,il r,H .IV n-' xtvning, Mtvuih KLAMATH CALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THlj a NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWI , lligi.iii tear (., u.nnu S-lt -;: . SL; KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1913 rttofNOM ......tAl' Che - 0 ' l Enlist Strong Factors I Meger Priest on Trial for Murder WRITES HE PdRTUNDERS 10 L WORK FOR AID IN FIGHT FOR (1U0R0ER LOGGING ON RIVER nuMiM mm 1 1 rni. i HMMii- II I h WMllltl II ItrStHI Iw-liallir taalltra lir,ilge ( ham uli! llial He Will Make IStrfJ III foil In lutluto ItiiiitiiUtli.iM-r ol In lltn Arlalta lit Make I liaugn In Ills Outer Hialng tlie WIIIUiiiMin 4H.I hlHaguo In la( (lug i II Ollll II ill loMMI III I Willi s III M Hill hill II Ulfrt Jll.l llerilliil I'llMii I niigli--man slmii.ll U lu I l.i. Ctfrtt Dial Mr VMM Itrrp I'luggl'iK ) fur llir UriiliiK nf WHIUmuiii mill ir-JM. Illiro, Hnjlim liMlT IVII liuiofpul Wall, r In m Unlit. E'.I ,w i' flB Vvi. -L- H aP?4('' '-"', jsP?rvl jwlHiH rHBl hB L --' .VffI K L yi twHEl "Rv- -IVA'-'ffli Jfaj i ltjsSjsjjaBit t fc fc jj aHifcfc fi l jiMi EWMs ,IB,jjlM st LATEST SUIT IS AN ATTACK UPON 1 CLAIMS ON FILE i Will Ll ItllKTItm THMIt ALLOW- UOVERNMENT WOULD SELL CITY ELECTRIC CURRENT; TENTATIVE OFFER IS MADE IN A LETTER A.vt: itv iitriiT i m Mrlliml l Ailoplcil lijr It. N. Day in Atfnik I'lmu 1 1 if CtMintjr Court ' MrttKala4'iiiirt la Askcil tit lt- Irwin I In- Allotting uf Clalma Filed Willi Ciiunly 1'iiurl Are Mainly fur ICunil ('orwtnitllon. bir for damages through fats arrt't ami Imprisonment. The motion mado' 'OWi:n WOULD THE. BE F"CR py Attorney Oil m on the arround .,.,, .-..-...,.,,..,.,.. that the sheriff wii Involved not by "-""" "-" 'virtue, but by color of hie office. I DKtflO.NATKDMKTKH Following thl decision the dotn placed IU witnesses on tbo .land. It U believed the en will go to the "'tun. of tlio City's lBVe.Uo.t ji ;.y tonlrht. Would Ho Maile l.y rUbaUac mi the Corkery aiki 15,000 damage for ,. . . ., ... , .. .. ... ...i .... .....' . ......- .. I fwt of tho Correal, Furnished Um WIUK (IC11CU UUUK si uiuiftacu turii ir. Tli tatlovtirc (- tared r- " KUaula hidI t not i l fid t I'lrmtt four! I Uw Ueotita l,," ' " '"' ' "PBl uf li.iUIH frea BmuUh llirrn Ubb la Willuai and HiraBo rltrr. for Ihm to lb i.olaii.m una b ,ntlni! ml the tlml.fr iwrt&im on Ik. ilrwarr.tu ni,l, tatiiral oa. "' niimith ledtan retritlon Mitt r.ram lk uprolB. ol Ik ' ta fallnwlec i.U(rin irnt WittUMM .ml aMiiu rit.r. a-nla Oltln.r of lbs foriUnd I ... lu i-du ut roar Ullr oil !-1-l f t"0mr III llll lor Dip JUl l.t. nil.lnc iMnluttanwWref Cowmcfcr uMd br ikf ntk rasBU rn loa ji.ar rKantaatiuii wlih H.r trtl rHSBllttri t-li 'B( ICllnil Hr HflUBd 1'BaWlxf uf CuBilsefrv In -ttea l It rwiin-aTainaer Ia4ll , pHllluti tt tmettti uf Ihr Inter lm Hlr la ilm WitlUBHnn ) I te ariHt tbti e(f attic ef lbs William g(irs rlr to to((l8( offtatloiH 'inn and tsttf rlrm for lordar Tt attr biMilit to IB,""',,M" j llrNttoii b; Mr T II Ntaliiuun ir- In rpoinr Kc-rriirr