w a MV' "fN, V v t -,,' ttmmuj literal KLAMATH FALLS PJUNTSTHB" ' NEWS WHILE IT It NBWS OFFICIAL NKWS.'APIJR t ' 11 ;f N trarr"'f'T"TO - Mghtli lVar -Nil, U.VMU KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1913 h n i V .V' I Wtt 1 l A 4; w I. . . Jl : w lfc H u I" i .? x REIGN Or TERROR SEEMS IN SIGHT AT riuiiiii'ti.ii Ti-uiviut HiitiKi; IHhl'.tlUMi ' HuaJnra m ami Pnili-Mlimal Mr n Air fiMliro In h tlal Oftlrrt by llir .rt Major, Willi Orilrra tiiMni.il u Kill imi (It hlliili I'ltn... lloMlllaVe Ar lllirn in llir Arm) of Impurlnl Milkrlirmkrr. Hailed Plea Itarilf. INHIANAPOI.IK, led. Drc Tti tearoaleta' and tbauBruls' strike which was threatened list wtsk, started today. No altrnipt was made today lo deliver food, riial or ultrr) inrrfhaadWe ' A ('rial police Ion. ol lee Luil neaa (Ail iufMlonal man has In drputlltd by Major Wallace, and thr ale arming In prrperatlon for any riming Tti major today itsurd a procla mation In tbr puller depaitmrnt, or-' deling Ihem In shr-il lo VIII upon Ibr tllgbtrat pluvorallnn. should llir IHkera atlrmpl lu dntror t or-r' i or Injulr Iba Hike breakrrs A thousand strike brrakera aiei hara In Iradlhrat lo fn lo aurk In raar ol iloli, rtnea art In milium (or dlilrlballon lo lra mwi Hrlng forewarned. Ibr ola ol In rll (rnrrally slntrd in quanll lira of I'MUlilotH and hmiwhold nr- alalllM to I ti-a "III ba a(Trlrl M ik link BIG MANUFACTURE EXHIBIT AT FAIR. .U.li I'AHPi Ol' Till: Wlllll.ll AM ai.i, auth'I.i i.MirAr. iriu.it win. in: on iMNi-i.n at lui.t i:iti " " HAN r'HAM'lHCO. l-c t fballra II llrr.u. cbi.l of Ibo De- partment of Manufacture of Ibe I'a - nalna.l'aflnc International llll!' llou, haa irtrhrd word from riblbl- lorn all urf Ibe world and la allied n( one of tho iniMt remarkable collrctlrr dUla)s of Ibe ',rl'j manufarlur-a trt (..rniblcd. The ileTelftpnirnt of Ibr inanufaclurllig Industries has been rapid In the iinne.1 niaira aiimr inn im .- dlarliMM Ibe rililentr of mule Ibstt alt huudmt Ihouisnd maiiufsrturllig and inecbanlral ralablUbliienls The tolal annual output Is valued at our tlC.UOll.uOO and the tapltal rUido)cd br Ibis mirlail of working coucorns la iiTrr tlO,OUO,OiiO.OUd auniisllr INDIANAPOLIS Book Trust Is Killed Supreme Court Today Denied Right to Make Pricet United I'reas Hsrvlce WABIIINOTON, I), C. I. Tho llulted HUlcs Hupremr court to ilny denied the right f publisher to liialnlalu arbitrary ile I"1" "" lopyrlghted books, Hr " I'10 ,rl liunnl refused lo establish a "iop) rUht monopoly" similar lo the "pa nil monopoly" decreed In imcr Mimeograph case. ' The decision was maUo lu the right PC the II, It. Macey compauy of New t'urk ilnst ibo AmerKau Publish- eia" Association and American hook sillers Association. It waa charged that they composed a national book Ituit, The ult wa brought under tho Hberman antl-lrust law, and sought lo enjoin the associations from en forotac their contracts, nnd alleged coiaktattlou lo fU price ou both Governor Tenor of Pennsylvania May Be President of Big League I " rftl----------,. L Hi l Liu1a- i-H--K-Kff'-----lf'-J ilotrtnor John h Trnrr or rrnn- l aula baa ililuallr tiiiiouiiCfd that lir lll artri rli-tllon In Hip nnlirrrd polUlc ltu lb mult that lie .Uui ol Ibr NalKmal l-ajup ut Hurball luU (I Ihr (liiiual nir4lnK llila rrmlrr llv aill n main eor-lhla aalary la lo b (2S.00O a renr, and i-moi o( I'runoltanla llll bit Irrml bla rlrrtlon will bo (or a term of (our ril'lim in Jauuarr. Il&. and Kwra larr llrfdlar will at I (or hlra In mat rr of drlall fur a frar. t Coirrnor Tnrr, ai t-rr bawball Ian knoaa, waa a ent bxfball da)rr In bla da? Iln made bll lltltig l.aHH lialabllllg III 1'ullllra