Cunning Hrali1 mm '.vi S KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE XT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NICW8PAPKR ...); lfim. iuMPMrnn ,mi Hi " f - iitaifi.ir4nmt'i.-" a "hth Vri "'" atUTI KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1914 h Railroad Work May Be Resumed Wilson Delivered Anti-Trust Message Today .1. j-inri'i- a mm .iiiiji.mi . fc- .... - - . - - - - -r .. - - J (ir - n.nir jxojxrijrtriruTjvir.'jrijvv WMMMWWMWMWWMyMMWWWWWWWW PERSISTENT RUMOR IS AFLOAT IN NORTHERN KLAMATH THAT LARGE OUTFIT 18 SOON TO GET ACTIVE ilatMlftt. In (li- IrytiMtK" and ! tliUltt.V IIIH'tHKIt H.H Ml mui Int. inc.. hJ tttitr in Mi Mr itiiPMtlMi tU MOVIt "" wrh'" " ""' i,r- r iihmi HctilOM WrtibfLlllt! rMHKn)" lii(r Tlw IHrrl Jj (o rtltttiattj ill Tbo (.'oitiior. wh h trwM roiulticlliifi lb kkLowfh WMmS IMtlll ! IJItr ' r ."""" orr. ni Mr onnot Mill prnnabl) IM W. IIMcmU of IW"jt. eu ,i Uw Antrim tu !. tWrt tl VklnllI IWIItr TfcUj ---------. MVrtl In tVtIMrf l lir Af Iff A IIIIA ,Ht,vm, -n'5IhIl uLUDu IH TrtwtuM 11i KIrwIH ! SPRA00EARRIVES1 TO PREPARE FOR HANDLING TROUT I H;ltN IIUIM)K TttuHT WII.I. i:: MlltUtATI'M lull l.r A ?ll III IMMI.IMMI Sl(lm 111 Itmnrtille, tf Tlilnl Will IU rimilr.1 lit I If Mtriu il HUoialli I'ouul). I'm .iImi: lii lyiKnilns Fnlrml lialiliri) Sirugu tHtuinl n Ultra Iihi.ikhi lur HIniiihIIi. NATIONAL OODY Till oi U III In UflJ lliU fU to Mt4 Ibe OtvCOH ItUnk r? IWe4 lu fnorln IUi lb , KlMAtU 4 of lit KUrolb-Nirot j isu tN ,u (III. est U a rumof lbl l lti lti UAM-TIOM .MIW I'AHT III' rilAMiiKil or niMMi:ttrt: or TH: I'VITUO TAT: rouef Ciik count) td North, KUcitfa aunl) Ik i Ur, ll not Wft Mated, AufJlor' ( frlUtlo luturnittlon I f lt( .cviiuu ti im4i(wlHi4 " lUl lb. To-h liruitftii, mlln4( (r,, fi,UJ Hcnlrr) tdtiruiort, f vfPt'iittnB MwU U(w.MpM;olfil.iriUt.4. lien.! WAHIIISUTON. I C.J. M WiafiM4 o t lli?yU4Ulilloil. JUlccuu h li-rilr rrirr.cllrtl In for eurl nivitth tjiero linti lrn jiim Oiiamlwr of I'mtiinnm of iln if.U aBtMl .A iholllll nu.l lUr.-V,,,,,,,, nut o Awrrlrt 4urlK llir iiBt B rfo ROttg t rrti.rl!1(M Ulfr ,,h. Ii) h- t-lrrllon nl t kull4lii a lino lo tonn Ihp , nmmUr of (.Viwmrtcr f A.iorU ltf Irtmlhu. of the. Ofr.n !,,, Umtilrm Clult of llnml. HU Trufck tiuii ,,, lermlttu',,,,,,,, ,)r((,n,ii,. fn nut. ntriti 4 U KUtnil. ra. of ll,. KUtUf,,pnt , , ,)ft,n. rl.mbcr. it2."' ,,,,' "",,, ,0,ftU' " W"9 " .llimlM ihn mrmliorM,!,. f tl.c tmill rlimlr. I.'rr) uto ml rt'lnh f ,S'iw Moilro. fonntr H4l?r J 0. lUmnker r" . rlMtlaru'f:'T n"'u",f ","" I Vrrl...rn..fc, l SnrihrMl.rn HI- is xrus, H:, r,,r,J- ,r.;r lm I fr.m 1,1. omt, only hi, a,..,""',,r",', M,,H ,,,M, 'JPfllr ami m,rry. ' Mori' I linn mi) imlriil lio lirn k Ml. llrliMMi. jlMiinl by lh Unllcl HUlm for ! Cii. I'. Mngulro, who tmn iovii'Urw hilmil.Ht lo linrnrii Hip pownr MwUttil win, ,M iirollivr, J. K.'nf i . Banquet a Success Father-Son Gathering Most Interesting Occasion r.i?? "' l,,tt ",0'11 Jyble affair, j "limn r ,tUwr.M, ,,vcr glvou lu ' city wim mhisoU lout nlKlu lu Iho wmiWMlloiu bniiquai room In tlio " of uio draco Methodlit J""". Willi, m. uui.,.' Aid Uocl "' rw-,v'"1 monilon lu Uio ad !", mk lrliiltid iuvltatlottt '""'' " "'I Nocl.ty U due II. o ll, . or "ItwuIIiik iho Kalhr-Hou Maqutt, Dill .m.',," MU ,'lr "W. wai waatd by j, h, Klllolt and prepared ef Z !r,V"1 l,y 0,u ''"owlB member! " w UUIoi' Aldi MiT'u' .J' H,l",n. Mm. Harry r' M'- n. . KMlltM, Mn. I'Ult