?'-?' r KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER I'JkIiiIi Year ' BIG DINNER AND TREE FOR LITTLE ONES TO ENJOY no nrMJm:ii will m: dump. IHII.NTIill "-"""" UUrt- ll ,' 1'ivm DtmIi. ( lilhlirll iiii iirrn i"i-i lino ,iit IVtMnl! Atiawrn-I li; In I. It ImkIo, tut f.r Out" Tlrj Will It.' rr4in J'Hl lttrll) Wlil ) It. lit Mlmlhri Wanl-1 l coin .i l a Mprr ChrUiutao ,.., Klamath Pall, t.l.lo la e.ef, .rHU- li f UlP Ofll IllWntfO. 1'uf ib liltlo kiaaie. teho (taiclit;irr( ,t,a lor board mi.t room fo t,(h-r!"' tl tUnu bad tichid ,impll ana lft ami twlilou lor Ibrttl. It'" it "III Mlflf)' WrttHoj,, J0 u( lb Me dinner and ir. rrAiir tVm r no team eouttt ird wiih lor itim ;hp iMi.nrnni, nor a anything .r or lh 'rrnl of Uim rbltdrm iriti..nr4 nt.,,! a jm.iUnn lor a 0,o riy will alaO t t'l't'J. 1'T lark j mil mi of rk and depletrd nuatir "III It i t)iuni. Hip cook, tlcrlnrr. tr (mrtoUrw In lh Ihouichi itial Ihr rhll-jHi iriurn lmm4i(rt) in Sri Kraii J HI ( U-lllC emoltrr, iru. and tutulr llitt llulilftl Uatp ,Utl Ul, liUt llf M llll e,l I ,ri, ,ir I arIlr) l.lf HlUf'IrMPtl '110. llt Ik Ht" KMmI follns. til Ihn'Ullui. ritr lhituKl "lnt oRurl Km tie lltw uJ tlllillcr ! HlftJo a Icallt)- ' tt I tin ra.( fai4lj, A ml itt a liiM la fstieruUa rtiiilrlhutldhi rlMblnt. too4. lot, clr, llrfi. hat Ut tvit) tii tttnUlUuilotn in tiu" of flotl .att'l llir l ltd hafl'l t,ci llan lhr frlllt Itial in. rOofUl bt matjo annllirr haiiplcf Tb" tltllilfrti wilt ta(tltitn al tltr VIln IVItnui nli'l Mali ItulcU at litmu' lutsiitruk rriuii tho Hall lb?) will U Uartl I.)' I.Uo It lh Crlkau ' Tbei. will tv rvi-l nri iho Cbriti-, mji tlthtmr In Hi IiIk llnlt nxim. aatl lbep U riiilhltlC lr In lb" jute! nil" (lrurr that h ImpH toU uflj lb menu, I'(.I" Ilila Iho llrott'ntlnl lfM tUrvlce -III 1. af)Kxl Of IU i(rta fu ttivi ..,. ..! -1.1. I ,,,.,..,,,., , , ltlU la murli atiuncd rKH autl of lio c rrtrUnt rl abaxrrr-Jj -rfitnlly tr M flau., . tlichl'" Himtwt iinHirUtirc to man. a ftilMrrli tt ttrrrtlllC. ami ligraU jlli ll of a S-f IcaJ l'"'" toilaJP for hi-, rttilbr for IhkiI, rlr , "III jiiut,, (in. ,ftlrm) of Hclrnco. Hut" not - Pr10k.l. Ur , ,ht, 4Pmr ur iMwund On lllllw frllriw'a Utlnr atatml tlat , ,., ll lia. htl tlio fhHimUm for" ' lonor lht month. .( I.., la alr-M Iru-of lmnl COIlJuclca t.) Or. It. llot- that Hanta n may l.atc II, lo.ln.i. "t U"' Mu.ium of Nnturnl IIU- Ibla tuar. an h i-jii'i cat arotiiiil " nta'a tfiAf . iw Ik. nMU Hut !- " WM numuliii-rf thai tbo waa t.r- n rvrr. wU that h- l.a.1 '-I'KImIU wniiui b, rravrd without Pm .rr.nu for Hi- rlmr at h- i'Jr, to tb )tiui, bccauno li uu U'IiIIp I'rllowt. irbarem.. uu.kr normal comlllloua, n Thn , U llnc .tivotalml .Ma llul.l cM"l "l.ormonr." which .Id. To !),. l,l,l tA , il U -.iBit.l.'lhi. orl. of tho Inli-atlHM. " r4 a wirdUl Invitation by Mr. and lf !UII to rail innlNhl. . I!i,l Art CkMNlMK. Tho Hlar thMtor hs Ju.l booVnl , Iho Napoll Duo as n liiilldar f a I iifr,! and tprrphlo a.Hlrrw fjom Mrilford f i.. ..- . ...... ...i- ... i ..!-... f-.i- ii- (MV ia-. tllHt illlP I l f"M-ft- 'Mil Tho Napolla uro ultiBrs and In- Irillnciil&ll.lM Inaliirliiv tin nrror. it Inn aotoUt. "riln-naw f l.urrl," .Wit I'nlled l'rms Kervlce MT. Uiiiiu li- ia iir..... - '.' ...,.. . Church," similar lo llio "flumlay l.vo Ming Club" of Chicago, will bo r.tab- il..a i - .... i. ... . i. -!..!. i.rt.ir.lhoui:ht. Iho ..