'm4r . l " " KLAMATH PALLS' 01'KICIAL NKWSPAPKH Gfc tllftt Yr .No. wntng IteraUi PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS k m- ROBB LACK OF WORK TO BE INVESTIGATED BY GOV. JOHNSON KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1913 Mmi.iT i.:aiku hkmasdh a tfl'M'IAI. hMhion ery SUSPECT 18 UNDER ARREST h till HI II ni Hoi iui i. . I'HIJtH Nl ah j.l,l. VM KII.I.IMJ 'U)'l.i:'s IICHin lut'Vll U. S. R. S. Re-Organization Out i Lane s Long Expected Order Is Issued1 Mrs. Buffum, Indicted Poisoning Husband i MUIUmi VIm OulrfMOf 'tlial nn ,Iip iiki.uoo Mu Wlilumt i:uiilii) Miritl in Unlilril HUlr, iiihI rt). I In- HHualkiN ; rnit a lrur.. i Mir and l'ftM-r) ,irji uf ilf t nUr.l 1'res Hrlo tfA.N FHANCIHCO, l. :3. Hut rtor Jllfsui Johnson today nutlQcd il.o xO'lai)' ( tbo industrial com lull t to ( Ilia Hit Ffanrlo Clnirrli Initiation ttrni (to ti r4epii liHir t twmllonr l.aucbtln tu stait a ,tlMfl InteMlgatloii Of tho lack ul .tuXWl (f the MtaH) Jubtn 'i IllUd l'r-. Httvlre r II A Ik I II AMMIiril tl i u i,.,,K hi. .,' ;, u.Uct,!'M"" '"" ,",, H",,V"' l,, ,oll0W- B,ton aml "ubl,catlon ot a docu- .. mrrir.t hr iml a th ban- 's ""'"' '""" ,cr"l"rr " of Ho inet.ts and report covering the ae .hi i imiit uti the Huutbtrn I'nciac ''"I"1""1"' "f the Interior, gltlng do- llvltles or tho service. ioiMn.r uU ,nnr aukoIm on '' "' " rBorgiuilratlon of tho ser- " 'r'io Jurisdiction of tho director lc rinUr J.i. vliru Trait-line Ja- ivlr... which ha luti iir..u nut i,,i r. llft" Include nil engineers, englnocr- . i,f r AtJuiil Muiilamm aa hUltU jfm. lug boards or other experts of the i sen Ire engaged In explorations, pre' '""'' lUP Bill) ln, WHO WrUl'llnunrlm i.i f II iv....v ..r...,,vv. . v.l.uiaiiuii, ,i r inM.nr.ru. mi t,n trnln, IU.illl)i.l I '". wimo oitninary urvoy, sclonllllc, experi- Uiirk. n MrVt tril iixlar. Tbo;' Ul" Hlff ur). UmciiiIht 13, 1313. ,mcnuil and research -work, all of litill htm hall an hour, mid thtrtii ""' l'",,"l Klttn ritlnmailon ur- liom rIiuII report to nnd bo KOcrn iiif..ftttd t.illtmn rtr nhall on ami uftor thl dnto he e1 ''' ,l10 director. ...!.. of (. ifVi rr.loui.d.foiiMtmmi of nv., .Ihl.loni loin, T'"' ,,,,"f nKlnccr 8,iaU "tt0 Kott .t.d dMlKn.tM a, folio.: "r?1',," , """i T '. . nlcal ilhlnlnn, and ball -raiimiiir, niaiiturai una IIIH I'.rkal dhUlon II. On- Mapftl tl'Ulilne SUNDAY SCHOOES Hi. lnal hranrh of tho reclamation C Dinrt mid conduct tho cornpll- counter or "alntant district coun sel," as the chief counsel may direct, except ult those In the legal division In the Washington ofllco, who shall be known by such titles as the chief counsel may hereafter direct. All cm plofs of the legal division shall re port to and be governed by tho chief counsel. Tho comptroller shall bavo charge of tho fiscal and accounts division, and shall 1 He the adviser of tho commis sion on all questions concerning finance and accounting. 1- Ho tho udWmr of the cornrals-. 