Eh wniita IteraU. KLAMATH FALLS PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT It NKWi hbrJ OWICIAL NKW8PAPKR y ..ji,. 0i mtmmwn i wis' "run t- Trt-, tr kCm'-ir-:tt w wfiijfctj-. g ia "nr t tiTagannfTrM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY G, 1914 JOHNSON IS OUT FOR ANOTHER TERM Heney Announces His Senatorial Candidacy VaaWN'jawsaia,aiia,a,.a,t f BULL MOOSE LEADER ANNOUNCES HIS DECISION IN AN INTERVIEW GIVEN TO THE NEWSPAPERS TODAY CITY DEMANDS REQUISITIONS Dictator Huerta's Battle Car r iiuotArniit. cmimk aoainht t MCMril'Al.lTY Ml M' III.' AC- (flMPAMKH MV AUTIIOHITyI roit thi: i'ikchahk. MAlKll.hAlrM tf,.tlt,lll tthll ll tlrflf tl&B IIUIOI it Ml. HOI'l.n Iti'Unn "f U Hillrlr lhr Inaugurated, (,jrttati.I tltai I rtutuituo l no new. HlrTllllL HIT Till. I'll'M'l.r. '-V.. ,,., .. 11, Hi ..klir.t. .ir (aln - - I "'" -"- ''"" " "" " " - -' U cmul to rup or tKUry. but ,tli-r 14 irl uitanlntuua demand HOST AM.W IT (mm t nirn ami wwini who iMdo (lou4 ifolullon for 1911 wcro In i.l-nr si Ut nlebt's meeting of lh rllj rmutcll, wliru Hi" members rreohxt thai hereafter no claim ocatmt u rlty lll lie paid uaUse ll U rr(nijfltilrl by a rrjuUltlou for o umui r ik l'iMlHt CUwMrjItt" '! ae'il Hi California, who I i,n .ur:hi. luel by some author- 1 (tufe itwik f.Hi iIim Itarf. that lt.. . ...Mfi .- I- t n. l'.,w,.in IM -' """ '""" '"' " . 1 1" ?. tlnUUtt tU Vo atld ftfrcJH I heir a, Hwni. JiJin Mo l'llly IU- ' "I jt nrtef hl4 bui fi Iflt. IImnI.1 MU Vlr. ! ArrHr.l h4 t eH ft run !. How. tr, t( ! I fu iltl Mh lh cow- 1t,rlr.. VI,II. Ilo Will fHtt44 r.r rt.nwnl 0r , f1l ,(,B , Ittc IUi . llw JtM- HU, SihiUr ho ffraoltl 4l:llhUlf lln, AUvtn lt rm l mo ti lill(Kllati J m (!iitlttto mr (Hiltikl ntllvliy, I t 6iu4 l' HtU irw m' rhrfUttrd il ! yWW Hiim Jobhifttt -III bS rdlf4l M M '" rtn iht I tioM b l.t ? . , , lb fflontl.hlp ul 1orlr of nnr .,11 llr nr4 Ihl Hlr. P,ofrMr td olW ho Ip1 w.1 Jphu.on mJc h" liu-lt uIp 0 t,p,tw e.uiililMP for enir. I j (ot in BUr (ttn Uh t)U anoounr wottdt t'tJrr ihU, dui If I mutt yltlJ I mem iH lut tf tilfttinl, I fl t rioul4 1 i (,.4 b..,.,4 ih.i -i h t.irttpn ''" h" ,,M,", " f"r" ,u I n:u- rti mi irt of onjco I riul4 irum Mnor N'kbuU rolUJ llio ttltcu lloit of itte (ttuttcll in Hit? fuel iht tbf ImkJj a KellttlK A llltlo Ux OU tliU itiAUvr Ur I'm ffjulltloa r ictti. Hi" ll) li illrivi clit-rk on cv. crjthln urrli'il, an 4 where It I ttn BANK UF CHINA TO SPREAD OUT ATTORNEY SAYS JOHNSON FAVORS RACE FOR TOGA ANNOUNCEMENT FOLLCWU JOSN SON'S STATEMENT ilia liera WUag to Coma 0t for ThU PUtcr, Bat Hm BM Back Catll He Got a HtraJgtit Um Cpm the PImm of Johjuoa Wttk Jofaa MB't Aaaoaacvmcat, Hea7 CeaMS Out Wkh PoalUre DecUnUte. i UntteProM Santlc ' SAN' FRAN-CISCO, Jaa. 6 Frauto J. Hener, special proaecutor for tka lia which li.i n nenre or raoro holes for fault by anything lw than fltld guns, TW. r.r n aJ.-aii " US ' " ar nja i I"v- I lb" rii t 4rr to m, th ml'i trttKtiro ami wconUun of ht h my llf )ief It Uft iitt In I CIO, and n jaw n xhp aiw lilt mr t) rtmitp h ii(lte of j ,4Arcr4lnftl, t IH lwow a can m .mt.loti rlo men n4 wotn 4I4bI for eotrrnor again, hut In my hi 4iitln th iMt lhr Mt fati4l4ac)-, aa tu mr timlou ru4U fUreJ vlUortiU in th l4 of pro- 4nrr. I 'IaIo that ittirln mr Rilmln Rf.Hr hUinattllArtan tflt. Itultl tfatli)li, I lill not jlcl4 a particle Hw ahiilhr ranillraay, lidntrr. of Hip lH4iinlriir I rl ItUlivr Thpim k-,.