?, ?V!( V ii" JU" t(tl 'ft KLAMATH FALLS' OFI'ICIAL NICW8PAPKU r: ,MIIWWWIIWlWI'lTWHiJrt f Eh Euemttg lEeraUi PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWI ItlitMli Vrtr-Su, B.UIfl KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1913 Price Flw Oeate FEDERAL TELEPHONE BILL IN CONGRESS viii LEWIS INTRODUCES BILL FOR THE HETCH HETCHY IS E 1 GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP OF PHON ATTAGKED WORKS "Mulvaney Is. Dead, I Think," Said Rudyard Kipling to Irvin Cobb AND TELEGRAPH BUSINESS IN U. S. SEEKS 10 REPEAL mmhuik ahk that tiikv imki:.n'vi:iijam.hv FIHI.T, llft ltitr TrlrJltl I.Imp AlM A If I inilol TIU llulf, rrrl IhK III Trim ft llii Mrll li-tinfil In tin full"! Ml-. vnulp Twtif t'J . lUmltl.Mt I'tiU nf il.p N'Mril IMnV U'liUVrt. ! Itir lung Jllll!" llc )))l-lt( ll: U.o Iim of a ruuptn of iiIkIiU ila)lnK ii Hit part of ilio troupe It. ..i l. mm in Uio tnuildtlllf arlil limit l lnfiii if Mr Houston Itjul.aU at bouUiiE iliitaj-rr at I'niUolii In lltn future. I Ml f,"Uif. to milt 'i)r imp tii-i riir nhl Mr lllltlt'i hl. lllllt l,l.rull uhiiivi.m; II.I.CcML IAKE PESHING I lull ("I ,Xllllllli.ll U'illfl Slippl) V.illlll' ll) III!' Srtll I'llllll l II Ik III" lltllii), unil llir Si-imliir .li Sn) llii' .Si'knii I'ulilUliril Ml lull iiiml .mil Hill l'nx r In th NmIIiiiixI lriitnwtkir. FROM MINDORO I'ruud l'rs Uervlc waHIII.S'OTON, V l J j iUki lk.1. ut HIluoU ii4 Intm ilitrH lit lb" liit trt)lutlW -rl- Ine government onMnl if thf i .htti tt.t UOglaph. Ill III Ipaolullwi lUplnKjiUtl UH turU that Ip poMomrn Jr l-.lmrtil W--lt h bill 10 111 IiOUmi IttllltlMlV OIUH:i IMIII Hl.s A UlTIIIHtlU ll. lr TROOP.. RM Ul I'iri.llN . It I MIVM M III'IIIhCII i u iih! Tit SrrUr VaHIIINOTON. I V. Dec ?0. MUM lh 'W l k" r ' ,..,.. ,,.,. , u.,,.,.1 nil telri'ttotK. unit I ttCTAph Hn n i,.i4lluu rt llm rminlrjr, vUI llif r. r.iion f tunl, or furmKr )li i lbr nr?( nf January, (, ti' tlmt ihp m iltorrtir I" niwrit lt tt t'nltr.) JiIm Knvmimrni iiillliJ tljal llIlll'r lmr Iimii lnaUtnl. trn("rln Mcutrnmit folunrl l'cr lilne. mmuiAiiilUie Hip tiroUnco of i Mint l'MgStrlCo WASIUKOTON, IV C.. lec 20 viiUor Jolm WorKd of Cnliforiim n Any i nt roil ii cm! In iln hitiiaIp n bill to rcil ill" lli'lrh Iti-Iclty iitfrtkurv, nlilrli uo) Iiih yculrriln) li lrcitl'( it nt WlUoii Work ilis lured (lint (lie bill n out ilirougli roiiKH-w b llii mini ' (Hiuirfiit nml iikmI iimltloug lobby Hint uvit ui-siril III 'nliliiKloii )lo tbarKml Hint cjuexlloiiablo nii-aim linil bi'i'ii nnot to pium lliu bill lln M-t lit ll uhk not true that Sun KrniiriKfti liml 110 oilier tiiply of (rr. Worlx cunl. nurd ttmt tlie cmntliiK 1 IbI'i ? 1 SHOWMEN'S TRIAL OVER TO MONDAY l.l,.Ks.S OF MILS. GOWE.V CAUSES HOTII HIDES TO CONSENT TO A POSTPONEMENT MANY AT :oukt nooM On account of the Illness of MVs. E. W. tiouen, wife of the justice of the poaic, the trial of Will Slmi, Love Chandler and Ivan Ernst, the three Wild Went showmen arrested at Woodland on charge of stealing a cow from a Sand Hollow farmer, was positioned until Monday. "The case was set for today. Both ldes agreed to the postponement. That the case Is attracting wide spread attention was evidenced by the largo number of people In attend ance. The