2 Direct and conduct the keeping; dIhii In nil matters couccrnlnK tbo1"' a 'o necessary records and ac- KtiRliuvrluK and Technical dl-' feasibility of nil proposed project, counts to tovtr all of tho activities I nllnl l'f Mrti t'KKHNO, lr. !3 Tlio afin f.t t ttnmilMyvl, lo none. cr-u id ltlil Chrl'tm brlr. I'tcbt I trtlii ivcmli am a routine rami frr I hem at an abatidtmeii brkljofi! Tb rouoty ha acm-4 li furnub tbr molt lth tMilloti, and Ihrto v III l" no lUlurbkrt. HA E CANTATAS inn niihr mi nti-sin ir.it i.w rut iii'iikh ii.ivi: nI'I.ci.w, I'i(i:i. nut I'liitiHTMAH i.u: i:mi:t.inmi:t j'',g,' and as to the construction and Instal- i 3 Ijiw illvlalun. t latlon of project works. Klrn and AccounU dhlslou. 2 Direct and conduct all final sur- ' i ()ratliia and Maluteuanco ill-, ot proposed reclamation pro tUion JccU. j KubJiTt to ibu approval of the sec-' 3 Direct and conduct all cngln-ir-tary of tin. lntrlor, tbo control, dl- 'rint? operations appertaining to the i-4-(iuii and iiittimeumini of tho ncr- construction and Installation of all li atiitll bereafter be crated Jointly fwrossary water storage, diversion, I ftlid I'iwji l!rvfo MW ANUIXM. IM-. 33 - UO William tit (be (at tofUll.t tatty today tItfpbeJ tlnvntnor luiitiKiii, Ucwaitillns a mrial aoln ! b legidalure In order to pfoilJp ..ita tlbo4 uf employmem for ib ;bM man. William a) tbrfi, ar 1 00.000 ptt uf ork In lb ta. M m) IhU lliAtloti i.'ould soon bM-om? a mnaft in life and trprt. jiutiilii) mIiooI uorkrrn art' r UrHinty buiy at tbl limp, ilrlltlns routittrr for tlm fnrlttma nor-ci- lo Imj bvld tomorrow "Vpnlnn. ISfh of tbn (burrhiai hai liti"d an iniiuilon to tli rMMrm of the rlty la allrtid. M ilraro XI i: obtiicli a rjntita, "Ji.rjla Ctu Drpam." still be rm .Irfrd Thl l full of the mill mrnt that It U brttpr to tUv than re in the foUottliiK olikom 1- Tho director. J The chief eugltiir 3- '1 he ihlof counsel. I- The comptroller. 1-- The uMrlor of Irrigation. The officers named shall constitute a board for the purpone of consider- distribution. Irrigation, drainage, i power generating and transmission works. I Direct and conduct alt construc tion operations undertaken by tbo 'sen Ice. f. Direct and conduct all neces sary scientific, experimental and re- search work connected with tho con struction and Installation of project Iiik all iiut-ttjun of administrative I'ollry and management, and recoin- mcndlnc action thereof, to tbo secre- works. lary of the Interior, but no uct of said CThe Jurisdiction of the chief mrera or of nald board shall be of engineer shall Includo all engineers force or effect unlcus tbo same Is In '! engineering, boards or other cx- pursuance of authority previously li'ercs or employes oi me boi.u cu ghen by the secretary of the lntorlor.K3Ke ' "an' survoys and construc- citvr. iKor coiivfiileni refen-nco said board Hon work on approved projects, all Kauia will be tlicr III all hi Jol-,-,i , tnown as tliu reclamation f bom sliall report to and bo gov- NO MORE JULEPS FROM OUR PATCH MIST I'lNTKD .V WIIITJ! lltll'Si: OltOt'MW IIV "OIJ IIICKOHV" IH TtlUX i?r ,l-Ti:it IUMIIKXlK o :aui.y . cKXTimv (llrll NvcUl Nrrvlr) WAHIIINOTON. . (', D- SJ No more In summer time will tbo fra grant iwlom t tbo historic mini bed of the Whll llousn grounds bo waft fi Into lltn cablhrt room of I'rltlnnt WlUon ami Into elm iirpaMpnl