f ;? ,- "VT ftK fe j u anting literal! KLAMATH FALLS1 Oil'ICIAL NKWSPAIMSK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS m HK" KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1913 eaaaaaaaesssssskb' 4 KPUItt Ut IKJUII BONK MEN OFF .nrininAiiriniirn AKtUNliUNNKMtU m.h m:i: im),; ut IUII" OfflrUU IU Itrtrlttil u liillmnlt.ui Ttinl lliri Niiillnrii '(lMr Will IMwoMllnHf lilt. ,Mir niMt 1rln, Allliotmti Till. ll Itrrtl IHWUO") llj IthUlnll llltlllnl llul llnrllllj. ltt Hip ftfleiltMii Itrtlll umlfn i rctt KUmMh ' all'l Weed Iw Tt.t (lril Heaiinr, ! wttr jtl l l" UcrJJc4 upon, At nil) rt. il h. Jtl lu lm (ttl uul itmcisllf, A tumor I" ilia enl llil Hjr UaIii ti u U dlitontliiUel has tccti rut- li( ot lb MfeeU tiftal . Of hl fart lJ l"! I'1" lr Itr lin wMln u Into effect. ,txi omdftU of lltn rwm patty "" (. rt Irfellcd till notification Of tlio jUnr.'inmtiro from i)Mn Jtr1 tuoitrt. n4 until that lima iwtMne J.Bfcl' rllhrf way ran lm a!J. It i. Vntjn UM lh KiAiirr hi wtt3r4 Utn Allrltllutt of Individual (ScItU lor shutl lime, who tooki-d u bu r nirihod of fcdutioe mt)t It l not Mletd thai l fcil )ri Uftt iM4tlll At nil) (OMll llli.o HOLIDAY RATES BEGIN TOMORROW loMiiiu timi: im tiwv.s mis Mrso HV ItAll.lloAD 1:.. VI ItsloV TO I.IMi A ,M I II, IS ON mi i:miii:h tv. II.... .. ... i... ... .... ii. rv-loi. .Mr, ,..i tl,. '""''""'Vnii.'h and 7on"in,0lill. ami ow has are based upon prices December 1 dldatu for maor at the spring elec statl nimirr, r- ","f'- " ' ,e hurried M.arKr of a simitar school In Wash-. show a comparison between 1912 andtIon. If his friends urging his candi- nremrrH, madp lM i""' B "ru" , , ' , " ' ' . ,..., ,1913. The estimate was compiled byldacy b.-cure his consent to make the IHCm4J VAlVIF Jwutiitrii I'aclrtc ftlfltlfli 11 MllllttllltCnltl ay Acmt H J llallnr, Tl'.o tlf kn .al, H ronllnuii In December IStli ana i it- trimn limit U January &ti Th IrtiKth f (mn Bllcnl 'or Unit U limr ll.U year llitiit hrfofr Tl trrtory affocted la iiUo itrrator null trttirtt limit March 30th This ' Thr, Iftcal dimt l.nn riixnl tei'rt tlrkel allows a .toiuivcr each way BIG NOISE SOME NOISE R. Love Stages Grealest It n krtrmii. roar, a clainor.jlnartHo moment wi.iio uio mi din ilmmor, mi uproar, a row -,,,J"JJ1,U(1 mtlMMt, makeups more dinner lo William Cnuioron Forbes, l !! for itnl-n, n slockyatd r,",l,Br,par, ractlmo miR nd raKKy-!Komuor Koiiernl of tho Phlllpplue N '! v.iih ,4iii rnllopn ami luillor iBRKy r)thm nnd slops tratisfornied 'UulJlt al t10 Hotel Plata. Former Kti.ry for nrrnmpniiltiiviil man nlmiil m of (tin rttunt, .rcttlot, best itiati- ,',. (tfll0ra Forbea, Dean O. luinuliiiiM In cotm.arb.nn n U Ilia ,u,n,(l , glrU that lm ct ' 0vBl.cr..try of tho Intor- ll) raior-neck claiu-and ho ner ,, ur ,, Into an Incot.Kriious o-hIt, mrr tarj not.. I for a r(M. n"lly of nil tho cartoons of Ka-l.lo. of tho Phlllpplnos; Judgo Alinot "I'i'iipli. on tho Insldu" hnvii b..eii H,,, RrlH nmt worn over drawn. y, Jouks and other protulnunt mim lili'irluK nniiiiul for sniiui Hltln j.mi.i Ituth rllnc. ho sIiuuIh ncnr-'ttiu dolher addresses. Imi. Uibt UnfiiM K l.ir was koIuk'd liro foot In Imlitlit. captured tlio A foaturo of tho affair will bo Dean I" stigt a prodiictlnti nt tlio lra ,H,U1U, ,, o,n "lloun' Dwk." "' ' Worceslr's address. Ilo will show 'i that uotild .eul 'tiin nil. i:veu ,,, nudlcnco continually hroiiglit her ,nlltl,ru dea to proo his awortlons, l Ihht limy did not kii It half Imrd ,,U(.k ornrlo llonglnnd, with her mal0 recent report to tho gov "ioiikI, "Tin. lllgNoUo" stngoil