"V Hi u KLAMATH PALLS -OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 1 tughtfc v-,, vtM FEDERALS FIGHTTO ESCAPE VILLA ) ) Lind Conference Is Postponed by a Dense Fog on Gulf WILSONPLANSTO KEEP REPORTERS AWAY FROM IIM' Imi liM-AYSAHttlYAl. Of l.lNIVl VKttttU, IV-MrHl Wilt St AlkiW the Srmw paper Mm l Talk Willi IIm Mr- turi.c.1 MUUi Hull! After II 8r.Vro,,rl '"' WW lHl.m. mint !! Hi hi. Hut rromUc l Ultr Tttetn IMtnllr Htatrmrwt ItegantUMC II Might Aflrrwant. United l'rt-44 Service lA8M CHHtSTlAN. Mbe., Jan. I. Ttio preldrnl cotifarehea with John ' Unit Um been uMiun4 about twelve hour. the crultr Chreter enetiun-. Url foe. which C4l I ho delay. 'rrldrl WlUon wade hi plwj)H. IUKKU MKTIHF MIOM fur the reception o( Una with vlw to trirrulrn any lntpftlsw by th na4(r mt?Q, (irtor in th official I(t ban pramlMtl a latenDt soon ntttr h coferBC. That MnJ brlnpi at lai a Unta tiro troptwal from Ifuetta U roaiMr. rl certain In the IlKht of ilortlorw mnnin hrr. fupiU lavukr llrcall I'nrty nuplU In the chool of tola, Kan., voted to get rid of tholr tachr H--atui bo flo(Kd a boy who wu unrnly, County Aitorney Wntttml pal thn nnw ucWan of a niw tmcticr op to tho puplU, who unanlinounly voted to havo a nr one. Th nw teacher U -iHrtKl to haoUh lh rubbor bo a an artlcln of school dlaclplln. Reception Prayer. Parties and Dands Usher in New Year With a clamor of acreatnlng whla il and clanging of 'bell, row PM (hutting on or all electric power for half a minute, and shots, bleats of horru, Old Man '13 crept Into hlxtory. and the center of the atage waa taken by Kid '14. l,oeally there was every variety of entertainment, front n church watch party lo n cabaret cele bration. At llouton'a opera house, there wax held tho annual mask ball, ' A niimlmr or residences war the scene of mjoyablo watch parties, A union watch service by the con gregatlona of the MethodUt,' llaptlst, l'n-bytrlaii and Christian churches wan held at Orate M. K. church, and waa nt'tended by n large number. In addition to short talks by tho clergy, aomo timely remarka were wade ny laymen from each church, and a num ber of choral and solo numbers were rendered by members of the different 4holrs. Aa tho old year ebbed away and ike llcklug off of the second brought !n 1H, the audience joined In ning lag hymns, and after n nrayer, were dismissed in lfl, A InMneeaywas ofe KLAMATH FALLS, ORKGON, THURSDAY, xrLnjxnjvtnrLOjruviAnn SHAVER BOUND TO THE BRAND JURYI - -i ATTOIINKV HA.VIKI.H Mt'hT Afl'KAH III,' I'OIIK INOCIMITOlUAl, KOK IIKAM.VO IMIIIV W. J. MiAVer, the ntlnrnoy whom Mr, Alia PauleM arm ot hcmpiug warrant I!-! h-r by tlt county pear before. t grand Jury. Me a tmnud titer to await lit" action t( UiU body Ulti Wednesday by Juth of' ttln I'MK" B. W Oowrli. ! NEW PRESIDENT FOR COLORADO 0. WITIVi: rilAllt AtTtitt A rKHlU adjiti tiu-mielvr. i.i i)i rtindf. 'll'K U" OVt'll TWKNTV VKIIM ','flB lM"wl by th rnilriMd larlff r?TUInit hill. til Yf(kV . emu Telrgraws from ImMur men In all 'lln' nil all or ih rouniry ii in VuUti I'ttm Htnlf ' j.Vew Yurk Wutht rirm tint int HOIM.IIKH. Colo.. Jan. ,-ktM'x ihJmn "Th' Ut1'""1' itir i9i having mvml a prldani of '-I'Mntlnki t(fl fundamental rconomlc Uftlvcr-liy of Colorado for iwnr.icnn4tolHt ot 0, tmtuitf ttrp ttu,,d year. lr. Jamm llaknr today rtlrd a head ot the Inatllullon to ftfrppt Inton undrr Ibo Carnrglw fund for J cdncatom. I.UInKlfl Karrand, pro nQfirQIirfly nil fMor of aalhroHloy