Cunning IfteraU KLAMATH FALLS' PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS OWICIAI, NEWSPAPER i ' i i .tiujiiii-iriiaii -f-BMtlm TBwifi nrsMnrxumi.i tHihlii Vr .'. . KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10. 1914 Prt ! h IRWIN'S Bloody Race War JH?lflLVmV1m(m LATEST SUIT BY R. N, DAY SEEKS TO ENJOIN PAYMENTS OF CLAIMS " BY DETECTIVE AND PROSECUTORS on-MU I.IIMIIKH 'IH U niWl.V MUStV 1'I.AIMft M ATfACriKD II, c I i.uulj t xuil tr Jinw iirr. tl Hull I. I llnl Iti iMalltUle Um.i Muftli IMRLAA, lMMt f(,Uln;rt ViImIim; lrMtcHrtr ty ltx Ut ADtil,cr eblrr w MU'tc Irt I lie til mil (uiiH trgUlrr today uioUr the nil? it n- .r ., WiUUtii H. Woe Irtj tt at ThU utnt uli m t rlUd by U isniWraun I drouth bt attorney, Kuin.lil a tVutn, rk m In ulhUlo warrant -unit ll.iii.lS. nCT rtp IiuuJ hi i do IWeml'or (urn e( i ho county court, sua Mm suit HfC" Ibej ett (or UilllhUry Tfco .l)ft liluw d4l py 1 1, .g( M Io II;b x nn it order department. Tin- worn to rslrlt It u Kiwi Morloy. hU rritl. (ur 301. HO, MttK at tacked 0t of tii-cr u (t,r jirofuurlii vt Jor. Jiir iU iati, mill u (or MOO, rVf hu centre jt dtetllve for KUnuih rauniy ( hn another war rant tor (too hlrh , j,0 stacked. A ihlnl arrant (or 10S,IM was l. u-d io Morlry (or "nBlary and It.r ihi. nrm half of October ttnU tho laat hulf i, IWemUr, a, all M io the dUulci attorney' office," llnrarn M Manning' warrant (or KSo a, iViuty r(McciulH nlloriuy I ! atich.,i The ull nUu k l tmicrl u,o wrtrrunt Imiip.i 0. M. Give Miners' Socialists Have Arranged Tim In. di MielnlliU, having boon ompelled to (ef,,r Ihelr obaervanco "' li day net apart na "Children's ly ilmlr national organliatlon, VchhIht 3Slh( w, hoW R waUn r Hint imrpnan tomorrow afternoon l o'clock, nt tho socialist head 1rUn oi, Konrth street, near Main. I- illdrim nf tin, local aoclallaU will "wirr some of tho numbers on tho program, lini ocn apoaksrs will live remiiiio of cntues loading to tho W'ssnt iroublM t10 grMl coui,0r "' ( Michigan which have rem flr.'ii i, federal Invoailgallon nece. ry, J'. J, Wunka, recently ot Dstrolt, J" ronsoiiM to deliver nn address. .' ;V,'",,'' rcles In that local pa iwh hay, oumcttHl much MUntton. mcititiiuiiy, ilmH. will be touch.d on what socialists are pltased to - " . lU Si ( (r 1159. Imi4 (or rtk the Arrni lur-l itin MsiaI4 romiwoi rr 13 (or tulilttUttiK ilht rurl' tfltrr lo U ut)r t ;ihtl44H in IJ oll Uur iv J. K. lOcltn 4 Ho, IuwIkt l b;l4tra ISH . KUmU Tlto r4 Tel efiuiilj towt'ooj. iyfi'llM (or r) 'irttrfc. 13 T6. talilili tli rrui. EXPENSES FOR MONTH GIVEN I'UUJIUT IH'ltl.Ml TMi: MII.VTM OF im: itMiuiH i:.STAtt.i:i as oit. v f Muiiw :iuiit:kn fllOl'M.WM lMH.Ults tllf (Otto UK tPlOfl Ol rXt'flllll' Iuip iindrr llio ICUmolb ymjwt In Ktinbrr ! b- irarnmltlMl by l'loJri MAnr J (I ('int Ftorp itirrAiii eokI8 I JVar lVi rirr0lr, vKt 4tloi and maintananrti tAi Itlvor dum. oKritloii and rnalntonnnro . , . . TMt lalir reclamation K.otul I'hll tntrral Irilf ttlft .... . Kiiin ranal, oiwratlrui and Amount ss.ej StS.33 its. SI 31.40 l,90.9l inalnlpnanrii , Adam canal rtiUrnieiil . I.ind, rUhla and ioHit)' I mi I'nlt, oiwiratlon and tnalntrnnnrn .... . first Unit, dralnavo . S,3&0.3. T I? t,0O3 1,705..'