The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 27, 1913, Image 1

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    .,.. w'x
J (V, '
' it?
a m
iiikMIi Vmi Nil a.awi
lrtoa BTf Chat
,iilli:'lll IN fim.iiiMi is i 1 1 in n
IIV hi II- i
llm H, mill Aillmi Itiiiiulil tlt
Hit. ('mint) by llmr) IUIta
Tliii.iiaji Atliiinr) Itnil hp1.
l'lliilll I'ajllirlil ill lllg Mim III-',
III lll.lilrl III WmioliL tgallltl l-r .
Holding that at the ! Ik war
jilW wr U'Mi.l, thtfmi.Alr m
ilrblrd mute liH Hi" nnMllii. l
limitation. Ililiiy llaMm ku rata
mrlirrd a eaMIMl Mil la fJoli .!
iumiI til m iiunilvr ul warrant
1li action l-l til laeawa
(.4) liv JiMpll M Kent II bat a Im
UK Ml li lb validity el werraata
worth i--irn a4 itv
Tim pfptlnua llabbea u!l Id'oItm)
warrant indetitnln qaiftef of
a million.
Tli 'ini uH ki ts efijetn
Hlmillt a fimu rilic any l tb
warrant lor lairt ami t'twnlr Tresa
nrrr Hl'tfont frm paying t T
nlhrr drfvudthla. Htm laaanl Ik
warrant, ara
r'tral National bank .if Wnal Wl
larn I hlim Trlctraph rwMpaiu. Has
Mumrurra. H O Jnbliltin, 0 I. IH
mirk. (Ixirt W Kimball Willi
Wright. II A Taylor. Haiti II Hmllr
IIimk ( lafluu, KUmalli IVi. s -'
wraUtli Slid Mr Mart llninik
o iii:risiri: aitiun h mk-
hit MUTim h.h i:i'I.ini:h
lO Mil. T. Mill
III nliltr to H Ikttruughl)
llrar In l-gat Ailtl.rr Tar lor of Ike
IM-Iamatlmi aertlre Jait bat Ik
Klamath Water t'arr drwire IB lb
laklng mr ill (he flrt unit, power
iltfloiniMil, elr., a wrellnc of tb
tllrclma waa held leal lilcht. whltli
wa attrtidi; by Mr Talr and Pro
Jr I Knglnrvr V. W. Palrh
AI Ihn niprllnx It wa eiplalneJ
that Ihn M'Vnral fralurra wric rem
liliiptl In tlm nnn iTllllnn In order to
Ket thrill brfurr the ileiHirlinalit l
Ibo Inli-rlur, til a.fllUIn wblrb r.i.ilil
be given the qulrkr! atlentlun Ttn-n
will bit followed lalrr by lepaiale i
lllliuit, It I thought ruirring "
itlitlnrt feature
Mann Doesn't Like to
Pick Wedding Presents
Culled Pre Harvlco
W'AHIIINOTON, l. V, Nov !7
"Nover ugnln,' ny HepreaeiilatUo
"Jim" Mniin, when miyoiio nk him
how hit iiJo)mI bonding Ibo tpt'cliil
limiau iiiiiuiilltio w lilili "hmiK
liloil" lulu aultHllitK Ibo hoiKii of rop
irainiitiitUoa1 wedding gift t MU
J.aatit Wlfaon. Ho blikiuoa lli'inu
lullvn Piign of North Ciiriillnu fur it
part of hi trouble. IMgo wn lri
tirvr of tho fund ubrrlbtd, micli
liipreavutttllvo kIvIiik nbout IS cucli.
nltluiUKh liiMihertvutly Itepri-acntU'.
live Babatli of llllnol and Ijillirup
llrown of Now York no lit 1 10 cncli.
Jownlry anliMimen literally hound,
td I lin Ufa out of Maun und Page
until tho gift wn eolocled. Page
hunted nil of them on to Maun. The
btiwhUkoriM ropubllcnn lendvr oh
octd, but Pagu "(mimed tho buck."
Piillcllnr wnro nut tho rarpet In
w i niii ii miks i iirim ii m
Ml llllll I I tt Mllll I IMi
i iii iu riiiiM n mi. u .
Mil III Mil M
I III rail! MKNlal Kntre)
4HIMII.I.. s, j- ,h. ,,,.
r "f main It.U'U Kit Ar,, ..,,
Il rtXiInt I rlmi. nl M r I. Irn.l. .
i line Nil i ml..i. i,. M ., VI
I i i'miMI in 1 1,, i, i i. i ii ,
B ai Till' wrSdlni i '.I i
u Ikr tll'kllail -. t. Mi. I ti
.1 lli arllnt kiMir
Mr ( lay Ch ai l ' i
i . il rrnotntauri I M II. n.