W')Id ti-nt I flat k co, and I had a conlrraa- It" lutbilh( tttfl Hh " iwml"lM atMHil II HUmatti CliaHiLrr of CoruMfC At Ibal tlwr II xfflrd attain: l'0'it r.rratl aTi'llfi (''tllluu from I UtU bad lx4i majr aaalbil (fatillliK . ftwr lltltlltHill lu Ihr arfrrtarr nf( tiMinlBa: tllli-na un n.p riiMa nj u. ttflut to rui opriiinic i 'lot liana rlilnulilt i Anna Aumurllrr and ra.tlii hrr li od In Ihp Hiidnon rir ! ir Mll l. Mi. MM II.IAISS V ntlilAMI- lOlt.j Mi:im i oMii n in tiii: i,aki ' situ: ins iikiii: OAKLAND. Cat . Irc II Mrs. il rUtra for ! Mci,lll" lJ ay t br hom la l.k... ,11. I... .1.1. ..! l- I I ultvd l'ria Err Ire . ... ... ... . . t. .i.... ... i.... I iviiim iwnvu Kwav ai urr uumn in ... ... ....... .. . .. torao bl tun inaiab. ih mo irapii tamxiu aim rfraaur inni iui n.- . ' . nABiunuiUA, v. i, ie. li. that lr bll.rd "ll "1 tint, ofwathnw. Il.o rliHln of which '"" "' "' '"" ito- tl ttirs auyou In tlio Unlud Statta ........ !lnllBs-al fclls-lf nr almn a. I. illn.l.s .lrrrai Inr (Ukligt ir aBl lliaa nlffli- Urn lambtt Indmtry or lilt ;"' -"-- "''" ti any other country who doetn't be ml off a..urr M thHf fd au arttn tl th ! of Imllan tlm.;A" m srHWnrinU lis l,(,v ihcrr'a 6woman In tho world Now tactics ra brought Into play In the attack upon tli county court today, whn It. N. Day, rpruntlng kthe timber iBtariila, commenced an Injunction ault against tbo county court, tho county cleric and a number who la i l.i- tried In Now York for the inurdrr.ot persona having clalma agalmt tba Ills dofrnn county. I Instead of waiting for tba warrants Jio b Issued, this suit seks to rxtraln I the court from allowing tbo claims, upon Ih grounds that tby represent i voluntary Indebtedness. A lilt of defendants follews: Will 8. Worden. county Judge; John llagelateln and Guy Merrill. cmmlailoners, C. It. Do Lap, county clerk; Algoma Lumber company. Klamath Fall Northwestern, a J. ..III. Tilt: 01-i:iiATUIU, or RharpOeorg. Wllion, Oeorg. lloyt. l,.fctKosb, C. R. McDonald, John CU'ITDI, TI:I.I:I'II()M: KX-lcoi-s u.-c. ivarson. J. W. Slem. tnMi'JTK. -Klntle, J.-D. C. Taylor, K. K. K. Store. Earl Sharp, Wlckatrom k I.lnneman, A. K. Dlnilnisr, K. D. North, W. W. Lewla, Hydraulic Stona and Itrlck company, William Ubraan, John Knott, A. Wllaon, V. Dernbart. A. Uraacom, Harry CollUter and th Coatt Culiert and Flume company. s PIONEER HOSTESS GIRLS KEEPIKG TO REWARD STATE SECRETS: FEDERAL OFFER LOOKED UPON AS FAVORABLE SIGN Municipality for It. Own Ua aat fur l'rto DiatributioB to Kidal ami ItualneM House) flj. hh-h thf ofo depeajdlB i bor " 1 In response to tha resolution adopt led by th city council a short tlm ago declaring lla Intention to tk up with the gotarnment of iccurlng a alt fof an electric power plant along L4ak lllver, or for th purchase of a W4 Of plant, or current from tb recUia itlon aerrlc. th following lettsr kaa 1 'been recaUed by City ItKorder A. L. LOCAL I'KOPLK HAV IT IS A GOOD!''a1,l" 'rom lh raatlor ..rtlc. commlaalout niMI.VMXO 0,4, sir rtespondlng to tba