at ColMMb(a'l uLuDLull UN univcraiiy. nurcnviis nun. it. hii ; UtiKbl for forty yran, and U now 68, yoara old. Il lia rvd for yaara aa a wutalwr of Iho National CommU- aton of Kducatlon. onett I In praaldont.t for 1914 nerved during the evening. At the While pelican hotel n caba ret celebration, which proved highly cnjoynhlo for all In attendance The table, rmervrd In advance, were ar ranged around the walla of the dining room, and the center of the floor was kept clear for dancing. Tho dinner lowmenced at Uv. and between courses nearly all got ep lo trip tho light fantastic, music being furnUhed by the Tlndal orchestra, following tho completion of the menu I hit dancing became general, and Ike ilunciw run the gamut of the three- Htup to the latent alitp In syncopated time. , Just before midnight a march was Nlarted through the hotel. Whan Lit tle Old Nlneteen-Kourteen popped kls head in the doer ne was greeted by n loan line of Jolly People, serpentining single Hie through the lobby, the nun parlor, the billiard room, in fact throuah the whole lower foor of the hotel, shouting, blowing horn, end streaming the whete place with pager serpentines, Interwound in w anMnv Ing network of colore end patter that would give n cubist nrllet tke nV tadratlen ne haa togs Iff k4 fer, Euintttm " OPTIMISM IN THE WAY THE COMING YEAR IS VIEWED ;itrxt:M am piyamiiai. i,t:ii KKTS hi'iii; (Omentl Opinio Ttirt.MglM.wt llt (VtMllrj ll TImI Hie Hulltrw (' llill.tM Will ltM.III Alb-pt T1rll. rltr lit ! .NVtt T.iflff llrgul. lliiH. and Tim! llif I'unrmjr Mr ntr CMtlr a iif til (Wrjitraw, litltt l'r Skrvlre SKW YUHK, Jan. I -tlmral tip tlmtnin l rtfttfitt All ufrr I ho a ton -itir.lIint ntrnllilnii. In ltli Thre I implicit confidence ! pd In the ? rtirrrnry rform jlw .Tlif rnrl (iplnlon U Ihiil th lred Ke-rtary ItrdOrld of the do I partition! of cummerro. ' HIS WAY HERE PAHTNKIt Ol Till; lTK W. II. KKKMI-:!-. Wll.l TAKK til AT OXl'H TIIK FlltM'H I'CMHMI I.M1AI. IIIHINKKH I Telegraphln advice ha been re ceived from Hollo 0, tlroehe'ca, law I partner of the late HVi Keee, from Van flureuVAjrC, elating that he I on hi wnyXt Klamath Kalla, and will at oucyfakeiui Ibo pending I 1 legal hulnesM)f tho flrntS. I Mr, Ojlebeck wsa spending the hpHda in tho Middle Went and the J Houth wheu lnformel of thn death' of his partner. 6IRL TO CLOSE OREGON JOINTS MIKW IIOHIIH I.KAVKH I'Oll IIAKKK COUNTV TOW.VIM KXI'Kt.TKII TO AltHIVK TMt:ilK AT TWO O'CMMJK TOMOHBOW United Press Servtee t HAI.KM, Jan. 1, Miss Fern Hobbs, (lovernor Weal's private secretary, leaves today for Copperfleld, In Maker county, to close tke saloons there, ike wilt reach tbere-nt J-flVlock tomor row. ' " 8" , " Ho far as known, she will go H.gae- companled. the would not comment today upov kow she expecla to'aeeom pllah tke task. General Villa, Who Is Leading the Rebel Attach on Ojinaga WmFmSnmmmamtimmM z?fi$& v IHaWMKNBiHaWaBBBBBBHtM.Tf- J&Jf.M- EBEEEEHEBEEjSJnHMHBwt Kf, N'SiilaaaaaH aaaaaaaaEaP aAaBMBLaiJE- lafc iaT'i HaaaBalW ijlH EBBBBBBBBBBBkalEBBEvl KJjKhJB aaaBriHf: .SaaW'-lfB LEE9HK'1!wffitlH SSSSSSSSfciTsP?r!rsW!:if,,i v?,pspiESE LbVbVb JaWBEESSt;K' JHDsiEEH EEEKlKaEEKTHr.BHIirQEEEH EEEEEEEElEEEEEEEEEEEEsBE?P,,'Akv .SEEI BEEEEEEEBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsaiMili!!.' 