Merrill country was par ticularly well represented. HEAD OF PHONE TRUST HINTS A PANIG PROSPECT S VVS COMPANY HAS NO INTEN TION OP SELLING Theodore Vull Predicts a Agreement Itctween tlie Goverameat aad the Private Companies Say Dispon ing of Stock Would be a Known on the United States, and a Coa pleto Confession. RICHARDSON Mulvnncy Is deaiK Mulvancy, Kip- "To the best of myTsnowledge the j llnit'ji treatcst hero, loved whoro Eng-j best of my memory, I might say llsh nud French and German ondtMulvaney Is dead," replied the au-, t .!. .. ivancisco iMiltlon lll!many other languages arc read. Kip- thor. "The lasf mental picture I had .ninK. fmmi.uii.e "ir pnn H- rrnMfll)CO ,m0n ill 'mnny other languages arc read. Kip- ti.or. "Tno last menia. picture i u, MIiiiKmii. from the c.mmsml. This ,rr,(tMIll,u without sufllclcnt ling himself Is authority for It. There of hlra was on the edge of a cut In Indlrntr ihm ircrtlom nro untltir , " . -u.,r lll bo uo moro tales of Mulvanoy, India, where he was directing a gang, wllhilrau tho trooj rrom , .,rnM trinun i.u rrrntor. lias outsrown of coolies building a railroad exten- I III. Ill n. lll. ". .im- .'i . .-.. tin i.,'. ...o "'- - ---. - TO GET HOME SOON ADVICES RECEIVED FROM "WELL KNOWN COUPLE TO THE EF FECT'THAT BOTH ARE BENE FITTED GREATLY BETTER ACTS TO BE GIVEN HERE Shortly after the first of January n w riiAii J i nt n ii anr will T& l mi I.. Ja..I. llinr ha vfte a '. . " . , rUrrt liewntinilpr Were IlflrtlCUlarly lllm ISIOH. iJiuuoHuuuuunuuint; . jtra aa mnrt ronnrtAr Int - ' - . s ...--- i 1...1 O T Ai-n vv . .rv..w. - - -- rrlilrUfil by Works, lie uerlnwl lrln Colili, wliotr fame H ipreiwi' mi secay ana uoa-si-ui.-ei. . . . the circuit court. A letter to this ef- the movement for government owner United Cress Service NEW YORK, Dec 20 The follow ing Interview was given the United Press by Theodore Vail, president of the American Telephone and Tele graph cempany: , "1 predict an agreement at once between, the American Telephone and Telegraph company, and the govera mratthat will immediately; reatore" complete confidence, and 'give "reai surance to all business Interests who are conducting their affairs In a legit imate manner. , . "This agreement will give the busi ness interests of the country the as surance it desires. It marks the end of underground rumors of business depression and panic possibilities. "It will knock higher than -a kite way t tlicfi. .. .rtt .. u. . b. A Ml filial ah Miii.ru ir ...-. v.. frj,C,., i,y work-s. u. iieciareu irm uouu, wnmr iuj-- fv . , - - tno cjrcuit COurt A letter to this ef- the movement ior government owner- li.i. .y tlir pimple in Hint .tUtrict lhB ,r M,tPn ,.jiions sent hrol.y,1R ,, fust that he Is being read by sure th'.t If he has not already f(Ct has Qa recelved by Jud6e Ben -shlp of telephones and telegraph. I ntr unntlliifd. and pndlct tin early hiM VS)n, r(U of m,talemcnts. In- nlmoot as many persons In tho Unltedtaway, he soon will, and Dinah Shadd - think It will end It for all time, iitttbmuk iniuinl in itMrhi' siimtors Into hup- 'ointM lis read Klullng. was In London i will bury him. , '. , ., , , . ,. ..r hava not the slightest Idea of , i ,.-.. ,..i.. u myntvoii nn invitation i "No. ho cannot come back," he M.iina ' n.