III (U addiraa brfulr Ibe New oik I. toilun Kichance former Benalor J I. Mrljiurin of Koulh Carolina pruxard 'a beau tat n salrs of cotton wberr Ihrlv Is an sleinrul of gambling He rondrmtird the Plraent sislrm b 'rauir prlcrt arra died br the supplr 'of cotton in New York atUouca. I Hr urged Iba ruhange lo lead In the moleroenl, Instead o( being ilrhen br cinrr..loual aclluu ' lu Vvm llulau Ural) AnMunceiurnl la made br Hr. ' stf ,,,, ji. vur of New York thai hrr .rwj,., Wilson nor Hecrr- Urr r,n bate abalidoniMt Ibe Idea uf llfr.,,ie w cotnuierrlal Iraatr ,n ! al would ircoaulio the ,,, of Amrrlran rltliens "with- 1U jnnnni,,,, 0 rillgluu or race. IIU l-l Atirrtge I'lanliil r)l(, C Nol... u ,.r.y differ- Karmrrs of Oklahoma have planted. rllt from nu)lhliig ever given In more than S.oun.UOO acres In fnl Klaliintti Kalis II Is fresh and now wheal, against I.C33.H0O ntrra last i (0 n(, r,ii, consisting o( vaudeville, l...i.ul, l.ii,lj.ni. pklhir innri ii.p righted nd uncoprlgl led books, 'nnd from controlling U.o supply und inlo of such books. ' .... .1 ...Alall.llll. ...llllhllll'll 111 I inai i - - I'.IOI lostHiirx 'unteasoimuio nun c turtlonatn iironts" nnd In pruieut loiupulltloii, cluirged. In ol- .....l .1... ku...i.tliil!nlll ilcnce, ft resoiiiviuii n ii ,.-.. .. tas produced In which It was agreed 'that the books should not bo sold to Ipi-rsons who sold thorn nl less man the llxed arbitrary price established, The Mucy Arm refused lo Join the '....lolailon. and claims that It wu "bliick listed" und put ou a "culoft" list, and refused purchase of hooka i,. ..nil li secured book fiom other sources, malntnlulng thiit tho publish er or copyright owner could not nf terwnrds dlctato price at which such book should bo sold, contending that -nnii-ni of tho nublliher ceased when tho book were In thu opeit market. at a roraulonal plajrr for aoma raia. Alter bla rrtlrrmrnt he cn mi rUflrd corrrnor ot the ancond lalfrat lalo In the t.'uloil. tl li (aid Iran. Tbua the National Ixaue mannatea brllrte Ihrjr will bare an orflflal (bla o co with the aatUle and forrvful llan Johnson, prraldrnt of Ibe Amrrlran lx(Rur. hJ.larrrl3.:-.-llxr-k ELKS' SHOW A SURE WINNER lti;HUKKI.S KOII Till: NOIrtir' Wll.li OIMMK.NCB MOKHOW l.l hOltTS STI'.NTS OV THK riUMillAM mil TIK OK 1'rsclloc will begin Turadar after noon for the annual Klks show, "Tha m,, .volie." which promises lo bo one ll( ,),,, biggest lilta ever pulled off In Klamath Kails. Ilufus K. Ie and w(,.( of iiycature, Ills., arrived Sun- j4. ),; IO aired the (bow, which Mill bi Bln Peceiiiber 18 and 19. minstrels, burlesque, catchr tongs, local hits. The Suffrngotte Mlnttrela Is n scream, as Is also "A Night In the Klks Cabaret," another strong fea ture. Mr. l.oo ramn here from Seattle, whrro tho show wa put on with 3B0 people In the east. It made such a hit that It was Impossible to accom modate the patrons the third night ot tho show nnd hundreds woro unable to gain admittance to tho opera house, Ono of tho feature that will ap peal to tha parents Is the Introduc tion of Polk Lore game, which will bo staged ut tho opening of the play with thirty lit tlo girl from four to fourteen sear of age About fifteen high school girls, will appear In mu sical and other number. The first mooting for tho girl will bo held nt t o'clock Tueiday after noon In tho Rika Lodge room. About forly-tlve girls are wanted for part, mid It Is requested that every one who I willing to assist In the show ha present at tho first meeting. Would liar All Asiatic Itcsotutlons woro adopted by the American Federation of Labor at Bo ut tlo, Wash,, demanding that United State prohibit tho