?u JO OVt W Alt -SB.-. tr1! .. i KLAMATH FALL OFFICIAL NKWSPAI PRINTS THE 'MHr'-' .:-A i '4 NEWS WHILE IT If Ml MSa ,S' EH f Mfhlli Year n, a.nij WEST nunui nun Dtinttn bUVtKNUK AND THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY STIRS BOTH TO MAKING WARM REMARKS WHAT Tlllir.tTKNN til MM; KI'I.IMI, I'llunll lloil ituiTiiiH pi-wi; Ir-ela ,Utfn I liar. That ll U m AMmII ' llaaliw-M h) ha'lng Th4 He U Allr-idla. In Mailer In III Own Way, .! Intllr (lutrr tut lu Ou tlie. ..l an.r III Man llsitallle 'l t l.ll S..NI (ltflt hMUI -Wiilir) UAU:U. Dr t il.. . k iKMXlblllljr ul lint.,., r ,lm bl moid r.foliu .. . o Hi in tltj munty h Wen IMIrnai..! u I.. Id riw (ourh ll'. him Hi .. lnt though, Waal lll niir u- J. loll ilalauianl at pi tit. Thla roraea aa a iu I a.clint between lloi.tr. Writ ami 1'imecut of John lrln ul Ktain l"lle hue Friday, "hiti Itir Jin mm. in W-1 avail lb iiBlclala t-raii healnt and Waal mad atrotig imiBaiw.ii. ihai Irwin a not ililm il.r piP-. attention to lb upholding (if la an.l order Dating lb lata wblh la UllataJ lu bit dlt paillcutarlr uH.b lb closing of dlaoliltll; l.i.mca, air, Wtat la 114 lu hat llatlr J.darrO Ibal i would 'H'I apeclal pro- rulor lo Klamatl. I'alle 10 Uk up a strong ! Cfuaadr II la ala.i aald Ibal b Intimated In train Ibat b outJ git Ibri iioallr II rt4 tx To lb la Ihlral. If alt naarfrd Ibal b aaa iIob( il.p aork lu lb tnannar Ibal In him aaclnrd Hi tntl Jll tla. It la alan unil'talood lhal tic luld llir (Utrrnoi i' K" hr.l auJ name hla wau, In rae lie .11 'I nm like ii.. I. .1.. n..H,rwl. ii... i. ..., i...i,.. .n.n.J iliirlni lb illacuaaluu, and l.ol aotda flew to Entomology Society to Fight Forest Enemies (Ileralil MimkUI Hen Ire) a.a a alnaantl Ik i flj I (a WAniiiniiiu.1, ... ... -.. .- The normou loaa due m mrc.i purpvava oi ." ,...--.- , a. !.. w.r. In aiillrral. til Call .11 ",w "' . . .. . rr..m a lore! nre. Inaecla hat Id lo the lornianon oi '".... --..- " . ,e r,.,. f.,,,,,,1 forma thn tail, of aocl.tr for II. .d.rem.nl of fowl Watchful " ' l irf , ngal,,., ,ho ahowmen. .Blon'ology In Aiuerlc. The member. Iorr.1 offlcera. lumbermen and ", SwKSi'r hold Iha, ,1.0 -Vof;,nd.Odu w,U n, e I Po.o , h !.. ha. not r.c.lve.1 Ihb al.ent.ou cam. ...- '"',,, ,, .m, Au arllon lo recner $124.87. allef wlileh ltdeerea. Ic' ",,'"' . .,ri,lillB rf the ! I" !' '" " l0-,i w con- Henry H. (lr.vr. United Hi.tc "";""' ''T," ' " k ,Ted TX mdy br lUf Flr.1 Tru.t and i "ley. the l-ewly elected prcldent of .ark the "" ou W of l- - - - " J" W- Jot- ' Ih. aoclety, on telng a.kcd .bout It.. In .1 .u ch . ou n c. o n AthMr ( Uy u for ,he nurr. of the org.nl.atlon, ..WlloiiU '"! uporn o ,. 'tanW. unUou to th p.rt which Inteci play III foreat problem. 'W. have Iad," lie aald, "wide prM.1 and pclfle Intereat In In"'1 peatt, aiich aa the Ban Jote tra)e aud tb. boll weevil, which affect all of Ui t to what wo rat and wear. "rureat liitrcla, llirouih thtlr ue alrucllon of limber, lncrao lh ol of' nctlty which enter, quit, aa much Into Hi. dally Ufa of th. Indi vidual at do thn product of Ih. field and orchard. If Ibo Importance of Ih protection of our fowl resource from InaKt depredation It generally racomlted, ft Urg. p.rt enn be