itimttt0 Herald m KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE XT IS NEW! TsBl OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' Jt1 J 111 T jiyni Kinniiiiwwmi'"n 11 P733& J mh KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1914 WEST IS UPHELD BY BAKER CO. JUDGE Wilson Says Tariff Law Increased Business SAYS THE COURTS CAN'T SET ASIDE HIS MARTIAL LAW: til. iOtli )er. l4 "' llldn tatui i!,., Hirio oro lo h Milt niiilliatio lit uci A ltiUuU lilt" a. tointtur lion mirk Hurlt a man Iihhmm, t William Ymitlf ll( l'ornllr. ir. . . tabu U liefr llllll lita ull fllend Hub Alexander Alttiuuch caf i ar. Mr .iliC l Ull arl Hi riiHallHrllnil iutt iti c an) ilxr on dm villi, without alt) fear i fatllne uf til it 1. 1 nt. a tlol-j. HTllltfiiIt II, Mifk In a imiiin-r that ! tejond muiv (ti;tiii i' wiwr ih miH MUUC, IIUW ,, offc Ht'Mr.IMU Hi lr rUhlrrll Jef 0 U "fo. llllr ' tMt etr nr I.e. h ! hafit : al It III name, tilling, wrmi ! miPfl(e A llolltr tl( KrrtlUlol, tl VllHIIC rIOB In 4tl-ta "lew but a buy In ll t.o rtjl lit I'tlHago. Ilirn t'tlft llrarlxiftt, A !titi "HI. Il' railroad Il arllte In tli' erl bl.lorj nf ttAlT tbrfe a tlUllilltie eighteen tfrr IlleU That brftlfe lrel mi) in tfuclnnt work A rope of rf hem llf Vnunit .rnt In hU li.ftt.rr l.o mo In Canada in attend an 'utd Im;" reunion Sti ver tflrdal. tiefe oRefed for the (lid- iiW lt jommUim l ttotsrhor Wl rt man piwnl and the man bo had tt4 -14 Uu !) that tb ruuru irmrrj (,,, aiicr( dl.tnnce Youns ml4 not lrturlt lih III. dedara- Wii m both. Ike et catMWHft In Copl-f field, irtrty winter Mr Voh lake ' Ki.rr point im-J 1j Attorney lunc trlt Mo I bcn l China Mexican Women Going to the Front JwJ ,.. In Itiitln m le ! 1 aMlk "'! I'K'Oe'.l AgaliMl ttir Cimalltr ti) ltrMri.t V.( SM. II..M. tw I'i'UII' - a Jlltllt'il thr W'rl a tic Urfnll Mril nt Ip Hlalr, It l U lpft IUK:it. Jkn t In hU fll uHi, Clo JaUttt. An4ron ! iJwii?r SS fOf'aWHHi ... H()ii fiwHfifftSlE 'L;iK lecU' a Bcptirnber 21. 25 amJ 26 by the hoard of director here. TI.U farly action wu taken at the urRi-nt r-quct of Ibn Katern rait roail, wIki hare agreed tu pat the Itounil-l'p on a an additional draw Ini; card for their r ocular fall homf nwkcri' oicurlon. in ordor that thi-y inUht hTi pintr of time to icel llii-lr literature printed and dlitrlb- u'fd orr tins conntrr and Kct It Into the hand of tht- iirnspctlve homo- A- the HounJ-Up. especially dur Ine thi pant two yeara, hat drawn heavily from the Eaal and Middle HVtl, the railroad hare taken ad lanUKe of thU, and are combining It with itii'lr regular cotonUt rate. 1 After trying out nearly rery weekj in HeptembiT during the pant four year, the management has become, firmly convinced that the lat week in the month i the best time for stag-i Ins tho Hound-Up, nnd haTe aelected It permanently. OUTLINES A NEW COURSE FOR THE TRUST QUESTION WOULD GIVK THEM CHANCE TO OCT IN UX In UUcumIob With Vtalter- To4r. Vlion Sy Be WomUi Make It KMider tor HI ComMm to Con form to the Uni, fUMkar ThM tm HtMrt Lota of DiMolatloa lajp. ia th Federal Coarts. MEN'S BANQUET United Preu StntM WASHINGTON. D. C, J 19 t Wlirli army Mutlco .omrn loaded on a flat car, with all main at home ther kuo" tbvy will b. of n trbrt army In ...... ..i.i ..i .u iitai M I.. hhihp rraitn ihf nrti rummuT ,'m ....- ... ,..... -...1 h.. 11 i-ju.r, lit, a n- tneir nutwenom n - ... .,.m .- .. "7' - ,. ,.,,,.-,.,.,. ,- .., ,, . , .,.,,, w,., .. .