.': fl7,lti1J,7l ' Tolal pM'iidliuroa Benefit Here Program for Tomorrow r'(er t na "tho prt-ncnl revolution," ns evidenced by tho prenent wide spread Jiureat nf labor and tbo I'rao tlrai warfare In Lawrence, Little Kails, Calumet, Trinidad, l.oa An Kelt's mid oUowhoro, Invitations to partlclpnto hv been UautMl to all tho local mluUlera of tho goapel, nil but two of whom havo do cllnnd to date, on account of prior engagement. Donation will h received for tho benoilt of tho children of tho atrlkors ul Calumet, which was so recently tho Meant of olio of tho moat horrifying cataatrophes In labor annala, nearly nil ot tho victims' bslng children. Htninim similar to tho llod Cross stamp are on sale by tho local organ isation, Kvory one welcome, wpoclally workiaiMMt and tholr famlllM.' OFFICE EXPENSES lJf fc -.... . SECY WILSON IS ! GOING TO SETTLE CALUMET TROUBLE in;i'iitT e turn iiih oitii.'i: :iv iitUH oi'i:ic,Tiih rirlllM'lll WfMMtrtl llic ll,t- In ll.r 'l.' r Ctiutill) I t'r(lcifMl lijr llir IVMilllirt(l "I Irititur, UtlUtl Hah IUtii .Makltiif a l0irllnlluu ..( (.iiilllll'tl N'l ..(.Iliit.u U lf IHinl llrenliii: (tirUiiuaii llnrior t lilted I'lvis, rtrlto WAHIUSUTtlN, l. 0., Jau. 10. llio drtmrtmrttl of labor today pub Mr4 a tift critlrlilnc Uto orat i t Calumi-t In tbrlr trvatmoni of Itv trk-r and rlkrbrpak-r. Tbc report ootllnr tlto mediation Serrt'lwry Win. II, WIIou piiilKwIlloiu, nit of which the operat or have rejected, Tboro vMid only u puhmIiik rofureuco to tho panic of Chrlxtmii Ke, In which 7f. live wero ol, mot o( whom wero llttlu children. iwmi f'iusttivisivi Tim report contained a furmnl oititi or (no tact nun tno couuiiion in tho atrlko ronton, which knnwlodge wn Kiilned by three membeia of the dvpurtment who wero sent thoro to IBa'I''viS'!ldIH 71 I 2ffv"Uri I rnmm . ?w M L V r make nn ntlempt to settle tho atrlkc.'ouly ouo family In I'ioiii lm Valley, Mr. mid Mm, 'U!lrothtrton aro lu tho city todVon " "hopping trip from lliolr iimrlr-ln the I'oo Valley district. ii . ' Kxporlnu'iit by ncijunrlum expert linvo ludlriited that alt water baths will euro noma III of fresh water fish, while fronh wnl or make Kick deed sen donUun well. A largo mirror placed on tho log crnrlugo of tho muwiiiIU enables tho sawyer to miiko a survey of both end of tho log, with tho view, of economy. Starts in South . . . MWtMVWWWXW l!WWMWMMVVVgVMWWMWMV ILD HAVE PtDIGREES FOR ALL HUMANS AOVCM'ATI lll'MA.V HTtM'K HIIOW I iii:itf:.KT:it 4 Itlur KIMmmi Hip Mua Wot rllllrlll EUGENISTWOU 11 ItoBtircAl Uosor'Anurlrao Political Science Aocl- lit ,hi) (Mltrm .lUracllnc Umt ,Naltiiutl Ctmfrrrtirr on ILmv llet lrnuri t'urwanl Souto Miulllaa; .Nrw llrmnlkt. United l'rM 8rttc llATTl.KCUliKK, Mlcb.. Jau. 10. Or J. II. Kllo(. of Uatllcr)k to day read mvw -bfort lb opulus -lon of tbc National Confrncoon Itacu llctterment. advocating tbo lr Inc of ppdlcrom to oxtry trfct malo and fpmalo of tbe human apociea, and tiKKcted tbe Kiting of human atock b..., clalmluK that the blue ribbon j -.c i .n . i..i v" men. of tbe raw would U aouielhtng to bo extremely proud or. !n making up the pedigree be aaya tbat It ahuw the physical, mental and moral makeup of anceatora. He aUo ald The fcay to ntlmulato right living I. to rtabllih the eugenic record and liiHllicree book, i'eraona who have be ti ptoiiouuccd perfect can register Ibelr iw names, and their children wilt ultimately hate a lluo of people j abotalni; the- reult of the movement low ant race betterment. Wo want cood men and women. Why not pro- ceixi In the Hamo manner ns In raising ' i fancy hri, Iiok. etc.?" I llu propov that tbo American (turtle A.aoclnl!on start the pedigree work. t Dr. I. McKecn Cattell, protestor of ipltlloiflphy at Columbia University kImi iiddreucd tbo meetlug, and 'niuoriK otllor things, said: "lu order that tbo oxlttlng popula- j tluu mny bo maintained, or, Indeed, ' that tbo rnco may survive. It will ap-1 parcntly be uvceaaary to mako u euitenlc aelectlou at healthy mothers I and to provide that the coat of lug und roaring children shall bo equally shared by all." Dr. Cattoll' array ot statistics lu rtKtird to tho tremendous declines In 'tho world's birthrate created a sensa tion. Coutluulut; bo said: Tho completed family ot contem-j . 