.ul " a if I ,tl IVV4 ' ,t 1 I ft Sfye iEuntng 1Hralil KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NI.WSI'APISK V l PRINTS THE " NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS h 1 n i .- jj i n n i n Priea Ptr OnU KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1913 ,..(u ; r- W . W. Patch Announces Candidacy for President of Water Users Ass n. WWWWMWWMWWWMVVNWWWWWWWWWVS MISERY AND SUFFERING IN TEXAS AND MIDDLE WEST AS RESULT OE nil ii rtf Id operate thee l danger l mid food famine liB tfl illlHIMltllf III liftlil i hi: iiu i:iimhi or i i:.h i aki limine or iu:i.ii:r ttnitti within mi si ii llrlitrt'a Himim Murm I!ikU lietay. After Tall "t Netl I mir I r In four !) I ! and I m I amine U I'rll, llilii. U Hi 4 HUlliUHII, Hl 1llli. Irlr(ta. and IMIirr 4NtntlMlltil(llw lrtrtrl l'nlte.1 I'reea (Untrr WIVANT. Tri t Ko l.r llir death lltl In llm plraeai Ii"l la ae enlr-li. and II I (KoihC dalli A number nf iraldenle lleaine lui hilr been enlaced In fewue ink bate nut been found and II l feared they have perlthed llotrmurll II I'iiI'IUIII la ilKrrtitK the relief work. Molur UMla ale being ed It) (ft Ihr (wopta who aouelil aafair In tfret A number of peopl who re aen In abandoned hnutee rabbul l found Horn tatmera nt their lainlllra lb eately lu boat, but refuted to Wale Ihemttltee, In order lo be able In at tend lu their rattle Thete are be ing reamed, hall etarted and Heeling I'nlttil I'reeaHervIr HAN PltANCIrtCO. Iter t -The torm In Die Rocky Mounlaln dltlrltt hi practically aral)ed rommunlra. lion with llm lUtt. funeral fur (our da. There li.no In ipaimodlr rommunlratlou with brtn nu nulla rerelted here. Itenver It waa learned that although Ternty paengrr and tiumeroua IheanuwIatS feet deep on the level, (rr-lxtit Iralnt arc italled near the. In lare ll drifted to depth of 13 (1,r, feet. The aim appeared today. Linemen are desperately working1 . . to feature communication, but llh n. lewii Cuiili nfflrhU little aucrw. hai.KM. ! 6 That ctrry roun- i official ma know eiArtly what hla I'nlted Preaa Sertlra duties are. Stall- Imiiraiiro Commit- DALLAS, lire. C. Hiuart Ander- ,fr j w. KirRiin. ho Kill nlo on ,lf and four rhlldrrll rm tw, ,MI, Arriniiillil alter llir llrat of iliownrd nt Marllu, and tlirlr homo ,,, )rttTt lf a, a v I it k thn U f rlnln- drtri)rrd hr th' Dioi. tn lxll "' '" imt in i-rli nniiily ultlro rlnxlllp.l niiJ lam crowd. ELKS 10 HONOR THEIR DEPARTED MIMIIItltl, hlillMI KS uii.i. m: iici.h iiimoiiiiow i:vi:mmi at iiiiisinvh ormiA iieihi: Ml IKi: Will. Sl'CAK Tim annual iiicinurlal KcrvkK of the KHa l-odit. will Ui held louur m ptciiinc at u'clork at I lie oiru Iioum- Tbo addreaa will bo dellvcrrd bjr Hon II K Jlulkry of Mcdford. and thn ruolotr will be (Wen If Judc' Herbert H Dale All inrmbera of lha l.'lka IMlxe will meet at th hall and inar-ii in a body Hi the opera homo. The memorial Mtilm are open to Ihr piibllr and otrryoiio la Invited to aiund Huerta's Troops Deserting to Enlist Under Carranza Flag i NEW liARAGE IS NEARLY FINISHED MM.tlliWS iaTI.T Itlll.KIMl' wii.i, hi: rim: moor i.v r.v. r VMX ltll'IX.T MOIIKIt.V MA ( IIIMIItV lli:i(l I.NHTAI.I.KlV U, k$. SSfc.. u. WtjffV-ifWf. u& JL rs i r a" l :sJariJ : U7.JaSal'l1 JURY CONVICTS 1C0-0PERATI0N IS josephjohnson; ucking. m THE ENGINEER O.M.V A Ti: MI.VCTK DKI.IIIKKA.I I i TIO.V TAKK.V I.V THK CASK OK VOUMJ MAX CHAHOKI) WITH iit'iiniait' After ten minute deliberation thU1, afttrnoon. the Jury empanelled la the caie of Joeeph