V iZwnitia Memlh KLAMATH FALLS' OI'PICIAI. NKW8PAPKK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEW! I'Uliili Vi ' JW'-I KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1913 frit Fire GAME MATTERS WILL SERIOUSLY AFFECT SPORT OF THIS SECTION MtMMIi hk Ml Will m 1IM I. U Uulllt lr.ll lit tlllull III llir l, III Ji Xli-I 'lll Wl tllltlllia I I'm I 3 ,ullliirlll. II. I'll 1 1 lll.lll I H ill M ! Mr Will Hulk I li .1 I M II. rill nl llliik III III I. ill tllriilli.u l.a. Jilit larrHr I . 'i II. Hair Cli I ill I " ( ' a iigiWri I lili, In wlii- ' lr tiaa I ?' bflHiV lliml ' i. r iii.nrui lii KUhuHi ' imi.:ir , anion nl lln x . I in (u'llg III filMIIHin anlktliK laair uitrfrala nt lilaltlllli i uli' ' Mtftl! MltllK attention Hi ' at4 ii rg(a imM illi' lNt i i,a alauiuenl wd t oa I li lllatMM Ualnr Waul l llainali) liru Inlil ill lc if i.uirlliur Wral la ar. ruling KHUa'l. ia n I lie lliui ..linnaa. :. Ha at.d llm Irlnmal lit all rmuioira Kulur lime ago II waa dr. ijril '" hr aliraiua ( KUinalh 'ii d t alocard li Haalrfll b Mik ll-u' t'lab l:ix Uphutlr, ahu laal ayl:l mr a In rliafgr uf llm aib r(c taking ami hatching '' - ' Hprfcrrr I'lrrk. drill III I tail alJ ! ia Duai hlagnl III trruilug " WUlhrr In. termination ( u ' p itliin lijr lloirnr Writ lr suae lim III crate wurk la not ktiul bv' ' la Ullnl tlial lio lll ah'i lis Iir liaa laVru In Klamalti riuli MrniU-ia nf llm Klamatli Hn'a mill a Aaaitrlalliili Ifar Ibst Mir mnui uf llir rullimlaallill will liaip a demur allllllg rffrtl mi all of thr good game irnlrtlhr wotk that liaa l-ni alarlrd Ihrouaiiimt b tiatu through the tue tlum lit the game rummlaslnu. lino" Warden Klntey ami the variant spurts mrn'i associations. It la ripef led i that a meeting will be called In a fr lata III itralt resolutions. urKlUK the goternnr In are that Klamath rouiit) ' Ireogtilied In thr rrorganliallnn nf I 'In board I liglllrrrlllg i.l'lt r lirrerllllllk' 'hr city uf (llasgow hair romr lu Ihr 1 lilted Htalra In aludy ttlerl rnllwa) atlrmt and brldgra Girls Pound; Manual and Domestic Training Mixed in Central Tho Hrwuilh ami Klghth grade "t', wheu they itnltli tlu-lr grammar Kdmol nianuiil IraluliiK work, will not "ly bo able lit hummer, mtw, draw mid understand tho proper uao ot or dinary toula, Tlmy will wl" know u Httln about cooking. I.lkuwlao, tlm girls In llm l'l"''' Krados, In addition In prepiirluK H tent luuchvoiia, learning In cook tvo- uumlrally, as well as prnctlrnlly, and understanding alto how to mako und "lend their clothes, will know how to ft llltlu carpenter work, the kind that Is usually left tor the "handy mail' iiround tho house, In tho Central school, tho boys are nt different tlniua nf tho year, lo liu transferred from Hie iiinnunl tralulng Id tho domoitlo acleuco ilepnrtment, whuro Miss Klmer will touch Ihein to make coffee, fry bacon, etc. Thla li great country for summer camping James Whitcomh Riley Is in Florida in Search of His Heulth HPPaaaaB WSk lS'r aFaaV W ''i-V- ".P ? ' " V''aaaaaT V" 'fA .TjaHan" rlaaaaHaV liRaal if ,T ",aWl " .alL'HEaiSSaV ViaaaE' f P WSkirf'Uar aaPBaJa aak aaH" taBli-' aaLA iiii. 