".s ,: Euntna IteraU. KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THK NEWS WHILE IT II MSWS OFFICIAL NKWiPAPKR ... . i mm ' """""""''' .-. ....... -T- ,-.,. . , -gMM - ", -. . ... ...... .. "'0WEWa3HCT'lwM r....ii. U0l.ih -. .-. . KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON. TIIRSnAV. fANIIARV 13 101A - ... "f - - -- ,.,---..-.. . .., .- . Molten Lava Is Killing Thousands Cities and Villages Completely Obliterated i - -..fc..,......--. nnnJ)rriAraa-)AJ1J-L EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOS ARE WREAKING FEARFUL HAVOC III THE DIFFERENT PARTS OF JAPAN Miss B. Willard to Wed K. Roosevelt ijxxiOiX ..................- L.L 1-Jtvu11arL1anjVi I 'iMHif KrW Ml uttt. ,i pfitprrtj . .. ...... t ... ft wii l irwsiMM iwlu Um Htlllliin "" rrul. uf nlrr flilr t til TltltOttlMI F1HH- AM. ' HMMilwr ttw UUmiU if Urn ..i. i'i'ui'm: i.v iwjr,M rp . In ittlUfcm. lln MamU rp bring , IrtvM'l? iakrM t rr tMMe,r. tUrr HM nit A Wlunt tNt hj tbf ninl ! .- Iw worr Umim iwiwl '..r4 Srtmt- VmXl tarn . ...... , .. . .. Today hiniattda f bellied to . ' (IIHP Iwen killed a rlll of th lall)fX I'wlwsa JtleaMr Tww tiiiranlr cfiilltu, and wliw of trlo Ueadm! IHHtoft UMtv,takr j l"M .rtbquak en lh. wlh -nd f , TUs ulfftti Kkurajlrau, on lb malt Utand r Makura, tbi mile, frum Kfthlma, the capital of Hat ttwa proline, burl into ailliy Ul I yeMerday ln, IVr dotslla'fcsv - i.v tfiMi rrt ftm hr, h HIhwI. rtr IVH VtMfF. . TOKIO. Ju. U,Tl. riir t ! Ktife!ia a. Mlr lllo) ,B,rl, t4c., lhl lo nn. in UUuJ, Mllli a lolal tH)(uUtto of ttrr U.OOQ, kaVo trn miilill(rj. Dial tml ftf Itav IniiabllanU iiavr ll klllrJ, anil I tiftt Kactwhltna U elnit ' varualHl Kittilm U (own of et.ooo (i. a ttUllon, nttxt of lht KMiit ptntitojcJ I In (ho manttfarluro of ttiuro xr. (I U ticpr.l lllI lli.!!!tlil nfn limit' lliffo. H bj Uip crut-itun tf the tot tnu HVwr)tm, artordlM l ItMUlni fe0hr IthUy fWW rtlf n (m alii Om hw(U Hi-forM ai current lliat an cifcf tolrAtitj In Ontrai Japan h Mtrl Into acthll)" U4y BULLETIN J Al lat S.OOO hfnf (wfl.dpil tin lli' UUtitl of Hakura, arrorJitiK In I tie r- rt f rfMp, who imta)" rarbrl ilio nrlgtibof In Ularnt of Kliuhu Tril llioiiml lnl(t unon n tiilnlnv mi Ihn laland aflor 160 rartb U,K"I quak titxrk warned Ihrw f lh lm- TOKIO, jfttt. 13. .That hlih aa i9,T90 r CO.ooo Mojito way U il4 , from b rrutalon of HakuraJIma, Nil In t.ri'Kft, waa iuM Oltttfat btitttrtllk tl. lkaM'tAau linn .iii it. ..i. i. Illnalixl Ihftl half aro dead. im Hli i ho itlckrit illilflcl l cul . o", Wlfe)n inraipii rceh4 fromi li r.l1. ,,, o help Ihe inopla ',,r ' W r Ihi-r fanniil atniroarli rloan Krank Mllm of Ihn MIIm Hln fom- mouth in ttm ttvnp 0f tnp raUtr iiany, rulnrnr.l ll it!tu aflr an ah- pup in rciirn arenra tnforwallon, HStHBBaH aBHaMaPa . iKmbbbbB IbbW3T " ' " ?v aaaH ICLLBVVKaaaa'w'BH laRliVB Kt si ifiiiiiiiiLk tV iWx lLLLLLLLLLLL. HAGELSTEIN AND 1ELMER APPLE9ATE CHILLING WEATHER GRIPS EAST WOROEN HAHEO ; SUCCEEDS WHITE m ATLANTIC SEABOARD SWEPT IN MjIIUN rlLtU - ! RY SinDUS- 7FDfl IIIIIHWIFn VI VIVIU1IU, llhu unvLNMinLU VOn.l (MUMMIKK TttKM WITH I IIOAI ML'PKItVIMOU MKMIIKItri OK MCH(Mli IMARI OKMMK ANOTIIKIt MILUi AD-i IIITIO.V MAN AH THK XKW VI HKCTOK there U no cxcum for hta bearios it. I In tbU condition tbisro In, to b ur,'TWHTY.TWO BELOW AI TtMaOW & rrflln Af pAtnfArf llafl rnrllah ! I In Ilace of Prank Ira Wblto. wbol. ,..... ... ... , A.11.HI Kllr.1 by !, IitUni AcalM i rwanily tendered bU rwlcnatlon. the, .. nr.f -. . .. board of director, of tb K1...U, CouneJ of Tchm wm fc, riiui kiiuvii umg cniwo ciisvr i.l.. i:. V. Mtullli AUo Provide for Oar-iiMinx-Ml of Wunlrn ail Hagr4 .irlu hy VlrtiM of TttWr MMr M MrRibrta of IIm Cvtuiljr Board of rmtnlatimni, KtapioyUqc Hvilth. TO AXD roCRTfaZX AT ALBA.VY . , , . . .. t ."JdlrecU'd toward maklnf ootmItm an I AtT?" :." "b'.' lh! T4' clt bodr of uaeber.. ed,t .rli AU FMto T Ite .j". .:.".":. J.r.r. "--.: ii mMi. of u. ..b- IWM5H V 4lt AUUIUUH 1U ! UrratiM t:. V. tBltk, U dafead ant, h tmn inidortd by tba cousty In roxd ork near Fort Klamath, and altcr- that be cannot aattU bcaut hU warrant liaa be cajol&td. Le 8. If uton, t& JiU'.auU acatast Smith to day, atao tlilonad th garalabmaat of William 8. Warden as county judrt and & a nwmbcf of the county board, and of John HaneUteln at mebr of I ho board. The action aa filfd today by Da- I trn through Attorney J. II. Carnabao. It U for tho recovery of H3M4. al MrKisl dui on account. CITY MAY HAVE. SOME WORK DONE rnc of ow a yrar, and will remain '"'' ,orr In fw day to attend to bunlnw mat Vlritliila, I Tlio ciiKuKriiipnl of nnothrr of the chlldrrn of formnr I'rotldont Hocmmv si-tl lift jtut hern nimouncfd. Krmlt I to wxl Mlaa lloll Willard, daughter, of tho American auiuaanador to Hrmln former Ihuiienaiit Kovernor of l'MtlLOYKI, HMOULD TJUEKS HK AM' HKHK XKKUINQ WORK, MAY UK UIVK.V A CHANCK TO KAIIN St)MK WAQKD ' lor. Blnc leavlnx her Mile ha re- United I'rr Uorvlra "mw, jan, in. .TIioMaaaOU wf aided In California, ami lie m a aiannn amy im bitihu. .w hiiih ; Councilman Matthew thought pnrienatrliren kllM, aneral fltew'lHH.lrr for Klamath Kail. roai vircuiia uciie, nnu ona oi in ,l(,vlMi,e ,0 eonildar thu offer mado mom uwumim Kin ever aeH in .... i.rri. Urothara of SO canta oar Thu uueatlou of furnUblns work for th unomnloyod camo bafora tha city dnd In an Informal dlacuaalon of ' ilUiwialiir of tho rock on Third atreet Tho marrlaito will take place prob- ,,.,,.. ,,, atld H1,h ,trB.(. IIKK l llinill ll M (.,..,lli.., M .III.au.. fl.nnl.l II .-. . ......... w..v .wusmv nnd ona of tha EflHEMftBaaWMLafl i VaVaVaVflT .'iBBWaWaWaWBl aBBBBW "?r'BBBBBl bbbbB' -" ? 'bbbbW t aBBaBBBBBBBa.1 - ttfuiTl iJbBBBBBBM bbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbIibbbbbI ' Jcct, eSaclent la our way of praaaat-l Inc It-" JESS WILLARD FREED BY JURY rlally Sew Jwaaf i York's Poor Ata a acMaaioaa Ara I United Praaa Same NEW TORK. Jak. llTka aaAlM leaatera part e UiaTaM attaaaa aaA Canada la today is U rl t tka AFTKU LO.XO 8E8610V. TALESXSXi coldest ware sperkMca4 la year. HKTUltX WITH XOT GUILTY IX AFFAJR -EROICT OF BULL YOUNG nn L Applegate rctora all fait that aectloa waa aa titled to rpreataUon of the board. Mr. Applecate ia a native of the Klamath country, and U thoroughly conreraaat with condition pertaining to Klamath Fails and tho local school. He was the first secretary of the Klamath Water Users Associa-Uom. In addition a terrile sale la sweep Ing the Atlantic const. A treaaeav dous lose to shlppta la feared. At noon the thermometer at Albany United Press Service registered 14 degrees aetow sere. At 1.03 ANQELES. Jan. 13. Boxing ' Rochester It waa 10 aetow, and at was given legal approval by the au- J Toronto It was S3 below. It la grow perlor court of Los Angeles county laf coide,. when the Jury found Jees Willard, I , " ... the heavyweight pugilist not guilty S,m,tar edition. """ 0f prlie UghUng In the case that grew ". "naayivnaia am tne out or tne