Tt'Sfc, VI e i iEunmg IteraU. KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKR PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS i IK i r waanRssr rT . r .carsc . staasKaenacrnxomaeBeaKruas Clatiilt Vmr '" WM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1914 h West COLONEL LAWSON APPOINTS SEVEN MEN TO CONTROL THE SITUATION AT COPPERFIELD WHEN HE LEAVES !; ... .I..HHU til il'PKAIt AH imrw'tH I" IH lr nlMHH a wr , Ml "" "- T-- T-- - -- lliHtltMillSMIin-U. OWN ' m.i. i.v nut I'.tHt; 1,1,1 U ilmnirl l Um IUr it Vnar s.,-Ui..t.4l uf llie Micl Will Wv MMl"l I lT ' MIMI !' iMImi; tuf lln ltrll I'umm tKtU l V,,j UnliUI Willi I ,ViH Allrt n ! Ill """It! lllltlrw. I mud ll Hfl , rul'P.itm;M. Or., ji, 3. tB;f(Cl4 i Mm run f wMI .if) ulfeflllf d, Mr4 I'Jf ,il,l (immlllw u( lltt?o ftj'4lil-' 4 l Inlt'Het i,WMill, III ble j, 4f tfttmrnt ii( tollilU btf e. UttlMi failed a Hllig U( ItiP tlllicti.. tid at U,t h iwtttd a $ ti ,t1.. AiiitlHlthv flan rtiratnltlee. I ............ ...I...-. , W,KH wi? H," " iviiii" ft. -.-" .j " H, T tiilmm, a -nrtltr, rhiweti rbalrman. Ho 1 1 1 be acting taijor Thto no i other on lb"! cntatalllce. rr ... ur mmhw; ...1 tMa.. ndrr mart 1 I... Hb,m W ttHU U. a, dt.,HIUdn on lU -mm Ml. ln mrn in n,w t . t- ,tSU a l-l of It.o national ufdi ll I U lfl fcrr. Mi.i.. Jn atmternur . ra i. in e iiii;irfMinu n rmiMO' HUrlB Hand ffm b ime of .brrllt fM h,,,,y Jr,n,j xU Tim tl mtrr tJiuut; and outiiUtt him .jttlt), ttb a lal nmrnr UOlll lb aliua. At,!K ,,M, ,,,, .Vft,c (),lPrbrlli linn at Cot'ltfOi-td llll. SoM (Iraiid-O. II. Ilr-nnrman Oarr tauix will Ml. Ilobb iday aw Vfa UrA,,., m,Uort Trimble. Itneerunt rulp a the reiireifntalhe1 Hwr,Ary (Jrorsp llumpbrey. f tbo tatt' (bUf rtecutlw. TrrrtrT V I- Kounlalii. Itmormir Wml baa wlrml Judxe' !, fotlowtitc 4iHilnlhe fiftlrem AMrr.on of liakrr rouuly, ak In l.,(,rfl-,j B,.a (nmallrdj tr a in Dm rarllxnl day on which' Wardori-Scjii. Hum. a borirus ran bi hnld and tbo r.jj ((.n.turUir- t'SrlAilaiit, I('1 ( Hand rffoctrd. He baa adl 'l.i,tln..t. Itt l.Mc ll Judi.i Attiletvon Iba't Mlwn Unlit-, mil rbrrcnl blm In Ibe ito-I fwdltie a lb iMrlal roimtel I'fr.rhl tba utale'a fae. . 4li d ' 1 rl lm t.i wltud MU Hob! fmalii In liakrr ntunty In ntlrnd the mallrr fur (be alale. MIm Ilobb U ountlried lo repreaenl Americans Morey Applegtte Writes The ravnci-a lirluu inailo by Mex "li Iiamtim and tiin fPenKa lownrd Anii-rlraiia am deacrlbmt In a letter rweWd in,rn from Morey I.. Aiule ". ami of Cnninlii and Mr. I. I). Al'1'hmale nf u,U city, Mr, Aiiplo. Kale Iim imoii loraiud nenr Han Ulan " 'i. , (lf Moi,ro for Mver, jwr. v , K.jerfti uiaimiier of two ,m"Vwn,m I'l'Ktatlona ror the Pa ""rulitomiwiiy, llasayn: Ulna u entirely beaelged by i, and wo ,,r ramped on an Ulniiu 'I from Hnn Ulna, walling for tho " ' in l.o inken, which may occur ar. ?' !!'"' ,,",,, 0f 0,,r l'"hBllonil 11 ;! ;." "'" ,,n,",,, nt btudllfc. At ' M aim,!,, pt(Uon u,ey uy0 uk. ar. wnii" ,"",r8', "nad, or " ' lllng our cmUi Tlu-y told our fortaaa that Aaw- to Remove Baker Co. Sheriff t.n aIh tit fftlfa off Air. h l!lH ttttzt All , , - . Ttif Milmi of llitiinr Vct I taken unit i Uc (tuiiUluti n( il,, ltv tiftiU'lllifi fot lh riiiia ftota tttlr nt aii mtf lAilinn ii perform hl attlUft Jut) Tl" l.rln rail w lMV 1-OrAtllr lip.lftlel r IfflltAlirlHl)' irmonoil tinli lb) t INSTALL OFFICERS FOII NEW TERM olMi ri;i.i,oH iiiu.ti imtMNti n:ikTiMi a mi m: ,nt. sm ,mith ' worn uriiiMi riiKi (OMIMl VIMIt KUmMh Ut: . UT, I 0 O . "W a sIne ruilns Ut nlehi H1! -! -..- . K ail a.tti I ft IbM. " pitiiwaw -'"" -' " - . ,. ,.u. i.- --- Wi.r'.V.iMt.'.i.l ,au.fctlM ift.nk tJU fl.nt J '""- "' """ ' - ; r CIWIIIn.4 HI" 111 . Us lch a j.nituinnt one, Tbo tiii'Oft of tbe tiuatKo ftim- jmUte httMi lb lodco In bn In . . .1.1.., I.I1.. Il. tiiih.t. ;;i:;,7. ; .;. m; .7- o t (hji w-wUlf ,, hMoluh h,tfr,Mr., b) IB m.w. MlnK mM. ctteil at (lp u,, we,,jni. ,s'nu,wtwr, wpfp .,IM by lll.ula Dcfuty Orand It J. Itlincl. 4Utrd bf PI' Innldo ttuarillAii - A. IJ. Ilityd. i iiuKldn'thiardlai. -illlbnrl Arnold. I .. ,. ........ I It M. N (1 0. H. Ho. .1 V A . l.ll.. M'.A.r.ll I., II. lyT " .fl' ..'".f It. H. V Mllra l.liunr. t. rt. vC fl II, Newman. II H.H, Wm. MbhIpi. U . H - l.oul lllce. Endangered of Conditions in Mexico Irnna had no rlithl to own propel ty In Uilrt country, and that wo otmht to he Ihnnkfiil lo tii'l nwny with our lle. They nr sleeping lit our hln, and looting Iho hnrlemln from day to day, "At Hitnla Crux they hnvo only Hindu rnldH, tnkltiK rm mid niiimu. lilllon and robbing our foreman, Hn U est 111 on tho plantation lookliiK nttr Iho bnuauas. Wo nre ahlpplng today on Iho Newport. "Thero are three of ua camped on the Inland! J, Perrln Kent, exporter of limes; li. li. (lute mid niycelf, and Mr, KeiU'a Korean aorvniit, besides aevernl Mexican Maxo and their fain Ilea. Tim IJnlled Htnlea ci ulnar Ha lelgh U anchored hero for our pro tectlon, and wilt remalu hero until tho trouble It over, o wo are ua ' anyono could bt," SyS.i'Si'WWwiN'"W'i'MNS Control of the Oil Wells of Tuxpam, Mexico, Enables Rebels to Shut Up Huerta's Troops .r "( Ki ...,.... (mtrol Mt h wtHwt Mioiil lh. ,ill . of Tumw. Mt . im made it jHH.IbU. tr,r in tbd lo jirctrnl th .i-frlliui of b. Nkilmial lUHy of lrUr nd tbtt lml u liKtAtor HttPitA iriKitMi Tbp rebel command. fc l.ialtilv fiil.t It.M HiaitMft.r jkf llirt ," v-" '"" - .--7- - -," - ..,,..... ,,-v -v.-. tlV M(MPt ll.ri Pflll. M- t ...- .11 IS?1 '. Honor H. W. Keesee's Memory 'I Glowing Tribute Is Paid His Portrait Will AltbitURli Ibe late Henry W. Kceco .,.. ,-..1.1-.. ii.n.iim unii in I (tut iirartlm of l;iJ, bo nfijulrvd what U far more enxlabl... a reputation for ' nlmuluia bonrnty, .trlct mlberenre to lime of Ibe loftlet codea of ethics, innd n fair and proper treatment to - ward client nltoruc) and court. ThU'H,U ,l hU Kr,'nt chart,cl:' He WM. 1. ...