I t ..r. ' ". t; v. ' liv T-Af : C& Vi i KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NKW8PAPICK fo ClKtiilt Vi-wr No. UAMM uentna HraUi PRINTS THS NEWS WHILE IT It NEWS KLAMATH FALLS, OREGOtf, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1913 IfflNEOWfJERS ARE BLAMED FOR PANIC . County Court Asked to Make a Retrenchment in Its Expenditures GOVERNMENT NOT TO INVESTIGATE PARTRIDGES TO OE XVV ivw 1PPED CALUMET HORROR uii,M ,vt ix notconm:ti:i WITH M1UKK run ii).i:n i'.nt wii.i, iiiscst Miiic.iir niai: iv mi; hv. til M.VMA'lll I'AI.I.HI tliiMllli: licit (II A IIUM-K ill WOODKX MIU'MIN ntaii: IMItM T Milt. -Witt I'llltlCS IS icxti.nouihu. ii.M i:i iv liooii iimi: FRAME BUILDING OVER A HUNDRED CATCHES AFIRE LITTLE H.EARTS ARE MADE LIGHT xjnxuvnjxjT-rurLnjLnru't mrr" ------.--------------------- ---, .. .. .-- -..- n nruutrirxianjTjvvxn t WIIITi: I'KI.ICAX CHIHKTMAH A OHKAT ML'CCIXS A m- taw- Wtil H i be Intro- l'ii from an unknown origin wan llMm'-f . hirw thai lrinMrr Hi- iiur,4 Klamath routtlr TliU l'dl.un.-red nhortly after midnight In lU.iititcous Mnncr nml I'M-ful l'rc- Prize Winners for Protection of Life Ullrll' AtHitt li- Im I',iIm Alarm TUI HmmIIoI Im lVlnlrl lrtti l (Htlrt TIiaHm I'lim rl Will It- llrl.t fiUh1, t'lwlrt lb tin(lri-. t4 ilm I'-dentll. rfelc4 I'lw tfMl UAM'MfcT, IMr. Jrt ItrLllir. htt UtWt llw IwntUm .f rrtl). u u( lln? tellll ul Hm ClirUltuft Cr ...fir, Mliru Mt rtt'unl Al n Oi?ilnn Hrf tfitrM fur lltf iwrfll Um t tilMrm llir iHalu n.'-f HlltM-r. Thrm ttaiitrftllR-il tUr- Irllialn tn lb tuutgur. TtlU mkr lit- ilnalli Ii.( rirtiylti. ttn4 uf tltf lMlm Mem iIiII.Uti,. Ttw luHrmU will Im lirl.l KmiU. umtrr lltf iHrr-rllim uf llir Wrlrt 'rlrrllm it Wlnrt, iho 1 1 mir arts it turtrtot"-. anil liopulr a Iramn Imll.llin; In the rar or Ui DUIini ijmwi Vfil?t, Carity M 8a'lll Hud rt'itttiuraril, botuevn Itamttij ImV frylrt wnrJ Hint two Kltlh ami 8UII1 ttrrvla DiU mornlriB. Jin.. 4 10 pArtit. !-l( iht fallur condllloni. tliu T.r lir aro plne ralc.) at tin. ntP ilriarttiicnl n-ni'onilml wlih alac Hire, n 8i&it larm nv CotvatlU TImt rliy. ami In a rvmarkablr abort llmi bail two utri-am ilnylnc on tbtt blnto, fliM-liliiK it from uprrndlnK ami ex tll!EMllllllC It.- ill '4rni brrr alniih Marrb lt -utM An IllHbutil to 1011 Mule II)h nuil tilrU, Willi Whom llco'in Imt U.1, 11)1.1, Will do Ikmn In 1IU lory itH One of lu lllCRet llnya of Tlit'lr I Aw. ZAPATA TROOPS MURDER PEOPLE Ay a n-HiilL of llin fiood Follow Tlu- bnllillnB l.-Uiblu a f..w frol ,,..,.,,.,.. H.nr.,. . ..,. wh MO nt nvMl Ml.tr rraitiKiulldlnc. and ,() ,aU chrHlmilH iappr dliy ror baa lb,. Oainr innd Vlluw, the f (h, tUMren ln u,, l0 nubs rontiuvrntlon yOtild bap urMtil t-rtl- ,.,u wl, ,,,ra.tajl 11i,i i.,-- i,,, UN v..rt.w.L.i.l ltu fliA iril fil Vlrhnlteri Tb bulldlne a. uniKriiiilfd. , tt,,rr K,vpu a Ulnncr and a chrlatmaa HotiE Kim:. .roirk-lr of tin- rtwtnu. ,,.,.,. T,lur)M,a). ,at rpaed anx- M'.w-. tir iiv.riti iti:ri:ivi:u ST lllUti fITV, ami tiii; J'll'ITAI. I.N A VIATt: Ok! IMVM AH Itln.T rant. a bU rlilMri'ti uncd It an ilajrbiitur Thurda- I nitrJ 'fri lifrrUf VIKXH'O CITY. I :c- Np of Kif.ttnmt MUMVr mmth nl Iutp by IVH-I l'f- Mflc WA1UUNOTON. I. IV, w :C .Vft Irdrfal Inquiry IH b madn Into ,,i(1 (i,,,,,, 1Jiia crratrd almwt a Ihn ChtlnOua Kp imttlr at t,4luml. Jljlllr , jintin, cttj. Tbu outlaw Jllrb, acrordtnc to a ukftram M-nt ,,, ,,. ,.vM-ftr.t to atlack ilm city 10 Hrtty Wi)rr l III" Wrlrrn air limr IV.Irralloit of Minn by ttrtfitat) rir ,inn iirarllPMttm ilipy bn Wilton f ItiP ilriarinin(il of labor. ,.,, rtM.!irrp U t.rn tn-n- an TIH impmap iIp1 thai ll '!' 