-- iriviiiii -...-- . ,lo vUt Kipling in his rural retreat. Tho lllidrnl of Ilio troops from 'Muiilorj I probablv t oscahllsli n citil coirnmrni in tho provlnco. its a I.H in the policy lor rarly autonomy in Hid I'hlHppliK'" iiiumo.v am iiih m: i.ivi: HHt POItTUWI" TO ATTEN Vi:.l. XIN'VKNTIOV OP TH MOVIi: MACIVATIW I CURRENCY BILL HELD IN HOUSE THIS BIRTH IS A NOTABLE ONE Uo vns anxious to know what had becomo of Mulvaney, nnd this Is tho way ho found eut: went on, after a few seconds pause. "It won't do, you know. A character Is born In your thought, and grows and Is developed, and takes on virtues uicuarusoa, wno uiu uvku w uw - - ... ,. . ,. . . ...w,o . .An,ni.a)how our company will dispose of Its ..,.,.... ,, J.,, j ,. . ,. 30.000.000 shares of stock In the Mr. Kipling, there nro many of and vices. ?nd becomes old. and then tho crtnt characters In fiction so rounded out nnd complete like .well. Inst fades away. I take It. i "And that la tho way with Mulva dercd south by hl3 physician. Mrs. Richardson's health was none tod good, either, and she accompanied him Western Union Telegraph company. "If we had any such plan arranged such a disposal right now would be a confession that we had framed up mL t,..,..., w t wn .something on the government. ! . . -... i .n1,., llt-o "Ami flint Ii thn WSV With MUlVa-. luo """ """ J " l nry Ksmond-that nn ono thinks only nalvnnlu 1 Im. He ! la Ferguson has been It U my Inutitltin n shf th" ' .- .........j .. .1.1. ..llk lliM Irnrf .irr I'miwii .'i mp . " - I'cut ther I In mtnltm iiktntrn niid,hi:Nvri:'s n:.si'UK is sent to, Uilr.VIIU." main J. Miiinmm t (SON )RN TO MR. ANII MRS. TUT ti.i: is tiii: FIRST (llll.l. WITH PIIII.OQUI NATIVITV Henry Ksmonu mat. n ono mmu ; i........"v -- -- Ferguson has been of meeting them again. But there U stuffed figure wth straw for ; bowe . J f. f- Fergus n ;S.TUT- omj )lU I believe wo all would like ana glass nans ior eje. . -. -WHITE I to hear from, nnd I want to ask you plo could soo the strings I pulled him IS nm'w,,cro U nW,,, 'with. Xo, ho is gone." i . iiay, hi ami Mm lUmolun worr (rating fur I'tirllaml t mumhI tlm nn mm I rnnvvntlor. nf mmliiB plrturo ihlbttori. "At l htxt. mrttlne. of pit) limine OHiirm." continued Mr. (om'i:ri:nci: i '' ll ,,,:811, i;n oi t, nn.i.oviM) iiei'hi: in hTIH'ITIONS tt.iuiiis'iiinN'. I). C. Vi'C- 20. Iliiiittnn - ..vi.w ..f 'il to S9. thn hotmo to- ""..,-., ,.,,, ,,,i,v.. ... - i't " ""v"' r mny Idra nn rchvmi-l nim ""'..iny r,,futHi to nrccpi uir ..., M-ry hi-lpful, nnd I oxptel In Irani irr(or, bill n nim-mlrd and pao.l imiurtlilng HI tliU mwtliiK tlmt lll ,y o,,. uninle. .. . ....,.... i... i- i .I...U-' .... . ... ,t..i ii ill Im threshed rnuuip nn in BlfP a iiiiio uviii'i " iiii iihiiiii. ".. " - I hi rnmliiK yrnr than I've rMjr Rltrn Intforo." Mr. Ilntulon, uhn U th Holoii of ...i hi i. kiifirtfiri Uio In tho day tho l''o ,,,'", t,us i.iii I., n rniifarenro. Tho houso con- (I lei aid SKlnl Service) CIIII.OUIUN. Dor. 20. If thol irnlii do not run on scheduled tlmoj nt Clillonuln, thole's a reason. If tho wtpreM, tho freight nnd tho oio griims nro balled up at Chllpuuln, (hero's n reason. Tho nttoii l that I'A. Titttle, tho S. I. nt'int In this elty la-flio-proud (o work. Horn to him otr tno inn miih on. nnd It may bo hat he nasi ATTORNEY HERE LACK OF WORK IS TO HELP SAXTON: CAUSiiifi DISTRESS VIIKKA MAN WH.I. KNDKAVORTol.OS ANGELES CIVIC SOCIETIES .Mrs. Gonen Sick. Mrs. E. W. Gowen Is seriously, though not gravely ill at the Gowen residence on Pine and Fourth streets. She has been confined to her bed for I several dayB. .1 .