- .,i illolnB their huband Into tho tlu o dler of the enemy wntcn may ... ,.ula,4 by tho l. Tt, . mado many tun. to the t.W. l.ou.e .no.lttE. lor lli lllr '"" ,,",,r reach their ton. The determination u and before itolne home hwn Sot only do the ' "" '" " "" or V, ... ,0 luo Unow,ctl;c lhBt ,ho great- lWM..u .he m.or and nnuiM win Medford. l-ortland. Hiilr.'.. '- '"- '"'l", ; " ' " J" "r ,y ,."J j rebel army. t II. bm b Colon,! Un of tho Me. Toronto and other place ih-m Tl.i. Illu.tratlon .ho. ,1,01,1 out Hut It the fatnlllw ro-,t aaf.ty Uloft.l ( Mr You it and Hob Aletandcr "pi A4fon-i Jrvl.lon ttl that Ihe'old flrnd. and lor three year. Mr bxalcaui. had nu )urtdf tdm ha. VoMJK ha. tried to locate the old rail- nf our Wr a. Ills rxtlllte head loader Once he ent to Itlltte) al the iUIc 88 YEARS OLD, IS STILL BUILDING fall., instead of Klamath fall An other llnio ho .unwed In at Werd. hut till time he found hi friend, and the tn nlv tmvlnjt a highly d tUhlltll Utile, .eeln. the ton II and lalMlie over Old time i(ether. THREE EAILED TO PASS EXAM 1 ' Home Tuolalil. 1 Mr andjklr. Ueorite J. Walton and; family Bfo expected home tl.U een-' "" Inr, after a three day absence, Mr. 1 IIHKMt mm irt ViHITt.M) IMMl 1 Walton attendertrtfiln.mi. matter , in..,. .'In Medford. hlloMriNVnlton llt ......,,.ii.i,ii , ih'ii.t i nnu r 1 , s led relative, near Moni IIWT .SK,hOU.,:,t H OIIIUT 1 TltVKI.i:il llnalneaa Trh. .TiiiKTiiitiu: wi:iti; mittiiacii. I.lts OTIIKUS TtMlK TIJTM i nit kmimitions in i.iri: :k iii'ir.vri:s Hon in the cocrnment service that me.Uated their prraenco in the dancer ono aro hero InKlamath fall, and would like to .re uch n octuty formed. Attomiiy Chaa. Kergtuon. Harry It lilt nnd several othcra ro planuInK on ralllni: a moeUtiK In the near fu-( turn of tlio.e ellKlbln to botonK to audi n society. i DIVORCE REFORM , (reldent WlUcn thU afUn.oom , clared there U no fou-dattoa far tk tii in ruriiiiin tor,e th,t bQ,&M o I HIN rUrPHP-hWoagh the aw tart Ww. ' IIIIU LILI1II1U contrary, he told bU Tlalton ttat 'smalt buinM throughout the eoaa- 1 try has Increased la Tolas. F.VTHKH-SO.V I'KOGItAM WILL BK( The president admitted that cw IIKLU I.V THE DI.M.NG IlOOMOFtaln InaiUlea that urn difmlmt iuton railroads for eqnipamt or4, fllUCE SI. K. CHURCH SIAXV J e. guffered a lltUe, but kiilliki MltaRUe. Monroe t.ytle, a proinlneiil ranrh er of lh tlonaiua roimiry. la recia- ( l.a.laln a Candidate. i The flwt Klamath county man toi tieiome an avowed candidate for office' It (UorKo Chaataln. the popular clerk y of the circuit court, who Saturday LOST IN ITALY MTHOI.IC LKCilrtLATOKS KE:i" tl!T MK.KUIU: I'KltMITTIXCI DI VOHCri IIKl.VtS UHAXTKU IX THAT ttWXTKY SI'FUKKUM J believed that an Improvement woM J bo shown soon. " "" "" ..... J.i.J .k.ilull. Ik.l ka I lisou ueateu iwitiuuuuu bad told anyone that he favored al ,.u...Uv...v -u- ..iu.. fc-.v.- lowing the railroads to Increase their Ing of men and younc men will boj116- , .... ........ I As to the trusts, ne expiautea uui Id this evcnlnc In tho dnilnc room . . . .... ... ...!-. .hi titans contemolate facUlUtlaS of the Grace M. E. chuixh. ThU U .proces8CS Dy whlcn the bis ctmbtaa tho Father-Son banquet, under the J 0M CMl q m 1& the ltw, ratb- dlvorco bctluveil law are to have It W mil Fieri man who rnutluuea'.lereil at the Maral.all hotiae, whlla III flhe after hn teachc . rtllenllif: to liimllie wftnlr III Ih" " fH)'i alul etecled thn flrnl ak)-' count)' aeal Soon to Get Hatchery llullixl I'rea. SrrHfe Out of the illtiM'ti peraona no d ,, for reflection. Cbn- .... ,t. the recent .tnte teaiher.' eaml-! , u 0 cXl)erenccJ , UlU ork. UMK. Jan. 19. Italy hop of .nation, here, but U.reo failed. Thr , ,orV(,j lwo ternu as county l'"'l"K bl' lu 'rom the Prw ueie ilKlith Krude iii.IU. who are r(,rK TlinuKn a democrat, ho van,"' pariiamont n .nut leoililllK arliiHil. ....