vming, Mttulh KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT Ii NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER As - hi e-r .jAcsfcxiauar,, ywnr-m n,MMrt-N"..yu KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1914 Viimm WH STORM TOUCHES KLAMATH LIGHTLY WIND AND SNOW STORM SWEEPS THROUGH SISKIYOUS, PUTTING THE TELEGRAPH CO. OUT OF BUSINESS r "i i fr-wn(-r-w-xruTjun,frijxojijj-.x inriri"i"ir T" - - , nviViv v'rv''vJv-''r'r'nj"rviw,ijJriun 1 Henry Ford, Newest PManifcT WILL USE WIRES iBONANZA FIRE LOSS IS CLOSE TO I TO BRING IN THE j NINE THOUSAND; INSURANCE LESS DAIRYING TRAIN THAN THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS tllSMUKUAUI.If MAMAlW I tl.UOIIMA -t Wlnll) W't " tlirt.ugtt l)a.il;it. tf ! TVl.rsn.pli Vtr Poum W.tt iU 1 lU lUlfs V IMiiMSf I IVIi lit KUiwIlt !). Amvi'Mmk Mr.j pxaft ! t lit- lll daUMf jf ftlUIlt Mtlit IMlHri M -M'd VIoHIHK' .tiiitu huh rt iiavi: rriui, mi-i if u intuiiaiiuii I ,,, f?r, 1,11 MHtHI'M"' .. Witr il4r llleln. Tl Wwilr-n's Civic tatHP 1.4 bM liatil Hi v0fe Ml c'f" lli hi aMitlm t li dlhttr the (jiHiir :l,ii "AlUHf lp" oml ll fHl Ittt h iM Mi mo-liie nl!). Iklttr 'i.lr OM lUilxl mUi riilJ J'f HwnJeo IH boni). tM NttklKi lt)t Mtt'Mttl" ntlttrl iw (k Imam ItnsH KMr4i4n " ip"ji in ""," m a M.tt f -is MmttltlMMlMltMttii; J1M l'A, l llw Itwfck ttK Up til- 4- f4 t Htr.ft.J. kHt: w.ir-l l h t(l IfH ,,a lUrum m ..I ,..t -i- ,,!i1 " '!" TT ' "" , ;trdll Mill t riUMl!-t Irt Net-malt k,Mc Jivfiu and an Ht-cnUr 4fc( M, ,MW,,If. ,, t,,, (.Uytn I1I. Ut.rll nolo MiiJjp Milfi&l li4 U Jl Tboy will AHUM it iJm l t.M Jnim th ril). .SrtHtr . .lot. Mt .rfl H..UII,. J M,,,",I(mU, H.Ji.u ,, UiUiifcUMna4rlji H. imifntttt.i WAHHiNUIDN, Jmu I".- fofmnr ht rjc4 In4ti lbl tJij,rJ4m TJt tl oltr Unnilo riManiowour ibeir. u wtie'w"l( routmlMfiiit PHfPftlw Ht, r M r. Hitf k. " fi'f,l ,rf ,,, ,,, M Ur iuh m nawwMtr, ,r,rj-(rtfltt. it tU inta Tlrl ncln:, tliflir lf. U. ium rj:r. Ii I'fiUhH Ctilln Kitw , .W Vuik m m( utne tt.iuueit th. MUM. uneterUtmt Uuiuitaurton. M 4 n Up mUr at V.., II .I'triAU.m . itt In fr f " Ueot kban Mhr ! imtti .n-i"' 0lJi xwl" nrui, k U 8rclct ' " " " " tH ll Wftl KUllISSl. Ult Urnr..li Vrl.rflr llllttl Mil; thU mottiifti. Utit Midi? rom a rttilcl I'tow iWtlc Huh M ( arnhHitUtt to iiulhlue WAHJIINUTOK, Jmt 1? ! i na 4tmac Juno. Thr- aII,m t a( Urtculown t tthcruy of tna a. hii. tii IU tlo nim.wllt ltwi-ft lunletit m 4 ! ihlftltt ib!t Atleimmtt II l ltl lill)iu-t tit wtilrh iirnmtitfiii CKtUuoto amnc, .AvEflEJ i V .AsESBflBfla tS&j OKf inm? ,8JBhBBEyABeW j2t lt.U,HUl OITICl.tKH Wll. AI'1'IUL.KI) TO in: . l-'cilrral CotmiillU-f lrarm VtiUad I'rMi ikrrlca ! ' WA8IIIN0T0.V, Jan. IT Tbo or-' TrlrKmm Ar.-li He Sent 10 Agrtcul- sanitation commute, crntcJ under lU.HAHTKOLH IILAZK STARTKD ix thk roOTorncK Ilt'lUMXO tbf KcUral rcirr act, loft bcr to- ilar (o k!v hcarlngj In Chicago, St. ilflr OrtlrlaU, Api.fUJnji Them ( UjuIj, Kanta Cltr. tJcnvcr. I'ortland, Hie llm on tl.o l'rt of lxl . Sim KranclKO, Ix Angelwi. IlouKtnn, TV ; Neir Orloan, Atlanta. IWii..