. mh --i PER u mitta Herald KLAMATH FALL8 PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,crKi)inwrw H'H'-hWii fiw-AMWWt r-tjblh Vw,r N. WW KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 15,1914 HORSEFLY FILING IS UP TO SECY LANE Inquisitorial Body Has Much to Look Into i-j'U''iWi-A-r'.rirM"iin-i-i ------ wOi BiWSni.aia.a. . m.. .. . - . - f- i rut Q.rnjJjj-.n.-Lru-j-uTJJWunjTJX aai UNO OFFICE IS IN FAVOR OF THE RESERVOIR SITE ItmiVOOLMi HollHttt't.V III. iiiht a.iiMKvr HORRIBLE TALES SENT IN BY THE RESCUING SHIPS - 'jjii"inriirMininrriririjn.rijn-iLn. g t I Women Fighters for Rebels in Mejaco I PORTLAND PAPER (GRAND JURYWILL INVESTIGATE THE COUNTY'SCRIMES uuuss WUN IMSIMI:is tUlOWS IN l r- rkfM ltrrjo till. IMM Tll U t.. In W..M.. J.I.I (V I wntnMiM MttH I" Up ISVtl Tl4 lli Mallrf ! IU-M HrfrHr.1 lt II.P PrtMtMrw uf lltf IftLllxf With HrMrorHlll.. W'. Irdtllii; Will) U'txurti ..t I tilWn h !l'-lMit U Tr (tllr, ! I Uiur ?! . Tliniinint IVr InlM II.p Jkln- UaI) ! I'rrlihS VtlltMkp lt.l 1ilJ 4m lt(iinrt lJ t . Ml (mIm riU4 I'lwt rWmtp t MutlOIlN, Hlj. Jan. I.V fU (... Km ..l-wlucl tin- ..irHk tjf Itw IW f ril,i,Vp titk. rr frll IflU Htwr) lfilciiun lHtrM ftr Ibr iimi.mI,, TI,p rlr. In Uie l irwnulr wwwriil l Ihp ltrw.ltM-l j,nV, km int.. I Up ! rmnxl 4 ifo Inictlur wllh fattnrtMr !- .trr. "." lint rlllrut.rtt tta ImiII pL 11 Iwlrtt. tw. tnr known tt.rro wrfr) Tfc ttrfnp (clctfatn w (r-rrtsj m t.IUf. UU iuttix;n (rum C'Urmiti N, j .,.,... - ; li.Mii I Kyhrn4ll A Ferguson. ,..,, ,,,. .n,e anrjn; (or Ida iiortnRjr irrigation l Irttlitti, hlt, punt id irrtMle tndu TOM It), Jan. 16. T.p Uulr llll, XIIIH lilKIH IH IMIII IBUUf . j. , ... I of . f .ml In ib. lrlnuyrf",,,rt '? 'f""'1 ""v,nr "" ellWUBi. JllnMi wlilMlolciKf. An tcur(c U.4 O.I..I. A4.r lb. .n.Jrr1VI"mf ' " ''""" " '"' JW!ni Tttsf ulUtu lii lliK,,bl' ,i fiii ttmmin ihm i ftut In' WUhIpm 4l.'rb Horn U. nAl Ik iorac r toll will lKrinj.l,s,"U4,,r,'w '' ,,,t "Moo Iip iwr- t0 Ibe rtimtutinllluii mnJa h ll,. U rcrl Uni omte. I INDIANS MAY 60 TO THE CAPITAL The Hitl fofufrot iwiffJ lt-rp l 4y frgm KE'ditnt. Titer a) rnnnr humJml worn ironul l n a" ioitl lil tlm 10 lha nulii lanil-. MmihIb)'. w ben hunttr4la t( women EBJB-EBEBEvMlBBaT MhyaaW .? ' "-. ySav IEtM3BE BSfeHyBBBflBJIVaAHU C rBastassBW IBBBfltVr bUP KB aHbalalBKBHIBEkV'' flBSlai t WF 1 J rTSaTVSrJnWraf' 1 HaffBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVT Ik JBh J9 MiS9si anktWk lyBEBBBLLBBBLBW' I1Wb& BBBail Ba""-'' aLBafflaa ' LLLLLLLLBBfaSBWal I BV" ill f liSalil Vc ar ?MBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaaav9aaaaaaaa BwawawawawawawaaBV'.PBwa?. Ibt TaYafafafafafafafafafafafafKBYBfafaBYafafafafaBYaBYafafafafafB BYBfaBYBfafafafafafBllBwaVl iBr BYaYBYaYaYaYaYaYaYaYaYaVBlBlBYaYaYHBYaYaYaYaYaYaYaS lBBaBBBBBB'BVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalBVBaBBBBBBHS9BBH j llSlHBMraiBBHLK'CisaBBHBS Kk UBaBflBBBHBWDnBBlBBBBBBBBI BK. SABBBmlaBBlByBlBHBBV aftf A BHbBbSqbBIbbbV'' CHjaHKiBBBBB - Mi"1 . .f QgHHE-MBHH bH.MbVSbbHIIbH B r BCSHStBattuBBBBBMPSIBBBLBBBH 'ttMBWIl KbTbT1VbI BVaBBLPWSBmlBHfcBWBaBBaHnBvlHlBBBBBlHlKBil liiSa flHKs a(W BBBBXBrk4QiBVBV agawBW&PyBTBBBBBBBKwBm BtHaBJVBBV VA vvB BBBBP FMBaaYflCk ffiKBaBHBPTaV!HLttMBaBBWVaaBVBlBBB9 WBBVMBHlBBi4BUMtf TJ BLHf jBBHHjjBBWBEMBBBBWsy tLKgiBBHPHByJRf bbLt SBKflwPJHHKlPvSBEk4C BV sMKlwi.vJEBKr.'nSiK THbbv " H. Va(,uAiBSSK BL aLvflB&vK'BSEvBvliM P'IbV1'' ' fQf9QQwWmB "BKli aBBBBuV1t!jSV'4saVctJV Sttf1"!