Qhz lEumng Utealft KLAMATH FALLS' OlM'ICIAL NICWSPAPICK PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS I.Klilll Year No. ,J.!M7 KLAMATH HALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1913 I'riV Itra Cesses BUBONIC PLAGUE BREAKING OUT IN NORTHERN MEW; 160 DEAD IN GUAYAQUIL, SAY PASSENGERS I II .IN IS II.IMIH III Mil II lll.lt.ll.ri. i:ll I HON ,iu iit'Miiitrn lraplle lb NrMira III the I t,tl1l la III Jimi- Turn Hut lii llri 111 hl1 l'M III, lilt 'llf IV IImiII, I IIhmiicIi lining In New link l lurplug at I1ii llalell ihi lVtrlti. wmla III MrvlKl, I Hill! I'm Hriln I'ASAMA Nor J l'au'( - i inc IiMm fmiu tluara , i i nlt-liI null. Irak ill liu' ' . IhMr ID li laal lllr tla)a lor H lf dratha fliini iUr - ' Irum malarial fevers Tii riimlllliin la belle -d uhrtllil tt t nf aflaua -lid It. a ' allrtitlotl pulpit. r I .. ... i. Iirallh. iialhc lit li i . ct i. flgtiinr The fttil.." i . inmilinK rapldli ml4 !' lUrvlce I A-.l i: I'ArW. Nov : I iC tn dlapatrhra, !. Yacaa rratr J (ill Ihln the hall. la u( Hi frdrra ti Itrr a ilraperaln fight. Ill wtMrli a aotdlrd of mnrii Wrre klllrd ui Ix.'b Mm Tar rrbela were nuliwitit-rd rifhti il Ihrm mad a gallant Anal nand acalml mlds II I ttiitrlrl, though ni "t Stated lhal lllii (txlntall trrtilnl tma hundred mm-rnmliaianu al n farina iilil rttllrw (run ji Vara I mi. J I'im Hervlc :i. I'AKO. Nor. 3 All nalrl r trday forgot the bloody ar lxn( sjr amund It anil the rltlirns and rebel soldier alt liiinrtt out the opanlng tacva n( the irtuin al Juarea Irark Ornrral Villa occupied a Imi Thrie waa ho dUlurbanrr i I luted Piraa Service ' WAHHINOTON, Nor 31 I'lral-li-ni WiImiii liaa arranged lo keep In vrrv rloae Inurli with the Mrllran lluatlnn while In Nr Vnrk tonight, ami tomorrow II liaa arranged with Secretary (Irian lo repeat lo III Ml all the Im portant mnuiN from lb Houth ll liaa hern Irariird that Wilson auurrd Hlr William Tyrell. secretary, " lh llrltlih Foreign Minister, thai tifflrtal advlrrw lndlralr.l thai thr llrilhh (imaiil at Tuiiaiii greatly ev afgrratnl thi Kralltr t lhi altua linn I It K filnrti.l thai aoniP liTrlcn I'luix-rlf will Im ilamagrd iliirlnie tlip HdilliiK tint Carrania haa onurr.l 'ho t'nllnt Hlntra that Ihla mil In I'ald aa mm na ,t rrhrla aro In run irol WAHIIINUTON, Nor. 31 111" I'MllMhlp Svvt llutlipalllm imIIpiI lfm Vera Crui tiiTilliam laat lilKht Wilson Would End the Strike by Arbitrating "i:.NVi:n, Nov. 38, Hecrelur) of Ubiir William Wllaon nnU tlovornor A'timtiiia of Colorado nn working to tIiik about nn end to tho labor ill liirbaiicM In ihu Trinidad mining '"U, They urgo niimvdlnlo arbi tration, A l"lnt letter from tho nccrnlury ml tho governor Iuik been wilt l tlm '"Itio operator nml to tho minor, "'liiK fur un early aultlemeiil of tint '"o. lloth .Ido havo taken tlm "tier under nilvlscmont. According lo tho propoial inado by "" offlclali, the two faction! will cli ,ieot throe member of a board Zapata, Dreaded Outlaw of Mexico aaHaVHJlL Zapata l tm Ulan l-atrj ni-lt to llufna 10 llii li lt.li Iradtr of tit lr..iura( tiaiul f .luMawa In the iiuntr) ati. la i'i'i(ul tnough to niarrb on tlm I'll) ol Mvilco wrrv tnta withdrawn trues the raital Innc rnouch t" ('t him a chanrr llv hai torn within inlrt) mllra of tlm rlljr Whin llurrta for.rl a loan of 19.000,000 from tho Mrilfo Clt) halikpra tlill )Mf unv of lll liaa wat that If Iip did not Kit the inoiirjr for thr malntitianrp of lila armr Zapata would marrh In and loot tho banki. lliat til auRlclrut to frlKhti'll lh rapltalUla Into cotnillnnrr lr Mm lorn