-r ior a Vl.lt from tl.c IVm- Cincinnati and Cleveland, iintlrnllun Truln turnl Colltito nixl h- Soutlirrn I'm- Wbrn Klatnatti Countr wanU a TliU U tli" l-ltlloaopli) of llriirj- rfjt tl DtKir.U vtortti IS for uUht r'Mnl f lltf r'ot'l Amomolillit Tom. himrn' rU l not onlr oum! Iul ttty. "! Iilrli lta nwnrri It will ;. Iui It U KUl Jullc. It u Iwrr H itionu to tit. rtini ofilwK t weVtoisl tin hablM of lio.eftu.oort (liU x'r HI H 1W w mtruciion enelneer. thltif: the pcopto cl about cctlliiB It Jn a wy thai keep ll contantlr In ttic mind of tlitM ho arn concerned, j Th ilcmoimimllon train, conducted by the Oregon Agricultural College, J which will come n far touin tm AiU lanil. 1 anted by local dairymen. Ther are trying to get It. IVtltlotut arc now In circulation . amoiiR tho dalrymvii, the Klamath Wator Lent and the builne men of the town. Thme iuk that the train to ii II n in- to KUmath Pall and make top here. In addition to the petition, per- BB BALDWIN IS NOW IN BUSINESS When IMcTerel, Postoflk W la 1m of 1aM, md Uh Xo fhv FfuhtJafC t-Mlpwcat, Clllte Want CiiAbie u Check lu ITiiwiMi to tnlier -Structure. Only Imniw Carriwl W Ob Hotel 1 Mlctct that befom long many A man ran lll I. Urn. UM If ! ",h Um of Uu,,n,wf mu1 """ inn litci lixr.v inu.i .imiti fiJunAuiy the ptoflu will th men who made tlxtt? proflu xlblt, I can ev no purpoo lit one man or a fpw men accumulating a grtvtt llpUl)r! Vnp lltt bihkI will of thwuw he h b.eUled Uti hn'll .Mil bt rich. (i).t HI U ntiout the (ml) fact tlro 1 In lfr, It I, inn BW.-I will of r wi.uta , Pa 4o no ,.,)0j ftu, ,llo that fel.h in rullliolo. The dU ofleit cau.eit otttent much harm. Ulbullwi of a Pt of H.i' lrofll Th(iff, 4 n(, tnM$m , ltl)0u11 ,wu, a amttnr. the omt.lojr Is not charity Krw, forWlw behlnK, nip. , ,)tlV0 It l-i rood logic ami common oni Tn million dollam of nntlctpAlod inont x 191 eo to the men who nnrk oulj it on and h l a worker in tho factory. Kor )ar r hno bent a familiar LEAGUE TO HOLD A DINNER SATURDAY1 .ftttlrt 4 C00 Of lat lll l lte.etH Thl )ear represent. Urn 136th anitl. tri.ar) of ihf. famou Catholic In tltlllou, and Urn bati'iunt I the flr.l itf a eoflr. if oh.cirviuirr, ,by the !. Tlmy are not o get ll h l((j homl M of 0((r mfn M wc milt mi "ii-aunr ton. ami uiw ,WVJ ,n ul(h loIr fact0ry life (Herald Hpedal 8errle) HO.VANZA, Jan. 17. How the flr , early Friday morning started U a rnyitery thai cannot b solved here. milMKII KliAMATlIITK AMI 0bOdr ta ble t0 aCCOttat f0r "" commencement of the confiagraUoa which awept the bualneaa district. .NKIWHI1' AT taKKVIinV AXD causing a loss of close to f 10.000. The fire started la tfce postaSe. When it waa discovered at S la UM morning tho building was a Eta ol HAUmVAHK MAX FORM 1'AIIT- OI'KX IXTAHUSHMKXT Uobert Ilaldwln. who has been do- onal letters ar?' going from here to l"B tinning and plutablngork In the! names, ll quickly spread to tat others, and the citizens, without Ira s nnftpnin ratlin nnt nAetr iff tboce connected with the management city for the pasvtwoj'ears, and Ed j ie l0Mft total g 9eo q( jj, of the train and also to railroad offl- trck. formerlyhnployed by the buildings lost, the oaly oae lasared clal. In CallfornLa asking their aid. h.tMrd ,lardw, Coeajiy. havelwas the hotel, on which a policy for C C. Chapman, secretary of the Ore- . nto a 'rUen an4 !j, 600 waj ,n force .,u.c,h:v fc-. -.. . v.a nnlnB and ,,IumoinK 8Uop oa the- Tne loca f0U0W; Hotel. gon bt asked to help. OWBOd tlowor floor of tho Masonic building, (by Mrs. N. E. Posten, f 3,000; United llwldM these, the following tehs-)u u Ule,r ,nlenlIon t0 nstall aa up..s,atc3 postofflce. loss $1,000; Hugh .,,..,..,.. .