Ettimmn Itteralib KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE )t NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS U.lilll tair- .No. a.3iltf KLAMATH FALLS, OKEGON, FRIDAY, DECEM13ER 5, 1013 Price) Five b IE WEST'S ATniUDE J. G. Camp Succeeds W. W. Patch on Project ATTORNEY GAME OFFICE MV IIIUMIhhION Ull.l. Ill sou ii nils i:i;i; n tin: i.hmiiimmi pal'. 1 III. ( trl. lag I ' """ I anlltlM pa UN tfifiuHl ll li. II. lirll) IUIn t 11,. art, a ho .If ! I. , ,..iHir.i .. r i..i..wr i. ii.. ,h" " " tn'n4 """ ' ,r Urn al eltrtnl .' IMlwr Mrmlirt-i ( llir II.n.i.1, rt ,,kr ,hf, ,),, ,.f ll. I ItnnM nr. III. I(i-.lglialluii ! aa !' ! "hi I ' In li imii In alanlel'ir. ' U..I Ili.l.U llr ll 1 1"- HUM ... . ..r. thai lit (Mltrr llliialil hrUI fveMlir) l I VI Ibr i .Vtliirlir, l.rurial tods' lirlil III an .uilriliili itai ibr m.iiiU'ia til llin tUIr flab and ( ummluluii bn rlill) ir.lgn nl mltirt I hull rvllialU UH lt aid a llli lmllll.lill-r KlMirr ' u utihImt. nnJr III U laafurd maintain, that Will bail ui ili power III abolLti llir . nlHtuH iid A.mrdlng lu llir klloltir) genual. -am appolnlre ulln a. a tiirnlbrr at ih board uiilll Ma auccraaor t natnril Tim gnmuor ttlll llnlata thai hr dad a rla-hl to arcrl'l the tra Knstiuna ul three mclnble brfotn naming t ! o I r sutceiaots. VWil cannot crrit I lie inalgntlloii "I I (Irorgri II. Kr'lr of I'n'Maiiil. because lis was appointed lir Dllli member ul llir lioatil by l"' nrr luur rnmmliitniiere Ther must t upon It t at resignation "lie guternnr will name n H"h -U gaum roinmlsalon till ck Ball Team Plan Started for Klamath Falls Publicity Stunt A put,!,,,., p ,b.l .III r.l. U.. ,' b,?rt,"ulb".C,,.W,io Unlh r.ll. I. now MM pLihi.'! ... ..,. uuamr,. men. 'It,. ..r.iP. mil (iiiuma in (ouiiiiik n n" 'mm fniiii Klunmlli Vli m lo,ir HiroilKli llir Mlilillo Wml "liil " 'rul ainlivt tlilt niiiilnK imaiiu. It la I'vllinwl llita inn bo rcouiilUlioil llli mi iiiiiuiuit nf iiiiiiiiiy i"""" Unit ll linnlly cuunla nl nil '!! t I . u ...ill. l Mllltl in luiiu ia in umuiftu " i " Mi-iifotii n u aturior, MoiiiuuLiuiyliut Urn niiiiiaia of tliu UllliiK ivatr. iHI l iiAin'iiara m m" iiihii ".. wl.kl. U tl.o nrrntiKi-iiu-iil ',,,, ouito, iiaum. HU'. nml i"'')r ; Ki.ii.i- will. i:uRnu, i:uk..iu. i".n. ';;",, ,;,, i,m, and i llin iniuii...H (rum Mcilfiinl l i:ufeono. '" K J,r , xcll,loii uullim "ml o mi rnuml tlio circuit, cucli clly "" ,r . mMlxe lln lr fr "eiirinK I'lpensca nnii irnnspiiiimivu 'roin Iho city Inat played In. Tho tour iuiiiii inns uo viiiiniiuu iiiroiiHii -nil states, the return trip to bo, of iourae, over n illffurtiit roulo, making ii clrrlo nml returning llirougli Call rnrnla, iaylng tho last gumo lit Wood. ThU would limit tho eipvnso to mil loud fnro from Wood to Klnmntli i'nlls. Klamath Knlla baa matorlul for a (last A team, all that will bo uecef L HOLDS THE SIIU IN l I l ltrtlrt I I t. . il . I . I. SltlliS ilia allclill-.l' H i f IHt ( lo "'gali'l l r . Kg lli rfclMre abd girl- I i t, i I t . i. l r il A FALSE ALARM KILLS