1H '1 i CFI tlte fcujmmrj Mtmlh KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPKR PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS . X i:Z KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1913 ' Price 'five Cmn i jtitli Yenr Mo. ,BT Alleging Kent's Attack Is a Hoax, Day Would Become Party Plaintiff WWwiWMWWNWOWWMWWWWW WMMWMMNAMMMMMIMMVVMVWM ECONOMY TO BE SPORTSMEN WANT STEAMER HAS TO ALLIED ARMIES POLICY OF NEW WEST TO PLACE BREAK THRU ICE WILL BE ACTIVE IE FI6HT COMES COMMISSIONERS Explorer's Vessel Is Lost in the Ice uikji nt:iiH of iii:ia.tnr i iiki m mkntteiu: atam:m II I.IOIUM Is hV.ST III i'.rnui, i I'i'i it iii tMtrii i m.i: is i ito- l.. (Ml KI.MM ll.trt srni.Moi h inn i hum im:i, ii t it vt c.nii' MHMf'.tV SITUATION' I.IKKSCII to im)Xi:k runs Hour It fit lu llttti m Heroin. Wri Will .Value Flflli lril"T ( Hi I miner 1'inmiiiImIvii. r Uiailra I lkinl TtiU Arirou'W i TiMiK.f. lutt M,wallia-KitiM Writi I'm Tii lllgTi Till Yrr, IU)a IUu. lit. ate. I Ilr 1'iuuilar a lU.llial ItnleHlun III ll. anJ Illsr 'nmmlllion hrau ill Ml' '"J of Chrletm, hlpIH-,1 to Portland (HrfaM SwUI Nrfl) rUI.KU. ! 0 llm.iuuf IVhI nr.ounrJ that II Jl.000 waa eiprnd- tbl irsr from Hi gamn prolre iud fund uf lt gain department b Itf lurtnrr tt flih and gamr com ultilvn Tli monthly Mhditun tittfi Iruw ?.30O !. III it: I" ukUimI "Tbeir be lnn Iwi.iauili iiiui ' nl for bt tuinlnhr.t mM thr goteruur tJr 'Hr -ir r.uitilrx lliii coruioUilon, and placing II bit tUllltPM like tliul IWIIH-a III ! cut In hull it'll year " Temporaiy nicAiilmllou of ibr inmiiitua fllrd til l "" lrllon n( Cuinmlxliinrr lliln liilltnan mil Clifford rrrriim he tourhrfe ii f llir wanUn' nltlfr ir brlns audited Thr roinuiUalou linUr ilrciilrd i" ' ir IU hrd'llBttrr here Tli "13 ill thr nardma msy alu be "'"l l.'i (ruin I'litlliiiJ Wm naniM thr Mill minim iirr IimU, ' lnliiiiii luiirnlim ' l"r UtMl, LOW LEAVES WITH I UUM MUlVIINrKS buhd.ntr ' Mm end d.b lu I fill I lllUUIlLItU tint legion. II.- following telegram se riit lu (lowuor Wot by the I iiinulh Hmilinli' AoclaUuii. MIIIIHFF H TAKI.M1 ri.UlK AM ,.,, ..rumen's A..ocllloii. JOHN'HON' TO HALIIM TO VIM'ti ,t0 nmiwr,, mUay utuiilmouilj TIIrM IN' TIIK NTATi: I'lIVITIlV- ,.,. ; . Illl tut cccml CmIiiOI TIAIIV TO MKUVi: HKNTIIM'rW Allrr Lucklnc lf all Jar loo, Itiu 1'illraii Hay l.umti-r (oiuan)''a tramrl hlamatli fmrlitU Ita dink at itila nd uf llir UVr lair laat ulsllt. nirmUlliHi (it III Ki1'lnliMrul, ftidltiK Ita laat trlji on thr Ilka for .,! Ilr Will NM hrtir i llir "" Nalatlon i.N ttie bl pond la no rndrd KMir I iMiimlllrf. lilt Klmir), .. . .... . ' i llrarlnc Jaini' t Juliiiiou, lu Im- ItHrnilnii rnunl llir Siit rbaiicr nf lonnlmc oKratloni and about ilality mm mio)rtl under til HI III llir wla. llir alrainrr JH IMi.i.lc l.a Klamaii. ountr i i,caii lla Tur.day nuiiiiliit In ni in prinrariiialiuD no thr alala addition, llir cra!loai tolDK a Nrn Klrrllon Will Ilr llrlil In Mrtlro July I llli, KnlliiMlnK Die Orrlarlnx Vulil or llir I .1 lartlal lUllollnK.' Iluinoi' Kar llurrla lla I'nHiilaral In llr Full t'urililTtln lo Par- raiiia at Tlul Time. lai tliiJa. aaaaaaaa BBBBBaf iiBBBBBBBBBal iiil AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH HlaaalH I. II. Hall "nltad I'rau Kcrrlca MKXICO CITV. Ic, 10. Accord- Inic to ronfldentlal Information ulran-t Ut In be (Mj ,t (1(. rmbaiilra and coninlatrt. In the cvrnt of trouble thrrattnlnt 1hn trr aa fouud (n amiieNilacta forrlcnera berr, marlnti from tbe In to br an Itirl.r. lhlrk and In no lacr trrnatlonal flrtl moord In Vrra Crui ' m it lra tbbiitonr Incbra dlrp. harbor wll ba ruibrd here, niiir ! thr liicu. brllrtlnc the ( atatrd that tbe Unltrd Statu, ii-ami-r Mould br unable 10 nacb 'ianc and Encland har afrwl to1 ,j.l kjlknt aibnrr arn'M thr Irr, undrrlakn Iho protection of forrlcn mi thiiii to Klainatb t'alla orrrland, property, ahoutd dtordr come. "..uic i .lllTrtriil boura of the Thr) would oranl an allied force "' almllar to thr one arnt to I'ekln at' thr tlmr of thr tloier trouble. I iUh.I Omul WuiiM-n lUllui Aa a rrtulKuf.caacrraa drclarlnc I ,ka Ju.t pruril tbr Icelandic Ibr laat rlrcllon Told, It la conild- ' u lie M.i.'i'irlni: aunrariMi) ainiirn errd Kiilble that lluerta will re- u r ual ..Mii villi men Tim bill miln In offlcr for alt montha. If thr ,.