'i il ' i "i imei h.nir I . l l n I lieell ukrii 10 I'luiliU olmrr it la he lirint thr HUM etlinati' lll pruloiiK hit lift, during Ihr winter Thr port haa ticrti III poor hcallli for tumr Ij.urt. and lately ho hat nwrhed a I , , Tu rliablr rrinenl workers 1 tlliltli llm lupa ami aliirs uf turbi ai Ihr amnr iiiiii- la tlm purpOMi uf nu lilt imla iiuuitor'a IihiI, . oiiaina first Iraeklisa trolln) 'in.. I.r. birn tnstnlliHl .11 Merrill Boys Cook irlpa, and m nwirly een ' Ibc imikltiK 'nil l' ""' '"' "f '""' Wl,l, uhnaii hunililii eltorl" .ire unpiilntable Kruli, tho raiiar nl s mi-'allll ' 'l,n" cases. Willi tho " leiimluK priu- Ileal cniiUliig. Ihla will '.. entirely eliminated. While the bn)S ute atlirluK batter, 'etc., tho girls nro not Hltllnu arotind IliiHKhlliKiit lli'-lr ciillniir) etfnrlK. They nro nlsii busy, fur liittrurlnr ' Morris of tbo mntitml IrulnliiK depart Imeiit Is leaching thorn tlm io nf tlm ilmmntcr, saw and piano. Thoro nro lnls nf bruised lliiKors at ',.r...riii. luiL Mr Morris aB ho Ik rurlitln H"t I1''0"' " "ni1 "' "", lot in, tlm Ktrlti lll all know euniiKli about carpentry to build nhelm, mill .... I..,..., Imard. mid mnKO other ro .,,. .. ' ....in uiilch If neslcctod any length of Hum. might prove datigorous to life nnd limb, I 0 njw i.iniM.'.ii uhctr lie fuiitiil It Imput. .:'.!. to itand llir cold of tlm north. Iiila iioiigrapli of III in waa takvu 1Mb month II It, therefore, the Isictt, ami It shows him an aged man. Il Iiu rhangrd cuntldcrably tlnre the da)t when III- charmed tho uholo world with his llooaler vcrte. i ELKS MEMORIAL SERVICE twi.ii. i'i:iii:monv honoiiinO iiii. m;i'.Mtii.i nitiniiiiiix 'itii III lll.l.l) AT IIOlNTtlS'ri OI'KltA ' ! hoi mi: I Mumalh I'ullt Ludgo No. 1347, lleiieuleut and I'roteclUn Order of Clks, will hold Its memorial sen Ires Ktindii) at Houston's opera bouse. It la i'h eiittnui uf tbo tutlro order on lm II i M H tnulay nf December to bold thl. leieitnuy. cummemnrittltiK tbo ilepail.'d in mliers The i.tiliea ulll he held Sunday Kteiilui; ut b u'lluck. I'hu principal mldreas will bo delUiteil by II. F, Mulkey uf .Medfnrd, promlueut III tbo nffnIiH nf tlm ttato. Tlm pruKram arraiiKed follews: OpeuliiK "do "tlioat Itulor of the Unlvorac," ll'iajer K II. Henry, Indgo chaplain Seloctlou "Jutt n Bong nt Twilight." ()mirtel. Mm. Don J, Zumwalt, Mrs. I'l II Henry, Messrs Klnnenr nud Mehaffey, Addrort H. F. Mulkey Hulo "Tho Hi'iirl How'd Do ii," Mrs. Don 3, luewalt ICIusIiik Oil "We Havo Finished Our Labors" lloucdlctlon Captain J. P. L SUNDAY ARE IN A BIG TANGLE mv WILL COST ABOUT HALF A MILLION TO RUN COUNTY i.i w.t.T ..(..turn nv foniT TOII.W U hi ..in i lm I miri lli'HM Ciiiialriit Hi ii i 1'i.ui'it hi Ksi'jii.riJ lliui. Kil Un :a'-i I'liitldiii fur C.ii if liib mi I iiiiii t -l iiIoii ml. 'llir llu.nl .mil llrlilur WmL II-iirriila , i.M.I i.l IN,;illJII. ii iii cuat j uait iir.r.mo.'ic to con- il .' i he allalra oi Ma math county fur I..