rati' 10' j- M' & VOS 1'-. ' 0i ,!! jflat. w-T 771 s r 'f j' . s h KLAMATH FALLS OFFICIAL NEWSPAP 3 &h NiTiniiiAV, iho. in, t u i n ADMIRAL VOICES PROTEST AT THE tuatimj Mttulb , A-UHf PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT II NBWt KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1913 'FRISCO HARBOR LAUNDRY FOR FARMERS LATEST Mil I. IMIKIIHI I II N MINdlll.ss in uoiihN. MusriMi io u i t iii hii mi I'linn.MM oi in ii.tiiMi hi rn mm en in I UlUd Plats Service WAHIIINCITON, I) I . !). u I'riiin Taiil, and ilinhliuatlmi Is'Heiialnr Work today Introduced , Itesixnliig Huimi f.trtf Hour ll.l,,MI granting Allan (. llluli Hut right Aii.nliaii ll.tilr.1,1,-. , klni ,'" ","'' u.i.iil4,n lrld utvr n ., ,. . . ,''' l" llr from Han Franclacn In I . 1l,..U.t..l. ..I Itefugnel I r.. ,hr ml,,,,!,!, ,,, rkr, . ,k. rt.l. llmtHMlr limn In t.irtr-.o I """t 'hanntl Co-operative Plant Making Big Profit IHIlCIUI t lll.lllllx W, kius Niittnii.rH III Alneilcaua Hal llern Unlets-.) Enterprise Is Run in Connection With a Creamery! GERMANY NOT TO E I II I.J, PHOVHll.VM 'OH riOVKH.V MHNT I'AnTICII'ATIO.V AT THE ha.v FittNciflco kxpositio.v is WITIIIflAV.V (lleialil hpeslal Service) WAHIIINOTON, l. V, Dee. 11. llif Mh lull til lint (lit that instrument nf torture which yuJ doublln Ibe tittle town of Chat- haa rillnl lb daya of Hie farmor'a 'field, Io Minnesota, where tlia plan FXCLUOEASIATICS BYNEWAMENOENT TO FEDERAL BILL Ml AUK HIT AT IN BMOAB CIK.NKHAL TRRMI by relieving tbu farm homo of It Imavleat burden. Ttit practicality of Mlm lira lis been demonstrated be I Ilia arilra it,. .in-iii that Ituili wife wltli dlapalr ami br iilnlit with inrlglnated. l-laro and HM third ! th othr bar I.- , ' ' ' gmnini lainU will b I'nlted I'r Hrtlc MANHIMnm, I) I . Dee Im full slew uf lit Altieflian Hr alxl I'"" lu III bill ImhiiiU nf III IntiatillaiiU nf lam I'lriS Ih fntrtnta ale nitislllullfiltal. Ma alike liatigral gle-al iii.tntw-t tift-H rt!Mnrf ut Mar llila Is Im illlr-1 lit. tall.. i, inlri MalliNtal plesnlrfit titniltal llrlrlirr -iil an rtliri AalMtir anl ,ielel agaliil audi n Ml.ulrale alnalt) Im lit nam i, liumanll) Tli aliMalmu al Tamiiiru It bnn lti( anrarrrr Imut . ' Adailial I'l.lfl.rr haa nrdalrd all Ain-llfatia fimn llr rli- Tbo natr l,a challarl thr alralorr Violin ('ji , 1 1, l,lli will iracli Tami'tfit IntiKif. luw In lVr Ihr Alnrrlralta lililh In I rata llrlllirr'a inpaaataa 111 (ur rtfl.rn aff -al. Irtll (if li unahl-i In aaiarr rraiirial MrmiH aa In In dividual Tit hubdrr-l leluirra al atard I ha WhralllK alid Toi"ka Kllkllnt rnntlnura around thr bar iHir, with Id gunboat llraiua Ik.IIIh itr rbl -UIn, ..lla onr-lhlrd ll.lrrt to Han Krh- ,r"ulM ,l,,,w ' ll"""1 Tint back to the lud" niotemcnt tho K-t much of imiiciu from tbo number of the ioYrrnm-.nl Irrlfatlon Klvo cent per pound I (turned for tli washing. All flat work I Ironed In the roan Kl, and no eitra cbargo la mad. The rough drr la Ironed Lj- band, and Is chart,! according to the llmt. It Tho co-oirtl,. cr..in,ry on much l.k,. . girl Io Iron It, .1 16 cenU p.r,lorU, ,r,ctor u(, n au h, o saino Una a tbt creamerica on ' hour.. " toicfu mo goTernraent I onuuilined Un tt-J I'raaa Hrvlr I'nlled Pre Uarvlco IIKKLIN, Dec 13 The bill appro priating 1500,000 for a Oerman ex hibit at the Panama-Pacific. Interna-' tlonal npoltlon wax withdrawn from' the Itelchatag (odar without a rote, being taken. I Thla followml an addrraa by MlnU-1 feaare Is Cliampio-Mxl bjr 1 Oihrr Slrmben From the) FaeMa LVmsI Amenilmcat b DeatajMal t Minn (hit All Coolla Krutn India, Japaa ajad I Ctcllrumit Brew bag. While thla laundry doe not add to I -TICKET EXCHANGE TO STMT MOMMY? mi, Miiti tii iimmi in: i:. I IMMil II Hill Mils IT TIM: iiomuimi.iii un it i utsr or M T Ul.l I, DOCTOR DENIES (an that belter thing now obtain In I'X'Jecla throughout the Wet waa lnthn farmers' Income a lb creamery 0I'pol"nn to oRIclil participation. 