pre ventw) or Molded. "Right now lu the national foreat. th. bur.au of entomology and the fora.1 aervlc. ro comperallng to .top .HMCt rav.iea by dl.eov.rln tb.lr MtlMlnt, d rtampluf thn out. '",,( nlWHin) j. ar "3 yi--,--- waa- -3- MAY "CLEAN UP" CITY OF KLAMATH .1 .1 (1.1 Nrllliri i. IU llliruil III .n.ir altnaarJ. Wl lii been approached nil (lit ub)l of lilt crniadu against Vic m rtiaiuaiii rails but hr will Kt John Irwin ln .alularliini Aa be makea no flat denial II la generally conceded, that he la aeriouaiy roniiuermg in mai ler, and may decide 10 lake lb atep he threatened In hit row with rln Tango KIIU rharll) IUII lixautp of the inipialblllty of gel una lalmna lo give up the tango and .Hhi i lira dance, the manager of the annual charily ball glren by Ibe to-ttly iM-ople of Kamaa City ha ten abandoned Tho chatlty hall bar lien an annual Mrnl alnre 1SSC Hicenlly Ibe college Ull, another o- 1 11 etenl. declared off for lh m faaon A f,. Uolalnl liee. allacke.l by In-, A lea i.ui.tt ... atrial may form the nurleii "I a" "-,..;,,.. . ..,. a ' nn.u.i.a ".'"'"";,",. The ohjecl. of the toclely are Urge- . .1 i i. I., nil nueallona oi sssV LasM - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ' HHm aWdL'aaaHIIIIIIIIIH .?:',: ii. ..hu " -!'- ..' ..'... ..... .i... ....i.tle an ontKir Idea it i "" " . ; , Utility lo know Juti Low Important thry an-. 1(..t will 111 ""r' ."';, ZlliZ ,ut. me."! M lh. ."o.;kx ... alum n. tecurlly on a nolo uiiiainne. lamounta lo lc.8o.2S. Take, ior example. th rnvime. of the gype ""'' ,n,' ,1, """''"'I luclh In tl.. NorlhcMtorn ttatoi. If wo can l.rlnts about Koncral know, ledge of tlieto Iii-'T" ','1 ",0 lmrw they do. and are abuo to In.llll ll" the mind of ll.o individual It.o mm; tliy for and the. proper m-l hod. . o their control, how """ t",,l,,r U '" . . ... .n.,.i..t iiiem than when the work It confined only to governmental agenrl.t. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913 -. .. -wrt,,,,,,, . '''"NWWW.W) WWWWWW "SUIT WOULD HAVE : COURT DETERMINE VOLUNTARY DEBTS 'Will III lll.HTII.tlV ITItTHI'll IX. IHIIITKIIXIM I ' N'miiiI) Judge kimI t'..imul. loner Are ItrfrmlaiiU In TimIi' .trllua sad I In nil ('hum U Aakrtl In I'lao llir Mainp i. lllrMallljr i.u ,nt I'.rl of SmcinlK-r Trim l'tMrrliiin Tlial.lnr ran comnellllta elamlnallon for I M.m. tnliihini) IMiia. ' J "nd corrrnit pajxra. Thr lalnl movrnirnl on llir pall . , .. oU n , , , nh, ..ln.t thai, '"""" """ conv.nl. l.oM. ...r. I. . ram lo rr.lr.ln l' "Z" , , 'I ' """ itUM' , - .., ro,. from crr...K ., fh.r 'r' '"c " ,h,m '" W"r to ...an. in.lM.Ma. An order rr-11,'"? iS, " av.h " ' , .,, , ,i..,.. i.i. . 'Klamath I alia, will ou luptrln. .kl ,n .. anion tM ,,. morn.nc i'u ? ;Tn"n,!in.:"0n.iU T" l l. Iar. .Itornrra. KurUnd.ll,",1 "r ,"" "' ih i"""0" ...... wimli Lamlara will nd you. and r- """ Another nrw mallr Uku up In ling? hia aui la pultinc lb drclalon at to' .. . . . , ,v . 