v 'W-TH oo 4- -i ' rf n KLAMATH FALLS' immtg Mtmth $., UI'I'ICIAL NI.WSPAIMJR PRINT! THE NEWS WHILE IT II NKWt V ft. I'lglilli .raiN.i U.M1M KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER II, 1913 ,...M Ch i Tampico Is Scene of Fierce Fighting ' " OF MORE BOYS THAN GIRLS OF SCHOOL AGE IN KLAMATH iiiiii i. niHiitirin i rm iuii. ii-ti iri Till. lit lll.lllllfH "" ' " " "' " -- i-ri-r.r.-L-.-L-.i.-u-L-L-u-.- .-.-.-.-.-. Founder of George Jr., Republics Is Accused by Girls He Helped ANSWER FILED IN LOSSES TO BOTH ARMIES PLACED Ulialli I alUMillilMli III HIm,I tr TM 1,1111-lUlun.. liu mil) ill ( ll IH.Illit. lr at nua-i... l,nlrnr Itrtiir. Ilui Hair N.M linn 1ra,. Kir, . ,i (. I llmli.a. lliwi III Id) ilatl.iH ID Wlltl.M SIIIIKIill Till. I'M HI. tl. li-pulL-i an. I Mru.ti nl I lllirnt' llauix I Igl.l llrnrlf fur Scleral Hi. III. llWcii.. Iliry li .thin i alurr i.iliirta llatrlia.W.1 In I In' I lilmi Hall al -umiIIi llangr tuna ' and tlllllllll.il I..II ftrtH)ril I llltad I'lra. Hrnlla cali'met. it u ah attmiit alt Up pall at ilrput) .tiMlff. and Hlrmll ( ll, ItUlm'. Alll.nr lu tkrlr ale mm KHHr bO) I tiatl .III ul ttUmtt . Is KUmatli count) errurdlng tu tb -.iiatMalleb. bWli. ml in L iLmii bhViik tl, cbet f !. Wild is .u.tikm. r IVrt kimi nuuiWr of striker. tarrlra.I I laitulb 1'fcerry 'i. rrHil n.l oJ In tin- hall of thn Western Frdrra. l'1-f M. Uli itltliKU all bat ituii oC Miner, at Huutli llangr, pti lafurtnl 'clptlatitl In a tierce battle laitlnc (or In mMl aum.rallnlii rUawbefe. HTft litHlta Ibn glW unlnamUr tha bo. o( Tim tight rtiiiitiirnrrd at o'clock bro aft but Ibti ! leteMad lu I tila mnrtilnr At noon thf atrlkrra ......,. wiifriiilcrrl. ami Ibr men wifr nr- P & rfaialalalalalalalalalalalalalaf SUIT OF R.H. DAY VS.CO.DFFICIALS AT IHMTMK.NT I'ltAYK THAT HCIT UK DIHMWHF.D REBELS BELIEVED TO HAVE CHANGE FOR A. VICTORY (AtloriM-y I Would nell and exllngul.aad by him. Liter r th other two. which had evidently '.M:uc.v rtEET mMM been overlooked br nunn.ll, wr ,lMt,R,CAX n- KWW8 noticed br Ilowne. To U) iur thM, CLONK WATCH OMTM wero quenched, a tardea hone in, Ftnirm rRnnRsaat ItcprrwmllnK ilir 0(t)rlal llafaa Ual Aklil I l.s J ...- oatf.l lain hI.h - "' - miivu iuiw iiaj i l.lalnl lnofar u ll Arlrcta Hherlff Tbs Grit fir u dlacoTered about i i v-.... x . .... 'clock- Th ' 'I1. Are- r Amrrlcaa. and EwofaMaa At Ftoek. main a inraUrr, althoucb an loreitl Warrant IJ.lrl In IUtlm Null, Kitlon If belafmai. lalmlns l( In llr n ltrrlltlon. I (Coallaatd on ! II prlloua tbarrl Inadu aoma ii-rmm iii !.-. 11. i.. .nuiii . ""iw "ill iiniv UK w,'liv llUHl mi br rrrl Ktrla aKalnat'all aaioclatlona connected with the POOR USE WIRE; RICH THE MAILS Tin. """ . .Unit. Tfriaa.m Mattaa ll.lrttv.fl VaB ak f ltta.1 ftllIll ii. ib hall in addltlnn to I be dfi- """" . founder of the utlea and alllancr men nn Um rronnd.,I"' iunlor llrpubllc M Krwivlllc. l-rul Iralni full of nRlcpra were V . and a dlri-ctnr In the National ru. bid In from .IIITrrpnt plarra rirr' ,.wiallnn of (leorni, Hnlor llepuU-l0 bare a r :,.:"'::" ;,.; :;:.: .. -w. uBd" "-" -'-r ..-d ., (b. PT,. n.p.Wte.i .1 .ri,.H.-i7...,.i ih.i,.lB. ' "" ann juc. . ., ,h(. cbarsea er known at the .f ilt ftUHtttc in bojtrfl Inr train? ffi tntinw !...'