- t4 "KBVsaaBBMBTSR I BBarBavftLBBaBBaBBt iHSr .Vi & HrIi w 4.1 fS t ffaBa-MaMBBaTlni'jL tF.p ' I BHhflHwa"iaf3' 4B&I.'' nfyy. jg TlHBTMBT&gsrl FOR HIGH PLACE' Jorit.VAI. (ilVK-S JL'DGK hTllONG KMIOIUiEMCXT 'SOMK HKXHATIONB MAY OEVEUM ! AT SES6IOX hliuj Ia-jhIu Hcn-n Short Time Afu,, "" lal Juriu ll Held a Tcrw of J IVWl Aorrj- Heofwr f Ma. tart nt Orrttoa Cllr tot JbkIsv t ,tl'0,, CwiBly, CaWfonUa, U Cninplicll, and hy lite ltcal!eU oft ' Clarkjun, Hp I Placed m Uwi Kaute HIti IVhIwUU m McltrMe. i S to Work for Kafeac SasUaa. Ae cturti Forcer, Mae Jaly WlthoM Betas Giv LaCtt VaJtcf CtMraw Up. The (olloslos. with an excellcst, """"" 1 1'Iciurc of Judse Ucnson, U contained! Thc Klmth countr gnai luy In the Portlnnd Jeurnal: convened this aoralsc at tk oc o I JuiIro Henrj I- Uenson of the ThlrProecutlBS Attorney Irwta, to took jiccuth Judicial dUtrlct, compoted of Unto criminal cues left (or thua tj (the couutle of Klamath and LaJce, 11 the Justice court of thecoajity. a candidate for the republican noml-j Metnhere of the Jury srv: ' nation for supreme court Juitlcc. , Hans .Vrtaatder, f j Judge Uenson arrived In Portland ( Merrill. isfUral days aso from his home In II. K. Turmer, farmer, Man III. IKlnmnih Palls, and after conferring I J. Mi. Can j wiiu iricnus uero tuouo lorraai on-i nismiuiaut. j 1 nounccment of his candidacy. I Frank flryasv farsacr, Judge nenson I third terra, as a clrc 'son. lie Was 0s)elected In 1S9S of a district Jo mussed of Jackson, Jose- !phlne, Klimsfb and Lake counties, letter oaJVIs dUtrlct was divided. Klamath and Lake counties forming lht new or thirteenth district, and he has been twlco elected Judge of this dUtrlct. In the three races made by Judge DryasV faraj hlpicy, traaafe serving his t Falls. Judge in Ore-! Jt- C. Shipley, at tiFalls.' F. C Bechdoldt, fa Joe Haloaek, Baerchaat, Makhm. l?erry O. De Lap Is the balHJr. The most Important autttar ached uled for Investigation at thlt seaaloa Is the case of Eugene Saxtoa, arrtat ed and bound over oa a chart of forging the name of J. W. Slamaas to ' Uenson for circuit Judge, he has car-. a promissory note, and oVerlng it for Itun.liixU if Hunien !ivo Jolmnl iw black sklru. with white shirt border. Nevertheless, It U known that h.j BVorv COuiuv In his district bv.sale In Snokane. Saxton. waa arrast- nil children pr? on a Irnlu at Knew ,.,, rt.w,Upniy ramemeiil In Mcx- IU, ornamented wllh belu of cart- the army of Villa has contained wo- .ubatantlal malorltles a rare dls- ed in Idaho br Fred Morler laat Jalr. Johlma. fpd lu loate, Hip big ctu'-f -j-j,,, ,f,iiior( heie lo a iMkp lrni,cd ncros their shoulders men on most of marches, and they tinctlon In Oregou politics. land was brought here and lodged la Unit mhup.i wiiii n torrinr roar, umwWpj ,vratilfd company or litem mid anomrr nuout tne waisu inere must nao inKen part in tne ngnting. Prior to his election to the circuit Jail. In Up train U tilpcm. and splitting ,-n twk jutt In thp nghllng nboul hni-o far b-en few rejorts as to the This company of women Is now ta-jDenci, judgo Uenson occupied coa-' Although there have been two ttip