i i. turning Iterate 1 .! ,,WJ5l KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS 1 f IX "si r Sl m OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER j;lnlsu,ji s mm -rrr -TiicmacSi-su -aci -Er r -rns: KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1G, 1914 Prte WUm Casta m Qh GOETHALS iyyirri BONANZA SUFFERS CONFLAGRATION J. 0. HAMAKER HiiW-m oitu'e. Mrtu . HfctlH"l' Wlil'tjHtiUTH'i: i.ti i 1 is MHKE ,,Wk i:rltUr I ,Mmi Ik. llrvrd H ltrt l"vMlUHllM IttMtrtrfnl l-rl l'M Moulin. Il-alaf lu tilr(J)uHrli' I'lMIIIMUMli rt. Jk Wt t Mt (t IVMIrwUt t Ittrd l Miln i lit oe u( UnaanM t-rx-lull lj4 hi tfc Bfe demon fat It wuitd iiin .( ro.ltttli nl ti luttfib lime In (MM! )n IV CJilef Leaf CH Ue1MiUl ll'. SMffet&C & Of 4TIhI l 1 e'rkxt tl out hi tMiitlpn l U4 fumlaiac limine iiuuitt Jt. Um4 IUU KturtttM Ml"" tbausl llullrtlt, Odl.f, I. II. 41, ' IUII. MkM' lUllwf M,,,, uOe. lVn. ( iMrl. Trlrthu Cuhause. OtlSf W I bo lolrhoil" rlrltotlic M iNiifuj!, only moaer MtU tit. u6 rrnr.) j o Mamar, JortRillrf -,il uhir tl the lltllletiu lM and itto I U 0 building lfl UU moralise (of lliinalila, M(, lltaW ji of the het. Iomis, All that MtnJ of ht ? fresa hi. eCJt tt the Itulluitn , r tfc pMdiBtr, hi dwk. Tfc tll4inc ere ill iramo truc lf. TU o u Mlm4t4 ruMy lU.ioo y Tali It Ids ytlilnfo ) ancAp famta in l, ), month. In Auwi iWjIfctvtild' Holel, barber kop, hsrdinr1 store, drug tr. i6rl (erf at,,! (imfrtilonT) wr troyd la MX. 110, hotel. trif rl itOfM, thr (MMUimrn, tilllrlirf kp, brbor .ho, 4 lattxif, nn) wj. Oa til nf ((,,., oclor4 lite orlif m ol il,o nr hnrp been a myniorr. n ib, nrt tin. nwrpt Uin IIUk ttr ero Any ,4 (1,1, WM !), f fa iily' nrc, Kco,r from lion. fclc In mtt io iMiUy t,0fort rnd Jury tthy I a i.Ini7 HT .IMMH. Jan lil,Uck of 'wily lie. and retallons Is lilamtd " tnft, ndrent for their mlsfor gRiN, ff(.rdln 10 statistics compiled t ni'fltit-ii.lrttl Oeorge N. Arebdes il Mwhtrliial lodging House and " publla today. Hutmrlnlendf nl "M" M eighty per renl of Uin M Nur Crnl Cmirls building lnM "opening thu )tiT UM ,,,, ,,,,. " no ,i)0,t ues to keep (Item an Horni, River Hearing Starts Hawley Presents Fads and Figures to Sec'y Lane' WAHIUNciTON, Ja, U.-Prolest-wTin1 "" ""' Qtun loaliK tho wuii.,ou ,, Hmwt rvcr o wing, ConKressmn llawlsy has ""'I 10 Hnerelnrv I m,i di!u ','.I'V,,,"U'" "Mrillim thu con. bar T, " l,wl"I what serious ruhl,, C0((llK tuu triU1 worki ChsL,!"M riK"'V0 'mm tho Klamath ''. nl that attay coatracU are Am, ..... . ii-ri-niin'i-nwi'' FROM SECOND IN FEW MONTHS; IS A HEAVY LOSER Secretary Lane Would Save Radium Lands Tito rctllarkablp u'r AltAtucd In tl,o ut p m until In ibo irrAitucnt nl ranrvf b radium la Itidurvl HcC rcury uf U luiriur Kmuklln K. Iatio lu irttto o rutifitrw an act Io l(lli nil rlltt and Ul4rrhl III rtiilum-toailnE vtv found mm iubtlc land i:iitl u( VUv (cxlnrat buroott uf inlttf tintp tirti uttdurlluc oartlii- fur rAiilumbv4rliie lattJ, and lta I Waled Uafto III larluUa arcllniu uf Up tmiiilry Tim cnury t ih In. (rrlur wuutd txttp concrcM authurUe Ibu itriitlil lu withdraw uch lands In i.fitrr thai lh guvrrnmctit ma) r lain niitttol ul tli" irv which mttiaiu (lit. .iixntltll rurally.' Illlltrral 10I1 a rntllutu. Cleaner AiHrrtUliig All permflU ftiherWtllC i t,ut"' uvutal disease am to be given loll days In which lu clean up such ad erlUemelll. The last session of lhi ltillniutt passed a alrlllgenl law against nil such advertising, making a penalty uf from IU0 Ui I1.0U0 and Iriim six month to mie yrar in Jail for sui'ti adtwrlUttiR, District Attorney Klly sinrted out tr eitforio this law Haturdny morning bv cIvIiik Km proprletot of drug stores In Mmtford ten dn lu which It, clean up thl sort of aiherllslng. Ashland Record. held up on account of closing the