- . uitilnr. M'. arcurillnx to tlm lK't Ji i ntiniu'il Uf ibv count ... .1 ' t lii.illl.a: uf thr iuutt mII bo li-ld lii-irmbrr 3Clli, at hlcb time tbo itruia Hated In liin biidcel IU br tak- 'ti up and cunaldrtiHl bjf the tourt ami the lutrlritMl cltliiiu. In llir bililccl Jual irrared, S!, r I CS la Ibr rallinatrd rtlKOdlture rirctaar) for the scar' work on the Klaiiulh rnunty cuurl houtr Thla III hr aulllrl. lit l mmplrte the biillilluK. Pur thr count) llbraiy, the i-atl-inatn In thr builgil la 13, ltd. Uf the luial amnuiit, cumlructlon of roada .ilul brldicm rtlireannla tJa.TUI.3l 1 Anionic other Itcma llalil and the 'aniuunla dralcnatrd for thi lr main truanrr nrn tlm folios Inc County Hior farm, ix.noo, ldowa I'nalona. tl.UOn, advrrtlalnK, 1 1.000, intil leal examination In public acboola, tSim alatr ucrlcultural collrKe et tmaliiii work. 13,000 BELLMAN RETURNS ' HERE A BENEDICT SCI'ltlhi:!! IILHIXrXS Tltll' TO KANSAS WAS r"Oll THK I'Ull. iiihi: or cuumi.no iiuidk nv III:AIi llsTATK M.X When (I. A llulluiau, Juulor mem. Ut nf llm A A. Ilcllmau . Sou real statu II no, led for the East a abort tlmo ago, mutt of his frlendt believed hit trip lu be simply u butln ss oue, and nem much surprised to Irani ut his returulUK w Itli a bride. Th ii tteddlug was aolemulied lu tbo Church of tho Sacred Heart at Mollue, Kansas, lu tho presence ot msuy frlvuds of tho cutitractlug parties. Mrs. llellman was Mist Margaret I'reiitlst, aud It a social taorilo In her borne city ot Howard, Kantas. Tho groom It n well kuowu young business man of Klamath Falls, belnt? nttoclated with his father In tho real estate tiutliii'M oil Malu strevl. The now 1) weds hao already set tled down to domestic bliss In their now homo nt tbo comor of Smonth and Wnshlngtnn streets, tbo recipi ents uf all kinds of good wishes from their friends. Motion pictures uro being xtou- khely used lu Italy to loach several million Illiterate voters, enfranchised by n now law, how to prepare their hallots. I lly nn Ingenious arrangement of cardboard partitions a recently pat ented hat box Is mado to hold a largo number ot stiff hats lu a relatively small space. A projoctllo has been Invented in England w Ith n tolescoplug tall which opens as It loaves a gun to prevent tbe formation ot a vacuum to Impede the lirojectllo'a flight. MWMMywvyVWMWWWWyWWWMMVWMMMMMMl IMPORTANT BILL SESSION TONIGHT IMTIA1IO.N, IIOIIKO, li:IOHMI. nkii'i:h ami tiii: comixo III.KH' HIIOW Ull.l, IIC AMONO MATTI.ItH II" ' laker great nrlcvanco at thli, and Iie appointed a commlttea to " Kvi-i) Klk In the city uf Klamath vcrtly upbraid" tbo prraldtnt. Htnct IVU mid tbo aurroundlDK country tie ictlrtmcnt. u, :"l to br prrxnt at tbo lodco i'rlrato Hecretary Tumultr, bowtr lull tdl etcutnr. Tbero wilt prob cr. li leia fortunita, at b wu iur rl.lr I- Initiation of atrtrat candl roui.ded r.u rcnnarlTinltf arecui b ililra at tbbt tlmr, which waa pott- rjimlxn of tb committee, who pro (..mil Iiijiii thr Tliaiiklln inont- (ilcd to tell blm what tbr thought. InK. Thrrn will be a larice amount of work to ho transacted In addition to Ibr Initiation. The Rodeo committee ln dlapoied of all but thirteen abarea uf the atock In the association, and It Is .ji-cti-l that this