4 - J M" v.-.! KLAMATH FALLS' OPIMCIAL NEWSPAPER awr 4iX JnwbMi(W lUghtli Vrr . AMI MOYER SAYS HE WAS ATTACKED BEATEN AND SHOT BY ALLIANCE MtNWHUrUlblONA mim.ii aim: Aitoi'msn at jik.ii. jl.lMM.'li MKTMOIM AM) t. noiiK run imjvknw: liautxl rrldrll if Wrlrol l'nl riald'U ( Minrta ) lit) Will lt lum in Cluoirt, IHH" Tlwraiu ill kUi VVna Huh Thrttt Tliiir III Mm), Tulil In MIlMautir, lul. tlc All'a U'aW I'mnmiMatnl. Usted I'imi rWrtlr Mil WAt'Ki. !, J. HuHefltie litmt twu liiitUt wound lii M ahuul dtr and one lM liU brail, l'rtlchl Chatl Miivr ut Ibe Wpolsir l'4i Uft "t Mle rit4 liord today lie falsi" llrl (w llo Catuumt (wjlrj Horn il(oii He Mid it aud HcciU rujwr country, irur fi..our. - m aiQ rwrtiiy for t,n ho a ittirl4 U liUtll, ll,n minora llr Itiaaw nn ultrmiit to ltr twine hi, lrtttl(ully bwitrn mplsm ilif Enlini houndi In ihr.' and auti)nrrA u gtl" IttilttftllMra, tic kr ' atM, t; IHfllltxN III lli t'ltllrti VI..M' araut)t r.rncrallr tm. Alllaotf 'tvtrd Ik.rr , r ta m in ihiR rot'l'fr rutin Ttir .imvhs mitwn ic inttnir irr .aid Mor tiday, "Tho tiiln.1'"""1 ,,rr ,1"' "nui.ioti of Mojrf rta ato fhlrnltnK fOf rrlPUCf, lUt I 1"' "'"' utjunoi an. Irrl mif . In.v in fpiutij In llw lo nront - J ititm Horn liiituat auyitiltiK tu Injuin (Ho raux ' Wfacn aalrU rOKfriniiia1 the aturh atd eitmlaiou lolloping hla charcol tdl a m Miflng an atllantv badco' ti the. iaa aUrm of nro that iv attltrd In tho fatal Chflattaaa do Hftk ( Calumet, Mi)jr made. tt IttllaxleiE tatnittl; I Of tanner Tanuer and nijmlf ucioj lb tr tttom at tho tkotl hotel when. Kht-iirr Cruo rll4 and demanded I ll.t p tKppi tli money rHciPtl tn Hip Cltlicn' Altlancn fur it fnm llla uf the Chfttm vt) horrtir lc lltn W'p reluaod, and iho ortlrer left. -fit- .nthUl. LI., Ik- ml- l.l...l',,, em" m l lM bKan lu blow, an by a prr-ar-fiht-d tenl, Aa Ihpy blo, ISO totmUr nf the CttUon'a Alltaiitro in- ftdrd lh I.K.lfl. U'. w.i lil anil held by oweihllnlher men danced In Iront of , trlbtnic our ffe and ticking nur bod lea, 'Ham. n.n iAei iu.l.l.,1 .- ...! -,i me, fainted tbn, and dont remember tho avrond and third ithot. "When I rovrd coMclnuunc. Thnr and I wrm blng ped from mm man in another, down the lintel aUlra. Aa Wo paMd along, w were truck repeatedly. "lletwren the line of shouting and School Expense Budget Exnlained iiy rit:n nrriiRsoN Uounly School .Hiiporliiiendeiii ScIumiI oxiuso budget sitbmltted iiallmi. but an oiiumernlloii of anuio nrcvmber, lt13, 40,00tl. 2 BOO In turn chmi wo hale ii tnxnb o Hrhool expenao budget aiihmllleil valuntlon of about Hi'.oOU per pupil. I'umiber, 1913, f 01,000. In too othur, a uiluatUm of about Tim flmi liupreMlon that ouo would f a.oou. gel from tho above comparison would An winnl ' "l ",0 ' "'' ' thai Ha, gchools of tho founly trlila Blrra onn set of ilimrlclN four lern to bo a greater burden to tho teen llui '" ,u"rl' ,,,ou,,' f"r l ur" I" I'ayrra during the coming nchoolW of mluiallon io iillu'i l'r ve ii... ........". i. i,.iu aii arbitrary district boun- ' iiihii tiiiriiiaw iiiai iirainiii linn. Hmli, however, la ol tho cmo. Tho Increase In the general achool hudgm In Hid result of making Ihu rout ut publlo RChuols, In u larger nu-amiro than hereloforo, n county I'M'onsu. In the matter of school. It U n Kfiiorally accepted tenet that tho Ww the distribution of a tax Iho "ore ogult.blo It becomes. If wo I'1cm tho cost of maintaining school, oil each' district, no matter how small or poor It Is, then we have no lougor public school system, but a eml 1'iivate ose. Oiio-half the valuation of Klamath county is .Mated la districts that liuve namotklng like 160 as un an nual enumeration, lu the other half i" th Mwrir we am the val- Ufa TRAIN lnlirli: llicmlc: , , f u,, AHlai . rlti ..alielei) J.. Ii alillm, I- . .1 . . . . r.i cum Mil"! tin mi linn) I hirnr.i Mujef la nt) i liUUI 1 aimer u badl) brnlaed " " ll4 I'ioh gVriKt IIU'AUO. ie ; n..,i.., Until. oHho rBiion s rw.0T(Mj a lte If.Mii Mo)i-r IIUiik of Ue m i't, 8il yliie b ami Tanner Mem I'M I Oil A MllnauLee. liiii, rt I.. I. .