ltlM)cointil Knl w M'' l,(,w ,n oinim-nt, that slavery exists In cer ciiliiK under tlio nusplres of tho herself, whllo too much cannot be ,1(lll suctloiiH of tho Islands. Klks has established a standard for' ,,, for ,,ori.Ma Krdles, Alio Camp- itirlmul :. Forrest, socrotary or hmimir productions that will nmko ,,(,U MBry Williams. I.'uln Wilson. , .tinner uimmlttw said today that l'mu taU,i for generation work (.ornltf Wilson, Frames Heed, 3) bll lllU,itions to attend hao been accep hrd In overcomo. llnnihor, Thelma Ilrown. Olover Klop- ., bj S00. All speeches will deal I" sotiiii distant ily, when many of .,,. iiltli Hln. Margaret Schubert. (lh wiiut the United Stiitea Kor"J have 1......1 bn.i...nno will'....... ii..,mr Dorothy Hamilton, ,, t has accomplished slnco It tooK "'fl lu spout about tho wonderful "'trouio ability displayed by this one r Hint, mi "UncJo Zab," or somo olh-', r rclatlvs of the town In lenorn- ,os. will rlso to a ulnt n' order, and "I'lnii thai in in tnniiiloiilii' o' nUys.vi Urn .. a . a . ,. "- " " " -"' - - " ' 1 uou'L want to overlook ine Noise" li hM.rd at Houston's n ho wm a boy. den." In her "hiibI plenslng manner. .,.. rroiithonTi local nt n. i.'i... .. .....i... . . ...... .. ,ii.,p "A StrtiK1. ii ,.,,i-noi ..miNwlth his ... i.iuuiea were um uywuui - '"ff. mill hi tho opinion of nearly "trybody they wero THH feature, i Ty held the nliro Mlontlon of the' Nice, and there waa not a dull or I Mme. Monlessori, Teacher, and I LAs:!frj! -- Mm MoiilroMuti Ike imiI fmou , .,... .....-.,.v -. VS ' ' MtfM Vfl " - - UlV that of rrorlwl and I'eftalotsl. BBEuPSBriBpBHw aaaeY HaaaaammSflaaK CvaeaVHaaaaaMlmM ,n. rutnr in ibi t nttcd Htatos lo lfcc- huTf nnJ ,u,.i other cities. She will u,ir on brr mrihod lu a half doiwii njtl. her last Appen ranee hero In Jan-irKeriUc-. , K? MuCluftf. the dltor uary. ret.irnlns to Home soon after 1tt ,8d , ,. 3U.t ai-H ti-t "'' M pl . .. ...,,. of -!?.Sr .lUJJp al, ,,,, ,,., . rntlllnl ill Jjh Ouiiiim , .r.nwwu uo n.tit4nani m -JOjaK ' " J" n'tti '"" "'r. r il" AiiSr. ."L '.-.Kifro i? .'.'.."" ..- ' .ft; i,n " . . . ... ,. run hi ululcirtiaim nrr in hiih - away to hr hotrl Aft.r lecture la - i at nil etiumluu train to law Mrd- '"r" lnintKr 29th for lo Aiik-1 Tlck( for hn round trip arc 3' '. Show Ever Given Herei, tent hlIo tho wtf on ,.Mirj c,n. Joyce Mnndy, Isabel wiuon nnd lleryl Daniel, "iieins is .,.uied Again" cnlled for repented rnrns. I enrores, i.v.ii.iwIiib' tho oxlt of the kiddles, I trtl, i. Xumwalt rendered Hon-,,,,,, ii i pi - - ., . .... 'rntT nnu ..,.. iii.nvn I llavo won "" "- ...... .ii .. i itnvn Won von" nnu vji,iir' "Tlio Hoso In tho tlnr-i nnin ,.! --" . (,1m uiou gnvu iv"' . of nrken llendi," n medley of plat- farm favorites, nnd tno """"'.'ll'." returning Inter with nis who uu ' '";',. '" """'daughter now visiting In Ohio. (OontlBued on page I) , BFINR ARRFSTFR! l I Si Votl. eli will lccturo In Vb- n.Kton. lict the Montmorl Wuea. ttonal Awoclatlon has It heaiJquar- it in Phlladelnhla. lloslon. t'ltU- to hear...,...,...... !"' "" , MII.MI.imMI. 'her dUciui. hrr educational mctnooa. 5 brlnr llirough an lntcr.1 (hp taUcJ wW ? nnB H.om MU. Anno K.. o,r. Ir MM.r. nrst Amcr- i,,,i,ut.ll.liotartod the tlrst House, ,.r M,n.ti....i it. America. In Tarry- . lm;tn 3AY8 SLAVERY 1 ll.U I.M.Kit Wll.l. SF.KK TO I'UOVK I MIS A.sSKHTION WITH I.WiT.ltN M.IDIS AT A HAN- onrr-'ioMUHT un,r a Sorvlco N'l'.W Y0IIK. Din". 