. Vrfr-?y KvM KhAMATI! FALLS' OFFICIAL NKW8PAP1CK Eht C Eighth Vwir So. tf.WW uimttuj fteralfr E PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT If NEWS eTvW -A -1 r KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1913 PRESIDENT WILSON IS FORCED TO REST yMMMAMiVVVyvyV vVMVWMWWWVWWWVWWWWt BANDIT'S MOTHER Wll 1 DIE IF HE IS HANGED; VICTIM'S WIDOW SAYS WON'T SIGN FOR PARDON Henry M. Waite, Dayton's Manager SAYS HORSES ARE T ii DEMAND HRU Sir Thomas Upton and His Yacht Designer, Mr. Nicholson A LIFE KOIt A MKK." AVh Mil. x)i.i:x uanmh m:i: IMI'IT.HK.NT UUuialh Dmrlopnieiil ciiiiipaliy fr lllllln Hull t )t'r .t, h tendered her rmlettallou Him lrae III a few day, fur Han I'ram-Uro. where smith r lilllfJ a all her JIlM Curler drpatlule "M til ! dreply rtsrrltrd by lirr many frimd hrr Mi.ll rlrMtl I" llolIK fr Holding 1 i TmIm ami rlii4lnit Vrnfr Tif Mrtrtnl III I'lglil tor Ufe. "Wlfr of lib Victim K) III ,M..li. rr MiunM 1'rvl llrtlrr l Think II Um Willi the Maker. t"lltd 11 Ikrvlf IIAKKItfeKIKI.il. Ir :. Owing in her IU4ovry that Hi lrlt robber mill murderer llullt hrr . Mt Jam KiU I HI and do-' liflntt. If hrr wu l hsticcd. he. h probably dl, Mailed Pr Bervlc IEW YEAR'S GAME WILL BE FASTER tUS MI lllt.ll WHOol. VUI.I. i'ia witii . u:m.i:im'I. vm i iiituut .w.nitro u i ih tjirr. TINtl INTOhllAI'K - v L .jhrssW. i .ymmmmmBA , I BsaaaaaavJkY'l' ""jaaaaaaal Isaaaaaaaaaaaa V TBSH ffWtBlm !sM THE SAN JOAQUIN! i ItAIN hTARTS WORK OX THE FARMS 'helling (Mr an Mm It of Tliilr HIKk nw The) Could itn Airuunl of the Two Vciir Drought. Farmrm of That S.illtm An .m In the Miukt-t fur ttoik MikI. ffl.fiifiif lii) Cat t It In l hi' Southern Country A rlt) malinger linn lit Inal been . ,..t.....ii -.. i..iu.-n n. found for !. ton Ohio He In llcnrr . ',r B.:H "..,.. M Willie nml ho lll soon lllCIl flUMM lenm niiu ine i- .... .. I "" ' .. .tmren nf I lie f overilllieilt of ll u Cllr. i U he iiU"! at the llou.M.n ..jhi .-..7. ' . " .... "1.1 1) M Mcl.eniore. who Is ell known hore ii a ilcsler In hot He, nml caiile hs Jutil r turnoil from un ex tt'Hilfl lr! throiiBh Wfe South. He brouRl.t north aVjHnir shipment of , Chi tlv ulilch hoyftHo J C. Mitchell it llatnllton. i AicorillnK to MtU-uioru, there are lou of caltle buyer In California iow that they hau haJ un ubundance of rain throughout the tate. He sas ll... ikrn.HKrlu tnr rntllp Utlil llOThftl taKU. ....,.. , ,..- I.rli-lilor I lUlNIICIR M tlW w.... On account of the drought ot tlie 1 r ' " ' I I BBW .BFBBl BBBBBBBBBk JBBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBBn sb-bbHbbbbbbbbbbbWbbbbbbbbbb''bbbbbbbbbbi bbbbbbVPbbbbbbfbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV r JBBHB" DOCTOR WILL NOT LET WILSON SEE CORRESPONDENCE HAS SKNT IrtTERS TO TCJfUITT I FOB ANSWERS State AKricnltnral College Keep thm 1'rcshtent Mupptled With Frcah Rkrs, and ne Also Recetrea Fraafa "Ganlen Has" Through the Medi um or the Parcel Pot May Go to Texan or Florida Tomorrow HAN KttANCIHCU l --" H-!iuC .vi"v.-.-- .M, ... I, . be, t ?t I''" "l ii ... ii. i i - ...... . si.i . H intffti im I'lirim- ft -..