Aft P tittf tm 1&nrali. PRINTiTHE NEWS WHILET It NKW1 KLAMATH FALLS' m OFFICIAL NKW8PAPBR It i4fH wSHi r 5Vjr : asmEiiar m jgMh Vrr An. 51.1MW KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1914 fit JAPANESE VOLCANOS ARE STILL ACTIVE Municipal Pier Is Enclosed to Shelter Poor . .. --- . mm mm , -m-.-.n.-.- -1 1 " ............... ,..gWHnM'm' '''' MANYMEETDEATH HUERTA TRYING IKYING TO LEAVE s 10 TANGLF U. S. TERRIBLE ISLAND IN A BIG FIGHT ,Mllllltt IMNM'1. UIMKK THATjV.MI!iIMim IhULAMIUIHV . . . ,, ,. . . ,i . Wt Iwttnl Yrlrlat Huivit llt iymmt IMB.UU Akp 'IU l ' J Five Men Saved From Open Boat Run Down by Liner After Wreck I'Atutrttl l.t nlri'l MrtlMi'a ,hUum! l-M 11ir HtiU ,tv HrM ' I'trititi I I'jifilUli Jit iUrlr, nt ll l IMir'nl lit 11 iL Wa Me !l Hi lMlf t . S. W t 'aullt.r, Mwl ll U KK fa! 11mutut IVlict, ,rat; I.J.iiM At C..rtvl Will j Mwrttrt i ,tt'r ami t latter. " -"" ' Hulled Pir Uif,. ' l'ili4l''.b.tU , M;XK't) CITY, JI4, I - What J tOKIO, itt U Am ailetopl IM Ullmr-I in l a 4UUtl itltrmpl ( tfc Im uf Hi (tout ! i It. it of iTl4m llurria U MltM' &4 InKatlle fUttlM. IfcluHo Ibe l!tllll Male ItltM 4I1TI tUstiteat Jitn l wpolbl. The rulf M lh i"er u rt ! oittstatM eJ5f'il 4mtl thai lM mx o( 4xr tu.pondlnt tjmmit til BMOf k g lnlrfrl Oil Mrlrt imlU'lul 4rt,l TiwB4 l nr a lb lm- Th U"J i iM ' hld r ftUI rntltd rie l Fimth M Engll.h nnir!n. Its MftkuUi. &t lU tiuwUf lIH MofU, ll U ld. Mi- tt H JUVutft llt4 Krwtt slltwk( trll In ' Ul it. tbr ,,lrtik rntll wtiMi Wmrl feu.) ..! .i Kuiw m. , " ""r4 ,u'' ''7 r iMwuiiMiMfcrttitii.. '7 ' m-v nn.ucu urn- ttr4u,6r4 lb. .Hff.uN4lM r,mB.J"- U. -t 4 r-cr ' ', lrrteto4 4...n ...k,Ih4i -llM.ol4lnS rn I te hl Niuukl ttta Am!ri Irftttor CSmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmK., J ?V W )XHiB DIRECTORS NAMED BYST0CKH0L0ERS OF LOCAL BANKS I Xi:V MKN O.V KlRhT TRUHT AXD : HAVINGS HOARD Directorate of the FirU .National lU&k ltcnialB tBtlutU J- L. v I'MliAl aail Will H. UaeU Are .Vrw Mcatbrr of Ue Hoard o( Dl- " rrrtn of Othrr lUnk WcmtM la ! Altai" rrealtlrat of ItitUoa. MERCURY DROPS LOWER THAN IN FOURTEEN YEARS MXE DEATHS REPORTED HO FAB FROM THE COLD TlMTfuomtter at Hjrr Twry'For Below te la (Hlitr Toww Nearby It Mm Dro pI TwrUe Drcreea FmiOer M drcda of Hotoetcw VmmiUm te Naw York Are la TerHMe PUcM The annual tneUnf of the lock- 'holdom lb the two local bank wer United Pre 8rrlc 'liflJTueada). At ttali Utnc. director J nkV YORK. Jan. 14. Woramaa (or the eusulns year were elected. arid employed today in aaeloalaf taa ITbo followins were cnosen to con- jluntcpai peft at tha root ot Baat irol the aOalra of the Flrt Trait i Twentr-SUth street It win at Htl and Sarlna bank: I u a ihblter for hundred of hcwilaw 1 J. V. Slcmena. Will 11. Bennett, EJ people. U Elliott. Ed IMoomlngcaosp andj The intense cold naa cauaad dire Ceorgo T. Baldwin. suffering aiaong the poor ot the city. Thette directors elected the follow-1 Tlie bometeM are la as awful coadl lug corps of efficer: ' tion, and nine death are reported. President, J. V. Slemcn; vice pre- j Tnu mornln ta thermo tar ident. Will If. Bennett; cashier, John j -gutered one degree telow tero. Ta iaBe & klnM T a I . &.. ..a -a M j. r Siemens Jr.; awUtant caahler, Uw- 4 mlMlohMlr, IUr4 In that a.'lM.i I . Ilw. It(l. I'at.t! lMllltl. Ill" lHkmr, fire, that ih ate all""" " v',u" . !. II . ...t i,.. t. l.aj renco W. Mehaffer. -. 