TWO MEN I lltl UTtlltit lll-IIIMi ! yl I.M II l I'lll'l.l' III ,l- mtsii ni -' i:iii. tur in in I nllrd I'"" ",l"' I ......... itk... ii . Two Olv m,i, tro Mile-, ibn tri floulr InjutrJ anil Jnn lb ' tlUhllr but " ,, P'"1' ot flt" nHrtu rnlllilnl an U" ttfiH-U l Ux rim nr roiiiiaulra ! rublii In ,rili,.. i ll"' o19"" ""' ,rom ii.r liiiriiiiuiil IIrfr rompa it . iUti May Travel k.v ' 1 , to ,,,,.,1- .ir.nK ' ' ,.,,. rottUu. ,1U u IHirilllN ai.ui " " -"llun"llroiiu. whol. mllu...u..broi.ow.wlllnnl''''" to lake hit turu with Ambrose aud 'Hun m l.I.M Ui6r lll,hoHpokn.,on.yl...K...:'.;'' .iiiaout Ho l'"""" """" ." great Waller Johnson ai .... l,. uu.) I...! Ibo Bi ,-,"- scorn. . . , . , IrtiHii. Ambro.u. M'.i..c.' .. ii V'.iial A I. prim it niM. rt...i...i... luvuill. .mh'i. ! VMllOUl iiiiiiii, "" - , . .,... in4 ..r tho game and tho Bood of the city of Klamath Kua. It is probable uiai mo ' .. .. ,i..i. tho direct mail' nnnuKvu ivi m...... i uKemoi1t0fthoCl.iimberofCo......erco In I'roiu llonausu. .. ll lln.ii.nllr Vlllld WlfO Of UO- uiiisu nro boro for u short visit. Thoy will bo boro sovorul duya, trading mid Ultlug before returning homo. Former Mayor of Syracuse Indicted I' irr M i ill l M l.Ulll) o H)i.ruir l brllrnt In bf aoiniv h-ri in tin' Wrat Indira or South Ami-rtr In' he left W York City uildVnlr Ibr othrr day when l.r irarhcd iIip ruiirliiilnu Hint lit" ould It Indtdtxl by I ! Krnml Jury or N York rounly. .n Indictment una louiid nunlnut hi in Utrr. and II cnuxlit ami ronvlcliil mi ilio (hamn of aollcltliiK n rumpaltn runirlbullon from n corporation lis ma) arm onr )i'nr In llic penlli'n liar) Mtilulrr It li charKi'd. drniandoil tu.tiini of llin I'nloii 1)11 Company of Callfnriiln lo put It Hi n poaltlon AluTr ii inulJ ii-ll oil to conlrnrlori on alnlx lilglivin)a Thro ugh I ho itntn lilKliuai di'pari minit hli li m.u rou Irnlliil ! Tnuiinatir Hull, Mctlulro nun miiipuaiil lo I'ViTflfo aufllclvnt lulli, .!,. lo cot ttm Callfnrula con urn a produrl ucccpti'il. .Mrilulni baa been Intlurnllal In Now York alntv polltlra (or tome )i'iua Ho him bci'ii nii'iillonrd na tho lii'UHhrntlr cnndldnto for gov i ruor Juat ulint Ills tlnnurlal rein lldiiii Inuo been wllh Olmrlca K. Murpli) ( Tnmiunny llnll will mil bo knoHii till Ilia trial, l( bo la caiiRbt. ROBBERS CAUGHT IUO CUWIItttM c.utiniM! SJ..ODII iv (iiii.n AiiitiMri:n in iMi'i:it. I.ll. V.l.l.i:V'IOW.V ILMII.YTHIS MOItM.Sd fulled 1'rcss Servlro i:i. CIINTHO. Doc, 0.- -Two cow Imih, ileilarvd by oillcort to bo tho men who robbed tho Vordo Valley bulk nl lll)thu ot S,00fl, uud killed tho cashier, wero urresled hero thin moriilng Tho nun bud 0,000 lu gold be-twi-iii Iheiu. Thoy say thoy aro from l.os Aucetet. wvwvwwwwvwwwtwwwwwwwywwMwwiww E- THF 0D0 FELLOWS Ul IM.llll IHHII MI.I, t III.I-- mini, -mi- i i. . ri' mii ll.MUIII Willi IMI iujt:irr Klamul. lXKlro.Sd IS;. I.O O K ijll K'ulirali' tbrlr anniiiil lioiui- uiiuiia dallval loiiUlii kIIIiu fi-i-d ami iiiinkir. and ntrty Qdd IVIIoh wiililn nath l ' I nl to br at ilio ball