Glln? iatttmg Mttulh KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAI'KR PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS 'fclglilii Vml X. U.1BIH KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATUKDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1913 Mew fir 0at MORE WARRANTS ATTACKED Lumberman Is Plaintiff in the Suit Filed MMWWWNWWVVWIMMMWWMWMVMMMMyWMMAMIM I Repudiation Action Is Started by Kuykendall & Ferguson Today to Cancel Nearly $300,000.00 Road Work, Poor Farm, and Cost of County Timber Cruise Carranza's Troops Shooting a Federal Officer iiur turn- iiii-ii ! l-n ararrhlii. Ill.r iiuiii irtnrds, ami jciilnx el.-,r hark In January lll lil ( nil I onrraula Inr toluntary indrbtrdni-aa Ihaa brn compiled and llirr are In rludrd In llir action Are All Affected by Suit , 1 'William H Wordrn, county Judge I An mlluw In Mop Mmrnl im nr- II la allrgrd that Ifc warranta wrml itnt. ..,.(, .1.r...l..i'l wwn.o.10 l" tot voluntary Indebtrdneaa id- , ... .. . . iurre.1 by the rounly four! Id ruraa . wn. Me.1 a.I.M Kl.m.ll. CHinl tu-i, (hj Ugt , A ,,,,. 1 day by It. V Hay, artrrlary ..I "',, njuiicllun I asked, to rcatraln II; llrolltrn l.umhrr tuinpau) , h ruunly treasurer (rum paling stir Tt- .y alVr.. (...rllr.lll r "" "' "' """n "'m ... , , . . . ... reohlng an payment on Use. Ill f tuwl rravruserernt iltiM by Ilie , .. .... . The wart .mount of the warrants """'" T,"tx '-", Cuu" JuA" M involved In thr suit I. I.n II K VW.Im aaannint nfurr In January,1 .. ARMY BtATS THE NAVY TEAM TODAY lull More lhn loo warrants laaued to llarrla k Co tut nuij work and run- The ault alto attack the inirrlutwlttrurllon. amounting In morn titan of a aar (arm allr frwai M- llllhldh Ik fl 4 W ft Kk.ft uL ...... big concrrna furnishing alrel and H aside, thr. v..rrl for br(J((( ,,, ,r, ,,, ,1M,r hlt Uaunt In payment for the land. In thr-autl lfl ,mMIW'HMIlllll, aillUHHIIHfe ....... . Major t'lia. i 1 5.000 arc aftKlrd In the ull, and lrrk,1, ,,.,,'llir Coast llrldgn company and other 'IX II. MOIII. IS r.woit i tmi: Hs UII.SON HI'MTATOItS JS1 TO ) IV IT I1II.NT AMONtl Till aBatalLBW Ww K&iif aaW' '' H- - - hi' 'aKflBl''' ' aw"aaawaaw JthL'MitX-hKrWl raaK&SwaHaWaWawf aaaBBWlTaTaPA A?( JBBBBbMbIL, SiBBBBraWUjaTaTaafaai TbBJI -tH m 'aQBWaaVaBBBBHbBVBBBBBH VbVSBBWSBBM HBBaKBBTBKaBHBBatHBBJBLBBrflBBBaBBKBW) BBBraBtaBaViVilllBE4HillllllllLLII5a BHBtfBBMBBBBLBBdBSBBBBBHlBPBBlBBBBE BaBBBLaaV WafayBt-BBWl;rii':4fiaBl p j,'-1, llVaTaTaTaTtVaBBBV v BBBBWaWV1! Ttj3B M"- 4lfBW2aMBBBBaffP'.-BHliffBBmT BTaSBTaTaTarav . winJpaV 'BftBB aTaaaaa 4fipaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak aaaaaaaaaaaj i aaaaaaaaaaar BTaaBBaTaraF. 'IBI k . ir' .BBBraaaY ' P sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaBP fiaSaBBBTaV BBBBBaW3 fi''jAa3kmI ' BBBBHat - vJaPaVawaVB' 2&ntaV(HBBBi-Hf aBaBBBBBBH aWaWawfaT 't ) .ZtraWaa'laSaali'lalBMBaCEilwC.yZ-T 4 iA, w'Ft HUERTA RESORTS ! TO FAKING PRESS STORIESFROMU.S. THIIM TO TKI.L I'JUJl'LK IUCK IS O.V IIKIIK liirtatnr, TlimuKh Mnllum of HI l'avrr, Inform I'uhllc llrjan and VIIoii Mr Too IKroml With .4 flair llrrr to llothrr With 3Uf IfoMrilcan r'orrlgn rWrrtarjr to Talk, With V. K. Ambaaaatlor. I tillrd I'reM Barrlca NKW VOIIK. Nur. SJ. In thU ( IrrniHm'a tun- at the Polo Crounda thr Writ Point Tram ou from An ihiII. Thp rorr a I! to 9. It a Mr Army Mulr teraua tbe N) (lout at llio Polo llrounda today, and lu that dlrtttlon all ruada from WaaliltiKtou, llaltliuorc, lloatuu aud PhlUdrll'lila I'oliitrd. Army and ua' ortlc-ta and high Kournuint ottl. rial from Waabltifton and aurrouud Ins anuy aud natal atatlona crr on hand Pri-aluYnl Wllaon aa Ibo bouorrd Kiirat of the ronlrndlnt 1'nlti-d Hlatea aradi'iulca Strrrlary of thu Nay Joariiliua Thla ihotnitraih aa takrn at looting nor rJttrmr cruelty by ht Juarri durlnic ilie laiituro if that '""P I ... . Ah of llucrta a amall army, rlty by th tr.Mipa of ('arrant for ... . ,., ... ...,., tin- control of Milco. It a laki-n uu, , ,lu cariy irornlnc by a.OOO t. i" . orai.inlr dcllbvrattly drew, about lht time Carrunia inado lill(.onitttutlonallata. Some offlcr r- lin ii.atol and Bri'd another hot Into knt.'mcnl that ho would not irmll (nit-d arro-a the br'dKo to Kl I'aao i .iiio M-r raptured and at onre r bet Th oniccr jl.own hero wi i abut and waa prone on tbe cround Houuueu. An ouirer oi ona oi nr- t'nltad i'rea Sryc WASIIINOTON', U. C. Nov. 19. How deaptrateiy ituarta U Ofbtlns to piorrnt tbe dliaolutlon of bU retlir. ti Indicated la official dla patcbu aaylns that llutrta controlled newipaiari In Mexico bare beta lirlntluaT atorlra of a revolution pro srewtue li America between the Mhlle and blaclca. Tbe itoriel aay that the race war It spreading In In diana, Colorado and Texaa at auch a rapid rate that 1'realdent WlUon and , Secretary liryan have no tlmo to bother about Mexico. A majurily of Ilia raprewra) looir-j Ktrrn the varranla laaued to the irtl by the prnarM puur farm errat-' mrn laborln on tbe roada are at- ,,., , . , , tarke.1 In the tult I'racllfally ecry larknl, anil IImi aul( alau errka to art ' . . . , .lfc .- bualnraa houae In Klamath county aa.tetl,eMarTaBUlaunllnmrnt,,olj ,u,,,,ra to aoine road crew or lor Ilie rrulae of the IIiiiImt In tliej for ril,d work, and all of thra tt- oMiit). mad,. ,y m,hrr, lliau and ranta are attacked aa In their validity. Miner. Tlioaalat) itf M A Mcl'all aa routfl ., . ( (l ,M m, ,, Middlra from It I. ln.lm.ted by many that It, hl.l'f ""l""."'.-!-""' "" Auu.h,IU. ... . .... i Hie attacked warrant. tf.T.iarv of War l.llidley M. (!ar U,k.. .he county. ,o.d Indebted-. , , ,wkl ; r.r.-;V"L cli. occupied the 'a. It. N. Dy . backed by other , r,nrc nrr t rrpr.-entlnit theox-j ,)04 ot nll0r , froi 0f tho atauda bl timber Intert.t. havliiK lioMlnm .nr of the rood rod rally helii'j,,.,,,,! (vT tlc ttlxy uniformed ca In Klanitlh county. here laat year by Colonel Thalcbrr. d((i from Wrgt llon, Tbe ault filed today name. . plain- The w.rr-nt laaued the band for mu-, Umt Mo) pUy WM caHe(lj 'IfTa C 0. U., aberlffi J. W Hlem- '; ' ,ln ",,J rn'" '""' u "' urnudatanda. blraclioN aud .pKlally . rounly Ireaaurer; C. II. lo Up, "n ,hn ,l,, couatructvd atauda and boxe bIouk county clerk, and John llaelalelii I'n-parallon of thla ault ha ween,ho t.jgw uj t,0 rlcld ero fllleil. Tho and (! (I. Merrill, commlaalonrra, and under way for aeveral wika. Kofj,,,,, ind Ikh-u Klwu H.r.00 ticket. nnil the army 15,600. The uaunl aontlnK cnpurlty of tbe I Polo (Irotind una uddrd to b) tho ' a .. .. at... ....u tail otntuld nlnhk' (rVllIUU VI II1U J'-1"I umiiuB ..