moiinlaln tinflhlrit of the 'l;jntirpi when (UnrAl Panrbo Villa sucks of the women as soldiers, bo- tlonrd in Jaurw as a part of the gar- -nlcuous nlnce In Orccou. Ha was' c rand Jury sessions since that time. ' 'Ulirp from tbn crater lu Hi '''rapiurrdlhat town from tltn federal cause the Mexicans don't favor tolling 'rJson to protect the town against a twice elected prosecuting attorney of (the prisoner has not beea given a IIHIUl.tMtfM ll IH.''MI:llllt,,,l,, lhp f"". p Mili ,Bn w,,n' rus The uniforms of the women iiiurh to tfio newspaper men on the "polblo raid by the fedurals. iino district composed of Jackson, hearing. Prosecuting Attorney Fred M:IUMj a DKl.t.tiATIO.V KAHT Tl TAhh l" TIIIMIt AI'FAIIIH ITM(;ol,lt,Mi;.NT thntiiiid of fprt Into tho air. MARE ISLAND TO I .Amnnetr-Qtinn irin Wanted 1 iviji laji I 11 m jaTM M L M EJLMMM W W M M SjLLM Bt MAKINt mi - 1 Farmers and Business Men Start an Aggressive Campaign for Lectures The I'KTITlO.V HKIXU 8IGXKU UP, cuttle ASKIXd THAT TRAIN K ItUN TO KltAMATH It tho demonstration train to bo iie titrt appriurh In lolilijlug, m Klsmslli lounty U on th part of' Iko Klatnatli Indians. Th Indian winell or jwflv,., 0Mt0(i ft cou,, of k g, i. tnnsltUrliiK soudlng a I tomtnlttw to WaslilngUin, 1. 0., In'l'nlteil I'resn Hrlro u,ll of the Klawaths. . VAI.M'JU, Tallf , Jan. IC Mare Thcro RtD a fnimiiMi f ....n-r. ' 1. i.i. . 1 win iin nxtii ttr ititi marine I" WAshliigion Ihev htlliv.. thov 10 be ordrriHl her.. Tho local yard' ah ASIIKXI). IIIIZN U"!.,,,,M. "' ? ?r0,M" ' ,n'r bMten action by t, deimrlmonl hn been asked lu submit ostlumte,. viiitTll miuuiuu onhoinurlor. fr n basn supply house. UM K MmT" !' "8 '" to oxompllfy ' 1 the host breeds lowed chiefly from fAl -..-. .aAf.mf! roilVAUJH. Oro.Jau. IB. -The " -tnnclpolnt of nmrkolluK Alao 1 s iiataaHas1 m t 1 at at a at mm m 'biii - row niiimn s 01 1110 uiuiesirnuiu irie . .. .... ...m .. . .n.u Kll. I W iU U IV KlCl III H 111 " ,"fvt' '"""u "l ,",lr,,,K' will bo oM.lbt.ed. Tho baggage car,"0" ' u """ ""?' .Hn Z IJlll .1 I II I V .l II 1 1 rjll ''OK mWMK '"" ' " "" " l crry an mwortmenl of modern " Southern Oregon by the Oregon mlVlsi MMJ IIIV11--I 1 ,,lllllllllrn,m, ,1V. ..,, f ,, -lie. nmchlnery. and mi accommodation car Agricultural College uud the South- 1 "v -,..,.-.. - -. -- ...- ... 1 . . ... orn puclllc does not come to luamain county, It will not bo because there Iuh been a lack o't boosting here for It, Local peoplo bollove thla would be a grout boueQt to dairying later tUn hero, and they aro working hard. The plans outlined by the agricul tural college in tor the train to come as far south an Ashland, then return north. Thla la the way all such dem onstration trains have been doing, and Klamath county has never beea visited. Petitions have been prepared for Hlganturca by members of tho Kmbb- j Douglas, Klamath and Lake counties, j Hooper of Siskiyou county, Callfor- Ho was n member of tho celebrated I nla has Interested himself la Saxtoa'a j"hold'Up" legislature of 1897, and behalf, and is here to help him. was elected speaker of tho rump or There is anything but good feeling Mitchell house. ( between the local prosecuting attor- I He has always becu an active re- iter's office and the California oatdal, (Publican lu politics, and is one of