lonlghl. TMa (ratutv la uu annual altair and niriiii to knit wore clonelr thv bunda or fraternal brulbrrhood by iirlnieiiiK I hr brotlirra toEclhrr In a .octal may. li!r lioin l m tmiikcr and ('-I Ilio . ommltli-v III rliargr lirnmlai-a llir brotiicra a abort pronraiu mnlitlit Kliuh mill add Inlcrml to tin- occa aloii JOHNSON, WHITE CHANGE PLEAS lllls MIIIIMMi TIIIIV h "NOT it'll.Tl" TIIIAI. tl" JtlllNMIN is r.Micu way in tiii: cut fi'irtoritT Joai-pb Johuaon and Arthur Whit, who recently cntcml plraa of Kullly lo IndlrtinvnU linrKlnc them with burglary, thlt ni'rnlns chanced their plraa to not cu . They are chanted with cuttlnc a bole In the tent of Joo Mnrtlnnt at Chllofiuln, and taking MO from hit pocket The trial Jobnion started tbti iniltiriiuon. i ia retri'.eiiiei vj '! U'lll.i. m.,1 U' II Khainr . ... .... i i... i I ' PRESBYTERIANS HOLDING A FAIR l.XK WHICH WAS lllT.NKD THIS .Mlllt.MMI, !, I'AT-J itiM.t:t c'.Kini:iiiA imnm:h this Willi tunc) work, llucorle, candy mid tho maii othur urtlclca of do ineatlc inanufaituro on sale, tho an nual li mr of tho Ladles' Aid Soci ety of the l'rcsb)teriiiu church opened toduv In the White bulldlug. Tho diilutlnct or tho needlework, which is 'Ideal for Clnlstmaa prcteuts, created In il.tmniul fur lli.i irnmla nil aillA. 'uud there but been a largo iittend- ance. I ineru is iuucu iiuiiu-piumuu vmun, i w hlch Is attracting much attention. This uftcrnuon mid ovenlug, com ' nieurliiR nt Z o'clock, n cnfetorla sup i per will bo nenod, Iho moiiu for , which follows; Duck plo 3S cents; chicken pie 25 cents; meat loaf IS cents; potatoes S rnnta! salad f cents: cranberry Jelly . i w - 'S cents; baked beans and brown bread, 10 runts, coffea S ceuts; tea S cents, milk G cents, Au Interesting feature of the even- IS ATTACKED A Soldier of Carranza Forces; He Is Fourteen Years of Age iuk lll bv an luttrumental local pro grain Among those who will partici pate are Mlas Kao lioguc, Mlu Abblo l'.irker und Arthur D. Hay. RIVERS, HARBORS I'ltoi'lt.WTlin III'MMM HKbblO.V i MAIIK Till: CI.Oii: OK IIIGHI.Y nirtmi.wr n.itio.vai, cox. vi:ntiox United i'resa Senlco WASIIIXOTON, I). C, Dec. 6. Tho tenth anuunl cononlton ot the National Itlu'rs and Harbors con great adjouruod today, following a protracted business session Huporlt from Secretary uud Treas urer S. A. Thompson, Held secretaries, tho committee on resolutions, the committee on nominations, addresses by stale delegations and announce ments by the President occupied the tlmo of the meeting. Au Important meeting ot Sprague. Chapter, Women's Ileliet Corps, will through this cuts galleries as It pro bo hold tomorrow afternoon In the grosses. The egga are laid la these, West Halt ot the I. O. O. F. building, The meeting will commence promptly at 3;30, and all memben aro request ed to be present. niN I To Fight the Northern Timber to Be In order to bate everything In 'readiness for n concerted movement to eradicate the Western pine beetle from the Klamath forests, Hal II. Oslo aud Carl Urubb, In the service