.' f'v1 , tv uSjJk s-"' . I ' KLAMATH PALLS' OI'IMCIAI. NHWSPAI'KK Jllgtilll Vrrtr ii, U.U'XI HIGH TO EGGS BY HEN!! itmnwr srAHttn it i.i.w I MIt I'M CHCAGO QUIT , HAN lli:!(, Nut 21 -l.leultn. IImI ii llig.nl,ll.... I ln.lt ll.sl ll.r ,,. :,)Ctu kb(j Kvllr 'f the Annr MllMl) CrtlMnt Nln,h Pure Irr.li ' A.tliMi l'orpt. L' H A . were killed , iu n a ii i i -tj i. ,l'1' U""""' lr fall from an aero- lit M !" IIHllel l .U I rail plan- lloih ilM Initanllr. -t ltlr l Tlilt 11m "t ,lln- Tli") rf flying high ir North r-r, i AMmiiH Will llr U.tf J '" IH'iu Hay. hu II.. nn.hlho tuddrnly plut.grd lo etrth I'Mftf I ho I'Mi rlkmn. Tll, OM1 ot ,(l tnUrM u utl. j known. , The dratht today brlngt lb loul tnll.J IVr.. Henli. .i.uilllr, among inn. coon-t-d will, niiCAiio. so. it -mil r-ro. (ll ,fmr .,, ,(hoo, ,, up to iiu- niey. pridnt of iin-4u Pood 0,r l0 ,, , ,,r flub iif ChWegu. bat aunuunred that; , aha ! written Iu !! wouitn'e of. j-iji." i ti, g.MulUm In Ib-rllr. .HMfc-obJed T,. ,;,,, ,.,, n,,,, ., .,r mining a. in ..rop.ut. t ,nmmtow nll(ht bom of .galntllhehlghprfc. of-gg l1r ,, j, KUmuBd CbllreU. l Hb said "I am appealing lo ,tl. ilmr the tails will b-.(limited , rry hiiutswlf In Chicago l quit the i,r the nirinUri u. of ggt until lb price full to 1 , retail per Uoi.li. IVrtoual lutnllotlon bi piorn tu mi. tbat flrh fH rau bo oM at Ibal tguf at rrlall llb a rrooabU margin i.f iniint fold .t..t ttt rn h. ...Id t"i l Mkli lr at a kxI rmCt l both Ibi. bolcalr and tl.r itallf.' Th lr "I ( m tbr rhlcaco raarkat It ffoiu l& cnli tn Do rrnli .r doten In Klamath altt ttrlrlly fmb ranch rggs at rrtalllng at CO renlt a dolrn or 6 rrnts rc I. 1'ortlsu.l opl arw 'ln (t, irtiU a dnirti. and for the tamo number Htn Pranrlseo hnuw wre lr the grocers "0 crntt "Klamath Kails grofrrs pay the ranchers 60 rente a doien for freeh ggi," said a local griper twit), and they err Wine ti plrnllful al tht prlff 'There are tome rate eggs tlilH f.l ir l.i re. and tbiertrllat a llltl lower price 1-1.1 down III Klamath Palls lltiwn cold storage eggt rott us Jut! II cuts" IliipilMiiml for Staling Al nreiiaii, urrinsiiy. a m....... .... . .. . .....! ...a man was sentnirrd In a fortnight In Jail for staring at a .llfemaii. Th-'t)f ,,,. .(, mrturiic.. which fl,y j,,fu, n. )r. Klshcr has con defendant said th policeman ""ll!1,M11H, t,,r(,at alll uxtA conditions .,(..! lo talk wry simply of ills at him and be slare.1 back. In pats- , l.1. r.l..rs which. ..stabllthed In child. mg sentence wie conn m - - '," ..it . .(.. fendant had Ix-eti guilty of serious Insult to an iittlcta! " Hrrloiitly Slik. Xlrs, Kent llallanl is confined tn lmr W.-mi HI, In I.oine bv an attack of erysipelas, Tho malady la reported to ho very severe. "THE BIG NOISE' NEXT Will Be Presented Under A contract hat lon "'n'"1 u" tween tho Klks Lodge aud Itufus K. l.ovo of Hoatlte. for tho production of 'Tho lllg Nolto" nt lloustoir opera housq on Dcccmbor ISIh ami 19l. Mr. I.ovo ha tho reputation of be ing nno of Ilia best known uirociors of amntiur ahow In tho llnltod Htate. Ho will arrive In Klamath Kail on December lit to begin n hearimls for llio Klk annual show. Tim ihow Hill year will bo differ ent from thoio put ou by the Klk In tho past two year. Lait year' pro duction w a muilcal conieily, wliHo the drat year they gave n mlmtrd ahow. Shi? LIVING COST GETTING FALL TO DEATH m,. MM I till M IHHII. u s mi 1 1) t i:tit Ai.o, i ivt: n: I ham. iii:i:.n mi.i.iih aiiou.mi ,1 r.Hrd I'fMi KrHlr . ,),, Klilr I llr.1 (l IHlJI,ni(a conM.tlon at Clcp.. UmJ fcfl N-.tlunl CIoaL. Suit and, ,kf n,nu(,rllItr- Attorlallnn dr-' ,rrfl 1(lM ,h, nI0W vtt ta to r-I t,!,, ,nj ((, (.rfoj, , 0 l,, 'raor. ireBIIIIfrj tht amart top toat ,nirh lll aw-ar in Match "III be j inrbra In Irtuth. dri-d and .iran In atound tlio bottom tu lvo ilm new lurte.) silhouette Among th colors will be salmon, muttard, ellow, boldeii brown and the nw trirl shades. Dr. Fisher to Address Parents at High School In the Home Kronoiulra depart- is alto planned a social hour follow went at the high school on Tuwday ' l"K Hi" ledum during which tlmo ti.n.L. iiiai lhflr. kiiiih a-Atsfellft Hitrtiieln f jfc-l ,,..,... ..n, ...,., -, . .....