ro- lutlor passed by the city council of Nti. Pit- nt KlatnMh ITalla In valaf'Afl )fTrr ltrKnll8 Klectrlc Tower IW h ,,,,. ,,, co,UueUe of Made to the City la Considered Inja municipal water works and lb ao ihc Light of a Tent-tlra Offer. In 'lulsltloa and construction of a hy4ro- electrlc lighting and power plant: Onler to Oti. tho SUttrr Started, j TbU ,, , ad,U(( -ou tb,t ,,. -B, lltllcred Ttiat Tills Can Ho Itraw consideration the following lUtlBBawt ,, . . .... bas been prepared for aubailuloai to dlnl at CoasulUUona. , . .. Jfa. KUk 'Water User Association, ynrtsar While the term of th offer mad negotiation concerning lata araa by tbo reclamation sertic board to plant may be conducted wlta Mr. Jaa. l be city for the furnishing of lctrlcU. Camp, project maaassr, IO-iU current are somewhat in faTor of th Pails. government, tb fsct that the offer Is, Th reclamation commtasle MU The claims affected by this ntw'13.d. la taken br local men to augur bo glad to co-operate with th CK of .anion atnuunt la all to M.Otl.lt.i-.ll f ik. ..WJ nu lacaraa Klsmath falls for L-.latallatl-S4 who can keep a secret, let thil person Tbe UrcMt cUlnj u thml of th8 ..cltJ. 0WBt(j of -oat-ou i0Brc of operation of yaef1e gisirtt apply to tho Inltcd fitatea house of dr,uc stone ln,i rtrlck company for eurrnt. Ing plant on goTrnmat proportf os McMillan irprrseiilatlu-. Any member of the ,,. lh.,r blI, ,,., ror ej.a.Bo. I ... .. A , ...,.. the Keno canal. If fund itn a- ". .. .. ... I. .. aaa .-,--.- - . . . .,. Ill B-r LUaUS . UU1U ISV . T Ull rsrnahsn. w.ero pc ... mr iirrat in-yond one nou.o rat. mim out to trie unbeliever. Tbf colt ,neurrc, br Count- Tre-s-'.,; h" ,. tnr fh. ,. fi, bu.idln, able for that purpose. Aa4 the-th .(N MCCUMIIrt TO 1III.V TIII IIIVMii; AND COl'LII TKLL hemi: ivti:iii:stii m:wh I naili for tlio funeral. In Hi" ili-mUi of .Mr Tlia rHimU.l.ifli-r at that tlnio said hj Tu matter n taVtn up -ltl the a t4n to cHelhe Btatlrr hit carr.i.,.ltaB1. titatatier of fowBierce a; fill cohaWefallfiM lfof ffBdrflng a ... ,,, ,0 ty i II drlaWu I dM not Vna. utilll I io-'.i.o . fceen aitlve In the work to.ol the lt known wnnun In the hU-I womrn who Itrep thousands of ie-lurer 8ement !n fighting tho msndam-! ', , "d bmT, ,L Ion(y lhus r funds are not now aralUMo a-t Hed yr Wtof thai l.o had flnslly irJ e,B ,b ,ter oprn to log.,mry of Klamath county, fuming nets, and .aluable arrets, too. every ul acon broaht bj. th, nnt Na- ?, ,' .d OY.r to thB interior de-' PrP". t ' Pln' of thto cam drtldnl upw a of l I'glnr. jheroahnrtly lt,r lrti. she conduct-'day In the year. These six women t0M, bank , comp,, htm ta dealg-l"" "l? . ,. .b8 coaatrudon work mUalon that n.glect to develop all tho .. ,. ..i i.. maii.r ur.t . . 1 1 A i tut, fil.l 1 tkslil I mi Mini umtr nil flit tut rallptl Ihn phamnlnn r4ret . . . H"HWU " uw fcMW "-" . ,.,u - -...-a. Ai , . . -. .- -- --- Tb. 1'hiB.bor i.0B,B.,rre .. in rr. ",-" "" ""V " Ttld ",",, ,, T.,. nr, f,nM0 lnM ,n,"lu"on " coun,y -.Mh. Following the commencement i --- """.." mm him in a a w .