..'. "V. : KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NKW8PAPKR Hht it ratting Hmtlft 'HT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1913 7 i ii mini sV"" " - nfTtrrii- j- . 10 FIGHT CAHAM: . , m a r i - - ----- . - - - tt - .. .- - . nr-iB wnr Bssrr act - i- - ,.-, -. PRINTS THE 5 ' NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Price Fir Cesvte """ ' w .. , .,, , MOUSE TALKING " " .--,.n. f -nj-LriJ j L t, uu-LArWUVUT.T.X-UUU-. if GOVERNMEN T MH ''"""' WWW tt-agsgaaafrta) True Christmas Spirit Prevails HUERTA ws.wiiMiri.T ,. . BecomesMissionary PHONE SERVICE titfo m trtfi'iflMSter tud iu menu iciwitt AHMir I'MKIsuunu JtltAHt'HK . Thoughts of Others Are Predominant i LrwtMU.t Ufrr iivfor wt 1UI ll It I'mmIM lo IM1UI0 UaMVttl IV !, and tf AU lit Haiti OotrrttMirlil rfcr (Htr TiU-flu'w WH. In lii.t f fBl ntrllrll ;;; Churches and Goou Fellows Spread Good Cheer "Alt.1 lir I. ins it. ific-. in) lurllir, i, lttK.1 hw4 Hnk rjUHIIMttuN. . t Dtvv I UwmiK itiijfff tit Ifc biiti ul ;iilMftt!lr lfcdy admit that iJin)' S;t!Kfl!o litlrthlurltiS ft I lbt r. t f (atfc44 ittpetttm-i for ll tltbOWt t, dm, urfUWt (if Una tfWo Btil lelaSfMbll ( re ft! r jr. AtStatUr till l r.r ftfr ttil f -tH' ltb le n(o lif H'luli'f J, Itont KaUlt of llttaoU, tt mritj lt t f mur-i '"' nM-r, ami m) null, el.nt. -.r,i mriOT trM, Jt lllil II lllllli ih." rti atuti hfl,!matlJc ll At i.ra.n 1pi,oOUI rliurrlt ran ! r'r umtiw a Ifm ptfp 'u Hanla 'lnui' lift am. " will to tiMl.rtts liibumfbli i ih.. loml Vcifl) I ki) utiiii j on, liuiiiim Ii nt )n ttitl It iinlo mil' inii'tiiliMii if tln Sunday school Thin i"ttr. iiniivntii will bo placed on tin) riirUtmnn trefl nt tho l'rcby IitIiiii clmrili fur dUtrlbutlon. )n arrount of tti revival ihtvIccs trraU frura Itio Clirlntmtut lit-lcl ill tlic ItaptUt cliurcb thin witt ier, tlitr un no ropeclal arrnugo- i"fiiil 'briima lltv by th Huu ty arltoul rhildrcii ''ollowlni; till. Ahtlft l'l,l Mill .f.t nitit will .tl..- . -- ---.- -.,. (,f-M U( itii mis- ,.. ih wem u mrm en ri,,t fiHinc tut He mmu irugram ir mracnw.i ail tim airaftcsmeiii. am tit !iiMi.ii. wbittlitr mi-inbtitii rnotitu maUi- for a Chrlitrau trco at s mc wp i ihp Jia.rttot Hands ..f it M r: Humlay sebotil or not. t!u clmrrli. Sunday morulfiK tho fiirl.AUlf ". fc" ' h InsHiH' Ui mil t rnmimburml by tlif cwd Mr. ininlay chool children will be prt jfi.rt (bail lutteit i. MliB UrOBKbt rw An Imltnllou to lite chlldrt-n arntod lll ChrhtraoB favorv. i (iiirit-Ij rrii rwi) Bandar I tn tmuod by thojc lii charuc. Tlu children of tho Sunday fccliool' .xtl ha at ,.! .. caiticr wM In mldlllan lo the tre there will i Iho Hacrcd Heart church will also j.im, atitl JlMnuou ibom lu (nrrton tit- a rHtlhutlon box nt the church ho rtiucmbcrtd Christmas. Tho w,io Clttliima hMeM tu othcnrUu I titutinftt i:rc. for thop wUhlriK to l.ndlon AlUr Society and Rev. Mc- ' laHMaaiaaH y-T1 -TlalaaLaLaP JTiTiTiTiVBjTflaBjTiTiTr .amVmmHt BOARDS TON GH "THH I1IU NOIHK" TO HB 8TAUKI) .IT HOl'STOWS OPEHA HOUSK t?lli:il AUSI'ICKS OK OIlUKIt. 