A' "tf v ; ' te ttl Herald KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS i iffiS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913 t.sm - ic jUiW iu1tftt0 'r lift " h Budget Is Cut $87,000 by the County Court r jiLAAfWV1JW"l" rfMMVWVWMVfcVVVSSVVVVVWVVNMVMMWMWWWWMWWWWWMM VMaeeaaSaA MERRILL DAIRY GRAND JURY TO f nwpn IQ aMamiiii' leiW ill0N OUT OWNERS FORM A ' INVESTIGATE THE UUVVC 5 W "S I THAT AMERICANS HELPING REBELS BRANCH ASS'N1 MOYER ATTACK -OPERATIVE CREAMERY Hlrt. l-ltOHiut lolt rAMJ A SPECIAL CUNMER AT MEETING I MWHION Robust Magistrate Establishes Record;, l.'nlliutlatlir lrr llir Plait, l'iriiiri ami IMrymrn Nrnun a ( oMiuilitr lo Gather Itot In Tlml Hniluti In Ihn Number of Coins, Elov Al fatfe Tiinn WmiM llMr Hm Cmom rrjr 1tier Tim Mount l.akt, .MloitM') lur lit" I'rtlrrnllim I'tninl lit I'muMl IM.Irl.M. 11ml Will Hillnt -ImilUln lli Allegation of tit" Mlnrt In tin' Efteol Tlml lln I'll lil' AlllrtlKti l HmMinlin fr lli ItrniliiK aim! Minuting. Interesting Facts and Figures Regarding Marriages FEDERALS FINDING AMERICAN . CARTRIDGES (Herald Special Hcnrlcc) ,,ir.l Pret Service MERRILL, IMr. SP. -A rouTinc. .Al.l'Mirr. l-c nicetine: r th ilatrrtui-n mitt farm- ci nf Merrill, Mallu and vicinity lipid Monday ellrriioau, at which lltlln thorp w organl'ed n Merrill tifautli dl lllO KUlimlh County Dalrjtilrli AMiKUIIon. Jamr Kill, tiftliiini ut the rutin i akUiIuu. irlill, and ti"'iira Urn meeting, after outlining It pur- H0, Following Oil Will Adam was year preceding niclrU' nt the great 30. A jkIJ rsl number nf weddings Hon nf lb grand Jury for Hough- Tills year, though. 'There lialul no i... ra..,.ir ! tiMi.i lallKtt liv Prom-, mm ri In" parson" Then' a "mar- t-i r AHntny Lues ryn JcMlte." though, for Justice of l.ura wilt maVr u ilioiuiieli luvew'tlm IVan- K W (iowrti mi far this f r Ulon of the nttnrk ami deportation eir( and the nt of li In wry brief) o I'riMiltlriii .VIo)fr of ih WVntt-rn liu II i nronl for Hm lnrK-i ntimlicr V. Iralln of Mlnnr. t marrlaKf utte llllltiu, nttnriif)- for the in nililltliwi to UcIiik a r.-conl for I.Tnlloii. lion irltil"il to furnUH tm ),.ar. tlilu Jint of (Iohcm'ii I IiIh ii , emiul Inrv llh rvlilnr to l- tniir lit another way. Tlilu la the fhn chairman and J, O, Hatt iiph ,ltt t, Mriknrn' rhanc that ili rinii tlmo In paMllily n Kuvrntlon that rtlnry, t uircii'o Alllmif l rrumlllr. for , marolnn ncoril Iibh bitn hcltl Th farmir tnt ilalrymm wrr All u ,. murk ujion M)rr ti a Jtmtlri of Um peace. irtthultMtl! over lUt I'lan for a Hilton h nlw promUrd to pro- jlul (ujw t(l mBltratu happciifd !)H?atUet tframnry, nt b oiwratnl t) ,, -r ..itnc at Um Imiutt to iow (f) njy)j t)lf, Ipn(j )n 1P B,,CinB busl- lltt awMKlatintt. Arllr)p f Incur- Hal n mmt'fr of tin IUnr tnad" lwtt t a matttr tti.it, li tn runiuml. iximllun for U pnterprUo bovo l- u fntrl cry of "flr" n the t'lirlut- ul)l inwtlK3tcd at the nxt racct- fMily tKHH fllrrt, tn lrrt llial rniiuiimi in wTruj-i..-j nK of t,0 KHitnalli Kail .Ministerial Tli fiinipraUnn I rapMMIii'tl drilh. it li linn .tlt'litrit Into 2.0 tin lmrr. worlti lltt wrh. It th wino of the wrrtinit Monday thai thn mock Wo t.hoiil.lii'1 tiK-iik of ihu "inarry- ilMiled by thono who cro Btnrted on Klamath Falls -a certain Iter. George In' luraon" diirltiB tlio ytiar to roino.jthu matrimonial ca by tins Justice. 'II. Ft .