-aa. tho ttlilo llnuit, ami approximately 10, 000 HKCtatom wHiuimhh! 0h contril. ELECT OFFICERS FOR NEXT TERM 1)1)1) IT.l.l.OWH KI.K(T TIIUIU l.l-lli:iW HK SIX .MONTHS 111.'- (HNMNtl WITH THU rTltST JA.N IMIIV MKKTI.NQ Missionaries Tortured Klamnth I.oJko No. 137, 1. O. O. V., at their regular meeting Ut ulght elected officer for the enauliiK term, which begin, with tbe II rat meeting held In January. Tho men .elected for the arlou. officer, were u. follow.' Noble (Irand- llrcuncman. Vice (Irand- Itobert Trimble. Trea.urer -P. 1.. Fountalu Secretary (leorgo llutuphre) are o mum regarding any unfair treatmdit at the hand, of the A.h i land management that the oy.ter U a lloquaclau. bird In comparlaon. I When the boy. arrived borne lait nlgbt quite a number of their friend, met them at tbe depot. Biking for , particular of the rumored unfair method! employed by their oppo nent, but not a word of rrltlclim could be heard. 1-. . t....... .i... ....i.i...., ,iiuv ti.i.i i.r , II. iuau,r nil' ,uirjvi, .mv . w. tho wonderful work ot Garrett and McClure ou the field, and the .tarring i of "Society Stew" a. a breaker of heart.. Ou Thankaghlnc night the boy. I from Klamath Kail, motored to Mod ford to attend tho Klks ball and take 'lu a .how at tbe Mcdford opera i houae MKXICO C1TV, Nov. 19. Follow Ing a long conference botwecn Secre tary of the) American Embaair Kn- tbe wounded man a back, killing hlu.'gene O'Sbaugbneauy and the Japan- ear imuuier, it ia pcraiaicuu rusBor ed'lu government circle that a et lQLlfa.Da.1 I A 111 tlement of the Mexican-American dlf- flcultle. I. due within forty-eight hour.. SEVERAL LAW CASES FIRST nl.UWl.Ml TltlAli OK UOUKHT I'rrrri's, cihciht (.xhjut wiij, TAKK UK CIVII, ACTIONS KOK I'KW UAVS MKXICO CITY, Not. 19. rorehjm Socrctary Moheno baa gone to Vara Crux. It 1. penumed that hi aaU .lon I for a con.ultatlon with Am bai.ador I.lud, tbo .pedal represen tative of 1're.ldent Wllaon. L ENJOY A Ounese Bandits Are Bloodthirsty Lot of People "nltnl raa atonic I'CKIN, Nov. !. Ilov II. a., a mlMlonary connected with Hie Norwegl.n Lutheran llrcthreu Mlulonary Society, haa Jual arrived In thl. city from Northern llupeh, ', IUv, rau.ku describe, tho auffer ls of the American and Norwegian mbwlonarle. who ware captured by he Cblueae brigands under "White Wolf" In tbst district. Ho said that Hit bandits raided (he m la Ion on the in or last Beptember. j All the male were takeu lirltonera, and were separated from Hielr wives and families. Durlni: tho l.altlo of Taaoyung be tween tho rebel, and federal, which la.led for .everal d. It Kau.ko it nd Ilov. (leorgo Holm, an Aruorlcan, hid In a pllo of whoil at raw In u houae occupied by tlm haiidlt for Ihreo daya without food or wuter. Heuclier. prodded tho .traw with bayonet, on .everal orraclons. They were (Inally dUcovvored by a friendly Chlimman, who brought them food and wator. They later lejolned their famllle. after tlmy twJ ' rl-M from tbo city. n i,n,lli murdered upward Of 2,000 persous, and looted tbe city of Taaoyang. NEW AVIATION RECORD, MAYBE i Pulled Pre. Bon Ice ..... v.... .In A.liilni IIaI.iii 1'AIIIO. ,.!' -'' - ., who