'itiiutistlin of bow thry may mwn 1 tianlr had no rmmriilmi with lh "o' ,cnavtnit brri r trllii, . ttiltiK of tbo kind evt-r attempted. Tbo nflalr wan ono that made the hi'iirt of all the kiddles bound with ilfllKlit. und whoran.tcll how much plraHiirr brouRhi toMr."and"MK. K. II Half and th (iood KIIouk who it ml Mini In making It what It wan. At noon Thuniday the klddlcrt be gan to awmlile, and by tbo time dln ner niinouncvd tin big lobby of the Vlhtt I'ellcan hotel wnB awnrmlnR with them. Then came the rail for ,M I'llOM KLAMATH -KAM.S dinner 1 vii i.iinit Tiiv.K uomit to To commence to describe that dln- MCllltll.l, Til i:jov AITAIIt HARD TIMES BALL A GREAT SUCCESS A L;&Vi &&ti 4 &Xi'i & X: . 1 ilJ'K ). ,?y M m Sg 3n' LIBRARY MONEY RECEIVED FROM CARNEGIE FUND FIKST I.V.STALL3IB.NT IX A LOCAL IIAXK I'CrTortn Made to Stop Construction of IlulldinK on Court House Block Wto of Xo Avail County Coart Hail Planned to Have BaildiaK Va tier Itoof, So Carpenter Could Cob tiuue nt Work Durinft the Winter. The first installment from tho Car- .nogle Corporation for the erection of a. ;4,uuu uarnegic itDrary Duuains in Klamath Falls has been sent to the county court. It Is now in a local bank, at the order of the court. The money Is sent upon the archi tect's certificate to tho effect that HEARING KICKS AGAINST BUDGET MADE BY COURT TIMBER IKTKRESTS ARE CHOW OBJECTORS Objection la Made to Lerjr far War rant Refunding m the Groaad That These WarraaU Draw 6 Per Oeat Interest, While the Far-acr, te Meet Them, Woald Hare to Pajr More Advertteiag Vewf AUaekeO. Ageneral retreachaaent la tk ex pendlturea for jpoaaty pttrpeaea te -sked for by Jack Kimball, 1 in the Weyerhaeuser Tinker pany, and Charlea J. Fercmaea; rep resenting R. N. Day and other ,Uker intereau, at today's hearias of ok Jectlons to the budget for the eoatiag there has been that amount of Work,yeir' " , ,by, U " J I fKla I at Ka ! M a-mv Mi a at - and materials used to date in the con j .. , -.- . ... . . structlon. The other $15,000 to be ?TT T,, J , U ZZT ...... ,. ... h .in h ..-t - y fe court, after coaaMertag , .. A the objections entered. In the same manner. j . . . . Work on the library building was' A c" w commenced by the county court in I'litUd lrr llcrtUe t'Ai.i'Mirr. Mini., tin-. ,:c- ai.I Ibnuiih tl ban bti denied, ll U !'! j Ibai a member i)f Ibe UllUeti'a AIM atlie fne Hie fal.n nlnrill of lire li:li rrwiilie.t In d paiite and .nrit-, lnn ilcallm. Tln panic iimirrl "" ' Cli KlVcli 111 In IbH IV Ibat h F (Continued on p 4) IH SCHOOL TAKES FIRST mr would be a lone, lone tank, but Till: IIHJ (iice It to nay that "turk "n Btufflns" and everything conceivable In the way of eata that Is good for the hungry oungster was there ln plenty. Be ( Herald .Ne lal Serf Ice) hlng every few chairs was some per- MKKItll.l.. Dec. tC. Tbo biggent son rendy to refill tho plntes as fast' eent In tbo Miclnl liUtory of Merrill an their contents were devoured, un wa the "hard lime" dunce ghen'ill. tilled to the limit, the