- --- i.iii juanu u uuu mui-i iuiicj" ov livWMiH'iiiMiiivaiiici ii iiihii ir rimirii uiai nn ptri "" . ... . . -..- .-- J ... .. ... . . .i .. . . . .4 .i .....I..... .... ... .. ... (..,.. t'trd to fli r :: r,r :: :: z r, ."" ":..": : :r, u - "-.. ?. . keep... on.y n.t -re . ,V1 "" '' ' i ,,,n '--"' ' ". ... considered, but niittll) Mr waito u .. ,,,.,, -.,.. tuo comliiE of a .. . amv ... ....... . i.iiivai i...... . --- irMiin. iii.i. r.ir iiieir inn ...un' .. .. . .. ..... ... .i.... .,.... . . . i"" . . , ..... Cllimen III) "III nno nimuov -" Tin staiowrni was mam? loan; t ,tK i;nt l Kllloit mm auiuii hi' . . ... ... Lii.-.. I ..... ... . .i.... .....i.i ...i I'leie c turd to Colon?! (Jtxihals o! tho !'"; .i,,.ir worU stock as much as thoy .. .Hhdi ll. ritftiuAil OtliArs urr I .. .. .. ... .. ..-. " i ally ! u .. ... ... . ..h.m. .Iinrlnff. briior lear uiuro m u k.j- . and farmers are pay el for horses to .) iinrw " iiiip. ..v v. - ",v 'i" I.I.I, iiiiit I.a mmln tn, .... ... . h " ' ... s -..- .k. uuiinni'Hiciun wiuwi uiuii mv . Miaft ii i ncir vorn. . ..: .i ":.".::: " z:.0. ifc-.r v j;:1 j : .: ;,;'": --- Accord.nB to mcu-o. tk. -m mil ii iAnm u ,..' ti ,-. .f 'caille III oai iiiimi '.' " - '- . . t. ii. . . .. .1... - Mrs. Colon, widow of lhc man allied !,!, ... ...ii f lurkey thry could noi by KarlM whMt he bld up i!n train, !(,ar. u,, ,0 form, but imwe saint, boy plele chnrno of tho clly's affairs, and j 'he Mill 1 b'dd io cliys nfTalrs. and ,jf work hort&s, nnd I responsible for tho JJ1K t)0 old tW(i ,)rie I at. ... .... l.n -! .In ti-) . " . . I'nlted rrcsa Service PASS CHRISTIAN, Dec. 29. Dr. Grason has forbidden any attention to correspondence on the part of Prea , ident Woodrow Wilson, who is her to rest and recuperate, i This morning the physician ordered 'the big portfolio of letters aeBt to ' Secrotary Tumulty for answers. j The doctor Insists that any attempt ., T,. i.minn. hn has chal- yachtsmen for half a century. Nor.on the part or tne preaoeai ro oo ifc,., ,,.. .inaieTiera at. work on the ;any correspondence would lmierrer lenged again for the Amer.ca's cup. fZLltZV,tilU hU recorery. nnd hU designer. Mr. Nicholson, are jln tho ulal3 for tD0 bonor of sailing! There has been but om day ot confident they will he able to lift It ,.,,,,., i.intnn niihllshed their plans. 'eood weather since the presMtmt mr- ... .. mi... .. ,rt nltAn rttit t. ... ,... tdn eima InilTltT hODfilriVAit ITnleftA COndltiOSst ll lUlS llIUl. 1UV; UUIV "Ufc 4av . 1JHUU USSUiUCO .aw 0v. -- - -- detail of tho esscl which la to sail' of victory he has bad in bis former across tho Atlantic with tho purpose land unsuccessful attempts, to win the of talcing homo the cup that-has beenicup, as suown in iuu i.uuvv.5.-- -. in the possession of the American taKen oi mm. wm ii nhiii ... .--- " .. -. , .-.." - Eiinr o ei ..'.. ..." - - - - In lli rternir to hrr win' HI"., nn,j will . In shajH) io play the aim I niuiiitn mgn it. i iiun ' "' of their lhe l feol glad Io hav. her on wltb cl. T(p). w, W(,ko Mcry urrurt to olf and all hi faulla etplalrd and ex- ((n ,lrUfMBr plnlnc of Nod, plalniHl, than living lone. ,,rr",,,,1McCluri ami Hum In tho 'nl,t Ramo. Ilfrt In prison. u)llch tM hecii tho t of tho fans. "If I had a child of my iin I Kpty n,jral0n iniltifs to a cracker might frl different. A rooihsr noTer j ......... ,(lf N.