-lie. and na long at ho wan with Thl U tht- title locally bwtoned inion They nay they only get hearty con- uh ii.o tine ox murrym ianun uv IflfrcyiiK-n. ho durliiK th calondnrkratulatlonn. o posalbly It In the- to him, for he was sought by the ma I ........ . ii .. i...,. -..i.. i .,... ik.Mnrlli' nf lli nun Inrpatlne 13 with Krniuit iiuicmiijuicu iimuiu wi Cettr.in: Over Tlilu Report From tin Frimt Ih IIi-IiI Todar liv Huerta anil Emtio)- Secretary 0'Sliaua) ueH.i), anil at This, Dictator Gives No Credence to Uie Story Rebel Gathering Near Ojlnaga. LEVY 17.2 MILLS ! FOR THE GENERAL COUNTY EXPENSE THE TOTAL LEVY REACHM & MILLS Increase of 3.8 Mills Orer Lat Tear Tar Levy Two ThonwJ PoMara la Cat From Um Eatlauted OsrMt Expetue Faad, aad the Amoprto tlon for MlsceUaaeow Erf asm b Ju.it Cat la Half. ' l.ould ! mwiiihI rnllisly by lh dairy men and fanm-rii, afh Mock holdor to havo no morn nor lr than tii harta. A rommlttce w nanid to coin plli. UlU(lr a to tint daloinit P"l liltlU In IhU ncttlon. They will an Tla!n how many ro tbr nrp. and Im many more mtttlit bo pnrchnimd , whn th creamery staru. Mount Ukl, lmtrrii Merrill and Klamath KalU, wn favored by many aa thB Idral location for tho rream ry, on afcounl of Itn helms a central point for all Uw farmem. Malln dairy mn AMociallou. Judge Cliarloit (Irate, Couoif predKMHor. made atroiiK. but Ineffectual attemptu to corner the, matrimoiiiai traue, nun u i nam mm thin determination h onti of the hlKKest planks In the Gonen platform at election time. ' WhethiT or not (low en marries "couple nl leu than the union waKe Is not known definitely. Tho report that hut iu...nln them with n useful nroB- HlvKIIOUCAIll.mN'AM ARNOLD nt nni) tlckot. sood for n chance rFM. (tM'NCII. IHlW TV,on the liouno and lot hlcli will ro . .......,...,. to the lucky number holder wns kUcii IMIUIMOI' (NillU.N HhMADI. !,,,., (or a ,tUl, vihlle. but It Is INTO TIIREi: ! ' WOODMEN TELL TRADE SECRETS BP-5K' C4$ri 'I III HlsilaBtl st llll' ff 1 Xvkifr i jfX I i igyAy mr A total of 187.099.06 wu sliced o the appropriation budget aapabltoked by the county court at a meetus or the board today, when th made for nexKyear, The levy forllf yoar for all par poses over Xh lob the county court ivy vu t has jurisdiction, .witch excepts state and the Jorlty of those Investing 3 wltbjunitea rress aervico 'County Clerk De I.Jf p. Rev. Fecse left I MEXICO CITY. Dec. 30. Advices here in October, and It Is lucky for.Mnt to tne war office from tha north- Gowcn's record Ihrt he did, for a few etn country U!s morning were to the Hnm ,lnva nlvlit ! tlirntL'fl Irin ' - . . At ..l.i4t.nAtlalna n A lliuj ua; ui iv j.v tawu . CIIGCl llim Hie lUiUlllUlluuaiiBtaa Justice from firi to cccond place, a8ugng quantltlea of American ammu- Taa Ih I .. .. . ... winvwtntm hahlml ... .. ... . .1... I......!.... riTTHj is jubi win- umiaiubv Mcit.u ulllou, wnicn geis oer luu uuiun, uoen. despite tne emuargo. I During the joar Judge Oowen mar- The dispatch stated that all the rlcd twenty-one couples. During bis eaerai commanders are finding l.lAnnn lia.n li. I Q1 TT ftf T!IWkCa . I. ... l n naiucun. ,.ci. ,u ---, ..... . -"-merican raauu cumuisw. imllla officiated at twenty ceremonies. At noott nuerta and Embassy Sec- nurDOg. ' lg mUto or re- Third place-goes to Rev. J. 8. Stub- retary o'Shaugbnessy held an AZIkCIZ otllii blefleld, who so far this yar marriei? mal conierence, regarding the rumors . . jiMity ten couples. The numocr or mar-ithat tne WIe receiving Amir- wm be 25S a,,. ',,. riages by somofcrjWfe other ministers Ican aId and American ammunition. 