: 1 .ir-l i . t; f KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -r r jt swMewwt. w IUhIiIIi Vrr No, a.U.'MI UNIDENTIFIED BODY FOUND IN Girl, With Five IN BEHALF OF GOVERNOR WEST, GIRL DECLARES THE TOWN UNDER MARTIAL LAW; WHOLE TOWN THERE " , iir to i p uuor. nOrrlnf lh tug of the Wtt and the rrf u.i. itHJMTV.ioun wi:iii:?Mt:it;' n, ,(( ,, ,.rtrW, f Ult. ,owu w . -ri ui'iiMtiit' ikti'r wlnon Vtrs, Alter MU ltlt,t IV M'l.l, ll.f. iStM-ftct ( Niltf-J Ummi IhI I It Atmt rtllrt ut the Si' lltnl innt I'mU the fl"M Hr I i ttirttl u llw lUkrr '.Ultl)r Called I'ib IWvtto OH'IMUimt.U, Oft.,, Jan. 5 ,viim JVin Unlit', Governor WrC IM ritrreniittte. flunked l Col unrl .t.,ni n1 ne mrtnlffi f the ntlttfty. Hw rlfie leaded and rdy t for At(U-it, tbl afternoon rr.i! ll.r t 3uteriitr"A fMwsgtj ttrfUllliC Copper Prl4 uuiit-r marital lsw, in Mor Urwn snd U rnctlinn. (our of . itttn r iu ili saloon uuln4, nd luun !) caniP in imi out of but new :pfy e of the elshiy-fotir rllUrlia l)t Copper field ii0 pfrrnl li -,rr tatiAl Uf tlAtt III y. Tin rinllllK u( thn lulllllaWMl Id rlifMfti Km EiHrrnin' nfilrri fti Mfiti nlnl lrr lht Utt9 I rlcmi-nl lit a iumilr a in hi ii to Th mIimm iPiHr tmVA liwn ! Mml t tii-lr hUorit") In ue fiift". it nrrrwwry, lo kffjt lltclr (ultHMiij I'ii All of llto iiifn nro urmnl, nml Ii rm t-rrii,i,jt,l ili Iminlful f KUnrtlnmrtt llt hitrn n UflttRrroti ilmr In rarrrln out Ihrlr tilrr llou. t'nltcd I'reM Her vice I'OllTI.ANIi, Jan. 2 -Minn Kcrit'i'erflelil, and If after tho departure of llnlil.n, prltnlq urereUry In (lovernor W.-at, pnwiril through hern this mori Iiir on route to (.'opporflctd to rlo the khIoouk of ttmt place. On th fame train, hut ncllim Indepeiutnlly, ax Colimrl , K, Iawwoii of the Ctmiit Artillery, lih ne mllltlnirtpn. MIm llohlm nrhcdiiled lo arrive nt Coppflrflehl nl 3 o'clock IhU atlot- inioii Him hnr n msssaRo from the Says Bud Klamath Falls Man Says Hy II. M. M I.KMOlii: I .Oil ANOKf.KH, Jan. 2. I.ocsl iportliiK writers nro agreed today In Ni'inlliiK llud Audumon hack lo the '"riii." Ho completely was (ho Northern boy outclassed by Cross yes Ixrduy that lio Is out of nil possible "liiniro at Itlvers or nny or the other "lilKher tips," II l admitted hero thut llud Is by no mmum ii llghtwwlKht nny more, l-ociil Nportliig men say lie proved (his In IiIh earlier fights tiers. Hud went Into lbs ring ysstsrilay wolnliliig nearly 149 . AC that 3ttj Ttf'tCF WWffl 'l "tWIMnltJIIBiii'liUWIIWJ ' - MA4t erlns her mttr, Ml llottb lll Uhp nu the tme train nit wlilrh airlvrd, I Colonel lwitfiii lit remain nl Caw- ML. IVm lli.M". Kent by Oovernor Wel to Enforce Saloon UltHlnc MU llobhn iho gnvenior's onlrm arei not hi')e.l, he l limtrucled to derlaro martial law, clone nil the aloous und rontlirate the lliiuor. (lermaii nicll mAiuifnclurcrs nro .tookluK to California lncene reclnr for paucll wood. The eslaMUIiiiient of n iitcll factory In California U not 'improbable. Is Too Big He Has Gone Backwards ho didn't mcoiii stroitK, there Is no possibility of his making niiy kind of n good light oven nt 13.1 now, to sny nothliiK of the 133 rlugaldo weight. To two or three Klamath Kails moil. Including myself, It seemed (hat llud had goito buck, Ho did not went to liuva the pop, nKKresslvcness mid punch (lint nmitu the Klioiinth nml Mud ford rmm IdolUo him. Ah ii welterweight Anderson should he libit) to set die world Hiiro, bu( he linn no moro InisliiesH In the llght wulKhtt ilass. lie cuii't mnko the weight und bo In any kind ot condi tion, at all. m$l& WfNm Hi x ran , 1 M lEu imftig Herald KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1914 - WWMMWVMVVVMMMyyVVWMMV Gen. Mercado, Led Important Campaign ' . .... ....