11KJHAI.KOF.SKATH 4 I US TO START MEXICAN SOIL J ,;. --i,i---aw; OIF t Everything Is In readiness for what' promise lo be the greatest show evert staged In Klamath county. We aro now referring to "Tlie Big Noise," which Is to be presented at Houston's opera house this evening mill tomorrow night under tbe auspl .ecu of Klamath Falls Lodge No. 1247,1 jHcnevolent and Protective Order of ,Elks. The eighty or more people taking .pert In the production wore given 'their final rehearsal last evening, and. uuius iv. luvl', uirecuuE iuo Baow. OROZCO AXD FELIX DIAZ ARK LEADERS General Salazar, Who ,Conunaaded . Hnerta Troop la Sorthtrm Qua. (signing, la Also One of Those Be hind the Xew Movement Fear Thousand Troops Are Said to Be at the Command! of the Xew Party. United Press Service EL PASO, Texaxs, Dec. 18. A new Mexican revolution has been arranrari says the amateur performers will act' for, according-to-dlspatches received Mrs. I.orlUard' Spencer, widow In a manner that can well be copied, today, tliOTo of the "profesh." j "Tho Big Noise" "is that "totally .different show," say the Elks who jhsve been in attendance at the re ihearsals. Veracity, it 'is well known, (Ik one of tbe strong points of Elk-ofjdom. ih U hufl'l dunatr. rlolhlne. toy, etc TliiMf tU Hill alto Wfl BtailA halt l ijulrlly itliirlbtit.it tlio III dlrxitnii of I'wtins.lrf Co.,) IJoflnon. II" HI lliri Iw KuUn,.t l. it,- .i..nJ..n, ,.... j vi r bk a iinMil ul Uuo4 1 V llou luff. dr Ux a rnmmllKc timmil for that .- .-,-. , rr VHT. tf.P.,, t.V H4, IW ' --. - -. - "T!, !,,.. . I .t- II l tfterally iin4r(rHd lUai ' " " ft "'tf nirlt. j.umn- ma tre. thero will bo many In prt-j"0"" worK ,n luo tu,n "' ""' hwii.fti tvilu.h I i.. - ....,. Li.. tu. Utr and I'krUtMM 4ln&tr at tho At th Chrl.ttnii rhurrh. nn aimro. ula homes, andi taken nltbeether. a'?I0I3'ltnn"?ann populace 01 joio 10 - ,-., , " "rvtl I Uft IIUUIIaTT ' ----- -- , w - . tiMtuMp tf ti4o uttlltlr Willi Hti lVliw mo trie and dlutii-r.fMiti' Chrltman itrojtram will be Rlv- certain Mr S. CUus will put In This tc 111 Mlllau. S. J., are making extensive :u, wJTKnown millionaire ana soci-j The seat sale for the show has been fallowing pmi'srailotm for tho tree. ' manhos left Newport for the onormous, and a crowded house will In addition to tho public Christ- M'blllpplnes, whero she will do mls-'Rreel the ,,erformcnj bothnlghts .The curtain will raise at 8:30 sharp. Mr S. CUus will put In a Christianity, biio intends to give at l. Hh. tiuetUiin til wi.-ih.r ii, I r ll cbiWrro bo Mi lr. ht oOicr- en by Urn Humlny nrhool Christmas mrt-niiniis night. i"1 a ar lo i"1B ,aoor- ftntftftit 1 adftit)t at idU lln, Jm " '"l,'d hy rtanta, .!: A trt-- and trials will alito bt n ' Many fnmlllrs are planning big re-' After tho death of her husband last! fotittst'cf llurlcon ha. advUrd iU ra la Imlsc Io W "tW,,iwro union ai mieuue. i.ovcu ones irom year sno mrneu ner auenuon aimosi S??fliitit fhtil there U a lilt- tir. '' tH' ut a falamllyj At thli church, alio, ttmre will be otnor places win return nome to entirely to mo worK or tno nomo ana )' It fcU itcjiiftmerd, TlnKttu i'ild ! i thp child, atul ibecontrl- ire.ilfrd tloiiatlnmi for tho worthy. pnd the holidays with tho Old Folks foreign missions or tne rrotcsiani' tcrstr he Him UfrSiil.tr bUin, alt luluuurr. are twins nt hirli arc in bt used llm followlnK ami big dlnnorn aro being planned by" Episcopal church, and Anally came! Mfwh Mlotr thai villi iho ro. ' "to M'"rl ,u" t"tliKat. loy. day In m.ikliiR Hip ChrUtmas spirit many. ,lhe announcement tnnt she wouia, liilka ef ii- l-ii-. .