1rea7e of 3 5 over yeiV xbU follew: LS At this Huerta said he did not cred- . ta aused' b. the ngher fay Rev. J. W. Worrell five. Frank M.,t the30 storles. O'Slftughnessy said 'y thfatate wd schc ; Upp two. Rev. Wm. McMillan two.' be report3 were not worth conslder-l .. ' .... ,rtM. - .RW.-E. Ctlchardafour..Elder S. D. nll , . Bh,uki bndetv er. Uarlanfour. I i . M -, tana - ctirrviiL CAiicuaca ava vvawww school purposes, will be ll.X, Last year tne total levy Car It Is stated upon pretty good au-'ni rc wvir tnoruy tnai mere win do ui ieai ouei .... m .1 .1 ! .. . Ikla .aa Tn CHI EL l'ASO, Texas, Dec. 30. ,'.t ih , .h p rpeord. .'ng thero from nll airecuons a . nlnhlp.nirtA mflrfln"fl licenses were Issued so far this year, inni-.HtrMe that 1913 record made according to the marriage record at it.n olAt'a fllcn Thrt rirnrn for each .month follews: ( . January 10, February 6. March C.j possiblu the April C. May C. June 8, July 11, Aug-i !..-. a .MI R riMlniA9 -19 Vft. iUSl I, JJCJIIUIUUCI M, vi-iuut. -, " , For socral joars there resided lnjember 6, December (incomplete) Thorn wan no wood inoJUlitc ordl bliwovnr. bellevo It nhould be mm e Introduced at last nlnhf moot rioaer in Merrill. .The farmtjra and dairymen com prUIn tho aMoclatlnu are all rtithu ttlaxtlc ovpr lli? propK( for n opi-rallro creamery. Arranitementa ar bltiK rod to allow- utork holder lo pay tor Ihnlr altaren by n certnln prrcentttKe of tlio alu of tbelr but tor fat. iHtl Timer Itrlum. "Hwlley" rtleron, one of tb old pioneers of Klamath county, who for mriv lived at llonana, la In Ibe city oh a ntiBlrieM trip from his bom at Catco, Catlf. Don't forget the mamiun ball John Houston Is giving New Yoar'a Evo at the opera house. . This Is tho engli teeath year, and they have always been great successes. I..- ,,r ilu, riiuncll. insieau, ineru iv .,r lulka hv several local dealers as hiiw to beat tho proposal that wood thrown loonl Into a wagon with a I'.iS.foot uipaclty conslltutod a coru.j W. i:. Sechorn, I. ,C Carlson nnui 0. A. Arnold stated that such u law ..',..ii.i ..miiilii them to so throw wood In tho wagon Unit It oulil till tbe slnmlard space, mid that the consum er would find himself short. Ah thora Is stato regulation cov ..i.... iiii, mutter, they stated tlml Villi " - .1 ii. i ...i v.... iniv Hoed of such a muj inn ii' "" " (.rdlnanco. CHOLERA SERUM iCOURT DECIDES CITY'S MARKET PLANT GOES UP MANDAMUS CASE! MAKES BIG HIT TO ADVERTISE A BOND ISSUE ORDINANCE ADOPTED DECLAR j ING RESULT OF ELECTION, AND I POIJCE JUDGE IS INSTRUCTED I TO SEEK RIDS KANSAS PLANS TO MAKE ITS OWN PREVENTATIVE IN ORDER TO STAMP OUT ANV IHWSIIHI.ITVj OF I'.PIDEMIO I hl'PRKME COURT SUSTAINS IX)W- ER COURT IN ORENCHA1N MAN DAMUS CASE TO PREVENT THE ICOURT HOUSE LEVY. CARRV RASKETS United Press Service Hulk I'litniTrip. M. J. McDH"IbJ , ono of mo pro piletorn of the Palm OlK" Store, re turned last night from Salem and Eu gene, where he spent Christmas with I relatives. Afternoon Train Is Oft Expenses; v MANHATTAN. Kans.. Dec. 30. in nrder that Kansas may bo better prepared to light a sudden outbreak nf cholera, tho stato Is now erecting a now nntl-hoK cholera serum plant to bo tho largest and best equipped in i im world. Tho present plant has a capacity of something over 1,000,000 centimeters a month, enough to nccl- unto about 20,000 head of hogs. ah n nrnrautlon against n suuucn outbreak of cholora tho laboratories hum. which nro operatod by tho et- ui Inary dopartmont of the Kansas Ag- rltulturnl College, Ucops constantly in icsorvo enough serum to trent 10,000 hops. The Sunllower stnto was nmong ino llrst to product such a serum, und It ij ..it minted 300.000 hogs hnvo been Ffted to Kansas farmers by vncclnv tlon. '" (StHilul to Uie Herald) sai.hm. Or.. 