-to-dato stock of plumbing supplies Clopton. postofflce bulldla aad boxes, the Co lego Kxtenslon Division and, wqttpmenl to care for any rcpalr 1500; BonaMa nueUB( pUat (.eiient! rrelRbl Agent Illndshaw of wwk of ,ni,taUaUon tnat raay be 200(). UulUtla buJIdJnr. QWntd Dy the Southern I acinc: ncnled. lloth ar competent and effl- J. O. Hamaker. $1,200; I. O. O. F. Klamath County Dairymen's Asao- tcivnt workmen and wo bespeak for .f ! lt -rtlili eVah I.'Ittm.kttt PhmKa ' . ' ... '. '. , 'them huccess In their Venture. Ijtke- ot v ontmerce ana mo uusincs men oi Klamath County roqucst joti to ar I view Herald. w i In a group of twviity-ilve boys Uk- range the trip of tho dairy demonstra- linn I-miIh U4i -n tn innL'n lltavmittK I ill. .. . . i . K MPt m" agricultural work In Jl -HU.i,l schools in Maachu- ... . islets last year, two earned more than j are in e.i Ihflr altars every two Th u, not ntjlWo ,, K0(d for. 'a lygo attendance. , ; mo ,w' tune. petition from tho people will 1 j mo ffoM tho !"' j"u " id1 M.jti Ittrn If e do not mk on in if rti'uml profit In dollars and cent. j,oi' men will work belter In of 'omcthlng how will they iVmirr DWcum I.Muralluh iCnltrd ric. Hunk rT COI.I.l.NH, Jan IT -IMaits for 'raUlns tho .tattilnni of rural edttca " Mloit occuptr,! thn coiner of altcutlon l'IUM:;i:ts Wll.l, JO TOWAltD l utimml Colomdo Karmem' Cn ., ., , , . !gre which wa Itnld today at tho MIIMSHIMI till! WOMI.N ,,,, A!rkullM, Cll,.ge tier.. IU5T IWMiM CIIAMIIKIt H" Man) problmen of littere.l to farmers cmii:iu i ''"',' taurpr'k VTn !'"""""' , - Hela io i'iirrlt.i lu ord.r Iti r4l funds Coward fur Hull Io foieclo.o on n warrant)' "Miliis: tl. wiutii.n'a tmt rouin In thcjdrvd gleii h arrttrlly for an account Cbamtter of Comnierro, the WomiinV for KJ33 36 tins been commenced by Clvlo lagito win Kivti n itluiicr tivtrllita IU l!li Lumber Co, agalniit lunly afitjn,,.,,,, tnm f, ,,, k, Tho Abel Ady ami wife, Ihrotigh ritunn & f' lll be annoiiiiceil later. ,(lal". The properly U four litis In Thf xon room an In.tltutloii that Midland, Basketball four Is Set e will hitM the MlUfnrtloit of mak WOrk with that something actuatly lug Jo.ooo men nronperoun and con hand? lenied. rather than making n few .lave driver lu our plant million aires. Our theory that the man who V Mart our women In at MO n mouth Thoie who have families de pendent upon thrm will get tho J 5 a da) as n minimum, Hen on a VWt A, 1', l.lpp. who represents a Marys vlllo wholesale firm. Is hcrj catling on the local trade. DR. SHAFER TO SPEAK TONIGHT IS REGISTER T IF YOU BALLOT VIIU County Sent l. 1 I.umly came In yesterday from Chlloquln for n short visit. Ho has been connected with tho Modoc I'olnt Irrigation work for several months. I The estimated production of rice for Japan is o,C62,000 pounds, an Jlucresso of 5.1 per cent over tho crop 'of last year. m in Tin: iiri'Aimii'.vr oi norii cirv ami couxtv ui:ois HISTOltV AT I'NlVIIItSITV Wll.l,' TltATIO.NS f.VDI'.lt AIIDIIIM KLAMATH i m:cK During 1912 about 157,600,000 '.people rodo In the omnibus lines of THK "I'KKoiUerllu, about one-third of this num- tber In tho power busos. mi.i .i .tii.i mam:.nt" svstkm wkiik hi CiaUICDTO UK INVALID I yjlTRv deposlta of sulphur havo sv. .,, jbecn found In southern Texas and are t. h.