KLAMATH .'ALLS' OlWICIAL N1SWSPAIMCH hi? V ." uimtttg Mvtalh PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS i:i(tiitii vi-im ' y.y KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1913 Price Five Casta TRIAL OF MERRILL SHOWMEN ON A CATTLE STEALING CHARGE BRINGS OUT 801 INTERESTING MATTERS SLIGHTS KLAMATH COMMERCE BODY (THREE LARGEST !FINE ARTS bLdgT ON GAME BOARD TO HOLD BANQUET; MEXICAN BANKS GOING UP FAST i a, it.. i, Hi i.i IK'III l.Ml.lt lll'.l.t.o.N lll'.l'lti: M.TUI.K U; HO.M tiii: Mllt'lllCllV I' tin or statu, VIMOIMMJ CO I VIII.S HI I n, IIIVI HtltOM.IA l pmv to iai'i: iitio lu i,iai: oi siu mi;i;ti.s; tomorrow night, WII.Ii ARRANGE DETAILS IX J coxxeotiox with tiii: ax xi'ai, ki.kctiox CLOSED TODAY PANIC IK i.l,..l. ii imKnl if Hun I, ml lull I j rrlntt that JoIhimiu bad r I... mull- mt if ho wou 10 gt ox ix the circles 1 1 US IX ESS ST;:rn uti: i or housing price. less display is to he op .vfeel axi coxcrete -maxy employed J Ji,lll'M. lltrt l'W"lillhif Wit. ridlMlitrtlliui l) Allot no) 'Oli'itW I It ml ti I'ntllo il Olliei Aftf in u ili deliberation, Governor W. t t.u at hull unified tho Ilftli iMMatM-r of tiu tmw Htnto Hull and I Mil i li f i- Iiililli( I tis i it i I .l.r ' llou of oltlcers January Cth will b,JI'ill"-. H HWIoi.-d, " ' ... i ...... i ... ... . . ouuiuuu at u (liming oi mo u.rect- i.ml or the iiuerta .. .i 1 M.I ! kiltie jl li.I.t I . . . -., ..... iiiauii mil tin BOOK. Ev i I " Him. , f (ti rutin! ry if it runt M51" ronurliuti Thl lo ('. II. Kv- or. of tho Klamath Chamber of Cora-i hi in it ibtnii dollar Jubnm era-' , wotmwa county, inuno to bo held tomorrow evening. .ir4tl iIoIm ibU TWo u much disappointment .Other Important matters will receive ...ah it,. i, Mkp4 the citmlAJi)lnKt,""r" 8t ,bo -'"""i" "f livan. both attention ut this tlrao. .. .... . .4 .. i uMtttUSn K. It tlnll ulin u'nu r..,.ii,,i-I 'f'tii.r.. nr. InHnv fni.mtif.rii it Itlu "i'imm ii mora wm not rumors! ......-, . ....., ...-.., ...wU.w. . .-- h..l.i. a.U.I Ir 'Hint. ,W iitirHii.d ih t. tin .hir. ..... . , ; randwl Irum hMf an on l.l;al uium-Cliambur of tJouiuicrco who aro In n !! b JibBiml) B'pulUnlJ!,' wa ovrJuk,iJ. R"1! Houthem 'favor of holding a banquut at thoi im. ii'io ud uiBur poopioii eatuti. , " " 7 7- Tnltcil vrimn Service Jobuwtt 4mJ IbU He tatd ihfti Uu cnm" U "'" ml,tl u,"r,,- U' would kIvo tho now men u rhanco to) ...,..,., , . ... . 'tllllfrlfr tftltii.iil ,i tiitnli..r full ia-IIIi flu tniriiliirBlilfi itnt lfrirn . .i-iv.v w am aw luimnnq a row tetnral .iar' ' " " ""'' IHrtiiturHtilp lie Im llarn- C'aIN on tin- .Mlkuilo of .l.iuin, anil II' Ih Jtuiiioriil Tliat He U AiIkmbIIii nit Alll.iiue Itv luii'ii llie Jiipant-e anil Mctlcuas. $". i II iu tlirour,!) a ml ". i4 h matter wtu velited At lljtt rbNMi of the JoblWOt) tifitt- (,fi.ll.liat 4lnH! Hi MIBBUf ,i.r tM l"r hI lh tlsr at iutttre lUffh't r-Hlft ItHlttJi. hpftj mufi IM florMwia Ibo CUto rmtntl Will !. Mt Clu.4Ur set !t8',ta adjottraraeiu a tafci-n K,B,t. i 01 tl MHrtll tmum. -.'"'" 