' 1 wi:ii:iav, ov uo, mitt r ASK TWO THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON i l t o ill tl 1 I JO I Jl J Guide WMW HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE Firemen's Ball WKINKSIAV LVKMNCJ. .NOV. M. STAR THEATER UllltV TRAYKR "Bob Roy" Scotch War Drama In Three Part Tfca IVarl and the Iri," Comedy "Oh I What Swim," Comedy watch for thuitsiay8 program ADMUUIION', 10 and 83c TEMPLE THEATER "Hard Caen." Edison Two-Reel Special "A Juagle rllrtalloa," Animated Cartoon Jotui Tobla's Sweetheart," Vltagraph Comedy MATINEK DAILY AT 3 ALL LICKNSED PICTCRKS PROFESSIONAL CARDS MWWMWMMNM . THK KLAMATH FALLS STEAM LAUXDRT Cuaranteea flrtt clui work as wall aa first daat service. If you have occaalon to make complaint and do sot cet Im mediate attention, phone D. B. CAMPBELL MAXWELL M. LONG Oalssaalhlr Panada BaUe IS and II, White Building crry and county ABSTRACT COMPANY AMTsUCTS L8TJRAXCE Mwber Oregon Aaeodatlon TlUe Mea EMPLOYMENT Call up C0M8T0CKS. phone f 0, If you wast any kind of HELP Register at the COKSTOCK If you want employment KLAMATH COCXTV EMPLOT- MKST OFFICE PboSM tl We furnish all alnda ot help. If yon want work restaur at MM. A. PETKH8TFJ.NERS 1M Slxta Street South V. O. THOMAS, CHIROPRACTOR K-ll, Pint National Dank Dude Mioae 167 ELMER L. FRENCH Fire Insurance, Plat Olaai and Automobile Insurance, Surety Bend, RnU and Collections. STAR THEATER UCILM.NO 5 STOCK RANCHES The Pick of So. Oregon Fully stocked; ownera want to ratlr and will sell cheap If i take thU sail. ' Para) aat city property. House to rent. Spinning 111 lo. Its Street The Evening Herald, V. O. 8MJTII, Kdiuir Published dally except Sunday by The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, t IIS Fourth Street Kntered at the postofne at Klam- nth Falls. Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class matter, i Subscription terms by mall to any d. dress In the United State: Ons I far IC.OO Odp month SO KiaMAiii fai.ui. . . OHKOON, '.ti, iui:i WKIIMSIIAY, NOV. Weather t'onitlllotia for October Date Max. Mtn. Weather 1.. :.. J.. I.. S.. .. . se ..st ..si . .ss ..a ..si ..) ,.c: ..51 ..44 ,.4T ,.4( ..SO .SO ..SI .It .41 .IS .IS .IS .10 .4; 41 i: : is 40 41 17 J 41 40. 10 11 11 :o :i ss II ss so s; ss so s; 8... . 10... 11.. IS.., 11... II.. IS... 1C... PL Cl'dy Cloudy Clear Pt. Cl'dy Clear PL Cl'dy Cloudy Cloudy IT... U... I... so... Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy IX. Cl'dy PL Cl'dy Clear :i... 21. TO PUT LIGHTS NEAR JHIHCHES T COMMITm: OF THK (t)U.V-! I KilIT fOMMITTFK OF THK OWN- ci i. ixxki.mi to ski: vm:m: ALL TIIKY WILL UK .NHHIIKO i.v tiii: cm' ll If there Isn't a street light In front of your church, there soon will bo. The light committee ot the roundll Is at work on this, and will order I them Installed wherever they belief el tbey are necessary. j On account of women often attend-' Ing the evening aenrlcca alone, and ' the condition of the approaches at some ot the churches. It was deemed : best to Install lights aa near the n-i trances as practicable. ! He 'u a WUe Young laa When he was 15 years of age Mr. James II. Fostsr of Prorlilence.llhode Island, Insured In the Mutual Life of New York for SlO.Ouo Ills dliends amounted to oitr twice the total premiums he paid, and although be