-.rd for il.f ml iliitr in Julie, rcvi.lullnn dor not auccred. Sua ii nri.l. mil Ibr lana The chamber ot itcputlea hai called . i ilo Unit oi lriiiiiark l' Ix'-.a new elrUlon for July I llh, namlnc u u law ii will ! lamented lo lluerta aa piealdrnt meanwhile. ii.. in I rmiiK II nf ata:i by What appmra a partial conflrma. lum .er fri.m In und. whn reprr Hon nf the report of neKotlatlona be .. I. ..niiiiry :n thr liantati cab- twe.ii Carranta and lluerta la the Abort la ahoan Vlademar Stefaaa ,ii a. Hie iimi-iIi f i oin the rrnwn atnry that thr Carranxlatai are to be ion, who left tctt lummer to explore irni aiUocateil oman iiiffraur In riven a tolcr In thr attempt lo hold a l)lc jrcuc roelon for the Canadian . ,.a i n la practically aiiured Ihe lecal election In July, and cbooar n .,.,., .. ,. ,.. nh I fa I 'ikJ .BSJaWJaWJaWJaWJaWjSjSjaV aaaaHaflwiaaaV F i aBaaaaaBar aaBaiCDKaW ! iHjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfjfm LUMBERMAN MAINTAINS RABBES ANO BEFENDANTS ARE TOGETHER TO GIVE THE WARRANTS LEGALITY until aha neared home. Tomorrow tbe caae of Corkery aicalmt Sheriff Low cornea up. Low la ued for 110,000 for falie Imprla onment, aa be kept Corkery In J" oter nUht, bellerlnc him to be Crla iConley. wanted for a game law lnfrae- Hon. I Other law caw on tbe docket fol fel fol eow: I Friday Maddox va. Loomla. ! Saturday, Martin Dro. ra. Clark et aU i Monday Graff ra. Adami. ' Turaday Arnold ra. White. !IOM!.VG THAT HALIKXT POT AIIE PUnPOMXY OMRTaD FROM COMPLAINT Petition to Becoaae rarty PlaJaUaT ta I lie Hall of ttabo) A ! Ooatt, Sheriff, TraaratW aad HoUaw of Warrants Rtpreawatlaf IndatMirl- . mi ra Worth In the AhiiuIi Mora Than a Qnarter Mflltoa. WILSON WILL USE i iPHONETO ADDRESS That Henry Rfbbei and the) defend anta In the ault he" brought aanlnat the aherltr, count court, truurr and holders ot warrant worth bore than $150,000 are la eoilaafem to se cure ruling boldlai the warrant mild, la Ihe charge ssade by K. N. Day ot the Day Lssaber eoaapaay, who ' lis plaintiff in the aaajority of eatu SrUTF.D AT HIS DE8K IX THE EX. j Bled lately to invalidate warrants to- KCLTIVK' OFFICK, IRraIDE.T',u, h th ounty court. i Day'a.charge la made In a aetHlem WILL TALK IXTO SIX HUNDRED' lb. ., , ,h, ,. of R,8bi, . t'Mm ' Low et a!. In this, he aska to ee a Imlttaaaf ta III t SIIMI SI aaal n allsalaal ! I tiff. HU allegatles toUewa: ; Untied Preta Service , "That the above entitled salt la WASHINGTON', Dec. 10. Preal-'not In fact a bona fide, or geaalae, dent WlUon will remain In Waablng-. controversy betweea the peitlea ton today, but this evening he wlll therein named, but has beea amatl deliver an addrcsa to tbe 00 mem-ttuled a the lnatance aad request of bora of tbe Rocheater Chamber of 'the defendants as a part of aa agree- Hi .l.li the bill man aatlafartory to all faction!. Pickle, Pretzel, Ice Cream, Student Lunch Sheriff Uiw and Uyd l.o left tbla morning for Halem, taking. wl(ti tbeiu JoiepU Jolinaon and J. 9rk, who are to aerve IndelermlnaV-aeiitrncra In Ihn enltatlary. Johnson was convlctsu f burglary and Clark pleaded guilty In a charge nf lodomy. Orrgun member nf ibo alalo flab and ( uilvii frtt Service came riimtnlaalon, and reuct hi c,i:vi:i,ANI), Ohio, Dec. 10. A jl.polntmenl by you. lUfclft ,,r,.t.l and a dlali of Ice "Our Mill and game I our grcatcal reaourre. ami Ibr e.crll-nt ork done .im -llial'. ah.t .ed to con.tltuto In tbe paal ear lll bu li unlca i. lunch nf n Cloelaml high school we havo reprcacnlatlon on iho board. r(r A pn f lu,r0 tuberculin letMl uKrlior mIhi brought about the change, "that's thr theory wi hate been working on. It's lb best psy chology to get pt-opto to ilii a thing because It I a pleasure, not because they ought to. "Wo mado lunch room proprietors Klamath county I the mint l'f'' mltlli howl of hot soup snd a sanil-!put In tuberculin tested milk In placo Krcuho game aecllon, not only of w ct tlitat'as Iho now menu of the ma- of the milk of a lowor per cent of - -,-H .... (Continued on page 4) Elihu Root's Peace Efforts Are Rewarded Jorlty of Cleveland high school girls butter fat, and got the girl to drink for luncheon today. Strict aupcrvUlon of high school lunch rooms hss worked tho change, from an nnwhoUaome, illgeitlvo do .trnylnK diet to a wholcaome, health proiliiclug luncheon, without any op prMlable Increase In cot. "Wo don't eat things becauo we , ought to, but bccatno we llko to," a. Id Dr. K. A. reterson, luncn ruuui tit by putting up atlrnclho poitera ad- vertUIng It. Tho hardest Item to re place In the girls' menu was the Ico cream. Hero agsln no retorted to psychology, and had sandwiches dls plaed In tempting atyle, all tho while, discouraging the eating of Ice cream at lunch. Needless to say, tho girls do better In their studies on the 'com mon sense' diet." Partlett, commanding tho ship Ksr jluk. In which the expedition started. Advice from tbe froten north are to tho fact that the party haa met with grief. At first It was reported '.I.. ll. .....1 .van. Mwn wrllk nil 111.11 lug tvMVi ..v.. vnM ...... mi. on board, but Tuesday a menage said lo bo from Stefamson conveyed tbe Intelligence that tho ahlp waa blown to sea during n storm, with part of tbe crew aboard, whllo tbe remainder went ashore to hunt Strfaniion, It Is said, bolleved the thlp was solidly froxen In before be nent ashore. As Captain Uartlctt waa aboard no anxiety Is felt for the sailors. There Is no dangor of barm coming to 8tpfausson's marooned party, as tho explorer Is acquainted with every northern condition. He haa made many discoveries In the frigid xone, and waa tho first to find the white Kiklmo. In the executive oQce. will talk Into n telephone, which will be connected with 600 telephones placed about, the Kocheiter banquet board. Thla Is the first time the president has attempted such an experiment. and he only did It after much pleading by United Statea Senator O'Qorman, after he had found It Impossible, on account of press of business, to attend tbe banquet In person. Wanted A leader Uulted Press Service WA81IIN0TON. D. C United Preas Bervlce CHRISTIANA, Dec. 10. United Fats Senator Kllhu Root of New Vork waa today designated as the man to rocelvo Iho Nobel Posce Prlie for the year 1(11. This selection Is made by Ihe commission, after care ful study ot ovents In all parts of tho world. The award to Root was made be muse of the splendid work ha per formed as secretary of war and sec lotary of state In tbe work ot pacin cat'on In Cuba and In the Philippines. Dec. 10. in. work In settling tho thrssteued ,,..,, a.rYira examination headquar- dliputo between Ibo United Statea tcr lloro soundod !'ke a Gorman band mid Japan thl l'rlng '! uramorl barracks todsy. The toot-toots and va uWo takeu Into conilueartlon. (a.ra-tas camo from a score or more The Nobel prlae" r awards from ()f .mnocer" who nro candidates a speclnl fund of $9,000,000 set aside for ,no ,,0,uinn nf leader of the or hy the Into Alfred llerunrd Nobel, ctl0trtt Bj band at the federal prls which nro bestowed annually Po0n at Atlanta, tla. Iho