- -1.11.1 l i. i, ... ..I... i. ,1... ii.,iaai-ii nr . ill iii n riiiunri'iHV. -- i. , i, nriiiui. ns uns cuiiu m vir, iiiniiuii, nii m in ' .-. i ..-..I ilm i"""" '" ' ' . Klamath Falls, U icrually hnndlr.ip- rnrra ..ro Instructed ucf0l ""ju,,, ilrst while to bo Imri In tho now ... ... . ... . 4 ... .!. nlHllllu I..'d llt-llVlHIIlllIf IL'llllll.n w " I .... .....I (Itti inn HUH UOV WUIKlia I'fii ny umiiK in linn of tin railroad SIN RKLEASE OF M4N WMO HAS- IlEEN LONG HELD IX JAHi WITHOUT A HKAniXO ESTIMATE THAT ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND ARE SUFFERING IN THAT CITY Down From Agency. Indian Agent Edson Watson la here from tho Agency, attending to busi ness matters. - LOSES ARM IN A SAWMILL MISHAP C. E. KRIEGH, E3IPLOYED AT CHILOQUIN, FALLS, INTO. THJB EDGER AT MUTUAL COMPANY'S PLANT i Kroatly hnndlrup- fnrri wnro insiruci"" - iht llrst whlto to mi uorn in m " fnr from th mnlu Lotmto's provisions relntltig to tho re-! u rji( )k1)( 00i ,. boy W0Ku8 ul. Tho vnmln HI"1 illnfouulliiK of six months paprr, mm jti) H0Vcll.,etl8 'pounds moro ... t... ...... .ifi..n 'r..i- - iivn vtinr iiiiuin n""""1 mirnruuim iinuiKiii iifin i... ,,.,. i,va hrotiaht In nt a dwid loss on nrr.mnt,fnrm property by imtlonai minaa i To California. Bort and Earl McCoy leave tomor row afternoon for Ban Francisco, where they will spend tho holidays. Hunter Is Badly Injured AAA AcddaUl Discharge of Gun Tears Fie ir Tnitlo camo to Chlloquln :!nlitmt hK months ago from Dorrls. , Calif., wlioro ho 1ms been in tno tim- iitoy of tho Soulhern I'nciuc ior some. tlmi At tho latter plaro ho wns mar rlinl to Miss Diistlu. (Herald erUl Hervlce) IIONANS5A, Dec. JO. I. J. Dowdy, who Is farwlAI lri of th ' Wlttmau place nt tho Uur (lap, met with a serious accident while out hunting yesterday. An accidental discharge of Ills shotgun w.m ttispou Hlble. Returning from n duck hunt on Lost Hirer Ute In tho afternoon. Dowdy was pullUg tils gun out of (ho boat by groaning tho musslo. Tho trlgRor rnuglit nnd discharged thn MMipim. Dowdy rocolvod tho full rhnrgo lu the right nrm Mow thn elbow. As n rostill. imarly nil of the llosli was lorn "W")ri. Ilnrilo imd Johnon wore sum mout'd lo nllend thn m. Tho lhy HlrlmiH admit Hint tholr pntUmt a con dition Is rrlllcnl, hut thry hope to save tho lujnrod nrm. or. ltn .1. .1. u'lniiluir first prlxo at the Hunt TlmrH hall to bo glvon by the Mtrrlll Record nt tho Merrill opera Iioiiho Christmas night. Fred W. Hooper, district attorney of Siskiyou county. Is In the city from Yrekn. Mr. Hooper Is Interested In tho cuso of Eugene Saxton, who has been confined In the county Jail slnco last summer on n charge of forgery. Saxton wns held awaiting tho ac tion of tho grand Jury, but two Juries have met nnd adjourned without giv ing him n hearing, and his case has boon postponed until January 15th. Mr. Hooper nnd Judgo Gnlo oi &iono ti win rnrrnct as to the number of aftornoon with Judgo Benson, in an, id. 30noo. then at least effort to secure an onrly hearing for 100 000 people la Los Angeles were I. i i ....!.. IM ,t.A onanitATltll lacing neou, iuuiuuiu w .