19. Former Prwldent William Howard Taft will ,oMlKhfs complimentary ,mpl lll0 PhlllPl'H""' "'l0'1 ",0 sPa"- i,.American warn . A Long , n m,tenlc leuv Monday mom J. C, ... Kni,,, i0 iipenr beforo the for .inn " i,': ' ' . ..... ,, rToTrJn flio cose or Willis ,iir.iiin '.!' ,., iiorllcultinrKJi'lro Insurance liorney .. Uotlu,P muy visit Florida and Cuba. PHILIPPINES IVln SH0RTWEI6HTERS IN BUTTER TRADE law i sTATKHIIM UMit to in: vai:i( t IN C'AMFOItN'IA Sliilo Dairy lluru IIah IUx-d Care full)- CoimlilcrliiK TIJx MnlKrr, and U Hnlil lu IIuto Erldfrntf AKltut! u Ijitko .N'uiiiIht of Coticcnu Hlgl Sun KramUco Firm Arc lite Flrl ' lo tin Duller Fir. J United I'reM Btrvloe ' 8AN KltA.N'CIBCO, Dec 10, Tlio iMtilriK kuii lu tlio ktatiiKldu unr lo do waKd DKnln-t short weight In (ho butu-r trndu wag fire today, when Warrant wero Imuc1 for the follow. I UK cenrcrni: .Sheer, (iraut & Co. . Shcrry-Krletaa cornpauy, lHarron Krotbcn. 1 Theo aro all prominent San Fran- 'cUco linucR. The)- aro nccuned of 'm'IIIiik loss than their packages ad- 'wrtliie. 1 The arresU were made upon com plaint of tho California Dairy Ilu rcaii. Tho hureau has been making careful InvetitlK&llom all oer the Mate In thin respect. More arrvnts arn expected tomorrow. ' The InUBtlgallon covered all parti of the state. It Is said, and there will ihf many surprise sprung. CROP ESTIMATES OUT FOR STATE HKTWEKX CUR HK.NT YEAU AXD TWKLVK .MONTH PHKCKKDING SHOWS A SI.IOIIT OAIN JUDK I The following final estimates of Ortgon crop production and valueu . . . ..,. . . .'.,,.... . . . ... , ,-. the department of agriculture. CROP. 1913 Corn, bushels .... 598 Price December t $.70 Value $119 1912 ! 630 $.75 $472 21.018 $.72 $15,132 13,714 $.41 $5,623 4,284 $.65 $2,350 362 $.70 $246 10,000 $.31 $3,123 1.738 $8.30 $14,425 Wheat, bushels ... 15,717 ' Prlco Decomber 1 $.75 ( Vnluo J11.788 Oats, bushels 15,223 I Prlco Doceraber 1 $.38 i Value $5,787 llarley, bushels ... 4,200 . Price December 1 $.55 Vnluo $2,310 lte, bushels ..... 360 Prlco December 1 $.75 Vnluo $262 Potatoes, bushols . c.i&O Price December 1 $.68 Vnluo $3,915 Hay, tons 1.733 Prlco December 1 $9.00 Value $15,588 Ijint Appearance. Tonight is tho farewell perform ance of tho Donald-Hallett Players, and contrary to tho rule of th ma jority of repertoire companies, they nunounce tho host for the. last. To night they present n comedy playlet entitled. "Tho Price," depleting life In a Now York cabaret. "The Price" includes somo excellent song num bers ns well as comedy and dramatic action. Tho four reol picture, Ivan hoe, will appear for tho last time to night. Sons of Rest. A meeting of tho Ancient Order of tho Sons of Rest will be held this evening nt nrowno's paint Bhop. call ed by order ot that Most Restful Son, Ilob Alexander. Election ot officers Is In order. Hack From Sail Trip. E. II. llamsby of this city and C. M. Itnmsby of Merrill returned last eve ning from Sllvorton, where they were called to attend the funeral of taetr mothor, who died Saturday night In Portlaud. 'UNEMPLOYED ARMY ! IN SEATTLE HAS i A POLICE CORPS jww ww -v wir.f. thy ' TO 8TOI I'AXHAXn hlSQ WOKK Tlilrty Tliutiuinil Jolilr In Ixm Ab Kclc, Arrordlni; lo ltrort of Chief of Poller, and Included in Till Number Ik 10,000 Women and (Jlrlt Clly Council ifnkex. an Ap propriation to Fenl Them. United Press Service SKATTI.K, Dec. 19. The Itinerant army of unemployed men who aro wintering hero today held a mass meeting for the organization of a hobo pollco force. This corps will strive to suppress "mooching" and "yegglng," Theso practices are not favored by tho work men out of Jobs. United Press Service I.0S ANGELES. Dec. 19. Chief of Police Sebastian