(i,. iinYa MfiiMth a' than any offlc. .SVtlhor hatl I tr- tlmt thai atif.jilliUl) Dlrtntor Hmrla of Mexico mii'i' ,......! u v in nrnlxr! (rntna fllll aliarimllOOtcrt n." n ivu -,..,.. i,t.. f ,, r.ilai-tita In nrnliwl mmir ... ..iuou tmm Ulrn CHv arlin nC lli train can run uo ou tht rehci. ... . . ItltAM'H IN Otll-INII, ANI KX- '"" --"'- - ' - moro mile of their railways ouuiuo t'tUTS 1 MAKi: IT AH STIlONd AS ItlUTtl.VH HANK. tbi-y ar Attackcnl by tho rcbeU. Ill ho may be taratHsrlnK with tht track, o Mesjco Clty tnnn they coul4 other- ottlccm have Invent") J a baltlo car ami It will bo ablo to withstand n-i vUe. 1 li t'nlip.1 lrr Srvlr I'KKIN, Jan C -It bwamo known lo.ta) that lltp rUblUhmnl In lou, , . i . . .. ....... . ".!.,. Hip nw mut.uiui no ..maltr wlkll a t from any t-Uctor ilonof a nrancn oi iuo nan. ui v.. comntonrtxl, and th In Itm tal." State'sMiningBetter la lii hf oiik of tho mUalon of Chon. Chlii'lAO, pUI envoy of th mini try of flnancf, ulth tho rank of mini-, Irf lnlolfnllaryt who Icarc nhorl MILLS SEEKING REGISTRATION IS RENT FOR JAIL OPEN FOR VOTERS 'American Commercial KptHtioB." United Press Serrlco SAO PAULO. Jan. C The Ajner ,lcan "commercial exiwdltlon" arrived here today for a four days' visit. The .American buslnewmen were Terr cor- dlally received and wereahown many, jcourteslen by local manufacturers to I 9aB9akakaV I'iiSlBalH i&Hvawl!BVaVaVaVaVa iP&BBBBBI V'rlflBHLsaBr Lif9HaBav a UMSaaBai aVaaBBc Jnl3 .S"BjBBW savaaBaVL nBaWaBBBBBhw BaaBBBltBBBBBaBaBBBBV JiuBaBBBBBBaiSMaBBBBBBBBHaB i ISBTaBTamBTaBTaBTaBTaBV eif OBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBaV Is,v7vty "BwJBHaYaBBBvBaT "BaWr ""aa"" Fraacte J. Heaejr K I'uront and thVi'rs in mi j. van von hix'ikmmw wii.i. m: open MONTHS' OltOUM) HKNT SAYS UK IMH-SaXT WANT TO UK IIKI.ll I.IAIII.i: KOIt IIAMAtSK ACTION. Government Shows Increased Output Last Year TIiq mol prodtictlvn 4ti mlno In lh atnlo U tho Columbia, nt Humiilor, linker roiinty. Othor Inrito dm iiiIiim am inoao u no iiisniaiiu tn- vtoiiiiHnl Couiimiiy at llakcr, lh (omniorclal Mining Cmnnnny l ' I'folliiiliiary itlmato for lvll raadoi Vallpy, county, and Ih Weal y t'lmrlrn (, Yale, of Ilio Unlltnl CoaI Mlno fompaiiy at Champion, Tim inliir of Orritoit mad a omo what utirxictrd Urge IncrMM In Klil ylidii for 1918, compared with '"IS Tim initio report of 10 IS Mn.wM a production of 770,U41 (a iiittli-rUl i,frpB0 Ynr tost), hut the ly for Kiictaud, United Htatra, ' At th" limn of hi r?cnl appolul'l unlit ll m iiudt'ratood that Ur. Chen ' una KoltiR nhiond to nenotlatv for nj rpcrmlixicrnci of tho 130,000,000 eur M'ticy rrorganliAtlon loan which the revolution of 1911 upavt. Now It M'oma that tliU I to ho hut ono of hU many dutle, . ..!!.. I.. ... ..ttlnl..l jiw liana im .,,.,-. " ,forwiroullll on o.k lrt occupied I..MIIHIIUI.. unit.-, tho direction of the k r,lla,crofln,.,ce.wlihbrancholn ' negotiated Kinttiiai nun oiner ir.nnia .i.iv llirruHhoul llnv republic Vitmi Hhlh-Knl how to in tlt:,rt ivk Inituontlnl to Aula 'whom they applied for permission to , , ... . ki -. - "'. inspect the factories aud establish-. ... I tho coast, and one of the state JIST HKKOUi: THK MAY PUl-.ments or mo ciiy. J strongest bull moosem, will be a en- MAIUES U. 8. ClItlGSUY IS THK J iu.lns Her Own Xamo dldate for United States senator. I'lltST ON THK HOOK Miss Fola La Follctte Is married i He announced