K n PER IHraUi ' - KLAMATH FALLS PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT 11 NEWS OFFICIAL NKWiFAPKR M4 "? 3... .$ "J" tf 1 !33csai3r.is m jr; .-. H. '"" t i I I i i ' I " Ugl.Hi Ur .No, 1I.1MI KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1913 VrtmWtn unlng MOTHFR JONES" ARRESTED AT IRINIOAO, COLO,, TODAY BY NIILIIIA; j (( TROOPS HOLD jHTIUItll IIMKIIMII.OI'MWKIW HAH Hi:iW AIUIKNTKI MV UIMIIMIMITMMM WUI IW '' ,"HI WMM t,ii,in,.(v ! rrel Vfca jlp fMiio IUm4Uw KsrMitg Mrfltc-.l. Trtadded Ud Wan After IWlog Tkr Away Tarn ! Agul) NiI larl. t'lt4 IT" TIIINIDAD Cnltt, J. S. " 54etnr ie f"cd fcr jH We to by Meuienaiit Nlcb U4 '! l lb Clrd ,S.lbl i'4 N" " ""1 ,B in fmot4 "l" l ''' H"J'II at i!wp Un luuel, f.r h HI U MltllU Uny 4 travail? di Ik llo a ifao ul wMI ! litttiliil t4e tb Wlp l Ibw plUt tihe Mil bw kept ' Pd i leiihn MJrf frew the governor 4 tk Winn rcwtan4r, "MeUtr Jbh"." hO iJril4 tout . . Mun4 tUlur 4 (b ml by mllltla MM (Ire, B4 ffcl In JVoter. !J1 KlgM the tturtic4 Tfcc lullHM fe ll epfld l kr ! uti night 8h wn r ratloxl to rf tmlrl without tuoleala SOCIALISTS HOLD MINERS' BENEFIT mom:v ih Mii.t.iurrKii run tiik lll'.I.IKI- Of hTHIKKIlM FAMh ui is tin: i-niTKH itiuxtttv. rnMrbl0 lnifri was muni (ic4 In ths Uitetll bvl4 Hun4jr f IriRtxiti It (lie KM-UlUt lct let rsUw (utiJ. tnr itir rmtltn nf ih. itrlMttC minf in hip VtlchUit cptr eu irr. Cr.i4fnlilo wciney im rliw1, !. t ItiU tnrn, TIVi rp mlc by rvrt pr m. II J UVokn, rncvullr from MlthUnn ttti! trlnrlpl tHkr. In Jtlliliui hi idling of condlUoiu Ihrir, tin IttlVr.l u hl RtKUIUl JiMtr. utkliiK a irrrinc lmlktmnt Mliul Ihn irnrnl trltt, Iliiiim I'r.uii i:iihop. Itobott It KuykcDdall rturn4 cm unily i.Yrnlii from tiugtno, whewi ? ipent tli,. ChrlmmtH holiday. A New onirc, f(,r0 Mnlu ln w owner rcI a full Major r i: Wordvn hu purehiMd RrlP ' '" ',"'' ,,,n Xw W,H Ibo mill framn bulldlHK o KtUU ov r "M M r""f" ,,,,roro na, uiMJito ttio WhIU Illcan ho In vlui for California. Hove For a Itoselnterested Will Meet That tt,u ,ioou quMtloit It lo play o liutMirtAiit rolw In th eonlsi nuulclpnl unction la avldeneftit by tho tlltnllon thJw u bnlvt thU WmUoii. ThoNyomt'! ChrUtlau Tmpemiicii UnloiSAupUuod to vo thu rlonini of 'btoa put up to voter., nnd othtrVaraWlBi thto P, ton, n - , Thu uvuiiliiii tlivra will h mU l Uraco m, M. church, to omuldor W fHmon Ru. At tluf MiHlM BACK THE CITIZENS ul, mul t limine u MKHc.l to TelMli Mt4 Mull!, Iln Mill U ll A fral rUll fn. tt.. Hi. IMHr I. Jif, J. V UllUfl li mgr-4 hU;uuelit ti4 li!eli.t ill dy current uRtr (rum Ilia l'lfi Tiut mul ll- torlollrAt, Uirrlnt it Hint fmau lu Unk tul)4lnK Im Ii I 0 ( I 'wjIIIIum lnoeli iil rrj, w vote4 lliu tnlMIti. TO TAX TIMBER AFTER IT IS CUT INniMIt T Wll.l. NT AFI'IUT' IT I NTH, TIIK Tltt.l. .iti: rt.i.MUl, mu:i AM HM IN TtIM MAIIKKT WAHIHN1tN, , (,, J 13,- ' N mtr Uml lll U tlJr ibo Innimo l until tl" llmU-r I cut t4 m(trUt, i4 ihen only ih tfoBi, nr ll !, llife