBBBEBl Ptt bbbbb1'! 3 &j?i?81IVHBiPH 'BBBBSw f ' 181' -'tBEEBBEmIj iBEbES '"jbW 3P$':l liFaTaESBKuI SsBfBEBsV iiMpJk -k'imlH :-HBBBEEBEEvn laf? -tffV ' tHEBEEftd ! BBBBBBBBBBl aCT " ?fe',f .rBHr pVI " BBBBBBbvbW. 'a. " '"'yi"BT 1-BEBBBBw "Z& "at$tc4k li "srEBBBBB ' t'iTO.Ai SPUD MARKET FOR KLAMATH IN SAN JOSE, CAL HKVKK.II CMXtJOhm AT OXCK WA.VTJ.n In letter to Southern PacMc AmkU CommUwioai Firm There Bay It Will Vaj 91 per 100 poaadt, F. O. II., Sau Joe, tor Potatoes, Loaded In Hulk Tubers Will Be Sacked anil Weighed at DeatlaaUoa). Several tar load of northers pota tcej are Uclred at once by J. C. Younn & Co., of San Jos, according to a letter received from tbat eon- cern by Agent S. J. Bailey oi me !?outhrn Taclflc. In the letter the concern atatea tbat It contemplate a business tbat wilt make It an all-year-'round market for potatoes. They say they can as iwveral carloads of first class pota- Itoes at once, and asks Bailey to put I them In communication with potato owners here. The tubers are to be first class, and to be loaded in bulk in the cars, ac cording, to the merchants. They will be sacked and weighed at the S. P. yards in San Jose, and the shippers will receive $1 per hundred pounds. I f. o. b., San Jose. Mrs. Adele Davis, known to the i minister in California. Joaquin Mil- tago as Adelo Blood, has found out '" W W tbo sobriquet of ::The .ho cannot get along with her mln- " ! lh, West;" " Prched . in uasianu wun consiueraoie success, Uter-actur husband, tdward Davis. tblU abandoncd lho pu,plt bocaue known when In the church as the he id, there wasn't money enough Hev. Cadcr Kusscl Davis. She has In It. Ho wa graduated from Ken- begun suit for divorce, naming actress. Mr. Davis has played in "The King- Davis married Miss Alta Margaret dom of Destiny," and has appeared Kingore. Sho got a divorce and p re- all over tbo United Slates. ceded him on the stage. Davis began his public life as an ( lucky Unltorslty. While he was preaching lu Oakland SNOW COLLAPSES ROOF OF GARAGE SLIGHT DAMAGE IS DONTE TO AU TOMOBILES HOUSED IX THE KLAMATH FAIXB AUTO COM PAXV8 SHOP appearing In San Francisco, As a result of snow oa the root, the roof of the Klamath rails Auto and She Is now I ,.,,, ,.. ...... nn .UAklllUV VWUJsfM m wav was ma- 'street, near Esplanade, collapsed this California Man Points Out Wonderful Results "Tim fiiiurn of Klamath county na tolld banking conrorna of Cullfomla, dilfyliiK r.iunlry dvpeitda entirely Und wery dollar of Uik bank alock la "n lh dalrruiKii Ihemtnlvea," old H.'iimihmI by Ibo ilnlr)inn f Nowman. M )bornt. a iiroiitlnniit iiairvmaii of "VVu Iikkhii with llfly-four dairy- ftiiili, Calif, ' "Hi limy will Imvo lo change their mvii banding tngi'llivr and working In harmony, Now o have, an organi sation that la n pownr In the commun- Ibo rcaull of titmoluto unity or ID'. oi accomplish lho desired re Jill. Tin. rowa ahotild bo bettor -!, iur dim thins, and a change nurnono I IfClilllK Ilii.lliiiiU ulmiil.1 l. ..! I Hirimil.lli r.llllllV ran lio luftdo olio ; .. . . " """ "' "tmiiiH ,, wvi ,,...... . .. ., .-.....j '"Mow, lunar boeia and carrota can 'of tho banner couittU.a of Ibo Weal In , - '".. ""'. .V' i.-.. -.-,. . -.-.-, .... ... of Commute wim aiipolnted larti mfnu,rj. f ,, majority of the pre- nlKlil by (Ivor J. Walton, preside! rn ,, nn r0CJUi of Ibo body I Another name whom a majority of ... it nl.....!.... ' lluanrii - i.eiu uiikhii Crivos and Fred llarlch. ClmrU Mcmborahlp W. T. l.o. U. !.. Htiiilh. H. U. :nns and Fred HntiMnn, Manufactories Hunter Savldgc, J F, Mngulro, A. A, llollmiin ami 0. .1 Martin. IminlgrnlionChas, I". Do J..P. I'. II Cttiupboll and W. A. Dololl. , 'I'ranitportntlon 8. J. Halloy, J. II Darling and C. F. Stone. Aihortlsoinont, Kxhlblt and Kilter-liliuiienta-H. II, Kmihs. K. II. Unit, . A Delsoil nnd 11. '.' Kloppor. I'ubllo Impnnommanud Irrigation J. W. HiomoiiM, It. II. Dunbar and Leallo llngorri'. prodiirii4 in !.!.. i..,. i. ...j I ' Ulir ftod for dairy cattle can bo " than imtiiinoi, carroli and sugar !.!ll rol"", "I' ttl"1 wlila hay. "Tbo dairymen aliould bo mora III '"rmotiy thnn ,y nrw t ,rra,H(, '"y tltiiiild work nliHolutoly in unity onocomorii, . "J l,lln H would bo very boueflclal ' " alryliiK IntcrvsU here If Uiey !" ,,0,", oiuo rallabU man to mu and lot him just how wo tUA.,.,? c,",v,, u,r- "Tfc Urat N "1 bank of Nowa is m of tk. IAiHUHi'n Vlaila. .who formerly cou- hualncaa If tho thing ul.lurled thotWtago Studio , hero, camo I In riiosaay nigui i ny uimw iw horn "bo baaW'ii attending to busl- ueHM mattniH, Mr, Argrnves lias prop iTiy InlnrcMrt aero. tho dairying nroiMirly managed." Mr. Oaliomo ami on, H. 0. Os homo, will lenvo tomorrow for Cali fornia, but will return to Klamath Fall ntixt weok. Thoy Imvo ft ranch nonr Merrill, whoro Hy lvo many hoad of dairy cattle, nnd. which they will establish n model dairy Would Ho AitnihiMralrlx. A pot It Ion fm appointment ua ad inlnlHlntlrlx of lho ostnto of Prontlai Thiy Wn bo ft-oclatoil I with II. V. H J w(loWi luckeU( i. a a. i..f.B iiiu iiiiiu n iiibi asaaiBsv - Hllvo, wlio, bosldoa ownltiK ul llfy uoar Merrill, hM oxlonslvo dairying IM.erosU uoar Nowtnan. who ivsidod uoar Keno, died la mi. 