4. J i& JIvuiIam l !.. Mi im HWiI-tt 4liB.M. I'nM IUm.. J.ct.1. utr.m, W IIJI 11. t Jrf, ROfcau L,ectcd by the Fit National bank ... ... ....i i .... n him. almost llfelc body wa allowed to slip back' stock holder. Thcjie are: , lN,lb lifer tltrgory. which lUrr haulrd Hv men almot llWeja g & ,... hnwwB Ne VorV and llr.ill.' uton.n, r .nu .... - -"-llllMdlt ,UourW. p. McCornaek. E. H. Reame. U F. nil .1 nVtt.da) ttllrri... wrl no men wbo.aiul the 1hJ- of one ho dlwl n Iho MM he flxe mcueJ ,nCn were tWIeU The dtrector wilt elect offl- . . .,!..... .i t .mull bJt from IHoMOai wqrane ill in iamiu'n r. ,.- ... .in a iihii or iim. f, ,htl. c0,i not ii. tail y ici' " - ----- - ' ll I. ..Ll U.l GOO .e.i.le. remelii- !fw u ,,ow(t ,,,, , mm Mr.' .ImuWer.. Tho nun he held a Mmk a. long ae HlbU .... U. UUV. J '; ,l ' hU lion grip wm uncon.clou. and ap. ',n Uta4. tH.rl.hed h l.Nli. iMr '"' lien of the riy. . . inirrnUr Hfl-. -Jf'Srt? .. ....... I. ...I n.. iil. ilm . . . . ...... H..I.- t.l... .to.liKtntt'h". Dr. HMMll rkirojr. r. . tier. w. no llm. tu lo.e. lumpe4 rail. an4 .Ker looking at the ma. , -.inf,. iho raging . fully clothed. mI4; "No u.. Hobcrt, and the, "lllue a inillgo. that follow wa,' IKi From Agency. Iter and Mr. J. W. Worrell drove down from the Agency Tuesday and registered at the Mawhall house. Ror . . i u ...... iimim before . . i-.... .. ... . ........ .. it-- -........! In n .timll litful from llio-mwi "i' rot auoaru iv .. - .wr at a jmci uw. MKBiMa fire, that ll. ate all" ' " fcu"" tt ;'"" ,.uhaMm ,,ch wa. There arte eleven men In the boat ,,,.., B,d all been rotored to con- KtOMM r, bl that br ll --'rU' ,,: ''l" h'rr " ," '"' "" lvm" 0Uh0Mm; hJ j " Hlirn Mfcr .. cap.Ulng.. .ho ' ' ' ..-.. ... .1.1. .i. In llix l.lnml..- i .i rti.k- iiilUa off lll! Jerey wiieu, . vi,. - . jrt 1 n ,. , k a . -' KUV.rr-.H. ...I nl4h..;7. I- i . ... buoyed j-nMed . yt - . I JJ K " Tbe rBpUi.n of Hakura Ima t. ...,. ..,., ... ... ,r ,,.,. ,..,,. of nrowrty log i. f iho tank hlp. Two were men, aiu i r. . , Ml4iet....i. ...i..i.tiH. M.-fci .r,Br, "'"' " -'" " ". manj .......... """" ...... , . ,. ... wh ,,, lurneti turtlo the flrtt scenic - thai rer.RM ha. Uee. "' "" '"" "' urn .-u of h, (Irory did not ce iho wave- The. Ian nlmou hnu. ed 4 locra! nn iMr hand ami knee ' ....- f"" ' ,on u ,, ,hw, form wen, hauled up o.on with the r lh)Mr, . lo a loot of a.he. J JJ , f M, ,. colll, m .,. mil by me.u. ot a lino around lob ........ .. . ' ... i.i ii... mm remain- "", "'" ' . .i.nlii,i..r. The man ho held In Hiinrr iK.inir.nm feared Itiil.i wkr voltatiom mi Klii.hli. Und. KuoiMnw Tim nmnirx Ihero- way I.. Iho mainland ll.tongl. the ((ck ,,,, oinfor. Third Ofllrer Hoh- him .lewrlely, '""V' MUbrovrted alih from g Inchra denao .moho and fume. ))U -ni Hcr,,lia omwr William., .ee- the (Iregory a "W0"- ' t -t- tKlnl t'Anf rtf Hld Captain A.plnwall. Indicating or.. ..w- - "";-- ?rld lloe. the Norwegian .toroteoper. mlnl.tcrlal work on the reservation ah. Jam. aboard ..met naked. and I. much