11IU liiii'ivivii ssetMss vs. wvHveiM- ro-lpornry sctentltlc man is about 2; the: survlv ing family aoout i.s, auu ino number of mirvlvlng children for each Hcletnlllc man about 1.6. Twenty-two per rent of tho families are childless; lu 76 Is larger than lx. Tho amo conditions obtain tor college graduate. If the site ot fam ily of college graduates should con tlutiu to decrease as It did during tho nluetcouth contuury, studeuta grnduntlug lu 1936 would have no children. If tho birth rates In Kng land. (lermnny and France should contluuo to decrease na they have since 18 80, there would be no chil dren born a hundred years from now. In Franco tho population Is sow sta tionary, while lu somo departments thoro aro four deaths for every three births. In other nations an Increaa- (Continued on page 4) Secretary of Commerce Wants Eight Hours to Be Working Day Kttrutary Wip, C. Hedd;l4 of the, ilt'liartiiurnt of coniurr fit'rcs&v (he lullcf tbm ll would U "far let ter for the pocket u well u the tcacti of iuIiiJ of omiiloyeri" If lb-r would M-ork llirlr men onlr elRbt hour a dir. lie wu paklnK before" lli Atimrlcan Aociatlon for tabor. prtfrtlr-jicfllltlon, hlcb li mtttlnic with ih lloo. I "I bclltro," the Micrelnry ald."tbat when our factorlca are run o that tbo workmen so homo without tielng fatigued from over Iouk hour, and not till then, will wo b able to com pete luccefjfully agalnal all Comer In tbc markets of tbo world. I could not afford to employ In a factory men who aro half alck, who come to work after having bad bad breakfaata, who aro partly poUoned; they would be economically unprofitable. And yet fatlRUo In part poUon." , Secretary Hed field aald there abould R Ul0rougn udJ. mftde ot conil,. ultH under which men work beat. lXM, ,ubJ(vtl of ,h) human eiefaenl u (manufacturing, bo added, which could i nct bt treated from tbe mathematical -jandpolnt. Auatln 11. Uarretaon, president of 'tho Order of Hallway Conductors, told I " tho aaaoclatlon that In 1913 there had these, men. nor can It restore the Uvea mianiry, carairy artillery are been 3C1.000 violation of he lawost. through accidents due to fatigue-! tuobnu1 " JohannesbHr. ready to 'prohibiting tbo working of a trainman During the past year an army of men'ru forwrd' Owing to the strike ao J more, than alxlecn hours In one day. running Into the millions hare worked, ,ra,M hare l1 tnew 'or tWrty-ete ;Tho law of averages, he aald. would In excess of ten hours on a stretch." hours SPECIAL PROGRAM AT M. E. iKVKXIXO HOUH OK WOK8HII' WILL 1K DKVOTKD TO SOXO- fiKltVICK 1XHTKAD OK THK KKO UliAH HKKMON Tho following program will be re- bear-,dorod at tho Grace Methodist Eplsco- pal church Sunday evening at tbe rgeular hour tor preaching. 7:30: Voluntary Instrumental Duet-Br. and Constance Fisher Hymn "All Hall tho Power ot Jesus' Name." Prayer Vocal nolo Mrs, K. O. Deardsley. Scripture Reading Announcements Otertory Hymn "Rock ot Ages" Hymn "Jesus Lover ot My Soul" Vocal solo Mrs. Don J. Cumwatt Hymn "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" Hymn "When 1 8urvey the Won drous Cross' Vocal solo Harold Klnuear Hymn "Blest Re the Tie that Binds" The stories of the writing ot the hymns and anecdotes of the authors will be given bristly by the pastor. A cordial