will be taken by thla time, and announcement li to be made of the time of the annual meet- Ina; and election of officers. The programs and plant have been complrted for the annual memorial 'ervlcet of the lodge, which are to be, held In the opera house next Sunday i etenlnR. and there will be tome an nountrmenta to be made atone thla line. Itufiis K. IJTe of Decatur, tilt.,. ho It here to direct the greatest ' rhnw ever Rltvn In Klamath Falls, III be (intent, and wants to haiu a 'Itmrt'to-heart talk with etery mem- ber of the lodge. He haa aomethlnsl for each one to do. , This show will be different from ny thing eter given hre, and those not present Thursday night will miss aumethlng good, KNIGHTS PYTHIAS CHOOSE OFFICERSli WILL 111! IXSTALLKH AT KlltST MKKTIMi IX JANUAHY JAB I'KIl IICXXITT CHOSKX TO HKill OFFICE j At last night's meeting ot Klamath 1 Lodge No. 99, Knights ot Pythias, uifflcert were elected for tbe ensuing 'torm. These will be Installed tbe 'first meeting In January. 1 Tho follow lug officers were elected. Chancellor Commander Jasper Ben nett. Vlro Chancellor Commander Ulan Johnson. I Prolate It. It. llrewbaker. i Master ot Works M. K. Doty. I Keeper of Itecords and Seals AI- !... t L-Mup Matter of Fltmnco Tbeodor frollch Master of Arms- -llobort .Trimble. . ' Inner Ouurd Judge (lowan outer iiuani -v. u. i.ow js Trustee tlcorgo C North, HAD BEITEH&, AY IN THE HOUSE W it i;t:sUi:.T m ixky enough to lMHXli: ANGIIY SUFl-'aUGlSl-S. jic HUTHKY TUMULTY WASHINGTON, D. C. s3l. 4. President Woodrow WIlaoo'Bndt It voy convenient to remain ,;i me ii . . Whlto House thetie days, liaa ttantact hla lnialnoaa aa much a DOaalble br Ulcpbono and xneascng&yfak all b cause ho failed to mention the equal saitrage movement In, hU message to congrest. ;,' Tbe militant arm.of the party have TAaWlT'CBT ON A8 RESULT OF ACCEPTANCE OF WEST DROPS ALL 6AME WARDENS KLAMATH COUNTY ASSESSMENT SET TOTAL VOl.t'K OK A I J, AHSK8HA lll.i: I'HOI'KltTV IX KLAMATH COUXTV IS SLIGHTLY OVKIt nmx.v milliox The total aatesament for Klamath county, according to tho ofBce of County Assessor J. I'. Lee, ta flS, i;:, SCI. 3V, Laat year the assessment waa JK, 170039 The dlffereacayA the. aaaeaament fur the two-jearVu Urgalr due to the tract that a tyteWrcage which was bclne hotniiaueadca. and for which jatcnts hjru been aplled for, did not rata from the ownerablp of tbe gov ernment. Much of this waa lilted laat )ar, but withdrawn this year by tbe g'.rvrnmenL The atate tax commission, which figurea the assessment on alt corpor atlocs, hat Just tubmltted to Aateator li the figure for Klamath county. hit it flivJ at f964.6SC.3t. Compelttors using American ma- chlni won first, second and third 'prizes from a field ot slxty-nlne con testants In a typewriting contest re cently held In Denmark. I A patent has been granted for an i elevator propelled up and down a shaft by an electric motor, which JdrUcs a abatt with pinions on each end to engage racks. 