iaimma Iteratl. KLAMATH FALLS' Ol'KICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS W -jk.uuvtK-: i:itiii. wi -" KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 8, I914 i 3V - iaJM . a. .mmwaaai i h a rjBT asr ttsST r PEN BOA? OVER TAKE THE FIELD TWO DAYS IN SEA, AGAINST REBELS! CREW DRIFTS IN SAY HUERTA WILL Typical Mexican Children Rendered Homeless I PER BACK TO i (liWI'IMMi to AIUNIMN IH'HN. HM'Oltr I it ItttHM AUAIS l, imj vr.u thi: cai'itai, . ....-Li IftUllll MI ' ttitro Him.tir.1 Mile- Frww .r ,r.i IUfc. ' Tel"1" KrMMMHL Ar Mill I'ltn tlilr l'...i OjliMKrt. Wl'rinr tllr) llHtinl oil I .MiM. (.) -Il U IU-lrr. Tlml III" I ltrlliitiii-til :wf-i Urt (4rl'lliirl, tl Muff HlMllKtll I WrtHlnt llrfufl- .tilt mi. III. I tu4 i'i ttnlt AUTtHtlA Jt. , Drifting for HI, l,aq. b t of , 5 wil" ' 1.1(1 Uiec i M ,t( 0"" fc,i Kitt-l ei January 84. s the ,tlcir ..( captain T H Msietcls. u Hire nJ i children, ! of ,iuc roit. Mr abandoning lb HtftUb fcM. lUHlr Abbot, wbWh glutei fefl t,Ufj Tlit., l vUta f tb Kiiui. n4 csptaln Mmim " n.loo k.rtelj Th ttibif of rtuu Mrn' family ! Ue iUulict lfp HmIc Mexico ctrr. Jan thai Hunt l tm ptntldcnr) au .fjlx lkn In tlir rM.l al llir td of hi M l cur- it again I IJirto l no rvlilUiualllt if lljl ff ' -n. im ii u twfuim. i Tllo lelHUI in i4lit itm I 1 Vhtlnt lr Ufr I'ltMUDIO. TM. Jk ,--Tt.rr h U?m n" nltllnt at OJtnaca 1b lt1lr lt(aiMi6, 4tlrll I tic frfxU rr4.r ntf rallp a). fMim lrl ( UtrmUhUlt'ti i H U llvl iba( ilo nri iPtnul tu to t nnf lb" "nr luf - im u ,r .irnHt of ieW iflnrutrc ' cm yPSK MTt jJflHHCH m9 ? tf.r t T" .oSV slkHsSfc ltd -1 CITY WHENCE HE WAS DEPORTED IS STII.I, HOTHKIIKD ItV WOUND IV TIIK HUOt'UIKK Hr4l or Uw Wttlni KdMUea of llnrni Ion ot I-ook tor Aar At tack trt.cn AJIUace, a Rctt of tfoTerMiacat'a Intrrrut, mmA thm l'rcflt CwavraUoM of Out Hoagti Ion County tiniad Jury at Uaacock M rifimcr U lll'l Attef MlM ff)W New. ii Vtt.u.U fkioUr ih. wtitt MftU cfl 111 'ARfOMc On it JUs ot lcmlrf thff tiU4 In lft lots ! el. llf l)i rf U4 t-"ft l.ufhlo fof aUiui ! V. CHlh Uilrr UII lhl lb Icwl moi.lnt tjj brft tl iUJor-l am) full ( rwl go. I bi(B t f'ul-ltr il44 !" ( IbU 6 I Ifen rll llHllrUJJ ID. l rtaecfalril I'lOUatil) Oftt) a rl ( lrM"r' llK f. tlt Tl fMrtH fr Ui agcr In VliwUhr SEEKS A MACHINE TOR THE SHERIFF Ai) rr Mt o (ram Hip t irtli (u Ut ouit, nI from tho I'addc to tJie Atlantic, ttter are ibouaanc! of homel children whoae parcnu hare ltti .liwn Horn illr tovl I- Hi Iftvurt Ktinn. Atitooe the oortr claaA the auffcrirn has been far greater than among thoe of mean. While the ,(P tiiue Mn:r. ii lltr on a vrr iii ft II Infotuo ami U Itappr on a turn ufQcleut for the family of an American farm band or citr laborer, the j.iir i roitutmcti. frrlutl 1 1 alJ to h )ltUul Uy Uioo who have travollis through the countrr. The am ill farmers and cattle raUera hare Un teltirt u the (xlni bett? Otff tan do no ninre work than Kill bring them In a bare living. With local government disorganized and coaaUat I )Iii'Iiim1 by l.an.tn. lieit illilo lodujlry Jlnlw haa known U at a tundillll. SECOND ST. SUIT WHITE RESI6NS TRIES TO PRY SHORT COURSE DEFENDANTS MEET FROM THE BOARD. OFF A SCREEN FIRST OF MARCH IUrliHt ItxuH'l, jtie: At-f VTa i m nir iMar, r, turnlnr I'om hi tU4r llt In Hti I'ruurii.c V Wrtd will prv?4 Id1 tali utiffc in ilr Wfwd Hirer rMnlr ihU rrniur r inmrmow, I i A iijuni lhi tli oiiiui)' rouri ( 1U In 'Ti.wn. ,iftu n aMtumobll" lurtlip jbrr- . Ik ..... .. . . .. , th. ,iHm fT1rv Wab trlei.in t 111 a fl nt H.