-.... nvin aiiiuiiy il pinna twiua , . . .. .. workrd out iody by Hi. Iuls mla-lrd "l -.nul.l IU to . .1.1. sir. llmt l.trr. of all denomlnslloii ami doc'U." .rUoii.'f rlghi n- K' irlnw go through nucr...fi.lly. Qli. is my own '"'"" . "-"M" '"" Jl-' --a--i--ta.a. -,.t -a. w j - -- " Got Your License Yet? If Not, Your Machine Can UALKM, Dec. S4. Herrotary of HUle Olcott la complaining Uial (he owners ot automobiles nro not apply ing for (heir 1914 licenses, In accord ance with circulars Issuod by him re cently lo (ho effect that all automo ulles round on tho Oregon highways nfter January 1, 1014, carrylug 1018 Ironies would be arrostrd and (bo ntltoinobllo held until Iho 1014 llcenso hud hoc u secured. l't (III Saturday (hero had only noun 3,1100 licenses Issued out of ap pro.lmately 18,000 cart (bat aro In 'he state. As there are aly eh PEOPLE BUNCOED BY 8. F. N I II NI IH )) MI'HM mi , ' HI MMilx llltOhi Mis. Ill.l'ltl HCM ( ill 1-oMI. HUNS IN HllMin A ,c !) ' a Iwtal iMluutiiM l,,aw !oWll I.Slo i;i,,i.., "" " Han Praon.ro t, , , ttll( wttn,f IflllliE that il.. '.. uull tin Jt t KrpH ,g, ,(,,. Hit ,,u in , ,,k ,ur HRtu., !.! Itlf-bl (li ariiv.'il iftiM. rii, !'il.i, but Ibxlr (aiturititlil ll. ". m. .(ear mildly ,,ar,. ?. iroiB lii itia t.-iniirniti innti' hail fU'lllUpil. ' j Tt" "w1 'IJ a 'outrun irom lite I M"",l0m,,M "'"ftT of IHWWOII tpAriits iiuo j.rr niuitUi, w, nit iom Ulttl fouui Tho aallrt'a contract AGENCY HIOOCTOR, SPARE ) THAT APPENDIX u ii it ni:iN(. wiimi.u hit lolt IUItN THIS jimi tlnHiUi uitil.i.N Is- Mill TO ll.lVt. IMlniHTANT IUTV I'Altltf. Ir. 21 That III.' ain lorX ''" u . iiahw siun ) , li .Jar- Now Englander. mid their swift - ,r"m "" ""f '" , rU tn fnmt, i,, boon the sourco of piiintilain n uiiitu"" " '" ""' f'u,,n, "f rt ,,os,(,"r-il,,,,m,U' ,1,r ItoUln-on concluded. U a Rr-sti mis !' 7. . nun hi IIU Oon llmtlirr .'i' Vrvt "orvlfo I.IINIlON. Dl'l'. 31. A lliatl glvlllg I . r 111. I. .r.l Mini U.11I MUI'I itlir unino oi itn.n... ,'""' M ,:nM "r!,.0"f0.'l!,)! tlionlh'a hard lwr r """ from outnido n tailor's shop Ho was irrili.lrliM oil tho IMllmonir 'f I'oHw- .'man iituiK. w" -"- ;t i . . ..r.nillf nil .. a. ...I.... ai'll ttiNalAl! I Il llll'IU Cloning hi ivi.ie ice. "'"" ' '" be Pinchedby the State .lays left In tho inonUi of lWcomlur In which llcoiwmi can 1 liwuod. h bo nocossiiry (o Ihsuo thorn ut (ho rain f pracllcally 1.000 per day. Chief of I'oHeo CIrU l S"01-'" .,, Word say IN)' will wforco the law with regard to motor llconso In I orllnud and Multuoninu count,. Clmixxr 174. Bfiiornl laws of Ore Kn lOl'J, BiK'clllrniiy "l' . . . .....i.i.. i... Minto shall imitor voiiicios wiiinii - mrry Hceii. of Iho current year, and If not so doing tho machine Is sub jert to seUuro until hucI, llconso hw boon secured. KLAMATH FALLS, Harvard Professor's Daughter Held as Spy for French Government vxSnbiukflStBHBSdBlBSw vHHEr!JtMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBy HT t VBBBBBBBB Y bHP ki' t-& BBBBBBBBrar 'iMBlBBBBBBBBBr BBataBBBBBBaL I'JvBBBBBBBBvSBBB fff lBBiBBBBBBBBMaaBaW ,"" ilBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBav L , :-lPflfB jf v" k0!!ftJrIaa'LlBBBBBB9BjBMVD!BNBBBBV IfrmtmtlmsLT VaWBBBBBZlZImBBBBT ,JL5 'iWrBBBBBBjBtfBjBBBBBm. -- "yBaBBBBBBBB attBBBBBBBBBVHBBBBBaaV. "NCrli a7".f.f.f.f.f.f.f.f.HHP"VKVBBrVBBBBBBraBBBBBBrl Mi Ihinilli) Mnrtam ' 1 Mu Iioruihr Macaiie, dnuKbier of '.Sllna Matciu Mactaitu, profciwor icmrrltua of lUrard, uho rclKJ jhu rlmlr mid vin to ll lu Kuropo ahority aftvr ouu f hi dttURhUrs murrlrd n Tnnch ariny ollUcr, m Urtuull) iirr-U-.I li) tho Itallau kov rimnriu on thn thaw of belnK at Kri'iirh mi. Sho hold nl Tnran III. thllP rliKaKi! then- with iiulV1!, mil opcr.t roiiipaiiy. of which hu wiia ihv l.-adlliE lady. Tin. )Oiiiik wonmii hn loiuldurablo rvpittntlou In Kuropo a i aliiRur, aud for tin- Iat fuv )nr alio had trawl rd with llnllint oporii tompunli-n oor Kuropi She ban m-M-r )el bcvii ecn In ilio I'nllfd 8tatc-H. ItlKht nftor her iti'lmllnii. Minn IMIHi Mucvani', who U tho author of novcral nucctMWful iiiixrln. hurried lo American nsdor Thomas Nelson 1'bko. to gel I, tut to liitprwne. Ho rlr, who isusuny bnndsomo women. Ill lit Kouif, nit not nollOed. ' u.,M., ait..rs there are liirr.. of lhm. lh MIhkos Kdlth and , Tb Doroth) mid the llnrnnww r.mii) Dodriimu do IMary, who Iff I Cam bridge to become tho wife of tho Fri'iuh c.ialry offlnr of that nam SERVANT SCHOOL TO SHOW EM HOW ..,. ........ AI.I.1AVCIJ KI,m. MASS WILL HE CELKURAT hoi -!"' WASHINGTON MAKI'.S A.N AN .NOIM.MCNT OF ITS STARTING., TALKS I.N HOARDERS i (nltid I'ross Sorvlco WASHINGTON. 1)..C, Doc. 24. Tho llousuliooporrt' Allliinco ofj Washington today announced wlmt'bo ut c ().cIock uml s.30 t tho morn ulll bo hhIiI by many to bo tho Un. ,i iiucovurv since Isaac Nowion T I tin iiroblein of tho law of William McMillan a, J. .olwd ,r0" '','., toiiavoi At 10:30 high mass will b T!&T. " i i",s u Fath solved Iho oxiiih soran i ChrUtim ...... ... ,i. nlll. '1,, ":,,U,.,?;t of ho Id. ngalnst'mon. Tho church has been prettily unco, is a sort of It'' ,lfl aiMl lUH.t)rilU;il for tho occasion, and the "adl.u ."r" r :" ";.. , , rv.lloth.chem manger will bo shown. IhO HOIUI.OU w. -. - utna. ho conuurio.i that women gov- vriimont clerks who cannot pay largo nnlH, will t'o nhlo to board ut tho bcho'ol" for modorato sum. It Is li.iiuna-tl ll rt 11,Uo tl10 8,0f,Vn"!S' whool Bolf-Hupporllng. for while tho .iiospi-cUvo Horvnnta mo lonrniug their "profosslon" tho routs collected from Iho boarders will covor nil ex ponas of leaching und materia. Our old friend, Dlogouos. ouco said romurknbly good thing. When usk ud by a lovo-strlckcn youth when wus tho proper tlrao to marry, ho answer ,.d: -if young, not yet; If old, never. unftt0 OREGON, WEDNESDAY, Ml" I-aiiui .Mucvano BBBBBBBaaLB f "K:fBBBBBBBBBBBB7 WMtliBBBB7 BBBBmjfei-",'"e'5 BBBBflfiKSLVM Aiubas-.n,lmlnUloll to their many friends lnbcnt mUo lad who ,lvea ln an ob. jnnd around Harvard. They are of tho three. Miss Edith Is perhaps best known to tho reading puonc from her noel mid short stories Amniiir her novels are llio Auven Hires or Joujou," 'Tho Duchess of Dreams." "Tho Thoroughbrel." "Tho lllack Filer," "The Tarantella," and "llor Word of Honor." which came out only last spring. THREE MASSES AT THE SACRED HEART i:i AT IO::0, WITH