today estimates that there aro 30,000 people hero who are out of Jobs. A third ot this number aro women. Tho Associated Charities has ex hausted all of Its money In helping these people. Today the city council appropriated $1,500 a month for three months to be used on providing the unemployed with food and shelter. FOR MAYORALTY HEAL ESTATT. D1ULER IS BEING URGED IIV FHIKXDS TO MAKE THE RACK FOR CTTVS EXECU TIVE OFFICE Fred Duesslng, a well known real estate dealer, u 111 be oce of the can- jdacy j race. Anothei nVrt mentioned in this re spect is E. U.rall. J.lke Buesslng Hall has not et ataounced his plans. Still anotKltfmath Falls man hoie like to see In' this raxe, and who, tbcAclalm would he a strong coi.testf nt If o could be Induced accept te responsibilities, is W. Frank Arant XMAS PACKAGES TO BE DELAYED POSTMASTER GENERAL ADMITS THAT EMPLOYES ARE SWAMP ED BY FLOOD OF MAIL MAY SEND POSTAL CARDS United Pross Servlco WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 19. Postmaster General Burleson today Intimated that tho government may not bo nblo to deliver over a third ot tho Christmas parcel post packages noxt week. The department is more than swamped everywhere. Burleson is considering sending post cards to the package addresses, notifying them that parcels await them at tho postofflce. Demands foe additional clerks come in from all over tho nation. Taylor Convalescent. William Taylor, steward of tna Moose Club, who has been very ill for tho post ten days, is now on the road to recovery. Cooked Food Sale. The ladles ot the Christian church will hold their regular cooked food sale tomorrow afternoon at the Shasta. Germany has more members ot trade unions than any other country. TALK BESING Elsie De Wolfe to Test Income Tax .ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBsik ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH ssssssssssssK. y?' U ssHP9WCssisssSsssssssssssssssssssi ByJPjiflJp&r-JIlsssssssssssKssti Klslo De Wolfe, society woman and former actress, has begun suit in the federal courts to test the constitu tionality ot the Income tax law passed in tho special session ot congress. Whether she did this on her own ac count, or was urged to it by some of her wealthy friends of the society ot New York who must givo up some thing from their Incomes for the tax. is not known. Miss De Wolf is at bosom friend of Miss Anne Morgan,' who inherited several millions from I her father, the late J. P. Morgan. I It Is probable that the millionaires j of Chicago and New York who wont, the law tested will let Miss De Wolfe's, case go to the United States supreme . court rathtTtbn begin individual; cases. The Income tax law passed. years ago was taken up by a member of.apromIneat fshsrage firm ot New j York, and was Anally declared uncon- stltutlonal by the supreme court after the-rfcrfige of a vote. I Mrs. De Wolfe has not acted fort some years. She had some vogue on j the stage due largely to the fact that she had come from society. But she1 was not successful enough to be lured permanently to the stage life. BASKETBALL GAME CHRISTMAS DAY TOWN TEAM AND HIGH SCHOOL QUINTET WILL MIX IN THE FIRST GAME OF THE LOCAL SEASON Town Team vs. High School will be the program nt Houston's opera house on the afternoon of Christmas Day, when the local basketball sea- Bon will be opened. Both teams are arranging sched ules outside ot the city, and will par ticipate in the City League games. This Is tho Initial game, and both or ganizations aro after the victory, so some fast playing Is