entranco Into tho United Stntos ot all Asiatics, and pio vldlng for n literary test for nil Euro pean Immigrant, ROBERT PETTUS IS DISMISSED BY THE COURT Nlli:illr-KH OFHfi: CKXHLHKII I llll I.VAOTIl'ITV I'lillimlnif tlm llrunlnK of a (Jraod lurf, rM'Trral .Vaturallutlon Mal Irra .Irr l)lixanl ol bjr Circuit Jmlao llriwun I'rltua Waa Ctiarg. ttl Willi Attempt lu Cviumll a U lulorjr Crime ' ' , ! ! ' :: ' i: i M:V filtAM) JL'ltV The (ollawlnic crand Jurr (or Iba DKembcr term of the Cir cuit court wat drawn Ibla morn- Inii ilaua NrUndtr, fortman, farm- rr, Merrill. II, i:. Turnrr, farmer, Merrill, J. I- Cunnlnfham, rontractor, Klamath FalU. Krank llrant, (arrnrr, Klamath Fall. II. C flhlpltr, transfer man, Klamath Falli. K. C. Ilecbdotdl, fanutr. Ilo- nania. Joe llaloKik, merchant, Malln. Perry O, lo lp waa appoint trd bailiff. The new crand Jurr met IhU afternoon In commence their work. lltcause the complaining wltneas, Marr Inman, was not In court this afternoon. Circuit Judge Ilenson dls- 'rnUsed'the charge agaTnst Robert Pet- tus, and tho lad was liberated. I'ettus was arrested last Julr, and charged with attempted assault upon Mlsa Inman, lie haa since been held In jail. The rase waa set for trial br the Judge last Monday, and the subpoe nal were drawn, ordering tho wit nrssea to be In court todsr. ' When Ibo case was railed this af ternoon Prosecuting Attorney Irwin stated that It would be lmoulble for him In proceed, as the complaining witness had not been served with a subpoena. After censuring the sher iff's office (or not attempting to make personal service, the case was dls liilrsed br Judge Ilenson. Juror Offleld, drawn as a member of the December panel, was discharg ed, as he Is a Justice of the peace. This forenoon, naturalliatlon peti tions occupied the attention of the court. The following were granted papers: Krnrst Max Ileppe. Midland, native of Germany. Klliabcth Amelia llunge, Klamath Kails, native of Germasr. Louis Lawrence Steen, Klamath Kails, natlvo of Norway. Arnold Kress, Kort Klamath, native of Kngland, OPERATE UPON TWO LOCAL MEN J. II. (lAltltKTT AM) WILL LAM HF.ItT CO UMiKH BUItUF.O.VH KXIFF. AT HIiACKllUltN' HOS PITAL THIH MOIINIXO Dr. Hamilton and Dr. Morrow, m slstetl by Dr. Fisher, performed major operations this afternoon on J, II, (larrett, u local contractor, und Will I Jim tort, an employe ot tho Weyor hauaer Tleter company, Mr, (larrett wa (uttering from a complication ot gall, bladder and ap pendix disorder. Mr. Lambert had sustained a Yer) rupture that nocculuted an operation. Iloth operations were auc cesstul and and the patients are rest ing easily at tho Illackburu hospital. tiuglllmo Marconi, by means ot wlrelee telephony hlch he I perfect lug, ha talked between Cllffden, Ire land, and QUO By, N. 8. EXCHANGE QUAIL WITH THE VALLEY C.lLlr'Olt.WA yU.UI. WII.I, IIH Tit.rri:i) iii:m: ami kmii'I'ki xoiiTii, i.v Kirrcuv urn uon UllITi; VAItlr.TV Depulr District Oarao Warden Carer M, Itamibr la maklnic arrance raenta (or trapping a number of Cal ifornia quail here tula winter. These era to be shipped to WllUmetto Val ler points. In return for these quail, the Tal ler couutrr will trap Hob White quail and ship them to Klamath. There has been much demand (or the Hob White here, while the Taller has been anxious to Introduce, there the California quail. Hr the method of richanflac birds hit upon the cost In neither case will be Terr much. TOP STEERS ARE BRINGING $7.50 irm: mo miii'mknt ok iiogsi TO COBTI.M) t'.MOV HTOCK1 VAIUM, lIIICr HTII.I, JIMIAI.V AT H CKNTH OX TIIH HOOK (Herald riprelal Service) POHTLAND, Dec. 1 The cattle market la holding ateady (or top qual-1 Ity, with steer selling at IT. CO for best stuff. More medium grade cattle were offered than choice. Cow stuff was about tho same grade ot poor quality that has been offered (oriome line.