'he rarm Im urn than ever btfore, but urreafu operation, sad luo super- do. It I .Indirectly a productive en mi in. --i-. innr otnt for Joy aud liilmdenl dlrlned tho Idea of ullllilngjtrrprlte, lifting the heavy burden eottlfiifl tiaM i.im ( .n tiAwim ,n !.. Him ttaiiiM lMif- In run a vifttilnr tna- tmtn fit-, I,,m-n' alvu !.. ,l..i. -.-- .... ... -M ,,, ,u ,UV ' r -.-.. -. .B w ....... ,..,- ,ut,i n,v, 1IU UWtI 1 mral rrglona -Mnr. An old churn, operated by a strength for other duties, and Increaa-J l-ong ago -.fa aith. the iradln and '"'It from llio ahall which rub tfae'lng the clUctenry and comfort of the' the flan wr relecated in ihn lunk ciamry machinery, did the Irlck- farm home manr tlmea more ilun I UPfll TflT lTfilairii Today the faruier with aaao- The more progressive men lu tho enough (o rcromwnse for the outlay I Mlll 11. I I IllrlrX or rUttrlc imwrr In drive hi mi- iiipany qujckly aolird upon the Iduiiof H.l for eight day of back break- I1LULLU I U I UlllLU luiir) and perform the heavier "' eilendlng tho work to Include tholng worki taaVa with patent mllkera, riding laundry for the patrona of the ptant, Co-operallr creameries hare al lilnoa. ilr, haa lliuenatel much nf i-nd up-to-date machinery wa in-'ready been established on several of tin- baek-broaklug work on the farm, stalled at a roit of about ff,S0O. the government Irrigation projects, Por tb farmrr'a wife Invention ha Th- gross tocelpl for the first Un and It Is hoped that tho time I not done but Utile Her chief abomlna- month were H.S00. ,fr dlitant when laundries wilt be 'Hon is wash day. and the task of Thu farmer bring their laundry .run In connection with each of tbcee ad-ping lli family t lot lie clean un- when they lome with the cream, and plants. doubledly haa be n Hie rock upou " their neit trip to the creamery, The same power which actuates tb ! hull inuro than imr household lias, they carry home, ready for use, the machinery for the creamery can be lit-.. nation and sal o( Ucketa for I,, ,. (week'a wub. 'i.tlllied for the laundry work, and lllg Nole. in h (lieu ty the I T, ,,,.,-., il, t.nn.irr mill en n I Tim laundrr bill la chara-ed to the there la alwara an abnnJinr-. nf i,n I 1 .tli 'Kike al Houston a opera house oti,m. toward anltlng the probUmlcream check at the end of the montn.water and steam. Thurada- and Prlday errnlliga of next k. will begin at lu o'clock Hon jdar inoiiiliig at Tb llolilninJere. n Mn the MMtumr llraertrd wats will h II, general KAtll.i: PAHH. Teias, Ih 1J. llrn-ral Telle", federal commander wire that Ih federals have r-takrn l-arrdii, Turreoli, alter eight deer ate attack Th rebel loss Is pUrrd at ton admission and baliony, 00 cents, audi riiiturf-Tij.. ryiie. i rj ciuiurrn rau hare the stole nf wn rows In front or the balcony Tickets ran be secured from any member nf the l.'lls l-odg nr at the linnt-onler when reservation are made after I" o'clock Monday morn ing Already several hundred tickets hate been aold. and all patrons are adilsed lu make their reservations early Monday If they desire a choice f seat ::;,NICKEL NOVELS WILSON NOT TO GRIDIRON CLUD eral' , SEEKING PICTURE Kale iiiinoirim. Ilr I fit ULU rUKI ami dog -Tnldy" Icaie lon'u "' ' " ' w lernoon fur Prrmnnt. Ohio. I ll Ti.OIUI IO" , ami Paul nmorrow ar , their for iner hum, whern they will apend the , ,. winter Mr and Mra. Keller couduct- l.m.u-t iiiniwihi.