(."" '" '" month Hhftler lm blne tlirAiiamt llli d.tit. i !. rrtiirnit Itvlllr) olU ,Mocr IO 'Rt'irn If. I'ntumi-t a a(Wi oi Im li ,(jl t li It u.l I'faa tknttn CAI.L'Mirr. l IT RheMfl t r..c "rfaj ixurtl a da si of ih tn ilia- Miir ft llt, (tttaallwl and hi :HIG1I SCHOOL TO TACKLE ALU1 IUM I II W.I (MI Is Hllt.WW. Ill HHt 1tll.U i:i.im. M sTtlts iMHMf tiii: Mttltt TVs i Iho annual AlumuMlUh rirliool ilal TUf- The Old tlrada atr lrsdf fur Iho Came. 1 tncludrd III itictt IllieUp JJ k "m "f lh 'oo,,"K' MOUCllrTl- l"rl-t relloru. io ip. an itiper.) pirvimg" eggs while they arc cheap Harrrit Hirirn. Nail, Vadrn ""d Uml iirrderWng Idem for the winter ' lUjdeit All ilf thArt Ultdefatand tlie ('k"t " '""'' "arJ' "",l l'file to make thing inter- M,1,' ,rtr the achool ne , " The largeai motor eel In the rld t the Slam recently built at Cuinhacrn. with a illilaremiil of 13 JOo ton bv Official niiniiit i - ..a .. Ii(ttrtl til dnry lino oiikih oi. "'. limit the. opporluiiltli-H of education ,.f ..,. ..i.iid to li.HH than that of Romu I other chllil who hiipptim to bo a llltjo i more favorably located m K,ar.i 'dlMtrlrl valuatlom. TakliiK tl.eno things li";,ii,,';l; iitlou, tlio trai "" '"' lli-lr ounuul con c . that tho count) court licit ' " J I budget tho amount of o l.ooo i r school purpose, tiiu hciioui u.. .. of Klamath county nro riioni for th Incronso lu tho school expense budget. , , . Tho expetiHos of the common school f tho county for tho school yenr on.l- lug Juno 10, 1013, was W,M. Of juuijuMina-mr ' -1-"' p""""" (Ooatlauad oa pM KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, "aaaaaaamaBnaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaVaBaaaaamaaam MB LAWYER KEPT PENSION ' MIUI h lllluj,!! i, , ,.ov .II-.IN III- Mils U..N IM. II l.s un.i, ; IV,.N ,:ui I N II I Nil " I bar ml WU, keening widow', ""'"""i rranU, v J Shaver ,, iiu-bi attorney. m .irii.ieil Friday. ."" w "leaweil l), (J,U, nij,! m III "" n I'lellinlt.nry hi nrlng On T"-"' monitor n" mt'Ulnliu: wituea j, Mrs. nn "a'"I liu- liuabiiud was h"l''1 '"M Ju,r Hl'" ""'.' Hint lor ,rn an'' '-"l'1 ' nrraniu Iihik:. I ti U) iln. roui,i our( Kin. ) Hla.;1'" mKtd Kimr u hir nttorni-) to mm.- ti, .. aju.iiraiioii f.r n,.- ,,.n,ir.n . CHICAGO WOMEN TO PICKLE EGGSp; vmiii in un.i. in. so miiiii: IS I III: ;itVs oi' ' hi; com -nun!i: 'lltt ST un.i, ItlMT km in ir Mn Caroline il nitid I'riMia Senile I'HICAUO. IV-c 3 IHI"), Mho orcnnljcil (In- okk bo)iottiCommlnlonfr John HagcUtcln. and Dial muted Dm tn(; CIiIcsko ci;k men in plead for men ) but failed to make am urrrptlble dent In the hitch coat, bran laying plana today for another (rsmiiaiK,, aealnat hlch ckk prices. UMjkln; twrhe month Into the fu tuie Mr, liley Intends to beat the cold atorace man at his own same by nmUnK oer houuf,i In Chicago a llttln rold atoraKo propilelor of her on She wnnta them to revert to the omthod of "barrelluK" orku In-n-ntil by their grandmothers. Tho Chicago Clean Food Club, of which Mr Hie) la tho president, ami 'tin. ngraniatliin xhlrh started the re el uirampalKU In Chlratgo with a bIokbii 'e want 32-cent egg,' will; end to thousand of houtcwltea , coplen of the following recipe for One pound of lime, one pint of all. three gallon of water Slack tln lime, add tho salt and water, and ' mix thoroughly. Lot stand for two.jonN !tn befort unlng. stirring occasion ally Drop the eggs into this brine, .Hid when the grocer offers you eggs nt AO renin n dozen, give him the 'ha-ha"" and pluck twclvn of jour plrkled