-, ... . .. at 3 o'clock llr C V i .. n,.r win .peak to nn auemblage iiavn till iiii crurini iictiiint i - .. ." .. , , . ... Tiii. it ilio second of a islks which are arranged for tho pur-1 I .. . t making tin ultool of greater "' I'mieimon. uui ouiy inrougu M-rtlc to the rotitniunlty. Knch !'' rarncal co-operation of parents inenilH-r of the fsiulty Is desirous of and teacher can physicians accom knowiuii rsnnallr tho parents of llsli tin-eradication of Ulieaso. atudeul It is Intended that the Inlka shall be IntlructUe, but tinro Auspices of B. P. 0. E. "Tho llig Nolio" ronslsls of inrl ous yauUhiMo nets, songs mid ilanrc. HiltiR (burlesque) picture, conclud- Hug with a "kit called "A MKni in Iho Klks Cabaret." In which will he Introduced all kind of specialties. i Otto of tlio big features will bo ,.. ....i ..i mnrn school children from 'd lo 14 year old, In superbly trained, 1 classic, tsrolwqiio folk-lore minx and dunces, Thwe folk-loro ioiirs and dniiroit mo now being taught It. nil of the schools of tho larger elites, nnd this will bo n grwit opportunity for the i.t.nt children to rocolvo ogport train ing and Instruction In thli now fea- luru of tho loading schools. hunting Ueralfr KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1913 .ru-uxnrsnj-u-j-fr-lrrv- Final Rehearsal - Guests tojWhite The fine old country houie of tbn rta)ru family in Wllllarnttown, Mass., will be tbe home of the president' daughter, Mlta Jeulo Wilton, aftir NflTtDtlifT SSth, wlu'n ahn will becom WAHIIINdTON. I C. Nor. St. Mies Jrstle Wilton and Krancls Xayres are today making final preparations for the wedding at the Whit House lumorrow. Itr Orenfell, the croomsmsn, l)r. tiyltMter Itearh, who will perform the ceremony, and tho brldemalds, ' ' wv. ...... ...j H.uMiit..-.., .,,,.,,,, .,,,, .,,, IHV HtSI KHIIVIIII "US "HUH; null . .. T, ., ,...,.. w1m bB wnc. ih).1. hamiM-r ono through llfo. Tho lKan of tho medical profession to- !"" "' cnargo oi mo " '"' '" '"" iu - ' ' Dr Klslier for Tuesday after- I noon, nnd Inko this method ot Invlt Hug nil who nro Interested to attend. The Music department has a few new records for the Ylctrola which will he used as n portion of tho pro Kr.im. After tho ledum light re freshment will bo served. I' It, Invlliil tu Jiimn I Al ils nn mat meeting In Toklo tho I larval il Cluli ot Jnpau voted to Iu llo Prrslilcnt A. I.tiwmiu- l.owoll ot ll.n v:nl and Theodoro Uoiwcvclt to li'lure In .Inpatt "to promoto mutual .iiuilcislandlnK nnd frlondshlp bo tween Japan mid tho United States." I Huron OhoUtrhl Klkl awa was elected ' K'nliliut of tho club for 1914. I An eight hour day tor child work el hus been established by law In Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Arlions, Mluuiiolu, Missouri, N'vbrnska, Now Yoil., Ohio and Wisconsin. Mr. Alfred (lwynuo YauderblU as tonished tbo puoplo ot Newport re cently by appearing with a parasol on thv'panel ot which were painted a variety ot cat. - House Vedding Are Arriving tbe wife of Francis n. Sayre, now an) atcltlaiit district attorney In New- ll ..,v lm Ua ltl at. .... Ills plate with District Attorney Whlt.j I man to bim acrrtlary to the prcil- ushers and others who will take part In tbe ceremony, streamed to tbe White House at 3 o'clock this after noon, At that time the final rehearsal was held. Following the rehearsal a first dis play of tbe wedding gifts