-i. mn... ((( Kfnrr raf(, .,, rcK.rtlllr IHXIItl DM! III' Till! IIUIIII- wbtnthydlspnsdnritlu A J. Wig- iNti-t i:ahh ,u.o ami em: p A MTKIt MAV MAKE 'EM WILD IITMttlK, Mils, AltMi:il WITH IUT lllllt KMVIX, IIH.MA.NU TltNsP(lltTATIIN 111 Till! " iisr swii'i: I'll mii: ATTEND BANQUET! BANQUET READY PHVMCIAN HAVH TDK PlttlUK.NT IS IN lll.TTKlt CO.MIITIO.V, HUT lit: NIIOUI.II .NOT ILXPOSK HIM. hKI.1' AT I'llKSKXT I C 'HUT. MUlWJIttUT, AM) WKItE- c.ur.iT tx)Mt: i.v yon grii.li.vu AT TIIK HA.MIrt OK Till. NKWH- I'AI'KIt MK.V 1 WASIIINOTON, D. C, De. II. A heap of fresh fuel was added to the Japanese Immigration dlsputa today, .when tbo Immigration committee of I the house adopted an amendment to jthe pending Immigration restriction bill, which I designed Io oxclud Jap anese, Hindu and Chinese laborers. Tho amendment waa championed 'by Congressman Itaker and other ' members from the Pacific coast. No mention Is made ot the Japan ese by name, but the amendment .u ....,.. ... ..I""" ." """'frtiion bars agalrut .... .-. v........... ., ."lU.AM,.m Drot(J COU.NTV PI.IKS IliaLTII Ol-TICKH MU KOH CITY OFFICIAL, OHIO th name ot "Astatic." general terms, under la Iheir a picture nf nld Poll Klam ath to be sr-rtlfed here? If there I. the Oregon Historical Hnelety wuuld like It fr lla arrhhe. and O, A Hliatn will be glad to tor lowing fruni Curator lllme nf th Oregon Historical Society. ' I II possible lu secure n plilure of an) kind nf Old Port Klamath? Umi Ihn later fort? I hae uur sketch nf both forts, suit me by the Orrgou Journal at the ward it. and any available plrturo of request nf Mr lllllcary. Thla I a the later r'nrt Klamalh , valuable .ar. and I am plea.ed In Mr. Hteama la III receipt nf th fl get II ' State Gets Hatchery MCTi:i: VKAH OLD VOUTH'H AVi:ilSION TO LIQUOH IthMUimi I.V HIS IICATII KIVK AHK Alt IIINTKIi Famous Site on Spring Creek Is at Last Secured The .tale' central trnul hatchery Ihl butchery trout fry will bo ent Io I. to be located In Klamath county. MJnWwn the rapl.lt. Ute Friday aflernomi the bid for ( . f)r ( tlt olitrr datea hack Io Ihn trad woro opened nl tho Klamath ,,,,, ,B)I1 u lu-it Captain O. 15. Applu Agency, and Iho bid submitted for Hie M(ll ww ,,,an nK,,nt, The calitnlu alsto of Oregon by former tlamo War- u.nI(,, Hie ndiiinlngo of such a loca den William I., r'lulcy waa ncrupL-d. oli ,, ,,. ,,0rltcnlly plugged The bid et a price of $S,70 for Ihe )lHny , urnK n, about. per of laml. When Ihn tto llsh and gnmo com- Tho tract oiubraieil ronaltta of n mlaalou wiim nrganlteil In 1911, the ... .. ,i. wifiiiiaiii I. ..,., i,..ry niiiiln n trln to Klamath lltlia over w ir - "' - , . 1 ....i.. i. i-i...i. ilil ...,r..alv in aen tho a Ito. under 1 J.Vwiiil.maon lllver I.OOol artuln APPUito and other people lhrm.n from tho second story window union with WIHUm.on Hlver, i.u ri ' a U',g (hU r.et upstream. .,r nrtlbo) h J ngou Indian morning, mrlklng tho pavement he included in this I. ";'a.,.irn,u ,, , m.M w.. iill wouSa In .ocelvod Injuries rcsulllng In hi. .anlds. which gtato ' '- Mme.lnml, thu matter w. wen o i r,erWard.. ' - . . . a . I.l.ail'si.,1 lelin lllll Mill KIIIIV IIIIB UVVII PIUIM . . --., .-..---,. ut hatcTrr U wll I ? I S, "l.ln Applrt.lo and Indian I According to Ihe boy's dying out h.lolery. I w "P ' ' , ,lwrowereMmeil,ulh, I'nlted Preas hVrvko PirrHIIUItU, m-o IS. Pittsburg authorities today nro roping frantic ally with n serious and widespread epidemic of what they call "Western fever." It has gripped the JuenlleM of the rimnky City with unprecedented vlr-l uleiicy and (ovrrlty. aud acarcely a day haa passed for three month that two or three Jiioulle aftllrled with tho "disease" have not been placed "In quarantine" following the applies linn In the shnpe nf father's slipper or a birch aSltch. Two nf Ihe moat dead-set Cases re- i end) were