mmhtij Uralb i i J KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE . NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS .ramrerrar-tTCBsaateaeajt iaht Vct ' . KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1913 Price Fl? Ovate Kent Demurs to Day's Petition Ownership of Phones May Be Party Measure LEWIS WOULD HAVE BILL 1HIS WEEK, BUT BURLESON . ASKED A LITTLE FURTHER TIME I llttT.M. COUMiTTKK Hi MAKING t ciimi" MCKL'TIW (K I THE MKAMl'ltK he .IrrurdlBg lu tbo Provisions of Art, Govem-u-ai Would """" Take Over All the Telrplioa l.iaw ail Cussuacsm Oprratlou b) lii r'lrU ot 191ft Party .Mrcaarr r lirtatly UtraUd. failed Free Service WASHINGTON. 1. C. Dec. 17- In addition to the Uu Jet wood tariff bill and the currency reform atuMM there U a possibility that law will toon to pat forward another admin titration measure. This It the bill for the government ownership of tho telephone synte.... Senator J. Hamilton Ixwl of Chi (afo U father of the measure. Tb bill, aa drafted, provide for the lorernmenl'a absorbing all of tho telephone exchanges by uJnuary 1, ISIS It make provision for con dtntmllon proceedings. Since Lewl Parted work oa tho stire, I'oatmaiiter General Albert BnrlMon baa Riven It close atudy. He ba called luto lOUMiiltatlon, retire irbtathfi of forrlKti KOVct Iiiik-iiIk on tbU point. Tim matter Iium been called to tl' attention of the senate committee on postorflcvit and poat roud. In order to allow this com ml tiro to nuke a thorough Investigation, HurlMou r-(ii-ntfil aswI to delay the bill' Introduction. Lewi hoped to Introiiiici) it thu wtk. Thluk Triiiiii". Murdered JapaarM I'nlttd I'ri8 Hervlce UAKi:UHr'IKI.I), Calif,, Dec. 17. II. Maclo, u Japanese, wan found dead near Mojnvo today." It la be Uwd timt no ftaa murdered by white tramp for his blanket. 11.10'lln Mn Hi-re. Oicar Warner, who U operating an te handle factory on the property of Woman Awarded $2500 Mrs. yiahanGeUDimigej From Ckyfor Injuries "'" the injtirii-M received by Mr. Ctberini Calluliuii through stepping &n loose board In u Hldewalk, a clr eu,t urt Jury Tuesday evening ardel liur 2,coo damagea la bar "It aluHt tin- city. Toe cam was tried lu court Ta dy flriKion. Tho Jury, aftr hair ' hn evldeuce, brought lu a Tar 't after a dellbenitlon of akeut ""fly minute. t. Callahan, through attorney " II. A. Renner, brought ault ttlnai tle c)ty for tB at4al aa woa aU(j ror $7,009 4bmm. Tka INTRODUCED A O. Kent, near Klklun, canto lu on Tuesday lu transact buslnc with s'r Kent, who lit one of the proprl- rloti of tho Shasta catidy store. lYnuiu Valley VUlton.. Mr. and Mm. Chan llorloii autoed ' ,rom t,,e'r Ynna ValK-y horn to play to do their OhrUtma shopping oniiuinT'o oiotcd iounmiui o oioicn ON THE STAND TtOTIFltM IN THE TRIAL OF HKIt ItllOTHKH FOH TIIK MURDER OF BROOKLYN YOUNG WOMAN LAST HUMMER United Press Henrico NEW YOltK. thic. 17. Mrs. I'.llia belli Bchadley. lter of "Ituv." liana Schmidt, wan on thr wlltifni stand lu the latter' trial today. lier testimony wan conllned to tho boyhood of Schmidt, and tended to inhow thut l wo -ven at tlmo ' p ullar disposition. According to her testimony, aa a 1,0 Schmidt wn charitably and rellg luoaly Inclined, He waa constantly giving away hla own clothing and Hint of his relatives, and would sit for hour In the cemetery at certain lombalones, apparently trying to ar rive at somo conclualon. Ho erected n miniature altar, and wore vent inents of hla own make. At tho same time he took pecullnr delight yln watching his parents and the neighbor when killing chicken, and played In tho blood. He would rarry tho heads of slaughtered chick ens In his pockets for days. To IMacetrille. u. .nH Mm j. ll. Chambers leave this evening for Macorvllle, tho for-! nifir hcimo of Mr. Chambers, wnore they will apond tho holiday fall occurred In Noyamkar, 11, near tho corner of Elghtk and High streets. According ,to testimony brought ... u. p.itahan haa baas sufarlng ever since th fall. H waa stated that her Bplse waa hurt, ana, aa a ream, sho was unable to use her bands to any eatont. ' Colonsl M. O. Wilklaa, who was a witness to the accident asd raakad to the wobub'b aaals'UBCa, taatHad Tuesday tbat tfcrea waaks prtpr to the accident, be bad calls tka atten tloa of tka Btraat coawUaaloBar to the loose board la tka walk. AiiSSVMMMWWMMWMWWWWWWWWW wwrjSHADY WOMEN gaagjai. BajL aaaaE'9HHaaK gagflaaagak KTjaaM I laaaiaaM'l3aV7 aBaBaaV agaaBaBaV. - aaaaaaW aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV . .aaaaaaaa -Naaaaaaaaaaaal V-.;3aaaaaaaaaaar lateiildaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT ffiaavlaaaaaaaav amaaaalA'aAaaaaaaaaaW aaaaaaaKiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaR? '.aaaaV JlBaaaaaaaP''3aaaaaaV OaaHaaaaaaaaai aaaWTTWaaaaaaaaal LaaaaaaaaaaW-Jiaaaaaaaaaaaaai Laaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai I rfvo.ubiu iuui iiU.u, niiOaU kvier at the head of lliu National Leaguo hn been nlmoMl Htoriuy, mut got out to mnkii room for (lovornor Tcner of IViitiNylvniilu, wlillu John A. Heydler will remain aa necrtury ami president nrotom durliiK the year (lovvruor Tuner will nerve I'eiiiiitylvanla before lakliiK active control of tho league. Tom l.yncli'M fall In duo to hi de votion to umpires, to whom the fans nro not over-devoted. Once an urn plr hlniHelf, nn umpire of ntern and unbuilding will, he haa upheld his men on all except two occasions. In one of them the cao In Philadel phia, where Umpire llronnnn forfeited n Kamo to now ior uocauio man- agar Dooln would not compel center del.) fan to uult waving their conu when a ball was being pitched to the butter ho held tho umplro was wronif. Many fun bollevo thnt In this cako the umplro wa right, Hut l,ynch'H regular indorsemant of tho ruling of hi umpires had ainuNod mont of tho president of ,.iihu in th league, and thoy aro tho director who chooo tho prosldent. Nearly every ono of tliom nnu come 10 tho concliiHlon thnt his club had been wronged at one time or other, and l,ynch'M failure to heed protests made them turn ngainit him. In Governor Tenor, who will take uctlvo charge January 1, 1916, tb magnate will Dud a man of as much determination n Lynch. Twenty four yonrs ngo tho present governor was a big league pitcher, He never had troublo with umpire, was never once put out of tho gam. How far he will go lu upholding them la not known. Ho will draw 86,000 a year for four years, tho same salary aa the American League pays Ban Jobnson to rule tho American League; It Is the highest salary over paid a Na tional Leak-tie president. LEAVING KLAMATH IN GREAT HASTE i WKHTH THIIKAT HAN A MAKVaaV UiVH KFFKCT Filing of Nulaaan, AcUoa kf Matrlct Atiuraey Irwta Agalaat Oa Owa rr of Alkft-ed DteoraWly Houao Cauar Other to Pack Tbatr Trunks sail Lear for Otkar Local Ulr Thaa This An eaodus of rcaldeala ot tko ua drr world comaasneed Uat Blgkt, fol lowing announcement that Ooveraor Oswald Wott threatened to Walt Ula city to make a clean up. Mora loft ou this morning's trala, sad still more have drawn their aoaoy frea the banks, preparatory to departing thU afternoon for California points. I Matrlct Attorney John Irwin, who filed a suit Monday against Maud Kv unit, reputed owner of ono of the hotmr in tho red light district, to hnvo this declared a nuisance, de clitre that ho will put an end to the Oak Ntroel vice resorts. Tho sheriff's office Is keeping a xhnrp watch on this matter, and dras tic menHiiro will bo resorted to In order to stamp out any attempts mmle tu reopen tho district, The lid is on for keeps, according to Irwin, MERRILL MEN ARE RELEASED ON BOND HI.HH, CHANDIiKK AND F.ltNHT HAT TIIKIIt ARRKMT 18 THR KJWULT OF HI'lTK WOHK AND CHARUIC WILL IIH OIHPROVKD In charge of Sheriff Low and Dep uty Sheriff Brewbaker, William 81ms, l.ove Chandler and Ivan Ernst, well known youths of the Merrill country, reached here last evening from Woodland, Calif., whore they were arroitod ou charge of stealing and killing a cow ownad by a Bead Hal low uiun. Tho throe declare they are lano ceut. In order to facilitate matters thoy waived extradition, and came north without delay. Upon reaching Klamath Palls last night tho three were raleaaed on bonds, given by a well known Merrill man. That they are the victims of spite work la tb statement mad by tbe hoys. Tbla opinion Is held by many roRldrata of Mrrlll. Hack Hon for Holiday. Wellington Tempter, who baa ba vldtlng In Klamath Falls for several weeks, left Tuesday night for bl home In Antlocb, Calif., to spend tb holidays. Illy Folk Leave. