' . . " hit 3 Stye lamtttta Hferallfc .-..-.. -T T j ,5!17acr - -.- . j ... a . . , ..! " .. . $5$L '! KLAMATH FALLS' PRINT! THE "f" NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWI OFFICIAL NKWSPAPKK htaffss" kl . iSVetSt r .. Rrwr "jMiBtftaj.iaaatatnfattcam : i. Kll.ll. Vrr .. '"" WELLS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1914 mft ... FARGO CO. CUTS ITS TARIFFS Encouraging Prospects for Horsefly District BIG REDUCTION wss,m -. -.,!. JM.vrw-lAnnj-u-uruirr I... I. --- -..-. - - - . , -ninruvLfviivv-LrvinAAJLi j CivA k HihV fonrUIGHTCOURSHN ESTABLISH NEW WT 1MUW ilHUNUilllTldllNINfii CAMP IN FIGHT MADE IN RATES BY EXPRESS CO. President Makes Distribution IN GRADE SCHOOL, AGAINST BEETLE; Would Have a Federal University in Washington 0 Him I HlHPMKVf i 't!T in TWO IUIi ltH) Hrtr lt IjtLriic.i, F i.rttf U MK L In llf (MJIO I'ltilrr Kh. r rtin-.Uij' )tllll.' J. Mtl Jn Utr IUI-. Wr Mr . Mmi1 Sr Hir,)Hl' iMn fgkirtl flrf llf IVI'fMrtfJ I. I w I r I JWI 4 Jf tl i !!! K'.Jr rl MlUl 3 ivf lt W (viltri tiler I (" M.tilit fill t !! 0 Iho 'r rllAlgol hf Ui WVI ' tttpiM timi(MMf hr6 ILr m hltllp gc fMU r( rl ii- I ninlh A ltaiin in brd l v eidctnt uwe llfel ti by Uf lisi,i'lo Vitirerr limirtilnn Join J I'itUf, i.Kftt .;ntfttM tlt4 la urid h-, and h oml Aithm Uj l.u tiir.f(r,t rp1t, r iM t o Huiin ma tli nM oIn, mwi i. s ' rSl it4im Me. if JtllT Ip Dt'(rf, Tl: trr tP)tHr')t iJrt Irt Ul li Itp cj Ul llto tail H 4' ifct rVr (rum KUmslli Pull In UUt t, r(K I 3 S tor 10 IWRlJ. ),T JllHlof i lltll MhrJale lh! U JS Jli Tfc a! (rfii KUmaUi r l ,W.it.i (.ftt,rrljr J3 So, U nil M II lu lur 0M rJM riT, Th fl nr Jfulln, ilalr) fi)ilurl, rlr . Mrti ih- iiiv.ii. rtttit (ram1 II iC Id OS .Utlile J I 'let !knU FolJi!,,e U a roniatlon ( om I'AlW CIIIUSTIAN, IIm "1 (he f( rUt. VfHHHHHHHHnHHHHBHKtfrcBB MSHHHHHHHnHHHHHHHBv cs. Ev iBaflaflaflaflaflaflaflaflaBaKi'vH X 'SjSBB aB I1 HHHr HHHHHHHHHHHHBniHHB 'i'V "T BHK)IBbHHHHHHVHb ""-wTi, HBk SiaHHj UBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBeZaBB BIBHflBBBBBBPBl BBBBBBBBBbBT .BBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBftT.,, -n mmjBBBBI BBBBSfBBBBIBBBBBBBBBB?WBp BBVBVBVBVBlBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVflVlMBBVBVBr-4!. 'T? . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBjMiT BfCfi VV39HSjISsbbhVu a AVfi1" tVBMf 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr bVmL4'''i ' ByBSflWjiBi5&Mriif' lBBflBflBflBflBflBflBBBr BBBVMIP1 iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' BBBBBKVB-I 'SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMi ' BBBs rSBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBi wii.i, iu:m,kit youths withimaxv hk.vt to oiwkiivk rncKi. AMIUTIO.V llfH MA OK I Diinlittr w.lir I'nJdnu Th Mm'.NVh htll.u Will Ik? I'Ucvd In Clurc lnitt lUtii IV.llH-rlnii I'arrala aatlj Mum) ( IIm'1H" Two StmIum lj.it. Wrrk L'mlrr, Will IU llrtJ lul tiilnr lor lirtU, ml ,'o (,1intv 111 ll An, (,. fr uf TiKtU, Kir. f Kirr Wanlrtt CliltMcxtil Rute i Kurrtlrjr OWff nml Ollirr llmtxlica Will Hrnil Mm lu Wnlrli the .Mflli.1 m1 l.-wl In CombtilaK Thl IVrll, lu Wrlcrn Timber. - A ui6 lrltlc lowftfil Iwlplnic Uio To furiticr carrr on the flubt for aia'.-l.uui ouih wo U ul ovr lho,tlie f-radlcatlon of th- Mwtrn ltio' lio,il ntc, or viltii, itttouicb force ofark Utllc, or cenu dcntroctonai. cltruuntaiur I uuatjle 10 comjilctt? it Klamstli-1-ifcp CountlM Formt llU 'l'tKit UMHjp, lii bfrii mado bj" 'K'llr AfMKlattotl ha oi.tHl nnolli'T Ibf liiutd of JliKior o( the local Jl- ramp Thin U located at I'arkfr Su Ulct, tit lln? usUbllitblac of a nlcbl lu. 