Tl n.i skate ik h'.iwii) i i
I I i.trltlli r.ufll fit
aal attk itfr trrtm.i. flu
i" falsa !'. in v.n in ii
Tba bi!4a aa tMrotali.gli ail n.i
i aklla autMllS a4 lat.. ao.l ili
tit:ssai4 wm (sanad In latmilrr
Mattlls tad Ufp
ri tloalat Im rreawiB Ike (urtii
up lat Had In lb mIcb lrHtl
Tbu pfim4 la t am f Iko biK(pl
and BMM arabla laiipffi Mcr
aarrad bare
Ttiat aa mark Jitttt r at thr la
Ma aa4 Ika aiwabara maitr I'laln Ibp
plot la afclrk lb nlraiilnr lar
llaa aia kald Tli brltlr I tii
ka a liy all k for h-1 niau
rbaiaous kara'ipia n.l ln lal
Ilk aiaaua. tail lb m..u. m kn .wo
all uti lb roaatrr aa a t'"- lallua
kolk in an4 oal of Ikr imi unit I'"'
iti Ian ar b baa bun ihciml In
i l . i l.italfip brf
II r .iWiKMt lnMi" Hill
i' ii anil Ibrr Ibr f impl till) Tr-
. ii.r tripitnl man? tiarful an4
nf .1 iiiutiii from ttipir Mrrrlll
nJ .n...iii ihrm ilKlira alltrr
.-. ti..-iii laLlp llnrn i-tr
Wl.tNlll I Hi lillll Mil IT
Will I Hill t I Mill . tMilll.ltl.
IUI iimi MN Willi I (N'l III:
hum. ii I.
i sued riurilro
ATU.NTIl' 1'ITV. N J.Nov ST.
ttaror VVIIUaea Itlddlw rtlunil jiii
irrda cnlCK to laaue a ThankrgU.
lug prorlamitton.
"Tbrro at loo many ifoplu who
l..t nutklng to b Ibankful for." hv
.aM rherefiire II would be fnolUli
I., luake u llianVtKhliig priKlninn
ii . tM trar "
.,, i,a iol nr' aiuong Hit'
.iro . Hi pioJin lion nf coiT.
I Muiiii's office. Thej cajole.' ..Uiided
'and brought their "Inflweiico" l tir
: upon him. They hotfrv.l imu '"'
pbntogniph nf Hr llli. ",cK
hm, and n mi Mn l'1 ,'0 ""
to ho illilul C" to I'' " ,,,ll0
became uf Iho linporlunnlK milemnnti
To prinent uuy Jowoler from wur
lug fni iiilvirtltliiB " ' Mr
Maqn' "wt troubli. Hmiie drni
offeriwl their ware nwny below iot
for Ibo prhllcgo of being Hio llrm In
'supply tlioliomo pretcnl
Maun turned down a iloien offers
wlioro ho belkucil elf-ndwrlllnK
twin Iho principal nl f l10 i""1'0"'
lletplto report Hint Mln (lenevolvo
Clnrli. daiiKhtor nf tho mniiVer of tlio
ImiiKO. wn ueh'Cli'il by Mnim nnd the
rmiimltlco to Holed tho hou.o gltt. It
lin leaked out that Mr. Mann waa
.i irnvm- behind tho throne," nnd
iiiiunlly iimdo tho ultimata oloctlon.
American Embassy in Mexico to Be Deserted Soon
t . n m.,b i '.haughm-My, lb
in." at 'or- d aflairr in ileilro
i iij .t iim i MUnn tbe am
. HMaiiiii a . ---eli back by I'rcti-
.Mil wit. n i. -men Iparra the
A mini an . mt.tii. the magnlflcent
Iiuidp i.r tii Ararrwan rriiri-aenlallve
Ibprr will w drarrird The altualloii
If x trrr ' 'MaaaaaamafaTaW. "' V -laaM'raTa J -laaaaaaaaTMBaVI
raW'laaaaaaaaaMBaa ! -fc MjKkjfMMMMfi
VaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVka Ir-il
a?a?a?a?a?a?a?.aa- aa BrtTtTtTaBBB raaaTaaaTaaaTaaaTaaaTaaaTaaaTavaffl aa?a?a?a?aa iiiiiiiiHSaa.aNaflaraJr-a- . m ' -v
aat.t.t.t.taaaaB-.aTM T. aTaTaTaTaTaTaTai aat.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.tSPbV-iraTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa iaaHaaa.a aaatatatatatatatatatatatatatVaatatHEZ 4 T" JaTaBiW f
aal Wif 1-aaWaaLaaiMLI aaLM aLaaLaa- fT2 .'-' tt PbjX 'K fTJS''
1 !i ' V . VIVlM.-aa-a-laaS.llllfc-N Al fX tjf .