used fl.S85.IC In cash, at the time of settlement the company paid 116, 030, which was a clear profit of 113, 710.J8 ovr cosL F. M. PRIEST, AgenL WOOD Slab, lllock, Ikxly and Limb, Wliolcaale or Retail COAL Car of Coal will arrive about October Kith. Place your order now and avoid delays. $I2JM to S13J10 per Ion KLAMATH FUEL CO., Office SOS Mala. O. Peyton, Mgr Phone 187. Itione StSR Your WEEK'S WASHING Only 50c Wet Wash Laundry 121 Fourth Street URGES STATE LIFE Commissioner Is to Recommend It Tells of Its I The following rriwrt on stale life insurance ha Jut Ma wade to llov- ' ernor West by J W Perguion. state ' insurance commissioner Cloudy ' Alter caretully lairatlcattnc the Pt. Cl'dy a) stent of slate life Insurauro In WIs-Pt- Cl'dylconsln. I am satlsaed that the plan la Pt. Cl'dy I not ouly feasible, but practical, an J Cloudy ! will recommend to you In my annual Cloudy report that a similar taw be enacted Clear ln Oregon. Ft. Cl'dy Tlio purpe and Intent ot the state Cloudy lite fund, as eiptalned by Commls- sloner Kkern of Wisconsin. Is to tlto I the people of tho state the benflt of me oesi old line insurance un a mutual plan at the lowest possible (" To benefit the pllcy holder Is "" ,ol' consideration. Ot the total eipense of old line1 I companies, more than one-halt coea to arents In commissions. Under the I Wisconsin plan policy holders are ,hxt4 this eipenso. Applications are I receUcil by clerks and treasurers ot counties), of cities, of towns, by ofll- , clals of banks which nelre state il- posits. and no paid acrnts are em- ployed-. fae y0u Prepared for It is now less than a month until Christ mas, and if you have not already made your purchase of Christmas Gifts it is time that you were thinking about it. My purchase of the Pelly bankrupt stock of jewelry at about 40 cents on the dollar has made my store a very popular store for the past two weeks for Christmas shoppers. Because of the low price at which 1 have purchased this stock I have been able to place it on the market at wholesale prices. This is your op portunity. Notice the varied assortments of gilts: For the Home iiAM.Mi:ni:i muss Novi:im:.s CUT OLAhS ART fJIUKS II.IVIl.t.NDC'III.VA IIAM).PAIXTi:i) CHINA hii.vnt ti:a Hirrs MA.NTLi: CI-OOKH COMMUMTV KILVi:il IHI7 ROOKRS hll.VL'R .lAI'ANKSi: IIAHKKTS PIITFUH Remember, your dollar will do the service of two at this sale Frank M. Upp Watchmaker and Jeweler 433 Main Street Popularity IKetv Mill also be icauts (rout et cs inlvrt-st miiiIhk n. I luurtallly iiiiKa. The iremlum rales reiuln that 3 I'tr cent shall Ih r.nnr.l The (mids should earn i trait : per vent, UaMnc a inarcln of : ivr cent us a source ot dltldenda lo initio holder. A greater Hem of sarliuc for the dividends ot -lk) holders cumea from the fad that the artual number of deaths run atmut to per tent be low the number calculated lu I bo lablo. The Stale l.lfr Fund u! U'moinln Muri ,u flr,t po,.y 0cabr j7lB 0f this year, and some of the west iniw' tlKnl mon ,n ,,, ,ultf tt9 .ju-y ,,,,, jjotnethlna like I9 policies hare been Issued. A pfceml aenen different kluds of pellet. s are enVred: Ordinary life, twenty pa'ment plan. trnty year enduvmrnt ten year en- duwmeat at ace (S ten tear term and ten renr trrm lo r 61, This affords a Hide runt of rholce. and allows the appllrani Ij obtain the form beet suite) to bis anr. clrcum- stances and '-uncls! reaourcpe. The form which has txrti must Christmas? For Men S()KI.fI hl.TS MIA VINO hl.TS JIII.ITAKVHirrrt ritAVIII.IMJ Hl.TH 'III: CMHPH M'Altr PINK 1,'liri' I.I.NUH WITCH I'OIIH WATCH CHAI.SH MfiM.TH Itl.NCS ilKV CHAINS waichi:h fountain iminh INSURANCE in Wisconsin eee MU I-.' 