- .i..lfiMMl. r.lt. m fH oeiihlnc thai In hhIvp'mI While the Intlux of visitors Is in tako up actum missionary worK. . " - T-f'--.T J CURRENCY BILL TRAVELS SWIFT Mirawttjt thotitd Inltllc4 pUu rlf j'ihlp ni t. enipfuiir r-ctit-.l. DHUt .iit-r of tl irlfihlmn,! and th' mmitic t.a. Wr) f,.r th. Wia fcmnunUav. nam aiu., unwni u i lHd AH !) alii'tltd bl rtll Kal'lA I'tail. rar f 11 1. ItT "Santa Claus ami hu Hives" Is the progress, there will also bean eiodus. Mrs. Lorlllard Spencer was at tho liilf i.l hi. mtitatn lo bo ri'tidercd by Many from hero leave for the boll- time of her marriage, in 18S2, ono of tin. rliililrrn of tho I'rosbytorlau Sun- uas. somo to visit relatives, others tno raosi ueautnui women in America, j m . -. t .l . .i.il.l. k .... i.kIhm I., u.i.tml flu. L..h.. In Cmm Pmnl,i.A ICttA Yv'fto floa rnnllnn Q ItAfrrmin n I.I a HCIIIIU1. I lir llllllliril H1 WVIIIh " "I'l't" "Vmbwh ill w.4 . iuv,avw, ...mv .. . wM.u.,uw .. ..mmu. m. FIFTEEN MIXUTK LLMIT THINGS MOVING AMEND INDIAN RECEIVES PRISON SENTENCE drlllnl for this h) J. 11. Mason, suprr- Portland and I.os Angeles. W USER CENSUS i TAKEN IN ITALY ;w: ih m. tiivi'w inoM eni: i -t. i . . ..... ... ...... . ... ii UlTlli mam to iti:i nv. Foil I I'l.lttHNT ll iti ti'twlltliaillli a .j M t llll'Iff.lV .f a .a. -. I.l.liltl- W M PON WOMAN niesi: wi.iiimi niiMii; n.h i ii. no mi hv Tin; tinnitus or IHII'IDHS llrtto )') ...II... .lull. A ll'illllllR iinttaii ' ' tthlrh li iKi'it cnndiictliiK an Hive- liiti Johiia. Irtvntlc rtiiivlrled x i,) liriv i to rninmli n numuli. """I "xTiiiiiK wntnicrtt to aefiii . . '8 oun tn t.. ypar, n tb, I'"'"-'' I'rw'" nttilftitlnry , komk, l. IS Ttf lir( uu Ii n Klamath Indian, r. - I.,.iIIIhb ;t. I., on ii,u4 codiUo h. tttll ,; ,wrn cml( " iiiii'ioiirr nronnnaid in mi, . . i.. Mtn Ut,u. -.i isa .,. ,. iHcatlon Into the rra,...s .or ... . ''"l In it hoiH rac whim Ihf In wi-ln .iulurliy ' Mn, "''ll in l'Umiu.,1 hfr. jvrliy th' wli' still woar thmn por- OPEN PAIL FACTORY l.l in the i'UI. Kutii) announcil its Pi II'ik A r.'tlrtidi. thti bouhUkcrcd onus, n tumid that l per rein of them fen told by physicians that h prrVriit loolliiu'lir, (oiisllltls, on ihrunl mill Kindred ells; 10 por .nt nrr unrknii'il eiigaKird In dusty .H.iipatliniK, iho lilsl. era protecting i In- ri'iplr.itor) orRniis hy "ambush liu," nnil waylaying all germs anil tHuHclr of dirt Ihat seek tn slip by; tho rt ma mini: 10 per cent are about dually dhldril between thoso who inugliir that whiskers ure beautiful mid thoe who do not shave either bi-iatise the am loo poor or be muikt the) are too laiy. MAIL BOATS ON THE DRYDOCKS grandaughter of Stephen Whitney, ' ..t'ono of tho famous old-time merchants of New York. This is independent, of the rebel lion being "waged by tho constitution allsta -party, udder' the leaderihip of Generals Carranza and Villa. Behind the new party seeking con trol of the government are ma wb have been active both for and agaJsst Huerta. ' u Emilo Vasquec, Gensrjd Gomes, General Or9ico, Felix, Dlax aad Gan- ieral Salazar are aaaonj the man at jthe head of the mew np'rl'jMr. - -' Orozco and Salazar, both expert-., jenced campaigners. have figured In it-ery revolution. They fought against l'orflrlo Diaz, and later assisted' la1 loverthrowingUadero. Since thejiuerta dictatorship start led, they havo been in charge of troops Iu the northern fighting. -Both were supporters of Felix Diaz for the KEEPS presidency. ' Their desertion 'from tho Huerta . ranks is due t6 tho treatment accord- Diaz by the dictator In tho last MENTS WILL HE DISCUSSED ATjed CAUCUS TONIGHT juloctlon-" j It is reported that 7.000 federal troops will