-, il.ttAlnMAit lii n ulr.illnr nifinti.ir j Alt voters, of tl.o city and county ,(() 1oulg(Um 8U,phur floUs mtikt to-rtgiittor now for tho ensuing High School Qaintet Will Go as Far asGranls Pass A tecltint of morn ttmu unuii! In- uri..t Is to bo given tliU ovonlug lit Illusion's Onera llouso under tho'two-your iKrlod. All roglstrntlons Tho material taken from tho Pan r ii... .in.. .i..ti.trim..iit, iimdu bitforo January 6 tiro now nb nmu cnunl would mnko u pllo higher solulely void, boenuso of thu recent "- .... uui.umi. ... . A'l rrniiK.iui,U for tho trip of ,h Klamnlli fminty high Helmut tins kftlull Until lutvo priu'tlrnlty liuuii tIHtlllt.i, (ohcIi Mrl'nll will l.mv.i "' "ii tliu nioriilug of Pntirimry 2, king his iiKgregnllou of lumkotlmll RrtM Io vnikh. v"n llioiti ,iy go In AMlilami, "Mfnr.l, Cei,irft ,.olllt ,, ()r)Ul(H fli MiCitll haH ovory coiilldonco world that tho KlttiimUi County "n kIiikii MU wlll ietMi uvury m "K l'ly on the tour. , TlioU'itm will ho composed of Noel ,nud llurii, ferwnrd: MrCliio, mnlorj mitrrott ninl Holler, guards, Two subs "will ho inkeit along, but Jiut who they will bu linn not yet boon letor- llllllil. ituiplrctt .a t. i..i.. li., .. svH. .,.... oiiium iinersu, ... w.iu. , . .. York and 1.3B0 foet square at the Tho speaker on this mcaslou in m ohiu.h u. ... olM..v...,- v- h Joseph Hhnfor. Iituiil of tho tloput t f lurlnK lo IUU eloctlott daw Invalid. " mint of history nt tho university, ntul IVisona who Imvo not logtstored a Wyandotte an aiithorlly KIToiIh aro now being mude for it coiiplo of gnmes wllh Iho town team before the ditlo of Iho lour, jum to keep tho lioys In form, Those giiuioH, If plnycd ul nil, will I.., niuvml noxt week, uh tho high school plnyora will bo busy will, w mulnntlonH iturlng tho lo wook in this month, . hen bolonglng to .. . . .1... . . .... .... . .1 f 11, ...... I... ... .. .. . ..I, ...... YSVI,. on the History oi uio iiuforo .May i eaiiuoi voio iti too pn- rrmiuis n;.uno, n kuu.a ...- Nortliwi'st, Ills themo Is, "The nuirliw My 1C. lloglster early and tmiro, i-.ugiann, poultry expert, nas American West and Deniocruby," avoid thn crowds of the last few dnya. laid, RSS eggs In tho three years It The lectures under Iho nusplees of i has lived. 'tho exteiiHlon department tiro frco of Siioou Nolo , S'hargo. Another will bo given 'I'iioh- AlleulnR Hia1 $2'j0 dUl,l ou ui Deslguod for feminine uso Is a new iility night by Dr, 0. !'