kiddles r niL-i.t in- Miss Catherine mined their hands In protest at any- I'rebm. editor of the Merrill Itecord,, thing moro to eat. Somo oven ate soj to ralne money umard purchasing a inurh Hint they did not have room for, llnotyi. ldesert. I There were thlrty-lUe couple- on In addition to the dining, room Ho, ilnor when the grand march corps of the White Pelican, the fol-i I ! MS, S Xfl ilMtna K0 M n ClirUimaa r-M , 9 , Kinnmtb marled, but In a nbort lime the lloor lowing nnsisted in tins werk: for Ow rhlldreti of tl Mrlklttg "' " " ', n.,...l.v wa crowded, and remained so until " h- wrden. Mrs. it.omas I" '"...' r: ,:",. , i,krlb... "Ilnm-. H Umo" was p.,,l nt lni..l.ln. Mrs. Mary A .Jackson Mrs. relarr Mnjrr f the WeMern! "V'""M ' "",.:.,..,.,., ,. ,1(,ir 3:3n Tim Hour matmgers. It. I.. Dal- t T uiner. .Mrs. j. hrnng Auams. Ii-wllim .f Mint!- today averted ''''? ..7 ,;:., u .laved rln ton. Jack Martin. W. tt Dunning and -Mrs. l.ot.le Martin. Mrs. B. H. Hal. . . .. . . .. . . .- iei'i'ui''ii. " - ... ... ...... ..11 ...1... .i.. Mil. iiiiiniv wnrren. 1:. T. inner nnu ne ran ttromioi n wmu-M-n .... , . ,,i,.r.. iimn n Joe H iiKei saw 111 iv nun n "" - -:".". 1 o will .wear lb- m.ii gUlhi: lh""n "' " " " .U-kn. and a. curate s.red danced when they wanted to. Superintendent of City Schools H. II. rVwwwfceahMawae: MIRfCU 111 I ..... ll nminiiiN if tl Tl! I Mt lit KIT 1 em iiimii .111 iiiiiiuiiii' ..- liirinK SOLVE XMAS PROBLEM time coMume In evident, and fun' Following the repast ucast wouto, prevailed throughout tho evening., be a better word) tho kiddles return Tho Jtidres picked the following for'ed to tho lobby, and It soon waS( winueri of tbo many valuable prles: j noised around that no less a person nel! costumes, Jim Stevenson and,K than Santa Claus had alighted on( 'Sta the estimated current expense, now set at 98,609. .,. -ll 1 I, ... .1.- 1 , i U.O 0li..d .UUUl. U, 7.M-i II1U IUII. ilUU II. I'M blJV 1UICUUUU U& the court to nisi) the construction so as to have tho roof on before tho snow set In. In this way, it was fig ured, there would be work, during the Idle months for a number of carpen ters and other artisans, completing llin ln-trv- . V " . i . 1 . .,. 'cult court clerk, but Clerk ChaaUla A number of protests against the,. ,'-, erection of the building on tho court! ,. ,, . house block were sent to the Carnegie 1 Corporation. These were given con- and the Hmbennen ask a reductloa here also. The salary of the health oncer Is also held to be too high, aad a reduc tion is asked here. An objectloa was made to the hiring of a deputy clr- flio timber Interests would ellmt- tnate enUrely the $1,000 for advertla- 1 ,. ,, , , .'ing. inis is useu lor giving iuuucii.j islderatlon, and an Investigation was. " J " ; ..., . ... ... " --,iito Klamath county through the com- ...uuC. u ..... . , v-. v --" mercial D0dle8 and lt ta heW tux te was approved, and tho first Install-' .. . ., . - . 1. 