ratal matcn Between nim-i.e ifngiaaa states. self and Dull Young last August. The sufferings at New Terk'a yeer Ttie Jury returned late yesterday! are Intense and pitiful. The caarit- evening, and brought In their verdict .able organisations are all swamped about noon today. I ay with ptteoas appeals for help. by Boulevard Is Created ever seen waiiiingioii society, mo mam lam- fool for ,0 rock ,,r0vldlng the city I 11. whom homo 1 In Richmond. Is ..... r... iunim it. ru.w r...v nrt oiin of the oldest in the state. To (hauling. New Willard hotel waa named after j i)Urit,K n gonoral debate aa to It, nnd I now owned chiefly by Ihe lW,ti,ur tho city or tho property own- SAYS ALL RAISED ON DAD ENGLISH Committee Will Be Niaed to Assess Damages,; Am williiaiirrnvldloi for (he cro n of ii1(I Hocdad afVoet boulevard !' It ihlr.l reag at last night's "Unit of thn fi coancll, and was oM. This) ro,oael boulevard uti-ml froinKlaalhddltlwi to ,h cnuniy roM( frow tht Ulf ifouiuln, connecting with the county t Ihe clly limit., a distance of J.IH rod. T'" roiuall will appoint a commit. H ", "'f0 r the ground and rmliie ilnmages to be allowed to ""Pwiy owners. After their report , blu "wWd by the council, bids r the work w b6 wMt4 Uf U' or WU to build a iK'tweeii Fourth n waa granted by tho council. Tim reoluton rcgnrdliiR provement Main street cusslou again a temporary delay change of grade necessary on American nmbamdnr. Thl engagement lift been browing for n long time, Moro than a year ago Kermtt Rooiovolt nnd hi sister, Mr. Richard Derby, wcro gucta of the Wlllnrd on n long hunt through Virginia. MU Wlllnrd was ono of tho , . .. ,. guests nl tint wedding which made ml Hlith alrwU,'" .,.,.. nft.v (MIR ItflllV, t.vvV.t. .... .v.. ! Kermlt Uoomnclt, ocond son of tm pay for the blasting and labor, a motion was made to have the finance commllloo and the mayor Investigate tho mutter fully.- If they decide to havo the work done It will probably be ilouu by thoe who really need the employment. ORGANIZATION' 18 FORMXD IN OltKGON TO WORK FOR A VSK OF UKTTKR KXGL18H BY KV-KRYBODY To l.me Hoon. fliwirv.t TrWli a nromlusnt vnunf llm till'.. . i. a. oi. ... i...-i..a. nr !u.t,mix vilj.u n n h UIO lormor pream eui, i mi, niuvoiuo inumui u "" v( w, v.., "' m a a .. ... ft ft 1.. ll.- I ...I.h l. I.....M ftjlaltlftftw l.l !... Um v,, ,,HH WVVU H,M Mft ftl, ,M. ui ki .tri rAH. "", 'oriuer ihvhupih, i i piummo i of Klghth street ""HUminor of l(u2 w ,IM beeu In Ura- who Ii gin laal nig It. an Received ron n ,l(Mlo ' wll u ry delay on account or , , 4 , , . , ,,.., Atkinson, for the paat week. leave shortly for a visit with an- Ki.iiih'll I Ull nnd well sot, nnd has won other sinter at Spokane. Wash. Mr. . 7 . . ... -hi. .Traet ' I'"""" as an athlete. j Traiikio im ueea away ror nve years, ""iJiTiJlld'l Interrupted hi. studies at liar- most of h time being .pent I. the City .engineer McLean was Instructed lo furnish City Attorney J, 8. Kent with the proper ilguroa of the now grade, which would bo Incorporated In an ordinance pawed last night rel ative la the proposed change. Aft tha publication of this drdl nance the council will call for bids on the proposed Improvement, which Is to ha of oil and macadam. Tho eatl mated eost or tho work has ptosed at lll.HMI. vnrd )n I00K to accompany the colo- new section opening up In different ....i .... it... intiAr'M Afrirnn hunt aa parts of Canada. He la convinced photographer to the eipodltlon. Int recently settled Necaacce tho full of It) II ho resumed his stud-,' Valloy Is going lo be one of the groat lc at Harvard, and was graduated In 't countries In the world, and has .,... .,, backed his Judgment to the extent of juno, iij acquiring oxtenalve holdings there. The number of articles handlod by tho Kgypllnn .o.tomce department. Kangaroos on their aatlve keeta during lttia U estimated at 81,l.