KLAMATH FALLS' OIM'ICIAL NKWSPAIMCK Wat itfVtttm Hi?raU. PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS l.tllll MI V". 'J.'-"-' KI.AMA'IH KALLS, OREGON, TUT vDAY, NOVKMHER 25, 1913 s'rlco Fit Cent fiercest Battle on Mexican Soil is in Progress ., -.-.-.-.-.-....---.--.-.-.-.-..-,-..-..-,.-,-,.-,-..-,.-.- , .- . . .-.-.-, -,-,-,- r- J- ,-M- rr- -Lnrj'j'j'in.njnj-jnrjnrijnjTjTj-iru'tnrtftn BATTLE FRONT 18 TWENTY MILES IN EXTENT. REPORT I I 'Ma Hanl't i-HIM Ins It i , s ,, ; t aat.uinr It Tnriii.il i an. i Admiral I'lilrlur an I III MHII Its ill MIA Ml I I II UN Until HIIII.M A ) li'l lCalr In ' . I llit'r . l-.l I Hilr.1 HI , II t lii. M. tl.. i I ml hare giiti thru I li i II.. i in.i tnaiinea lll li . "'ll l.luil IF The President's Daughter Weds MAY WORK ALL - WINTER ON TUF White House Scene of Brilliant Assemblage Today WANTLAND OPEN; CITY HALL BONDS MILLS AOD. GLAO; CARRIED BY VOTE OE TOUR TO ONE IIAII.MAV COMMISSION MAKKS A Itl'I.INU AMnW.NO CITV TO CONSTRUCT JIIUIIWAY ACROSS NIK ItlMIIT OF WAV llHli"lrlil lr Nul Ml. .Hi. I In I m. trlrlapll tlata). ami til ll.r llMilllir Hlll It) I .i.lllrl. tl. lcnnl Hi Jalllrs 1'r.lreal Rrlii. i4.rHH liU llfllfll I'mOII tlaltt anl tialHa Taken III Villa'- tin.) ' u '..1 1'lcia Hollllf II I'tMl, Iria.. Sin A llf. lira l.lllt.llrit friti-ralt, Mllll llilll iai. M'H till AllrmiMiM Irallil.l Hata4( ItllrllMg Oinrtal Hatafar, Mini Ir. llalr-l M.lllll, lllulrr Hie illrlliin ill tin- (una llir litln.lml IrlwT talalr) mrli . t r ! a am aim Kali li ' H nl I in ViirltiriL . 11 COMMERCE BODY nun runts win III imiii n Ml l nun urn im liiNsllil III ts v llll SI l vsh! sh. II a -allilll that I tin nut tat l' fi i hi- ll ill rarry allli H a small Irtj tor providing a fund l aaalit ll.i- rhmmbif if l'..mmnii In .,.,il Him. Ilir ir.r. .ml III inn. ( witk ( ,, KUmh , ll) I. .A Hip KUlia, allrwlug llir llir ,, , !,,!( Liters Ml ul.iiliig ll.n fnlriala. Ttia mailer aas brought U b thr l.rmi.l Ili.liUiirt, Ht.ii I... Iti. dlruMt. nl tlii. Chamber of Cum- . ... ... .... ii a' laai i.ltlita nn-ting t tin- I't.Higl.l ttrtf fi.r IrralliM-lil. Ial I. ... tuumil. warn tbny prnarnled a fli.. .la, ,r,..,lr, III. I tin.-..! H.la.ar,,,, un)J ,. ,lkat ,,, ,,, Maa IHInl aii.1 l.l. illvlali.ii -ill l.ul an . .,,in.ll taaVa a dunalimi f I'" klMUIi.l In HiU .ui.iill. imaniti or mure In rtr i.n ll.o ut l.rlirtal Talmai 1.111111..1.II1. ll.r "' '" Klillttnn , . , , TalKa rre BMilo b) lliinlir JUv ini.r iiia.in, tiaa aui allliil lila) ...... . .. i. . ' I.Uii alul It A Jotinai'll fr I ' ill "" livlura. rlpUllllDK ttli' ln-rJ .-f i illi u.'aa I'Ini Hrtlr llrll at llita tlmr l I'AHtt. Tataa. No. it, Tb II a ai.-"l l. ll.r n.uri..l Uia' ami flrrrpat tialtli- fuicM oti ihi. ini-mlirra MI n.naulri an ajil Ul all anil alllln Ilia la HUM III . llrlirral Villa ami '.Uaa 'I arr iiihniii( .iu (.iial ! iliall 'ba ballla linn vil n l tmin llaurtin im -m r. Ir to Zaraiuta on th ' Hi lm renter, Tlrlla lllalu Im nuil ' i'ial Villa ham tbrlr tirJiuar or. Iilanrlia baa Iho ti-lrctah in "'" in nrtlrUt liualnraa, ami lll nut ail" i tn. ciirrriuirnta to fll thrlr a'nriim llr trprlx filtlllibra Inforinatloii. an it. rrporla am aunt ur tbo Iwnlrf br murlrr Aa limy faaa throiicli aurri limn rrMirt li all rrll mill "' nalillnit. ahlrli liilr-i Mltli llir il.n.al l f.