wits rullrd In IVurdi'll last night to attend Theodore 1'ul.ia. fnti'iuaii of construction for the S I' iiiinpnii), who l seriously III. Ileorgr Tiigtml l I'lilirtlii-d to Ills ii.i.iii at liirlili'tr ntirtr na tho I. anil of n fall with u hnrao ou the pivemriit Uat Sunday Atttr the mishap Tugii'il rniioiuil.il ttio horso ninl went out in the country, and It waa nut until afterward" Unit the In jur) lit hl lei! commented to bother. .. ..ri.iirailou. Thene U mo I" . ' I 1. .1 I. M.,1 Alltll. lit ruo tlio aevtnlli mint ntitiioi bo ngrrml Ul'oit Y " "tl,,,r nmn' her of Hi" I'onrd, bo vvlll ! ihtweit by resident Wilson. At thl conference. It U proposod to iirlillntlo tlm iiHtlon "f lilisher :iKf for men. Tho bom 'I "I" "I" bo expoctod to dovlso mellioiU of nd jtittliiK future iIUputan. lit tinier lo mold other Htrlke. Tho hitler iiroposllljiit I to the plant of recognition of union. IVmllUK tbo Bcttloment. It I Kml that tho miner retumo work. TO BE DEMANDED i iii.m ii i'iih i.n ur rei.ici: ,o. in ii.m mini r.it'it 111:1m ,l.M I MllllllnllH III IT I.MI.IM. MIDI. I. Hill li: Ml si i;o. 1 n.li-.l I'rvu Kcr1(r I'AltlM. s : 1'ri.fKt of I'o ii'i. Ilcnnliiii iiHlar ik.UI1.hI all motion i.i turn iiianulnitur"ra, ilralera and ".atrti liianaici-rii lliat within a ahort urn. li ii (M-rirtlt no moru liitlain ii..ii.l. nim. aiirli aa am now In unl i.taal nar In bo iiiatiufarturi'd or ! I.iMI.M Ilia rlrrular alalia that pHirl-ini-iita iumlurlr.1 heforn hi ill liair 1 ".nil that llii-iri)ii( (lima ran now '. n.aili- ami ai. .irlill)r (irartlral 1 1 ma. Hum will l. flinl aa anon ' ..i. i. IimiiiiI "ill what ilrlny i:.ati 1 f .in r n'il in urilir that no ' ! 1 ma ri'aull 0. K. EOR SURVEY i.iiv i.iiMi.r i:him:i:iis in i I III lllllllt, lit III UN tiii: i.im.i tir intsr ntr.iiu:vr. , Mini: in it.1 i tllrmM lal IM-nlic) j VI VSIIIM.TON. Not : Cuicrn-i : nt aiirieynra, who liuH' Jutt hern . "i- klnic up oiup of thu Unci rr-' i.-l lo ha brrti run hr (IrorKO, vaahiiixtoii In lila daya of chain and -uiraw hatn fouud thrm good. J About I'M. according to tradl ' ..li tSroigi. IVathlngton, then 1 9 i )m. iilil. ran out for Uird ThomatJ Kairfai thx line brtwrrn what i Inn tn !. Augusta and KriMrrlck I ouiill.i, Virginia. Ihla being only at part of a grrat ileal of lunrylng. whtrh ho la ald to hatr bren ! ' mr.nl iiixui at that tlmr , Thran two routitliw wrr r'e- ratrd from what waa thrn Orangr i routity. and thi grant t lrd Fair fat waa ut'ocd to rltrnd wratward lo thr I'arlDc ocean Kubarumtly thtwv larg( tracta wrrp further aubdltrldrd. an that tbo Fairfax llni' a It la ginerally j known runa now hrtwen Hocking ham and Hhrnando-th coiinllca, with I tho original Atigmta and Frederick! rountlea to lhi aouth and north pr- ap.vtfull)' SUBJECTS EOR THESES GIVEN hum' mi: ,Ni:n:v.utv ion .UTI.IItVrS IIHl I'lllM.IUV It). MTIONs. i:.IMIATIONS XK.XTJ MtlNTII I The cotiuty schtiol iiperlntendeut' tifflce niiiioiilice the following ub i...u lor tlnura for prlmitry certHl- citto nppllt'nnt In lite comtiiK leiteh- er'a exniuluiltliiti' I'lcturo Study. The Story Hour. I'lay and l'l) grounds. Tlm Monlessorl 8ylom. lb Klntergnrtfii it nn old to tho prlmnry tehool. i:miiliiiillona for MaIp cerlincattM will be held tit tho Central School from December 17 to in. Tlio pro- Kl.llll follOHH Dit'imlHr 1 1 United Slnte hi Inry. writing, ii!iIoIor-, phjlcivl ge-iH-riihliv. I'.Miilliik-. composition, motif od In riMdliiB. nntlind In nrlthmo- !tli' , Dervmber IS -Arithmetic, history of ulurittloiii iisychtilogy, method In 1 