-1. ,... o.rMuu- ,,v.;Kt'nerous courteous and faUbfnl with point una brought out forclbl) , clk.n, ,mr nlll, court. hU ,uteg. members or tbe iviaumtn timm) mr a -.-...1 I.... ni ilila iiiai 11I111.'. iiti.l. ' ....! .iin-Mn.i.f.i .. ..... n- - ing of tbe ilrcirtl court, when aeveral Hindu hnu nddrenne. rennrdlng the olili-m realdent member of Ibu iitli county Imr. Just punned lo his ro-'mndo the everlasting succes that he ward. llJ-" "The world may say that Henry C C llrower also paid a eulogy to Kieaeo'H life was not n great success, the departed, dwelling especially upon JudKliiK U tfnm tho Munnclnl statut-itho elovotlng thoughts of tho de point, but ihero wa a greater nchlov.M-eo. 'Imea a flash of his real mem made by him than by the amass. ,bU would come out. "From this." Iiik of uutolil weallh." said Jiulguio biiUI, "wo can draw tba trua loaaoa Nolniid, lu pint. "I would rather bo that our thoughts, like our deeds and followed lo the gnno aa Mr. Keesoe' words, lie such that naught oscapea was, ieieced by nil for his honesty uimwuros but what will bo good to unil Integrity, Hum nrunlrn earllily'onr iiHSoclatcB." w,.lll,, In addition lo paying a trlbuto to 'If hinliiK lived an honest life In, In his piofcKnlon, true to lis ethics see. 0. M. Onelll took occasion toU 1 ... 11 .'iinli.i tut (tin itiit tti nf ItiA (lnltn . In every maimer, U n success Henry Kius.e wns a success. He was always in,., i.i his word, and what faults ha . may have had were not those of n man not honorable. Ho has entered Iho Ureal lloyoud under u touguo of i;oDd lepoil. May It bo ghon to mm lo eat of the hidden manua, and r celvo the white stone with n now name." "A loyal frloud at all times, Henry " . ' - ' ?, nsjH . ... i .......... . ux. loromoittrt f hlcb barn It. CiilhHabua, out- of ih rlcbt cltle li Ihpy did lb dU would bo blown up. iViidto rcmtmctii for the ddiv- try of oji-for ful on the rnlln)ii. the Uul bud to rao ablfmenu. 8ltc tbeu the tioo of Huerta hllff tlfit ft-H Iil If fitMrfM Ifl HlH tiitrtlifirH KiArf nf A!t! rin rrtti1r -r ,- -a.n.w - ,,.,- .-. -.-- -. , i -w ..-..., ".. ...w . .... w. .....v ! VVM .UVAIVU Rill UQ MO Be Placed in Keeaeo'a Mnlted opinion of hi f.ii)ii nn.l liU ilntlcd 10 It. this blub ainndurd be net. mid bin excellent and iracllr.l of profenslonal etblcs,""l,lu raco lno couri rooB' was . .. . UuRcestlnn of Herbert dale, who cjn make bl life not at all In nln. "WjUndciJ ,tlftl mloh aa vx1)mvHTy llfo Hwolutlons adopted demand an In- iCbnrli V. Stoue. "Wo can nuver re-i,,houJu ll0 ktfp, ns an inspiration to ,teruat copper strike or a federal .cH "la nnnUJ without associating others struggling against odds, and! Investigation of tho deportation of . r,y ttluj honor could always be relied 11tt1.11 nit.1 lita Hff. rnH Im mrmttAft i - - . lr"t y all who know mm. Whllo others were apparently moroi Klam-'auccexsful lu practice, they have not tho honesty ana integrity or Mr. Kee- Jrolnt out tho prnotlco of the a olden icuio more m iireiimo. "Is It