fe a - "T-1 -sr-riaji
Bourne Goes East
In Interview, Senator Outlines at
POItTI.ANK. Nov S". "I am
lili-aard wllb Hie rilrptlon iny good
uiaJa plan baa bii'ii glten In my own
tain. mid ui-Hi'iiator Jonathan
Houine, Jr , bi fnrr leaving for W'mli
Inglon to return work for tho en
ailniMil of hit bill "A the pec!al
araalnn nf mngri runllnrd II Btteil'
tluii to tariff and rurrency legltlatlon.
tbe koihI road bill wa nut Hubnilt-tr-l.
It will bo Introduced abortly
aflor the ronti'liliiK of tho regular
"In my parrrl pott work I wn han
dicapped by active and aggretha op
IxmIIIoii. wbllit there wa llltlit active
iipporl. In pri'tlng the good road
plan I am nnilou In have the nld of
public ti'iitlnii'lit for It. heiire I hne
taki'ti advantage nf ery opportun
ity to i'M'UIii ll priititinii nud ud.
"Tbern nro llire terlou defect In
our privnt )tim of highway con
irurlliin and mnlnletianrit, and my
plu fur federal aid la drawn wllh a
vli'W In ritrni-llnc all lf them
"I'lrtt. rotiilrurllnn fund aro In
deiiiiale i:ientUo. permanent run-
trurtlun reulrca munt money than
ran be raited by taxation ami tne
mual rule of Intercut on bond It
higher than the peopto ought to pay.
My plan propose tint mo govern
ment tell 3 per rent bond ut rapidly
a nereiitay up In n limit of 11,000,-
OOO.OiiO. and loan tbl money to tlio
late on tbe nociirlty of their I Per
rent bondi, but plnro tho dlrfcronco
nix li'litit Pnt imnrtl.
tin nrritint nf this being Thanks
giving. Iho local Hlkt Lodge will not
ild n uii'i'ting lhl rotiliip All of
the hurltii'iui uud Initiation t:nt wus
pliiiiiii'd fnr tonight' mulcn will bo
piiHlponvd until tho llrtt uieetltiK In
December At that tlmo Hufus IC, ,
l.nve, wbu I tn direct tho annual
aluiw for tho l.lkh. will bo present. I
"Illniiil)" I'liiJ Safe.
II. H. I'rnnei senior menber of the
luiR-rnUliiK llrm of Crnno & Wntlers,
wn In II o city Wednesday extending
Inxllntion In hit friend to lstt tho
t'l aiio A, Wullor ranch for n Thanks
giving dinner. "Illomly" did not ex
tend llieao Invitation, however, with
out first making suro tho party In
vited had n dutc. for Thanksgiving
L '-' . .& f
i ili-ur.-i t lly ( rnjldly toinlng to
tl.n pnint aecard Ins l-i thn dlipatchea
of tho lt few illy, trtaen Ibo Atncr-
wU ic;."i niUloo lll be directed
b) Prmldtnt Wllion to c!oe th-i em
bai.y and return to the Inlied fluira,
Mr O ?ii ugl.nrray l rcailr to morn
at i inomeula notice. Ho trill make
to Take It Up With New Congress
in Inlereat In a sinking fund which
would arcumulalo compound Inter
eat at 3 t rent and equal tho prln
cll lu a little lea thin llfly yean.
"Thu tho itates would get their
money at let than tho uual rate
and never be called upon to pay the
( Tbe fund would be appor
Jnnattiaii llnunie Jr.
Untied iiiiiouk tho statot lu propor
tion la relative area, population, as
(ed valuation nnd road mileage,
"iternnd, there I n lack of skilled
ciiAsii inmvnr.x sTiuurr cut
AM) a.v .umuieiiiiii: KII.US
I Ml o.v inn:
I'nltctl Pre Sorvclo
CHICA(U), Nov. ST. A llrldal par
ty nutolug from a pre-nuptlal party,
collided with a street car at midnight
nnd the prospective bridesmaid, Nora
i K.r ssH
! Kw
TCTr ' I -i-W-. &'-? aTJaW"
a li t'c aaaa' '- aaaaai
aaaar.. a. wk .aaaax aaaaaaai
hia way to Vera Crui, and thero go
alicanl one of Ibo lercral American
baltlcablpr In the barbor. If be re
caltea the order to quit tbe Mexican
rapltal Tlila more It Ii believed will
mark tho beginning of an antl-Amer-lean
ilproonitratlon which may re
ult In tho destruction of tbe embaaay
Length the Plan
(Uprrvlilun. Hood road building, like
any other kind of Important comtrue
Hon work, require ipeclal training.