lll Ii.rlo4o tr- Iretfett t Ua Kfo-lhS llmUr, l 4" tlrln1, Wt lo Ul)JcXl Iti UMttUmiU ThU U Ihf lnlrrUllm iUrJ by J H, 4r4ttle, rturr nf Uic Awrr j lu tfli' AtKlllon, rn 4l Inn uf h Ufurr 4ejMittettl 'n',,Bl , ,!,! Huu.Km'S opera liouw. Il.ulijt Tho iMtlN, tti4ctt.utillc Two yrr. mo ltcd fni4rp4 In loJ), l ! rttMet of Hoeiwlarr jjim nl Ui nln'ii vnlerlnlh Itl44li, tn uile4 liiriifwllim j,p Kjun i,y (, waM ,j,tt j,M ro,j0 a o Ue mclbcwl ty which lh In-.miuitm Uuh nl fry, u Tot4 lh cw i Umbr lft4i mlthl i.Ikmi pPii of ihni wiur, B'c llmftll. limn, Miirr Jolm llountou hi - broil kflrr Antlllirir rllKaKi'tnrllt. REX CAFE HAS CHANGED HANDS j. v. mmhii'ikt h tiii: .vi:v ritni'immm, hi'Vimj tui: in. TKIIITm Ol' JAl'K HKIIrilllli:il (l:il IN TMK OlNCKUV Halui4y lillhl al 13 o'cliKk, J. V,J Mn4quUI Iih'V tnMu.ltm of lltr Ho caf, ImtlnK rmilrlpl 4fl r-arllcr In Hie ilay for Ibo Mrch t M' !Miimtr rmtautanl Intro J. . Ilrb iHtrnor. Mr. l.lml.juUl, IbouKli a youiiK man, l nullf an rftUurr4 caiomr, batlntt bwii rnnaRnl In Ihlt lltit tut novrral ear. j llofttrr Kitltm Into llto ralrrliiB bul ne. Mr. l.lnilquUl Imr4 iho many jilrlalU of rurnliliiK nwelUUi UwX lo a liutiKry nubile whllo hol4ln llm iolllou af chief lwrit,n Iho Orl- rnUI ii4 Ofclilcntal Hloatimhlp Hup. it. nn.iiirr will remain In tho Dry Town it M.L Church Tonight thorn preaout will dUoiu plana for n campaign at tho city election In May. Thoa iOoKliig Ibo cloning of loona In Klamath Fall fool auro Hint they will place tho aalo of liquor un dor tho ban, Tho womuu'a voto la bolni counted upon by thla faction. It will not bo all oinoolh aalllsg for tho urohla. though, aay othera. It la argued that the aalooua In KU- ath Kalla iro very few, anu tnai wr T ..'... . i . nr.iwlv are aiwaya cuiunvnu . -.--.-. OPIE READ IS TO BE HERETHE 26TH iMciiHw htmv.Motr novi:mt, WILL I'.NTtittTAlX KI.AMATM' li:ol'.i: WITH giMI.NTMTtlllllM AMI AMX'INKTIM i 1 1 01 llvail, lio ia written moroj jiiinrtriru iimini in mi nnr nner Ainvr r 'Urn nullior. tli mmi (to ) mfxtt lil ItriMt A.iir In KUtiutli KIU Juury 2lh Iln will (l.ii otlv of III litttirct MuUtlut. ba Jlitl urrrlril In ! .curflic Itrml In tnciurr on thai 4aln. ll arcottiitUliri, bnwntvr, only nT oluulnou ciri,ind,ht with iihr ltinih-.MU)tim l.ycwutn bur?au METHODIST MEN TO GIVE BANQUET INVITATIONS Wll.l. Hi: IKKt'lUI. AN, yvu M-X Wll.l. HI. AHK. till TO IIIIINfl A VOUNO MAN WITH HIM A mrn'a banqurt ll Up alvrn Mon day tvcnliiK In thp (llnlni room of (Irate M. K, church by Ibo men or the church, luvltatlona for IhU will be Wmiiut noon. Tho ftfTalr I known h a Father- Hon banquet. Uach KUMl K anKM 10 brim Hh him hla aon, or some other youiiR man. Hon. II, t.. Ilenaon will totut- maater. The other lata wm n follen: Wvlromo ........ (Icorso J. Walton "The Chureli an Annet to the City" J. W. Dryant The llualtieaa Man'a Church" Herbert 1). Oalo "Tim Young Man and tho Church." J. Cmn 'The I'rogreaalve Sunday School" : r. m. upp "Tho lllblo CIbm" ... C. R. Wlddoea "Tho MImIoii of tho league' . . '. M. M. Chlleote The OuUooh". .Hov. R. C. Rleharda t'liilergiM Operation. Claude Maxwell, who I conuected with tho Star Drug company, under went an operation Saturday for the removal of hla tonall. Though atlll Houinwhat Ul from tho effecta of tho ether, ho la up aud around again, wearing tho cherubic amlle that haa made him fntnoua. Hark From Kugena. Circuit Court Clerk George Chaa tatn returned Saturday from Eugene, whero ho wW 16 charga ot Ma brother, who wojtt to hava nut ayai ., - . - - - . 1 r ?Br iH r VILLA'S TROOPS MARCH TOWARD MEXICAN CAPITAL ;om,v Tiutri: humiuki) wii,i hk- MAIN ATOJINAOA -- "Tt "- ", nm nr vr-i,, Hp-()ullltld u tilrcn Frvali .MiiiuiU ( Chlliualiua Ttierv Tliey Will IUi JbiMrti by Olltr Ikrtrolu ti.i,rj JUaU,'Ha)a Villa,, aiMl Um C.lul Will reou iU In Tltdr Orip United i'rvaa Service I'll i:HI 1)10, T, Jan. 13. on-' rral I'ancha Vllln. at the bead of I, Sot) r-bl trooB, utarted today for Mfdro City. Thpy welt tnlrch oter Imul to Pnlomlr, wheto they rntraln for CtithuahUM, tho mini capital. Arrordinn in Vitt. there tl army ill frt for a ta day, and will b joined ) a moblllmilon of other ret- olutlnnar; iroot. Tbry will all be mui! inilre ii ev outntu, and receive now hore. With tbl luticr tutti Villa wilt trt for Torreon From there the Uihi.m lll be dlipovd lu battle for-. mutton. i Trooi arc lo Irate hpre dally aa reinforcement until t!f norrUon l, i'i-.)iii-fd to aoy. Sir James Whitney, ' Premier, Is Sick Sir Jiimcs Whitney, tho premier ot Ontario, l cry III In Now York city. For seeral weeks he has beeu lu the Hotel Mauhattnu', where ho Is being attended by Dr. Herman M. Itrlggs nud Dr. R. A. Pyno 8r. Dr. Pyno Is a .......ii.'.r nt Iln, nrMinlnr'tf cabinet, be- i.iv.i.u,.. - . . -- i n .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbNHIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! I IBM - 8. llT t5w M'BBBB I MmWMIImimmm i mmsfJWMmliE mmmmiiBmmA tgaBBBBBaVWlaMBBBBBBBH BBBBBamJaVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRBBBBV tsaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaPPZ f W; 1- JaBaaaaaaaB Ins the mlnUtcr of education. ,r' " "" Whou Sir James fir I camo to Kow THAT HK WILL 1IR A CAXDI- York ho was suffering from a nervous WATK yqh THK umtkD STATES ... ............. Il Ilun. Ihnu.hl m Iahv. IIIUUHVUinil. '.. JM" .. rest would restore him. Out ho did not Improve, and aovoral daya ago the patient's weakness affected tho heart. The ) mptom was considered aerlou. whereupon Dr. Rrlgga waa called Into consultation. A rancher has applied tor the tental of 390 acre on tho Pike Na tional forest, Colorado, to be used la cnonectloa with other private laad, for raining elk aa a commercial ven ture. The government hu Just sold !, 000 cord ot cedar wood for ahlaglea fio mtho Wiuhlngton National forest. Tho ahlaglea manufactured from thla wood, laid alx lnchoa to the weather, would eovar Itt . aallaj ! nt. Raoul Madero, Younger Brother ot Murdered President, With Villa t amRgP ateM " vT 4 JF4 "T EBBHVaatfatidBBBBBfeUM7aBBBgl I JaggHggS aW S' rlr t :.