flatly today that he 'to Mr. George Mlddleton. the pUi-' ,n the nce tor the ferkina toga. 1 ... . .. . ... ... iwrignt.amioninoaooroimeirnomo ilonAr has soua-ht the aDoroval of Mn.uiK Hu. bills urt-wutcd at liutj H. 8. llrigab) waa tn aniKumauiia Ms naIU0 anil under ,t her own progreMlTeB for thU pUce for tlHhta movlluc of U,e city coiiutil .county u.tsrior to quam, .or ma -.u, name, as sno goes uy mat name ".b0me uttle Urn, but has withheld aay .j- iM pres.utD.l by l-'rud .Mills for 'primaries and thcV'ovemUgt-itenoriU . her work. It Is quite the custom now 9tatcm6nti pending the dectalon of . . . ... ." . .. .. .TfzT.. .....Ifop i. urnfoitalfiual or business'... .. . ... .. ...... !o, This was for xix montus' rem election, no was at tho clerkVuTllco this morning. i.. r..ia..r.'tor the professional or aaava woman to retain her maiden name ai ter hor marriage. Of course With Tho books will remain open until drope the "MUs" part of It shortly betoro tno .May primaries, aii , UUiuo .,, Th. 1- ).. ,...... .uuu.w- Inl.ninn'a i-anrflilirv for arnvawraor h VwwwwMMwvvvMMMAiMVAaiMMaaaaaaaai (Continued c page 4) Prwldcnlwllh MIIU for lhe ,unjh,u, of a cltjr must register who would vote, as thoi ak. It In unU "u '" ml' lh0 cU' bttin reconl "pormimenl" registration was :,s Is in'""""1 ,0 ,h0 "Uo from tho court.declart Invalid. ' ' " ."' . i.inlmliitr that Ihn bills.. li,., I, ..f Iceland In tho llrltlsll IhII"""" '""'. " ""' V . I "' " ttrous conduct or prisoners uiaue i"ji i;nroH. ri'ii iirKtiiiUutlon of a branch In jhliep an luiponslbllliy. Mills at that, "'"I'M RMlogirat survey, show Ihat'un.. roiinty. Tim averaKo value of ,,'."",,.. Ilt ,,. discussed bit u,w ,,frvra tUo dty lho 0ak ",rl'hi. - g..l.l lm.i nrly doubled In tho or, Ir.a.ed In Orogon have been J ZTJ!ST r' '"-" tU JaU """ "'Sk 3, aoinuiilliiN lo 1.33,S3J, orlliierMalng materially In tho In.t fow ' ' or Mm moved. Ttt 11.51 ii I ... il s .Aia ms. . ... . a .aa laavn l.AVIVjil.lSVM Af . nr- i a ...... il,.l diiin.l ',JK moro than In 113. q "iiipui or niiver In 191S wa n7,0H nun (inner, wlillo tho ratlinaln for 1!U3 hIiiiwh tt yioid f 211,0411 "iif, mi Increase of tl,l8oimce, Tim coiiiier oiitnut In .all accord. "'t to m I no return poiiiiiiaj ti,0 oiiinuto The yoar. A very largo percentage or tho gold producml from deep mines roini) from llaker county, though Joaophlno county, load In output of placer gold. Very tittle of tho Oregon oro I ahlniiod to tho melter, HV1 . . i ....... ... i ...m. . wna 100,419 ;nt ll being wnraoq in iiirni mma for 1911 lu.orurnr themlno hut London will Imvo tho honor of Tuft Tnlkit Tauiiperaaro StuudluK III n window loilgo audi Itl by friends so ho would not fall i htlo gesticulating, former President Tuft ait mlilrit in an nvnNl Tho prison was moved that u-lnowng houBe nl tho UeJf0nl branch,1 New Tack in Matter H4.7UG pound, orb14e,3l souMd) Thero aro about 300 active quarts " Hian lit ion. The mine ruort!mllU In the state, with n dally cu ....