-r i it aaratiirnl Hi la inrHM II. ejt. FRANK FERRIS IS T I.I I.IMi IMIH II'HN MOTION Ol' i in: nisTiurr iiehm: ill" U.ts I IIUH1I l Ullll llll.ll SIIMI INI) -- I rirrlll! JmUr llflirt I llrliiiill llila' N aA Z NX wBLaataaM ' tniralr Thi SOO A I -fHaaa Till. MMN t'ANAI. IS MUUIV ()MI'I.IHi:it Mllla Ad'lltlon pvoplo ara to bu Kir-1 in a morn direct entry to th cltr, (ol- lloaloK thu rullneof the rallwa com- ,,.,., ... ... ... inlulon In rvRard to cttendlnc Want- r.-t lt..rlna I1H..K ldr -I tl.o I1-talll, ttT,noo. Tno common DM r. sic u( id,. Hiraitui. Itlirr Juat allont-d the cltr to tittnd thoi lam I'nu i.f i:ilit) .Mm N i:m.,r,el to ,L 1""""" ' the railroad land KUth atrceL ..jl j tin. Ilcilimailuii .St-nlro Tliu rullnu rnado prorldei that: of Hip ImlUii lliiiran im the ltMi-i tbo ricbt and prlr- , , ., .... .IIikb 1 hrrrbr nranttd to the cltr of, a-llmi Irrlitulliiu rniliTt. '..." . ... . ....;.' ' Klamath Kalla to comtruct Mid high-, I war acroo auch citabllihcd rlht of If iHiulblo o lll kcp mu at I T t crado. !lOLItTII WAUI TUF. O.VlY O.NK WIICItK DKKRATKU Ofirnlicluilng Vote In Favor of ln ilclileilnraa fur New Maaleliul Structure Coat bf Taipaffra Ma Jorltf In Klthrr Flrat or Hecvad ttanlt Jlorr Than Knouali to Off-M-t tlio Total OpiNjaltion to Doada. llr a vote of ncarlr four to on, fccrmfter. In ovent anr railroad m.- ...i n ,-n .a in t.,nr m iraeka an. con.tructed which will ,,iUn. mM0 bon1 for lhe ,. crc. iuch blehwan. to require thl,juel0Il of , clt IniUIIatlon and maintenance of prop-1 . .. ,. .. , . , .. .. ....!. w... i. .., ... i ' In tli Fourth Ward alone waa th er alcnali. warning, gatta or other de- !-. .a. iiiud uv.rairu. ma luajum ia vua Pecond ward alone would bare been auflclent to orercomo the oppoaltlon. Tho Tote br wards follew: ork all winter on tbo eicaratlon oudjcci. nowoor, to tne ngni tho pr0pt- owner of Klamath Fall and rock work," aald Kn(lncr II. W. Illnika, in cbar(t of tbe work being tune un tbu Modoc I'olnt Irrigation project br the Indian acnrlcc. Mr. lllncka ta hero tod.r attundlnc l. bualnc. mattera In connection1 r,c" ,0 arn or P1 the public In 'with the work. tto cftntf provided br chapter 27S We will endeator Ui keep tbo! of tho (5eDeral ,J"r' of Oregon." ground ojin with ploaa all winter," he contlnui-d, "and If tho aolt doe not frwtu too dwp, men will be kepi ut work all tLo lime There It aome rock work that waa left for tho win ter, and tli U will toon be atarted." A forto of TS or 40 men la emptor rd lu the work on tho project. Thla car tber hare praitlcallr completed tho main canal of the project, beside manr of tho btggcat lateral. Rarlr next roar the government will commence tbe conitructlou of the dam arroa Epraguo Hirer, br moans of which tho water will bo dlrerteil for tbo Irrigation of Indian farm land. Toward thla end, teats of tho rock at tin. dam slto are being made. There ' HEALTH MATTERS UP AT MEETING1 For First Ward 61 .Second Ward , ..110 Third Ward 51 Tourth Ward 11 Fifth Ward 10 Total ,....2t AgaJnat 1 5. IT 10 E 9 I H-vr iiei'm: ami ixspkctiox of' The structure Is to be built on tho cltr's property on Walnut street, be- SLT100I.S TWO OF Tlin MVI-STitween Fourth and Fifth streets. Part TOPICS llCIsi:i LIST KVIJ-I0' lhe fbl "WecUon to tbe Issue was mrougn aissaiuracuon wun us NINO silo. Tbo special election Mondar waa held In accordance