renounce .Huerta and Join the new revolutionists. PHONE TRUST IS NOT IN A HURRY ( tltl.r.W AND SPItAV WILL UN IlKltGO EXTENSIVE ItKI'AIKS THIS WINTER NO LAKE MAIL SERVICE UPPER ! PARDON Report Sayslt Is to Resume Operations Alter Xmas SEEK A EOR ABE RUEF s llt.WCIM'O'S JEWISH POPIN l,.TIO. IS IIEIIIND THE MOVE Ml'Vr, .SAVING MKHCV SHOULD in: shown HEAD OF THE AMERICAN COM- PANV SAYS HE IS UNALTER ABLY OPPOSED TO GOVERN. ! MKXT OWNERSHIP With the forming of ice on Upper Klamath Lake, tho dally mall service maintained by the postotneo depart-' United Press Service ment through tho motor boat Curlew NKW YORK, Dec. 18. Telsphoa Ditd Spray has been abandoned for tho K fr0,n Ly(1onvllle. Vermont, Theo w Inter. Mall, during the winter wlll'doro Va rM,dent ot tha American reach Odessa and other polnta Yla an Tc,ophono nnd Telegraph company( cverland route. stutcd that ho Is opposed to goveru- Tho two mall boats, owned by Cal-imBnl ownership ot 'telephouos, as ad klna & Hamilton, have boon dry-l ..,,,, bv i)0,lmastur General Burle- "docked by J. A. Llnnoman, until re-jatm and Senator j. nam Lewis, rently Interested In Upper Lake .,,,a8t e)t,H,ronccs liaVo 8nown tuat tpaincm. Tho boats will be given ,KOU,rnillellt ownership Js unsatlsfac thor.ii.Rli overhauling. Jtory." .aid Vail. "Public ownership along this Hue In other countries has .I'tiltpil Press Servlco . - . WASHINGTON, D. C, Dee. IS. 1 ; The senate Is rapidly rushing tbe cur-1 wm Hea.r. AU mau . . , rency reform measure to the final , Ual,ed 1ress" Service VOIO. ...W.....-.W.,, -. ., v. .. . ., a, ...... . v The house committee on immigration ( The fifteen minute debate rule has ', - , , ,. ... . . 1 i 1.1 m .i.. i .1.1 .. illi,! iunouncel that It will give hear- pro en highly effective in this respect. I , . " , .. , .... i i ''"t's to all people from the Paciae 1 Several Important proposed amend-( . , , ,, . .. .. ... . ,, ...... i ".uasi, iiiciuuiuB Japanese unu-uiner ments will be discussed by the demo-i , , 7. . , , , , ., . , aliens, giving them a chaiace to air crat caucus lato this evening. ' , , t .J , J their grievances and outer their pro- .,,. I tests against the Raker bill, which Down l-rom the Fort. !, . ,. , .. ..... has. for its al mthe exclusion ot mil John Hesslg. Justice of the peace j j,,. imralgranU of tno coolle claas. for Wood River precinct, and man- Tho ncarngs will begin January M, nger of the Klnmath Telephono an4jana congressman Raker Bays he ex Telegraph Totnpany. is down from pocts deiegauoM from San FrancUco, Fort Klamath, attending to buslnesalj,0rt,and and geaUla. matters. ' ! .... riilti-d Prena Service HAN l'UANCISCO. First to ArrUe United Preaa Servlco NEW YORK, Dec. 18. The steam-1 m St. Louis was the tlrsl ship to ar ilvo in this country with the annual I'M. ..In tu. na virtu frnni unniila In for elgn lauds to loved ones tn America, i'"'0 of Thnuk9' this morning, with the A ote or manna I pi men a failure. I'liero Is n groat long step between .iipprulilng and taking over the prop- nriy of tho telephone- companies. I. ... 1 O Al. The icihi.i.ii. w.ii. I..I. -...I ,.aii nernMary nrllcle. A mih u a '"'"";:' ,.... flSh arrived 'WW will .:...,: ".",," r.. 7; Ik, t U eslubll.limt for IU ouumt ll.oro il.Uil.Biiiiuu .!.. ..-- ',, ,,, "r of i.V: "' h, ,very Indication tlmt ... en urge- a ,....,,, --'" "--- ' "-"--- . . . I.....IJ .... t.i.i.it f u' i mi trniiiir. ih in u uiuuii'm .. --.. mmt or tin. niuii'- i !.";., i..,i,i,uMi to Gov. ii"l'l- l ..,....,.,. ,..i n, nroamlilo Ono buckskin mid oiner wooi.n.