- ..1...1,.. .. I...H. imriled In hi ROC-l"Kall COIlfldolltly rf ot tho teacher tried for oiiu- ,.,! rampnlKti. U.Iuk inoomcd by IhoiK001' u-Rlltwraerln. year tertllUatet.. nnd there ere r, ,mulcnli nlao. V.(ituli'il them limb 1111 at thU ii.-....u.inurtitiJef u remitted forlllo,.,, ,1.., i,.Ki,iiuro. tit.' rocoit oloctlonn. has Just made rriinrnie. nnd they nil paaaed In ,u known that 223 of these. In return I11..HI.. Thov lll he Krimteil oetnt. m.,,.,.1 Mot le Show. ilor Catholic reform, pledged them- lo vm named by Of tho COS deputies which compose The other teachers j ju.;e llenaou for tho present office, I Du olmmber. Count Oentlllonl, who i time suiiki of thoiwnr, was created by tho last session. eitKlnwrod tho Catholic toto during Wian Commission Cleans Up Red Tape Matters tlnlia In llteae, mid alien they UKe I he relimlllder Of tho ituillen, Ihuyj 1... nu.i.iriu of tho natrons of tho s III ho Krante.1 life .ortlllcntta ,ll(,ilt(,r g0 t nvii ,,10 picture or llarillnK tho nrnulrlnn of tliqilho aecrolnry of llio Inlorlor ha del "Mliis: Cre.k nil., for n cntrnl trout U" ''"", '"' ''"I"1 "f J,,,, 's',,,r0,, """ VETS OF 98-00 MAY ORGANIZE U..W .u fn ihn ii"t twillis iiNU'rmu nf 1at a. - rn'ina ! tiv iiiunv 1'ivniHHi m. ivn It I 11 Uimatauio iiuusuou uun.oi . , ,, Tho latter Is Irrevocably against permitting dtvorco, nnd ltallnus, as lu tho past, will hnvo to go to Switz erland nnd Austria, taking out natur nlUailou pnpers In llumo countries, return to Italy, renounce their for eign cltUenBhlp nnd retnko that ot Italy. in U.ikii to tho excellent music of the '.Star orchestra. This talented uggre ' gallon of musicians render nightly a auspice of the men of the church The invitations sent out bade the recipients to bring their son. It they had one. or some other youth over 12 years of age. Their talks will be ot ler than indulge la legal proceawa to force dissolution. Attorney General afcReyaaM. tk president pointed out. has not. and will not. abate the laws, but haa tried Interest to all. George J. Walton is to give the corporations sufBdeat tho toastraaster. and the following .time to change their bnslneas Hteth program has been arranged: jods, so as not to violate the laws. Welcome Kdtuund M. Chllcoto "Tho Church as an Asset to the .lu From Raach. The lluslness Mau's 'Tho Young Man Church" "Tho 1'rogreMilvo School" , Tho Hlblo Class" . . . 'The Mlllluu of tho Tho Outlook" J. W. Uryant' J. a. Maddox autoed In Sunday Church." j evening from his ranch near Merrill. W111, 11. Shaw 'to spend a day or two looking after and the his interests in Klamath Falls. .. J. O. Camp' Sunday ( in St. Petersburg no outdoor mu . ...F. M. Upp alcnl performances are-permitted. .0. E. Wlddoes league," Since 1S6G the Uulted States gov- John C. Y&deniernment has paid out f 4,300,000.000 K. C. Hlchardslln pensions. 1 . . .. i a 1 u a... 1 . r sii.a 11111111 iuis n""ry. huu (laiiio Warden Win. ". l"' "' "" . """7"' -.... 10m. of tho t L I'lhint 1 . . . . "a itiHl "i" "-"if"". "' P'" "" ll.OCAIi MIX Wllt WlJllK i. nii , ... v ".. eMiiiim nun w. M, M,, 01 inn puna auiu. i , .. II. v I... ... . ... 1 u..a.i.i., '111.1.' llMlk rllllll "--y. nmi npprnvod, together witn 11 pen- uiivi.h..'"'. "'" ....... "IIi-IbHl ... ... ..... .'. 