with a petition. irrni Hi- Kat lloum from tho state tng tho water supply, etc. That tfcero is rtat need for suitable . h,,. , ,. .. wo alio recentlr established auto- quarters for Isolating persons with ' b a numb4r ot local taxparers. "us",v" """ ..rr auu "" '' - '",1 ThU asked speedr action. In order to Creek, to compllo data regard- of Cltr Health Officer L.L.Truax last' ,v ..m. .n.i inatlc Slrati night, when he asked tho council to. guests had al- When completed, the project will provld" snrh a place. Dr. Truax trady found their placca. Mr. Rarre Irrlgato C.340 acres on the reeerva. nnd his l"t man. Dr. Wilfred T tlon frjueis Bowes Sfyrc. tirrnfell, "f 1-tbrador. descended the tato stalrnar. and proceeded to hi position at the right of tho altar. Just as the clock pointed to 430 o'clock, tin. marine band, which bad lire lously pin) il softly, struck up the wedding march. Hadlanl In her slilmtui'rlng rnbe of whllo satin, and leaning on tho left arm ot tho pres ident, the bride took up tbo trl- NELSON TURNED l luted Press gemre U ASIII.VOTON. -No :& Amid a ...in. .f run. biwiit) Mis Jesslo nmphfiil march to tho altar, a raised :i.(,ltM WiHHlr.mWllsmi -mmd ilitugliter of 1'iaiiorm near me greai winuim Piraldii.t nnd Mr. Woodnm Wilson, opening on to the east terrace Fol li Franrl II Hiiiro of New lowing fame the attendants, Miss "-tniiist of ilnrknraa. waa rmumr.1 tills 'rnttig at ilayllglil 'Ihi. federal iiiornlng illamlaanl tlmrlnrge ag.llnsl -!. we,-drlreiiliaikliryoiul their I rank .... nwirgr. , '". y, k , )r ,,, Mr, ,,., ttrgar.t Woodrow Wilson, sister of "...is whirl, wen, r..i.ttnl b, the' ....lug ri,i. " J'"" t" , fi)ri, (lf ,.,,. 4.30 brld- a. maid of honor; Ml.. ''"' ,. "","''; I i.l".r,!d "w .Mien .11 "; !-' 'rmK.n Hurro.in.UH. ' Hlonnor Kandolph Wilson, another lliporlafro,,, V.IU.f.H.1 ha.e.., I ff ;'"'' "'' ' ' , llltl.1HI ,,,,,.,. r,.lc..deut In sl.t-r: Mia. M.rr O. White, of llaltl ratii that Ihi. Ilu-rtn (nrrna am re In aliiliict Harriet I inK u J.Ming girl, . ' " i ........ ui i.i.iin in.i,ll cii '"O'lng Th,i rebel nre fiilliiwltig wlii fair lie pnl.l t I ornnig. Calif in! harrnaalinr ii..... Tim Jury illaagrenl when Iht cairn sutct that It would not be neccssarr to hare this In an out of tbe war place, as It could easily be fumigated 1 bard plastered, and tbo neighbors would bo In no danger. Tho matter was referred to tbe health committee. Another matter tbe health commit-1 tee will attend to Is the Inspection of tho school children. Heretofore, the' pupils have been examined twlco a I month br tho cltr physician, but this ItOM I.OCA1, ATTOIt- ,t-rm ')r Trua declared that the cut in ins oiitciat saiarr made this tmpos jslbW. ' Thero was much discussion as to this and tbo duties of thu health offl I cer, but tbo matter wa tlnally left ,to the l.eiilth romntlttro and tho mem- spring. I as soon as mo proper legat sisps , aro takin tbo bonds, twenty roars. bearing C per rent Interest will be offered fur sale to the highest bidder. Nl IV S nt.l.NCISCO SAVS niriitoir sioit was Min'tKi.v I.I11KI. Miss Adelltio Mitchell Scott, .Lull. mi. n tlm serv le nf tin. country f Princeton. .N. J.: and Miss Mar- Tin, rebels lime loat 1110 men. mid " Irlisl ll aillilliinr W.H.