(,,v year's Day lorgela, niway pro. nor viiiimumi i.j hablca, and forglvea ovcryiinnK. "I belleva In taplla! punUhml. I bellevi. such Uvea ahould b nded. bpra.use Ihpy aro MSnlcus In Ilia world. "Ilonllck, not I. Is rcsponslbl tori lit dath. I Ihlna I would liaro bwin! guilty If t had let him rscapa. I don'l fel vlndlcllre, only rary sorry." MAKES RECORD RUN THRU SNOW EASTERN STAR TO INSTALL OFFICERS nirsiiAM with rivi: 1 niiijMr n:iis. iimvi-s twit rito.M TiiKif()rgemnB , 1XIHT IX MitoS THAX FOUR I HOtlllS' Tl.MK I lug of the rain has ma do a wonderful .rhaiiRo In that section. Kvery farm er I at work, and old field that have remained unfilled for tho past three v.,.. rU nm lielnif worked, and long strings of mules are to bo seen every-j In It u i v. While aa, Mcl-omoro closed a . . AAA . 1 . .1. I. C ileal tor a.uuu neau oi tamu u o- Inora, Mexico, and In Ariioua. Ho PA8SKX-,eMW for thcro T,,M'i3'' t0 bcBln Hli lining tnem to caiuorniu imiuu Fifty Pound Packages By Parcel Post Jan. 1 rived. Unless condltloas mprer Wilson may go to Texas or Florida tomorrow. The experiment station of the atale agricultural college Is sending Wil son three doxea fresh ens evsry moraine. In addition he is kept sup plied with fresh garden truck by ad mirers using the parcel post. Unltd I'resa ftanrlc I.OH AN0KI.K3. Dof. 59.- KarUs. allns llmllik, today Marled halma rorpii priH-ecdlngii. This I n nrhemo tn delay hi trausfor tn Han Qmmtln until hp lineiils a technical base for hU null I In cucapo the gallows. 1 IX ADDITIOX TO CKIUIOSII.l iiAXouirr win mi AND A PIMX1UAM OF MI'.HIT . ... t., i.BiMi,.ni1i with ninrol l...21illli: I l fc ...... . " than two fml of snow on the ground.) im nuntiam of tho nuniiam garago Ni:HVi:i,.ilrou a llco tho l'lfth to Klamath j Fulls lu ihreo houra and forty min utes Siitunla), artlvlng early In the IOWA FARMERS TO LEARN ROAD WORK Auy package or parcel of goods not prohibited under tho parcels post act. i...ini.i.iir mi to tlftv nounds. can oo sent through tho mails after January 1st. Itegulatlons and tone rates for .ho iiieir..r nnrcels have Just been 1s- 'sued by the postofllce departmenL Tho local rate ou a packngo welgh Iiir tlft pounds will bo 30 cents. To itKXii:iti:i lUck From Hun FrancLco. mi.. Vlrifluln Callnlmii, who ha been In Han Francisco for tho Christ man aeaaon, noon, nflurnoon Dimhnm IX)U.TV tX)XVi:NT10NS WILL UK send it to a city in tho second zone limit It will cost 54 cents. Parcels weighing four ounces or less are mailable at tho rato or 1 cent an ounco or fraction of ounce, re- foniinsa of distance. After January 1st. an para weighing- moro than four ounces will be mailable at pound rates, the rate locally and to the second zones being u cents. BEAUTY, BRAINS WON'T 60 HERE (SIKLS WORKIXG IN THE OFFKJH OF THE BUREAU OF ENGRAV ING AND PRINTING TO BR CHOSEN MKE MACHINES