-! HM1i.i,t, In JtlH lltitlt irMstrtl HcUtrllAtil III uu" . V ... , -,ru ri,m JuMri on t.;rtlrl i -rch. Mrffillll. Il ;,uvv fuiMivi. n. .- m. Binhttfi Hit uut iit fiititii r ,u of (hlfcui.t.ii.. . crr rich' AHhnufihilHounUetinr. .rlt,. m. W-rrl, of S&O mllr. I l' f f"" '" f m," rnl '......'. ... ih rcj,t the UfRtnin, Ihtj Uociom lnll that there' MI( .VF ... .-" - Aitiorlran bnrdtr hoforo oiair lr VU roulJ ortl,i Ititfm, AmouR iln ifftiRt'T who tna! thf rtnarl; ulilp I rlt fttro' ttiB t-crt wro iM.miutr. iir urn lirvrraxAJi ami uircii famUlf. lh wrBlthlc! In the tat t nilhunhua Tln Terra are nald lo bo mn ill nl rot 1100,000.000, rhlrrb In Und. With the Crfl fnm- llr they iihii mhmI o"f the tte ofi, Chihuahua Thrlr ndhernire to the tttiun of llurt h Ird Villa to do- i dare conrUcatlon of all their iiroti- Miy The elder 'lrrna. ho U nowrM , lp ,,rrt,pnl Wtn jt. In li Anelr4 with ome of hi fain- nken n 000 000 .llr. t Mid to hat t III sold Hltli hi to I NEW YEAR'S DAY AT M. E. MUMHKItS Or' NI5lti:ATIOX' Itm.NO TIIKIU I.WXrilKS, AND, TIIU .WmtXOON IS HVKSV IX A Cl.i:.SAXT .MAX.VKIt A M'ry enjoynhle soclnl dinner nnd procrnm was enjoyed by about 300 people nl the (Irnco Methodist Kpls copitl church ThtiMdny. Kck family hroiiRht their dinner, and these wero spread on the tables In the dining room, nnd n common dinner was en Joyed. , After the dinner (leofKv J, Walton took rhnrce, nnd 'thi Jollowlng pro Krum wivs rendered sX Instriimeiitnl nolo. irtTffdo lloats; vocal solo, Loiilso lleuson; short talks hy J. (I. Cnmp, K. M. Chllcoto nnd llev. :. C. Illchurds; Instrumental solo, lluiitrlco Wnltou; vocal solo, Mrs. It, It. Hamilton. After the urogram nhout fifty re mained for n Hoclnl supper together. All who wero present feel that much wns nccompllshcd for the social side of church life, and there Is a general feeling Hint this Now Year's dinner ought to ho ntmlo n yearly af fair. The forest service collected 40,000 pounds of Iron seed lust year for use Iu reforestation work, The total area reforested was about 30,000 acres. CHURCH Militiaman MMWWVWWWWWwWMWMMWWWWWftWWWWAWW FEDERALS FIGHT DESPERATELY TO RETAIN OJIHAGA ISKHi:iS ftTIM. KKIT MIOM KV TKIII.VO TOW.V '.Wtilmtwtitor I. tint t Ktpcrlcil l !' ClitUlLan TliU .tUrrtwMiii lo Ctm- ' frr Willi frr-Mrtil VltH Itt-cnrtl- IttlC '' I - lrrloiltirnf III, Mrlf I'll)-, and tit (.Vinfrirtttv It l lUllrvrtl t lie Vrtr ImiMirfiii. ' I'nttMl I'icM 8rtlc i BHII)IO. T.xiw. Jn. 2. The , K' '"" ir.lou of OJ na Jw fwe 0s WtrBli sMM toffw dttt., , . ! aru Inmilrntii Hlttvd. The border -i 'Si. i The rattle of munketry and boom - hie of cannon make a contlnuou' ""' L'liltrd I'riM Sorlco 1'A.S.S rilltlMTIAN. MIm., Jau. 2.'w,ft, he mcrcJ. wcnl Uck l0 nU oW -At 10.30 a Inunrlt came Into the narvtir "ere. ann nam. o.urcr uci.i. rre.1 a inewaKO from Amhawador ,..., ... .IWVl ,Vl.ll .M, "MU U.