'TT7. H,0n"DB ft' "" MKXICO CITY, Uec. 22. Tho ii.tnui't uuu avui i Th .,ll.nr f..l fl...,. r... wli.l ll...v W...f Till, v.111 Iu. ,1... t "3..CO UCIUrai, UailK Ol I.OI1UOU anu 1 ' K..k.f. ...! rin... Vntlnnfil 1r.aaft wiii ol m. i from linker mint . iurlt cidcii t loiiiorrow'n muetluK. niluln Walluwn county. Iiral (iiurtmiicii wr roiiDdeiit tliat a hlntnntli. ImHv or ( nml. hhiii o innti nuiilil b tiniiiiil 5it HK-A ! h IWd tbi Ml a (lM I c-.t (ttiil tti itiWUialliih -t, .n'lvVnir Uti. I'fuHHtuUtit A'. frf If Wltso1 M OHrtll I" ttn mt" itl liS6fe NmUkiI Ttrfitllao OfW i.fjo dtntr. W fclitttlllf! ' ih l (MelMt, Tfa -,.. el!)lHaltt lumraliv tltal lli. 4t(ct i U)iuc fuowlMlon fur HtRtn tH'l frbutul ttwilMoar. 4 In J. III" lhr? )Htli nfo Imoe Uti:, Tti ImiIimuh) of J, N. JtiMttstm. .b H tbo llirc ftPlt. tA 10 tlltirt of tlir itcftlM' KING S SON TO LEARN A TRADE PUT THE DENTIST OUT OF BUSINESS i itisi.N m'Ii;timtsa.s ri.Tit.i llnl M. ill lliilll.SHl.l.l.ltS IIA.s' Hilt t.l llsrl.l THAT IIV.I I.IU HN MI'M' I.UAHN MIMI. 1'IUITH'AI. TIIAOi: MOI.I.T HAV Wll.l. .MAKK TIII MOUlltS I'ltOOl' VtiAI.NST AM HKfAV TWO BASKETBALL GAMES ON X-MAS l. AIHMTIOX TO TOWX VS. HIGH M'IHjOU IIIO'II HCIIOOI. HKCOXI) ami si:i.i:cti:o yuixTirr wilij AUSO 1'I.AV Mexico and lianco National closed ! their doors thin morning. 1 Tit'-Ho aro tho threo largest Dnan tcial Instltutlonu In Mexico. Iluns on .alt of them have been In progress for nevcral days. It In believed that these failures mean the speedy end of the Huerla regime. The money stringency In Mexico City Is almost unbelievable In Its ex tent. Uuslness circles aro In a state of panic. (Herald Special Service) SAN FRANCISCO. Do.. 22. Work Is progressing rapidly upon the Pal ace of Flno Arts at tbo Panama-Pa- clllc International Exposition. This building will bo constructed of sUel and concrete, to protect the priceless art treasures it will contain. The foundation, howevor, will bo of wood. I-artce quantities of lumber arc now arriving on the palace Mto'br train, over the exposition's fttandard gaugo railway tracks, which lead from the ferry slips and docks direct ly to anilMnto the exhibit palaces. Tho convenience of this railway is appreciated everywhere on tbo expo sition grounds, but nowhero more, at present, than about the Palace of Fine Arts, which Is tho westernmost o ftho main exhibit buildings, being loaded on tho land of the Presidio military reservation, loaned by tho federal government to the exposition- its steel frames are being fabricated In the East. JOBLESS DEMAND FOOD AT GRILL; SEVEN ARRESTED I'Oitria.M) MEX AUK BKCOMIXO DESPERATE Tho Thotunntl at a Mass Meeting la San Francisco Denounce tho lres cut IniluHtrlal System an Uie Csa of the Widespread. Idlenesa, Par ticularly la California Belief Committee is lielug Formed. t'lilled !' Srlco I'AltlVi. Uec. 22. Aba There will -be two basketball game Christmas Day at Houston's ' opera houne. In addition to Ums ! name between the Town team and the tho teeth i'"Eh school squad, a second high C0 of ,HI. 