- i... ..I Titllni Prill.. " Mr. iiooner ami juuto " - Tho K. K. K. Sloiu hns offered iii& ,10,a n conferenco Into this 25 Ronl Tailored suit to tho gon- nftornoou wtth Judgo Benson, in an IK...- iii iielKlum motor cara nro railed "Sni'limnriloloosondorpoorwo ....i.irvtlEon." By tho time a ioi- low Kita through hnllliiK ono It la at (ho other end of tho lino. United Press Service LOS ANGELES, Dec. 20. A reso lution was passed by the Civic Organ Uatlon last night requesting that $500,000 bo appropriated immediate ly for tho rollet of the unemployed, nmi sr..000.000 be appropriated later tor the samo purpose, which resolu tion was presented to the city council. In tho resolution It was stated that If tho report of Chief of Pollco Senas Leave orders for piano tuning at the special prices at Shepherd's Piano Depot, next door to the postotnee. As a result of a fall at the plant of the Mutual Milling company at Chlloquln Friday, C. E. Krelgh struck the edger, and was badly cut. Last evening he was brought here and one arm was amputated. Krelgh was brought to- this city last night, nnd was operated upon by Dr. Hunt. Ho Is at the Blackburn hospital. Old Suit Is Dismissed m, -a. MUliiti Russell suya thttt Vouus woio uo cm sots. Nor much of any thing else, aim might havo added, But did Bho have rornsT An I nil "Tho treatment of Saxton," sam Mr. Hooper today, "Is a disgrace to KintiiRth county, nnd I am surpnseu at tho apparent Ignorance I cannot bollevo It anything olso of your 'iirnBMtitinc attorney. I havo evory reason to bollevo Saxton Innocent, hut whethor ho Is or not, he Is en tltlod to a hoaring. This caao Is be coming known all over the coast, and you people do not know what n repu tation your county la getting ior the Injustice It Is doing to this man," of tho unemployed. Graff-Adams Case Is Settled Out of Court Today f VUltlng SUter. , mikr Elizabeth Houston loft today for Oakland, to spond the holidays with her sister, Miss Edna. Miss Edna will soou finish her hospital courso and ho a graduate nurse, Seeing Tooth Pullers. Jolm Welsh of. Portland Is In the city todny catling ou the dental trade. After being on the docket at sev eral terms of court, and being the coat of many filing fees, the suit of R. G. Qraff against Frank Adams to col lect a Judgment, has been settled. This morning the case was scheduled for trial 1 the circuit court. Shortly before the time set for the opening of tthe case, Circuit Judge Benson received word from tha. at torneys representing the interested f- , a ' unrtles that tbe case bad:" Vl tied out of court. y rtha mill invntvad thn rnsasslsartta nn.n Halo of cattle meral'Yesaie' ', " - - - n?.i. - . and the awarding ,ol,;a Jafi ": Modoc ca-nty against. u' wtj4 Judgment was later assigned to Graf tv Adams nas cobmbii , ,"",.le? Judgment against him ws's:,Jjst;ra;-: ono. and hejfj ought the es sj;ijjm' ground that ltwas a framp, j,44 . -. r.M8P m M mi r.. .. n&&.rt fji tf.1'