'Dec. 30. Tlio su preme court today sustained tho cir cuit court of Klamath county in us iioetalon I ntho mnudainus suit of M. M. Obouchnln, Instituted tn au effort to prevent a special levy for tho pur- poso of building a now court bouse. In its opinion the supreme court held that tho county orBclers had full authority to levy a special tax to build tho court house. I The now city hall for Klamath I Falls came one step nearer to becom- U-LEVEIiANR'S HOUSEKEEPERS ing a reality last .night, when the ! .v.. tul'i- v i.rr thk nEsxIcouucil adopted tho ordinance declar- AT UWE,T PRICES, AND ALL - the result of the recent election on Hie liucaviiii v .oou.mo ---- i.onds for tho erection of a city hall. In addition 'Folic Judge Leavltt was .Instructed v to advertise In the Herald for bids, on the Issue. In this J.. ., ut inVdi to have all the iiiuuuv, , .n.. "CI kfotalls,nttofiiifed to and the money on L.e?L.i ....wi., eloi-l nn thn si r 110- IUUBU bo Hum -yM ww. tut In the spring. iMrhiM-nth AnnuaPMasQuo Ball at Houstbn's opcry- house New Year's Ee Better -than aver oefore. v. .k .n. w has but two i Tho discontinuance of the aftor Jm? ISL ; H with Z noon ml. .Ill .ta. mesu a lg. tt iST .. at Waea. Monday the at Ww tor ww o f U.? K.an art Hotkern P.ciflc aanouaced ihe dls-.bound ..na st, - -- .iiiuii. r iiiu train reaBii' ,"- k.... .1 A' AH and laavlai at 6 1 10 T reach outside points one ust new lew om Ihe roornlM train. Tha mall will hstr ho brought Ib o the ev.utui train, und Its distribution will he correspondingly later, waking .a. delay f twenti-four hours loagsr tin...,', ii... Hmitliorn Pacific ottclaU nimiioncml they were considering tak ing oft the afternoon train iney that Uiey were trying to reduce ex- m A further cut In this direc tion wns made known today, when the services of a Janitor at wo loea v eeager donot wore Is-om4 with. Eighteen Vvras Old, "' Wo aro Bpeaklne of the Now Year's Km danco at Houston's opera house. Tho big music, tho big irlzes,and the big time. 30'2t it Is a noted fact that many women t ...u- "in.i their head." 'Such belug tho case, why do they Insist In buying and wearing twenty dollar hata. DmiNlto at Hosiiltal. Suffering from bono lunorcuiosiB, n,,.i pimnmnn. n Dorrls druggist, Is at tho lllnckburn hospltiil, whoro ho will undergo nn operation ni mo hands of Dr. R. Hamilton. w...m TIa. ,im Uiirlii. mi,. Wnl tiuliri) of MOOSO Is Issuing ivnltatlons for the New Year series of Tuesday night dances. The first of thsee wit he held this evening. a .dose observer says that ono . ,n tim world Is so busy is because half thu women uio working to re duce their hip measuromont, wniie tho other half are working to In crease It. United Press Service CLEVELAND, Ohio. Dec 30. Carrying a market basket has become the fashion in Cleveland for rich and poor allko so says John Kamp, the market master, and ho ought to know, as tho records of all municipal mar kets aro submitted