carried flo passongers returned Humlay nUi'i"ing will bo held. i..i.nniii.i of olllcera will bo n feature of Tuesday ovonluR'a meeting of Aloha Chapter, Order of Kaatoni, filar. Ilcaldea this, n blR social uieoi Tho whole trip was made oer roads coercd wllh from one to two foot of snow, and tho run of nearly forty, mile was niado without any mishap. ,.r..L.rnni full llf IlltC-rcStlllK '" M.t.l lliArn Miki IM biHJit arrange". . . i will be n lumber of stunt milled off Ml. Coral Car.er. who ha been durli.R .1... ownhiK A i.annue, -connected wllh tho local olllcu of ilm almi to he aeiu-l. MU Carter ( l-cavc. ALL OF US MUST REGISTER AGAIN Creamery Is Johnsons Pardnses Interest of L 0. Mills in the Concern HOOKS WIM. UK OPENED AT XIIK CI.EHK'H OFFICK JANUARY 2, AND 'PERMANENT" 1H AMi OF NO COXSEQUENCK -el... rniriKtratlou hooks will open u......,i,.v. ineiiilni: at tho court houso. rHitii..."? - , All who wish to voto at tuo coiuiu .... .....I eniiornl eluetlona must i ii i,i11"' lonuuc L'M..b.!fnrT? iil hereafter ho IIiIiir la ."ihmiIMo, Improve tho qtial- , vot0 lho coming elections. bV "".twlm J "J Z Z ly.Kui.lh Falls butter commands rcconl ..llormn0f registration operated hy William I. J 'V.." ...... ' ..... ,.r i,.. In the outside markela now! vnu ,Be,.rcA niegal. mid those reg istered under that system mui i en later agal". Johnson hsa Just purcnaaeu ... 1 . , is nosslblo to turn out a hot- eat of I.ylo O. Mill. In ! concom. a. I f ' Ul. "The Plant U aumcient yjar. ...... --,1,,,, section. take caro oi an m vrw. "." and It will ho some little tlmo before Ilia dairy horde Increase aufflofent to defaand an onlargomont," aald Mr, Johnson today, "llowover, I am plan ning to ak some improvements in ilia spring. , . , AkhMtfh there U o MJd of la- IllSfomn ... "Among other Improvements win umlt will hu tho nddlllon of appar atus for iHialeurUliiK all tho cream rocelvod." Mr. MUIk liu tho management of tho Mliwrnl Hatha and other Intor eata, which will ktw him bW. To San Fniiicihco. lltmnnv W. 11. SIlHW l00 till arlurnoon for Hn Kinnclsco. whore ho win apend a few days. Mm, haa boon thero Boveral days, vlsltlnit rolatlvos. HELD AM. OVER THE STATE, AND ENGINEERS W1I.I. RE GIV EX LESSONS 1 United l'ross Servico DES MOINES, Iowa, Dec. 29. Fol lowlnc the passage by the legislature r . . . . . . .. last wlutor or n goon roaus w, ; least ntty highway conventions in as !,. rn.mtlna 111 the sUtO Will b held this winter, to educato county ofilclals nud tho farmors to the neces sity of good roads and tho best way to build them. A short courso of Instruction for county engineers will be held by ex ports at tho state college at Amos ana thn stato highway commission next month. At tho county meetings tho ...III .. ..vi.tnlnnil mhlblta BhOWn IHW ... uuur""v-l of methods of good roads nnd moving pictures thrown upon tho acreenB showing "honor convlcta" ouiiuing roads at Ames. Tho oducatlonal work this winter Is to bo followed by practical road building noxt summer. v..u- Tnilnetl Nurse Miss Erlckson, u graduato oi a nurse's training school, la horo from San Francisco to