'LOIlBEEE BBBBBBaBBHivBBBaBBHMBar'aWaaaHaBBS aBBBaKBajBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBajHHPvVBVBapBarjaHI SaSafliHHaEaaWEai KsbtBssKwjlEsssssltBssssssssssssssVt ir vMaVBbiktEalBSBBSSSV vSlHlalEEESEEEEEEVPT ViP1" llBsfflllEiME? ;. -r: ltMMti ELvBBEBEYkIBbBEBEBBEsBkbEw lEBVSBEflBEflKjBVaEBfeSE't 'tfeKsr IbIbbbVIbIbIbHHhhIIbIbIbIbIbIbSHHHwO' .;V'-;ii-"-''i'Ti IBlBBBlBlBlBlBBllBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBKelSS-jt:i,! "f-S HHBBEBBBBBBBBBBSIiiliffjl FUNERAL OF H. W. KEESEE IS HELD I.AIIOK CIUIWU !' I-'KIUNIMI AT TKNI liAHT NAI HITKHRK. MAINH INTKHKKtt UNUKK THH " AtiNI'K.'lM OF ODD PK1XOWH A Inrgn number of friends of the late II, W. Kecaeo unmbled at I. O, 0. b hull at 3 o'clock this afternoon to pny their laat rimpwta to the do parteil, who was latd to rest iu the 1, O. O. V, cemetery, At the hall, the service were conducted by Rev. K, V. Itlchnrd, and hi sermon con tained much to comfort the grieving friend and family, Following the ceremonyat tke kali, tke cortege formed and moved to tke eematery. Here the aervleea were thn ritual ef .tho f, O. O. V., Chaplain M. H, Duty being In okarge, ' The pallbearer were members of the I, O, O. V,, and were H. L. Foun tain, JFnsner Kennett, M, 1. Ueniyer, J, Fred aoeller,Oeeffe L, Naihrey and '. A. anVsawM, TIM HMewang Iteratffc JANUARY I, 1914 ' m 5LJ ' N tTrl honorary pallbearers were from the Klamath Couuty liar Asaoclatlont Charles K. Hlone, Fred It, Mill, Uoo. N'olaud, Thomaa Drake, K, 1.. Klllutt and O. M. Onelll. The Moral offering were very beau tiful, and betokened the esteem in1 which the deceaaed brother waa held by hi fellow lodge members and hi fellow cltlten. Member of tho I, O, O. F., Pros perity Itebekali I,odge and the liar Aoclittlon attended In n body, At the meeting ot the Bar Associa tion nnd county officers held Weduea day afternoon, $100 was subscribed, and will be presented to the bereaved widow. Baturday morning a special Himslon of the circuit, court will be hold, nt which time hi, fellow attor neys will pay runpect to the memory of thn departed, l,hUor Ada Harred Kansas City, Kan., has adopted aa ardlnanee prohibiting thn display ef liquor advertising In atreet can, on elf boarde, In window, en wagers r en 'meter ear, Thn penalty le n Rtte ef fleO and a JeJI aentenee ef thirty daye. ' The bureau of eutomology acd the forest aervleewerklni together fer the control at forest Insects, last year eevered ntere the 10,0I0 nerea In their operatiene. X ., a -,--.,---.- ,,.. --,---r SECOND STORM IS PREDICTED EOR CALIFORNIA TWO INCHIM AMI A IIAI.F OK I IIAIM VKUt I 1 Truffle i.i U,v HmUt ! Ilimkml by Mtli Walrr Hrjkt.rU h'nmt tl rUtmiomiu Vallry Am lit Umj Kf frt Ttiat Umj flool l lU-rrdl. Wralhrr HiitmM IVrtUcta Anotlirr rVvrt Hluno In Hliort Timo I t'nl.?d IVwa Karvlco I HAN" PIIANC'JHCO. Jan. I. Ono nloriii, hp moi aevero In Iho way of rain that Northern California baa nnpitflciRt'd In tewral year, la over, but according to iho walher bureau, "Anothrr la duo any minute' front Columbia Hirer uttf. 1 Thn old atorm brought 2.S0 Inchea of ralu. Train were at ailed by thn ilfn ttrearaa. i ' i United I'rea Service ! SSACIUMKNTO, Jan. l-Uporl from lite Hacrantettto Vat ley aay the rtrnwl watera are receding. AVI 1,1.1 AM W(H)I IK NOW A IIKNKIHCT I ' At tho ltwU renldenro on Vrt Main (ret, Mr. Halllo Currln and William Wood were united In the bond of matrimony by" Uec. B, C, Itlchard. Only the famlllea ot the contracting partle were trent. Hoth have r raided here for yearn, and their many friend wh them un lotd hapntitet. They