Johnaon, returned e i erdlct Ondlnc him g ullty. Johmon, with Arthur White, waa arreatcd at Cblloquln, a abort time a to, charted with burglarlilnj the tent of Joe Martlnai, and taklnc t0 from hi clolhte. Thojr both entered pleat of culltr. but Friday ther cbanxtd the plea to not fulltr. White will be tried Tueidar. WILL OCTLIXK A DETOOTK TLUfr FORM AND WORK IT ALL OCT .CUSTOMS MEN I CONFISCATEARMS In a Stateanent Today, Mr. Patch B clarea Ha Caa Redaco Preaatat He penara of the AaaodMleei iaat Oaa Half, and Will Kadeator to Brla About the Proper RalaMoat Be twee Towm aad Coaatry aNafl !,. Willi the aurreaaca ctfhe Carrantaittlll mora draertiona from Huerta'al 'fortea In Northern Meilco, the mr. The fact that they tare re-J IUIK COXSIOXMRNT OP GUNS, Kit.'., AUK HnZKD, HUT MANY CLAIM THAT I'ltOCLAMATIOX WAS M.K TOO laTE ecltred 4io lar for three month! U Idl, noarlna- com-jj,,. f the co , fl(1)t for c,rran MvnX w UcUchncnt, and .proclamation recentlr Uaued 'nt , ntr tw irel " -lint i. of concrete. -and tbo ron.tltutlonallataa. low a battery of artillery, taken on J" 'Po"o ' "" lnto1Irnd'i',f,'7"e:J'"mi!r. Aa the rebela draw cloaca to the.tbe paraile cround at the National "--"- "' "y ... "",-J.-" ZLt: Z,ZZZ7 It I. e,.ected that there will beh'alace In Mexico City. iconn.cat.d larito coraUnmenU of majlnable n bulldliir P eo- l.tiiriimr O. II. iihiiitt alrunct I or lluerla'a m II tarr force i "'"" " '"' " " -u.u. -. II... new e.rae. belnis built nl!.rilllu; dw,n,h,n,, Uuo to whole-1 r""? .mUCb dUton,eDl amon ,he United I'reaa Serrlce Mketlew by lir ll. Hily for tordoi..,0 ,M.oi.a by the federal troop. in , ,1IMP ,,. i. .ilown " BELFAST. Dec . Obeylni . iiaiuwiii, it ra Pletlon The bulldln with an oil rojm In a brick vault with Are proof doora. A lira wall, extendlnie all fo't above the building protect It on all aide. The main door In front la alitcen frrt wide, with a aide door of four teen feel New and modern machinery I be ing liiatalled III the machlnn ahop. Wh.n IlliUhrd It wilt be the brat equipped icaraicr In Southern Oregon. W. W. Patch U to be a Millaait for preildent of tba Klaauuh Water IUiera Aaaoclatloa. Announcement to thle efaet M i made today by Hr. Patch, .who aaa ijuit been relieved of the; )' 'ment of the Klamath project hy J. Q. Camp. "The official actloma of tba ath Water Uaera Aaaoclatloa, ly thoae of the director, have always been contrary to any Idea adraaatat by the resident ot the city." tald Mr. Patch. "Thla I particularly traa hi regard to any Idea advaaeed by taa Chamber of Commerce, "" - - Between theaa two ormtaall . really the meat Importaat la taa NEW FOOTBRIDGE FOR HOT SPRINGS, FRATERNAL MEN I A. R. VETERANS ENJOY BANQUET ELECT OFFICERS! i MKMIUUIS OF I. O. O. 1. OKT TO-j.NK.W OKKiriAIJ) WILL IIK DULY rifle, bayonet and ammunition. try. I am aatUfied that there u prac- The leader of tho antl-homa rule,l!lr no undenUndlas betweea movement ridicule the proclamation.1 luo " cnargo m ih water tnrriint i.v homii-comixg axi PI.IIASA.VTI.V pass tin: kvi:.v.' I Mill HOlltS I.NSTAI.LKD I.V THKIK IOSI TIOXS AT A JOIXT .MKKTIXfl WITH CORPS. and claim thatt he UUtcr Tolunteer are already organlied, armed and thoroughly equipped. Irge quantttlea ot ammunition were smuggled out of thlt city laat night and concealed In the country. The unlonltt boait that they will eontlnuo the Importation. The liberal pre of Ireland and Kngland applaud the proclamation. United I'rea JWvlfo IIKNVKII, l. -The anowfall