was made to the Intimate friends of tho con- BASKETBALL MEN GETTING WORRIED I'l.KNTV HP .MATKItl.lI, AVAIL-, Alll.i: AT 111(111 SCHOOL POH A' tkam, hit xo piaci: to play IS IV SICIIT Tho.o ut tho head ot the athletic dfputluH'Ul of tho Klamath county high school nro worrying themselvc grn headed over tbo question ot a suitable place to play basketball. Many times and oft they uao been compelled to forego tbn pleasure, ad anlngo aud ooncflt ot different ath letic game ou accouut ot not having u proi'orly equipped gymnasium. Tbo Thauksglilug game will about end tbo football season, and, with other schools, Inaugurato a cam paign of basketball contests. As an exerclto for both bos and girls, bas ketball Is uuquestlouably lb best ot nil school alhlcMcs, and tho fact tbat thu Klamath county high school has no gymnasium spaco suitable for bas ketball Is deplorable. The young men of tbo city ura thinking of organltlng a basketball leaguo, selecting a number of teams from thu material hero, which in clude doctors, law) on, bankers, mor chiints, and. In fact, most oiery lino ot business. Souio ot theso nro en thusiastic enough to suggoat building u suitable gymnasium for thu uso ot thu basketball league If this Is done It Is probnblo the high school team could arraugo to rent tho building for occasional game. Instructor McCull, ut tho head ot litglAtchool athletics, declare ho has material for a championship toara, nnd la very anxious for an oppor tunity to prove his assertion. King Ueorgo a a yachtsman hi to bo shown on a new lorloa ot Rhode slan (tamp. - - - - """""" - ' Todav " dent of Williams college, which Is tbe most Important Institution In his home town Thi; Miss Wilson will step from one college town to anoth er, for most of her Ufa was spent In rlnevton. tractlng parties. J After dinner for the arriving guests this evening, a dance will be held. I llelatlvea and friends of both young people are arriving for the ceremony. A force, of 100 policemen has been) detailed to handle tbe crowds to- morrow. Oregon Students Much Enthused Over Bezdek lly piinn OKKGOX. Ku I'NIVKIISITY OK gene. Ore., May It. With one more football gamo to play, which, howeer, Is not a conference game, mid does not figure In the conference championship, Oregon will have, com pleted what might bo termed a suc cessful year, despite tbo fact tbat she did not win tho pennant, nor even pull Second place. Two tact stand out which point toward this. Tbe first Is that Ore gon gnvo Doblo the hardest rub this jcar that be has had since he camo to tbo coast, despite tbe fact that Washington won by three points. Tbo principal difference in that Washington made her placo kick when she had the chance, and Oregon did not. Some Northwest writer has said that thu game was not a victory for Washington, but simply a com parison. Tbo other fact Is tbat whllo the Sauil KmI to Poultry The federal agricultural depart ment warns housowlve to beware ot chickens which have been weighted with sand. Tbe department sayi cor talu poultry sellers feed chickens on rod pepper to arouse an abnormal ap petite. After tho pepper feod tho fowls nro allowed to eat largo quan tities ot satid, which adds to their weight. Coir Hvtallori Mouey William Upchurch, living near No wata, Okl., laid $000 on a box tn the barnyard while he unhitched hi horse. Whou he camo out ot tbo stablo ho found a cow had upset tho box and eaten up check worth $280, BAD JOLTS .-- - -...---..