kr t nn AT Vi, ," J KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL N.SW3PAPI.K dgtilli Vear No, LOCAL MEN SUBPOENAED TO TESTIFY Huerta Is Reported to Be DICTATOR IS SAID BREAKFAST WITH CHAMPAGNE, AND WASH IT DOWN WITH COGNAC Kill Tills llL(MI U lllltll lit Mtr tXM.S Ills iui hhi iiiui m. rft I'll!! I iMtl ah.1 0'Maiil liru) Air I" Hie I'lTnl llirr Half Ihf Tlnw Mr l 4 IUif alhtr llryaa IN-nle llrKri l'r lrl .Igalnat Tii IIiIIUIi Ctula-) In ll.c Vraa Clua tit United 1'ieat tunica Vi:ilA Ollt'r.. Sot J. a kufatjr ' lllamlnallng eiplaaatlon uf Treat. daftt WlUou'a ftplarnc lu (unr, llnli ltli Ih. Mrllran Itwallota hu bn fuiulabr-l Ilia 1'Bllrd I'm by HhquMtlunl authority II It simply that Huriti haa born drlnklug brolly lntlr Aceurdiut: In report h lul bean for lt mml alt utlally lrfraMUlbla llrallttng that no Irupoitaura could ba attached la Ihn aork uf drunken man, the uftltlal In Wiahltiston tint b-n a ailing pallcnlly for chance lo rum In n ubdelatandlng llh the dictator In hU tuber momenta ami lltte brrn taeWtlllg dallr reports lu hU condition II It atan irHiilr. thai llurtla nii-tlhK delarelloiia hate been cw Incidental with Mi aunt moment llolli Ainbaaaador Unit aud tfeci. tary O'Hhaughnraay hate made re purl regarding Huerl' hablta In linn report l aa alatad thai he ha bitually drank champagne al break lad, ami fltitahrd Ih ml allh cognac fulled I're-aa Hervlr WAHIIINIIOTON. I I' Nor 31 MISS HARTER WINS IT Merrill Declamation Contest Is Full of Interest (Herald Hprclal rerlre) MKItllll.l.. Nov :: -Mia Jeantlte 'ii.n..r lUmiiirr of Mr. and Mra. J. I ll..i.. u.Ha aarar.ta.1 the silver medal l.y the judiea at latl ulhfa( ' . -a iHllter Medal Declamation couieai, . .. ... . . i. iv,.k..'i .... .7 - :":;:.. l.liriaiiail enieiaiit ..- Tim Juditt ttero Mr. J. . Hau, Mlaa Umlilali and t l,. iiiiniiina. ' 'I heir tatk ana hy mi Hiram an eaajr me, aa nil the young ladle rendered , urelleiil ri-aillnga, allowing forcibly tho evil of eaieatlve drinking. Tho following program at run- j Hcrtxll Hcrlplural Heading Mr. Jay P. , Hurler, iliitlrninn. Prnyer llt'V. Carle.- "Thn Wrecked l.'xpreaa" Ml l.ticy Carle. Song MU K'lloen Sutherland. tf "lu the Keg" MU Vivian Hunt-(,..,,,,-. going to Klnniatli Pull r" ig, anon to hold Hvor medal ennttwt. Otiet Tho Mle tlraybael. Aa aoon oa five allvor medal havo "lleremlali and HU Pw,"-Im Ihh.ii awarded, thoro will bo a con Aiidrey Toll. " 'or 0,d ' m TO START HIS Krrrlai luian Ilia Or ilir (iilloiluc ' .Irtnri.l l.ala. "I lif I rthriil ' I. ( iK i. ilia ,rta. thai the aar IprtiitMit .rotrir,i acalnal ll i,..n ..f la ml lu tending lau airilmn In Mel 'rft Ir.s in alMlllll'tll a -, III JetUlna" llila. I alali til ailil mi obiVHinalbiii in tlir .iililiriiiii ..i alofle u( llila kind, allh lin Inqulri lulu Ilia llulli or falall ..( ihrm A denial rabnul rrarli all ahii read Ih taumrnt ami n 'anni r'-tmi H ruaalob IS TO QUIT THRONE I ItllV I'lllMT MI.I .tSHI'Xi: U tllui:iT, sH lllsl'.UCH. 1 1 i.UIl(i I.CMJTIM ntati: him i:iii:mi I llllnl I'liaa Panic iii:i.