1 llir loluiilarjr Indebtednea In the hanJa of Circuit Judge Demon. Thl la brought about through In rctporallng In the coniplalnt the pro ceeillnga of llu Norember term of enuri The prayer atka an order or idalnlng and declaring ao much of the pretenJid" nrJera ai attempt to Irreale a tnluhlary Indebledneaa to be 'illegal and of no effect, and for an order restraining the county court .from attempting to create further to. iinlarr ImletteJneaa. ACCUSE TRIO OF CATTLE RUSTLING MlltlNTIIII AT MMIKUM). TIIKV. WAM i: i:tii.ditiox, AND! wii.i. in: nitoniiiT HKitt: to, MIIIIT IIV lll'I'ltTIIS i Chanted with Ibv theft of a cowl fiom Jame Johhaou, a Hand Hollow I farmer. lo Chaudler, William 8lmj and lan llrnat wern arretted at p""'1 ' lu-.w..it.,i Cnlir Mniular. n nnn ad.. lcea from Oregon The mu are con durlliig n Wild Writ ahow, and have!"! cauae murder are committed. , ln-en touring Norlhrin California and i Southern Oreguu. All three aloully proteat lunocence. 'Tliy wahrd cttradltlon. and bare alarled for thl city lu company with 'Sheriff l.o and Deputy Hherlff Drew i baker They will he here thla after noon. The three aro well known In th. i..ni .......i... ulmr.i mm nwria a ' ranch I lie cow uguring in oc caao ilUnppeared laat year, and n bide re the Tlironsli Vernon A, Korbe of llrnd. IV) (' Dnvldaon loday brought action ugali.at John and Auna Frald l' forcclotu u morlgago on Northern KUm.il. county property. The mort Kay Historic Are Unfair The College Women'. Equal Suf Irnge l.i'ftgup U complaining becaute the women of history are not given fulr play. Tl.ey have to appoint rommlllro lo look Into the achool text book., and If pottlble to remedy the defect. Tho reporlt of thl. com :nltlec may caute a prolett, but what form It will take ha. not been determined COMPETITIVE TEST iWILKINS SAYS HE EOR NAVAL CADET; TOLD OFFICIALS i VOirilH IX COXOItKMalMA.V HIS. XtrTTrl DIHTHICT WILL HE GIV-I KV A LilAXCf-' .tVVAIIII.IH TO .TRY FOR C'llr Hchool Hupcrlnleodatit It. II. Dunbar la Id rtxalfit of lb' followloc trlKram from Conimawio N. J. fllnnoit' "Mutrlotrndnt IjnJtra of tb I'ouiltelou nubile aclinnla will conduct ....... -------- --- "" I'PoiBimrnt or a candidate for Antiaill. He will iirr-parn quntlom tumlh Ih n.n.r. In him tnr m.,lr. ...".. ... """,""" ,ur "nld.walk near Klthth and Illfh .......... , ,, ..,.,., w, .. hJ a,hk' TW,TP.U,"M u.rr 16 " 0" " .; , ' ... . . .... I'rofrator Dunbar hat hai wired bit ,,,, , .... . allllngncaa to conduct tb euiani- ... . lion here lloy between 17 and 12 are ellgi- are about aa far adranced a the tee ond yar of high ichool. Matbemat Ic I the primal lubject. Full Information rtgaidlag en trance examination, coura of atudy there, etc., can be obtained by writing the department of the nary. SAYS LIFE IS HELD TOO CHEAP jl.KUJIAX CIIIMIXAL, Jt'ltlST 8AY8 IIUMANH KIM. laCII OTHKIt OX TIIK HLIUIITKJtT KIXD OF toVOCATIOX 'ret SerTlc 1IKKI.IN. Dec. 16 "Llf waa nerer cheap a loday. Upon the alight- 'Thl la lu part due lo the habit of carrying concealed weapon and to the fact that revolver are a. eaay to purchaa a toy, and available to any I'eraon who want them." Thla I the way Dr. Bchllchtlng, prealdent of the llerlln criminal court, prefacvj hi Instruction to th. Jury before which perhap the largeat number uf murder caaea ever ou the docket at one time, will be tried. Particularly numerou are the cue lu which degeneracy and moral per emlty figure. Hack Krout South. Hay Court, who hat been engaged In tho