-U.S.R.S. MEETING metiibeti of the limn rtrlttsho so-' lorl" "row li, of Atlanta. (la as .ml liundriil friends mid uf Hie (no faiiillltH, thi bridal rotiplo 1 timk ilie l'reli)teil.in ou In the ' Presliytefliin ows In tho "Kast I Koiiiu' of the bite House, tho Hcenr I of man) fnimiiiit and historic gather ings Hlniilli'll) marked tho roromonr, ii'iiu was lino nf roal gran- t'mnen in brilliant gowns, tin .iriu if aides lo the prraldent In 'milfoil n. tu b.indsmon hidden be-' , ., , .., I.lii.l tin. hunk nf pilin -r llnwcrs l.'lwurdH, Taylor, legal advisor of, Hum. f... ,. ,o,.is tl,.. ui).n. m f M I ' liiirniliig in ii rich iiimi.1 Anltn satin . . . . ., . ,. i I lirtilesnin ds. llenlamln II. Ilurtoa ,iiiii e. in ii..-..i... in... k '( . " .. .. ,.M1., lt,ll u.rrutued from 1 1.000 klnameii 01 ''" "'"I "T ocoru v.iurK, ui ' According to a wire receUed today bers of the thool board for settle trom Attorne) W. II. Shaw, who ac-'ruent. companled Nelson to San Francisco, Mr. Nolwn wns roleased on ball last night aud his hearing set for Wed- LAIRD 0' SKIBO LIKES THE EARTH I United Press Service NKW YORK, Nor. 33 Andrew Carneglo Is today celebrating his 71d birthday. Ho received many visitor at his Fifth avenue mansion. "If you can show me a man who will giro me an option on til Uf he I can name bis own prlco, and I'll glai- A C 4 -pound boy arrlred this mora-1 ly pay It," said tho steel king. 'Thla ing ut tho homo of Mr and Mrs. W eirth Is such a heaven that I don't want to leave It." SCARLET FEVER SCARE i Government Officials Will Talk Power DeycIopingl,l;:::.:, :;: lima tril. llnll lllliritei I ill' O A- rhnrgcM during lliui lime would "i"1 ho in oxre nf 1 1 per ,uro per join Another big fentu i.iwii, nil ii.mbliie.1 to i.iuko this, tho u Uio mn,or uUcred m "Amen and n forco of men aro at work kill Hi" I'm Uio division of tho rocliimu Hull service, la lull, from Portluiiil, awl im Wiidiiesiliir lio nnd Project nglneei- W. W. I'ntih will hold ' t,m U tho Invjlng iiiuotliig wllli lint boiird nf directum per )enr iissessmoiit "I tho Klamath Water User Asso- ilim with which to pii) olt tlm mi- "" ''""';'"' ' , , ,' '". 'son greeted Mr. nnd Mrs. Sayro 'Intlon. inlloliMl nisliif tho Komi ran il, whlrli i'-' "" '" '"' ..""."(. ",l" ' nu,y stood upon the dlas, They then At HiIh tlnin tho pi.tltlon of tlm, would lliou ho linrtieasei! Hi fiiinl.h " " ' ""' ''"' paused Into tho niuo Room, 'nf v v,,rt- ir Qrnvii rt.rV- M i.esds) . Hall was reduced from it .000 H Ayrcs, oti est Main street. Salem. Mass.; Dr. (Illbert Horax. of to i.v. wnicn was lurnisueu. Montrlalr. .V. J.: and Charlra K. -Mr Sua tw that thoro Is noth- Hughes Jr.. of Now York, actnl as '"K '" "' ,l,rt"t matter, and that u.l.ers. With irfectlv llme.1 tread. " w o"1' a "belou Ho. Ho s.l)S iiho brldo nnd her father n.rondod ,hat ocr thins I shaping for tho. tho .11,1. where tho Rev. llr. lleach . "J tnat .Neison win do homo awaited them with tho bridegroom this weok free from all charge. , tflA n full Invn-llnnMrtn M l iiuul hi licet mnn. ,, , ....-.. ..... .-Sr-SSre -. - Tpz!ZVZ'$fyiBgm Man's Laundry Is Under QiiarantiK ,i..i..ii,i i., f. n.hi..i iii. Imvobeeii brought ngalnst lilni. rr J n .... .. n,,,vH ...... . ii sinlli, stood orrct beforo tho pastor. ,"' A drop sllenco fell upon tho room as lnipjiM'i''im'e. j tin. minister l.roiiouncxl tho words rostiniiKcr neliell h.ia arranged. a a .a.a .1 til A T.inm ntlnl ff Ilia. flSt-f fN T11A fttmlla in in 1iiiiimi uio rn n n in woiiifWK. " i . v.iir '. s.v ,'.