RiMiRfiiphy. Krammar, geogrnphy, Aiiierlcin llteniltiro, ph)lc, motif mlii In Iuiikuiiko. thel for primary I ciirllilttttc lieceiutwr 19 Theory and pactlco, .rihoErnnhr. I.'ngllnh lltcrnturo, chemlslry, tehool law, Keology, nlge hrn. civil Eovcrnment. Docomber 20 aoomctry, botany, general history, bookkeoplng. CAUCUS TALKS SHOW THERE IS : TO BE A BATTLE! IH.IIITi: Mil, I, Hi: HT.IItTKH IN si:n.iti: mo.mi.w I MMiir of Hip Ik-uiorrau Will HupKrt llin ltriulillrant ou (VrUlu lira un-n III llin Minority IIIII. Mglit ami Hay hvnaiuna IIIII lie Held to llua.li Tliruuttli the Nnonil lll Ad iiiliilatrallnn llruurn IVAUIIINUTON, Nor. 38. Tbu ttirnury roforiu rucuurv caucua of tlm IMnorratlc Rcnutora la irogrtaa lug rapidly ll la I'tprrli'd that they will llulili he hill tomorrow night Monday tlm drbalo will comiuriire A day and night iHitlou will bit held Monday and until the bill li ailed upon. There will hu aumn Ugbta agalnit Hi.- Owrtia hill In I In- 'nate by tho lletnorrata, but In a rntuure tho cau cua haa ferreil to cool on aumo re lirlllotia aplrlta. It la really cipeUed by tin leader that every Democrat but Hitchcock will aupport the hill aa adopted by tin. raucu when It la up for final panaage lloweter, arteral of the Democrata will aupiwrt the Itepubll can Kenatora on certain ainrndmenU. Tho aentlnient of the caucua li overwhelmingly agaltul prorltlona for establishing more than twelve re gional baaki. SINNOTT HAS PART IN BANKING BILL IHtKiiO.V tllNtilllXSM.tVS STOCK- HOI.DKItV .IMKMHIK.NT H IN Cl.l OKU I.N llOTII .HAJtHIITY IMI MI.NOIIITV laVH. WASHINOTON, Nov. 3R -The "stockholder amendment" created by N. J Slnnott. Congressman from th Kastern Oregon District, appear to be a highly dtslrablo feature, a It haa been Included In the majority senate hill on currency reform, drawn by Senator Owen, and also In the minority hill, compiled by Senator Hitchcock. Thla amendment prohibit stock holder n well na officer and direc tor of any hank from being appoint ed clam. "H" director In any regional nuerve bank Tho currency bill puaaed by tho House ipeclflcally tale that class "11" director are Intended to represent tho general public interest nt each district and for thl reason tho bill excludes offi ce and director of bank on the supposition that they might represent the Interest of the. bank rather than tint public. llellevliiK that stockholder had a party of Interest with officer and director of a bank, Slnnott, on Sep tember 15 Inst. Introduced hit amend ment In the Houso adding itockhold era to tho excluded list and made n speech In support of the samp on that day. Although the Slnnott amend ment wa voted down, by tho Demo cratic majority nt that time It ha now been embodied In tho bill In troduced by both wing ot tho Sen ate Currency Committee. I FOR POLICEMEN SCIU:N1:cTADY, N. V., Nov. 28. Commissioner Colo ot tho Depart ment of Public Surety today appoint ed thirty-two striking employe ot tho tlcncral Klectrlo Company a spe cial policemen. They were Instructed to toe that nouo ot tho picket forcibly Inter fere with workmen desiring to ro Btimo their positions with the company. To Spend 4 Days rf "- aV BKriJ -laB '''aw ar ' fjK fUHHIHlH w-5 SS'f'V ' f I y , 8 mm fiftrHtc IMtS &b NKW YORK, Nor". :. Krerett Fowler, a lawyer of Kingston, a small city on the Hudson Hirer above New York, the "bagman" of Ciiarle F. Murphy, boat of Tammany Hall, ha been Indicted by a grand Jury In New York county on tho charge of rjtor-1 tiou, and ha pleaded not guilty. He-. porta before hi appearance Indicated, that he