'school aggregation will play against 'a Delected team of basket shooters. ' Tim i-nmn fiutwppn tho second 111. lit l?.' Ilrf. ;. Cfiitan Prluro " m-rrvv r T -!. -ww wit ,-r-..r.,., r .-- -w, .- .. . .,.- tlsc rSift that lt tttlAaI iIp Mm UtiJWiibetm to-jjijc tritM '"at tho hot. Um, ar,, (nj,,, nmI Ul0 ,)rnctC0 IkvcttiUr. and tt ifatcli InlUd lu dnd it-m" t lr (he trade n( irtaitiT ' ,.,.. ,.., .,.,., i i.,n, (tt lviFmUf H. In rwwpany nh nier. rrWIt. ho ho tiu UHi n in twtlt.ri with the Hohnil',u,M,lro rmmber. If tho boast oj tliu I w"1 b J"1 M fo8t ana lntor- a Him. if. Mtd fi)ti4 a jHJMktti Mil tttuMtai,. which rKiulrrt that jlnv,,,of of llr. tiiitltut of donilntry 'llll! ne Ul claln Performance, as iX Ihp hldp nd Ihrr Iim4 ol Ihn Ml- c.wy wti of s liotH fn a tradr JrM1 bo miuIl, Kaoa, 'the teams will be matched as to ml i.i.. i.. i .u,ii Imir ,i .-t..ii! lli (iilutn eiiittdrar nl llio (.r.nn.lli 1 n.,. , ... ........ .1...1 1..... welKlil. I," Htln. rwrtMi t roatpuio turner miop nt United l'ress Scrvlco TOKIO, Dec. 22. Scnor De La Itarra, the Mexican ambassador to France, arrived here today. Ho was received with much honor as- a na tional guest. Ostensibly, De La Ilarra came to thank the mikado for Japan's partici pation In Mexico's national exposi tion two years ago. It is rumored, though, that he seeks a Mexican-Japanese alliance. United Press Service PORTLAND. Dee. 22. Sva mea today Invaded tho Atlanta restaurant on Morrison street, demanding food; saying they were out of work aad money. The men were arrested by the po lice, charged with disorderly con duct. Id era ciArothMlon Altm' Vill UHRfkHr, wltot h? today l" IliaVn bntuisM nut lh ftl Ihst ulnre i UUIHR Imihwi unilrr Hit. dlrr Mtly In tho tali lb lbfr atwutiod iim of an "onllntiry" matcr tumor haV tH .' Vrllti h U'lt.i Vml Ol DaHUIC. bo mid Uii it wiMild h' Utn Th rron frn.t.. nltfr learnlni: tnyA ,ll(, invt-ntor. to mnk ttu- iwth Fort Klamath merchant, Is a county tHM.ibtc for ttomxiiir. in bavo planted th tntdu blmnclf. IU icrunnlly jnUioiutely Immune to decay. seat visitor. .t .1... .. .. ..... .. a -...l. it n ltf aI.Ih., tn Wtmn n , I no Him uirrt'. in cr,'fAiniimiMJi. ir.n - - -1 thn wtni aUn (toted IbAt Ti... i.un tir.iHi... kt-iK IimIiImI luiln Hl'IKllV itodt.). Tho iitvontor um ultra-vlol.t Thursday's games will start at 3 tay. ,oVlock' J A lilnnk Is placed over tho face and - lit,H 1 .-..1I1 ..imnril to tho rnvg for an Douii From l'6rt. hour. Two cttlnB are timclent, l.lndsey C. SIsomore, a well known II a lr IB, T.n prinro learntni oou . " . . ... .. 'l.ra.r lur l.tiKflie. - nrr i. uus mi im inp ,., . Kitykctida ltiJ.1 hp fAlrd lpuiy h-rl(T Tom Ttio mwtrt uromir. irinrn n-, j. ..,..1. - .. ... 1. ... tirt raorhMUlM The''''' IMl iM ,m,rn I n,.i. .h,.n., -. ..,1.. nf 1'iiiir.i FrnlrrlcK lopoM. tUc ...WW ... .wv l IIMili',1 f-w n - ...... BOIIIiiB oii, tiiul imtetnl ilnicn th iii' r..