tako up tnis worn m thn Ulackburu hospital. THE UNEMPLOYED ARE PUTTO WORK AHOUT A THOUSAND MEN All. CLEARING THE DEURIS OF THE OLD CITY HALIi AND OTHERS ARE EMFIiOYED RY THE CITY lliuk From Visit. C. 11. Coon. "Tho Electrical Man. returned Sunday evening from Asn- land, where-ho spent Christmas, airs. Coon remained for a longer visit with relatives. When a girl has enough hair ot her own to hldo her ears she looks loftily down on the girl who has to huy moat ot her hair. United Pres8 Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. . It's not beauty or brains that count with thn eirla who are printers as sistants in the big government bureau of printing and engraving. Horae nnuor in what the KOYenmeat wants. And that's what the Investigation of physical requirements now under way Is seeking to determine now much horsopower must a girl possess to get away with the Job or printers assistant. Director Ralph haa es porta puzzling over this problem -and when the solution Is at hand tho girls will be selected like machines. Tho handsomest girl lu this city Is n reader of this paper, we are proud to state, and she la now read ing thla Item. United Press Servico SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 29. Local Idloness has been rellovod by munt ninni work. About a thousand mon are omplojed in clearing tho ruins ot tho old city hall. a commltteo of socialists uas pro- prosod a parado ot tho Jobless men through the principal sireeis. mi will visit the city hall, wnero me u.cu aro to demand work. The socialist local has raisou mon ey to defend tho seventy mon arrested In connoctloil with tho ChrlstmaB riot ing. n.i. .,r.idfliit of tho American butchers' Association says that much ot the vtrllo force ot tho American ...,nni. i darlvod from rich, red Juicy boef. The American people ot the Immedtato future will bo minus the "vtrllo force" with (roundsteak at JS ceuta'a pounds Freakish i - 4JL ., -.v Gasoline Torch Makes Room a Foot Wmi One of tho rooms tn tho residence j of Mr. and Mrs. Lestor Barron ou Main street, near tho Intersection ot Esplanade, la a foot .wider than It wa3 Sunday morning. A little gaso line blow torch Is tho cauao of It all. nrr.M who Is ono of the propri etors of tho Klamath Falla Auto and Machluo compauy, was engaged Bun- day morning In tnawing out i frozen water pipes. To accompusn tnis. he was applying heat wita a gasoline blow torch. Without the gasoline seta eat I ...... . ...... . . irnm tn. naiiiH. u.a EFmat ... w.. ... m ' t ''-- -"-. t ....... ..Vj,.'l ollne for the w ssneesaa awc. came dry. and the famT'mmkUitmifm into the tank of the Mo wtorok. I no. Hi. ainlosion. .a .- '" '..wm..' .. a -A.ltir IH. DUUH ....... ,nm w. blown 'a tmkm.'m$r wv -- - , tion. At the floor, the looao from the fleer i nw nosltioa. At the wall took the roof al"ei. iibpa was a strto . a"iasa - - - -. js ) "i ' y. throuch whlea, asMLam, was could gase'iit at Ua'leWensV' ji aK'-ttf aal c- .aSBBLSSSW msmalPf -.::. flM S kw !. . r " 1-. ..t?3 ft ii .' p M a - tJ'H f t 3 i ir : Mil JV l m s ? ', W &. if.irii tt.y -- - .Wm "ifp" 5J v X