thejand some are keeping an ear close to I leaders of that party, his advlcw and tho ground for some vltroltc clashes. I counsel bolng sought by party asso-' Another case that to being watched elates when the battle waa fiercest, with Interest Is the charge of stealing and the outcome doubtful. a cow lodged against Will Sims and Judge Ucuaon's record In the su-JLo've Chandler by O. N. Johnson ot prenie court on appealed cases Is one Sand Hollow. This la alleged to hart of the host among the circuit Judges happened over a Tear ago. The de- 1 t l A"MAsasArBatjtjMs4ls Union Men in South Africa Surrender to Courts Unli.d i.fClu Horvfo JIIANNi:hiiuiki, HouiI. Africa, C',il n'1?1" h,r,1-rt" wn hv " wr Icadeil In ,, TrHdM Alltawo " .1... "r1(:mlul,""ly. Thobsckliono ""trlkeweum to ba broken. lailalam .". 3B m,X "",U,Ml 0f ' Nay, it ,t ytlUM rial train sorvloo which will b oW.. b " n8 n V,B room for lho u.ed over Ibo main lines of tl.o Bouth-,'' " f worier,' , , in. I'nrino h. JVestom m.,1 Houlhom' ,1l'm;r,I,"7n""!" n hZ, T Oiegun. TliU sorlre will begin Fob- 1'rofcsior It. U HeUol. dl- 1 .i ....,! fr tun -.,u. rector of oxtenslon, mid H. A. Hln- 11 .:...' ".'.,:. ... ..." .. almw and J. A. Mulchay. offlcla.'s of 11 will "0 rarriuu uu in --uji . :..... rt .n..... ,..' tho railway company. About ntty mm, hMre, at Pretoria ml Capetown pnn). ,,n extension department of J aSi ? to S'iISS will make slmllnr application at once. ',, Amlnillural College. "'" worl(M' out to U,e rMlwy " Today' surrendor followed tho Two onrlua will bo carried 011 this ji ....... ....n nt .ho nuthiirlllelirnin ia im iiHn.l an a locturo room In1 "This will bo one of tho host dom- lltlVWD Mil eliu ! .. -. - nun. . -. to nun caiiiiou on tho besieged hull TI10 light, wnlor nnd food Hiipply had been suvered. Martial law was enforced, mid peo pie were too terrltted to leave tltolr hemes, ,.. .1 ........ 1 .. .... . .. .. tin. rniir.na 111 oiiHiraiiou iriiuia ovnr ncm, uuv ui iuo IIRKTIIKIIIl Hi'"""'!! """ --" " 1 ilalryliiK and luB ralHlng being enr- coIIcbo," said Professor Hotiel. "Ue rled 011 ulmiillmioouBly. Two flat cars winnUs for luitruetlon in dairying and will servo ns platforms on which the, ho grnUIng have become so Insistent livestock demonstrations will bo held. I that tho only way to meet them Is by A stork ear will carry small herds of la demonstration train servlee." (Continued on page 4) (Continued on page 4) MOYER IS INDICTED Thirty-Eight Otkr of Federals Abo MWMWMWMMMWIMMMMMWMnMMMIi (Continued on aage 4) HOUUHTON, Mich., Jan. IS. Tho county grand Jury today returned truo bills Indicting President Charles Mo)or uud thlrty-elgnt other officials of the Western Foderatlon ot Miners, na a result of the disturbances In the copper country. The union nieu are charged with conspiracy lu couuectlou with con- tlnulng tho strike. It is reported that many others have been Indicted, but their are being wltheld. i The Indictment ot If oyer eomes aa a surprise. He waa here to teetlfy regarding his treatment when deport ed from Hancock. United Press Service DENVER, Colo., Jan. 16. Presi dent Moyer today stated that ha waa not surprised at bis tadleUMat, de claring be expected tt. "I have no Idea what anaeUU ten splracy la alleged." be aaid. iWH m$i I WI W5JM1 Mi raft? M as m 1 !.,!