-. - rrW , IllUUs-l UBUk ,V VUUi'VI Ull td llw old krld Inn. and under might be called the champion secret-,.,,. ,hat nitttu,on a a of a Liter from Congrenn.an N. " mnamoi in n..-e day. the ii-ir. of country, tbo i story or J40. u aIf0 B01 the hn munlclply woutd found 1 an e nnotl. regarding l.u effort. llrlfy lKame a. well known I bo .U women who can keep c eta , .,, t ,, C0Dttaitd that' r"bure4 by the government by "' H would " .. ...t... i. .....i.. throughout Moulhem Oneon and ua told today by itevrc-enlative .... n... n...!"0 r""' ' . .. ...1 i.r ih nnuan TbanViBg y f-r ralllsc tbM aiai-,.. 0r ,, of ,h. republican een- S'",II,M" California a. tbo While I'el- fcherley of Kentucky to l,r to m, allenllen and with kind , . ,,.,. 8ino Informed!""" l"'y- ' "" ' """ m wie -pecrets. more tnau a.uuu a aay, Northwestern for printing th e.traets pRttm.nt. round luring on the moat Importint jues-ifrom ,D. .tat0 u, relating to county, .. ,, i Wero t.j.na nt .l.l..m.n.hln nnrl lnvlala. . . ..i' .1 - .L. .. . miS ICI an economic waste. Uow- lain what bh irssoii. io for afrlv IRC at the owliln t sards believe me. ours vrv Only. IIAIIIIV I.vm: BLOW ON NECK FATAL TO br Unr that he was i.ppoaed tooi-n- In Ihoan da) a tlie buslueaa of the ,111k the rivers. Arrordltig to the congressman, the petition ol the t'liimber of Commerce present, th" mailer In an entirely new light and he expresses B hope of e ruling a modification. If not a recll aion of tbo (losing order. sl'IVtl. MIJMMJIIIH I OI.MIWri IN- jiitv ni:ti:i i;i rnoi r.iin:it or vorm whom hi: hi WHII'I'III r.M.ll.all llirong. rorcclful After the llarxard-Valn football game at Cambrlilge. Mass,. Is was fi.iiti.1 Out the eirlled throng hi'l trli aluable. amounting to $10,000 In the sladliim Among tho nrtlclea U a fur coal worth 1100. I'ockitUook rnntnluliiK 1'K l",l ot "',' nml jeelry aro also among tho valuable! found and placed In a vault nwnltlng HEHEY SAYS HE 1 inillre county almost centered a lino l.akeaiuv inn. in it omce were tiona of stattsmanablp and Ieglsla-"road bondng . another of th ac- lii stage lino agnrle.; the coming Hon, pass over the telephone line of count Involved. This It for 190. nr tlio steamer wmi passengers irom ti. capltol eery tonty-four hour.' tlio I'okrgama line brought a dock end not er has one b.een told. Six wo inMr the hotel. The nfllce of the mfn over there In the house office Well. I'argu Kipresa rompauy was liilldlng, plugging those switch arms, the street, the postoftlre nearby l curds, hear theso confidential talks and the majority of the stores were "The tariff, trust prosecutions, pat-i lieu clustered lu that vicinity. ,ionago, lobbies, love, politics, curren- Tim parlor was the scene of manyy, and wlinl-not topic are discussed' weddings Htid other social nrtUltles mer these wires among men In the. uf that ilii). and llin banquets held lu councils of tho nation. Theso are btgl the l.ikelde Inn dining room wero new Items. Many ft story which has. .. . 