gratined at the splendid siranolv enough. It was Swan- re-nulls. atrom. a allor. and biggest physically ( present weather U the coldest exper ienced In fourten years. United Press Service SYRACUSE. X. Y., aJa. 14-The mercury dropped to tweaty-foar de gree below tero today. Nearby towns report the thermom eters at 36 below. VUlUag Sister. Mr. CurUa Heldrlch left this mora ine for a vlkt with her sister la Chlco, Calif, Sh expects to be gone a coupla ot weeks. Silver Tea. The Women's Missionary Society ot the First Christian church will give Htl Kill, ...-- -n. . of tho live who was hardest to re-1 Indian wm veu. tue irt wrau uu.v- - ...- Mve. "We took a gallon or water. A marrlag Ucenso was Usued to- a sliver iea somorru. -""-"----out of him." said Dr. KIrby. L to nrlck Jlm and Sarah Weeks, the home ot Mrs. R. H. T" 'That follow Jumped overboard ,, . u are woll knovta Klam- program am atari at .-v . ... "That follow jiimpeu. ooruwa.)loth or tuei0 aro w0ll knoan riaa-i ' - with his boots on." said Captain A-. fh lndlan8( rc8dlUg on tho reserva- the ladles ot the church are. requeaiea ninuuu. uuiutiua "t.-. - - .. .'" . . .Wl.k 'IO role third oracer. "vnii ao you uii or a sailor doing that?" to be present. Oaaftea . SB Sv B want Lands uoenea 1913 was bad - FOR SHIPPING Cbaber of Coraroerce Would Open Reservation a aaa Another movement liaa beeii start llttow npi.ii 10 .(.-Moment the Klatosili Inillait re.orvatloii. Till. UunrliH m Tne.ilay'a meeting ot If llh Ciiiiinher of Commerce, Brit gnilierliig aluca the namlug M now oincers. This u tn lm nn,!,,! by the Cham T" Commerce, ami It la ono or the fwu "'" ,,ow Ireciora, under DhTh W',,n,, ,,0H "Mom JJ "' ," u "rgued timt there would "Mli,t und thrown open " rir, mm tllU lh, Klamath In 2 ull niwioiia In have this ,:rle. (in.v..M 1 .... .. .. Ia4i.i(i - .'luaviieu me iuu JV Mi. meeting, ouUlHlm the ex- f". Bentflta. anil n. ..!.. n n loss nf ,42R,000 to vessel owners mid underwriters. The hurricane which sent snips either lo the bottom or upon shores to pound 10 piece, caused a loss In veol of 13.075,000, and In cargo 13,750,000. Up to this time the lakes had taken . 1..11 of nnlv twolvo lives, soven ot uiiiltMt CAUSED DAMAtll'J r' t these In Iho blowing up of the steam " Lr i!. m. Peek at Uaclno. WU Juno OVER SKVEX MILLION T" ",,.. .. tho 8e.ioa 0vor fifty (IIIEAT liAKIW NAVIATION(XMB Wl,ro loet. ninong them bolng vl ctlMMKIiriAli INTERESTS ..onw of tho largest and best .teel AMI iiinair.u'is 'stcamora built for fresh water navi gation, ll.e H. A. Ilanna Jr., Turrei 1 . . . ... . . a ...J I. .4. Daalna Ice Chief, wexioyi mm . vB.u. Applegate, formerly Indian ageiU on the roservallon, also apoae n. ." i.r The two wore nameil nil n cuminlllee to seek the opaiilliR of ll.n reservation, and Iho other n,wr"lU,Hoi, .rMS He.vl ... a. .. i.iiiiah am am ir uniii, win ra in"" kn 1... 14 Thevear Hevural vear. n.o a movement was, i'i.m i.. , . . . . 1. ......v.i i,.,i i m. 11. n w ih moat disastrous year me starieu to open mu ii. - ,.. (tnenl for mo care umw, miviiw dreal Lakes ahipiuiK iniorwia '"jUl0 )l)0thvra to soe the show without sulTered In Iho hl.lory of navigation. I W()rr) lnR nD0Ht tho llltlo ones. This Two hundred mill ny-ix person. 