- selling from f 4AO to $5.75, with Just one lot selling (or t cent. Prime light calves ore worth 1), heavy one SC to 17.75. nulls fea tured (rom $5. SO to St.tS. Stag were steady. There wa a big run of hog (or the first of the week, but top still held at 8 cents for three loads Mon day, and the week closed strong with fifteen loads for the open market, and the top quality still going at i cents. This price Is apt to hold until the stock show season. The show Is billed for December S-13, and will attract shippers from the entire Northwest. lit will be the largest show ever held west of the Rockies. Sheep receipts were Increased from every Northwestern state last week, and still the su mtotal was not ex ceptionally large, bat what the ran lacked In quantity It amply male up In quality. Prime ewe brought f 4 again, and choice wethers 14.75 to IS for excep tional quality. Lambs elicited a G bid, with the market closing on firm basis. FALLING TIMBER KILLSLUMBERMAN IIK.AVY LOO HOLUN'U KltOM. LOO IHNH'Tlt.UX STItlKlS HK.MtY AlrtiOWAN, IXKLICTIXO KATAL IXJUUUM Henry McQowan, a logger In the employ of tbo 1'ollcan Uay Lumber company, was fatally Injured late Saturday 'nftcrnoon, lu tbo lumber ramp ot that company, when a heavy log rolled oft ot ono ot the cars being pulled by tho.logglng train and struck him, Tho heavy Umber hit McQowan across tbo hips, crushing him terri bly. Ho died three hours later, be fore ho could bo brought here. Tho body haa been prepared for shipment by Karl Wbjtlock, and will leave tomorrow for Whito Cloud, Mich., for Interment. Tho dead man's brother, Archto McOownn, will ac company tho romalua east. Miuona to Meet. Thore will bo a called meeting ot Klamath Lodgo No. 77. A. F. & A. M. this ovenlng. Work In tho Second degree. FISH COMMISSION MIXED IN A ROW hte.m: am othcim ri.w tiikv WII.I, IICriKJ.V IP KIXNF.V CON-TI.M.'1-H AH A MKMIIUIl Ol' Till! IKUItl) UAI.KM, Dee, i. Charged with uilng his ofllce to aarance hla per-1 onal Interests, and with being; trou-l bla maker to tha eitent that his ac tions oru unbearable to the (our oth er members of the stale, fish and game commission, M. J. Klnner waa glTen a hearing before Oorernor West Siturdar. Tho troublo that has been brewing In the commission (or months waa brought to a head Norember 12th,) Charles F. Sloae, Local Game Commissioner, Who Threatens to Itoslgn when the otber four member ot the commission ttndered their resigna tion to the governor, on the ground that they would no longer ervo with aaaaaaT - ' Wt,riissH asaaT"'-' l ' 'UaasaB aWX , -r,i A flRaaaaaaaaaaafl .HaK'tNtf "H RT Jjitt lasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH. ,"'!- yHHIlllH ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa ''.alalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT f aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaJaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal Kinney. , roreman." "Owing to tho peculiar tempera- ,n discharging tho Jury Circuit raent of the fifth member of the state '. Judge Ilenson took occasion to coat board offish and game commissioner i mta,i tiitm tor the dlspateh wKa and his untiring eforU to Impair lu "blch they bandied Batter. J uief ultras, we cannot see our wayi clear to continue to servo as mem- ,D accordance with hla dtreettoaa, ber of the ald commission." state the body of Prince Katmra. C the letter of resignation, which ,iJP'a greatest statesmen, who 4le4 signed by J. K. Hugbe