would decide to tell the dis trict attorney all he knew. I New York state I expending manyj million on the construction of itate road. Contractor bad a small corv tract, requiting the expenditure of about 133,000. Fowler, acting for Tnmmany or Murphy, told him that he was expected to put up f 350, It I charged by District Attorney Whlt-J HAD WATERMELON ON THANKSGIVING TOM LYONS, IIV ITII.I.I.NO HIS ci:i.i.iu roit cold stoiugk. I .IDDKD JCI.Y ritl'IT TO XO VILMIIKIt DI.NMUl Turkey, fVuipkin pie and other dellcacle wro feature ot all sort ot Thanksivlng dinner", but there t are very tv who added to the menu watermeons. This, though, watt done by Tom Lyons, who hu a ranch a few mile from hero on tho Midland i road. l.jon raised melon with good ucu thl e- desplto stories from over tho Siskiyou to the effect that there I a killing frost every few night In tho summer. About two dozen of these melou wcro placed In. Ilia cellar, which was converted Into n cold ttorago plant, and melon wilt also be ou the I.) on table at Christ ma time. SAY STEAMERS ARE m OUT IMI.II'OllM.V TKItMINAIi IU1I- ltO.IIW AllH DIXKMUXTS IN' I ttiMi'iiAiNT fii.i:d IIY OWXIIIIS OF Till! Y.II.K AND HAHV.IUD WASHINOTON. Nov. 28. An Ille gal combination on tlio part of the California Terminal railroad to shut tho steamor Yalo and Harvard, owned by tho Tactile Navigation Com pany, out of business between San Fraucltco, Snn Pedro and San Diego, I alleged In n complaint filed by the steamship lino with tho Commerce Commission. The company says It maintains a flrat-clas passenger service, but that tho railroads nrrnngo to shift the passengers to the Pacific Coast Steam ship Company nud the San Francisco and Vortlnnd Steamship Company by un agreement. i in State Prison Me- -aaaaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaW.a V" k-aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa Wl Sail l JmJlMMMSti 4r2rISS&tt&L4jMKl,,j man. He did 10, making the check out lo the chairman ot the democratic itato committee. It Is currently reported In New York that hundred ot thousand of dollar hare been taken by agent ot Tammany Hall from these contract or, most ot It on the plea that It was for political committee. Then there were contractor on the Erie canal, which for many year ha been In conrso ot reconstruction at the cost of 1101.000,000. Deyond thl. New York city I building a system ot waterworks, which, when completed, will cost more than 1175,000,000. It I reported the contractor on these work hare been held up, and that tery little of the money went Into the hand of campaign manager. KLAMATH TEAM LOSES A GAME Klamath county high school lost ll chance for the Southern Oregon football championship Thanksgiving, when the Ashland high school eleven defeated them 19 to 0. The game wa played at Ashland and In addition to tbo advantage ot playing on their ground, the local boy phouo over that the Ashland referee even retorted to coaching during tbo game, beside giving the visitor none the best of the decisions. The team will bo home thl evening. Hawaii Seeks to Have Government Changed IIU.NUI.UL.U, .