Paul Pal rot II, 7, and John Coluti, & Pnul aud John, with large butcher kntM- In their belta apiKNired nt ihe ticket window of a loral depot nnd demanded !.fin miii tU nf transportation wtward The police were called, and John and Paul were tnken back homo. They had been glien a commission to purrhnae grncerlea and bring back Ihe change, but had derided on a life nt adventure. WOULDN'T DRINK; United Press Service SAN FIIANCISCO, Dec. IS. Ile- tause he refused In drink liquor with tfflclahJ agree ll fnr a big IrOUt be uaed Jointly by tho state Hah game commission ana mo umio Slate bureau o! fisheries, and from ....., WnUnn naalallnir. tho comnihf' Lion llnally succeaafully closed tho all of whom figured deal, stateroom, In tho attack. They wero placed under arrest. I'nlted Preas Service WA8IIINTON, D. C. Dec. 13. Dr. Drason, attending President Wll noil, made the following statement to te day: "President Wilson's temperaturo Is normal, but I have decided he had better remain In bed today and tomor- low. For that reason he cancelled nis engagement at Ihe Orldlron Club ban quet tonight." MT. LAKI LADIES ORGANIZE A CLUB MKKTIM1H WILL UK HKI.D KVKHV OTHi:it THUKSDAV AT I1DMW OF TIIK MKJHIKIIS SCHOOL K.MISIOH WINTKK United Press Bervlce WASHINGOTON, D. C, Dec He American-Mexican relations will be dlicusaed and quickly settled; the cur rency problem will be disposed of; President Wilton and members of his cabluet are scheduled to be unmer cifully panned, and loudly lauded. In turn, and In fact, all great questions of the day will be Anally and definite ly settled tonight at the Orldlron Club banquet. As usual, an elaborate program ot fun and burletqque on all prominent person and things has been plsnned by the correspondents, newspaper publishers and editorial writers who make up. the membership of tho famous organisation. (Herald special Service) MT. LAKI. Dec. IS. Tbe ladles ot Iho Ml. I.akl neighborhood met at the homo of Mrs. K..H. Plillllpa Thursday, and organlted a Country Needlework Club. Mrs. ):. S. Phillips was chosen pre Ideut and Mrs. J. II. McCoinb secre Inry. Thu meetlngb are to be held the Necoud mid fourth Thursda)s of each month. Tho Mt. I-ukl school rloaed Krlduy fnr tbe winter vacation. Madelluo West Is recovering nicely fimu a severe attack of appendicitis. Hlggvet Shipment Tho Itogue Illver Valley Is the only fruit soctlonain the Northwest to ahlp muro than Its last year'a shipment. Thla fact has been determined by a comparison ot the railroad shipments nf tho various centers. Medford Bun. Tho French parllamec, haa passed n law which grants offlclal assistance to largo families In poor corcum-Btancea. METHODIST FAIR A KAXOV WOHK. CAMUKS, IOTrKI) PUWTH, aiMll" PACKAGKS, AND A tUKKTKHIA I.C.VCHCOV PLKASH I'ATItO.VH Tho basement of the White build ing Is a pretty busy placo today, with thu annual baiaar ot the M. K. I.adla Aid Boclety In progress. A good slied crowd has been preiedt ilnce tbe sate opened, and the many articles are selling rapidly. There are many prettily decorated booths, particularly the Japan ta booth, and the candy booth. These two draw a large patronage, a they and their attendants are Irresistible. The fancy work booth Is swarmed with Christmas shoppers, seeking handmade presents. Th only trouble Is n rush that threaten to sell out every article. A grab package aat la also a big drawing card. This evening a chicken (upper, cafeteria style, will be served from 6' to 8 o'clock. According to Dr. Merrymau, county health officer, there Is no truth In Ihe report which has been given pub licity, that either the county or city health officer has ever refuted to give proper attention to any case ot con- tageous disease. i In tbe absence ot City Health Offi cer Truax, who has been called to Dayton, Ohio, by the death of hi brother. Dr. Merryman stated today that In the case ot tbe little WIshard girl, a quarantine had been estab lished by Dr. Truax Friday morning, Immediately on the cote being re ported to htm. This was also trueln tbe Parker cat at 8blpptngton. 