rlvor. Ho saya that n iiinsldoriible umouitt of lauds along tint streams I private ly owned, and If thu settlers uro foriotl to tiHu tho rallwny m mig getled hy Heeretary Lnne, they must pay n rtu of fl.CO as ulnt 2& to 00 cents for water transportation. The suggestion Is iiiiulo than an Investigation may revoul un imiirouer Influence brought to hour lu having the rivara closed. CI WINS --- - --irs-iisJ-r-tTLnjurrirvrriri, RIVAL SCHOOLS DEBATE TONIGHT t I MIA1X OS lUIIIIUI, I.MIIH. iion uii.i, iM.Tint i i m: UIIH'll Wll.l. llCI'ltltsl'.NTTIIIrt iuhtiiiit To llrlttllttlltn lltn rmttionllli tit ho tbitiihrrii Orrewi ilidrlrt In the Ortifioii lllKlt fl fit wi I llnbatloc' l-rvactto. (Ii itrltatlnc tram u( lilt) AallUnd lued hHil a ttl ilta Klamaili County til Ell aellM) Mill Itirvl IhU otfilllie HI lloustiiit' 0wra lltm(. Tht llHl"r Mill taut arena oeaiu.t thr ttiatni'loti atiitiliur itUirlri. lit ibn tillmltiA. mini tor ih ui rlittipltiihli Til" Urllltt I Iti-.dhr.l TltBl llir Mjry dl iralllotnla. hi irmWN II, liir atill-allnti Uul till hi)ultl lo .'h j.ii-l in r'en " Tli nsM! iiru u ( l Uxirlrxl li) Klamath c .i,iiiy hlelt M-wlipr l ih' lltlir i-m r. H'allrr rrirnltr Jpy U" Hiiro atnl lllllto llrlr for Klalttatlt lltn ) iwiiota ar Ktrr-l l'l"l, William IUc rUlriti a rut Ml IVrn WimkU Tltr J tid fir ar l if l)r KliafiT f Ih I'nltrf4tty tt( Orreott. linn llrrhrl H, (lalo a till Ham Kvant NIAGARA FALLS BEFORE COURTS MKMit.Nti wii.i, it i: t i: u m i .v i: wiumiKu on not waii in. l,.UTli;.NT HAH JI'HIhlHtTIO.V (iVirit IttAVKM ttlMI'AMIW I nlletl PrrM Horvlce WAHIIINCJTON, Jan. I Hearing", on tlm Niagara Falls power coulro rr u hefti linlay Iteforn Hi o.i ..Nllllllnn ti fnfMlt!! H fT H I f ,V'V ; , " , . ., , .. ,,, The bullae la eijiecled o pass lite, .... ... , ,, .. .. CI hi Mil, which ghe the secreiary ol vr Hier. over the todro-electrlr tiimpanle on lh American side of the (alii The meanum would nre 1 vetil lite dhersltm of more than 15,. titjrt riitilr feel of water per second for power purposes, and would make lltn rnmpanlex subject to slate reguln lions on service and tolls SINGLE TAXERS HOLDING MEET NATIONAL YVOHKKHM GATlir.R Ttl Ol.'TI.INi: Pia.NS FtlH KIHIOA. TIONAL CAMPAIGN THROUGH WHOLK INHINTIIV WASHINGTON, Jan. lt5.8lnglo Inxers gathered here today for n three ilays' conference. They planned to Hike step to Hpiend their theory of taxation throughout tho country. Aiming tho prominent men present tiro Uhnrlrn II. IngorsoU and Frod erlck t Mown of Now York, Lincoln nltiffinis, Dtinli'l Keofer of Cincinnati. A. II. D11 Pont of Cleveland, George A.' llrlKia of Klhlmrl. Ind and Jack-, Htm II, UnlHtou of Washington. Reoitea Tlie Adln Argus prophesies re newed activity nt the Hnydtn Hill tlawed activity nt the Hnydtn Hill Mine this season. Among other IteuiN that paper stalea that tho old Juniper ml no will bo opened ugalu. Several hundred' thousand dollars worth of gold luts been taken from this mine, but it hint heen idle during the Inst twenty yearn, Tlie deepest workings In this initio are only auout ' - -- .. --- , I three huudrod feet and It U bollovou that inllllous lu tho gllttorluK ore I lis. below. IN CANAL pywvvyvwvywwMwwwwyxMwi 16-Year-Old Girl Who Eloped With Wealthy Married Man DCltLAH BftAOLj Delllsh llra-ll-)-, slxten years old,! of IVtnberltm N J . has ruu off from . hpr I, ,.!.. a III, V l'n.l,.r Mllhy Mitckrn farmer of ih same!, WM wfh Mm mUfr.' lilac. ho U foriy-two years of age. nD wi,cn 1 WM awnr from nlu,. Foler a married. Tho girl knew It. 