- ,l ' ci,,efU"d t,,at Und "ua wn" 111 ronfer this afternoon. The staco Is all tot for this con-1 ference. which may have an Import-! nnt bearing upon tho administration's 'troops, entered the American Cloth-jsluco and is now with him In Chi-' lla whether accidental or with sul 'luiure course In the Mexican sltua-'nK company ortlco and saw the young huahua. , cidal Intent. An autopsy wll be held (lion. 'to dotermlne this, principally by the Any information In advance of the JnuTiltiK has been rcfustsl by Wllsou. LUBKE'S SANITY HIS UNDER TEST II t: A it I X Cl IIKKOKK COUNTY JI'IHJK WOUDKX THIS AKTEH- X1MX KUYKKXIIAI.Ii A1'I'K.1W FOH I'll I SOX Kit Whether or not William Lubke Is sane Is n matter that Is being set tled before County Judge Worden this afternoon. Dr. White, Wright nnd Hamilton will couduct the exam ination. Prosecuting Attorney John Irwin Is present nt tho hearing. Attorney 1). V. Kuykeudall has been retained by I.ubke, who Insist that ho Is the Victim ot enemies. It Is said that ot tale Lubke's act ions havo been queer, A few days ago, while In Jail, ho attempted to kill hlmseir, according to Kugene 8a lon, a fellow prisoner. Saxtou says I.ubke then turned on him, Moro than 130,000,000 board feet ot timber was given away fret by the government last year to settlers and mluers living Iu or sear (he national forests. , in i4men'can Woman Wed Poncho fmummrt' $ 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm TOUllEON. Mexico, Jan. 2. hen ancho Villa, who swept the federal , force from Juarez and then led his victorious troois outb to Chihuahua, tuVltiK that city, the largest In the northern ttarl of Mexico, wanted a .bandit methods to gel one. lie chose w Amcrcan womnu nnd rJered her Q hm on Uk , Sho M ,...., , .., .,,.. ,- uivuiuiiih v viiu ttwj vv- Hut so far she has not complained to any American consul, and no ac - 'tlon has been taken by the United states government, viii nt thn h.it of some of hla DORRIS MAN IS CALLED BEYOND KIIKD IIIVI.V CHAPMAN, SUFFEll IX1 FltOM TUIIKKCUIiAK TKOU Itl.VX, SL'CCUMIIED IiAST -IGHT AT ItiaCKltUltX HOSPITAL Followlug a tour day selge ot pneu monia, Fred Chapman, who conduct ed a drug and confectionery store iu Dorrls, dlod shortly after midnight at the lllackburn hospital. He was brought hero to undergo an opera tion for tubercular troubles, but con tracted pneumonia before ho could go under tho knife. He was a son of H. F. Chapman ot Dorrls, and was born in Missouri thirty-ilve years ago. He resided at Dorrls several years, and was well respcctod. Deceased was a member ot the local Moose Lodge. When tbe mes sage of death reached the lodge, two members. Will law Taylor and John Hubbard, sat with the remains through tho night. Iu the morning the remains will be shipped to Dorrls, Tho Moose will escort tho casket to the depot, and a delegation will attend the funeral, to be conducted by the Dorrls Lodge ot tke Knights Pythias. Coonerfied WWWVMMMXM Forced to Villa, Ex-Bandit woman costlier or tne place. He te- elded that he wanted to wed her, nnd the story goes tnat lio sent for prlett, who was compelled to per - form the ceremony. The affair ere- ated little comment here at the time, for It was merely another lllustra - tlon of the methods of Villa when he wa a bandit and since he has risen to power aa an Insurgent against tbe government. When Villa left Torreon on his northern campaign his wife rode be- side him iu the nnest carriage he had , been able to slete. Sho seemed con- j touted. It