'i'i..,r.. nrti twolvolchlldron. and tho iiMtnto U valued at 1700. tlu luulnoM men lme been mention ing for ma) or Is that of D. II. Camp bell. It Is claimed by theso that Cumplx'U would bo Jnttt tbo man for tbo place nt this time. If ho could bo persuaded to accept. Tbo n a mo of V. C. Townsond Is aUo IioIiik mentioned seriously by tlioBn who lmo boon watching tho councilman during tho past year. It Ih urged that nn a member of tho htreot commlttoo ho hna dono good work, nnd hn always been on the Job, Colonel M. O. Wllktna hha many friends who huvo been talking his randldacy. Tho Colonel haa aerved rcvornl times on tho city council In tho past, and la well known through out the city 0, n. Crlalor U anoth er man being talked of. It la argued that bla llunuclal condition la aucn that ho would not havo to depend (or n living on tho amall salary allowed by tbo city. Undoubtedly thore would bo many vory dealrablo candi date for tho offlco It the salary was sulllclent to Justify a man giving up IiIm regular employment. Among other names hoard for the ofTko of mayor are: ft, J, Savldge, It, A. Emmltt, C. K. Brandenburg. Cbus. F. DoUp, 0. H. Underwood and Marlon Hanks. SPORTSMEN WILL ATTEND LECTURE . Ttafternoon. Tho structure la a frame :,l!iK bU Illustrated slides in telling , building. vf the vnluo of birds, etc., to the com-' None of the cars were damaged to munlty, and tho daui;er from tho j any extent. housefly. This afternoon ho address- jed the Central school pupils on '"Alco- Sue- on Account. CALL HAS IIKKX ISSUED BY ASSO CIATION HODGE'S TALKS AIIE ATTILICTIXG MUCH ATTENTION' KVKKV PK4.CK I'olUm," using slt.l.M again. Theso lectures are free of charge, , to duo and tho public is Invited. A well constructed brick house will outlast one of granite. Suit to recover S505.32, alleged to for lumber, has been com menced In the circuit court by A. D. Slack, a Klamath county sawmill man against E. Meauham. Fred H. Mills Is attorney for tho lumberman. Members of tho Klamath Sports u'oii'h Association will turn out In full force this ovoning to attend tho lec ture, "Protection of Qamo Oregon's I'roblom," to bo given at Houston's cpera b'ouso by Dr. Clifford F. Hodge of tho University extension depart ment. A call his been Issued by tho ptc-itdent aud directors for attend ance at this time. Dr. 1 lodge's lecture last evening was attonded by a large audlenco. and for nn hour, tho speaker held nil In cloeo attenttou, as he told of the ap palling toll of life In the United States annually through causes that with a llttlo study and attention could linvo been warded off, nnd the victims spared to tho community. Ilia civic bloioglcal views were vivid, and he urged Klamath Falls to take stops at this time, and thus be properly in sured against preventable disease, etc., as the city grows. This forenoon and this afternoon Dr. Hodge addressed the puulto of the grammar schools and high school, City Amazes Visitor William Young Predicts 50,000 Population Here Of all the towns In Oregon 1 have or ho would have lived a decade long- vlslted, and I havo been In a great number, you havo tho vory best hire. When Bob Alexander went homo to Michigan for a visit, tho stories he told of Klamath Falls caused the peo ple there to put him down as a pre varicator of tho tint water, but after tho stop horc, I boo that ho don't put things half strong onough." This la tho way William Young of Fowleravillo, Mich., spoke of Klam ath Falls botoro leaving this morning. Mr. Young, though 88 years of age. Is still engaged In contracting work.; Hove this is destined to be a eky a er. Mr. Young has oeen visiting nis old chum, Bob Alexander, and he says that such a persistent booster as the ever-gonlal Bob caa-t do Klamath Falls justice. He stated that be ex pected to soo a town of 400 or SOO people, with only frame buildings, and ho declares the White Pelican w the equal of any hotel to bo found la tho Middle West. "If I was twenty yenjs younger, 14 locate In Klamath Falls and go late business," said Mr. Young. "I His grandfather, he says, was buraed to death when he was Hi yean old, GO.OOO inhabitants, and I wovig ad vise any young man to locals) hero." mm r&,f K2f 3 mj k.3 m lm &s ?3 iZTSK ' tfM m A K sKS BM .&rJ t'mi SCriS fill '1 J&'tSbt ik .as I K'KJ gil Jvl WF J i' -- MjJ ,