of 8alem, U..'" cancer, wa dlseeeted. Ma tMaB n. Duncan of Hood Klver, C. K.Stone I mu fouBI, to w,l M0 . of Klamath Kails and (Jeorgo II. Kel-1 nar,Jr tno rae that of Kaat, the ly of ."ortlaed. All member of the,hllo,,0Pnr' ni1 neayler than that ot commission T.ere present at the hear-lNttPolon ' Oaaihettt Ing. The charge aSrm that during Kinney' term nt office he ha not only been pecunlarllr Interested la certain flsblug Industries In this state, but ha been negotiating for tho leas) member ot the state board of tea aM or purchase ot (Ublng right audigarqo commissioners o Bfereat.tba properties at the mouth of Rogue ropenlng of Rogue River to coiaier River; that he Intluiated to the own-lcla! fishing. ' "" Are to Enlarge EwaunaBoxCo. Making At n meeting ot tho toc- holder ot the Kwnuna Uox company Batur day tho capital stock of tho organisa tion waa raised from (15,000 to f 30, rtOO, With but one exception the stock holders Increased their holding 25 per cent. The balance of the stock wa pur chased by Claude II. Daggett. A tho leasou draw to a close tha rouceru i preparing (o enlarge It' plant to make It output double what It has been this year. New building and additional machinery will be add ed to the equipment during the win ter month. ' Tho plant commenced operation May Cth ot tbU year, and alnoe taem SEVEN BILLS ARE RETURNED BY JURY SATURDAY TWO JOHN DOU I.VMCTMWrM Bf THK RETDKK9 Hani Walker Kiuaerated b Jurr Which Had Jaa4 OlMlal Ms) InicatlgaUoaia Ksstalllasl WMk Which Matters Werw Hcallt tf IVnlro Wlna s'arorsM From Judge 1 Haven true bill and two awl sTM .bills, and a rscomraeadatlen that lk countr Jail' sanitary coMIUea W ras prored were among the Mttert A (tended to br the lut' fraga Jury, I which reported end ws gkuhart ,Paturdty evening, followr a tkfM I day' sesalon. The Indictment returned were) a follew: , ., ( Two John Dee Indletment. Joseph Johnson and Arthur Whtte, ' charged with larceny, I Fred Durscough, cbirged with; aa-. lault with Intent to kill. Ilenson John, charged with aeaitiK with latent to commit rape. John Clark, charged with aoateW, The grand Jury also Inreetlrjate the killing of a drunk, laaiea hr Patrolman Sam Walker, twojrean ago, and In this case returned ataet true bill, clearing the oMeer of aavr h'ime. A not true adl waa rMsa In the cose ot W. W. Lewie, eUifU with killing a hone. f The following rtreaaM wajj mad by the Jtry: ' " ' ' "Wi, the'iursentnesl Rat'lav of Klamath , ty.)rjggfalar JjVjlii c - r ' j - do most resDeetfuUe the honora eoWriJrtert's)Br)akar jt: vwuui7 jau ra esusnaurr I by burning all ot Me iHhy and refurnishing the 'and thoroughly clautng and (ale .mining the Interior of the ImtWir and that the Jailor or aherHt see that the place be kept la a cUea aa4 healthy condition la which to reeeire and confine our prlsonsr. Wgaed: John Koontx, W. P. Johnson. JL K. Durgdorf, A D. Bliek. Wllllaai Haas- Phrey. Mile Moore, M. It. Coeefcoofj, cm of the said Hogn River , tie that in event the deal under eea nderatlon wa not coBsuaaaaateeV ae might see fit to use hi power aa a a Success of Us Valire ha shipped ISO carload of The plant ha been kept BVaVtMat tlnually, and there h oeea employment for a crew ot H addition to many extra at at. ous time during tb susssser At the meeting BaUriay It elded th&t there bou!4 In the managsjneat, owlac splendid eteeuUv aMIMjr by Manager Cbarle UtQmm. The officer ot the uXcTwler. presldeaL n vice nseiUeat aa4 W, Muon sery,.JI.,1 (reasarer, ytW eeaet a ii, aa ra p , a. mum awuiJvOeJaaVw. are (J. Sugari (Ullia H. Factoh , ,'! oj-l ' x ') i .J I. ' Hi ii I A wl : .. 2 mtmixmumii pppvawsii.1 . v am tJ . A ...,..... .