11 . .1.1. ..u ...!... t II.. Int.. . l-.l ....I ..1.1.1. ..n.tt.l I me iuKi.esi iiiiuhh ni'.t.t. in i.iw iuw- iceii iinpruueu, oitu winm nuuiu by liuffrt and parlor, were held many turtle tho curious nnd absorbing pub polltlcnl CAiiciise and conferences ir If told Is known by the 'big six.' Hint decided tho fulo of many nsplr- Tho main knocker who says women aula for olllre 'tan't keep n secrot Is dead wrong " With the coming of the railroad tlio. business center of the tot. n began to ' v e Afc, , draw any from tho rIVer, and the ' l.nkesl.l. Inn Is now far from a cen-t A,1"'S ,ho ' hill, providing for tral location In 1311 Mrs. McMillan ' ' ,Rl,or !" b Introduced In I... ..i.iIm. Alaa. aP Jal. saAJtf Walll II. ........ I .. Ihn l.nlol effect., and ""'" ' " " " contended that'. . .. u .. . .. ever. It would not be wis, consider- ltiipj.nltH'A IM rvimumiTU VJ IH, inu.k mj - .... . lleprcsenutlvo hU (j a ,rate Bllte ther ,banl monthly '" ,he PrMnl condition ot th rec- a rece county Btll.r ft s furnlihed b ttt i.matlon fund, to divert any mc.y The claim of the Klamath falls ,.-, DrM.,ted br the Interior de- Purpose oiuer iou um " anecung me irrigation ana uraiw of the land now embraced within .th .plant, operated by tentative offer cornea as a re- resolutlon adopted by the ilriennlnrd boundaries of BOBroTOtl suit o a reaoutlon adopted by the n I. not posslbl. thrr.. Icouncll. declaring Its Intention to n- ,o undta0 tb, eon.trudon 0 neb Mei Into figures with th. government wXM a glioc,flo approHrta. .'teg.rdlng development power. It Is g BaJ, by t0 .believed that In a few consultat ons , , bowf iiiweonciiyuuuu,:kv. . -..,. of iCi.m.th Falla ar fa- he offer can be- amended In a way vorablo to such a plan, to Install Mich 'tilled I'ress H.rvlce ,""""- HANKIIANCIrtCO, Ih-C. IS Juaeph " Milan. V J . .".-I l Tom .pln.l Vol I W Money niiltilllli. H" '"" f ,,l0,r 0" ''-, ,llC '-lntaU V",BI9 l", ...!i. elect John I'urrov Mllchel mayor of Tho lii.)'. fall'" .1-clarcJ that h New Vork. according ''"'"'"'".liorlly after ar.l left for t'allfornln.'l''on' V Sntor llurlon of Ohio pro- on an errand n tirmiwr iiefiiiieimer. ir ,, llwhero alio ha -elded alnco. i' '" " "" ' "- .....I IiIm anil inn. Tlie lad became Involved In n. Municipal a. ri.l.1 with another Mil Ml" whom he whipped Commlltoe Among me largo contributor to the fun " it i. ll..i..l that l.i.irnw I'arneele 17.000. Jaron n. lb. father hi boy .Irurk Joseph H(m IC000. Cleteland II lJc. 1 I ,. .t t - n'rt. The pollco ()lorRW w. IVrklu. nnd John 1. nock '.'.". a ing the mailer efe.ler IH.OOO each. . Mis McMillan had vnlunhle prop. first class postage. Tho largo lu- Moini-n worn nlo Wra lonlrlbiilors -ThU , invesllgMliig the Hefui-lnl''""r" KnlUil I'rcss Hervlco UAM l.lllri OIUHI'O. Dee I ,ty today ref.ucM.i break lUfroci-.