ofTlcc Tho rulhleoa Iminl of man hn ile sromlnl upon tills famous patch, sabl to bav0 been planted by Amlre JarV. son hlmsoir, niul obllterateil It from lh premise of Ibe nation' rblrf esKUtWu. No preslilent or member of 11 tiotiMtbolit slur (bit day of Jackson baa doim aughl lo this mini "atrh but lo nurturo nml unrlrb It, ami er ninl anon to pluck Ha richly flaxorrd leaveris for audi usea n inituro or Inclination Intended for mint. Mnny mul far-renrliliig have been Mm cbmigna In mul about tit" While I louse slnro Andrew Jarksou lived Ibnrn, but llirniiKhnut this long period tlm mint patch baa thrived until to il ay. Huddenly It baa d Imp pen red, In lis illsappearanco tberu la a mystory, for nobody about tbo Wblto House will take the responsibility for hav ItiK ordered Its destruction. Wonta n Dlvorrc. Hull for m illvorco bns been com inuncoil b Mrs, Kvolyn ObmnberH axaltttt J. O. Chamben. 0. M. Onolll I ttlorncy for tlio plaintiff. Illy, in take part. Ho lll bo a blgirtimmMon part of the program, but there are' T(,0 ,ritr shall hae' charge of oi'ioro. (he scientific, untUtlcnl nnd blstor- A Ha rmwr4 ol Hord Orwn,jra division, and shall Maurice Myers. Jack Klllott, (Jrace i He, chairman of the commission. Klllott. Charles Yadrn. Constance ; nvo general ou-rslght of the Fisbrr Vrrnon Kr-ee and Joepblne fciamnllon sen Ice. t'pp lll precede the good saint. j 3--Direct and conduct all explora- lUiher Calkins, Helen Hamilton, ttostia and preliminary suneyo of pro Alfrrj Waldron and Harry I'eltx wlUlptwd reclamation projects, alto appear In a number. , 4 , l)lnt and conduct all scientific Oilier In the show Include "Mlkey.nmj uxpcrlmentnl work In connection MHJI1111," I), iloedroan: "Tlirco I.lltlo' u(!l (n H,.rTci not otherwlsu pro- liirU from Cerman)." Anna llaclln. j Idotl for. Margarri I'pP "'l Kstlirr Haines; j 5 -Direct and conduct the collec- -MU.lonary dlrl," Audrey Iteberta: ,non of statistics relating to all the- Two King's Daughters." Dorothy ( branches of the service. Mastni and Clara Calkins: "Drown- p," Jrsslo Summers; Ilcstrlce Wal ton, , Intersperse! In the dialogue will, be n uumbrr of appropriate Christ-1 limn ftohM. duets and cborusis. K0I.1 lowing tbo program a treat will be ftheit the children. ai the Presbyterian thurch tlio Icrtiilatn. -'Saiiln Clans and Ills Klven." by llosche, will bo Ken Christmas Kve, beclimtng at 7 o'clock. This Is jone of llwche's most happy produe .lions ' Tbo cantata consists of attractive Union, songs by b and girls, ducts. .ni..iriiM nml illalogurd. Miss Mnr- Jorle MrClurn will be UvmA In the iirliu'lnnl solos. Tho Hoys' llrlgatl" will sing. Otbors will bo by the Indian hoy. Iho Klve. tho Forest Fairies, Hlreet Wntfs. and Itlioso "Waiting for Santa." ! One of tbo sweetest feature of the 'program Is llaby May with her dolly. Hh lell" "f t tr Iib lo communl iriilo with Hnnta, ami she Kes lo lulteu waiting for lilm, hIiirIiib Mnbv to her iloll, to be awakened by the nrrlval of Santa, who, to pm u In Iho epreslvo xernnrular of the day, will "be there with bells" Tbero will lo ''" oM 'n""10"01' Christmas iroo with presents for the fhllilreit and 11 treat for e or) body. erned by the chief engineer, The chief law officer shall here after bo known ni tho "chlet coun sel," and shall have charge of tho legal division and shall 1 He tho legal adviser of tho com-' and operations ot tho service, 3 Dlerct nnd control tho expendi ture of the reclamation fund, and the purchase and distribution of all ma terials and supplies. 