.. iAa.hi, ., ... "' - iwnwiir, lurmrr amuaaaauor to r.ng tbr onlr m.n b.dlr Injured lie l Unili ,s VorL Bu,)r.mr Courl Jui. f.lallr hurt (tc, Hainurl 8.bury and Milan D. Thltl line, and a nu.ntltrof am. 'v.fj ,, ,rr) kfJ ((J et M muniuon rr ioun in inr nan JUlitp4 of ,. -uj,,,,. for Kime month. Ma tKn dlirnrered More IJWir leader. irrllft holraai ar WOri1. ul lrtlmnn nf n,n wnn,. . .. , aii,. . .. ,h., of T .. ' ' ,","."?.) "'ynic women erral year.. coerln the. period of tlnUlinc Judie O'llrlen. order of II I.IMllH IHMlltl.HHlltN Mltb l'l.llJ I.ITTI I! NTATlNTItUli hTI'l I' III HllllH IIOU' IT liOMlTheae were all Known lnl l'orlao ,j IN (IIMIItlJtH of Alliance men on charge nlted I'lrae Hertlca WAIilll.StllD.S. I I" .'tharltablo work lie In.uiurated. Mint of the chart ea data back aar- n jcara, and the rlrl. who made them are now ron up. He la aald approached Iheie itrli when them nrr, but they hare been ao lrl.tent that an InrcatUatlon waa found neceuarri Croricp hlmtelf t.etllled In eiplana- Upon the ground, that the lull If a retention of the ault filed bjr Hearr Itabbea amlntt flherlff Low, County Treaiurer Slemen and othera to In talldate county warranu to the ex tent of mora than a quarter of a mil lion, au anawer filed today In the flrat tult of It. N. Day ti. Low, et al, at tacktnc warrant., praya a dlimlaaal of the complaint and that the ault abate aa to C. C. Low and J. W. Slemeni, and In.ofar aa It affect, the warranti dracrlbed In the pretlou. aulL NEW EMIGRATION RECORD IS MADE Inx to Coaualalca by law 1 Town, ttarroaadad oet Thttw MaVo by a Hwaanp, la AtUcJte4 Alsajc Ua llallroail by the Comstita 1'rob.hlllty of ItebeU' Hucceaa TF..V THOl'rUND rtTCRi: CTTI. ZKX8 ARRIVED TODAY AT DK TK.NTATIO.V STATION HKXRK KXTKRIXO NEW YORK The anawer la filed by John Irwin, protecutlnc attorney for the county, I'nlted I'reaa Serrlc anil J. f Ttntanli and StnnM A flat I VPIV vnnir n.. 11 , . . - -H. -.., .. ..., .,M(, ,win4 tsw. aa. 4 bvw rac... ... - r.nrM,nlln, Ih. nthar riafanilanla . . ' UnltMl freM fMrTlC .-.-...-... m ,-w .-. ............-, nrn waa m-fl. UWX.V tOT arrival tkW t . - A --.- v. . ,,.. n.M ' '. United I'reaa Sertlca MEXICO CITY, Dec. 11. It la aa tlmated thl. afternoon that a thoaa and bar been killed la th fltbtlaf now In profrea at Taaako, whera th rebel, are attackiai tha city. The probability of a rebel nirea. waa Increaaad lata today, waa H waa learned that Oeneral JagaUar, wMk a forte of 2,000 "-illitia ar I within two houra of Taaipleo. - r ' ic In the aniwer It la contended that t. .hI, ,11 l. lu.kl. o t.., .. uu ,un Min, vj ,inviu p, nTUI Uil i N'ormbr 26th wu for th nupoo, n 10,000 arrtfed. emla-rant arrlraU at E1IU Ialand.. ,v. , ... WK WMI WUB Iratenlar rrelralnlnc tbrtu from In tarfrrinc with the Federation .-- FLOOD DAMAGE IS SEVEN MILLIONS: i H Healthy rorrrpvndnl are (ruat and Me ixnnlee by wrltlna roncrr. man. ahlla loral labor union. Ute more rixlly .j.tem of tategraphl arcordlnc to the oUenallon of lle rnwntallte Mann of llllnol., repub lican leader of the hou.e. "If. a ecullar Ihlna," ilaun re- lalra, "that fapllatlita anil mner wealthy men alrnoel uniformly eekj lb attention of ronremen "'rou,,lIttl, t It main, wniie lauor unin un' um the telegraph " lann bellei-, at lea.t far a. he I. ronredied, that a letter ri-elc )(, ,.t, more rareful cnnilderallon by a con- area.mau than a telegram In W'a.h ' Ingtou Telegram herK ar. often do- t lilted I'reu rU-rvlcu ... ...