11 I lrll .t ..lit hf I tuli r thl r.rui lrnii Alinual .nnuU nr made. jiuI lh tin ir .i, . i. Itifti Cull), luiul for lift' tlU -iiii man to i for tits Insur ante iluni.i. his foUurtlv )i'i ami bav protraii.tu (or the teuialndrr ot hi lire. I'remlusu may be vilJ wonttilr It tteslnrd. and otoiillitjr premium ratM hair heea dried nut IB order lo nake It cutialnt for people mm InK small wagM to take adiantaco of the tte plan Many at I ho tnaaufatturrrs of the 'lo ' iwttlne the plsn before their miloirj h enclMlnie Ike stale a rir rulara Is) pay enrelef,. by ?' planariit In lar-lr sbf. and tn br 4r-tftHK employes meney t mk the Aril irar'a pajrHrnt I em ef the opinion that lh' k . breed flW fr state life Imuran in ikht state, and that tlw stale of H'- sou should dee) "lll this a u m nomir problrM an.t oBer Ib lis rii,irr. sound Insurance . the inal -h ' am; the bmellls wu.tim'n is doing Irnlsy !'' .e .BisnizniEZ.. R KB M H M For Women .ma.mi.uiii: Sinn (ii,vi:itToii.i.Tsi;iH TH ji:wi:lcanix iianimmintkii ii i.n a b I.A VAI.ICItIM sjsj, MX'K CIIAI.NH i.ocKirrH M .m:wi:i. cahch H Itl.MiH 2 IIIIOOCHCH ! IIAIt PINK 111 ( HIT' PINK 5 WAI'CHCK pn "1. CM : M : .ft rU jj ST.. S Turkey, Turkey, WeVe Got the Ciootl Ones, too. Klamath Falls Meat Company IVtMlll IHtMOMI IIIIA.M) IILtr..t.MI .lll IIIIIM.S I.M, IM You Will 13 1 1 W. BSss FIRST TRUST SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH .'ALLS. OREGON IMI J l WW M.T. Frr. . M. Ilfllll. ', ',,. an, tiro. iiiilir i:. ttmiunw. mhuh Surveyors ami Irrigation Engineer Klamath County Abstract Co. AII.STRACTING l Wv fl.Wn. III. I I.I'IIIVIK lu t( t.-ll I'AI.Ijs, Oltl.l.ON We A e vre To a Better Location l.lmrr L I'retifh hating v. 1. 1 ,. nirfrl In ,. lomrfit lt N. V I -iii.Ih-. Mr Mill m linalr,! M,k uf ll.o Manulli HanlMare I i.niMli)'. ilnre. Mltern Me Mill Iw .ltr. li mrl nur fflrntls. By the way, how's the roof? Will it stand the winter? THE KLAMATH SHEET METAL WORKS P'KI.Ni: UO CADILLAC AUTO LIVERY Wl'lll Cadillac Cars Day or Night 8srlre We go Anywhere HpecUl Hales lu Hunting and Fishing Parlies THE CADILLAC GARAGE I'lie.vi: -xmi THE UTEST at Underwood's Pharmacy Kli,,;,,,NG A F,RM ,,0LI) .. ir iifiiiiM we uro lir doing l,r I. cat lluia lit wnrh III niir Hill Hut .. ;.i b ilunu hr any un We air ,.t mill tilmtit lu nur tunlcn mill ' competent lo iiiiilmuiit n4U i ii JuVa In Introducing iiim i. i.t.ing v Itluiiil liiroiitxiUnrn lo ii.r i u.nhold when )iin entrust jrmir Greeley Turkey Ortlrr Now for Thntilsi;iviiiK Be Thankful ;( . . i iir a tuodaiate sli . i. I.iaiutilli CluMlHf arroiui Mi olid saxngs bank aurh .. ih First Trust and lla. Dank ts tour dftUara tuulllpli Nrre by rotten ef the 4 per fsat mteecst we allaw aNhUall. 1 teihee with lis esMpvwMdlng li ia a rnMfMtaMe feeling Nia has whn kaaws his It sale l.ate sal will Wrfsl lilsa ruji. k agalrwt the IIMie he ntaja ll 0111 ra AT ivlovini? MAGAZINES I . w F