V Eumfnjj Mtvatft KLAMATH .'ALLS' OFi'ICIAI. NEWSPAPER PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS HBJfc- Jlilli tear N". U.U-H .- KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1913 Prfc VI? (Mi WARRANTS AGAIN ATTACKED Eastern Capital May Help Develop Bonanza WWMWWWWWWWWWWIWMWWWWWWWWWWWWWW NEWSPAPERS ARE HII IN THE SUIT FILED IN COURTS (ml III Mill1 f Hilt Villi II TIHIMI y!lKiunl l Ml, Printing l I'l t ! Itir Tap)rf and hUIiimi II) lllilrtnl (if I. I. UiirlrJ I ( timmt; Um llrina I mlrr tit" I nil fwrla In I.mJiiIk I'iikhI ( Maitanl .ttmmulliiK In M.niMi Jil Tk t.lalualli Falls Nuithaoi- n hi limine I Irralil anil Klrulli It rotlkati arruunta with the ouut iml Him. ur.dur Bit lodsr licn minmenml b; II N lr of It) lliiihrn Lumbrr company l" .win painiHil o t war r Biila totaling ti )0 Uiiu-U a llirwi concern" TU It ilm amind suit asattiil tue nuntj court filed III a wek br Hay. rotn u i ..id, pitrrut the ilu- tr coarrrni Kuykendalt fe'itu un in ! allornejt Tli (nil U directed irlnrtillr '((nit Sl,.rl(t V C Imw and Count) liftiuirr J V Hlimrn, In toltsln mra iruiu paying nr receiving lor "ilea tir of (ha warratita Involved I i lk tmt Td wra were seried b HtlllR CUrrnra Morgan, who waa ap lulutad ifUI ellor, on account of lie ttiafin Mug a arlr In I he action U la alter,! It.al Him warrants m ll ur.1 In parmanl of Iruleldednraa In- urml voluntarily by th" court Tup b'Mral Item, were, warrants for alinul 1100 for each paper, In payment fur "bllrallon of the delinquent lai Hat Among other Itmiia attacked waa 'I" MM nf Din NnrtliKMlrrii for lit !' for printing stationer) fur f'li-.l Hurley Tim warrants for the I'llir In Dm Taipajera. ' irlntrt In all llm roimty-awil papers, nrn Uu affected, Objection l alio mail to the coat "' printing Hi report of Kwri Far I'll n Ihu ruiiiity'a pooka Dictator Huerta and Members of His Cabinet aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUaaaBBBBBBBBBB aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBB ''Y?' VS3li3H.IL iaiaiaiaiaiaH SENDS AGREES TO TAKE HORSEFLY BONDS; A NOTE ' PnUQIDIIPT PD0 ippt tun iCQIQT IN COLONIZING THE TERRITORY DENOUNCING U.S. i-oiirnto iiiax i.W'4ii: klmmo.s. i:i to MKXteo llnlrr ImuI TixUf by Hurrta I'U ug 1'orinrr Itulcr on the .etire .ni l.l( Capital Ailtlcr Indl rale Tliat If llucrta flora Not Ito alxn. Ilff lajr Im .iMaialnAtrd. Wllwn'a lMar tlrla lllc Hratla i and Morrow, la Joint exceptionally well, till recorarr li o rapid that It U eipcted that he will be able to leave, IJIackburn hot pltal In a few .day. Will Lambert, who wu operated upon br the urni doctori the una dar that Garrett went under the knife, U alio recovering rapldlr, and will toon be out of the hoipltaL He wai operated upon for hernia. V' u irli , H l.' D Im dm -.ii.ii. (lhaiirr I lu-bollar nuntalrr of Juatlm C Mohone, mlnltter I l..rr.jn attain l-riidrni ll irtia ..aria IiUim' minlater of llio Interior lilnro forrU lo rnlrjn) tlarcla Saratilo tninialrr of 'lulu "i ...in and J M l-aianr mlnlilcr of public work CLARK IS GIVEN SPECIAL MEETING HALF MILL LEVY A PRISON TERM FOR YOUNGSTERS1 BY PARK BOARD mis MtiiiMMi i.vri.in.n . i'i.ii ur dt n. n io i i miKii: hi MHMUM Tills IITIIIMNIV .h .i:nti:mi:i) Kor Indoor pracllrn by uolfera lliurr l'i been