-lo been known to Jump seventy 503, about 10,000 more then Ik 1111. (' ( . , (HeraM Hpeclal Berrkee) KUOKNK. Jan. 13. To promote tho use of effective English In the schools and colleges of Oregon, and to Improve the Instruction la all lines of English work, aa Oregon Council of Teachers of English haa been formed. "Tho English of the ordinary youngster In this state and in other states, and of tho ordinary college Froahnian, Is 'bad, Incredibly, Intol erably bad'," says-Edward A. Thar ber, professor of rhetorlo t the Unl vrestty of Oregon aad president of tho now Council of English Teachers. "One doesn't havo to go out of one's way to discover that 'Bad Eng lish,' as a despondent writer puts It, 'Is bred In the bone of the average American hoy. Ho hears It every where, on tha street comers, In the sehoel yard aad nt hoate. Ho hoar It la other plaeea, toe, where, fcadaod, Says Klamathites Good HeadofAshlaad Fruit Stare EKMnfedfcy Pupie 5f California concerns, aad the poUay of the associatloa was to central tho market, which made It aeeeesary at times to rush fruk to tho seeae ahead of the California shippers aad seM at a lower price before tha CaliferaU stuff arrived. The California handlers The following la from the Ashland Recerd: The Ashland Fruit and Produce Association sold four-fifths of tho fruit sold In Klamath county the past season, which realised the grower 116.199. It consisted of twelve mixed j neaT..y 0B two pies and two carloads of canned goods aa well as the following small fruits: 660 crates strawberries that brought $806.86; 640 crates raspberries, at 6S0;: 460 crates logan berries, at $348; 1,476 crates black berries, at $886; 680 boxes cherries, $650. Such was the report of A. C. (Ran ger, who haudled the business at Klamath Falls from June 1 to Janu ary 1, as made to the associatloa an nual meeting. Besides this, the store at the Fall sold $19,000 worth el groceries from October 1 to January 1, and the grocery bustaeea aetted $1,000 over all running expenses for the eatlre seven month. Had tho grocery business not been Introduced aa a side Issue, the expense of tho Klamath Palls 'agency would have been $1,000 behind. Mr. Oelnger's story waa latereaUng la details aa well aa la tho ohovo saot as ho waa la .eompetKlea wRa tha tlcalUy deserted tho fold. the California competition, there wore shipments from other towaa la ah Rogue River Valley, hut only AaUaaA fruit waa handled by Mr. Woagar-'l Another feature waa tact the) atattt of the sales waa at pertodi outside markets f the-1" were gletted, aad tho total would havo received almost aotatag. Mr. danger was eaUvatoatk orer tho attitude of the Klamath eeanty farm ers in their enceurageaieat of land fruit, aad decUred that tho pie of Aahlaad ooaM weU afford to coatlaue tho policy of patrealalag sis) products of Klamath eoaaty, K a clear case of each seetlsa and consuming what tho ether eeoUe. doea not, aad the claeines of tha vi cinity allows ready etshsaga , Mr. G (eager saya It would aWfsiaO tlmera tha nmouat of raioed tot Klamath eoaatf aa' few m:m i.? r ! .VJ m I i Li, t i,- if'