-kfitl Ut .ll I.rm. t In tit fllv lodaf iAllotrjrjr hI II Mill. A'1 f"l"l' . , a a miMiiif. nf Lu.Iiibm. drnM by Jnl Vilrn ctit'.vn1 rn'T. tiionai. iti:irii i I'nmiAM. tun. ,inii tiu'.v fi.vi:VA.vt;: J i suitiv wu.i. hi: hi:i.h at city HAM. TlMOHHOW MtlllT TO iiih-hiimim: ceihi: in NOI.H's ACTION r'wii.i. ml1 II. Vi: IN A SHOUT TIMK TO THIS KVKXIXU. THOffiH. AXY AT. I WAY SKt'ttHAI. MONTHS. TIIIT AT INTltfSIO.V INTO United I'ress Service OKKCN BAY, Wla., Jan. 8. Preal ' dent lloyer and National Organiser 'Tanner of the W eaters Federatloa of Miner, paaaed through here ea routs j to Hancock, Mich., whence they were deported a few day ago. They ea i tect to reach there at boob. "We are returning to Oaiah oar Jorlc la the copper country," aa!4 Moyer. "We do not anticipate any trouble. Our enemlea wonld scarcely dare to attack u with Ooveraor Fer- 1 rU and the grand jury making as la IveaUgatlon." Moyer will have hU headquartara a before at the Scott hotel. He will .confer thero today with Governor KerrU. He aad Tanner want to tea Itlfy before Um graad Jary. t ttfri , United Preaa Service . HANCOCK, Mich.. Jaa. 8. Moyer I waa on the verge of a collapa whea 'he arrived at noon today. The woaad In hla ahoulder troubled him aere , than he had expected, aad the atraia r ,of the Journey told oa aim. I Thorough preparations war made KXI'KUTS rllUM AtJHICULTURAL for hu pnttctlon, Fltte.B d,pBUea MrctrKnMIH WIMj HY MKSIIIUIW UK CMOMKN Till: HISIIOl HOMK WILI. MEKT WITH LEAD cortlng him to the Scott hotel. for i lie iii ?!'' of driirtnlulnft a tu tut (i.iiuwa in . t.t..iifhi neultttt ttw-m ii C. A. Antol The corner of Second and Oram! Krauk Ira While lias tendered hi ,lrwM U B0nK t0 be a mighty un-i COU.KGK WUL ASSIST IX i met him at the train and helped him ..,. uwn won. .- un!'n " atuomoblle. the entire party e- wtk. waan ac jiwjpim COVXTY FARMERS (5. A. R. IXSTAIXS Klamath county farmers will not' its new omofu mil "''RU-"'" ft " nwmber of tho board hpalu,r ,,1 ror j, one t0 joaf for J bo obliged to go to CorvallU to take' .0Wit,f. '"."f,0 '"-!? ,KU!n,h K"lU l '6U. as AlanderL ,horl , ln asrlcuUural work, at i chcuil Jlttrlct Thllin been act- lnimli.lrll;. Ai the otiirin Aprtmnu Wed fotinty liuuM buy mi. WtirtUn cote IhU tlm tlv irvU, lirr a. 1 Hluintui,., utor!iiiiUFl lhal tbr aary I1 lh eberlfT In dolall. nf ih lUjiiui Cliufcti, inrfurmfld thp.lnrlmW fund lu py for iramporta- c A Art ly pay for iramporta- c A Arnold llf timi M trirnutii uniting John IllUy Hlnfiilun chat gr. anil that tho nhorln ,,iup him for nuliIiiK dirt lu tho Hc- ton and Ml f .11 jr Hellay In Ihe tin mo ft. rtiltllo to an aulomolillo.onii lr"l fill, ami lie brought a suit twrtdt