'Kcn In my own home 1 was longing! Now bath ar- under arrest In Mo-'to be with him. Wo couldn't live aa bile, Ala. he being accused uuder,wrt were in New Jersey, so we ran lite Mann htt stave act. He ha (away. Hut they will never get a employed good lawyers and will nmkejword from me that will hurt Mr,' a light In thu courts. Ho luslsls tho Foster. He ha been loving and kind Mann act as designed Io coer only ,nnd I shall remain loyal to .... . . .' ... lite mixirtatlun from ono state to matter what happens. MURDERER TRYING TO IMITATE DIETZ I KILLS MAN- WHO IS HKNT To'cAlTAIN OF RIG I.INKIt HKXDS IN TAKE HI CHILDREN TO POOH HOl'.-iK AND IH KEEPING OFF THE APTHORITIES United Press Service lUnltwl Press Service .Suiniitenlale, Jau. !. IJito UHlsy' NEW YORK. Jan. Hem-Wey t.grwU u surrvmler t. UJnw. wndlnK the Lusltanla. to 1 . .1 . . . ..idtiy wired the Cuiinrd office that he lalllliorilliM 11 ui winner uit- kiiuiu Ik allotted l lake charge of lita ulne children. He pnm-Wd he would kill n dosenj if Hierv wo any trickery. United Press Service Hl'MMKHDALH, Ky., Jan. lii. Edward lleurdsley, tho local farmer who yesterday killed Poormaster John Putmuu when hu rtuuo to take the ItimrdHley children to tho poor house. Is still resisting arrest. .-k.i... I,...M Aillnl,.!., .feS . ck mj iiearusiey iiiiuivumiir u.i.-,. 'retreated t (e nouse, wnero uo is Burrounded by his wlfo and nl.uo children, A cordon of o incurs Is ou deavoring to capiuro mm, oui no 1 nrnted. Tho authorities four to shoot lest tliey Injure tho uomnu or children. Hundreds of sightseers from May vlllu visited tho scene this afternoou. Ah they passed tho house they heard thu children hegglui for food. Tho Hherlff fears that Boardsley , . , .....(.. muy uecomo uepero -.ruiu- ate bis family and himself, rather ,"' rreudr. W JOKL M. FOSTKIt nnothor of women for commercial Iuriotj. Voung Cautlttcltl, son of thv Imcil K rut I on commissioner at Washington.' and younc Dlggs were arrirstcd In, .NVwida on a simitar charge and taken back to California, were trlvd and, sentenced. Thus tho Koiter-Hradley ' catio Is hlmllar. Hut Foster will fight his case to tho highest courts, for he has a lot of money. This Is what the girl thinks: "' loved Mr. Foster as sooc soon as I I A A J I I AiH,l V " """ "uu tmnur l,ev ,mi. I illlNI li, ln.hil M,M I arnm tinhlitf l,n . him no CREW ABANDONS BURNING VESSEL WIRKLF-SS RKPORT OF PICK IN UP ROAT FROM THE SUV FLOWER 16. Captain rescued the captain and crew of the Can it it Inn schooner Mayflower this I morning. Tho men were lu an open boat, 400 1 miles on .ovti scotia. They say they abandoned tho vessel after It caught lire and was beyond saving. BANKS ARE ASKED FOR A STATEMENT COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY TO DAY ISSUES A CALL FOR CON DITION OF FINANCIAL INST1TU TIONB United Press Ssrvlce WASHINGTON, Jan, 16. The Comptroller of Currency today Issued a call for statements of tho condition of all uatlonal banks at the close of business January 13, SQUABBLE ssSSSyasysaysalss MEN'S BANQUET DRAWS INTEREST UKQUKhT FOK 1'iaTra am: UK ISO SKST IX liV Al.Ii T1IOSK INVITKIl TO MUNIUV MClir.S AVVAlll AccorJIuK to Uioj In charge cf lb Father-Son Ianqut lher will) be a largo attendanco at tliU affair, which It to be Riven at Grace II. K. Chruch Monday nlfiht. Invitation. inl out a few days aico, bado the recipients answer If they would attend, and bring tbeir on, or someone- Ue"a son, over twelve ycam of age. The replies In the fttHrmattve are now nourlne In The- banquet will commence at 8 Share bcn completed for the civil o'clock, and George J. Walton win Government of the Panama, Cajal ln toastmajtter. Tho program fol-iZone- Only the executive order of lews: President Wilson Is required to put Welcome Edmund M. Chllcotei11 Bect The Church as an Asset to the j 'l w" learned today that this or- Clty" J. W. Dryant'dcr Is being prepared. "The Business Man'a Church". . Wm. H. Shaw "The Young Man and the Church" "Thu Progreiilte 1 School".. Camp I Sunday 'The Bible