'Every physician In th state," said Dr. Merryman. "Is a deputy health officer, and It Is his duty when a con tagious case Is discovered to either Immediately quarantine aim or re- BIG REWARD FOR. TRAIN WRECKERS l-OHHES AHK IN 8KAKCH OT MC.V WHO PKHFETRATBB ACT, DKRAIUXO MANY hlipitK COACHES C (Herald Special Service) CLEVELAND. Ohio, Dec IS. Th Lake Shore Railroad company ha of fered 11,000 for the capture ot th men who wrecked the New England express at Wlckllff Jut night. In this, the fireman waa killed, th port th cat to the local health 0ffl-l"lner hurl and tbe engine, tour cer. Whllo It Is the duty ot the city " cr. combination coach and or county health officer to see that all three Pullmans were derailed. Th cae of contagious diseases aro prop- '"I that steel coaches war In us erly quarantined, tbe patient or fain-1"" runner fatalities. Ily has the right to call In any doctor I Wrecking tooU wr found along they may see nt to attend the cate. I tbe track. Seventeen spikes had been It Is only In cases of th poor and withdrawn and a rail displaced, needy that tho city or county Is sup-j ' poed to furnish medical attendance' X Wire Chief. free. Very few of the cue ot scarlet, I It. Smith arrived from Portland fever thla year have beeu those of, to accept a position with th Ul paupcrs or persona who expect or phono company as wire chief, taking would atk aid from th county, and i tbe place ot N. A. Watterborg, who outside ot teeing that tbe cues ar kept quarantined, the health officer has no authority to attempt to take the cue out ot tho hands ot any other doctor that might have been called In. "In the case of Mr. Potter at Alta mont. Dr. Hamilton was called la the afternoon, and gavo the necessary medicine and attention. I was not!- lied ot the cate that night by the sheriff' office, and went out tho fol lowing morning and established quar antine, and have been visiting tho patient u often a necessary slnco." has been transferred to Qranta Pass Cinder RomI Under dlroctlon ot th county court K. W. Iticbardson Is making aa fr luient with cinders taken frosa a sit on the southwest side ot Pilot Butt, to determine their valu aa a road making material. Work wa started last week, a stretch of about halt a mllo having been decided ou to be 1. proved. This Is part of tb'Bd Uurns road. Just east of th 4ly dumping ground, Iland Bulletin. Corkery Given a Dollar Sealed Verdict RetiirnedLast Nifht i A verdict awarding J. V, Corkery ouo dollar waa returned by th Jury empanelled In the action brought by Corkery against Sheriff Low and J, J, Furber for damages, resulting from arrest and Imprisonment under a mis taken Identity, Tho Jury, utter receiving Instruc tions from Circuit Judge Denton last evening, retired shortly befor I o'clock. At 11 o'clock they returned u scaled verdict, which waa opad la court thla morning. Motions for a non-iult war mad Friday by Herbert 8. Gale, dtadw; me omciaia, out mey wer ovarrui .1. -J.,K ft, J A motlou wa alio M4.rf,a ! ttructed verdict, but that ; denied. A , f ' rr I - - ,TueJury' verdlet waa yaifV the ca,.uccedea la mmni Jury, Corkery weJd.irrf damag; but not tt IMM tnr h him It, llmlMUm' , " . . .'?. ; a on aoiRvr cots ort)Lat MeBroftl)lW they ajMeM th mat iBaaBawii makktg ay rwl -, ,-' ar ' a .$. V ' v. 44 r: lit ft &! " 'isA o -!-, uoa.M;.TTJ as ial ) 4Wtym"ffl i1 "if ' f" !nyfrWf-