automobile bualcea In Call fornla during the aummer and fall. ha returned for the holiday. Would Forwloce, Alma O. Kill. 1 plaintiff In an action Mod In the circuit court thla morning agalrit Timothy C. Durgeaa lo forecloto n mortgage given a. te curlly for debt of f SSO. AiM.iAtl.in at llnaikllAl. ,- . , , lira -e...rta. a! -A.t ICI.tn.lh ..n. derwent an operation at th. Black burn hospital thla forenoon tor ad liealona,. Th. operation wa. perform ed by Dr.. Hamilton and Morrow, and writ entirely successful. New t'net Urged by French At a meeting of the Am.rlcan Chamber of Commerce In Parla . new Frunco.Ainerlcan treaty waa recom mended. The object la to .void th. double taxation of Frenchmen resid ing In the United Bt.tM and of Amer icana resident In France. MWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW OF LOOSE BOARD WI.MM.t.V UAHAOK HL'IT IX UK (.UIT OOL'ItT Woman Injuml on the hldcwaik Xear i:ililli ami lll(ti KlrrHa IKrmaada T.inmi Itaiiiagra anil Hie Medical anil llmpllal KMan Attcndaat. Doctor Kaja Hplne Waa lujureal aa Iteault of the) Fall. Trial of the ault of Catherine Calla han ngalnit the city for damage for Injury recelred bjr a fall on a aldewalk waa commenced In the circuit court thla morning. Teatlmony of material ralu to the plaintiff baa been glren alnre lb Jury vlaltcd the icen of th mlahap and returned to tb court fOOB. ilr- Catliban daclirca that aa a lult of a fall through a dafectire , w h w 'r W4- WI'lon to th, ,co,,i of ,b0 dw,or- ,c- ,be Mk ,or 17.000 Jamaica. A..i i iviii.i. -,i, -... . ,h. Colonel Wllklni, who went to the .. . ,t ..'. ., ,fc. ,i , rracue of the woman at the time of ... . ... . iu acciuvni. ivaiiuru aa lu lug uv tail. He alto declared that three week before that time he had noti fied the atreet commlaatoner of the looae board. W. II. A. Keuer appear for Mr. Callahan and CnyAttorcy J. C. Rutenlc for the city. Member of the Jury are J. W. Jory, Cbaa. II. Flackut. C. J. Anderson, John Matney, J, U Beckley. W. W. iFlnley. Qeorgo Ehehalt, K. R. Card well, J. V. Depuy, Qeo. Qrlttle, Oeo. W. At r. SEATS FOR SHOW ARE GOING FAST XatltLY HALF THK TICKKT8 FOR skcond xioiirs rnitKoriM. AXCK WKlti: TAKKX AT XOOX TODAY Director llufu K. Love announce that everything I ready fur the open ing night of "Tho Ills Nolte," and that all of the member of the cait are well up In their part. Heheartal at the opera home began Monday, and the entire performance waa pulled off without a hitch. All re hearaal work will ceate after tomor row, and the participant will take a n-tt until Tburtday night. The advance .ale of tettt ha. been exceptionally good, and a packed house I assured for both night. The chart for the second night, perform ance wa opened thl morning, and by noon nearly halt of the seat were take.. 