Class" "The Mission of the League". The Outlook" BASEBALL TALK IS GOING 'ROUND AH1.KADY, rilKIHCriO.NS MAUK FOK A WIXXIXG xixK,,ei'apr'T'ge- Al PLANS FOR HAH, GROUND ARK RHINO MAUK The question now perplexing the "Hot Stoo League" of this city Is "what arrangements have been made for tho baseball grounds for this sea inth Falls will hae a pnnantn Inning team In tho field, but no one seems to know Just what kind of a deal lean bo made with tho Dig Basin Lum- 1 bur Company for the use of the (grounds. list season proed the. futility of trying to arrange Kamed with outside teams without having a definite un dorstandlnK about the rent of the grouuds, If an agreement can be reached whereby the baseball team can lease tho grounds for the season for n reasonable amount they can figure on bringing In a number of outsldo teams. They can also expect a source of revenue from subleasing tho grounds to tho different teams of tho city Twi light League. Cooketl Food at Shasta The ladles of tho Christian Church will hold a sale of cooked food at tho Shasta candy store tomorrow. These sales of home-cooked delicacies have proven ery acceptable to tho public and aro always well patronlted. Message Is Cabinet Puts UK.' on Anti-Trust Standby Wilson United Press Servica WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. Presi dent Wllsou, at today's session of tho cabinet, read In full hU anti-trust legislation message, which he will soon deliver to Congress. This was approved in full by the cabinet. It goes to the printer with out delay. MS APPOINTEES WILL HAVE CIVIL CONTROL THERE COKTH.U.H U'IM. UK XAMCD AS GOVKR.NOR .1 tlie llull.ler of the CmmI, Cotoael GocOiMlt, lasUtcd TtuU He 8fao14 Xmo the Mea to Bee to tlie Mate terrace aad Opermtloa, While the Army nail Smrf Hemben of the CunsubvaJoa Deauaded Suae Rlcht J WASHINGTON. Jan. 16. PUas It U understood that this plaa contemplates the naming of Colonel Goethals. builder of the canal, a coventor, with plenary powers, aad tbe deslcnatlOB of Colonel H. T. ...F. M. Upp Hodges. Lieutenant Colonel YllUaat a E. WiddoeslSlbert and Civil Engineers W. U. Rosscau and Richard Metcalf as a John C. Yaden.cotaml'tle having charge under the .E. C. Richards i Congressional enabling: act. for the formal ODenlna of the canal Januarr 15. 1915. The committee has no power con netted with the government, or ad- ministration, of the zone, and dies when the canal opens. The outcome Is a sweeping victory for Goetbals. He has insisted from the outset that he, as builder of the canal, should select the men to oper AKK ate U. The army and navy wanted REPORTER NABS FEDERAL LEADER GENERAL SALAZAAK IS ARREST ED AUOARD A TRAIN CHARGED WITH VIOLATING THE XKC TALITY' LAW EL PASO. Jan. 16. Luther Bar nard, an El Paso newspaperman, to day arrested General Salaxaar, fed eral commander, aboard a train at Sanderson, Tex, Salazaar was un armed and ho accompanied the news monger .without resistance. He U wanted for violating the neu trality law. General Orosco la want ed on a similar charge. A number of local Knights Tem plar aru planning on going to Yreka tomorrow morning, where tomorrow night there will be held the annuaul inspection of Mount Shasta Comman do-. State officers from all parts of California will be there. George J. .Walton. Mr. McGee, George Humph roy and 1. U. Struble aro among the 'local Knights planning to attend. Approved Tho message suggests a ifsaile bills, but presents to the msmaara of Congrosa tho exact situation. It arga tho necessity of making wbaiavar legislation is enacted la tbs etearaat. strongest and most unmUtakaWa laav guage. The message wll be read U Caav gresa next week by the : lS 83' ft WPP, 'IS 1 imv A ffi&ri JSr6?j 4m m m ssv rat Sr3 4s s MM m 1? ;. i m u ki m 441 fl m im m it