'l will be In rltaree of Fir'-' chwil touic In itiaiiunl tralnlUK. Wanlfii Cbltwood. Tbl it! t.f oprn to all bo b4wcn j I'nJcr Cbltrood there will be n llif rtec,'r IC and 21. Jforecof iwelvnor morcrncn. Itefldea Tbo l.Imi mar K Inlo Effect nn thw u'r ,lt tft " ' r-. .V. SrMloim will bo brW from ;M,ry 1'uru and other branch, d- aml Thutaday ,JU"'U la "v fJoiy m tncihods AVmSiA J v BKfwMBBBBB lBHMiflMkt;''BBv bhbWsW2I&vbW VBB.'WfaiusBv BBBf ji jHHr EJbF vMVMVMir ' PbbibW wjSbBP55 .k JSIbbV HWMgHLMfHfHfa ENGINEER DARLEY SEES NO REASON 'FOR A HIGH COST UHiKS FOR WATKR FOR LKM8PKRACRE OR AtloriM-x Frrxaioa I liMnttMl to Ixik L'p the Lxal SUitaa of the I'Utt tu iMue Script for iMber oa li fforclIjr I'wjert Thta Script, U-iniI to Hw Wmrr Cxra, Can H t'j.l in i'4jrlag ili Charir. (tferalil 8cil 8rvk) IJO.VANZA. Jan. 7. That there h been nothlns found to data to Indl 'catn that tb. ot of the Horeeflr irrl " Ration dUtrlct will b a hlnh ai $50 I ur acre, vus tbu report made by Ea slncer C. T. Parley at Tuesday's meeting of the director of the dis trict. " Darley baa been pretty thoroughly jover the ground, and hma completed l.umuntl J. Jime, pretidvut uf the; all of hi field work. He saya that he t tu 3u WoilurJtlay ulehu of each v.rok at the Central l" torabattlng Ihe iiprwid of the. Kchool. 1), 0 Murrlk, lu charge of Uittj,',,r ttn1 rpI'oft t lIr rwntlre LnlveMlty of Illinois, Is at work c no reason so far to change his manual tralnlui: 'UiiHihuI uill in.llearHaenU. jdraftlnic a bill for n federal unlrer- former opinion that the project would nun the nlclit M-hiNit. ' , Th camp will make a careful aur-,sity at Washington He will resent?coti less than 130 per acre. The name it.K.rtuiiltli olferel the ,0' of h timber In that dlstnct.jthe document to a member of the! Charles J. Ferguson, whos Arm I erailr jitipiU lu tlil department will !m!,rk'nK n3r trec ll,ro Infestation jhoue of represcntatlrw for Intro-'legal adviser for the district, was r-o opm to ihOMi attendlug ulght' n"llcHl' These trees will be cut'ducllon. The James plan pro vldes' present at Tuesday's meetln. Many srhiMil. Thcj will b granted free ueln', b,,ril,?J ,,"", '""K ' beetU'for the appointment of a board by the 'routine and special matters were at- lui iriMiat .aaakd kAkB.aiB. - . .. . . .. a . n. . a . m. s.s a.li as -.... ...vii vf,i-, uuu i'ii-.tjuiur a ..resiacni. oi me unueu aiaies lor incicnueu to ai mis lima. kprrad to other trees. luianaKement of the school. An ad-! on r th imnnrtint niiin ma. '" "' wor ueing uono aui.sory board, consisting of a delegate ;sdered at this meeting was the flg- uf t'WU, i-tc, mid will lui taught wood-) r) Ins, ninliilng mid other unofnl liranrltra. Tho plan Is tun devised by City Hl!Vrriltlrlnl-llt It. II, I" """' " " " " lleved that this menace will be obllt- uoys at neart. in isikh witn many .,,, ,vhiU in ii. inPmi 'l uui citv fn ltitrMi t'urtUntl lttpr Ksbut city itilrag ' Vnrk ' AiikcIc iluul, vibvfe the pupil ere enju) Jau, 7" I iik iece He al.eil Uirm to form "0 Hiuti.1rle flg.ll'itlil't WlUwi niuwsreil lit the role In tin-, and he preneuted cachjf,( ,i,n )0)1, wntl U, ,llcr wtllll j,,) akrrltxxl lu Haiti t"Uu tins muiiiiug, wiiu a im ot csuuy. tI, tearnel that many who are un- ,Vw htm h dUtrlbiitrd boe of UhrUt It ha bren rrckS time at tho u,. , continue their schooling would f :.4&jiii tantl)' l !' IhrUtlaii srlttmU, schiml each lime the pnldciil ha M. Kt , utlllie thrlr spare time lu .. . i ...... . j.i, ii.. h i .... i.t.. ..... ... .i... ni.. .i.u ... . .. .. . 