'critical Operation, i Mr. Sam Deal waa taken to the lllackhurn hospital Monday In a very serious condition brought about by Internal hemorrhage. Dr.. Hamilton and Morrow operated, and the patient I retting aa well a. could be expect ed, although her condition It very critical. Kaiser Wants Mustaches Following hla ban on the tango and other American dancea the kalter haa condemned clean ahaven face at "an other of tho. Americanisms." He an), clean shaving It effeminate and a proper man mutt have a proper mustache. Hereafter military offlcera mutt wear mustache. : N Sanitary argument, are advanced In favor of a new bracket to eu.ptnd a milk bottle against the aide of a bouse Instead of leaving It on . door step lu reach of doga and rata. AMMAAWAMMViiiiNMWIMMtiWWWWMMWMM a 'JALLEY BUYS THE . HORTON PROPERTY iiKsr.nvoiu hiti: ix vox.va vai i.kv ih Hi:ctiti:i) iiv 1'iMiniK an max, nri'iiKflF.vnxa ntHTKnx Moxtrr Through a deal jutt closed. Den Jalley ha purchased from Cb.rle. Morton of Yonna Valley the latter' reservoir all. He Intend to develop thl project during the coming sum mer, which, whon completed, will Ir rigate several thousand acre of land. Jalley, who formerly conducted r newipaper In Orant county, alto a lock ranch, I In the Donanta conn try with a view lo aaalatlng In II de velopment, and he I backed by East ern capital that haa confidence In hi. knowledge of real estate value. A few weekt ago he aide an offer la the HoneDy Irrigation District for the construction of the project, and at the tame time a movement for more settler. Tbl I under consid eration by tho director. A BIG SURPRISE AXXIVKIISAHY OK MALIX WOMAN 18 OCCASION" FOR lLWl'Y GATII KIUXO OTHER .NKWt OF THAT SKCTIOX ( Herald Special Kervlco) MALIN. Dec 16. On Saturday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Hunt, va celebrated the (9lh anniversary of Mr. Miller. Mr. and Mr. Miller v.rrr Invited early In the morning to sind the day with a near neighbor, brt later In the forenoon were brought back to Mr. Hunt'., when thry found a number of friend, as sembled. About 1:30 a dinner waa served which th epicurean. wouM envy. Although Mr. Miller U blind, jhe U h.ppy, and teemed delighted to meet her many friends. Among those present were: Mr. Joe Smith, Mr. Ilue. Mr. and Mrt. Barnes, Mr. and Mr. Harrison, Mr. and Mrt. John L. Ilatley, C W. Dalley. Mr. and Mr.. Gtp. W. Meyer., Mr.. Jobet, Mr. and Mr. Wilton, Stove Dennett, Mr. Slrowbrldge and 1). P. Alexander. Ev erybody on leaving wished Grandma Miller many happy anniversaries. Mis. Anna I'otpltll. who ha. bee; staying at Mr. Newton', near town. for aome. time, I now at home, and 'will remain there till after the holl day.. Mr. and Mr. 11. E. Wilton and fam ily tpent Sunday with E. S. Darnea and wlfo. Mr. and Mrt. Barne. are very good muitclant, and entertained their visitors very pleasantly. Mr. and Mr. Miller, who have iKien visiting for some time near Klamath Falls, have returned here, aid at present are stopping with their daughter, Mr. O. E. Hank. I The work on the reclamation ditch 1 1 nearlng completion. Elmor Smith, l whoso camp 1 near 8hatta View I ichool. It finishing up the last con tract. Mr. A. Krupka hat been doing (tome carpenter work for Wm. Ilatley foi tome lime. .F. M. Priest of Kluutth rullo, rep resenting a New York life Insurance company, wat recently In th. neigh borhood, and told torao life Insur ance. The Babrock milk tetter ha. ar rived at the Shaata View achool, and the children are already doing aome very aatl.factory work. All teem to bo delighted with the work. On Sunday, December 14th , the Rev. Ache.on of Merrill