- i 4aHaW " tK liw,.- tit' fr 4 le ittvf. -t tfcY M H,ft jj' aiftJ 'ii-eVvt!ggttw Wl H mmmmKlmilJm iT1' . ggwggggiW' "LSgB agag kK BBBBBBBBBBBHam. " (LHhalgBV HHlt LLLBLkBwiBwllLLLLLVlfr -aKjgBaiMgBtax-ii-jwk--- itaoul Madero. younger brother ofMadero family. ereral member ot tb murdered prealdent ot Mexico, la now the chief adtUer of General I'aucho Villa, conqueror ot Chihua hua City, one ot the walthlt town lu tho whole country. The young man knew 'that he could not be frleada with Frealdenl Huerla, whoae pur poio teemed to be to exterminate the HOPYARO RIOTIS BEFORE TRIBUNAL1 FOUR MKX FACK TRIAL FOK MTJR.J TAL CI-IKH XKAIl WHKATL.1XD IMtt FALL United Press Servlco ! MARYSVII.I.K. Calif.. Jan. 12. Tho Joint trlnl uf Richard Ford. Her man Suhr, William Reck and Harry Ragan, chargud with the murder of District Attorney K. T. Maxwell and Deputy Shertflf Eugene Reardon, dur ing the rlota at tho Wheatland hop ranch began today, nud the Impanel 'ing of the Jury Is proceeding this af ternoon. The trial Is Invested with national Importance from the fact that the federal commission ot Industrial re lation had special representative present. In the riot two unidentified labor em wore killed and several wounded. WEST'S SUPPORT TO CHAMBERLAIN ,.... .,......... ... .. v nevien .SENATE Uulted Press Service SALEM. Jan. 12. Governor Os wald West today declared that ha will not be a candidate for United States aenator. The governor aald bo waa loyal to Bonator Chamberlain, and expected to glvo him hla aupport. Tho atata university lauda In Art- tona arc to bo lumbered under a co operative agreement between the gov ernment and tho atata land commla- Blon. Arlsona la the flrat atata la the floutuhweat. and on of Ua taw in the country, to cut lu unbared land en foreatry priaclplao. jgfc- which escaped to Ne? York city. lint Ilaoot M.d.ro r.malned In hls.bruh. Tlt n wi natlvo country. He has been with "-50 r toJ eight hours' work. Villa sine the Uklng of Jaurex.JTew, cnmrw! 4 w"k acrou the Rio Grande from El Paso,, Texas. It is possible that much ot the! uccs ot Villa, the ex-basdlt. boon due to young Madero. baa WILL DEBATE IN THIS CITY FRIDAY KLAMATH 1UGH AXD HIGH DKH.TIXG TUVMS WILL MKirr FOR PIOXSHIP IHrtTRICT CHAM-1 ( f To dedde which Institution wmample instead ot returning them to . D .. the arm wnich tney represent, consu- represent tho Southern Oregon dls-i & dUcr,mlBmUoa tfttait th, trlct lu tho dnal debates ot the Ore-I chanta ot th9 lomty wner, .y gon High School DebaUng Le'ague. jare soWt aDj j, m criminal offense. tho debating teams ot Ashland high! The ruling was made at tha request school nnd Klamath county high j of Joseph Simon ot Portland. high aehool will meet In Klamath j Tho sale ot tho samples constitute. , , , . , ,.. u discrimination, because