is understood she has ac- comnanled hlra on his camimljcns ever ' Xew Shipping Itulc ' Cnitcd 1'ress Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Jan. Gold coin, gold bullion and gold dust cannot be shipped Into the United States from Alaska by mall attor to 'day except In sealed packaged, regis- 'tered, and not weighing over eleven pounds, according to postottlce rulings 'have things as soft as they used to. Outside Aid in Fight 4 44 4j Two More Organizatkms Strive to Opei Hirers Promlso of outside aid in tbe fight being made to have Williamson and Spraguo rivers opened for logging la coutalnod in two letters received this morning by Secretary Wylde of the Klamath Chamber ot Commerce. These are from the Oregon Devel opment League and tho Cottage Qrove Commercial Club. The league's let ter, signed by C. C, Chapman, tot lows: "Your resolution regarding tho closing ot the Williamson and the 8prague rivers have been received by tho Oregon Development League and the portland Commercial Club. It m matters like this tsat wt delight to PRINTITHK NEWS WHILE IT II MSWS CANAL GREWSOME FIND WHILE CLEANING CANAL SCREENS DECOMPOSED BODY OP A MAX 1 DIHCOVKRED II. 1 Iln la the KenttWtdt torall i a TIbeic, and Fratarca are Cww Bliahle Aatopajr will Be 8eld mt Oace to DeC?nJ Whether or Net the ba Waa Dead Wbea He Ba tered Water Xo Ctoe t l ttfy White cleaning the KTeeM is tke Keno canal at the Intake far tke flume for tke California-Orate Power company' Wert SMe fftamt, Cbaxlea Meldrura. In charse of tae pUnt. dlscoTered the body of a MM lodged against tbe screen, and held there by tbe force of the current. Coroner Earl Whitlock, who waa notifled at once, remoYed thie re mains to tbe morgue, where an esaa- 'Inatlon wilt be held. , The body was badly decomposed. and it Is bettered that It was la tke . jwater for two weeks or more, lodged , agalnal one ot lhe banks, or under '.h surface U ia ImnoMlble to reeoa- niIe any of the facial features, not ovea a faint outline being certain, , The man was about 43 years of ' age. He was six feet high, and kad 'dark brown hair, tinged with gray, j A search of his clothing failed to reveal any writings at all that woald 'shed any light upon hla Identity. He ' was attired in a blue coat, a tan work- Iiik shirt, a pair of blue overalls, and ihe wore a pair ot very cheap shoes. The condition of tbe body makes It Impossible to tell whether the Btaa was In the canal as a result of foul (conditions ot the longs. Got to Htaad WASHINGTON, V. C. Jan. 3, Doorkeepers In congress nsust stand up hereafter. They used to have ales, sort-cushioned chairs, but democratic economy or something else kit tke .place, and now the doorkeepers doa't take up with tbe proper authorities. and you may rest assured we will e. everything In our power te help yen. "That is what we are here fer, aad we thank you for sending us these." The letter from tbe Cottage Grove Commercial Club Is to this eSeet: "Your communication of tke ltd, in regard to the opening of tke WU llamson and Sprague rivers to lefftasl operations, received. L "This matter waa take p at oar regular meeting last evealaff, a4 tks) otlcers of our Coaaraeretal Ct feMW'W; been instructed to 1', gMttsjcVT-; un with our rssresaadsiw'M !?", " " ".- - ---- 1 - - T r f grass, urgtag rivers." tea.: i JlaWti-v. -m rttl I "t u -l ft SjM t .75