preached to an appreciative audience. Joe Koltout, a Bohemian lad of 1 4 year., recently came all the way from Bohemia by himself, and I now pupil In th. Bbaata View dbrtriet. tf Pri. Frets FALLS' IRWIN SUES IQ DECLARE OAK ST. HOUSE NUISANCE AM KUKH IT IH CO.VDfCTKD FOR IMMORALITY Circuit Court la Aaked to Uulldlng Owned by Maud Kvaw .Nultancr, ami Kajoln Her Free. I'alng It for Kucli a Purpoee Inrttj I Itefuae lo HUlo If TtUa Salt Vol Iowa III Keanrei With Weal The first action for the abatement of Iha Oak atrr.l district undar the 'new nuisance act waa commenced la Ibe circuit court late Monday after noon by Prosecuting Attorney John Irwin, against Maud Evan. In thl ault, Irwin allege that the building owned by the' woman U CO. ducted a a house of prostitution, and Ibe official ask a Judgment and . de er that the defendant I. guilty of maintaining a nuisance; that th. 'building and the ground upon which It It erected, and the furniture con tained therein be declared a nuktaaee; and that tb owner be perpeta.Hr M Joined from maintaining tueh a Mat-ance. j The commencement of thla actloa' by Irwin Immediately upon bit return ( .from Salem lead, local' peopt. to t)- belief that It- waa upon Ihla-qmatlaa... that Irwin a-vtftat .narrate! at th. iStste house last week. Upon that point Irwin remain non-comaUttal. , When questioned a. to th. caue. off jtb trouble, Irwin replied: . "It waa the am old war all over , again, only brought to beadquarta. thl time. You can draw your own (conclusions from thla. "COXEY'S ARMY" jCALIKOItXIA AGITATOR PLAN A I Tltll TO TIIK CAPITAL TO DK- M.VND WOltK TALKS OF COM f MAXIiKKIUXa TRAIN'S United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 1. -Mr. "Roughneck" Teeidale, a labor trou ble agitator known all over the .tat., 'today announced that he la organising 10,000 unemployed men to go to Sac ramento Inside of a fortnight to de mand special tcttlon of 'the iegltla ture to provide work. "We will no longer' starve In th. land of plenty." la the. tlogau of U army. According to Tcetdale ho I. wtlltaf lo pay for transportation Incattl. car If the price 1. reasonable, but otherwise, he will commandeer trsiM. Want Properly Rights Thn women of Kantae are bow .1. lowed to vote,- but they want to bar. equal property rights with their hat bands. They are asking Ibat the pro bate court law. b. simplified ao that women wilt be equal partner, with their hutbaud In th bu.lnsM wW they conduct. They think It be possible for . woman, to f. on with th. fcusUue of bet halMM, 1 .i .'- .after ni. death a BIS quw ii.iwii.t "v . '"!, .. . i. ..- ai t . . . -" '. r lie entire .treat raiy;ay Hts. g - , . a ( .a illy In Australia was tied wkMI -IU .-:".-';' Jj- ' a ii iarrus aaca-a aiwaa na vow1 i- v. : i And dragged . chaU aoross tw. w4sVi,'j. -;-; i.( .aiialna m ailaA) ait It . I . .".. ' i.-ii"' ' V.Ptlllf ft IHUII V1Tia,ti i y -a' - - ' 9 I art Daif . 'tii) To avoid danger of ikntefs Inr In tha.illsalwbtttl'aUrari'l men'.'. Club , of , HstwIM.SJlfc-; build . lake to c-aver and to be about 4fhi - (". Yn . -I 1 rr-l vH rv -A yi .4., t t, , . tV is. . ,v .' ,j .11, III' )!' I....!-'.. -"- ' t.1 i ti.'iii,;.v.Vi-i'--hMlirJeai A R. .ii.i VjtaHl.