. Hodgo of tho unto, ll, l Abbclooso hns commenced, hand mirror lilted with an electric university; who wilt tall, on "Health nu'nrtlnii In the circuit court against. iignt ni one enu, current coin aup ii ml Vitality" Levi MeDonald and wife. Stouo audlplled by n storage battery conatlned . k . h,.!,, nru nttorneyH for the. plulntlff. lu tho handle. oxreeuoii ; - i l.Himiia to (luniiuny HS7.000.000 In tho olglll inoutliH Tin en oi uio uuoys oi me iumhiuu ended with August and ImpinrU from Andrco oxpetlltluit to tho north polo that iiutlon wcronhovo $118,000,000, tmvo been found. Disaster probably nit ngBregiite tradu of moro than 3$C- ovortook Andreo between Fraai Joief ,100 ooo. 1 Mud and Nova Zembln. lu nearly every street lu Jnpauesa cities Is n public ovou whero for a small foe housewives may have their breakfasts, dinners or suppers pre pared for them. their farm produce. Tbo governor of Iowa has set aside a rlrc prevention day, urging that tho lodge, equipment. $700; Hickman's barber shop, building. $500. Tho telephone exchange waa de stroyed, but communication with Klamath Palls is carried oa by a tele phono instrument just installed. All the furniture of the Hickman barber shop was saved. J. O, Hamak er saved his desk, containing a new typewriter and some of his papers, and his library. Here from Hoaaauu. Mr. and Mrs. Lvl McDonald. Geo. citizens discuss conditions and create ' Sparrentom and Mrs. Parker, all well a sentiment against other conflagrations. a sentiment against forest tires and J known residents of Bonanza, are hera on business. Klamath High Is a Victor Local Debaters Win This District's Champioftship The debating Uum of the County high schooKd from thu Ashluud hlg uu enthusiastic audleuto a lumatit Kvans of tho Northwestern and Judge d u Uam. Herbert S. Gale. Iter. K. C Rich- Uoql before ards was master of ceremonies. In- Hous- troduclug the speakers and presiding tuu opera house last night. bo vie-jot or affairs, lory wits a decisive one, tho votyotj A highly enjoyable musical pro- thu Judge, being unanimous for local team Tho subject was, "itesolved, That the policy of California, as expressed lu tho autlulleu law, should bo adopt ed lu Oregon." Tho Ashland team, vomposod of WaKer Carpeuter, Ulllte Drlggs uud J. Wltbrow, argued for tho alUrmatlve, and MUs Fern Wood, Forrest Plel and William HageUteln objected to the udoptlou of such a law lu Oregon. Tho local team, while ou tho un popular sldu of the question, pre- grant, put on by the high school itu- (dents, preceded the debato. Miss l.oulse Ilouson sang "Ecloguo," and sang It extremely well; so well. In fact, that she was forced to respond with "A Spray of Roses." MUs Faye lloguo accompanied her on ths piano. Johnny Houston and Anton Poll yaka rendered a violin selection, with piano accompaniment by Mlsa Ruth Saucertnan.. Miss EllMbeth Houston pleased her audience by singing "My Destiny," und, In response to an In sistent encore, sang "Tho Four-Leaf sented their arguments in team-work J Clover." Miss Marjorle McClrai4d fushlon, each speukor holdtug closely ed to her many laurels by a chamlng to tho subject lu baud. Ou tho other! rendition of "A Heart That's Free," baud, tho Ashland team generated followed by "An Open Secret." theories nud deduced conclusions that, During the evening, yell Readers in somo lustauces, were entirely for-1 Paul Noel and "Stubby" Hal 1 olgu to tho questlou. ijected much enthusiasm tat the Tho judges were Dr, Joseph Shafer j gathering of students with their na- of tho University of Oregon. Sam I trlotlc yells and high school i ri 0M ft: ISA: ,M m Uf fS III HSfSffll mm iSfass I-rft'l J rm i'4i & & 'Wi m km ss m mi mm m i m mi