()HAiii:. Not :: The 1'ollt- la iiubllahra llaatchrt (lom Hoplila 10 thr rBrt thai Klnc Ktrdlnand hat OeOntlvtr ilrddrd to abdlrata In fat or ( t'tou I'rlnr llulla Ihla folluaa a lout rutifatabrv with ih mror of Auatrla f.ier) )ar on October 16th thrr I. preached at Ih Church of HI Cath erine Cree. In Uindon, a aermou lo roniiurinoiate Ihe delheranr from a tlnu lu tho Arabian deaerl of rllr John lla)rr. who aaa lord mayor of ihe cdr of .oiidon IU the early part ..f tho artrntrrutll relltliry The I'neipeclrd llabll" Mitt Otran (Iraybaa. Helrrllou, uuarli't Itev Carle, J ir lllake, Mitt Morovlali .inn iro- l"-r IllaVe "TU l l.l i. Portrait" Mlat lllaiirno - Conpock V.-l ...lo-MI.. Krn. Anderaoi, , Tapu"- Mlat Anna VofA, ,otl i.rr. Ilutael lllake. ..n,,,,,,-,, on (M, Ml JeaiitltK (lir()r Wlii ,lu, judgea aero In teaalon, arrlvo at a decltlon, Mia Mary - rurwIlllKer rende red n piano number and Profeator lllako a vocal olo. Tim Miter medal wat preaentod to Mia llarler hy Profeaaur lllake, who prefaced thla with a thort, but ef fecllvo talk ou the ovll of drink, The oilier contettanta were preaented with pretty gold alileld-almped plnn. Tlirru la oiu talk or tnt otner V. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, I Beautiful Diamond ! Mlaa JraalP Wilton, whu la to td Krantlt II Hair. Nntrmbrr IStli at Ihf While llouar, wilt iKcltr on uf thi- tniMt mitablr nrtlilliiK lrrarnla rrrr Klru III Ih t'tiltrtl Hlatrai the illamuiiil I'aijdnnt 1..1J vcklarv aub airlbrtl (or b inrmbrra ut tho liouav of ripitatntatltra, ri'publlrana and (iMnxrata. In (art. I hi ruuYrmrnl (or the cltt In thr Klrl ho will beromo lh thirteenth While llouar brld waa alarlfd by Jamra It Mann, blttrr lol nilral oponrnt of hrr falhrr aa lad- ,r ,,r thr rapublkan mlnorllr o( lh MINIMUM WAGE BILL IN FORCE I MIHT llttl'lls, r K.NTV MI.NUTlJi thi: mimmmi utvs wtnti; itiit woMi.v iiruivco ItV a.nv hteiii: r lilted Treat iiervlco I'OIITI.AND, Xiiv IS. After to-, tin) Ort'son'a ne minimum wage law' alll uu lit vltert. Under Ita provltluua ii minimum, v. ago of IH.2S per ttvek imial ho pii Id ull uomeii tlcrku ahu lire nut iippreutlcea, eight huura aud I till) mliiutft will be tho maximum ilny 'a aurk, nnd lllly hour for the neuk, niul no aomau ahull be em-, plii)ed In u iiivrritutllu ettubltthuivnt rmfpfKmK laaAwaTHBaaaaaaaaEaaaaaaaaaaaa aWaBtaCV'itWBESr'- akXvlaaaaaaaaaaaaBtaHtHH aaaaaaaaaaaaV 'taHW.aa.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.a.aC aW iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH I laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHVata ftH lNSi! aaaaaVtaliV , -" -' ?7!Saal ( ally day of tho year after C p, m.'hnd made an Invottlgatlon. The new law, which aa decided Aa near a ran bo learned by Com iiii hy tho ludiiatrlal Welfare Com-,utlaloner UIU, Iho oil came from a nilmlmtlon of Oregon ou September (polul about twelve mllet north of Sac 341)1. iiutomutlrully ellmluate Sut- ramento, but how lie doe not know, iinln) nl.lhl ahopplug und night ahop- lillas haa come to the conclusion that plug during tliu Chrlttuma ruan. about the only thing to blame tho Only one big department tore In J Ihe Mate appeared In fi.vor of the I it at 11 It. lit ll VI It al ll.altla lit al III ,1 tt.l All . lt n IIVII wviltai ..' v t I II.,. ...I.r proteated t .goroualy j aKitltiHt ll. i (lerla-r IIiI)n Hprlnga. Oeorgo llatcheldor ha returned from Hume valley. Mr, llatcheldor had u ti'iwtrro tract In tho valley juat titer the lino lu Klimmtli county and ou thlt laud tvn it large spring, and literal a lock men have ben trying to huy from Mr. lliitrhcldcr without auc ivm until about a week ago when I.oula (lorber came to I.akovlow , and, gelling tho new from (loorgo that tho tract waa for aale, took him In hU buggy nnd vlalted th tract, and ratting literal! WWMMWAVWMWNWMVWWM Necklace Given as J' houar cmlal. Mr Mann ta one of thoac hole-Vmled liollticlana who in ft ahort time made Ihe purchat I Mr llatchilder would not atale the . price, but he tald he not what he nikrd and that a all that tieceaaary. Lakevlew lltrald. aaa, I "Allium (ooL Kred Kngllah, who formerly lived here, but now realdlng In Klamath Kalla. where l I connected with the , California-Oregon Tower Company, i w.i lino HumUy und Monday ahaklng ihaiidt with lilt many old frlendt. He i)e that ho nnd Mm. Kngllah think ' that Klamath Kail la almoat at nice i n plant nt Yreka Yreka Journal. Oil lu Itltira M)lrry. How n la)er of crude oil that runted the Sacramento river from bank to bank for a dlatanco of three mllfn. got Into the water, It being In teatlgated by Commltaloner Hllaa. UUer Tntrol OITlcer Wilton reported mi Thumday that he had found the rltrr rnteyeil with till on Sunday and condition lit U that au oil guther uddeiily burst forth nt tho bottom of I 1. . a.lna . dananm.illtn tlntittl ((111 IIM'I C I lit V It . UHIWII. ... lu).rI.. 0.flrv .,... ln jnimucte Irltle U n publtc ovon. where, for a' ----- ..... muall fee, lioiiaowlvea may have their; breakfittts, dinner or supper cooked ' for them. full mi the Clerk. Francla O. Freuer. it resident of Spta' -VaHaaaaBV afe' lafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV a i J 1 "tilaftl WM I. mBDOt I" X-. l. .. tT9r Poo Valley, camti to tho county sent! ",, ;: J . T , "" today to pay a, visit to tho ofllce of,ear"- 'reKa J0"rnnl. County Clerk Do Lap. Mr. Freuor presented the comity clerk with a Deaths In Kngland and Wales due couplo of coyolo hldos. aud tho clerk,! to Phthisis linve decreased In num.- not to-be outdone, presented Mr. ber during the past half ceutury by Freutr with a county warrant tor fS. considerably over 50 per cent. NOVEMBER 22, 1913 Wedding Present ran nr;;o above party in auck nialli-ra, i;.? k fi cc-i I2,ct)u, T!io pendant U uul ned In l-ir en-, . rontalulliK Hchty-ato a mall dUmoMdi and fine larxt canary ilia rnone in th rtutrr, weight alx and a 'uatter jaarata. and la perfect In eterr tartlfular. The araall dlamonda are plated around the larse atone In con rantrif rluEt, which are built of dell cU Ut work c latluiiai. The con traat of the blue and white of the mill dlamonda and the yellow of the ! canir diamond rite It both dlatlnc- lion nu beuuty. The chain around Ori;on Nerada Mlnlnr company. ,OTT" tomorrotr moralnf. la r thu neck rnnalata of delicate platl- wllch waa recently Incorporater foripon' lo th" 'olloI-'' B- iium