(.iti. recently tM)k their HiM m tn(uHl In It t.0 at -' i" " fwtminatlon ' ' ' trmrUd 10 btiw Itml ih arret i" ntakun: nml loflvtiinllh trades. v.horo tln will pi relnllvrit. Ilatuf TTuL for lid ClirTMflias Fred Moul- KiiKone, with 1 Hero From Aslilnml. J. J. Morton Is here from Ashland for a short visit. Recently ho built the Dorrln Hour mill. CATTLE AND HOG PRICES SLIDING APATHY FOLIJWS THE CliOSE OF THE LIVESTOCK SHOW AT U.MOX STOCKYAKDS SHEEP HELD UP GOOD. Newell Sees a Great Year for Westerners )Huiii for lli" Hollilajs. ' Robert RlKK. who U in hi fresh I nun )wr ill tho University of Oregon, .arrived from Eugene .Saturday ulght, ito upend tin" Chrlstmns vncatlon vlslt ing with his parent. To Sim Friutcl.co. 0. M. deorge was a San Francisco bound pasn-tiger out of Klamath Falls Suntlay. Ho went to tho city t sjienit tho holidays with his wife and HO. 11 United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 22. At a, mass meeting held here Saturday night which was attended by more than two thousand men interested la the laboring man and the labor ques tion, resolutions -were adopted de nouncing the industrial system la California, which is held to be direct- v rpsnnnslhln for the wide annas! suffering all over the state broagbt about by the greet number ol usem ployed men, and declaring that tae great wealth, produced la the state precluded want on the part of the j Inhabitants it properly and homeatly administered. The resolution also deaaaded the establishment of municipal labor bu reaus, and named a committee to coa- j aider the advisability ot deauuat a X11V .UllUWIUft W..4I.C.O nvisi lii.v.ww -. -- -- at Saturday night's meeting ot Jtuam- meet mo existing contuuons. CHAPTER NAMES NEW OFFICIALS DOX J. ZUMWAIiT IS CHOSEX TO THE HIGHEST OFFICE IX THE LOCAL BBAXCH OF THE ROYAL AltCH MSOXS iath Chapter No. 7, Royal-Arch Beta- sens: High Priest Don J. Zumwalt King G.' K. Van Riper. Scribe George Chastaln. Captain of the Host A. H. Loewe. Treasurer L. F. Wllletts. Secretary A. A. Mehaffey. Royal Arch Captain G.K.VanRlper. Veils Garret VanRlper, H.H.Loewe, Edmund W. Gowen Jr. These officers were Installed at the A Keneral committee was alee, named, and. Instructed to take steps Immediately to relieve the stanrlag. A plan is under consideration to bring about permanent amelioration. Today the committee submitted the resolutions to Mayor Rolph, and are sckeing his co-operation in their plans. (To Salem. ' M. J. .MrtionoiiKli left this morultiK I fur Ktigeiiu nml Salem. Ho will spend II,,, liultiliox In tlit latter city with lit rhllilrmi, who nr wintering thofo. (Ilorntil rii'rrUI Seriho) WAHHINUTllN, l. '.. I'rf. 2: rim itlteiuir of tlm Ui'claiimiUiii r- lro. F ll.'S'uiVilll, hw JUrit irlunied l,. (n,f Hint tho Wosl U o!TeM 'ip I .iriiiitlllo to men of timilcrato menus a Midi s to mutt without ready mini .,y. but of (iVDrftKu InlclllKcnco nittl fnmallty. ' wiiiiiik to "' im WaslilitRlnii nftr an oxtetiile.l tour l.sr.l Artual falluio nil Hut of iii.pui'tlim uf tho hip. eiiKlnecrlnit'.'riitiHmt project tiro rolathciy . ih of tho KutiTiiiiifiil In Mou. In nuinher. nml at tho present tlmu l lain, WhsIUiirIuii, Iditl.o. ((refit.,.. U.. 11I.I iiiHr that n fairly I1"""'"" Ifurnla, lituh, Nowtiln. ArUuim ami r of nottlor aro now '; ;, MUXC .... tho farm. Tl.