-vov. se. a strong i effort will be made hero soon to have Hawaii's government changed from tbo territorial to tbo military com mission form, according to a move ment started today. To alt outward appearances, It I sate to say that the demand will have tbo unanimous backing ot the residents ot the Islands. That Is to say, everybody who Is "an body" In Hawaii will be back of It. Very few peoplo tn Ha waii, hovvover, nroi"unybody." Tbo Island are owned and con trolled by nn exceedingly small sltque. Hardly more than halt a dozen big estates bold title to practically all tho laud which Is worth holding title to. The sarao Interests own all the ship ping, Jobbing and oven retail business of any great Importance. Through their ownership ot nearly every means ot living on the Islands these sarao Itncrests, represented by a nu merically very small group, control everyono who lived here. Whoever object to their control Is starved out In short order. The big Inter ests havo long wanted such a form of government at prevails In the Phil' Ipplnes. Their reason for It la vtry NELSON IS FREED OE CHARGES; TO ARRIVE SATURDAY .nem: OF ClIAnaKM rnovc.v I'outo lluyer' Claim That ! Wat the Victim of ClrcumaUacM b . talnnl lo Han I'raacloco Ceait. Willi Attorney Shaw, B WM Re turn Tomorrow aail Will Ilia mArketlac of I'otatoea I (Herald HdccUI Herric) HAN FItANCISCO, Nor. 21, 11. L. Nelson, the Klamath. Fall potato buyer, who was arrested and brought here under charge ot iteallng 500, ho been freed. After the evidence against him was Introduced thl moraine, Attor ney YV. 11. Shaw mored tor a dis missal, upon the ground that the charge were not proven. Thl waa) Immediately granted. Nelson and hi attorney leave thl evening for Klamath Fall, whare they will arrlre Saturday erealac. Nelson will resume hi potato buying at once. Charge ot obtaining money under false pretense by Detroit people were alto Investigated, and It waa fouad that thtie were entirely unsubataa tlated. It It believed here that the potato buyer waa the victim ot cir cumstance. Nelson waa arrested here a couple of week ago, but It waa not until late laat week that extradition was granted. While awaiting the actios of Governor West, Nelson remalaed In the dtr. To hi friend, Nelson itated that the money be wa alleged to have stolen waa given him oa a note, aad jhe say he also owed the man f 1,000 more on note, tie oeciarea ioai persons had been Influencing tho note holder and advised him to retort to the criminal court to collect the f money. I Friend of Kelson noatad the amount duo on all the note la a bank and wired the note holder he could have the entire amount, bat ha refuted. It wa locally believed that Net ion' story wa true, and be had the avmoathr of all. cDeclJlr a the ar- I rest camo dulng the time he waa buy ' lnc heavily In the potato market, ex I peeling In a very short time to take I up the note. simple. Lorln Andrews, forme United State district attorney bar, expressed It concisely la a receat lv tervlew In San Francisco, cabled back to Honolulu and published la the local newspapers. The cbango will be a good thlag for the business Interests ot the Islands," said Andrews, "because all the offices will be filled from Wash ington and the objectionable electlOM will bo dispensed with." The "ob jectionable elections" aer what tie big Intoresta do not Haa about the territorial form of government. The Islands must have labor aad taact) haa been a scarcity ot It ever tbsew Oriental Immigration wit atoafad. To offset It, worklagmta hava baas brought tn In large numbers' frata Southern Europe la receat yf'. Thla laboring population ha got yea been seriously troublesome at Mm polls, but a second growth ot taw. natlvo born and entitled to ?, W be reaching the right age la the avaar future to become a raemaea tt) tp)n ruling class. The nttlve-borm im- anete have been a sofa'of war tor some.Ume. ' Heave) tta atisUtefB tor a chaigVl (ha fwtft at MK' ' meat i l &