aerk: und contain 164 dla- 1 noo.000. under the laaa of Ne- ,ohnon aaUtBt U. 8, dUtrict at momla . The boa contalnlux the neck- vada. Tho main oOce of the com- 'orne-,: lace la made of allver. and la ten mny will be at Reno, and the branch "Cleaae make a aearch of, tha ree Inchet Ions, four and a half Inchea office hex.e. orda Id your offlce for any land locat- hlrh and all and a half Inchf wide. The followlnr director, war ,ii. " ll county of Klamath whlci and la lined with lavender pluah. Thlt preaent elerieil fro- over 100 deilcna. iinaa a at fyn I AlUM AU III I V A NEW DEATHTWIST. ,s('i:llltl mii.i: in Tin: nt. I ltK.NCllM.tN UMIIS Till: UK)I AM) TIIK.V "HOI'S IIUMIFIIIST' l'i)V.HITIIK KAKTH United Trott Scrtlce i'aiiis. Nov. ::.- Aviator Cante-; loup today atcended a tulle In the air. nud looixsl the loop three timet, fly- Ing head down In a high wind. The blrdinrm then pointed hta ma chine toward the etirth, and dropped plummet-like it dlatanre of 1,000 feet. Seteuly feet from the earth he right ed the craft, and alighted in aafcty. Tlit Xlllak't- Culiip. Ktery town ha It Joker. In thlt) liialanre Yreka 1 not behind the "- time The joker approached Journal reporter ou the atreot on Mtuulny evening and tald: "Say, Mr. Pencil Puttier, did )ou hoar tho very, lal....l ... !. ! nnlun n eitltlnl 'l liill1)! HUM 1 11(1 a UT KUIUh MIUUUs Tho repor er replied. "Nearly all- K not alU" nnd then ntked him what, the latest new waa. Tho Joker re- piled! "ltaln! which I very much needed by our farmers, which came "own trr, imru, auu ,uu a... w ilr- "ffr. " . ... . . , ,7 iwuou. limi uu. uun.ii.uur um .ui . n """"' """ " uiuuuy, Dissipating VMMWWWWWWWWWWWWIWW ll.tUV.tttl T.IKKS TITI.K CAMIIItlUfH;, Nor. J2- Kanrard I'nlrrraltr todar dc d-atHl Vato r a icor of 15 to 5. from th vrr dart of ttw. t Ram the football rlctorr waa t imicpdril to the Crlraaon elorca. llrlrkler'a work waj the feature (rf ihe Kanie. The llarrard crowd la almoat wild with enthualaam and do- lUht, aa thU la the tint time In the hlatorr of football that the C'rlroton baa woo two Tlctorln In nircnalon orer the tona of Kll. t )4t44t MINING COMPANY ORGANIZED HERE IlltllCO.V .NKV.IDA .MIMXO Ml l.l.l. N(! LXI.MI'.tXV Wlf.I, Hr'eral dUtrict court at PotUhC Tkat VKIiOP, ISCTK.NHIO.V OK TIIK 3romo,r " '" ui' chare : of ualne the malla to defraud.' K.M()U8 nUIHTOCK LOOK A a-i-W.i - At a meetlnf of Interetted people Iv t nlrht. there waa formed' the d- O W. IloberUoc, Charlea OraTea. a I. I.eavltt. Fred Kouiton and J. Keller The offlcera elected are 0.,"opm'n, co,npaI", W dealrt) W W lloberuon pretldent. Charlo."luro ,h" dt, of ,ho d"d' ,n daT Crave, vice president. A. L. L.,VJPHo'-of the land, from whom pur- trcretary-treaaurer. There are twelve ttockholden, all o! whom rettde here. Charlea II. Ilaldwln. ono of the atock holdert, will go to the mine the drat of the month. Tho property owned by the com pany la the wett extenalon of the Comttock, which lit. the early dayt produced oter 1800,000,000 In gold. The coruuanr haa already tunneled In ,Vo feet, and la within aeventeen feet ot tho ledge they will tap. It owna Ita own ttamp