4 Tbo Jurisdiction ot tbo comp troller shall extend to and Include all employes ot tho scrvlco engaged In the keeping of accounts, tbo purchase and distribution of materials and supplies, tho disbursement and col lection of funds. and all clerical em ployes; all of whom shall report to and bo governed by tho comptroller. Tho supervisor of Irrigation shall have charge of the operation and amlntenanco division, and shall 1 I)c tbo advisar of the commis sion on all matters concerning irri gated lanus. 2 Direct nnd conduct tbo manage ment, operation and maintenance of the Irrigation systems on all of the projects operated by tho service. 3. Advise and counsel with water users and water users associations as to tho best methods and practice of Irrigation, and as to tho cultivation of Irrigated lands, tho development of markets for the products thereof, and ull questions affecting the welfare of ttttlcrs and water users. 4 Consult ana co-operate wun mo sWlffPsk ev&V HsBC sJbbf C-a aaasB -J7- .bbb BBBBUpBBBBff BBBB3f 'ftH sVaH iKlsBH kkkkkV isV'9kkkkV BBBBsFKfBBBBBf BUFFALO. Dec. 19. Mrs. W111U nudum has been Indicted on the charge of poisoning her husband, who died recently under such circum stances that tho police made an Inves tigation. Ho is believed to have been glon arsenic In aliorse liniment mix ed with his food for several days. Tho pollco arc also investigating tho death of one of Mrs. Buffum'a children and the sickness of several others. When she was arrested she was taken to tho bedside of a dying daughter, and if she had tried to kill the child she had evidently regretted it, for sho broke down. The motive in the poisoning of the husband, tho police believe, was the woman's love for the brother of her I sister-in-law, a man of 25 years. Mrs. nuffum is 38. CURRENCY BILL AWAITS THE PEN OF PRES. WILSON nOTII HOUSES TAKE JUOllXMENT AN AD. Currency Hill, as Seat Back From the Conference, and Adopted by tbo House, I'aaacd bj the Heto Today, tl.o Vote Beiag 43 to 5 Already Hanker are Wlrlaf MeAOoo te Slake Ttiem Menbem of Xooarre United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Dee. 1S.- The senate this afternoon passed the currency reform measure, as adoatod by the house late yesterday. Tbo vote was 43 to 35. The two houses of coagroao iauto d lately afterward took aa adjourn ment to January 13, in order to al- ' low tho members to enjoy a brief respite. The engrossed copy of the hill will reach the White House later In the afternoon. President Wilson will sign it at 6 o'clock. Many of the leaders of tho aght for the bill plan to make this s cere mony. Wilson Is expected to ntake memorandum notes of what he ex pects the bill to accomplish. Secretary McAdoo of the depart ment of the treasury Is already belns; flooded with