Invented a bin on vililcli la nouiilnl a Imll i connecle.1 Ilia a I'tlnn that when It U atrurk It rrtt Ulera Dm i1IIuii(nu It would liavti Klioe 'd It Ixen free. J Clark. liii ludlcled by Hie grand Jury on a odoiii) cliarKr, arralcueit before Circuit Judge lieu ami ihu mornlnie. and entered a pica of KUllty lie waa elitrlirt'il llila nf lermxiii tn aervi from one to rive era In I In- prnllciitur) Clark aa arrl-l lal Seplemlic lor an allaik oil a rle-)er-old boy null ii Willnr. II I. Veil. pflMlimater at Wordell. nml proprtor Keiieral tiieriiian illao elotiKvra-l'-r-,i ul llm Mar aliall liiniao, yTTrtV peiidlnr! '! " ro nl llm nullity i Jliiro limit I.SUU of ll-:.000 type writer liuportiil .tilo H' Nelln'rlnd laat )iur er made III the I'nlled Htalea. DITCH WORK ENDED III MiKI.I Wll.l. .tlllllllAH iiicm riiin.lv tni:uN(Mi. ' ii:il ICIS ,tT lUITIhT fllUHCH i rniAtT Tim City Set on llllla" waa the IheiiiK of Itev lllrka at the llapllat rliurrh laat nlclit. Ilo Imi nnolher Kood airmoti for thla evealu. Hervlcea are held dall) nt 3 o'clock aad 7 IS Prlday Iter Mr Km' will conduct a i-lilldreiia iiieellnK nl I o'clock, when he will Kite Tliol'mii!) Seriiioii" and niiollier i!ol oliJi'Ct li-moll elks 'mm WILL ROLL GAME I CI VI W 11,1. MIX I IIIII.VV MtJllT Kill I IIDIII hllCIIMI TUN l'l 1 tiivTcvr tiiix m:.imi.v-i:i.iw WON HCrOlli: MKirriMi IIKI.II VISTKHII.iV TO iitxini: citix 111K AMitf.vr. I'.VHK tilTK U IIKI.Nd Hl.l.l'll IX NOW " At n nieettiiB of tho park board Tueadny, the orcanliatlon voted to levy n half mill aaieeamenl for park iurpot-a. Thla will be uwil toward paylnK fur the is Iota purchased by the city for a park. Much of the laud Included In thu park alte l below atreet level, nnd thla U lie I lie HI led In voluutarlly i loninater illipoalus of earth mid ilM llnr tlilnca. (Julio a bit of tho dll haa been niado In thla way. United 1'raaa Service MKX1CO CITY. IXC 3. The Mez Iran control thla afternoon received a note from the Colombian govern ment, which In the moat poittlve Ian Iguage hotly denouncod American In Itrference In Central and rfoutU American republic. 4 TIm not urged Moilco. to reiiat uih Interference. llucrta today laaued an order plac- liiK Torflro Ulax on tho army'a actltni jllvt. Thla meana he muit return toj I Mexico If llucrta demand! IL , (Urly elimination of Ituerta la be-i llevrd aaaurvd. It la apparent that If he eacapea aaaaatlnatlon he will be ' forced to realgn or bo deposed by congrca. Dlicontent with the regime It rap- Idly apreadlng. Tho Mexican paper printed WU aoit'a menace with huge headline, contending that aa WlUon doea not know Mexican conditions ho abould not predict Kuerta'a Bnlih. BIG SESSION OF -ELKS IS SLATED OKKKIl MADK IIV IlKPRESKXTA- TIVK OK E.18TKK.V CAFITAaV IST IIKI.NO COXStOKRED . In Ad.lltkm to Doteg the-CaeattrwC-lion Work, Jolly Woajtd -secare 8,000 Arree or Karwt laut, PayiaaS for It In IJooda, and la Tarn aVH Thla Laml to Karroera, Helatea; to Settle I'p the Coaatry. UTT-:RH PKRTAIXIXO TO" "THU" ' ma nois wii.li itiXKiVK at-. TKNTIOX TOMUIlllOV KVKXIXO AT MKKTIXO OF LOIK1K In order to outline every detail In connection with the staging of 'The. nig Nolao" December IS and 19,1 Itufus K. Ixive. who Is directing the J , big performance for the Elks, will