uf maiflmoiiy. The grooai U a froit) Ihn trftiml) Hun Mm Mror r fr lhl amount calnt U. W, Whlto. I " .n young crler. .any oilier ortlrer. "iiiim ol Hu member of tbo committer, j Aa Wlille waa but one 01 o 'isrrlbrnt, Ihn rie knocked out of roun. Arimld'H M,cond nH Is n;nlnl nil of tln nini utio siilmcriupu i tun fund. Ho nwks a juilemt'iit against itiach for oim uunrior of Hu money t J they imliscrtbcd lo tho cauim. I A Chance for Annapolis CompeUtive LuumiuiioBlHeld Herelillas Month JAKES CAKE FOR " GOVT. OWNERSHIP ItotireavittatUo N. J. aHaaoll haa da.. Kor Ihe coitvcnln.ee of boya In the Mm iii roC, ,, rju,d(ati tor eu oiiilirii orllm u( Mr. Hluiiult's dU ianc to ii, i n. naval academy at trlct a nenarnlo o.amlnallon lll bo AniiBfolia In June, IHli. by means of I hell! mi llio unmn day tiiul hour, at "l1CitnMenin,UgUi Thacom.' which Dm -inur rvru,K l0 tKt,.i sUudlng ( Hil cisiiilnatlon will be apola(d same question will bo naked, In the Central school building, Klamath falls, Oregon. The lallor "Y Mr Kllmott BS lirllirllial mud Ihn I... .....I. ...I.... will l. mi.l.p ih illr.r. llir..H H....,l ........ ..... . ....... . 1 ".iiiig neat in orasr win ue "mml u "ri, second and third altar- nstiM. niiocilv.iv Tim four siicrossful candidates at ibe nuni.otitiyo eiamlaatloa will bo Psrmiiiid lo take either of tbt oticial Aiiiioiuiiiii .uainlnalloas glvea la Ore "b Hie third Tuesday la Februar 'l tliu third Tuesday la April. 1914, rinl,iM0 selectlai the data yre- iriiHl , ri0 th prBCBaj Wto H me omcial iiumlnntloa and the altar "Me surrwds, ha U appointed, etc ' nimimililv eiaatlngtloa to da 'nine who .ha!l be principal aad rimiM. w be held uadtr the 'rgi. or HmwlBtendtat J. i. U um of Um i'endleloa public schools, "i !'; Mgh Nchool building la i'eaale . On.IUMl bsglaalai Friday, Jaa "rira,), 1 9 H, at 9 o'clock a. w., aad "i coniiiiua throughout that day aad be following, If aeceasary, to mm l'lte tho lest. tlon of HuK)rluluiidwnt II. II. Dunbar of tho Klamath Falls public schools. Any mor wishes 10 Uko tho wtnmluullon ho should Immediately notify KIIAXCi: TO HUII.W Al.li OK IT8( OWN A1RSIIIPH. ClITTIXO OUT1 t'.NTIHHI.Y THE MANlIKACTUIt-KIIHtlF'TIfciNErt'' WgV;"Jgmmmw: -saBaafuT .aaaaaaaaaammi 'liKgemmH IHgB laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ' gl B. Ramaby. Senior Vice Com. O. A. Stsarma. Adjutant Andrew Kerecaaer. Quartermater C. F. Riley. Chaplain Larkla Stacker. Sergeant Major O. E. HuaC Installation of officers waa la order ih mMtlnr of P. R Rnrus Post. .nwuv.fc WU. wn M "ftt.WM.. t. nw.M. ...HS --. r. .. niahntv wlin, home Ix at that loca-1 . .' . . 'nnn, Xrmr nf . RannKllp kaJit vim. .,.,... SI ii.An.1 i .aiu. rrldni. subscribing ui.d for the lt.d uy tne board. . . . ,.... instead, the Oregon Agricultural cot- r,MAM1. . ,it- ulnlug a prhal iWln n lu- Hwiid ttfi boulevard will meet to- Mr, wt,0 announced In resigning rmsl with a sUshooter and n shot-j ,ei:o' or 80mo ot ,u ?xPrt at ,eaM0meer will have charge dartas tha Jullr to tbr lierlStul thst Iho iiiotru ivenlng l the cltj hall. At ,(,, lc n,i Mrs, White will leave In 6Un. .will bo brought here. . coming year: . ... . ... . ... ....... Wd.vte.i.ii.MV.ii. h mm .1 ... . .. r.. it... ... nf h.u ... .. . .. t. .i .t. ... ........ ..l. ..I.... ........... ku i . nil iini" in? iHi. " ' ' - .i tniiii nine ii' 1 laiuuruia i'"im, tu, 1 ue reason 01 Aiexauuers uariiai nig iiimiiuiu 13 ueiue unauscu uj I'osl Lommanuer ti. watchfulness Is because of a visit last Max A. McCall. Instructor In agrlcul inlKht that lasted from midnight tllljlurw al tne Klamath County high ( just before dawn, by some prowler 8Chool. Tho course will be from J Jwho tried to pry opeu tne scrcen'door. March i to March 7. and will be free , Alexander was awakened at 12 to all. j o'clock by the measured tread of foot-' I steps on the front porch, broken occa sionally whtlo the marcher attempted to effect an entrance to the house tlleluK without 11 weapon of any de-. 'sorlptlon, Alexander could only alt In the stilly darkness within, awaiting! deelopments. j During tho long hours of tho night j Via u-rIMmuI unit u'nltm! hnlillnr hlm-l - .. -......... ,, .. . w .w as n. n . 3 ':rrr.r.rr. riBwinieilOMlsi'arcell'ostmvidKierwrKOB 'sucreed In prying tho door open. Just 1 beforo dawn the unwelcome visitor , made his departure, walklug under t tho street light, affording Alexander 1 nu opportunity to see that It waa a white man. Tonight, and other nights I to follow, Alexander will sleep with I his armament close at hand lu other words, "Pickets on Duty." Says They Cannot Lose Frank Ira White LUMBER DULLNESS ! CLOSES BIG BANK Uy-'Ve!yUm ITess Service 1. rouveiiiem 1 . . , j aTnc Fr!UCh KoV 1.-- Ii. I tab ..4 lliti. s.ttHll.llitlllfili 111. - Msis .11.., kiA-l a..sl.H L.s -;"p:inment. It wns announcod today, hm.da gone .osa.w "'""', '- wither . . ,...... .... ..,.,.,. n,u r..sson. only, ho Is Quitting the B-uperlnUiiduht Undeis or Huparln- BUy bllUl,K.,u 0Wll rpiaue, ' board, of hlch he has been a yery j iouuoiii WUHI.KI, h ..v - .- m.,. niuiimllloii to tliu liluil Will un- nctivo memirer, in order that .tillable rrngemen.s Jy''J " lx- Mr- White's successor will be choa- KLOKHtt INSTITUTION. CAPITAL. may be made for tho same. aimnlylng tho war depart. " t H Mt meeting of tho board, j UKI AT HALJ. A MILLION, OAK- Any young man may enter ti. w.; w MfM nmchlnM, hn district of tha am cuaa, u liotltlvo ciamlnntlou who U now, mid, nVnrnmnni ireadv nossessea mombor can bo chosen by the other' waa on December I, 1013, an actus . , Moudon splendidly mulp- (Herald Special Service) ,to, as I believe the postal service WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. 8. In should be setf-supportlng. view of reports that the parcel posti "lu almost every county la the has forced many star route contract- Western states, star roata aaatt Car ora Into bankruptcy, and that parcel rlers had contracts covering a period puu kervlco Is uot as safo as express of years for the transportation ot the service, former Senator Jonathan malls. These contracts were ataoe Uourne Jr.. nuthor ot the parcel post without any consideration or parcel law, today made tho following state-1 post service. The