not u good time while we ar IMiiR, to 'do unto others aa wo would have them do unlo us,' while we are ull heroT Tho abortcomlnga of aearly all of us are not In lending a hand of encouragement to othora, aad froa tho llfo of this departed brother, lot us gathor tho beauty et putting thai Into practice. Uo waa hoaootj waa of the nortb. and tb march of more than 2.000 trooi and citlxcn aero tb dftiert to the AmTrlean boundary, The oil 'well about Tuxpam are amous tbo rlcbeot In tbe world. In ff - t If Id Wkttaf ft .. 1 nil ...., - v 'fimt ta-ttt.ln M ..- .- .ii- -v . - ..9 . . ---.v. v vii l'wi l . - - - .w- ,-.. . -, u His Integrity the Court Room iro-.Kxd to hla family two belter thtn8i,lo,,,,jr 8,rlke lould not l..i xald of n mnn." ... : Tlitit llit. l.rirtmlf (if Mr k'rt.Ma t . ..... ..... r......,. W. w... ......,.. .. . .t.. I bo the htartlng of a local Hall of rtlliu r. dale, Kred H. MUU and p .', WBrtt namBd Ma - ..... -, -. v. V . - rommltteo to secure a suitable por-" .... ..... . . .....-. M irau, anu to urnw up resolutions qui bobalf of tho liar ABsoclatlon. .j unvo k0wn Mr. Keeseo for a, ijuiirtcr of a century, and I can testify, to all the enconlums of his assoclvi tlons," said Captain Applegate. "In tho early days of the county's history,' when It was sparsely settled, hard- ships were met on every hand, and, human sympathy was soroly needed ( at times. Mr. Keesoe always did hlsi duty In this respect. Ills life waa a great success In having been an hon est one." "If coudltlons are uot adverse, and thero Is uo temptation, It la easy to bo honest. With conditions other - wise In nearly every respect, It Is only uwu,t chnractor Indeed that .. .. ....... .... could pass through all of this with such n sterllug record on ono of the Cardinal principles," said II. M. Man n Ing. "I knew Mr. Keeseo since I uuh n boy, and ho wan tho personofl cntlou of honor aud courtesy," "Aa I looked upon tbe features of Mr. Keeseo whoa wo war assembled to pay ourr pacta to him, 1 felt (Coatlauad oa aaga 4) rK&ki 5 tssisr . Jj!rvt 7 i"S rt I . I President Wllaoa to aataorltjr for rcadvU on for ihe'larer tmrt of th',h .hP t fcorld m.plr. At thU time the im-'end to the .torH that he had laaUr tacuifo properties are owned br the decided to uae tore company contrcjltd by Lord Cowdrar Coneeralax the coafereac akeard tbo Rockefeller and 11. Clay I'ieree'the Cheater with LimWtlaea asya The district. Bfti.r m.rr f ..,i'.w. .n. . .A -v-. 1 - --. -.-- .nuv.. . b'-vv .. St t. ....... I . .. . . l 1U .U42XJHK 14 liKflV In hi Ih an rtf UI1P oi ,ne oiggMt ooom. lae wor d (13 JhilOtVn. "ff GO ON A STRIKE THII.TVTHOLS.IMII.I.QUlTI.V,J . , j.' ,, . MiCIIICA.V UNLESS THK COP I'KK STH1KK AT CALUMF7T IS skttlYj AT OXCE 'United Press Service rUQL'BTTK. Mich.. Jan. 3. A strike of 30,000 Iroti miners in Upper MIchlKau is threatened. If called. It will bo to force tbo settlement of the A vote in lu favor 11:13 been taken Hi. lun bwvita I.Aitf.ra tv I)ia VAntl. - ..... .w.H.v, ..Hw.M -.J ..... VM. - .1 i.... .. ...... . "'l """ uwiriti. m gen- I eral U In favor of this steD. Mover. Otherwise, It is declared that la strike will start. I Demand Trial for Saxton n l . T 1 II 1 4 I . I U 2)()ealists aKC UO USC CK lllCarCeilted RUM r i.. ........ . A demand Hint District Attorney John Irwin take some action toward giving ti hearing to Kugeue Saxton. who was arrested and brought here In July by Fred Morley, and has since been coutlued lu tho county Jail, though two grand jury sessions have been held in that time, Is voiced by the socialists of tho city. Tho followlug resolutions have been passed In this respect: "We, tho socialists of Klamath Falls, Oregou, la mass meeting as sembled, do hereby endorse the fol lowing resolutiens: "Whereas, Eugene Saxton has beoa couDued In tho Klamath oouaty jail HUERTA MUST GO IF RECOGNITION IS TO BE GIVEN WII-SO.VH ATTITTDK M LKfT TME 'AfconlJag to Kixecvtlve, Ctmt with ua wm to aw vr i ; of flie VokmlM Left VMttfa4-JflM , Flfhllac t OJIm U VUmrr IhMi Kver Tody, mad hem of Life to Mlrsutlljr Gruwiax fUsger I L'nlttU I're3 Serrlce Ot'LFPOIlT, M!m., Jan. 3 VnU 'dent WlUon'a Mexican poller aot bon mo(Jinl. Huerta. atut o. , Until be docs, the attitude o( tk 'admlnUtratJon wilt reaala na .rhansed. : AmbxwaJor Lind 'occe to Vera Crux. will retara at vuc uaiiL ao uiuvu xWBf akawma. rexi'' - 8 He mjs it simply cltrtl up m queaUon oxer which otherwtoe tlMtw would have been necessary a treat J exchange of meaaaiea aad letter. , Aalde from this, accordtnc to Wil son, there was nothing talked. I United Prwa Service PRESIDIO, Texas. Jan. 3. The 'fighting at OJInaga to fiercer thaa o er. I The rebels increased the fury of their assault shortly alter auoxusai. Tbe defenders of the town, however, are holding out gamely. Tho rebels are said to be la tbe outskirts of the town. There are stories here of hand to baad encotia ters with knives, bayonets and club bed guns. The latest estimates place the fed cral dead at 400, with 450 wounded. Tho rebels are said to have lost 300, with 00 wounded. These figure are said to bo conservative. Iltlrry IS tletter. . I .. . .. .-. J . i,ttrry b. Angun, superiaieoaeai. .u rlinrni of eonatruetlon of the new court house, who haa kept close to ato rooms following aa operation, oa tela throat. Is again about on the streets. Tho operation was performed by Dr. Fisher, and was entirely succeaafaJ. since August 13. 1913, oa tbo charge of forgery; and, "Whereas, the grand Jury haa hold two sessions since August IS, 1111; aad, "Whereas, the district attars? aaa failed to bring the mm et aald Uugone Saxton before the ewaad t7; and, "Whereas, Saxtoa la without faaaa. and therefore unable to dowaad at tention from tho district attanaf'a offlco; bo It therefore "Resolved that wo. tao nalaWH t Klamath Falls, deans taa la d4 trlct attorney call a aalal iianlas fC ,, tho grand Jury at oaet t Wt9m' Saxton a beariag. VIH i