-..nt uf MS year, nml vole.l l te- main out lu Urn "l" The i.iitl-l'r- N f , Ullloll incino nt lilMllonlil were lclorlou Y "', (in,m. Mr. Harrliuau U lco presl- vole. dent of tho Illinois rentrai anu n VuiiiiK Hiililiiinn I" w',,,l That h i"'' I,,,r llrn",',,1 rnU .....Hi.:. W Averlll llarrlnmn. son uf tl... lalo 15. II. llarrlnmn. I U elite' ert Interest. In tie county, and on,"'0 ' ! '" ''"'" aomeofthl. .he hart refused to acta. I,arc'' I'01 maU cl,cal,cr v,tn price In attending to these the rondo H,r00"b'0' n few tlslla here, tho mat only n short 1 1 inn ago, when her many friends nnlHed her fnlllng strength, j .. i .. ..i... ... .i i.. i uereiiaeii im i ......... in i iu...u.., . , .ri,i. n flllunn. tlia TlieoK-r .Men Hint tu JH For violating an Injunction re- atrolnlng Ihem from operating im-v- lug picture thenlen on Rumlny, Lhai. Mu..Mt,um.1ag..rnfthoMJ.'.llc.'l Aiulrow- Ziicarrn, iunn.i. -., .. ... ..I Fort Worth. To ,r.;;;; lo Ji. for ...oo da,, by ..;, rector In tho Union raclflc, Clillilrvn' l)- "" ,,Mn,,' Arkansim, nt Iho .uggc-llon of Kurl I lliirdlu. probation nlllcer nt Korl tbo Hinllli. m b nrl "'" r.-va ilrcn". Diy- tiovonior neurau ... .- a..i i.niirt lK-cuniuer lut" i"r ' On that unto nieoung ei. . .. ........ndAa i tirnnao. judge Ilrown. """--- , ,,iri)uKl.t ll ! "- ,novo I.eroailUr . ... .... L.tArnat II! "- .. . -.1....... .11.1.11 III tlieatora iiHiii " II.. I hu will day soutoncei for operating nrouao Intcrost In lltldo Necil Not Olwy At. the wedding In tho old London nnd uns nhout ilfi )enr. of nge. She Is survived by three duuuhtnri, Mnrle McMillan. lii has 1 1 toil with her mother, nnd Mra. Rol Abrnm. nnd Mr. IM Williamson of Clilco, bilde. Mlsa lMlmbelh Colt, win not .in Veil either to obey or serto her liua ili.md. Tho wordi wero omitted for lllio llrst time In tho Anglican service. f.Mla. Colt I. u daughter ot Dr. and Mrs. Stanton Colt, founder nt the 'Hplrltual Militancy League. that will be equitable to both parties. )a pJant an, op.rato u . ,h,r B. The Kiamatn water user a.u- flu Tho department will nter into a elation alto hat under way a plan to,. ..,.,. wit the municipality to purchase outright the Keno canal, and ibud pant of whatever capacity rm-riiMtit jiiiivsiiv iiMi.M",,1Te,op eIeC,rlc ,ow'r ther' ana t.h" may be found necessary, If tlmiaunle .o i.iinoii JOHNSON COMKS u ,0 b9 twttw dl,cu,led af a me-tlng paUly , ,upply tb0 fUnd. for that Otrr AS A CAMHDATK KOIt TIIKIof the directors Monday forenoon. In un)0ie. Tho fund thus adViBCd ' ... ....... -l.... ...!..... ! .. . . .... will be credited on- account or ibo charge made against the municipal Ity for current delivered a follews: Fifty per cent ot tho monthly blUa for current to be charged sgslnst th advances made for construction ac count; SO per cent to be paid In cash. Tho department will undertake to deliver to the city, at a nitler loegted at the generating plant, all th car- ll.MTKII STATIC SKNATK HtlMiHRsMVi: TICKirr United l'rcss Service SAN FIIANCI8CO, Dec. It. In a statement made today Francis J. Ilcney declares that If Hiram John- aon enters tho senatorial race he will withdraw from that contest and como j .' ON' case thl. ihould be decided upon there lis no question but what the associa tion woutd enter Into an agreement to furnish the city with power ttlirnurh a meter for distribution through the municipality for Individ ual and public use. Illon.ly In Training. Using a pair of pajamas for a sun-J .a,r Ul .aj.uu. iu. -.