star route carriers menu tare principally operators of stage "Twelve months' experience ha lines, deriving a large part of taalr fully demonstrated the soundness of .revenue from small package bualaaaa. tho principles upon which the parcel and carrying oaly a small quaatlty of resilient of Ihe Hceoiid 'Congressional District of Oregon, and Is of tha re. qulrvd ago, lu order to enlor Awuap oils in 10H n candidate must be be tween the age ot HI and 30 years ou th date of one or the other ogtclal examinations, which will bo held In Oregon ou the third Tuesday la Feb ruary or tho third Tuesday In April, iruuiTLanrir.-1-ri r .wwwwwwww (Continued oa Pge I) pod nrmy workshops where aeroplane repairs are carried out. Machines could Just ns well bo manufactured thuro lu their entirely, it Is poluted out, uKpeclally slnro tho government sicltcatloiis for Hetoplaiies compel pracllcnlly iv slngl typo ot biplane and a single typo of monoplane- for Its iiso, At present stx firms furnish the iioroplaues (o the goveruiueut. directors. ItlKD OVER 1HM1TS. A MILLION IN DE- I At tho presuiit rate of increase Iti WASHlNOTt pidlcted that 300,000 motorcycUaJ First NnttotiAl I 111 1 .. I., a..... ! !... llklAt If IsiatilAlU ' uiu.i aIamhii! An 1N0TON, D. C, Jan. 8. The Is pivdlcted that 300,000 motorcyeiesW First National bank ot I'eaaacoia, Fia. will bo ln uso in tho United Kingdom 'wan closed today by order ot the by tho eud of tho year. (comptroller of currency. The Institu tion was capitalised at lauo.QOU, and tlii-oco Imn n limited supply of for est timber. This is mostly mountain pine, which does aot yield a trst grndo lumber. carried deposits ot $1,360,000. Dullness ot the lumber market and a btgr withdrawal ot dspoalU are aaM to be the cause ot the failure. post law waa based, and while the ser vice Is far from perfect, advancement has been sufficiently groat to leavo no doubt that It will ultimately meet all the expectations of Its most sen gulue frleuds. "The original parcel post rates were uiado blghor than waa thought abso lutely accessary, in order to cover any uuforseen expenses anu give tue department timo to prepare tor the larger business that would come with reductions. Thero waa certainly a considerable profit under those rates, and I assured the department would not cut the rates below cost ot ser vlco, The revenue from the aareal post service should, be ample to eerer jany Increased expense lacldeat taere- msll on each trip. Establlshmeat of the parcel post not only deprived Ue stage lines of most of their package business, but threw upoa them aa enormous amouat of mall watch they had not expected to-earry. "la order to permit the poctoaUe department to deal aa Justly aa prac ticable with these star route carriers, I Included la the parcel post law a provision tor adjustment of comeea- satlou. Notwithstanding that, Ue de partment has been exceedingly as to adjust compensation, aad a great many contractors have sulered financial loss or beea fereed bankruptcy. Even If this aaUerHy XfXfViJXrtAfiJVVa"iri"iJ'1J1'"i " " - ptMaMaeaaJt, (Coatlaued am pag I)