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plnly of lly left today for tklr boas. Mr. Ha ley waa catted to tb coaaty teat aa Jury aervle, aid .will return after the holiday. Senator Helen Ring Robinson With Saffragists at Washington BaaaBaaaKrlaBaBaK aaaBaaaVIyl KaaT BBBBBBBBBBBBBaBia BL if Ji" bbbbbbbbbbbbbbW mi aP C; ft - BBBBBBJV EWrXlyW'4 -Bs'-aBBPHPr iP54 WASHINGTON, D. C, Dc. 17. Mrs. Helen Illng Robinson, senator In tbe legislature of Colorado, a banner utato of woman suffrage, has bn one of the principal figure in the na tional convention ot the auffragUt to Intpreea tb members ot congress with tho need of granting sulfrag to womeu. Mrs. King and her friend In Colo BATTLESHIP IS INCAPACIATED AHHISTANCK 1H ORDKKBD FOR TIIK VKHMONT, WHICH 1H MMP1NC1 TOWARD HAMPTON ItOADH FOR RKPAIRH WASHINGTON, D. C Dec. 17. Secretary of War Daniels haa ordered th government tug Sonoma to rush to tho allauce ot tbe battleship Delaware, which veasol is towlig tb battleship Vermont to Hampton Roadt. It Is not kuown how badly tb Ver mont I Injured, but It Is thought the damage I great, u tho cn'blo cipher meago reported her completely dis abled 4 CO mile off Cape Henry. TRAPS OTTER ON THE RESERVATION YAINAX RESIDENT BRINGS IN A NUMBKR OF PRIMK PKLTS, ON WHICH HK WILL RKALWB CON NIDERABLE COIN J. W. Cole, wbo reside at Yaiaai, on tb Klamath Iadlaa rrvatloB, today krougbt la tka plte of ataa teen coyotes, four otter, a raecoon if I rado hnvo won their fight, and per Monnlly they need not worrk. For many yoar thoy have boon placed ou nn equality with men to far as voting could nccompllth that. Sho haa been ono of tbo Improfwlvo npeakor before tho convention, and should congro act favorably on the resolution1 for a constitutional amendment favoring woman euffrago her friend will claim nomo of the glory for her. and n weatel. On tho coyote scalps he will receive a bounty of each. t Tho ottor polt attracted a groat deal of ntteutlon ut the court house, a did tho raccoon hide, for these ani mal are seldom caught hero. Aa the polt are all In prime condition they will bring a good price. HouUi for Winter. . .Wm, Lubke will teavo for Portland In the morning, from which place be will take the boat for San Francisco, Los Angeles and Long Beach. He expect to be gone till spring. Goes Home for Xbuu. Dick Chittenden, who has been em ployed at the Southern Oregon Auto garage, left this morning for hi home la Salem. He will spend the holidays with bis parents and return to Klamath Falls the first of the year. Thirty Corpses Found List of Dead May Ron as NEWCASTLE, Colo., Dc. 17. At noon today rescuers bad roovrd thirty corpse front 'tb Vulcan mtn, ownd by tb Rocky Mountain Fuel company, la wblob aa explosion oc curred lata yesterday. Tb bodies were all terribly man gled. All ot tb victims ot tb dis aster war Americas. It was at first thought tbat there KENT DEMURS TO PARTY PLAINTIFF SUIT BY R. N.DAY ATTOKNKY KAVH UK CAN HAN OI.K TIU; ACTION IK-nUI In Udo of tho Allrfstioa of Fraud IUUoU by Uio Lumberataa In Ills Cotnplaint, in Which Be Hefk to intervene In tho Salt Mr-ought by Itebbco Against Coaaty r Court and Warrant Holders. A demurrer to the petition ot R. N. Day that ho bo made a party plain tiff In the action against th county court and holders of warrant to th value of over 2C0;000, has ba U led by Joseph S. Kent, attorney fon Henry Rabbca, who Is plaintiff In tbe action. The demurrer to the complaint la Intervention bold that tho complaint doc not state a .cause to entitle tbe plaintiff to intervene, and maintains that tho allegation of fraud set forth Is vague, general nnd Indefinite. It hold further that tho complaint hc(h forth nothing to show that Day will not bo fully protected; also that the complaint does not Btnto cause ot suit or fact sufficient to entitle him to Intervene. Tbo demurrer I tiled In answer to a complaint In Intervention fllod by Day lu tbo Ilabhoa action. In this Day nllogod thut tho action wa brought by Interested parties to have the warrant declared valid, and that nil mutorlal points In connection with thv cuhu might not be brought out. OAKLAND OIL FIRM LOSES IN A FIRE SIvVKItAL KMPLOYE8 HAVE NAR ROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH. TIIK LOSS. WILL GO BEYOND A QUARTER OF A MILLION OAKLAND, Dec. 17. Fir today totally destroyed the property of tbe Civic State Oil company. The loss, will oxceed 1860,000. Several at tho big tank exploded from tho hoat. Several employe of tho concern nnrromly escaped with tholr llvo from theso exploslo&a. High as Fifty, Says Co. were thirty-eight men In tb mine at tho tlmo of the explosion, but It la now bollovod that there wr more. Mine official say there may hav beeu forty or fifty men at work at the tlmo. So far ttio cause of he wxploaloa, Is a mystery. The mtn was examined only a few days ago by the state In dustrial commission, i;