-.ro la a ou tUe.l 'Willi i!. ,-itt rroiui nU Kood'.'ia.iK.. nUo l Hi nlt,t,",t f' ..V'" prlti-n the settler oil our proJocU I HIH' !"' "'"' """ "' J..,, .1,1111P,.ni wth the Western II. .WI.MV. V"' I (.'ex-,, lo Onklutid. Mrs. William 11. Shaw left Sunday for Oakland to visit relatives over Christmas. riuMimii l.'tmx,. A iltinco I ti t Riven Thtirbday uVfitliiK at the opera nouso ") mtiKlelitiiH of tho city. irwt ,,f tin 1 murderous Instruments 1 - .-.- Jof war nro manufactured by a gentle- Itenrtetl woman, who was formerly Minn llertlm Krupp. The terrible guns her machinery turns out have caused maiiv thousands of widows ami or- jphans. And she rolls In tho wealth secured by moans of hor death deal ing devices. iti rouiiilliig out tho ymr In 11 ery m rtclamatlou. Mi-. Coweii Iti'ltet'. MrH. i:. W. (ioun, who has been III for w i-rnl il'H, 1 tiinrli Improu'd ,.iM. u rnlntlng person down," says tniiiiv. 11 uiudlcal iouruai of recent date. If tho fainting person bo a horriu man or n femitlo who will bo 4" in Febru ary, we'll obey orders Instantor, but If tho fainter is n navy-blue-eyod, mnv.llimur clrl ot about 18 or 20, HIV for it Tilp. Allioit McCoy of the llorald's mo ..i.in.ienl iliMiartuit'iit. and Earl Me- ( Herald Steclal Sei-vlce) PORTLAXD, Dec. 22. A natural apathy was apparent in tho cattle market this woek, following tho Dig stock show, v hen exceptionally heavy shipments were made. Cattle prices sttffere da severe slump, top quality 'going at 25 cents lower and other grades at even more of a decline. Kllltrs had supplied their needs tcmtiorirlly. nml will have to work loft the surplus, but as liquidation will bo light for tho next fow months the situation m expected to Improve this next week. The hog market dropped off 10 cents during the woek, with extreme top at 17.85 for the week's close for vltolco stuff, with heavy stock 10 to 15 cents down. Liberal liquidation Increases tho seasonable weakness. Tho sheep houso business held up well for tho week. Some choice mut ton and lambs were marketed. Lambs moved easily at $6.25 and prime wethers held tholr own at $5. whllo owes closed around $4 when enolco stuff was offered. same meeting. Honto for the Holidays. Miss Winifred Wlnnard, a teacher In the grade schools, and brother Howard, left Sunday for Laagell Val- lev with their father. H. E. Wlnnard, a well known Klamath county ranch er. They will spend tho thore. points. .. ... . ...... .1 1 ... ... ...,t.!.. riimnnriMiIlH wvi" ...... .. 1'iitttriiii irnitio or minu, am on. .. .... . Nowi.ll. "llMikont nml iiicn-hniiu rcirnreriilnB ln owl of 0. ' "; l.rl more rW.l muiior In circulation, but In tlm Hh '' 1,,,n c' , ' C' v llrnii In nrevlou. yearaj nlil .lebts n. IKw wlilcli imw; ' -"',,;. VwM Oorvalll I'.'lmr iiulli.il ..ml rre.111 Is more iitvnt.t .iuri.l.