1 The Ituttlan women prodomlnate 'among foreign born students of their sex lu l'arlt. Texans Are Homeless I Rise of Brazos and Colorado Rivers Causes Misety United Press Ser Ice DALLAS, Dec. I. Latest reports Indicate that twenty are dead and 18,. OOO liouielra.a. The damages will ex- rt-tHl o,00O,000. Many towns aro Inundated. Ilail roads are (uklyietl. Bcorat ot villages aro Isolated. The llrazoe Itlver Is live tulles Kid In Falls County. United Press Ssrvlc DALLAS, Tex., Dec. 4. A a re sult ot tho rising of the Ursios, Colo rado nnd Trinity Rivers, ten thousand Texas people are homeless. Th rains continue, and the streams aro steadily rising. Waco Is the chief city to suffer. Thousands of acres there are flooded, and the mllttta are doing patrol duty. Fourteen are known to be dead. Others are missing, and It I feared that they have perished. Several trains are marooned fa Iso UXLCVTIVE DAYS HE WILL NOT NAME A XEW COMXISaUON JC8T AT PRESEXT Mthongh DexUrtauj the) to De Ont of Boalaea Xow, Saf Mo .New Body Will Re Xaaned TJbUI He U SaUaflrtl More Dmlantw Will Bo Injected Into AffaJra WUI ta It With a SecreUrjr. ' (Herald Special Sterlet)) SA1.KM, Dec. . OoTernor West, having accepted the resignations ot four of the five men comprising the state nth and game, commission, totter announced that ho w,ould not nams new commission until be was stlstt4 that tbe department could be roa ducted on a butlness-ltke basis. West declared today that th coear mlsslon It out of business. As a re sult Stat Cam Warden rinley, Mas ter Fish Warden Ctanton and ail oth er employes are out of work. Befor they can secure any pay, their o counts must all b audited ad'ap proved by tho commlaeloB. The governor aays that under thai law, h can demand that tb bad Quarters of the department be moved to Salem from Portland, and a petfd secreury placed In active chars of the work. Th suspending or all th employe ot tbo commission. Including tho connected with the commercial Ash ing, ends a monthly payroll ot be tween 1 10.000 and $11,000. Iscnvrr Visited by Storm Untied Press Service DKNVEH, Dec. 4. The worst snow storm ot the year started last night, and still continue. The result It streets filled with drifts, making traf fic Impossible. On account ot tb strike In the coal district, fuel U scarce, and sufffterlng Is Intense, espe cially among the poor. Tbe Prussian state railway art) using 200 storage battery car at Is cost than steam locomotive or gasoline-electric car. lated places, surrounded by waUr. lu many place persons hv climbed trees to escape tb rlalM water. They are being rescued by boatmen. ' United Press Ssrvlc ' AUSTIN, Dec. 4. EUvm ttf desU here, and scores ot tamlllw hv ba driven from their borne la tb rat leys of tbe Colorado, Braso sad Trlsy Ity rivers by the worst flood test ai Toxat during th past thlrt y For tblrty-slx hours tb rata ktsj poured down la torreat. Latv kwff been washed out, stnall brisVj ssMk) been carried away, Urtek 1 betas drowned and tboussad of r tjf Und ar Inundated. United Fits Stsrtsw , .!?.., WACO, Dec. 4. Thr U test test ot water in tb slresis of stet Wassv Tb Braso River ba rMk4 tts) tt foot stage, th bhjbtwt a7W bsafWa. s -. Ji I -.,t. war vtrrimtTm.W Wjr"7g"t '35'