1 county can dlspenso with this for a ment of tho money sent here. 1 ' ' The consideration of the protests, iyear" ..... however, held up the work on the,' STlTJSVSlS building, and it is hardly possible to " tn, yer ta th "" do any work at all this w.nter on the funu for remlng " building at Its present stage of ,. I warraaU. It is t that theeat ...,.,. standing wnrranta draw oaly aer siruc,lon; cent interest, while at this time the .farmer has to pay a higher rate la Blacksmith Is Opera Star or(,er to get - for paytac th. Franx Dachmann, a blacksmith, jeVy on this amount. ho labors at a forge In the locomo- x smaller amount for scalp booaty the works ln Cassel, Germany, wasg ag.ed, and tho amouat set aside chosen to fill the leading basso role in jfro COunty court expenses la set the "Magic Flute." to be given at the J $1,000 lower by the objectors. court opera house. 1 Holding that the leyy for the coart house construction and for roads aad Clubs Started in January for Saving for Presents ir swllona of Wast- on nm nvemgo . - - ,,.,, Hpr,H. who eoi.Hl.ler the lliwloept when 11 ."l'r f" '! " ,' , Ti( ()or wnB ,ani, wu(, - enjoyed ylonlay.l for one week. Hn.rM 0 ' .r ,, , otT!lltloll, ,,,! ,ho halt wa orward Will. Bloom lufcltilm . oriMo.l. bi j ,,,.,-om.ed. the walls roire I'niled Preaa Horvlco VONKKHH, N. Y Dec, 20 Tl.orfl are ntltttity few of tbo Nuwly Wmln utid tbo Older Weds of Vnnkerii, Ml. Vernon and otl.ur soft Ions of Wt 'bonier count)' HIirlMliiiuH (boy and now look forward Dot IiIIIh thai mutt bo puld one week lienco, when tho monthly alrttumf.it rrlvo. For tbo Newly WmIm and t"" Oldtir Woda or theno localltle.i tbln year HOlved tbo problem of spending will, a fair degrvo or prodigality on tlxlr Chrlatmaa premium without go Ii.k Into debt or completely dopletluK Dm family oxcltetiuer to do so. They Mrnied UlirlHlmns Clubs oarly In January, 1P13, with Itottdutiartors In various banks and tliutiiclnl liutll.t tlons, and by the tlrau Christmas aeeetsary had mtm Mrs Dan Col well. Handininetit lunch basket, Mrs. HIS Parker. Hard lime basket. Mlh Mt Sto etisou llrht dressed spectator, Dr. Craig. ,.t dressed lady spectator. Mrs. Tom Ollli'ld. Old Folks wnllz. Mrs. 1J. C. Andor- 'II 1.... IllAl'lttt Linked HUtUS SOU 11111. 1 Uliner ...'... the roof of the hotel. Julius Kruttsclinitt, In a few mln-i(j,nrman Southern Pacltlc Directors Heard acted as auctioneer, nf tho luncl.es at a ,..iinrni.isliiKlnii $30,000 in $176. i ...i.i M.,mbeM of the dub, accord l.i.f to l he r llliaiicea. ... in .....itu 111 12 every : r'r ;;;;,;;.;;;..,., u, ..,... u..,. tho averiigo weekly balance, ev d for tbo as prottlly iipresentltiB nn old KiikIIhIi bi'dgo. with lattlcod gate- Rimtllglits worn ptaycu on uiu J a iiu-s A. l'arrvll, President of tho Steel Trust. U. X. Bethel utes ho deweemlod by the elevator route, and such a distribution of pres ents as there was! Tbo most of the youngsters had written to Santa several days ago, telling somo of tho things they need ed or wanted They were not dlsap- ...! riM. little fAllnio ii.l.n tvnt minieu. . .. ... .. -"--wnriloa by tho American Museum of Wl !! r"l.. .C."'.t,! "1'!.0 "'safety for care In safeguarding the wauie . i.e v.u... oU u ----.,VM. of ...... worklBmen. Each was President Now York Telephone Co. Three captains of tho largest of America's Industries have been re in protecting the lives and limbs of workmen." Tho American Museum of Safety bridges is too high, a reductloa hi these items is asked. The estimated coat of running the has undertaken a propaganda amougt sheriff's office- is attacked upoa the employers to get them to install all ground that the taking of the tax kulds of safety