1UW innovnllou a Inaugurated last ...i.i.n.i i.n.l 17.000.000 would not 'night, with Merle Hou.tou aa head after tho Indiana were given tnoir a. 1rnlll,rtv. i0H. um, ,Uroago to baby keeper. Tho only drawback to tatm0.1L Ihero would he very Utile icover tho properly loss und damage nrrnnKcmont ,, that Merle. In land loft that would he or any value 'vessels, Ntm,muor . ttUd l iho capacity of nurse, attracta nearly ... .. 1 vi.a umber. I was. Tl.u at.trin of Novemuoi uu . . ,h im,,-. LOTS OF SHEEP IN LAVA BEDS McKENDREK SAYS THERE ARK MORE THERE THAN USUAL THIS WINTER, AND ALL ARK IN FINK CONDITION SeekingO.A.C.Train n..mnt ami ilm matter was then lak en up with tho Oregon congrewtlonal ilelegnllon. At that lime m manor uii relefloil. lltlOU tllO gfOUIlda that after tho Indian, were given their al, The Star theater now has a depart- - . a I.I.Ia. kllnitilnM to homesleailers. Tho timber, ll was 'I ho " ' "o;;;" ,, ,. mttcto Rttontln aa do the picture., held, wa. lo he .old to defray rlta 1 j - ' . caullllg mnny ot th.Vtrou. to expense., and the cost or the Modoc iroua m on. i MU4 tt mu part or the regular protram. PAlnt Irrlaatlea nroiaet, 00K " lo" "' O. T. atcKaadrae. a well known livestock man, who came In Sunday night from San Francisco, returned today from a trip to the Lava Bed. While there he purchased six car- laartu of sheep. Ahlfh ere to be snip ped from Midland to the San Francis co murkots. "There are more sheep wintering' In the Lava Deda this year than aver before," said McKeadrea today. "There are at least aeveateea bands there, each containing from 1,600 to 1,000 sheep, Tea pasture la excep tionally good, too, and the sheep are all la tn eastfkiaa." Klamath Dairymtn Would Havelt Make Stops Here (Herald Special Service) PORTLAND, Jau. H. Under the auspices of tho experiment of Ore gon Agricultural Colloge, and with the co-operation ot tho Southern Pa cific company, a special dairy demon tratlon train will be run over tho latter' lines through the Willam ette Valley and Southern Oregon in February. The object ot the special will bo to Increase the Interest In dairying everywhere, and to revive it In those localities where It baa been slack In the last year or so. The operation ot these trains 1. a factor ot great Importance to tho dalrvman and farmer. Tho object lesson, the lecturer, tha personal ln- itervlew, the an.werlng ot question., I. ii .&... m.tttruia km used oa the an i M.w w - train, and each has Its part and place la the eSort toward isaarovlag the producing capacity of Oregon rams. The aar cultural college oaweea upon the dairy special lata In Deeem- ber, and wa. assured of tho raiiroaa support and co-operation by Oeaaral Freight Agent H. A. Hlnsnow ana Oeneral Passenger Agent J. M. Seett. The company will furnish fro the stock cars to accommodate the hoga and cows; a lat car for deasoaatra tloa purposes; baggage hlblt. and display; day coaah far aa coamodatloa ol the public at VU-rjIRTU J II I V I ' " www i (susni "wa rr w ' TM 'W tf' fi mn fS :n '$ 4 mS fesrosi ?! 5"i !1 1 Tiu,' -I f wis fsaai m mi Ll m 5tTa mm Sa m it m JSP& Ma mx, m m M i wm m Sftval SI ,w4 ii m if in m ml' --, -- v.pina w, v,