haa atopped Klnrn Monday 1 6.7 llirhe fell. Tho city haa auapclidrd nil bualneaa, and It trying lo remote thn mountaliia of drift. On account of the Inability of wag .. implied Thla l tho flnt time i(h a rodinratluii ha eter been inmlo. Cnrb rounl) olllclal will ha- In cum pail form ull the U reUIIng to hit iilflco ii.vMii:iiots ami siiniiv ciiosh ion pi:itiLSTitiAxs. inter ' now iijulpped Willi n lei phone ao lbc are nil tlmeit In rommiinlrntlon with the turfaco. Tho annual liomo-comlDR eclvbrat- At a mvcttne of the F. II. Spraguo i d hy Klamath Idgo No 137, I. O. Pott, No. IG. Orand Army ot the Re O. F. nt their regular meeting Friday public, late ycitcrday afternoon, the IMi oVCIt CANAL W ltr.Mi:i)li:i j,,,.,,, wa, one 0, ho moJt Pnjoyatile following officer were elected for IIV Tin: llt'll.ni.MI OF llltllMli:Kniu.rng. that body ha had In aome'tho cmuInK term: lime, and wa attended by ifpproxl- i.olt Commander ....K. B. Ramby Imatoly aoventy-flte member, of tlie'Sculor Vco Commander.O. A. Stearn. icrdor. I : ... i (Junior Vlco Commander. . .O. A. Scltx mv icKuuir oruvr i)l uunucu r 'riHl.. o, n.. w Tr nnh.,l,nn Chaplain Do wo like our new brldgeT Well, ..... .T... . .. ay, pard, wo arv iiniiKing omo oi nnlthed varly, and tho brotbrcn gth liirnliig It Into n toll road." 'ered 'round tbo banqquet board to Bid Madeifor Hatchery Lnrkln Stucker Thn rttiini iillrAfti vam nnnntntAd So apakn lloli AlcJander, tho ogo.eiiJoy a genuine Dutch Lunch, follow-'. , b ,h rommndc, Th.y wih of Hot Spring Addition, when naked, ed by cigar and after-dinner talk. Ia tfl ln,tn,IeU cary (n January at how tho people In that part of town. Among thoae bo wore Introduced, a joint mooting with Bprague Chap llkcd tho now method of crotalng by tho Noble (Irnnd. acting a to,Mt-jter, Women' Relief Corp, tho goternment canal at Kaplanado. matter were; Rev. K. C. Richard. j ii any nil other retldenta of Hint dl-'u, v. Tower, Frank Armitrong. T c ,)f , trict. .Aiiuy ivcrtnner, tieorge itumpnrey. Stone Says This Was Last Act of the Commission,' r On account of tlio elevation of tho Dr. F. M. White, Dr. Oco. II. Merry- ennui, (hero la n alopo on each eldo'mnn, Fred Peterson and Dick Willis, llm bridge, niul going toward Hot . Spring, It I stoop enough to cauo iiimiv ituto to take the srado om "Thure appoara lo bo aomo mUuu-,ilui-o Thla bid. iiccon.piii.led by a;U) ,,,,.,,.. T,ll(( lM , Uanger-I no ralaed! I Jamc A, Thompson left today for California points, where ho will pond the winter. "Thure appeara lo bo .01.10 mluii-(iluio Thla bin. iiccouum.. ;, high," Thin liaa made ilerJ. ding !" ho bid Ju.t made tertlrted cluck for ono-lenth of iho,,,,,, fop ,ieUMlri.ni. by Han.. Warden Flnloy Mr Iha'amm tv. -out t Vn.l.U.Kt m. , ,horo , Hnrln. Creek hatchery .I.e." W '". Uer ta. -;o up lt U, (0()t .. tho act I CoramlMlonor Charle K, Btono to day. "Thl bid wa a commltilon before they Portland laat week, ao logal. "Thl, by tho way, wna tho laat nltlclnl act of tho former atafo llh and game coramlttlon." At tho final mooting of tho comml alon, Uia haUhery lit mattor. waa titkeu up, and Mr. Flnley wa In structed to mako a bid for Ita pur- Mui ileimrlinent ot mo interior, u urn r a uttw --- ... ., uthorlied by tho tho land desired U on tno viamutn hey apllt up al'litdiim reaertutlo... liter alnoo the mv ' " I ....t.dl,. una err and they fi.h uihI game coiiiiiiImIoii wa cro- nted, effort hn nm,1 t0 80 euro tho Spring (Took alto for n cen tral hntchory. II I