ein "l.'ggs are Jual an good when pro- ired In till iiiauiiiT as when ilrst I received " mild Mrn. Illov. "1 know n tiuuiher of women who uned this rM with i.XCellvllt redttltn." WATCH PARTY AND ' uriif irm nuiiirn ncn iCAn uinncn inion ,si:ricim to hi: iii:ii KW EAR'S I'.Vi: FOLLOW ISO HAY THEHIJ WILL HE 1IKI.II A ItAsKl.T IIINNER Tlicro will bo n Union WatCH Meet ing nt the Methodist ehmclt on New Voar'H V.w, hoglnuliiB Jt 1 o'clook. SHiikor ami Hlngers from tho vurl cus ohurrhos will tuko part. A lunch con will be solved nt to iVclmlt, Tho publlo Irt Invited, Thuro will bo u Nmv Yo.ir'u illnuor At (ho Grnco Mothodlat Kpldoopal church nt 1, o'clock on Now War's ... momuor8, nttondmita nud , ,,,,, (U0 mlUort t0 ,; , u lmikot ,nurr nd tho'r mTea mid n social afternoon enjoyed. Tho sumo species of flower seldom shows moro than two of tho three col oih, i oil, yellow and blue. Roses, for liintaiico, are found red nud yellow, hut tun or bluoj vcrbonlns aro rod and blue, but not yollow. unlng SAYS ii PAPER WAS ERRONEOUS MA Id's KAPLA.VATJON OK HIS statement iikfohe county ((i'ut'h iihihimj hi:u VFK- TKHOAV 'I lit) follow I iik HtutvincnL li made by (.' K lirnnilttiburjc, relative to re mark mnUi- ucforo the llouorable County Ceurt: "In thin mornliiK'n Imiue of the Northwpiti-rti I am quoted an Haying' thut I am In favor of I'mlng the mon-J vy that Iiiik been Hpcui on the court hotiH now unilor coimtructloii. J'or tlio Iji'iicllt of thone who may '" l"ubl '" to my "tond rcUUvo ' t a .a ... I cnimtriation or the new court I0,,M'' ' wl " ""y ' "n ot, 'now, nor have I hut be-on In favor of . lonltll? Hut ri.fil rif II. ti mnnnr llial liuul in'i-ii nnt for court Iiuiifc construe I Ion Nor have I evi-r at liny lime fiiMitcd :i iiollcy that would line any 'part of tli In money to Klamath enmity 'Hevrral tax payorH -re bi-fore " oniirabln County Court on the 2G(h lunt , lor the nutiioiiu of dl- riuHliiK thi budget. I, uh one of the tax mvrx, mild amonn other thlnRK t tin r I believed the budget to be nut 'of proportion to the Inconu- of the (ouut), and thai 1 bclluvcd that wo hlioiild keep our taxcn ulttiln our .blllty to pay. I uaid, If neiLtsary, I , I ould be In favor of dlApennIng with Itlio court liouie levy. I might have, jupokeii to several of tliono who were iprciicnt at the time. Including County, none undurHlood me to bo opposed to jtho construction of the now court IhoiiKti aa planned. I ald there Ik a money stringency at present, and that It should be tak en Into consideration In making the tax lery. "I am now, and always have been. In favor of public Improvements, but I bellee that wo should mako them im wo are ablo to pay for them. Pub lic business bhould be as carefully managed as private business. "Heapectfully, "C. K. IIRANDBNnURG." 18TH ANNUAL IS NEXT ON TAPIS V. HOUSTON IS MAKING HOME GREAT ARRANGEMENTS I OK HIS HIG NEW YEAR'S EVE MASOUi: lUbh With hU eighteenth annual mas .iiuerade ball only a fow nights off. John V. Houstoti Is making somo re-(great arrangements for the big Now Vwir'a Eve event, and he says it will surpass uu) thing gtvon slnco tho first annual In 1S15. Houston recently found tho music albums used at tho first dauco, and he will have somo of these numbers rendered. Included In the list are "Smokv Mokes," "Memories of Home iWulzt," "Ethol May," and somo of tho others that wo all usod to stop off w 1th oclat about two decades ago. There will bo one thing missing this year, and that" will bo Chap Graves, who has acted as announcer at every annual danc. Ills place w 111 bo taken by Calo Olivor, who has alho been present at about all of those. Houston has arranged with tho Houso of Horry to carry costumes Prizes will bo awarded tho maskers Music Is to be furnished by tho Star theater