- "" . . readily obtained. Paradoxical an It of ...any of l.n , .11 nW .u..y set..,,, tho proHp-rlty of 1WI ". obl wnl.-r supply, ihu ul n o t l...i .ttcompHiili-d by 11 Kouoral lottor- vern.noufs lrfir puiIid l now " . . . . . . .. .1 . 1 .tu .mi M mind 4 11m lii'Iant vn uet. Mont iiinu viiiuiw .. hm. of'.mt"- "- lrr.ga.vd West woro unduly U.I-, '?J i.tncod ilurliiK tho imst ilvo year tin- imcho '" k" ""-. .. ...i- 'mI HUe Home. MBKllUO !' exmi'inni. ."! - - l ti , voiiiiv.' . - - 1 ruKj-iiiii I... . 4.Mfc -- -- --. I'nloii, loft Hominy for n holiday tojtll0g0 si,roK young arms shall aup- Hiin FratiflHio ami oilier ciiiiionuii j)mrt Uir It wo never lay up a nichoi. Mist Ruth Avery, Miss demon. Wilbur Telford Cane. Htiiili.ntrt at the Oreg tural Collogo. aro homo I 1 litiil Run- 1 iitoSC.heodoro.j ij AgidMil- .ii4 ftlirblt.1 I Accepts Position Here. Miss Sadie Maxwell of Boaaaaa, who has been yisltlns Miss Haael Fitch, has accepted a position la the office of C. T. Oliver, the real estate dealer. Returns Home Thomas J. Slnnott, who has been vlaltlni- Mr hrother. PhlllD J. SltlBOtt. holidays for tho past few weeks, left this morning for bis home in Oregon City. Without Food, Shelter Spend Night on Island HI they reached 11 polnUj tVuxt 110 longer contlnti tint iitiotitu of inodorato "Ftituro tluvolupiutmt; tilltiral Im.ils of tho nrt lu uccotiiiillutit.il by u KJiit orfort (0 securo Ktittli tiiltlviito Hio mill, rnthor li.lt' 011 tho itdviiiico In In in" "Tl.oro Is u bettor iiuitrol luy of the real tlllflcullks Ii subduing a deaert farnii end i.'l'ho iivoraso vl'0 ,or nrr0 r pro Vfrt lUiclti grown on tlm now government li', R .. ... .. ...riiv tlm sanio nil iirniH in iiinu"" . Ilto itvtuiiHO for tlto prmlucls grown 11 Irilgatotl litndH ur oiut-r j- ......I,.. 1 it In the. rii.tt. TIU'IO ts o.'W".. -- . . S ...niii. rtiitlll ii..,! .,..r1,..f nxiiintil lur iiupi "'" """".",.",. It,-. nml .PV. llt.llHOU 01 lliiienii i.i...w - eral of ll.o Woalom Btnles Imvo nuulo 1..1 ......rniirlntlona for co-opora- UjllIWII.. 44''.". , tlon with tho reclamation service. ii.. Anna llitlos. who Is enrolled as 11 student nt llio University of Ore gon, Ik bi.ro to Hpo.ul ChrlBtmna with hor parents, Mr. anil Mrs. J. J. Hales. Whim father mid mother vlalftlio i.iii-inuiiim show, mother Is always .mixlouH for fear ono of tho Beams lu tho iiiiiuormiH varloty of tigtits may )lel.l and Blip a lUtlo, and give father iv ylow that Is not down on the bllla. Now tho critics nro trying to prove that Paul Rovoro never took that hla torle rldo, and that Mnud Mullcr uuvor rnlted hay: that sho didn't oven Imvo any hay to rake, and had never mot n Judge unless It was a Judge of Kood whiskey. Next thlug tnoso ....nrt follows will try to have us oe- hlevo that Lady Qodlva did not rldo through tho stroots of Coventry, ar rayed lu 11 wealth of goldon hair and n