I. monopliitung in nn ouori iu ' bout Kourney's record of 5,993 mile. In thirty day., will probably win bo- foie iiliiht tinle. nn accident hap pen, Helen ha. actually flown for thirty ieht ilnv. covering a total distance of lz,lE9 mile., but through n tech nical error wn. robbed of ntno days. Ho expect, to averago 333 mile, a day until the end ot Deoemker. FOOTBALL BOYS AREN'T TALKING E I.OC.XIiODU KK1.I.OWS irXI'lXTTO tiiti:irr m.vnv uiiothkhs at Till: AN.VU.Ui (I.VTlir.UINtl ON NHXT lltlDAV XIQUT IIAVK XOTHIMI TO 8AV A110UTJ THKAIXIHllUHlXKAlllTHKAT-i Mombers of Klamath I-odgo No. ....v... .. .,. ...v..u ,... ....'3'. O. O- P.. w celobrato their l4t .1't v ASHLAN'lr IIIOII Klamath county BhoindUo proud of lis high school football sipJad, for tboy have stood tbsupreme test iind proven thomiolvo. royal losors. Conch MrCal Manager Noel plru Klllolt mfl tbo entire bunch ot plg.kln artist, who made the trip to Ashlaud for the Thanksgiving game annual "home coming" after tbe reg- 1 ular mootltiB next Friday night with a .mokor aud a "light feed." Tho committee lu charge of this urtulr I. working diligently to make. utt as enjoyable as have been all ou. celebration, ot thl. kind, and will even try to do a little better. One of tho eujoyabto features will bo a abort program. JtSndufTulr Ut Jus , Urn- 5m(i A. aoon a. tho trial ot Robert Put tus, charged with horse dealing and nn attempted statutory offense Is completed In tho circuit court, which convenes Monday, seeral civil law actions will bo taken up. These have been arranged In tbe following manner by Circuit Judge llensen: Statu ot Oregon .. Pettus, Mon day, December 1, 1:30 p. m. Stoarus . Sutton, Wednesday, De comber 3, 9 a. m. Webb s. Slivkoff, Thursday, De cember I, 9 a. m. Andrew- v.. Hagby, Friday, Docom bor 5, 9 a. m. Nembank. v.. Klamath Lumber company, Saturday, Docerabor 0, 9 a. m. Callahan v.. City ot Klamath Falls, Monday, December 8, 9 a. m. 'During tho trial ot tbeso cotes, tbe grand Jury will be active. As soon as tho calendared aro disposed ot tho court will tako up what new crim inal case result from the grand Jury session. Following this tbo civil ac tions will bo resumod. KL PASO, Tcr.. Nov. . Two thousand rebels left Jauret last night and this morning to Join General Villa, who left Juares with three thousand troops. Two thousand more will leavo Juarex this atternoou. There are persistent though un confirmed rumors that the federals hao Goneral Villa hemmed In at lluuiada. and that the rebel we pressing in from the north. If thl I true a battle Is expected thl after noon or tomorrow. Otherwise tbe federal, will probably continue their totreat toward Chihuahua. Iu 1910 there were 435 member ! enrolled In the Now Jersey State Suf frage Association. In 1913 tbe num ber bad Increased to 3,700, and today there are 7,000. TEN THOUSAND FOR M'NAMARAS STATE OF CAUFOBNU DRAWS' A Ilia CHECK. REPRMCNTBfa T1TC REWARD OTVHHD TIMES DYNAMITERS) United Press Service 'i SACRAMENTO. Nor. II. A WW rant for 110,000 a the reward swa the capture of the MoNamaru, dynamiters of the Lew awwii building, was drawn toatar Mm state comptroller. The wrru-to mad payable to aeerw.. Crl! of New York, who Is Iter u M MB ot Detective WIUIuw J. km., ft'