l.Hll A J. l'rKUP mwo lu Ut mclil (ruui I'uitlanil wn IiU r tun. Hum Oviitet auJ HaIi l.akn, lo ..IHi IIMUt lOt l)lUll taktct. Ilw .twin luiuoiipit lor h'ucr Crwik, lo J"u IM-I'HW Oniua WatUvU Itmun- li oil! MMUt III irr(UliUC ItlM liMU'lf (ll ItirlM U'l liHttHtiK Uio tttf, A a t4UU Of fitnaCUi'' wilt vo,' (niu .alfiu lit ("I. Itout reg imte 'no UllUx-'l lu tho Utn Imlrhrry nt liiiiit)illli- I'llc iCUlliall, cKC rail i.p iiiiiKii iH'tn on oliort lull It p , til Inn llilal rKC IIixn lo IIOUUv uilio 3UU.UU0 tiri Umiiuri) lor utock line Hi" fllraiiu of KUmntli rouuly. UI ll, . Ilio.uyu ucu fcurcil from Ian anieuiiicnl ttiruusli Hoiialor Cliiu tn-rlin lite oilier lo,.itou ero v iiutrii for KUmatli frn if cA by Mr, MtfKii In lolurn for IiU itltaucu lo 1 It H Jolilmou, lu clinmo of (rdorul lull rultutti illlliiti, In nrlccllna a nil" for frilrml Imuhrr) nt riprlu lll, t Inh. The Iroul "111 iiv lukvu to Uio HiK-iiCiT Crcrk liairhcry nnU later llt tin lll-raU-4 lu the utreauu and Ukva of the rouuly Mr- Knrnieue lal that he IiiIciiiIb to hold them at Hlf nr Crt.U mull they nru of n fair nl, ii bout four or Hvo luchen loug. lu Ihl ' the) "III eel thu IiIrIumI reoitlla iouihlo mid clto the )uuus lUli added protection. "I ci n luay run of ralubow Irout lu rtpeiuer CrwK thU enou." ald Mr. 8itKUo. "Wo otect to liiUe nltocelhur about C.dUU.OOU kkm the i-oiniuK year. TliU Mill brine Iho atroaitu olid taken of Klauialh rouut) hark lu normal eondllluu, uhero they Mere koiiio yearn hko, "It U lh Intention Inter to rtmwiry all thu NiKuiea of IIkIi there are lu the witlera of Klaiunlh." Tho uueHtlou of Introducing thu tleriuiiii hroMit trout luto tho water hero will he tho tioxl ntei considered. The l.'untoni brook trout U In eiior mo im doinatid In Colorado, liiuh and Illtor-W'eiil Mlutoa, The deuiniid for IIiIh Mieclo of iImIi U InrroAHliiK more eery )onr. J.G. Spooner, Nephew of Ex-Senator, and School Teacher He Shot to Death William Hani, Mr. Hoy Klnir, Mrn. KnuiclH lloyd, Mra. I.yu l.owl. Mra. IJ. II. lUuuoy, Mra. (Jntherlito Kin hear, Mra. Ilorbort Mvl.ahi, Mm. II. K, Momoycr, Mra. William Ituberm, Mm. K, M. Chllcole, Mm. II. I.. Hon noii mid MIm I.oiiUo IIuiuoii. Tho hainjuet rooms woro irottlly dororalod with overKroeiw, mul Uio tahloN ndorned with n varied awort moiit of potted plant, About sixty Kiieatu woro present lo do full Juitlco lo a spread thai would havo glad dened Uio heart and sutlsllod tho ap petite of a Kourmot, After tho banquet liud pueu tuo jAAari.n.rij--ii-iri ..-..- CMtlaua mi,H .BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaE-TiBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV ;(' aKillaV alaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH:"VW?aV ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmvi JjBr Sfll-P4iBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV- nLr v V aammmmmm X' 'A:! ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV ammmmmmmmmW ammmmmmmV ammmvil-' w s i ammmmmmmmmV iLiL Lammmmmmmmmmmm. ''VLaaaW :h aBBBarB!r " fLLLLLLLLLHL-nLLLLEV aallBaLaaBaaaV ' fiNr 'millionaires FROM REGARDING C0N0EHNEfl m DAIRYING TRAINi strong cliques MIShllAW WIKI.S THAT HK IK)LirTFUI." IIHIKTII.V FAVORS IXDUflTTIUAL COMMISSION , f MUttrr Will ll lUcwcl ai TotUcht'aj I t Mretins; of (he Chamber of Ooas-fln HI Meaaace PraMaat A4vacsUsi inert, nml More Telegrams Will lie ; Krai la aa Kffort lo Itrmofe Aay J Ikiubt From I lie Mlads