APPROPIU- ATE SI'.RMON AND SPECIAL MUS1U ClirlKtums will bo celebrated at the Church 'of tho Sacred Heart tomor row by th too masses. Low mnss will .,,, hv tho ml8t0r. Rev. cele- ?athor Mc- Illlin Will KIVO 1U3 v.liriaiimta - , , f thu occa. Mlon Leonard's Muss In 12 flat. Mora- bois ot tho choir nro Sopranos Dorothy Weeks, Mrs. M. A, Smith Poarl Bolvlu; altos aiar Jorlo Weeks. Mury Shubert; tenors Hurry 11. Gnllaghor, Martin Lavenlk; basses Arthur D. Hay, J. . McAl lister. W. H. Sporty; organist, Mrs. A,. Jy. Tlndnll; violinist, Mrs. Julo Bnr-( low. Tho gathering and soiling of acorns Is u now Industry In Arkansas, to sup ply nuraory llrms with material for forest planting. literal DECEMBER 24, 1913 TO DELIVER XMAS PACKAGES IN THE i EARLY FORENOON! WIMtOWK WIIJj MM H OIT..V TONIOIIT iI-'IikmI or I'nrrcU All Over tlio Coun try Him .Shhmijk-0 Hic I'oatofllc i ltcmi-tiiicii(, ami Clirlstiiuw UlfU, In Miiny Cim-, Mny llo Dclajri-d for' , Tn W'rf'ki. Postal l'lirifH Arc Too Siniill, Soy OfllccM. J In ordor to glvo persons an oppor tunity to get the packages addressed ;to them, employes of the local post ;oIllco hae arranged to keep the de livery window open tomorrow from 8 .until 10 a. m. This will he Just for the dolltcry of parcels to those rc relvlng package notices. This oventug. In uddltlon to keep 'ins the delivery window open from 6 to 7 o'clock, tho registry window will bo open. This will facilitate the dis tribution of registered matter. . From all parts of the nation come stories of the postal service being de moralized, on account of tho tremen dous patronage given tho parcel post. It has been stated that It may be two weeks or more before the packages I flooding tho offices at Portland, Seat tle, Oakland, San Francisco and other .cltlts will be sorted and sent out. WILL BE MERRY FOR OLD MOTHER I AFTER EIGHTEEN YEARS'- IM- I I'ltlSO.VMKNT, MAN IS I'AHDON . KI TODAY, AND WILL E.AT DIN NER AT OLD HOME United Press Service MOUNDSVILLE, W. Va., Dec. 24 Since Wilbur Slaughter was 18 years old he has not eaten a Christmas din' 'nop with M mnthpr. n irrav-hftlrpd. un-,scure town jn ohlo slaughter Is now 35. He has spent the past seventeen years In the penitentiary here. In 1895 ho was sentenced to Imprison ment for life for killing a fellow miner ln one of the West Virginia coal mines, where he worked. Slaughter's Christmas present was a complete pardon by Governor Hat Held, according to his annual custom of parJouiug on Christmas Eve the most deserving prisoner, who has served tho longest number of years behind tho bars. Slaughter's pardon came to him shortly after noon today, and ho left immediately for Ohio to eat Christ mas dinner with his mother. Since tho day he entered the Moundsvllle penitentiary Slaughter has been a model prisoner. He has spent his spare tlmo In studying, and besides educating himself above the average, lias learned a trade which he will fol low. Ho plans to look up the lamny of tho man ho was accused, ot killing, und If thoy are ln want, aid them. UNCLE SAM WILL BUY LEGS, ARMS APPROPRIATION OF a7B,000 IS ASKED FOR DISTRIBUTING AR TIFICIAL LIMBS AND EYES IN SERVICE WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 24. Undo Sam, It was aunouncod here to