ot tho Klamath-Lake counties Forest Flro Association, leave In the morn ing for Northern Klamath, to soek out lnfeated areas. These cruisers will spend the win ter cruising for beetle Infested trees. A big district, comprising n number of townships, has been assigned to thorn, Tho private timber owners, the for estry service and tho state forestry buroau have united In a plan to burn 50,000 acres ot Infested timber In tho Sliver I.ako country next spring and summer. It Is to ascertain what oth er timber should be burned that Ogle and O'rubb are to make their cruise. The cine beetle borea to tbo soft inner bark ot the pine tree, and and the beetle goes through tho lar- vat stage there, afterwards boring Its way out In these operations the trees are completely girdled, and they NEW MANAGER IS IRRIGATIONS! OF WIDE EXPERIENCE iii.wriK w ui-sci.t op vihit nv JIII.LHH I'nisrr on llic frnject Hh Iteacheil a I'ulnt Where Hie Knglnrvrtaf t'raliiir .Ire Itclng Orcrlidowel by llir Xrresalty or Clow Co-Opf alloii llcturcn llic I'armcr aanl lb Cotriiuiirnt In )iriillon. J. 41, Camp, who arrived bar r .inlly from Waahlngton, U. C tbU irornloic, uautned chart ot th h'-math project of tb raclamitioa a rlce. rrllerldc XT. TTaUh, who aia been project endncer tor lb past vo jeara. ' Mr Caleb ll ronaldered on of tha :n-jt skillful eozlaters la tb em ploy ot thS'surrlce, and ha baa don wonderful construction work on ta Klimatb project In working out maay ulScult problems," aald Mr, Camp to day. "Mr. Davit ot the rvclamaUoa board aud Director Newell had hop) that Mr Patch would remain In tho service, wurklnc out soma of the bis conattuctlon feats still to be built. It It understood, though, that Mr. Patch has decided to retlro from the ser vlco, engaging In private engineering work." When work was first commenced ob the Klamath project, tho many p cullarlllea of climate, topography, etc, required carofuf study by skilled engineers, and the work of bringing the water to the landa of the water jajVi-iJrar"VlpVaaJai"i,"i"ii" l--r (Continued on page 4) Bark Beetle Cruised; Burn Big Area soon die. From the dead tree the beetle carry their work of destruc tion to healthy forests, and spread rapidly. Uy prompt action In destroying all Infested treea this summer. It la be lieved that thlt menace will be en tirely removed. , District Flro Warden Cbltwood and others from the state forester' oBce aro to be stationed at the old .'after mill on Jenny Crook thta witter, where Investigations are being suae by Expert Qlendennlag of Um of entomology ot the depart busk ot agriculture. This (ore will Wit- gaged In cutting dowa ustetbsd MWa, In ordor to check the beetle' riiww In that section. "Ol" m VWtor. J. O.' welgbta i nans to at Mr. HamakeM and United the Cfa cently was editor tM PMafkaf i Bonansa DulletJa-jX ' ' ;. RV at '. ' "llamaker, county Htjf tf n moasurs la In'MesV-, ... m ill atn . ensaaajaaar , la JustlfVoMhe g-Mkf) BtrMasT9MaaeJ)l4))4f g) je-iiai vy, m) uwm . r - r ' ?f .iN ..wwmiywraiiMi saagtesafmmpfl