to him every, month. According to Kamp, Clove- landers spend $400,000 n week at the city markots. At ono market alone tho now West Sldo Market House tho total buyers In ono week number ed 30,000. "Thn municipal markots are show- inir n wonderful Increase In business," said Kamp, "which Indicates that the Cleveland housewife w becoming more careful and Is beginning to dis pense with delivery, which only adds to the expense of food stuns, ane more caroful In her choice of what she puts on her Uble, and does not trust to the groceryman to pick oer food stuffs. And this is a nig swp toward loworlng the cost of living." i 16,000; for county physlelaB.freas -A de-!ti lift tn Sl.400: for Insane, fresn, more wedd n thl9 '; "'"''chive battleta expected at Ojlnaga at'300 to $200; for miscellaneous, TfosaV tGowen Is the maatoponoun ,1!.alnoit any mInute. Rebels are mass-$2.000 to $1,000; tor coroner's o-.ee. cuopie one ne wm juai. uuuu.u ,.. - .,, f.m t1 nnft , 17j;u. .t,t. tar. from $71,000 to $64,290.94. In addition tbe $75,000 that was proposed to be raised for refunding old warrants was cut out entirely. The total valuation of property within the county is $15,262,862.31. whiAh th taw will be 21.E mills. iThe valuation of the property outside of Incorporated cities is ill.ne,- 096.31. and an extra levy of 4 bUU will be collected on this for road par- poses. The valuation of tho property of the incorporated cities Is $!,086, 766, and an additional levy as made by the city councils will be added to hat made for state and county pur poses. No roaa tax is paiu uy m owners of property In the clues 01 tne county. The levy as decided upon by the county court Is as follews: For state purposes, .0043; general purposes, .00525; school purposes, .ooi; remai purposes. .004; county library, ,000; high school, .002; school library, 00025; new court house, .055, Total, .0255. Last year's Wry was .usa. Kecsec Loses a Fiagisr. Attorney W. H. Keeseo has return ed homo from tho Blackburn hospital, where a portion of one or au angers was amputated. In falling a fawiiaya ago Mr. Keesee threw tha gnger clear out of place, and Infection setting la, it was decided advisable to r WTt It (llrls have peculiarly romaatlo iiamua nowadays, but occasion illy a girl baby Is found with a good old fashioned name. fittenger Says Macliinery Is on tfce Way for ft I- . AAA : ' i' A new steam laundry for Klamath Faty. a larger plant than there la In with the ownership at M-ii- ..... lttHjF aaJ run oiw" """'JT' TBETT years. , W iii, r.nt IIm Did." Mr. iir tn the country can they hold masque balls to compare with John V. Houston's annual New Years .t.i, nnn't forcet the one tomor row night. Lots of music and,Wg .!... WJ tf- jfi i.nt ,ia ha sail i si II aia lav : w "-- -- r T-Tjr ' S teres't to D. B.Cffhon, , m: Csliferala togolato tho ritv at nresent. Is promised by J E. Blttlnger. Mr. Blttlnger has se cured a part of the Worden building opposite the White Pelican notei, tor the enterprise. . .. a Attn vkiattr is nn fiiai Macn uery -"-;- "7. - tlmm ih.t t , way xo laaiuuiu !, .-. - -- Hon la nets, great ways ok. s -VT5 u. .MislnKer U well kmowa la lew oaya a - mm . ujiii. u. wu saamaaUd ward OPWWst a iviBBivti' -p WW " 1 T 'W r-V looking arou-d there sSwTOi months he was unable to tM o) ! fC1 ird oeeniag a liJpgl SS. I ITS tm um 19 f j sri d H , i2J ,-fi m e.1 - 3ai M. '.-' Ed y& AA JiSfcli," &.l 4., v"