- em... ,. lof, ,.,.- and tt brown ... .ii .. i.. . --- ..- - . Ill turn rciiiin. re ""N tl) tlllrf Sfar I l.ua llnilll "IVed from l-allat.la am. r.. It. Ulmu M Kalia. '1'i.iu ;.... ...j. iiu. Tubs, nail ,,. . i.iuaua aivH.17 iiiuii- - - ..i.i,i.l t-'tnt nil ...i..... . . . .irtieina mo nmiiufarlurou I- -.1 " unci ior a Hiiiiiiiiir III IflOII. - . ..! I...... Accor i .L- .- ., ,- nliiiil. Tin. lumber to uo ere.. 'It" '', MN; Wimdi, Wh". foud.,l M.W.I matcrlul fur U.o worn. i ,,"" iiiciory, a to return from Cal- ilformaft ..:"i. .,...' ...... Mo,., than 3.000 gnu. t 0r"y nltor OhrUlWM. t. Wouila la tendered the ahlpmontof 261 sacks ot mall. Presbyterian ladles, Mr. White, Mr. itTiiii.i lln Wnlann ...ul all nlhii.a U.I1. I11UIII, ..lj y nmuu, ll .. .vv ..w norseM IniMunded, horse, branded RB of pcnrlU uru annually made Iu Philadelphia. Villi .bttaaaawV, InlaSt Itt Hrear. j-r v. ... J Mnnt, which wm built by Mr. W. tipuIlM the i&arkat with Kiypt'i uubllo debt now niuounla to $410,684,014, l'"n,,t nl,ro,Jr ,or elgn held, I I.-.....I.... If A nn .tin wlh'l.l.. . 1 ..,i..i in.uUli rja. nomo uraiiueu iti "v 4i .....innnil l.n wnnlil make a UHcful uiombor of society. Others have SoH' Winter wt filly oxpl-tcd their crime., and A. G. Lew . and wife.leave taUr- w I ik luatlco Bl.oul.1 bo tempered ly for Corning. Calif. iWwrll re- wlth mercy." ' hM ,u-v '-'- so Kindly assisted us with our'bainar. The M. K. l.niUeu Aid. S, lK for Clirlntiiuu. Ernest Bubb of the Klamath Coun ty Abstract'' compiuiy, is arranging to i leave, for San Francisco for the holl I day season. Latest reports show that more than f.0.000 men are employed m eoal minora' tn the Pacific Northwest. The average young lady thinks it la perfectly awful if there isn't a. bath" '.tub in tho house. Her mother 'used Wants a Divorce. Suit for divorce was commenced In the circuit court today by William A.jto splash around in the family waah- Powers, against Ida May Powers. tub after the men folk west to bed.' GAMES IN SCHOOLS Gymnastics Enjoyed by Central School Childrei A uosv feature In local school work Is tho Introduction ot gymnastics Into the grammar grades. This i being doue at the Central school, and the Innovation meets with much enthusi asm on tno pari or me ncaoiars. .The work Is primarily to see that tbe children get a beneficial relaxa tion of short Intervals from studies, and to brlug them to a more graceful poise and use of hands and feet. The pupils all say that the retaiationJroBJ'. study enablos'tbem to take up again their studies with a feeling ot re freshment. m Folk Tore games ar the principal i L5 gymuastics indulged In by the Central school children. In this allofuhe grades participate. " i r.aii Miss Gait Ross, principal eataa school, made an especial; ttdy"f this Interesting branch of gymnasUes. the 'Chicago College of IfttpYsiMissv Wtth other teachers' playatVt'suMrfe' ottho proper rytjhmMIss Rom uucio iut afuiseH. lU, Tt.-.' In addition to the Jolt lore games .v there tiaye ueeu laiu out twp wenm-'' jft'. ball courts foMhe ttiUft'tkitmmtlk Pfg& ana eighth grades.--Tealsi,-aT Ws f A ?Aft organized In these classes. ri-bmk&php$: spirited games art PitOT'C, ? ,' Zi. Uh-Mi 1 i M "7 ) . M m i .. 4Mf I IB 1 all m m ii t-; -n.5sar''4 " xi rft mm ( -J! rmrm wmftwrn in iiitsiLiiiiiiKiriiwjsMilaWi