3,i0. WIIIIO till Ill 1 Ml lll goil iiiib wi mi ma j i inn iiiihb iiiih UK Wn IO Iteller IIISIT CODUIIIOII. When thn limlliT v;h put up to the bom it by Mr. Dunbar It, was heartily faotel. through Houthern Oregon to stamp out the f lirnAlMiftt! ftiirAAit nt fh harlr Dunbar, whob,p ,. ,hU wrIjr art t u b. Old I I.3& l.bu . II. TS 13.36 . H.3& 16.30 'I. ST ft k. . a...f S .k.S ..-.I. ...1 I.I-. ..ll..lii.il.ll.t 4 - .- t.al II... .!.! I. ri l..t.,k .li-lll Ii H I (F I l ? 1 d triMVIVH "IP HHIWIIIWMIIW M ! HIV HMIMH'H !!- ? 93oUloitHt tu front of the Iaiuk tlriichtc.ivirtHt rh Avtrnnr, P.: u.oo 3,?0 t'l'iurl iih lUrk, t'lrl Air Huctl. j Hult ! forerlone nil two mortgage 'bMlsnpd to them mas rommeiireil tie AuUni Uns ed .MHhajie lilkv nmilii.l Mr and Mrs. Hilly l,onii.ajnt siiperluleiiilent'tel by Mr and Mis. Fi r iui. m Hrndeld Company, aThiniiiuiit liivlet Is 3,S7.an, Mtk lr,,i tHo l(rklt, tMi w t , ""miy lit ll-rM.y, .During twelve years H,OM0O "' tktirkliig days were lost owing to el has km,,, lo remain iwentv- klrlkes In Canada, or an awage of '. T. OI.IVKIt AND , " imiuii. under t,,r. GOING IN FOR mK COMES FANCY CHICKS fluj FOR OFFICE Sii,000 ilsys a year. Indians Name Council V, WIIITK" IM IMHASK lll.Otl)i:i ItUUlltY NTi:i KXMlAXIHT WOUI.II MKI! llttlM Till! HTATi: JMUIIIirill ; VKIlXOI. OK THK . MikHill ,t lilt llaXulaUIV Tl'lUli (MM.KUK. , "- " "' Tit A INS YKAHH AfitJO I I I'wipln imsslug the White building I . Iittvu litH-n surprUed rersiilly to hear United Tress Service !thi lusty "fork-a-dnndle-doo-o.o" of' ni:W YOUK, Jau. 7 Al Jenulugo caudldacy for r I M n liiisouletiil i ousted. Investigation today unnounced nis cauaiuacy ro twelve Chosen to Represent Tribe in All Matters - ? "''''I.irsr.r'''"''0" '"' "" '" VWIIHM IIIMW UHVtU b fc tn. a, ltt,tll. w-- lrt I n I iitv tiinv ivhimi nso rnuiiln uf Inured I'lVmouth Hock i.,ndur of ftS desperate a gang of train on Duffy uml Tom llaulay. Thtii,,,r,u ",,m w agricultural col-,r,,i,beni us over Infested the "terrl ...!. ,.n r u..... an, vouuu men.. lego llli t Intention uf growing lory." When the gang wa brokea Tl. ..lll.... w.,r held Hatlirday.Lomn fniin- fowls. I"l "l 'l of ,U " "pturcd Hlx were chosen nt the Klamath, Mr oilor has a number of pedl Agency, nml sU nl the Yalnax sub-' , , - lep u tecord of dally results from tmdi fowl. Ills liens uro from a train Ihul have uu avoragu record of ait egg u day for 300 cousecutlvo days, legurdlosM of Hiuulayu or legal holidays, Mr, White hus ordorod two doien blooded Iioiih, mid will also keep tab of results. d'crald Hiwrlai Nvrvic) KUMATII AtlKNOY, .Ian. 7..Omi or lilggut vou ,f W wou, l !'' Klflitmth Indian r.i.rvstlon wl!" ,!'?..''!rtC,,on " 'Ive couMollmen tu... ., ri,"'iont Hi Indians lu all Kdsun Wat- '''Hiitlnu, for t,0 tribe -"re HiiperlnteuUonl on. I KlrL ""' KaW,,, W,Uon' C,l0 on 12'. ,M ,,wrl. "UrY WIN ngeiicy. Tho twelve councilman uro sup' a unit t (instill to trammel nil matters for Hie Klamath Indians with the agsut. Whaleyor the csso may lie, they are expected tn bring It up, If It needs at tention, Quito an Interest was taken In the election, and there were u iraat Mtfty lRtlftM Mt. Jennings was among thoso sentenced to servo terms In tho penitentiary. After he was released he west back to the scene; of his former crimes, uud has since beeu trying to live down his past. Tho Kngllsh postoRlco has 3,10, ugo miles of single wire, aaada up of 313.80B for telographi, H.114,116 for telophonea. and 83,030 (or private and leaaad wtrm, TOM MOORE IS I from each slate is to form a definite luring out of the denoml&aUou aad policy for the Institution. The bill retiring dates of the 130.009 bead will call for a preliminary appropr.ta-!ta,ue. which has been nuvde tor paylag tlon of f 500.000. 