world'a most dlitlngulshed men for tho year In ', " iMb. Hugh,- Hoovering. ror "l J,;";; ho 'of West Mam street will be pleased to El! o h - " ""t iU0 " M' rocover,n' from thn recent case of Infection which haa caused her so much suf fering. Some time ago Miss Hughes pricked her finger with a needle, and paid no attention to the alight wound, but It became Infected, and has given her a very serious time of It. At one time It waa feared that It would be necessary to amputate her aria In or der to save her life, but happily tbat was not necessary. Visiting Ills llrother. Mr and Mrs. Orb Campbell and W, T. Lee nutood out to Ibe home ot Mr. Campbell's brother, Will Camp bell for a day's visit. COURT CALENDAR FIXEU FUR WEEK TRIAL OK 1IKXSON JOHNS NOW IN PltOflllKSS DAMAGE SUIT AGAINST THK SHERIFF la) UP NEXT Trial ot Benson John, an Indian, who Is charged by Mrs. Stephen Hsr- llhy with an attempt to commit statutory crlmo, Is before tho circuit court today. C. M, Onelll and W. H. Shaw represent the prisoner, and H. M, Maunlng appears for the state. John, according to Mrs. Herllhy, drew a gun and pursued her. Both wero on horseback, and tbe woman managed to keep ahead ot the rod Commerce, who hold thslr annual ment and plan whereby tbe parties banquet there tonight. 'therein nsmed have wrongfully, and The president, seated at hta deiklun,w'u,Jp- ai '" '"l" to de- Women Outgeneral Coal Uaroas At Flushing, L. I., a number of so ciety women clubbed together and purchased a barge load of coal. They reduced the price through this co operative buying 11.25 a ton from the rrlce ot 17.15 tbe retailers had been charging. fraud this Intervsnor, and every ether taxpayer of Klamath county, eocv iplred and conferred together, for the purpose of hampering, delaying aad preventing the validity of the' pre tended warrants enumerated rsv.plata-. tiff's complaint. 'aad tho reuactlw rights and duties of the eeadaaU with reference thereto frets being rightfully and properly adjudleated by this court, to the ead that the de fendants may by manipulation of tho pleadings and suppression of xeaterlal facta, fraudulently Impose upon tbe court to secure some.. decree which would purport to permit the payment of the void warrants therein enumer ated, and by ssld particular decree and other fraudulent aad collusive (Cootlaaed on' page Government May Own Phones and Telegraphs Unlte'd Preis Service WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 10. That tbero Is a concerted demand ev erywhere lu tho United States for public ownership ot the telephone and telegraph systems, and that the gov ernment la considering this, wag made plain today by Postmaster Al bert Sydney Burleson. For a long while this forenoon the head ot the mall service was closeted with President Wilson on the topic. Following this, be said It was being considered seriously, but that there would be no hasty action. ' "The questions certainly broad ones, and yet It is plain that there is a widespread feeling that thla step Is the logkal ono to succeed tbe par1 eels post. The people want the heat methods obtainable, aad naturally de sire Ihe speediest methods of com munication. Tho president's mind, llko my own, is opes to "boavlotlon, end Investlgatloaa are .being oarrled on both in this country and abroad, to ascertain tbe beet polate osaesrasd in tbe question.' I eateet' I will have something to say alemg, tab, line hs my annual report- I two long talks with Hsrbert I tbe head of the Bag tern on thla gubjeet, and waa to Arid that he agrees UnU atsme m the. direction of, ggTsrsTmielMriasi ship or control' of these asMHIw maet soon be serlenety, iimUwiI.TMsvS tiove would Uve the' MMsK '! ot propertlee ! free ts)M ooo to is0B,o,m."! , q ' . . f,v4ij .8.1 , .f . ' v jw Mg3iatjaABj !j