expected. Hero From Sacramento. Gus A. Johnson is here In the in terests of a Sacramento firm. Missouri school teachers may form a union and agitate for higher wages SIGNS HETCH HETCHY President Wilson Gives United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 19. President Wilson today signed the Hetch Hetchy bill without any un usual ceremony. He merely called a stenographer, dictated some memo randa, and signed the bill while at tho bouse desk. In his memoranda tha president said iu part; "I have signed this bill because it seems to serve a pressing public need In the ration coaceraed better than could be served la amy IRWIN DEMURS TO SUIT ON MORLEY PAY WARRANTS ClKNKItAI GROUNDS ARE , SET te3Vi FORTH District Attoraey FMeff la the Attack on Validity of Warrants Iaatitated by R. N. Dajr. Salt AtTecU Epesidltra of Hla Office for SappresakMi of Crissw, Hay CLaLsaa. A demurrer was filed today by Dis trict Attorney John Irwin la the salt filed against the county treasurer sad sheriff by R. N. Day, seeklas to ea Join the payment of warraata issued for expenses Incurred, by the oflee of the prosecuting attorney. The demurrer holds that the com plaint does not allege suJHcieat facta to show the warrants were issued for voluntary obligations. This suit attacks principally tb warrants issued to Fred Morley for salary as assistant prosecntlas at torney. Principal and Interest oa a note given the First Trust sad Bar ings bank by the prosecuting attor ney's office is also among the war rants sought to be invalidated by this suit. PREPARE TO CARE FOR ULSTERITES RRITISH WOMEN ARKANGINCI JTO H CARE FOR WrVsW'AKl) OssaV DREN OF ANTI-HOME RUUsBS IN CASE OF WAR United Preat Serrtea LONDON, Dec 19. A widespread movement having for its object tas care of the woaea aad calldrea of Ulster In the event civil war taeald (follow the enactment of tho hesaa rule bill Is under way In England. . At the instance of the British League for the support of Ussier many women throughout the coasttry who are favorable to the cause of tae anti-home rulers have agreed to Ma take a certain number ot mothers aid children, and to house thess dttrlac tho continuance ot hostilities. .-i Others are forming nurslaa" cfe. and from various sections reports ara coming in ot large numbers ot votaa teers for this service. p The league claims to hsve atere than 300 recruiting agents latjfeo field throughout England, BeoUaid and Wales, and that men are pladc Ingthemselves at the rata of ltt;a day to join the proposed Ulster aaall lary force. ' Nifty SigB. r J. E. Swanson's barbershop Nsjl will soon have a new name, "Tha ropollton." George White, of Miles Sign company. Is dolag tae work. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hortonlett this morning tor their homo li Yasjjha Valley after a, sojourn ot several jffira here. ' San Francisco a Vi . other way, whllo It daw Mt the usefulness or materially from the beauty of tha paaU mlan. , . "The bill was oBBwedto m public spirited aMtwiwaiav thoughtful of ttaTasjfcUay and who have a ana every matter otvpaMk I naturally sootatlo closely. I taaa taa.Mfcarayac i lag that their fears, aad a . - .7 -H.J are aot well wnM." , , jjjf -SS "' aaaax A K&l tr T-.p$; Snt.;iJ&k . - -4ff If.'fi: ,. S? i'4 SSSSHK. WA i- "oaa,-. m f i i m .wjl m;i' ttftsafeaw1- - f 'j tm r is , i'M -. ' . ,-m m:l-. tl J aaaar . '5i iZi&i WkM.?mi wwn1 4zmm & J4.:Xr Jj. "'H1Csbb1 feaaaisapssEiWi r&w mai j . m - . -t.M v rjn,- MWi-neaiam aas'Jss$t''''".f 491 MrsftWavat r-'I--. - " NPW 9 , a mt '- ,-.v. m !e fmnr .- c.r. ia