devices for tnelr work collection from that once will make men, and has been very successful In It possible to dispense iwlth seTeral tho work. clerks. EASTSWEPTBYSTORM school, nil wore reraenibored, and' while bo banded out the gltU Santa el. an record for continuous it- .....i ihertiforn they lost inn .in, ...... . L..U WllH. cent liiloresi. lh ' ' "; "M ' nml, niiogotber. i 1176,000 to It- .redlt t IU year worn i Xmg ,, n.e plan Inst y.r, w lie,, It met I bo b. drain of ijhrlsiina with a I7B.O0O w ...., i Anotber rluh lUU W doposlled $100,000 to Its credit when It camo to Ilm llmo to buy OhrWniiw preBonts. Htlll another dub In n ; ""S bn low., of Now Jorsoy Imd 8,000 .number- tbls year. Tim amount thla club saved was noVviveii. .. . '. .. .rt,vl.l ilr.rt nt ulf hf Irunt ; good price, iiionnllmo l.eoplng nil iw ........... -.. -.- "'""' ' (ti.. mil.. fnlWa In crent eleo. In nddltlon to tho tree, tho money raised by tho Oood Fellows was also used toward brightening homes. Numerous baskets of groceries and other necessities were sent out, and what food was left from tho kiddles' food Is also being distributed. Thore. Is still somo clothing, which can be secured nt the White Pollcan hotol. The Methodist and Christian church Sunday schools also did some of this work Thursday. Through com mittees they ascertained the names of families It. straitened clrcura stnncos, and tho contributions receiv ed Christmas Uvo were sent to them. lloun.im lendanco. tho occn bo riimcm- math Falls, ore In at- Will I-"' tor Portland. K. Miller will leave for Portland either Sat.uday or Sunday, when lie goes to take a position as traveling loii.Hn for a dairy supply housi' given a medal for his company. Julius Kruttschnltt, chairman of tho board of directors of the Southern Pacific railroad, was given the U. II. Hurrlman memorial medal tor the "American railroad which has been most successful In protecting the lives and health of Its employes and tho public." James A. Farroll, president of the United States Steel corporation, was glvon the I.ouIb Livingston Seaman medal "for progress and achievement In tho promotion of hygiene and the mitigation of occupational disease." U. N. Bethel, president of the New York Telephone company was award ed another medal for tho "American employer who has achieved greatness Shipping Badly Damaged; Many Houses Wrecked United Press Service NEW YORK, Dec. 36. A severe btorm which has caused damage esti mated at moro than a million dollars nud rendered homeless at least 150 families along the Jersey coast com menced last night, and Is still ragtag. The storm struck New York today, menacing shipping and causing great damage. So far as known no lives have been lost, but the crews of ,eev- f la )'j v iii n. i eral vessels are reported danger. .. .. J .1... ! - IK. .Ill - it is lesreu iui iu-a vt u- i - ; suit before the storm u over. Alt tea A va fym .'-.rtt .., f.m 11,0 Branch tn tk Utmh. V.itli lands on the Jersey shore heaaea haJj oeen overturaee, aa-ssser sw-e-e.-! til... U. ' - ---- i'mmmStMtltK i much damage deae t aMMM,MWul sorts. , - &&& W ...-..- " lli .- "CiSi-.(i ;'' ' ' Bueiier, tu----. wlp,"--.'-i i M;fP a - .T-iiW-yw-.'1' .; ' .- . I fid lit I .511 k! I (91.. IIS, I fc i F 4 m "Tgyf?, Si -WC v.a y IS.. . i -t ..Btf' .(V.. r ii w v. 'j-1 J.tw."