invitation I extended. A new bayonet lies along the barrel ot a rllle normally, but la thrown Into PoUUon for service by pressing a but to lion the stock ot tie weapon. CHURCH gggBKBJgKgg gggggKr$?HSgS ggaa:''-T-gl gggggP -? K agggggggggggBggMl V aggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggBgggggggggggggHMaf iH ggggggggggggggggflgBII gB' fl aaaaaHaggggggggLEV' gggB gccccccccccBrm t dH gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggVX1 K viiigH ggggggggggggggggggggggggKJgggggggggggggggggggB ggggggggggggggggggggggHv ggggggggggggggggggB gggggggHPP'v gt gggfl gk. ggggB MggL bow that thla waa but a amall portion of the number ot men employed. "And yet tho law of averages." he "declared, "doe not nlvo anv rest io " " Franco baa spent 135,000,000 In planting trees on tbe watershed of Important streams. With money from tho lotterfund tbe Cuban government will erect forty new hospitals throughout the Island. 1 Dance Tonight. j Something out of the ordinary Hi 'bo snrune at a dance to be Klvan at Houston's opera house. The music ftaturo will be furnished by Slater and Finch, who are appearing at the air- UnA of Ford. A carload of Fords arrived today, They will bo unloaded tomorrow by (ieorge Blehn, local agent. County Worth $255200 Of This, toe Old Court HosRepreotJ$4$,000 Klamath county's property la worth n little over a quarter ot a million. ThU U Hi a wv It la nallmatad hv County Clerk C. R. DeLap, In a report to the state oQlclals. The total valuo la set at 3356,800. Of this amount tht old court house lepreseuts a value ot 48,000. The land and improvements are placed at S.u9,000, The value ot the buildings, fixtures and furniture la set at 19,000.1 The nsw court house site, land and HIT Africa NINE THOUSAND NATIVES FIGHT AGAINST WHITES , MILITIA AND POLICK HURRIKD TO THK 8CENK Troop Are Betag Moe4U4 bb All Iaru of the Cokmjr, Md for AcUve lltrvlre BaMamy I ia Piocie Make tbc IMayatrfc ut Hrfp to TreaaMe rrofioaUieav PRETORIA. Soath Africa. Jaa. 10. I All tbe available mllitU aa4 aollce of Dloomfoateln are betas pat o special trains beaded for Jacenfom ' teln. where 9,000 satires bare started Ian uprising and are attacklas all I Europeans. j A reign of terror exists tsere. ac I cording to reports. The blacks are 'over-running the people and lootlas the homes. , On account ot tbe strike oa the railway matters are worse. Tke sec rtaery and presldeat ot the maloa were arrested today, charged with be- lnR lntnnntal In obstructing tbe i of relief trains. M S - ... ' JAOERSFONTEIN, Jaa. 10. It Is reported that twelve white nasa were killed, seven naUres killed and fatty 'wounded In this morning's fighting. (The Ruropeans succeeded In tempo rarily dispersing the natives, but a fresh attack is feared. The attack by tbe natives upon tbe Huropeans comes as a result of the cnaottc conditions resulting from a ; general railroad strike through the I'rltUh colonies. For fifty years Norwegian women In the noatal aerrtea hare bees said the omQ uiu(va as men for the anase work. , An association of English poultry- men who send about 300,000 eggs to ' London each week are candling them , with X-rays. i improvements, Is worth 110,000. The value of the funding, natures, etc., u . et ftt 170,800. In me county iarm, accoreissJ ( De Lap, tbe county has fit.OOt. Tbf 76.89 acres ia valued at 17,000, and the building, ete.. at SII.Mt. There are 676 miles of lmf '. roads in the county, and l.IIf 111 a ot highway unimproved. TswrwcK machinery, etc., has a valuo 4 lie.'- 000. Bridges represent a uatloa of I70.000. r" tmi I I m m IJ