be present at tomorrow nignts meeting! of Klamath Lodge No. 1247. On account of tho Importance ofl early action, all Klks are requested to be present. l.uko llnlkal, In Central Asia, and Ijko Tanganyika, lu Central Africa, furulah similar problems for sclen llsta, nr both arc fresh water, remov ed from oceans, ct both contain deep ea fish. BONANZA LAND CHANGES HANDS i:v-comi:h rcitcn.tsKi ovkr TWO lll'MHtKI) ACH FROM Till: HOLDINGS OK FIUXCIH IIOWXi: IX HOHSKFIiY FltOJKCT IntUlllnit llcntlng Plant. I Work of Installing a heating plant 1 has bevu started at the project head quarters of the reclamation service. The building will be heated by a hot water system. Hilt Meeting Thursday, On account of the reception at the While Pelican last evening, the meet- J Ing of the directors of the Chamber of Commerce was postponed until Thursday night. , (Start Correepondeace) no.N'ANZA. Dec . At th regu lar meeting of the director of the Horsefly Irrigation District yesterday l.on Jolly, representing Kastera cap ital, submitted a propoaHloa totae) dUtrlct that la being seriously eoa ildered. According to Jolly's offer, but eoss pauy will submit bid oa the coa structton c( the Horsefly Irrigation uMilct. which ta to Irrigate 30.000 acres, and will accept la payment thereof the bond Issued by the dis trict. Iksldes the acceptance of the dis tricts bonds. Jolly specified that the farmer of tho district should agree to tell him an aggregate of 1,000 acre of land under the project. For the payment the farmer are to agree to accept the major portion In bonds Issued by the company. The land thus secured I to be ub-dli-lded by tho company, and sold la small farm unit. It I estimated that this will bring at least fifty avore families to the Four-Leaf Clover country. It was reported today that the com pany had practically arranged for the sale of this land to a colony of afor- MHWWMNWNIWWiWIHWWWIWWIWWWaaWP (Continued on 4) Liquid soap Is converted Into solid, either In cakes or powdered form, by ti recently patented centrifugal machine. (Staff Correspondent) 1IOXANKA, Dec. 3. Fraiejta J, J How no, 0110 of the director' it the Horsefly Irrigation DlntrlcCha Juit closed a deal whereby h ."sots' SIO acres in motion U-SU-UiTtolWIll U. DIE LIKE RATS DiTRAP Several of the Schedules .Are Fully Completed Nearly half of Hip schedules or ubdlvfslons of ihu work on tb Adams canal enlargement Irnvn been uinpletml, urni tho remainder nro I'olwi'ttit an wr cent and dl) per rent iiileted, according to Information Hculvcd at llm local headquarters of llio reclamation servlco, Ouu schedulo lias boon cumplettxl I'r uach of tho followluK contracters: Nt'lson Rmlth, T. 11. Lynch, A. K. lklv, Klnnoy A lllghlmoler, J. A. Maddox, Joo Bmldlo, J. V. Halousek nd II. a. Wynkoop. In addition to these, soliodules 16 anil ::', IikIiik done I')' Hi" reiliinm lion service, have lueii ioinplele.1. TI10 work mnlnly linolve oxcava lion. Tho canal Is heliiK deepened ....t.. l. riirrv llio nml winvucii in iii'"-i ' ---- I. . 