11-.. .. 1. 1:. I'roject l-.u tm I.. . .... ,.. " l rv,r.r Br ,n "t "; ,;;.. : . : v . ' ,,',Bn m n. Modoa v . " a... nnriiiv i'Piii BisaaiiBesa it'iinuy n iniiiiir niiiiiii u. aa at 1 HVi'm-i t iHiiii ........--, . " "i 1 iivn( niHuiaiN ""'llty OriKOil. fnr lhA lllirilflatat 111 ""Hilling ,,, lMlchory , b0 op. "Mill ,y Uly a1 ()f 0roB0 , ,,eg live liw tt (f tt lvHw , ,lV0 ., l r,'vi'cl relntlvo to tho matlor' ' the mniu of ludliiii nffnlrs; hail ,'rrln" ,0 ' orrespondsnee li you concernlug the ealab JJl of , hMo,,y , , alhl ' H"r'n5 Cr"k' n U,w Mm' h.. . r"vtloi, Oragoti, I row " pUuur l gdvtalag you U.t 1 1 III, ........ ,l.tlril hv llin' Wllll.e IHIIII la IIBlno ...... -t ...- rommlaaliiii, Tho niiiorinlnilel h Ikmui In loinpUdo negolls lloiirt Willi tho Inmrd, and nftur a r- ttiiprnUement uf l hit Umber on cl, aopiirnlo Inirl, In foiwurd u paper In Oil iiltleo. Very truly ', K. II. MKIIUITT, AiwUlHiit CommUBlonor.' "I hopo lliu slnlo of Orogon may soon uciiulro Uio liinds needed for tho hatchery, mid 1 will ho glad to bo of further aalUno at any tl.' A movement la on foot to niKiiuUe 11 unduly of ox-liuroeii, tho member nhlp of which In to bo composed ot men who nerved Undo Bsm In tho Hpniilsli'Ainorlriiii war, or visited China during tho lloxer uprising. In Klumiitli Falls uro sovornl who entry Boinu lo show for their enlist meiil, mill ulliurH who wont through tho cnmpnlgn without n wound. HUH othora who hold clerical post iiiiinlrnl program that Is equal to tho programs of concerts given by orches tra In the largo cities. They keep right up with nil tho now nnd dim cull ordivstrn music produced by tho lending composers, giving 1110 pat- beater n now musical cliuugo of pictures. Sowtlon. glneor llliicks, lu charge olut Irrlgntlou project, returned Inst evening from on extend ed visit In Ynklmn nnd otlior cities In Washington. Whllo away ho attend ed tho Washington Irrigation con gress, At this tho delegates went on record, lis favoring n water code sim ilar to that used In Oregon. Paper made from seaweed hna bcuu Invented by uu Kngllah chemist. It h wild to bo tiro proof, water proof and odorlaM. DATES SET FOR THE ROUNO-UP I'KXIH.KIO.VS FUOXTIF.K SHOW WILL TAKK PiaCt: tUTBM HKH ai-Utt KASTKItX KOADH TO HAVH Hl'KCIALS Want Cattle for Indians Bureau Asking for Bids on 520 Head for Tribe (Herald Special Service) PENDLETON, Jan. 1. Dates lor tho 1914 llound-llp were definitely Klumath cattle men huvo a chance to bid on tho supplying of cattlo to 'the lluallpal Indians, for the Indian service has just Issued a call tor bids for livestock, to bo distributed among tho tribesmen. Tho cattle aro to be delivered at Peach Springs, Arliona. The call for bids, Issued by Com missioner Sells, asks tor 500 8-year-old Southern or Moxlcan heifers, full age July 1, 1914, subject to an In ireoso or decrease of 10 per cent at tho tlmo ot the award, and twenty bulls, ones or twos, full age July 1, IH 14. The blda will be opeaed Moaday, February 2Ctb, In Washington, D. C. Udders aro asked to send their pro posals to the Commissioner of Indlaa Affairs, marked "proposals for cat. tlo." Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upoa soa United States depository or aattcjaal or state bank, payable to the Indlaa commissioner, for not less tana 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. Far ther particulars will bo give at the Herald office to aay catttoana Uter us ted. P'a umm K9 iiaitrti $nSZA ffiP mm ! w fi mm MM xisttm cj?l 5J yl r JTJ 1 m w S" Jk: ml m a w i