telegrams by banks wish ing to become members of the re serve system. Charter No. 1 will go to the Bata- vian National bank of La Crosse, Wis. ' mission and tho secretary ot tho In-Jwpcrts tho BTlcuttura. depart- terlor on questions affecting tho rcc- ment assigned to each of tho projects. lamatlon service. I 6Th Jurisdiction of ."P n ....,.. n inv.n.llsor of Irrigation shall extend to and .ltolT0M,tb. privileges of tbo reclamation service. r iij" l"" 1 . , 3 Tbo Jurisdiction of tho chlet counsel shnll Include all employes of tbo legal division and tho so-called "legal examiners" shall hereafter be known and designated as "district anco and operation of tho irrigation systems, who shall report 10 anu " governed by the supervisor of irriga tion. (Signed) FRANKLIN K. LANE. ERNST IS FREED; TWO BOUND OVER rilKMMIXARY HEARING OP TRIO CHARGED WITH THEFT OF COAV FROM J. X. JOHNSON IS CONCLUDED TODAY HARD TIMES WILL BUY A LINOTYPE WOMAN EDITOR AXD WILL GIVE A DANCE AT RILL ON CHRISTMAS NIGmT, WHICH HAS 'EX GOING Plaza at Tampico, Where Mexican Battle Raged Kaat for Visit. J. M. Tiplon of Olene leaves tlilw avonlng for Olenmont, Olito, to.nppml n couple of montlia visiting relatlTe. BtatUticlana prore that Americana nrq the greatest consumers of sugar In the world. We've kfown ltiU ! iri. urn the sweetest TirLHBflHBVsBTsBrsBrsBrsBV .BBSagBLvBBBBVBBBl.t'&Sl83l mt-- mw,m" . - i. a -BaswstrfSssVrkkkkkkW- r g-- v shK 10'gS y- ssflsBSBlHBBlBBjBBBBBBBBtj I l'snMkffHkHiBpBiMBBaHM 1 1 S7vaiBssBUCaaaaBV9BBBBBBki'VI .ikVfliBBBBBBsBBBBt rnrjTjyjP(f iTsBWSBWSBWSBWSBWSBWSBmBBBB . jjlrtjit rfg lI'TsV.a 4aBnkBBBsBBffiBvaVvsflBBs9B9sPBlfBBfi srfa .BhkkSBkkknBkkkmslBkkVBsUkna9HkVkBBkklkkkkkkBkBkkTasV lkks F evkW 1 . vj c7 wi' eS kkkkkt -ashtfaBuBBllHBmkm'Vva'YlvE e. x lisBkkkH CTkw VMkHkKkklBBBBlknskkKBBBkkkklkHkkkkkHkWtskr1 r Wlaknls&j r- - s fc-ilsw t askkw,1HBWvM9'BBvV.l. v!T 5 4tsBkkk X BsBSBsfVxSn'nKsBBssffa7B ...iSSIISiiil f & LsmvrvaBVBmewTAenenBaBmsBBE .$' AstjBBV3iBmrH'? C v 2rK 'isffSajjsjenmBBS H'7TrlnlBrnBBBElft4--iynMsB sVsKJkMBSswpBlkBxH'oBBHe f tBBH aTBBLBjBjBBjtBMiPBBBBBBBBBBj v s- 1BBwJiPy3p5B--iiBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSlmBBBBjiBBBBBBBBBBBBJB Love Chandler and Will Sims must appoar before the grand Jury In answor to a charge of stealing a cow; Ivan Ernst, arrested with them. Is dismissed. . This was tho resume of the pro ceedings in the Justice court today. when tho preliminary hearing or tne three Merrill men was concluded. No testimony was offered by the defense. At tbo conclusion ot the state's evidence. Attorneys Noland aud 'Drake for tho defense moved for a 1 dismissal of tho threo men. The mo 'tlon was denied as regards Sims and J Chandler. This afternoon Justice Qowen bound the two oer to the prand Jury. ; Quito a crowd woro in attendance at 1 tho trial, and there is a general feel Hug that some surprise may bo sprung before tho case gets through tho cir Icult court. If the Merrill Record's mechanism! equipment does not soon lnclsde n linotype, it will not be through any lack ot activity on the part ot the ed itor and proprietor, Catherine Prehm. She started a