of Tltoac La j Chance Ifa-ganliajc KUauun Minmo Unui-o Tonight, Tho hmiHe eommltlee of tho Moo.o l.odKo has hud imtli. elemed uway IhrotiKh the niiow both ways from lho Moomo hull, so that thu people com-, Iuk to the diuiro tonight will nolj hnve to notinder through snow In ar dor to reavh tho httll. Thiwo paths I rouuect with tho regularly cleared i Hliliiwnlks on Fourth mid Fifth streets , ititikliiK a rompurntlvely dry upprouvh to tho hull. ' Kill. ....,. I.I ..111. Mt t ll.t (tlllltul' KIIKeilliy iauu ia wnu i "v uii Inhabited houses In tho world, many of Uio rooms being much us they woro 800 years ago. John fJ. .Spooner, non of Roger C. Spooner, former American nn;baa dor. and nephew of former United Slates Senator John C. Spoouor of WIhcoiihIii, drUoii mud for lovo of MU Kmlly McConnell, public school teacher of Mndlsou, Wis., shot her to lUntii and then killed himself. Tho tragedy occurred In tho school In debt of mail) umall children. Spooner shot twlco and kilted Miss .McConnell In iho corridor of tho lr Iiik Sixth Ward school durlni? school hours, and at onco shot himself. He called her Into tho corridor, and tired without n word. lie had knoui her for four yearn ioi it friend of his wife, formerly Miss Kllxaboth l'rontou of Chicago, daugh ter of II. I'roHton of Toledo. Ohio, lio becamo infatuated with her, and when sho reulltod that his attentions were nerious sho refused to see him. Threats on his part worried her, uud for tho past two mouths her mother had called dally nt Uio school for hor. To rest from her uorvousuoss sho had beou granted loavo of ubseuce by tho board of education, and bad planned to leave today (or the Iter uiuda Islauds for a throo months' va cation with Mm. J, 8, Smith or Medi um. Mm. McConnell, accompanied by Mm. Hobort Marshall Duhford, widow of tho former supreme court Justice, was on her way to the acaool -lillo her daughter was being shot. ! Spooner had been drinking heavily for a year. On November 1st he waa .dlxuilKseil from the llobblna Insur I unco agency for shortages totalling ! $3,000, but, strangely, Spoouor's father had Just arrived to start up his sou lu a now business. Spoouer ilred tho third shot at himself, but lived for threo hours af terward. Tho school waa thrown Into confusion, mid tho children woro quickly dismissed by n tlre-coll drill. j The following telegram waa receiv ed today by Secretary Lewie ylde of the Klamath Chamber of Commerce I from 11. A. lHusliaw, goeeral (relchl Inrriii far thu Southern Pacific at . Pertland: "Woutd'like very much to extend (the trip of tho dairy demonstration 'train to Klamath Falls, but owlas to 1 tho distance and the time Involved, I 'doubt If It can bo arranged. Will ad vise later." While this message Is none too en 'couraglug. It Is by no means an n j uouncemeni that tho train cannot be secured. Consequently, Klamath people are going to work harder than 'over, to overcome any doubts that might be bothering those In charge ot tho demonstration work. This evening the matter will be 'taken up by tho director ot the j Klamath Chamber ot Commerce. I Dairy men and others Interested have been Invited to bo present at this time, t In addition to resolutions, etc., the Chamber or Commerce will at this 'time send out a number more tele- grame, urging the sending ot the 'demonstration train here. Ralph D. 