- hn.i.a Inal.a.l lltlllHTON. I'-C MTeieii i.i - -- . .. .... ... ,.,, ., of to ,l oram. They lo.e tbelr.uamaae i - - ,",,- ........... ,i....i... .r.,rinr In., of com 1 17 uOU.000 The f.nuera In the lira- re utrated attention. Ilrlef, ha.ty, nnn.ii alley ri.inmlllal rel.llea are often maile, anecieu ul... in teleiram.. when a letter ... ...... ..,,.,1... more lialll.taklnK COII-1 lllr iililrrfttloti. lror m t,ar. i.. .1 m L . . . ... lu-u wutr w nica ufccoDf r .Q ma ,11 ha. .t' "".!! 0n .?!f V " .". " d " ' U heM hl hU ' ' "' than M0 000 b V "' ' " t.r that I. already befor. the court..' than soO.QOO tcauio h waa out of hla mind. For! DR. LYMAN FOUND GUILTY BY JURY ami oinera, including Oeorgo hlmaelf. the charge., he aald, he auffered with hae been taken but eome time muat .erere headache, and at time did elap.e before the judgment will be thing., hi' friend, told him. which he rendered They may decide that could not recollect when normal. CURRENCY DILL THROUGH BY 20th W'.NMli.iit MifTrrlnK From Cold I United Prr Rervlce I WAHIIINdTO.V, 1) C., Dec. llr 're.ldent WlUon cancelled all en gagement, today and remained In bd doctoring a .evero coul, Hecretary l Tumulty aald that the Prealdent wna, .V r.WIMKItrt AUK aiitrrrlng from a cold when he attend-1 ...I ll.a. 11..I r ll- -a. llMIt lllllllll .1 nun a jaa.ai. ..... I ..wrirwr till Vr ' r ,iru ll" -nrraiuj. jciwaij, " h ur.nrji .miii.r. inr IIIIH ' ..-----.- i .,.. . ,u .. . ...! wiiii ii iiraiir nicrntiirti 11. innnvi Wll.l. UK COMfl.irri.l) IN' TIME TO ALLOW AN ADJOURNMENT Wagn Klgl.t o Kmoko ,. llolj,UH The women nf Salt I.akn City nro at.o Intere.ted In the amoka problem," anil recently ent n itltlon to tho't'ntli-d I'reaa 8or Ice mayor, which waa pneonnoieo;, much i WASIII.Ntno.N', . c.. Dec. 11. w.r.. ihe moat erlou.lyl,n,"lru,,u, "T "" "" "It la predicted today that tha cur- .delegation to the mayor, and ho x-'i,.Uci reform bill will raaa br D- ,u .... biainci mat me city nutnorille were .T,'fc.r"" '"r."!. irrlnii lo do Ju.t what the women V.W.I a.aia v out a . ' " which greatly aggravated It. Today run IH'NItlll.li AHi: KNOWN TO,ie pre.tdent haa a alight ferer. l,.c II Th flood ord waa mad. todiv e,n l.nta, uac. 11M aboard U baMlaaala Michigan, bait a mil oK ahorw aara. of tettlng th authority of th county ' The former record waa 7.000. The la communicating Tta wlieiaw1 wKfc court to Incur Toluntary Indebtednea laland la crowded aa a reeult with th (Admiral Fletcher, who I oT1 In eiceaa of fS.000. 'etnlr rant, and their good., etc Iregardla gth battl. Llad la Tho flrat of Day' aulu, attacking, . ling tbo Whit Hob In touch wMa the wnrranta laaued for bridge and Alngalka Captartxl by French Ith" 'cU- '' road work waa filed December 3d, and iinited Pre.. Earelr. ! 9Ten hundred Americana and MOUOCCO. Dec. 11. Fifteen were Kurop."lM hT ,ou,ht r,Ba to U killed and twenlr.twn wnBnd ,.iu'aie. ai iampico. wiMieta r- -culdlng a captain and a lieutenant. ln,?r,1,1from f" " 'b flM to the French rank, today when th. .ol.