-.. v. . I., mi.let tl... P..-'"'lr '"' Whlti- House wedding, tl.o nm llfur ,m congrlltll,atca 10 wio somlnlng. revurnlshlng and otherwise ,arltor nt shlpplngton. At of a II per wi..i- " ,,f "" ''v" '"' a.,,1 brldegrnom. and wished thorn , Improving the look of tho Quarters.; ,, ,.e iiH-mlii- iri.iMl.Hl I. Tho . v Hyheslor W. r0lUwl ,.rc8lllcllt nlllliM, m. In addition. Mr. Delicti has taken up "' " ltar!.nh. ,w, ..IT tlm un- '-"' " "' ""' N; J," f" .on greo ed Mr. and Mr. Sayro os,' " ncll tho matter of tav- "" was sUrted. here I . Watora liner Aaanelatlon to lako over Hio oporniloii, maintenance nnd drain go nf tho llrut unit of tho Klamath project for llvo years will bo cnnsiS ' rod, Mr, Taylor will bo coi'SiiIIihI '" In (ho legal foalo'Ci connected with tr.o undertaking. In addition to assuming tho first "nil. tho water user would dlscon- ........r fur II... wnt.ir iiiem. for drain- .oriniii "' ceremony. r.,l ...M....I.IV. nnd i.nsullih for II I ' B ''" '' "l nstolll n " , - , . -. cur line, It lu especially this i i.jtl In ir iaiHI il laii (111 ftt-VIIIStt I .. aa . a tU'H' tn. Ill I . . alii.... . ..I.....1 ! ilirt llatltA.t fJtntfl.tl llotvil Hint with tno assistance m ,.'" . i"'y " " """"Mrs. Wilson. Tho lino led through Mr Taylor, u plan ran bo ovolvod that Mnrlm. band. ho bridal party (m) Uia oom nn(, to tho uti will meet with speedy action In Wash- formed lu tho dining room, attor tho wwiww.-. lust ton. Wilson nod Hayro families had on- (Continued on page ) ud poaslhl) for a I B irom in. us... us . n nw, , , u 0f , , of W. unions., weddings tho bridal tMf ,nBril,na0ll, ng tho. paB . I, , I f, aturu that I'U- ""'tered tlio Last llnom to ho (t(( , ,1o ft w sen , It It l-o-, -trains of l.ol.engrlti a oddlng i ril(1(lm, , un, b (ho ,,r0.Illcnt , For morn than mi hour tho guest llled by tho rouplo offering them passctl oro and Ing tho alloy In tho rear ot tbo post olllro so grudcj that mall can bo de livered thoro from tho depot, making a great saving ot time. Two cased of scarlet fovcr In tho has resulted In tbo quaran tining of tho family of Captain John tho chit- tbo quar- somo con sternation among tho parents ot tho school chlldrou. Hut among tho men employed In tlio Pelican Day mill, tho Long Lake plant, tho box factory and other In dustries at Shlpplngton, the conster nation U still worso, Tho Parker It's n Hoy. Paul Luen8ono of tho proprietor nf tlm VnnnlA'ti Mnrlrnl ta unnrlnir A broad smllo this afternoon, all on ac- conduct u laundry at Shlpplngton, count of tho arrival of big boy at and they had tho clothe of the men the Lucas homo this forenoon. all Ironod and ready for dellTory when tho health oiOcur placed tbtso behind a rod flag. At last night's meeting of th. -cll, R, A. Cantrall, tho new memtr from the Fifth ward, aakod the htsOth oBlcor It those clothe could bo futil gated and sent to tho owner. "Uoforo tlioy can bo sent out U. clothe must be washod In an aatl septlo solution," said Dr. Truax. $ It waa decided last nlgbt that W guard would bo placed ovor the Par ker homo, as Parker bad promltjjd tho councllmen that h. woaU m that his family remained at hotM. Tho want of tho family will ba at tended to by tbo city, through Oothv cltman Oaotrall. -. yKSjr . .-"v'Hi,trm,?rty