iuidertood tlmt Iho hatchery may be operated Jointly by Hi tnlo and tho government. In that cno, Klamath county will supply oil PrU of tho Kat with trout fry. .. . .......ii-.t , .. w.ll. ,t.viiili iIaah WtTO COUipeillMi ill niun iin mvv,. . mud 111 tho winter. To remedy thl. Iho city hna Jiut built n soparalel bridge acros tho canal for pedoa- trlaiiH, high, dry and rnfa 'I'wenty-llvo year ago Argentlnit had to Import It Hour. Today It Dell wheat to the world, tho annual harvest vnluo amounting to move than 500.000,000. (gP Kred Houston, Who will mako "lomo nolto" at tho Klka "Die Noise" December 18th and 19th. Infant Dlcx. Tho Infant son of Mr. and Mr. W. H, Ayre died oarly thl morulas. Tho babe was only a couple of week old. Ilortl In Town. Rex Bord camo In this morning from hi ranch near Olene, and will remain In the city over Sunday. In tho first qutrler of this year tho birth rate of Rnglaud and Wales fell to tho lowest flcuro ever recorded, 2S.S a thousand population, tho rate for tho entire United Kingdom being only 33.9. Lane Thought to Have Received But One PetitiM Dciplto tho fact that Secretary of i timber on the reservation la larfalr tho Interior Lauo thl week retu.ed " ripened, and that It Is fof'tta best interests ot tne laauuM aaa a. to grant Klamath county lumber In terest tbo right to drive log on tbo Spraguo and Williamson rivers, local people believe tho order will event ually be made for this concession. "Tho creator numbor ot petition that were mado out wero sent to the Oregon senators, Chamborlaln and Lane, ou account ot tholr party affil iation," atd a prominent man today. "So far a I know, Congressman Sin nott rvcolvod only a copy ot the reso lution of tho Chamber ot Commorce and the Sportsmen's Association. "Tbo big petitions wero mailed to Washington only a faw days ago, in fact, I do not thing that they havo been received there yot. These may cause tho secretary to change his mind. "Tho blggost petition Is signed by more than COO residents ot the coun ty. This sots forth the (act that tha concerned to remove It before tka. tree begin to deteriorate la vslu. "This also poInU out the fact that' tbo use ot the rivers Is the only praa tlcat method to get the timber to Ua1 mill. i "Besldos this petition, paMUeaa, along the iamo Una havo been drswaj up by the county democrat aad ra-t publican central committees, (be) stala ash and gama com alssloa alto IsitM; nttlin Th Dnrfl.ttil ?t.e1kA !. Commerce will also urge Las to os'aag tho Sprague and Wllllssuoa Hv logging. e"j "la addition to tbett.aeUtfNsV Klamath Indians art also to bo cent to Washtagteav utilization of the sUsmm tar' mral nurnoaaa. fatkar tfcaa far pastime of tourJa 'isf.MMa, all preaaated to tba sewaam ttv change hU aslad at MM mtttfmf M vs,V!iaK?cs-wHwi t, Uer Asaoclatlon and taa tawaa- C I people. There are too many private j I most beneficial results. "I am going to be a caadUate tar president ot the auoclatloa at tka next election. I will soon outllae saj platform, which win be largety eaa to get matters down to a practical bast and promoto the proper teallag tt rAjinjirallnn ttr ihj. nnil tit thm It U said that 90,000,000 broom ,county, and If I am elected, I will fol handle ure ucd annually In tha low this out, and sea It I eaa't stop United Slate one for oach man, wo- w.w-ewwwwe man and child. (Continued on page 4) Open River Is Expected ' "id tie, '",$ l&A-' m . ' ' I - - - . 81 1 mm i- m K yj'.. D i mtrkti 'M U l' v mm i,