Hut there Is no adequate Inttructlon
In highway and bridge engineering.
"My luggetted bill propotc tbe
rttabtlthnirnt of a national academy
of highway and bridge engineering,
tn which one atudent would be ad
mitted from each rongrctilona! dlt
trlct. the selection tn bo made by com
petitive examination.
"Karli (tudent would bo allowed 4
rent n mile for traveling expenses to
tbo Institution apd ISO per month
for living expenies while there, so
that bo whote parent aro of mod
erate mean ran attend.
"Third, tyttematle maintenance 1
neglected. The fact that metal-ur
faced road nro railed 'permanent'
raute failure to provldo In advance
for maintenance and repair. .
"Hut hard-iurfarril wagon road,
llko railroad, need ronttant atten
tion, it I entlmatrd that the an
nual cott of maintenance It, on tho
average, nbout 1 per cent of tho cot
of ronttructlon.
"Ilenro my suggcited bill provide
that at a further aid and ttlmulu to
tho state the government shall an
nually donate to each ttato for ruatn
.tenanco rurpote S per cent of the
amount drawn anil uted by tho tate
for conttructlon, provided that the
ttato expend an equal amount. The
'adoption of this plan will absolutely
H'curo continual maintenance.
.Ahlttrang. wa killed. Twelve other
'were Injured, two serlomly.
, Tbo automobile plunged Into an
' npnrtment butldlug and wa partially
wrecked. In Its coune It broke a
Kasptpo nud flooded tho baicmeut
lot the building with gat, which ox
Iploded and rt flro to tho building.
Peter (lormley departed Wednes
day for La Crots." Wis., where he will
remain thl winter.
Strict order have been Usued by
tho Herman emperor to suppress the
tango craiQ which has obtained a flrui
hold on llorlln ocloty. Tho court
riKimltArlitln hiia been told that the
tango mutt not be danced at either
rnnrt Imiu or nt nnv dlnlomatlo func
tions at which princes or other roy
alties may bo present.
WIII..N M'lllMlli o.v
Ccmmtnclnic Monday (he puplti o(
the thlril grade In the Itlrenlde anu
CVntral achonta will attrnd both (ore
noona and nflernooni. Heretofore
they data been attt-ndlnr. onlr lull
iliy ilon.
Tlio flril and urcond uradera have
itao been atlendlnc half day lexloni,
and aa iome of thrr ttrre In the
mornlnic and aome In (he aftrrnoon,
there hat bti-n aome Inronrrnlenco
aalTered by parenli, eaiwclnlly thoae
bavin two or more children In the
lower gradea.
Tn remedy thli, the third grader
will attend acbool all the forenoon
'and until 2 30 In tho afternoon.
I llflilltllul llllll III
A.MKItlCAX IIXILKS" PLAN UlO'nJllllon members within a compara-...v.-r.
.. .... o.-cv ..ltlvtlyhortllme.
.1 y r ft .! aTa.a MMMBrt
i:vi:.i.a at H.ivor iiotki ix
United Pre Service
LONDON. Nor. ST. Tbanktglrlng
Day I being obierved by American
"exiles" all over Great Ilrltaln and
numerou reception and dinner par
ties bave been arranged In honor of
the oecaiton.
The biggest of the gatberlgt will
take pUy H the Savoy hotel loDlhJt!tuflB.1i,,iIlcorport,L, ZZ
wurro tu A1UOXIC4IH owtcij iu bva
don hold Its banquet. Robert N.
Fairbanks, chairman of tbo oclety,
protldcs, and the dtitingulshed guests
will be Ambauador Walter II. Page,
Klnt Secretary Irwin I), Iugblln, J.
I.. OrlQtha and the naval and mili
tary attaches of tbe American em
On account of bis recent success
ful trip to tho United States and Can
ada, Vltcount Haldane, tho Lord
High Chancellor of Great Ilrltaln, I
the guett of honor. About 300 guests
will be prevent.
MIm Ur t'onraleacrnt.
Mitt Agne Lee, wbo ha been f;rl
ourly 111 for the pad few week, I
again able to bo up, though bor re
covery U very gradual.
down town Wednesday for a few mln -
utes, the Ortt time In more thsn two
Bettors Favor Chance
of Pennsylvania Team
United Press Service
sylvania bad a slight edgo In the bet
ting on today' annual Tbankagtvlns
game ou Penn Filed with Cornell.