scared smile. Tlioinas-HoberU. At tho homo of the bride's parents Sunday afternoon, Rov. E. C. Rlch nrils. nastor ot the Grace M. E. church united Loo S. L. Thomas of Merrill and Miss Gladys Roberts In tho bonds ot, matrlmouy. Uoth aro well known in this city. They win resldo on tho groom's ranch near Merrill. Spending tho night on Baro Island without food or blankets is one ot tho experiences that Chas. Smith Jr., Chas. Houso and H. E. Zeok will long remomber. As night approached it was deemed dangerous to continue tryins to reach Modoc Point, so the trio beached the boat aul spent the night on tho is land, going to bed in, two Inches of snow, without supper or blankets, Thursday afternoon tho threo meniZtek, who Is an old woodsmaBv man- left Williamson Klver in unaney j ugeu to uu "" ' . . -r- Houso's lauuch "Speed King, bound started a nro for Modoc Point, whore the father of vounc Smith is managing the con structlon of tho big mills for tho Pine A queen boo lays from 2,000 to 3,000 eggs In twentyfour hours. The man who will discover how to cross a queon beo with a hen will aooa have money enough to buy an automobile for himself and all hta poor relative, lAiiderson-Qulrk. Hew William McMillan S. J Suu- .inv norformod tho ceremony, solem nizing tho wedding of Herbert B. An derson and Mary Agnes quirk. Miuona Meet Tonight. Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. v. at A. M will meet tonight. Regular u..t..ii enmmunlcatlon. election ot I officers and work In Third degree. All mombora and visitors requested to oe present. By order ot W. U. Treo Lumber company. When the uneasy, and started a searcflms: party party reached Upper Lake they en- aloug the, lake, All day Way he eoiintered heavy Ice. ha battling searched tnexpanse 01 we w through which a cam shaft on tho englno was broken. They managed to paddle fhe craft to Eaglo Ridge tavern, wnere tuey spont the night and mendod the brok en shaft. Early Friday morning they again attempted to negotiate the Ice, but found it impossible. All day long Houso sent the bpeea King against tho Jagged edge ot the Ice, to And that the only headway the boat could make was toward Bare IsUiid, where a current from some hidden warm spring kept h Ice very thta. When tho party did not arrive at Modoc Point on schedulo time, Barl Smith, brother ot Chas. Jr., became -? K.t , Held glasses, but the boat -waaae-hind Bare Island, where he oeaWaet see It. Far into tho night he waaeaapeag thn tntoB. and when he flaalr aaw tae big tire on Bare Iilaaa'.'hereMkl.Bjet'i irnnn. aihaihnr the trio- WSte 'SlWIll-' W AMV" ..-". -.- -.-. -'. ," (T ... k 1 Ing for help or simply ketflaWftVfV j$ Diirlpg the night m$kkjpit5i! broke the Ice that te Mnawi w yA a AA..ia m aii ma nnar BnnaaH haaa aaaaBBW i.t. doo Point. early.aVUareayaitiliifivr'Ci The mea were rjiee. jfsMf,?5', U-i bad sufered UiMPiW"! VfP.tr tUi T.re mmZJ.- r. i J I -,. M 1 J w t WM'MW -'Mr 1 'jt 1 I UN! IM' tV I '. trK WBWirwi'i'J'll'J'lMltll'M'S,''ePlJ