1 .....i..v i.t....rfiiiirv tn lr. UrRCT lion 111 " --- 'ilKiilo the Increased lu'reiigu under llm ditch. Willi tho I'xcuptluu of llo w,)rk uo Iiik dono by thu reclamation service, all of llio work Is heliiK dono by local pimple. In order t" muku It poislhlo for lliom (u tiuudlu this, tho work was ...h.iivi.ul Into schedules, and bids for the eotistrucllon of theso wero submitted. A i.oml gumo between llio uuwi- HIK H'linii. represeuiiUK too mar ihuk rompun) mid tho IMks Lodge will lw bowled 011 llm flub nlle)s Friday niKht Tho lliat Kumo eiil lo thu IllIU, but tho pill mixers are routine buck slruiiK Ibis tlmo '"f r In tho Urni: riloro tenm uro .MiuHi'll, Martin Lnvc l.eavltl, Klitli Amlirosa I lllllKlOII For tho Autlured Herd, IJ 0, Van 'lit lien. W 0, Hinlth. J. K", llodgo, Hiiro Ackley nnd Austin lluydcu will do llm mi Iko nnd spuro work, Uxporlmunts are under way In Ger many with a view to utilising the papyrus nnd other reeds of tho Nile marshes as fuel, by drying them, re ducliiK them In powder, and formlnK briquettes, Shelley. riv OtlKf. I I (XUldit hlkTSLrlhur ni, I l.ntr h I Two parts of grated chocso and ono part of quicklime, with enough whllo of egg to farm n thick paste mako an carthctiwnro cement for Im mediate use. When tho Horsefly prajtet'sif com pleted this land will all be under tho ditch. Mr. Shelley will atart'at once Improvement work'pail traet.'" GARRETT BETTER, GOES HOME- SOON Ten Cent Lodging House Burns in BostoMass. An embroidery frnmo that louvea both bunds freo, tho Invention of an Indiana man, Is supported by an nd- jjustiiuio upriKiiv iruiu iui- uuuiu, iwhlch also Is equipped with a rest for the elbows. Tho guturnment of Kcuador will J spend 110,000,000 for sanltatloi works at Guayaquil, along lines omtuendod by an expert from United Klates. WILL J Jt UiMIIKRT, Ol'KRATBO UP- thi New guxslcs for motorists are Ill ted at the sides with mirrors, si n woaror ran sco what Is approacJtlng from the rear without turning his head. OX THK '8AMK ll.UVY,THK SJTfa HA.Mi: IHiCTOIUU WJHK XVKUIXO lUPHjisiFJyiH Vf(' J. 11, Oarrett.vwho underwent an operation for gall and bladder trouble and .appendicitis by Drs. Hamilton United Tress Service IIOSTON, Mas., Dec. 3. Another tiro-trap horror occurred In this city at an early hour (his morning, when tho Arcadia, a flvo-story lodging house, was burned. Aa a result twenty-seven are dead, three are fatally and many are more or less serously Injured, while doses of men were driven, naked, Into the stroets, during a bitter storm. The only lire escapes were lu the rear of tho building, and It waa Impossible for many of the lodgers to reach these. Of the twenty-seven dead; twenty-four are burned beyond recog nition, and were taken to the morgue. Ono negro Jumped from tna fourth story, and his body wu found after ward on the paremeat 6 George Adams, one of the Injured, died at the city hospital after having Uou removed there. f Mayor Fltxtgerald ha prostata a rigid probe Into tho condition af taa Arcadia, ind threaten proMeuttaa. The house wa a flftean-ceat lodg ing house, with the bed arrisjrt la narrow tie In tiny cells for rtasjw, aud at the time of the Are iiiMirea at least 175 mem. V The fire started la om of taa tower halls, and. shot upwards, caUsajj C escape by the stairway. It Wj aa. the top Boor where taa roM or bunk wore picked c4eaC nfclklf held the most of taaletMi. rrany Parker, oaa of Dm t) af . tenant, escaped, aaksd,1 down Udds.' HU skf WaM fully tor. ' " ( irPwTf-iin?iwr