orchestra, consisting of bIx pieces. A band parndo will be held In tho afternoon. Sugar cano In Argontlno this sea son is uxpected to yield 200,000 tons of sugar, tho largest crop tho country hna had. Telegraphic dlspatchos toll of tho damage of $2C0 to a millinery store. Two or thro up-to-date hats mutt luivo been slightly singed. An Iowa woman has married her daughter's divorced husband She probably wants to show Sis how to manage a mau. Hmtlft DECEMBER 27, 1913 Ex-Governor of Chihuahua and His Two Daughters aS?5k. aaaKalaaHalBB aamyf8if llVvlaBISF.aBBaBaH WTSXSM LLfcFa6jlaaVaialaLi f m, V9bW aaaaaa I , : i"' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaW iv.aWar BaaaamaVkV " H-Wr aaaaaaaaV frJrY&W iHpi r- H fliBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IBBBBBBBBBraBBBBBBBBBaWvlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT 71 4aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBn (IH k4'i:V'rrii'PIBBaaaaW aaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattV i-HaWaKaaaaaaaaaaaW KHK JvllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHH -aaaaaaaaaaB ipaaHaaaBaaaa mIK If the order of General Pancho Villa, constitutionalist conqueror of Chihuahua ana CX-uanail, is mauu Reed. Luis Terraras, tho richest man In Northern Mexico, will bo stripped of all his possessions within his na- tlve country. Villa, who Is now- su- preme tn uninuaaua uj, me rajnwii of the state, after his march from Jnurei. has announced he would con- flscate tho estntea of the Terrazac T BUSINESS I f II Uinnirn mer,y was an Upper Lak0 navigator. I Among the Poor," while a third has Mill ffluKKIrirDeatu was duo t0 complications. In for its object the unification la the Illl.l1 IlinilUlLU addition to her husband, Mrs. Hans-Jkonds "of friendship of all Geraaas t berry is survived by three daughters.. woo wear pointed beards. I Still another proposes the sore LEAVING FOR HOLIDAYS, MOUL-. LF AND VAN HELLEN WILL " RETURN TO KLAMATH a-Aiiiihoid church fairs when that was writ- WITH BRIDES When L. G. Van Belleu, proprietor or me uegai buo ore, . rrancisco. no toia nis inem.. uo wu going for a holiday vacation, this aftomoon telegraphic advices wcro re-j eclved of his morrlago to Miss Ade- laido Anderson. The wedding was solemnized byi Rov. Dr. White, rector of an Episco pal church in san rraucisco. iuot couple will return In u fow days to ro- ' sldo. ! Roth "Van" and his wife aro well known here, and they are very pop-j ular with tho young people. Mrs.. Van Bellen, whose homo was Petosky, Mich., has taught in tho local schools for two years. Another holiday wedding was that of Frod Moullen of tho Orogon-Call- fornla Auto company. He will arrive this evening from Eugene with his hrido, and a host of his frleuds aro arranging an automobflo procession and recoptlon for him. To Address Young People. Rov. E. M. Wilson, a missionary from ludla, who Is visiting hla broth - er, Arthur Wllsou, will address tho Christian Endoavorora of tho Presby- hei d In New York city, and was shlp terlan church tomorrow evening at'ped to yind Cave National Park In 0:30. Rev. Wilson will nlao fill the pulpit at this church at both the morning and evening services. Tlio mosquito that sings Is the malo and he doesn't blto. He merely sings to divert the attention of the victim, while his wife drinks a dip per of blood. Brunettes are said to make the best working girls, but that does not prevent lots of young fellows chasing blond skirts all over town. and Creel families, lue. m-nest in that part of Mexico. The Terraza3 family, ' tearing ueuiiv iruiu mm, ueu uu aia approach to tho city. For many years, for generations, tho Terrazas family has been the leading one in the state of Chihuahua. men a"u u i uc 6unu. aw has been estimated as high as ?50. - 000,000. To the ex-bandit this prize was one too great to give up. (Mrs. Hansberry Dies. Word has been received from Sea- jsldo of the death of Mrs. Hansberry.' Another bears the title of "Society wife of Cantaln Hansberry. wro for-'r the Promotion of Good Manners Somewhere In the bible It reads: i ",n tnat day soven women shall take hold of one man." They must have 'ten. "Shorty McCabo" says that the reason they have music at the swell) tnnors a ovcr tho Iand t0 mak6 & noM gQ tJjat the othcr gucgts caa. wlv.rtch ent their .. , ., . . Uncle Sam New Herd of Buffalo United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 27. A new herd of bison has Just been established by tho agricultural de partment. There aro now five herds under government supervision, total- ilng n few moro than 330 animals. 'Tho new herd was produced by tho 'Society for tho Preservation of the "American mson from tho Bronx Park South Dakota. This latest acquisition Includes 15 animals, the youngest being 2 years old. Forty acres of tho park havo been fenced for a pasture. The slse will bo greatly Increased next spring. Hay will bo provided for the herd during tho winter, as tho grass on the forty aero space will very soon be eaten off. Contracts will soon be let for fencing 4,000 acres of the 10,000 comprising this national res eravtlon, and the herd turned loose in It next spring, after which they PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS WOMAN BEATS UP ARMED MAN WHO WOULD ROB BANK , KNOCK KH GUN FIIOM HANDS j , WITH A BItOOM I After llelnic Holalx.red Wltli m Broom MJck, Hold lUndit riMlljr Jump ' TlmniKli a Window Wonu'a .SerniniH of Harm Arouse flllaif a. nuil the Foiled Hold, Bad Mm to Placed Under Arrest. United Press Service LOS ANQELES, Dec. 17, fronted by an armed bandit when she entered tho Kagle Rock Bank today to open It for business, Miss Ida Carr, tho assistant cashier seised a 'broom and knocked the revolver from the man's hands. With the broomstick she then soundly belabored hint, until he es caped by jumping through a window. Citizens, aroused by the girl's cries, pursued the bandit through the streets and captured him. A NUT COLLEGE ALUMNI STARTS TO HE ELIQIBLE FOR MEMBER. SHIP TO THIS, YOU MUST HAVE BEEN IN AN ASYLUM FOR AT LEAST SIX MONTHS United Press Service qerlin Dec. 27 An aasocUtkm or exiunat,' detention in aa asylum f , th 0 , th auaUflc.tl8i tfor mombersh,Pt u one of tt tau-t ideas of tho numerous freak aodavl crganlaztions for which Gennaay I noted- general use of Wllhelm as a Christian 'name, presumably In compliment to 'tho emperorer. Illustrative of the German 'Joining habit," the little town of Wlldau, with only 2,000 inhabitants, boasts of twenty-two different societies. Did you evcr aotlce that whea a Daby ,gn.t 8aylng a Mam,d thlllfi & most anv mother can tell Ton ex. . -a- Starts a will forage for their own food alto gether. Latest figures furnished th Ualted Press place tho number of basoa la tho Unltod States and Canada at mora than 2,000. A few years ago less than 100 wero known to wist la tho world. One government herd, started In 1909 with thlrty-serea aal- mals, has Increased to ninety-six. ?i The bison herds owned by the aW crnment are now distributed la Wlad Cave National Park, Niobrara Natkar al Park, Nebraska, Montana Nattaaal Park and Wichita torestresaro la' Kansas and Oklahoma. . ' :- The largest herd owned by taa ernment Is the YeUowstOtts Pat herd. The last reports of tt'watvA . . , uue snoweo ia reaeew .iwai mmm'xi forty-nine wua ones. vrf mwmrj m j ;.y i Henihaw. chief of the blslSsiUal 'mifis4- ver. believes the abnemsl JaVWeaat $' I ofhe fenced aalato;,w biiaaia tt'" Earner animals steal taa i wild aataam, " .ii i iW ' I C I! ;i. i I i 41 m m wt H 1 m r M m -).