campaign for this ma chine a short time ago, and Is meet ing with great success. The finale in the campaign will take place Christmas night at the Merrill opera house, when Miss Prehm will give a "hard times ball." The floor will be in charge of well known Merrill men, and a big time is expected. The dancers will come in grotesque costumes, and there will be a num bor of valuable prizes for best cos tumes, best dancers, old folks' prise waltz, etc., furnished by merchants of Merrill and Klamath Falls. I'nmt lloaelinnr. Mr. nml Mrs. II. F. HchoeiifoU nr- lUeit lust ovoning irom mm........ - This photograph In of n peaceful cans nnd other foreigners by direct-'tho troops of Carranta wore repulsed visit their daughter, Mrs. K. T. Shop- (ho con.,luUoiwHts when Admiral . . .S...11.... !. tiiav hn tnlrAn nhnurd thft ... i uoj tiiUitii uniuru iiih urn. , .. . rVht lie wcon he federals and! warships of Uncle Sam in the harbor. 1,10 nBl,t... .,!!!...? when Admiral 'Since then tho town has been torn to heril. ' Btningo. Isn't It. tlmt moat can bo i..i...i., mono miles, from Argentina and Australia, and butter from New Xealiinil. " '" own ai o... . for n Ilttlo more than half the nrl" clwrKed by our local Brocors and butchers T Fletcher bad .to p rotcct tho Aroerl-1 pieces by shot and shell, and while In tho action ot Sunday, December 14, It was expected that they would re turn any tlmo with reinforcements to take, tho place. 3C GODIVA STUNT IS NOT LIKED MISSOURI WOMAN WHO IS SAID TO 1LAVE MADE A NUDE RIDE IS HORSEWHIPPED AND OR DIUIED FROSI COMMUNITY During the year Just ims moro than ir.00.OUO.000 woro spent by tbo A.,w.ri...ui neoplo for randies and sweetmeats-enough to build n bun died battleships or erect halt u mil lion lluo tiomoB. Komunco will soon bo only a mem ory in Venice. Tho gondolier has got to go. Soveral hundred motor boats will soon be placed on the canals of w odoriferous old "Ilrldo ot tho Adriatic." Will Move Store. The Brndloy Harness company bas tnken n lease on tho store room in the Stewart bulldlns, adjoining the Hales uurket, nnd Is preperlng to move there. United Press Service OLD HORTON, Mo., Dec. 23. NIgbt riders last night horsewhipped Mrs. Parlee Collins, who it is charged, with a mnle companion, recently rode horseback through the town, stark naked, In addition to whipping Mrs. Col lins, the night riders burned her home and orderod her from the country i JAPANESE ENTER MEXICO; CHEERED DIPLOMATS AND DBTACnTJCsWT OF MARINE CORPS BIO KB RECEimON IS ARRANGED FOK THE VISITORS United Press Berries MEXICO CITY, Dee. II.' -The Up- anese diplomats, escorted by ade- tacnraeni 01 taarinB w u uuwmm-t ,, iiattinanin iflnmno. lrruem h at Manxanillo yerteraer. 1 ese ed .i.ni- .M ,M ltlrf mtm ..Vfaum wildly cheered. , ', n, ii'Kj 1Aaa BMfifaai ,m Huerta and the Jasaaese here have arranged a Mir riiatwatsl, ta' i .... . . Iti.lAV . mi.lt I honor 01 weir arrjTau. 7 ilLL??l There is also" la rnmta;elsU- and mlllUnr dmyagar.Yl commemorating Huerta. H. ueyntttemv " v&- i. 1, .1 wj 1 1. 'M$&, I m tm I war laesairlna's get Init, with ? k$. -!.- U J1 K- i-ijijiWiii iraaiuwHB'iasiHsajBBWaataBPrim