'ltutzcl or tho college extension divi sion and railroad officials will be ap ' pealed to again. C. C. Chapman, sec retary of the Oregon Development i League will also be telegraphed, and 'asked to assist in this campaign. CoBcraw Mafcls lwa Which WsM Make Ish11tMu1 Mehaw of taw III CorpuraUoaa liable k. Caaw at MtNMcmUea, tliiiimi Always) Direct These ACaltw. Ailjilkta lMrt. Culvert Meado of Oakland, Calif., adjuster for tho Connecticut Fire In surance company ot Hartford, return ed lust evening from a trip (Vi llouau in, where ho adjustod tho Insurauco on the hotel building of Mm. l'osteu, which was destroyed In the recent tire. There wits $2,000 lusuranco on thu building and $000 ou tho fur nishings. A. X. W, Club. A mooting of tho Art Needlo Work Club will ho hold tomorrow afternoon ut tho homo of Mrs. I. 8. Voorhels. Venice Is equipping 1U Are depart ment with steam engines carriod on petroleum propelled boats. United Frees Service WASHINGTON. D. C, Jaa. !. For the fifth tUa Uc aiaktacUaa. President WUsc Jcareye4 fraa) Mm White House today to the CaWI ts address congress. The Mkjtec ot thls message was the trust sHnatlo. Most of the cabinet Beakers ac companied the president today. Ad mission to the halk ot congress was b ticket tor the general pnbltc, aasl tbesv were very hard to oMslB. M but one apiece had been allowed the congressmen and senators. According to the message ot the president, the interlocktac ot the per sonnel ot the directorates ot the great corporations, banks, railroads. : trial, commercial asd pnbUc bodies is the crux ot the treat i The president made this plat ia kM address, which dlscwsid aatf-traat leglslaUon. While discussing the evils result Ing from interlocking directorates, the president causUcally attacked the group ot millionaires who by reaaosv of enormous holdings ot the stock, ot numerous corporations, coastrWao. virtual monopolies. He practically told congress that it should decide whether big owners ot stock ia cor porations should be compelled to choose In which one ot them they would elect to exercise their vote oa tho conduct ot affairs. President Wilson also declared em phatically for the creation ot Indus trial commission. i Ho declared that public oj (ConUnued oa t) Baseball Talks Sunday Ways and Means to Be Discussed by Rabid Ones Thoru nro almost 1,000 co-opera-tlvo societies In Drltlsh India, lloqulred homo study has been ubollshod lu the schools ot Sacra meuto, Calif, , A gathering of tho faithful will be held In the roar rooms ot the Palm Cigar Store Sunday afternoon to dis cuss tho baseball sltuaUon tor the coming keason, aud to devise ways und moans ot raising a sum sufficient to equip the team with uniforms, pur chase balls, bats, etc. The most popular scheme so far proposod Is to havo the team give a series ot dauces, the proceeds to go to tho baseball fund. Other sugges tions Include a tuad raised by popu lar subscription. Tho meeting Sunday attaraoea will determine the beat way to get the money for baseball purposes, and it is desired that all fans be present. A committee will be named to have charge ot the affairs for the coating seasou, and steps taken toward tke selection ot a manager tor the "Olondy" Crane will be present i give a short talk oa the bsseseil team as an advertisement tor the cKy. "Olondy" at one time played irst base for CinclnaaU la the Wg league, und tor many years held tke wertd's record for loag distance tarowlag ot a baseball. v'i J. .' W'i m m aoM 111 WM. mm mitt Mik f m un