mill. Srluiildt Trial Next Turaday Nt.w yojtK, Nov. IS. Judgu Foa- tcr today denied the motion of the HHnlty-experli for time for further ex nmlnatlnn of llnna Schmidt, and or dered tho trial for next Tuetday. Ctn HALL "' Only Property Owners i vs a Menduy, November 34, tho quail- rt . .. ...lit U l.l .... of K,amath . ... . ... .... aiiuai uaiD n viij iiuii auu jait iriiiiriiirrii iiinmriiT ni inn murium iin !! vrly iulpped. ...t. . . ... it ine oonua ore voteu tne common council cluteniplatc8 adopting a plan, oj,nat w, not only furnllh nae,uato ; ,ace for tho conduct of the bu.lne Jl0' tlie "W' but wul meluil '0 odvlbonda la the fad that tat) f ., ,, fa . . ,n.,uj. .,, .h- ,uate ,paco for jail and Are deport- Iment purpose. , The member of tho council aro confident that tho amount asked will ! be sufficient to erect the building, properly equip the city hall and Jail, and discharge the Indebtedness against tho lots already purchased. PRINTS THE? NEWS WHILE IT.IsjNkJi I'rkty rir CMrti MMMMMMAAMIMWV :0RINDALE LOTS BEING LOOKED UP BY U. S. OFFICERS i I.OCMI, IR HLIII-OKVAKD TiaiTIJTi' I.V THIAI, TO Tract uf HaWnili, Rock ! HUU aide 1'Ullr.l ami ?ld to Middle Westerner u Huliarban ,lniperljr .tdjolnlnc KUrnaUi r'J4 Clerba, Ktrnotcrapliera. l.te Ear to (Jet a .Start, lluu(lit on Small. I'ajmntta A thorough Invcallaatioa of the af fair ut the Orecoo, Inland Deraloii- mtnt com pan r, which placed on lit market Orlndals Addition to Klaai- SSPQ&Mtti&StEVl , "r ,0 from tbt aulkMltlec P" County Clerk Charle. DeUp now Unt,' or b, ,lnc" 1909 iooi J..m lh' nlme ol tho Oregon Inland Da. chaied, the contldratloa aad Um data) on which the deed waa recorded , ' "Tleaae get thla Information la auch abape that you will be able) to teatlfy In court here In the trial of the cote of the United Statei agataat J. T. Conway and- Prank RIchet. We alto detlre that you famlllarlt yoir felt with the location of theae tract of land In regard to the dlttance froai the main portion of Klamath Fall! whether or not theae tracta would ba) ultable for platting aa aa addition to the city of Klamath, rail. Mad ta approximate value of tb land tj acrlbed. ' fl "Kindly aecuro thla InformaUai for u. and arrange to arrive la Port land Tuetday morning, whera.a kulh poena will bo awaiting yoa." 4 The tract la alx mile from Klariy ,i.a a.-aj'..iawMaiaaiaaMMMiaa (Continued oo pag 4) ' ff BONDS UP J ji Allowed to Vote Monday ii 1 IF MM 1 " No oppotltlon hatO been hoard ,,. t . -..- J la belere1 . f , .. .. .. '. ' (day. Prominent taxpayer araotta. i.. ...... . . .. ... opinion mat, it la mucn oeiior tor ta city to own lu own'buIKIng tha l contlnuo paying rental. Another I turo that haa brodht'atip)t Jfr . . - . . . - V. . . kimrm have a suitable Jail In which to prisoner arrested'from tin to rf A wooden structure, such ' used at the prBt tlme.'U to tne uvea ot an persons therein, and It tut ealy: luck that the city ha a coatly damafl kyaja MClaK ' ' ?fl t jH i .1 ti t " li .5 .1 !aaV. vl : a W.VJ taC' ,.v rffl LU ' tp aNMaK '-TO Mflktjf- - t JmWi aB -". . i Tr.tTlsIm, r Ski t.1 ' -. ct. ' 'ysH - " -' 'Ml 'tadnaal 1 IV) IW "".'