Comparative acorea of tbe eleveus and
the Inevitable vicious fight which thj
riiiuiivipuiau aiwaj put up in iui
lluul contest against tbo Ithlcans put
Iho visitors on tho short end of iO-lo-S
bets. However, "Millionaire Row"
Inhabitants from Cornell, as uiual, ac
cepted all bets In sight, on the
strength of prlmlses from coaches
that Cornell will shako from her
sleeve several aurprUea In tha nature
uf forwurd uud double passes.
Society from Washington and Ilal.
tlmore stopped ovor hero today en
route to tho Army-Nary gamo on tho
polo grounds in Now York Saturday,
Added to these visitors ware hun
dreds of guests at the usual holiday
hop and college social functions, so
that whon tlmo was called close to
30,000 spectators packed the Held.
On comparative showing this ysr
nDfiAui7ATinuTn i
uhunniLniiun iui
Jln.llirrliiKxl Jint Iking Vonaeil la
, Indiana Plana Hick anil Dhtabtcltf
llriirnta for Hie Jlembera, aatl Mm
i:.IAlll.lininl of CtUperaUT K
trriirUfn Along the I.lne the Party
j Haw Long llcrn Ailroiatlag
Culled I'reta Sertlce
UVANSVILLK. Ind., Not. S7rTo
' pay alck, death and funeral baaaflU,
to protect member In caie of lck
net or dlalreia, and to eaiabllih co
operatlro enterprlie are tb mala
oblect of the International RoclalUt
Hrotberhood Jut launched here.
-or.r:n,orpI!a,n,. IT
plul and other Initltutlona are vrat-
uatly to be founded by the orgaatta-
lion, according to It backer.
Ilranchca will be orzanlted In erarr
town and rlty In the United State
having a aociailil local.
The promoters hop to have one
Eugene V. Debs, Clarence Darrosr,
Charles Kdward Huttell, J. Htltt Wll
ion, Victor Dergor, Beymour 8 lad mail
and Stephen M. Reynolds have prosa
Ited to aid the movement.
Tbo project haa been under consid
eration for months In Southern Indi
ana. The originators of the move
ment are C U Bourne. Kuttall Eyt
tenbarh and Charles Nueaalr, tbra
local toclalltt.
Soma of' the leading soeUlltal la
the United States ara expected to av
tcpt omces In the attoclatlon wksm W
Tliaukagltlng la MeOfard.
The Mtuea Maud and Chlora Wp
pey left Wodnesday for Msdfort to
enjoy Thanksgiving with thalr atotn
er, Mr. A. K. Illppey.
Here to Winter.
Jew Rlngo, wbo Is Interested In a
hotel at Crescent, and has don a
great deal of engineering work thor
fur the Hunter Land company, arriv
ed Vcdneday with bl wife to pnd
tbo winter here.' Mrs. Rlngo I a
daughter of Judge and Mrs. Charles
In view of tbe surplus of 1100,000
bown In the municipal account, tha
3.000 cltlxena of Kllogeatwrg. Oar-
She waslmaur. were not only abtolvsd of all
i taxation for tho year, but wsr each
! presented with a sum of money from
the town treatury.
the Quaker deserve very HttU odaa
over Cornell. Each team haa play4
nine games with opponent of abost
equal calibre. Indiana, FKttfeMg,
Harvard and Michigan bar bata
Cornell, and tbe strong Collate taffr
en got only a 0-0 tie with the Ithtsa
bunch. Penn lost to DarUmouth aajsl
Michigan, and held tho alloata Car
Halo Indians to 7-7. Michigan de
feated Cornell 17-0. Tb last tMaj
beat Penn 13-0. Cornell beat Lafaj
etto 10-3. and Penn beat ta sans
aggregation 10-0. Coresll' iottl'
core sUnda 111 against tk
ncnt's 89. Peso has scord 1M
against their opponent' 7. T4aii
game U tho twenty-flrrt, sumtaWy,
contest between Penn and CoraslL af
tbl time Cornell ha woo but (
In 1901. by 33 to 6. CoraU
Penn to a 4-0 cor in 11971 an XI
Penn won by 6 to 6. ad t II
there was no icor. Phw Wfi
tbe other games with ta
mora man ose wHcaasaa '
last year, who w
7, ConsjU I.
1 - .
Bapaa '
a waatraaaj
. - f'
p, 'S
'' v
CZ"&JZtkA',. -:l t,.a