on the sam- FalU Friday evening. Tho debate ,. , .. , rf.. will be held at Houston's opera house. Tho qucbtlou Is: "Reselved: That ,,any tnan u giTen on regular shlp the policy embodied In tho California ' ments of merchandise. antl-alleu land bill should be adopted In Oregon.' Klamath county high baa the nega tive side ot the argument. The local school will bo represented by Forrest Plot. William HageUteln and Miss Fren Wood. ItuslneM Mau Hack. George W. Bradley, who has been J In Portland attending to business in-i tcrests, Is home again. He haa taken charga of the removal of his store to the Stewart building. "Sixferquarter" Is Dead Portland's Carfare Ordmiice Declared" liraa. Uulted Press Service PORTLAND, Jan, II. Tha ordi nance recontly passed by the city com- matslon ordering the local traction companies to aoll alx car rides for tS centa, has been declared void In n verbal decision by Federal Juda Bean. Tha ruling waa made n Ua WEST PROVIDES A MEAL ANO PLACES FOR UNEMPLOYED FOHTV JOIVH OIVE.V OX PltOPCRTY TATK I Army of the Unemployed Routed Oat I of Camp In Church BMtnnt aad . Kent to Iteataanutt for Meade by j KtccBtttr Mm at Work Cleertec I IaniU Are to Receive $tJU tor tiiKlit Itoara Work. United Preaa Serrle I SALEM. Jan. 1 2. XlMty-elght a I employed men, who aaarebed froaa Portland to Satem to deasaad work 'from Governor Oswald Weat. reeelrad fthj. atirrirl nt fhj,lf llv thtm mtnvmm Ing when West bought their break ftiti for them and provided forty of them with Jobs. The army laat night camped la the basement of the Pint Congregational church. acro the treet from Weat'a i residence. At 7 o'clock thla morning Uvest erotsed the street, routed the men out, and sent them to a restau rant for breakfast. When the men returaed to the church wagons were waiting, aad for- stltutlons. Here they war pat to i work doing farm work, clearlas ft TRAVELIN6 MEN CAN'T SELL GOODS ' R.ULHOAO COMMIS8IOX FOUKDS - THE SALE OF SAMPLES BY DRUMMERS, MAJOXO IT CROC SULAXD ix.Uj OFFEXSB SALEM. Jan. 12. Accordlag to a ruling laid down by tho sUte railroad jcommlsUon the custom of some traveling salesmen ot selling their JllV-a (UU1U ittiuinviv tiaiuiinfi Mva, grates are given by the railroad com- The ruling Is In conformity with n similar decision rendered by the In terstate Commerce Communion. Mothers Meeting. A mothers' meeting will be held at I 219 High street tomorrow afternoon. i under the auspices ot the Women's I Christian Temperance Union. Mrs. 'Knlnear will be the principal apaaker. Post cards with a folding flap at , one end tor mailing small flat articles have been patented by Washington man. city's motion to diamlaa the tajane- tlon proceeding instituted by tM Portland Railway, Light and Fewer company, to restrain the enfereaanait ot the ordinance. Judge Bean held that the conflicted with Ue powera et SUte Railroad Commission, had Jurisdiction orer fmbsw corporations. - m mm m ,ji j Itraatea. maanar.