(Wd,,t ,n Mexlco, bll.t0T7' .d.lra of that country took th. elty of I ,7ho 'own ta '"rounded on thraa 'Alneal.k. from Ih. V,r. 'd bT Pi Th rbl ar . (attacking along th railroad, th only. will k.i.i. .h- i-..u- I mekM or tatr, " MtUnjf o uy . . .hope or rederal,rlaforcaaata. Thla will b Ladle' Night at the, LMt. .. I AL- . . ciaa mnib, wmD me memoera ok the lodge will ipend a plenant eren Ing In dancing and card with their wire, alatera and lady friend. Aa thla will b the tut toclal erenlng to bo glrcn by th lodge until after th holldaya, It la expected that there will be a Urge attendance. FRENZIED FINANCIER CONVICT ED OF lSIN(l MAILS TO DE FlUl'le Wl8 IN' JAIL HERE HEVERAI, UAYH hiiiulrr.l. more not mcounlrd wanted, and tlmt In tlmn th amok will be rtdaeai. Benson Johns Is Guilty Indian Is Guilty of Attempted Assault on Woman ,.,,.,, Jo tho Klamath Indian. Ili-m. Ir.u1 If '",;;;ll' ' f " ". . !,...i . .h.ra-. nf'iiot ccn.o followliiK until Mr, llorllhy .auuii.!! in nil it. atria uu a viii" .---- ntleiiiptliiK mi "" ul"m " Htephen llorllhy, ""l lly h n circuit court Jury tnat evonlng. He will ho aentoiirtHl In a few daya. The evidence of tho pro.ecutlon (..tided to almw that Mra. Ilcrllhy waa rldlliff lward her homo uoar Algoma limt fall, wli J"1111'. -"'""I"11 '"' tmlraled, approached her and offering her liquor, made Improper propo.ala. The woman raced hr hone toward npprarrd, 1 Im ilvfenao did not offor any evl deuce, following tho routing of tho .into' cu.iv lii.tetd, William II. Blmw, attorney fur Ibn redmnn. moved for n dlamlaai of tho rlinrgo ugnlii.t hla client, In lux tbo ovlilonro did not ahow uuy iviiintoil na.ault by the Indian. T ui. oorrulod by Judge Ileniou. Irl.li Exlilhlt IManncil Tho Irtaili aectlon of tho Pnnnmn-I'-iclflc International ntpostllon hai teen allotted 15,0(10 aquaro feet, and It Ii Intended to havo a repreienta the exhibit ot Irlih lineal, wooleai, lacca, illka, poplin., tapeitrlea and IcxtllM generally. Tho aectlon will hnvo the fancy lltlo "Shamrock We," , .....1 tliA UAn.ltte,il ni.i.1,ii.a nt !. ' ' i... ..it' ii ui. iik. .ill iiu.iuvia ui iiiu Irlfl, handlcrnfta will he elaborately dl.plnyed. A aerloua and carneat at tempt to ahow what Ireland produce und mnkea for ante will bo made. Rpeclmeni ot tho wonderful old bog oak furniture will bo shown. romber SOlti. Tho ronfretia are agreed that It will bo adopted In time to allow an adjournment December 13d for the holiday aeaaon. (iuhiK to llannll. Mra. I.oula Oerber Uuvr. thla after noon for Bnrriuuento to Join Mr. Oer ber, From thero they will proooed to Sun Fraucl.co, taking .learner thero uu (Im 17th fur u trip lo Honolulu. U. M, Onelll nppeared tor the atato. .la Intere.ted To Nevada. Chorion llaldwln '.eft Wednciday indn, to take charge of work on t extemlon of tho Comitock hla l owned by tho Novada Mining and Mllllug company of thU city, In which concern Baldwin rney Chorion laaalgMkJtand iMiiaaWt. M I'lmi (Irotv. Charlea Snow waa tn from hla I'lue (!rou ranch Wednesday, attending to bu.lne.a innttera. Mrrt limit n Vl.llor. A, Kallnn waa Wednesday a vlaltor In tho county aeat. He waa here to