- "i "' I2 allowed a yield of 39.317 'omnia r ,.m but for 1013 the ea JlniMn Is (10,743 pound, an Inoreaao 'r tho year of 50,436 pounds. Wlillo the hydraulic mines of Or koii im, inrgo produeera and there ro about too of them among the 110 I'ro.ltielug placer r)rm, the lacreaa r gold output for 113 cornea mainly rum tho deii ulaea, of which (here r fifty or ality pro4uclag la th .. - . . . . .. a. a rrc-lviiiR tho flrat foreign branch of 'mor. Mr. Ml Is say. that .luce the, f hB v M, c A n Drook,y. Ho jjjwajl ItfAgfC KnVSICal YeUUlOOD Of Awtf UlCl II,., Hank of China. It Is understood rlty liaa purchased a site, he might toU, , hoaroni thftt ho hRl, - VUUIIVU VIUCIO I UJOIV4U TUU4gUVH Wl XUtmVJ sVHVal tlml Dr. Chen will look, Into tho Now'uo uviu imoio m u. u, .... may gooa , f0 dowu t0 ,ieU lU York situation wlillo he I In Amr-'"ou Involving the city jail. UlCl j,iiMtua because they lacked Irn. mid Hint tho future dato of tho Mho homo training, and when they. Something new lu tho Ankeny ca r .. Manhattan l.iniirtment I laitves 111 lleconl. not a tlrod foellnx they found u duah ual abatement was sprung at will depend upon Mh report after he returns to this city. paclly of about i.iou ion, iv wmi Hryait Rirrtrsl a matter or groat eucouraa" o.,Wi the minor of Oregon to know that '"a 'H" Service o large an Increase of gold yjeld I1 LINCOLN. Noli., Jan. O.Secre- nppatxmt for the oar 1013, even If iwrjr of 8tt WlllUm Jennings Hryan tho Incrwwe doea come from a few of I lo horo today for hi much her- ii.. ..i.i..r ...).. and not from the new aided address boforo a monster com- one, aud It may attract nttouilou to thu gold.iutnliig Industry of the atato In which capital I ueeded for de velopment and operation of Mine and a.Ul.t , m.rcliil meeting In Lincoln, Soon at tor his address tonight Secrotary Hry an will loavo for Chicago, whero ho will addreaa the real estate associa tion thero tomorrow evening. l.oaveM Ilia Hecortl. (lulled l.'ress Service LONDON, Jan. G. Dying at the ago of 90, Elijah Llnloy, who for sev enty years wa pt.rlsh clerk of Uul- of Scotch reached tho right spot," KmkImmI'm Surplus of Wouvesi lurd Northcltfte says that there are cole, Nottinghamshire, left the tol-,on million sovou hundred thousand lowing record, which was filed a a part of his will teday: dug 1,000 graves, outdated at 400 weddlnga and 1,00 baptisms, tolled the funeral knell for four Drills), sovereigns, and rang chimes for 14,000 services, one bell with each hand and a third with hi foot. Uo died In the same cottage In which he waa born. moro women than meu In Uve British Isles and It seems a pity that wlth'all Its territorial possessions Or eat Brit- aln can uot find place tor Um su perfluous wumeu, Thore are two mil lion women employed In the factories of Oreat Britain end at least one hundred thousand working In tktlr hemes. was sprung at last night's mooting of the city council when O. D. Matthews, one of the com mittee named to negotiate toward closing this nuisance, moved that a physical valuation be placed on the ditch. City Engineer McLean was In structed to, make this. This vnluattou, according to tho motion, Is to Include the canal from the headgates, and to take In the old East Side power plant and 6,000 min er's Inches of water, Matthews re quested a private report on this by tho engineer. 1 li v a 1 1 What this latest sekesie for a municipal power plant hi, ts net Vnown, but the apparent aeereey with which the report le to lie submitted Indicates that some one baa some Ideas. " . ': Tho procedure to be foUewed'tn securing a physleal valeatlen el the California-Oregon Power eeeseanj' plant was outlined ai laet nlfnt meeting of the couneil. 'affttteew 'v iuova tne naming ec a essavtssea ear n ft three to ascure IM c fe plaint, but thto wae lost far iraat.ef 'Mh u second. ? 5Cj M m , pi II i