'for the dam site and the prallailaary !vi.-k. The form of the bond was ar ranged in detail. I'acltlc Inleruattonal Kxposltlou site' Another Important matter consld- TURNED 00S E JVSTICK OOWK.N FAHi TO FIND KVIDK.VCK TO HUltSTAXTIATK THK niAKGOK THAT INDIAN THHK.TKNKn TO KILIi has Advanced so satisfactorily that one may go In a bugKy or an automo bile to almost uvery part of the grounds, In comfort, and In any kind of weather. i-ml is the plan to Issue script to liiud owners under the project, In turn tor services rendered by them In the building of the project. The script thus issued can thea be used by them In paying oft construction, oper- Stnff work, the Imposing Imitation auoa nna iMiswasaeecssrna Travertine marble covering to the Attorney Ferguson waa Instructed outer walls. Is progressing speedily on t look up the legal questions la the palaces of machinery and of ed-ploved lu this plan. ucatlon at tho I'anama-l'nclQc Kxposl-f tlon. Us application is ready on) Twenty-two states. Including Ha ul her palaces. wail, now employ state foresters. After testimony pro and con had been given for several hours, Justlc of thu Peace Oowen last ovenlug dis missed tho charge of a threat to kill against Tom Moore, x This waa mad by llobert Terkln. There hna been much dispute m the Meadow Lake country. hara tta Interested parties live, and both fac tions had a number of witnesses In court. A trial out of this same bit terness was held a short time ago In! tho Justice's court. MUm Houston Returns. Miss Ktliabeth Houston, has re turned from a visit with her stater. Miss Kdna Houston, who at present la taking a course In nursing nt the PI- ablo hospital In Oakland. Mlsa Edna G. J. Walton Is New Head Chamber of Commerce Naaes Oicers far Year At last night's meeting of the ministration he has Just ceifleted. Klamath Chamber of Commerce, the following officers were elected to sene durlug th ensuing ear: President ueerge y. Walton. Vice President xAr. Lee. Directors S. DAKyans, Hunter la making such rapid progress that J Savldge, J. Wyj Charles F, in iuk.iiii suvi. ii.u itviw .m . ---..-. -- S hn win Kraduati. i uf. UnUhiB.'Ue Lap. LesllttUgrs Charles Mar a four year course tn three years. 8ae'tln' " J- Wk. Charles Qra' Is specialising In the department of surgery. Btudenta of Hopkins academy, Had ley, Mass., learn to work concrete aa a regular part or their course in ag riculture. ,vea and Richard B. ilrflth. Klamath Falls: J. Frank Adanft, Merrill; P. W. Broad sword, Bonanza; James , Pel ton, For Klamat Hunter Savldge, who retired aa president, was warmly commended by the members for the sueeeaeful ad- aud he was urged to run again Upe the ground that he canM net tho time he thought the enV ho declined. "'' The same reason (or net mnftlng was given by R. 11. Dunbar, who alee was nominated. The new president waa one of the directors of the hoard last year, and is thoroughly acquainted witn the alms and plans of the ofgaalaaUen. A, sueeeaeful year la looked far fer There Is no question but what Lewl: Wylde. the efficient ncretwy. wt b , returned by the board. M h'hM''' demonstrated bis itaeM far Mm Mti' i t m m j? SWi ' t r . H