purcha.o auppllca for hla mercantile oatahllKhmont at Malln. i:, II, Ilamaby of thU city thl morning received word that Mr. R. C. Itumsby, mother ot hlmaelf and 0. K. Itanuby of Merrill, la aerlouily III at her home In Portland. United I'reaa Service 1.03 ANOKLKS, Dec. I In 1911 the trolley line of Oreat 11 Dr. JohnJHrltaln carried more than 3,000.000 Oram Lyman of Paiadena waa today found guilty by a Jury In the federal district court of mlng tho mill, to de treat. Lyman waa the leader In the Pana ma Land company aw Indie. I.) man' escape from an Oakland aanltarlum and flight northward I. well known In Klamath Fall, aa after hi. arret at takevlew ho wai brought hero and held leveral daya beforo be ing taken to await trial. pauentcra. Thl traffic wai carried on tn 13,000 ran. Significant alio la the fact that whereai In 1900' there were 37.000 hone employed In haul ing atrc-et can. In 1913 there wr only 1.500, United Pre Srvtc MEXICO CITY, Dec. 11. A Meoa4v desperate battle la ragtag at Tomoa. i according to lato dispatch; R ttart- j ed lata yesterday, and eonttau, alt last night. t f The war offlc say tn federals teak t the city. Inflicting a, lota ot lOO.JaM on the. rebels. Couple Are Married, ,J u Justice ot the Peace Qowea Ul afternoon aolsmnliad th saarrlaf ot . Charlea Wlllard and Jol Moor, both ot Chtloquln. Th coraay waa performed at the bom of Mr. aa4 Mra. Antonn PralrU. v p- t BARN IS SCENE OF THREE FIRES ROUERT HUXNKLL AND ViUNCtH IIOW.NE ARE KEPT BUSY EX TIN'OUlHlllXn 1IUUE DISCOV ERED IN INCIPIENT 8TAOE9 Corkery Case Starts Three small Are ot unknown or!- gl v were discovered thla morning tn the barn back of the Claremont, and wero extinguished by Robert Bunnell and Francis J, Ilowne. The fires ware caught before they gained any bead- way. The tint waa discovered by Dun- Jury Hears Story of Mistaken Utntky Airett Trial ot the damage ault ot John V. Corkery against 8horIff Low and Dep uuty Game Warden J. J. Furber com menced In the circuit court tUs morn. Ing. Thla afurnoou th taking ot ta- tlraony was started. Mcmben of the Jury are; W. D. Flnley, George Ehohart. J, L. Beck ley, C. J. Andenon, J. J. Keller, Joba DrUeoll, J. W. Jory. C. Kirkpatrlck, Frank Ankeny, Charles ir. Flackua, a E. Icenblce, A. A. Bellman. Corkery I suing for 110,000 dam ages for falso urrest and Imprison ment. He waa arrested by Furber last March on a warrant calling for the arrest of Chris CoaUy tor a (am law infraction chart. 'H'prottd that he was not the man wanted, b '-t.rVtali tr . dtrlaros, but was placed la Jail a-e-ar When Conley was afrt4, Cerkr7 ' was relossd by th oatatt,'a a- , knowledgtd tbey had mad a Shortly afterward tult far waa commncd again Law'a ) Iff, Purbar aa deaaty aWMwapi and deputy shwrlf, ad.WUHaai U Flnley, st,t gam wafwaa. Jt-eV Flnley demurreda'tt) aiaa1at on tba trouad that Um ttatiBT M named by ih tek aadfataa tmmtt' alon, and he w,ailt-f- ineir acia, t aw. waa -; J.H. Caraakaa' Duacaa aaaaar lf fSaNaaWaaaaMkaaaal .9- al. I la V v Ul . I n r H A x: - :H f ' ft ; t-t'-va''tlHyf-j' v" ' j " -J- r . - ' ': ' Vt m SO a 'j -t-K " -5 -m.1 ririBT.MiawJ'iMiaH) l nanto'.itiwAUrMMt'mfMMKt.'vriiiia atti.it.wvaarrMg-'3r -.,-, -i i'i-"' lgtp$qwam&mrM,mmi