day, will play Santa Claus during the year 1 9ir to hundreds ot crlpplod sol diers und sailors ot tho United States army und navy, It he can secure an appropriation ot 275,000 .from con- KresB. This large amount wm oe spont for wooden legs, artificial arms, glass oyes, falso toeth and similar ar ticles. Tho year 1915 is the speci fied tlmo for the renewal ot this "equipment." ! .NO l'Al'KK TOMOUROW ! In ordor to allow tho mom bcrs of tho forco an opportunity to enjoy the happiness, good will 4 and bounteous dinners that abound at this time, Tho Herald will not appear Christmas Day. BASKET BALL TO START AT 3 P.M. TOW.V AXI HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS I'ltCTTV KVKXLV MATCHED AS TO WEIGHT, ETC., AND WABM GAME IS EXPECTED It Is not going to be all smooth sailing for the Town team when It' IIikh up against tho high school -squad touiorrow afternoon In the first kett.,11 game of the season. Although tho tovrn players are older, there Is not much difference In the average weight of the players, and the stu dents are Just as fast if not faster on their feet. For the high school the following will play: Hum and Noel forwards. McClurc center, McComack ana Boil er guards, Garrett and Bealsubs. The town team Is composed of the follewing: Garrett and Hayden for wards, Elliott center, Mouchenhacher and Nail guards, Yaden sub. The game will btplayed at Hous ton's opera house. A preliminary game will start in. 3 o'clock. POPE ADVOCATES UNIVERSAL PEACE SOUTH AMERICAN WOMAN WHO UNVEILED MONUMENT TO THIS CAUSE 18 DECORATED BY THE PONTIFF United Press Service ROME, Dec. 24. Pope Pius has Just called to Rome and conferred un usual decorations and honors upon Slimnm Aneela de OUveria Ceaare de Costa. SIgnora de OUveria Is prcsl- dent of the South American Assocla-i tion for Universal Peace, and was called to Rome from Tho Hague, where she had Just unveiled a statue to peace which she had presented as one of the ornaments to Andrew Car negie's peace palace. Popo Plus, as did also his imme diate predecessors, claims that as tho vicar on earth of the Prince ot Peace, ho should be the legitimate head of the movement for universal peace. His self-imposed imprison ment In tho Vatican, however, pre- J. V. Houston Honored State Movie Men Choose From Portland town comeB the tidings that John V. Houston, Klam ath county's theatrical syndicate and pioneer show man ot Southern Ore gon, has been chosen vlco president of tho Oregon State League of Mov ing Picture Exhibitors. Houston was chosen for this posi tion out of a total of 600 managers, which speaks good for the local Schubert. Tho man elected to the office just ono notch, higher, that of president, is Melvln G. Weinstock, who is president and manager of the Pooplo's Amustment company, a con cern operating thirty or more movie houses throughout the state. Tho honor bestowed upon Houston Is ono that is deserved, tor he has dono much to advance the amusement business in the state. As far back as 1897, Houston put this town on the show map, when he erected the Hous ton opera house. All the wagon shows of that time went clear out ot their way to appear here, and many actors who have since become famous owe PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS " i IS, WILSON HAS AUTOS BUSIED GIVINGPRESENTS I'OOIl OF THE CAPITAL ABB RE MEMBERED Several Huntlml Robn Will , Ks Brightened by tlie Thoaghtfalaest of Nation's "Fh-st Lauly" Food, Clothing and Toy Are A: Many Article Capital by i lie Member of Cotaireao United Press Serrlca WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 24. IThe homes of several hundred noor families will be merry tomorrow be causo Mrs. Woodrow Wilsos resMB- bas-liKred them with gifts. Two Whits House automobiles today started ok a distributing mission. These were loaded with gift of all kinds. The list ranged Iron turkeys land clothing to toys for the babies. Tho gifts were selected ey Mrs. Wilson and her daughters after as investlgaton of many appeals, for all that were genuine, gifts case from the head of the nation. The Deserted Village has nothing on Washington today. Gone are the legislators, after a weary tea months' grind on the tariff and currency. ' Vanished are the society folks for the holidays. The president and his family are speeding to Mississippi. Dr. J. R. Weatherbee, who arrived yesterday from Portland oa the steam ship Breakwater, brought with bin four registered Hobteia-Frlestna yearling heifers for bis ranch la Oar ry county. Dr. Weatherbee a circuit of Washington white aw&r, and attended a number of sales, stak ing out the nest stock he coal lad. , The heifers cost him $1,600, and cre ated quite a sensation at the depot this morning when they were snipped 'o Coqullle. Marshfield Record. Thirty different wood preservatives are in commercial use la the United States. Many of them utilise creaota of one sort or another. Others re qulro chemical salts. n uroom -P"7 J- G- M,Uer' CMt of " clt' U B0 to operntlon and turning out many fae brooms. The company has demon strated that It Is possible to raise first class long broomcorn la the val ley tn quantities which prove prodt- ablo both to the grower and the i ufacturer. Ashland Tidings. vents his exercise of this duty, bat be has never missed the opportunity ot granting unusual recognition to those ot the church who carry on the peace propaganda In his stead. Him for Vice Presidoit much of their success to the eaceur agement and support tendered them by Houston, who is there and ever, when it comes to picking out htotrealo talent in the rough. With the advent of the motion pic tures ln the amusement Said, How ton was again a pioneer. la 1998 ha brought the first machine to Klamath FalU by stage, and following Its In stallation, picture shows becama reg ular features at the opera aooaa, In 1911. Houston opened the Tata- pie theater In the I. O. O, F. balMiag and by sticking to Class A 11 M has a patronage that keept tb MM crowded every night. la additlaa, ae operates the Star theater, waare, ta addition to the best'eftae lalsttal ent features the nightly rcna). In cludes clever vaudeville and maata bf a live-piece otca n u f i Besides the show hevaai ta city, Mr. Houston' own tha opera boats" la addltlam ta appearing there, ha aim .; people of t Htx ntauaa wmm, two or three tlmaa Weak. ' .CiUv?b ' fi ftt F i I t: i E I i: IS ft : I .1 H f tt m t mi tt I 111 S '5 m m It ( i.X tv m Ml rm m m pj. kH V 1 '; v !&t J. 4 S 4 . W