--, ... , . rer,.ln ,- out ns a candidate for governor on'nlng suit, Hlondy crane u training. .., ., . . tho progressive tlckot. "for tho Marathon race at the next " ' ..,,. DM,d,t.rB4 If Johnson decide, to seek rc-elec-loiyraplc meet. III. training stunt " " V r " 'n.v Hon to tho governorship, l.eney wll, consist, of a run from the -Crane ft ZZnZT; .u'a iSS Walter, bog ranch o . over anu - - ,,, hut whUfc la"rB..hr,roertrme Walter.1 ,''1 b l0 c",,n o.nl r.guUUo .hSeV Taw k . -or-.: lbX U charged to th coj-u-n.; when ?iloB0y made hi. run. and ques-,bl ' .. ."'' rt . "iS i kin. .hn.,t hi. ..rlv o.nrnln I mum IIIUH, too iuwdi "- ". ..Li ... 1...1 Ichargfd to tha coaMMT M lujtvrviav. iiiwuiij iiibiwiiuiim iw ..ki been driving cattle away from the alack. KnliiliL of tlio Orlp. It. H. Neal. peddling Snow Flako sodit irnrkers, nml "Uud" Wilson, I with J. A. Folger & Co.. aro In thei lU-ttorHemanil. CertlhV.too city loilny cnlllng on tho grocery I llov. Frederick C. Orant, rector of trmlii, 'fU 1'iiiil's Kplscopal church at DoKalti, -- I HI,, has ndopted Iho following rule; N'ett Vork to (let Wiley i"K'ncli person desiring to bo married Dr. Harvoy W. Wiley, formorlyii"t present a certificate properly rhlel In tho bureau of chemistry In' .tuned by n reputable physician to the Ihe department of agriculture, li to 'effect that ho or she has neither an I e nppolnled health commissioner of Incurablo or communicable dtaeaso V.w York eltv by Mayor MltChel. nu is memauy uurui.i, , remain In the senatorial race. NON-SUIT MOTION IS NOT ALLOWED! the Chicago election board, ha an nounced that the women's party will I Women Slurt Ho I 'artisan Tin: DAMAtlK SUIT OF eoilKEItY William 11. 8tuart, chief clerk of AtlAINST SHF.ltlFF AND OAMK OFFICIAL MAY fiOIlKt-onKTHK,lut bo recognized by election author JUHV TONiailT "M "" n P0,"lcn, P"rtvi M " h uotc nominated candidates at a prl- mary. necommendatlon from women Circuit Judge Ilenson this after- must come through tbo democratic, noon overruled the motion of the d- republican or progressive parties. To f.-nso for a nonsuit In the action of J. qualify as election Judge worn. v. Corkory axalnit Sheriff 0. O. Low must be householder. They aut and Deputy Qame Warden J. 3, Fur- also state their .. .,.. h wilt bu tho rato charged to th !-. -J, '. Ipallty. v.J The United SUte Bow hu M - .-, ' .;:-. vostment of about 10o,M Keno canal. Tha eoavg provide in tho propo4.0MlfMt i the municipality to Va,to V.t- entlro plant, Jacludlag Um Isa7ftv . .-i and tbo getmatlag work. , ' 'ff actual cost oft he sytUw, legal authority to da M.ltM- at any time tbe,. choose to exerclM.i a certain llMt4 9tf4tT' It I pi JaAioAAjaoooAf 'IJJIil'I x. h 4 4 l l U children. on Hundayi Ai i -A .v.i r- t $rtwmeMKWMM"!B' aawmliw'1 X-ntj-ft1 . &&& X :