aro realdlng t Ihw home on Hlilh atreet recently 'purrhated by Mr. Wood. John's Dance Great Ekkaalk taal IU The elfihteeiilh New Year's Kvo mniUiado ball given by J. V. Itou ton pawed Into thu realm of pleaant memorlna at 3 o'clock this rooming, adding another convplcuoua poko in tho cycWi of Klamath Fall' nmuso menu and cntettalnment. I.Ike all II predeceaaors, the eigh teenth annual masquerade waa en tirely auccoaafu) and highly enjoyable, Calo Oliver met tho merry makera at tho door and announced to tho audit-nee their dlfforent Imperaona tloii. Johnny Hubbard, aa floor manager, kept htinaolf buy looking after the welfnro of the dancers, mating prluo e nnd beggar, fairy and clown, peas ant maid nnd Spanish grandee, la n way to gladden the heart of the moat rabid socialist. These he kept la n mad mm of tripping and skipping and swaying. In rhythmlo unison, en tirely oblivious to traditions or to caste, fleuiton'g annual masquerade hall oh New Year'a Hv haa long been ac cepted aa n permanent Institution, Just the earn aa ianta Glaus or the tax collector, nnd 'to mles one la eon sldered n calamity, indeed, itnee the PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS KSaRtSJMMKRSSBCMHni' NEW YEAR DAWNS ON BLOODY FIGHT AROUND OJINAGA IIIUIKUt CUE HKAVY AUTIXLKKb IS HATTLK WwttMitrd MuMlrra CYciBa; tb Hlvetr Hay There Are at l.ettat firs Haw itrrd Head lefl la Ute HtreeU of Um Tour WlUt Um DowmfaU of Um City It la KitwrtfJ tliat Um DeeaaV era Will CroM Um Dm. United I'rea Berrlca Kli I'ABO. Tex.. Jan. I.New Ver Day dawned with a.trrlac batUe rag ing at Ojinaga. The Bring coubmc ed yeaterday. and did ot caa throughout the night. The rebel army haa coaceauated l(o artillery In Bring o Um tow. KimlU are raining in the atreet con tinually. Half a down tree atarted through the night from thl boaa bardment, but were eitlnguUhed. Wounded federal aoldlera arriving here aay that there am at laatt 600 dead lying In the atreeU. They eati mate 1.000 will be killed by the Um the city fall. When the city falls It la expected that thero will bo a wild etampede to American territory by the federal. The execution Wantonly made by Villa at Jauret am still fresh In the mind of the Huertatte. ItealUIng that lo be captured mean execution, the federals are ffahtlnc llkn dtnnnt. niaiuirtu la. jdkato that the city will fall by night. M bU U 3 1 ilrsl masquerade ball given by Mr. HouNton, eighteen year age. each ucceodlng year bring many changes. Tho cornet, the clarinet the trom bone and plcolo hoe superseded the llddle and the banjo; the old' fashion ed "square dance," the dainty nua uot, the rollicking aehettleene and tke Virginia reel kaa gradually been puttied into the dlecare by the tkra. te)C the turkey trot and the grimly bear. These changes, nnd many other. wore noted by Mr. Houston last night, as he mixed with the happy throng, greeting old friends and new. And when he spied n coatume oa the leer that had been ea the floor at the drat masquerade eighteen years ago, In retrospect he turned the pages of the peat and reviewed that Initial attempt ot his so leaf ago. Mr. Houston la a fluent talker, or dinarily, but something hindered hht speech, last night when he fell late a mood ef reminiscences, and reeaated Incidents ot that first masquerade, telling of the ladles who earn e koreebaek ever many mile C treaea WMMMIMIMIMMMIMIMMMMMAWMM (Oeatlaued ea pat ) VS .'. k-' w v xtfLXfiric 4 f1 i