---, - SOLD TICKETS IN 11 q OFFICIALS 1909;WJTSC0IN!ciMENCEFIGHr M,tTlli:it I'ACIKIO COMMK.NCt-4 At.TIHV ..IXST W. I'. WHIT. m:v mil iiaick o.v timnh) ItlltTATIOX Sotllnc railroad IraniporUtlon on tlrao It cTldentlr not to the liking o tho Southern Pacific, a todar ault wai commenced In tbo circuit court to recover money alle(et duo for pauenner faro. 1 Tbn defendant U W. P. Whitney. Tbe complaint allele that In 1909 Whitney was Uiued two round trip tickets, cood between Seattle and Klamath Kalla. Upon this It Is al leiced that $19.90 Is duit. HUERTA DRAFTS MEN AND WOMEN j parts ot th country, to fat-Mr - ltlU)ltTM Ttt CO.VHCltlJTiaK IX plots fliurea baTlns a baarlac Ufcta T KKKI' VP T1IK BTnKXfJTH'tnll'UoatteoIWlUt- (tr IIIH AltJIV AMKIUCAX COX Sl'l.lll'-LIUITO' UKXICO CITY. Not. St. Kumar ous Mexicans, mostly women, hart appealed' to Kmbaiiy 'SecTstary' O'Sbaugbneasy to sare them from HoerU's conscripting them for anay serrlc. Tbe Iluerta government U forcing i women and girls to work aa army I nuntea and cooks. The other em. hassles receive similar appeals from"001 ILW tbe people, but tike tbe United State,1 cannot helo In anr war. r DUXItAH - i score it the Oregon-O. A C. game was a Ho, Oregon's comeback In tbe second halt so outclassed tbo Oregon Agricultural College's team work ot the first half ot the game, that it wo ouly darkness and a slippery field cauk'ur. tho missing ot a place kick that ordinarily would net have been misted, which lost tho game by score for Oreguu. Coupled with tho good showing (Continued on page 3) CLEAR TRIAL DOCKET Several Cases Are Dismissed and Motions Hetid In preparation for tho December term ot thu circuit court, which com mences Monday morning. Circuit Judgo Honry L. Denson this morning held a session ot court, at which the docket was orerbaulod and a number ot matters pending were disposed of. This will allow the arrangement ot a calendar In a few day. Tbo coses dismissed were tho fol lewing: . Alex Martin vs. School district No. 9; Charles Nledermelr vs. 8tarr A Keunoy; Or. Fisher vs. L. V. Ward, These were all for recovery ot money. Non-iulta were granted In tbe cases ot Honry Bolvla against h. h. Chilton, and tho Farmora' Impleueat , .PRINTS TIBjf NEWS WHILE IT II N1W1 ON COLD STORAGE 'COU.NTUV WIDK IXVKflTKMTIOtl IH ORDEItKO Kkbn at Kits CeoU K-eh AU Irnipu to Corner ( V Urkrt la Iba Irgo CMJcat the WlieeU of Brartaseat ( Justica Into Motlosi osi Uwstsfj I'roeeesrtJosi Proowlsmg Unltsd Press Bertie WASHINGTON, D, C. Nor 14 Attorney General McReynotda today ordered a federal lBTtatlsjaltoa ot tk alleced cold storage combine, ' He Issued orders today (or all mDlore- of the hnra-u of iBYeatla v jtloa and the district aturmajr. la aM 'holdlnc n and other sroducta frota 'the markets In order to boost Krtaa. 1 Mciieynoids aaya no aaa rilav- Inary Information Jn dialling that at tempts are betag mad to earaor tail efC-aad-rtfvUblo Joarkota. "TU - -reatlgatloa covers a .amber of Ursja cities. If the wvldenc eolleoud warnalli It, the government wW- limma-W) i'111 ,nl riminal prouUoaa.n4r the Inatratat commerce a) par I AGENCY STORE IS SOLD AGAIN YOt'Xd MKItCUAXT FHOM . I-O.NK 8TAK STATU CLOU ml A URAL WITH 1 M. RdBT AX TAKKS POSSESION AT OXCU The general merchandise store tbe Klamath Agency formerly ducted by IU C. Spink, ha J net I sold to Marvin Cross. Mr. pros la a nuw arrlral from Texa. and Ilka possession ot the store at one. Mr. Cross cam to Klamath a bote tlmo ago, aud became ImBfeeaed lk tho country. He cornea bore Terr highly recommended. The store waa purchased from R. C. Spink by P. M. Reldy a iborttigM ago, and O. M. Hector ha be, la cbargo of tbe establishment. SUi t 'ii and Supply House agalait Job Vtjf- or. These were at the laataaaa M tbo plaintiffs. . jy ,ffi The City ot Klamath Fall wnC- ( on a Judgment against W.W; In It suit to forocloM a ctetM gage. J? Tho lult ot Winnie tUiWU George Dteveni for diver waa en from the docket for waat of ecutloo. "' A non-suit was ordered la Ike divorce suit at Mm NsyMs al plaintiff, Klllott . Elliott. 'Mfl D. HarpoM la ai writ afsJart wwijwjijiaw (C ajS)'