The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, November 20, 1913, Image 1

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    SV fEwmttg Itteald
k ii
' " -'ft.
i:i(hiii Vir , i:n
' - ' -'JTTT'ar 1 1 1 TCwriT-TgaWiMrxi
Price Five Os
, ... ...... , -1- -,-, -u-ij-i j- j-u-i. nr in uuuu uu
...ww...... ,,
Men Who Fathered
British Opposition to
U.S. Mexican Policy
III lllll t m
riiA or now
io tiii; hk.
.it tiii: oi.ii
possum. mi in s i:i.i.rrmi
MM! (ONM.CflVl I'dlMl.llH
ltr..iitlii Hiafln al Mrulll lr.
lug. Taking Hr- lunanl C.I..
I nail ItrlMrrli ll.r Is.kUIIiu and
ll.r -r trial ahatl
f..r i ho niaiiittriam
f th. a.ifk Ktl-1 lb
- . li i . i ,(
Ut-rrii i.eeaaan
atid irall..i
f' inilni'til b) I In. asalalii of a
"tillsallnlis i.f the I tillr.l fllatrs un
der rontrart ill Noteniber . n6 be.
Ml IIHIU l.tlll: Mil. I,
All iliaxKUiK tn.tral ia;a. th
tilsl of 'a Niirtli mul Tommy Moor
mi n iliaiK u( assaulting John Mr.
illll ai rnmuirnrpil today before Ju.
tiro ill 1 1, IVarr Howell Til jury la
rrn llir aMiKlallmi ami llir I nlli.l itnm-i i ,oula Haiti, .ewla U'rlde
Hlatra aiijl In airotdam will, th I'dgar Virgil, . : Momyer. Fred
'water richl applications of the Hull- Sl"l """' W Hawxhurst.
UldHat natcr users, ami rnuli audi II la alliird (hat Moorr and NoMh
I'lillnl sialr Wliri.h) Hm- 1'iirtiirr dialnai work as tlialll It drmrd ordered Medlll to remove his effects
nraei lt lli reasonable pruter- (nun a cabin Id Mtidow Lake, too
nn if land and warily lor the pay- us nl which they had been granted
s8l i( ninitrurtlon rhaiies, tfc ti- l) th owner An altercation, arose,
al psdltuirs an lururml not lo'and Medlll allege that llir men
u -.I II per arm r annum, atnl ' atmrk him
li further obllcalluii of bassocla-. There am mum II.. . iv.niv .!
lirasra Prnserlitlfir Alffirt.Mir Irtarln
V A llrtinnr aro oiuhmIdi
lor N IVllmll.l llir Vrl Will Pal
I innualli fur lili im
IHIafl I'lirtralnimlrlirat
.i;miiii,lN .o 3B I'lmlla ol.tiou tu lrr and cullwt an annu
Ihr Wal.r l'aa A."--latlti laklNi M f wr ,rf, ,, milin utKin ...,i
umr Hi ftrlluu. mainUuanm and all tti. lnd of th prin 'nmn.rl
nrainaf in in nrti unit urii. Mam ; j.i. and io drlitrr to th proirlr
alh i.rujwl lur n lull, and t ,rtrlntrd ffnlatll of th I'nlt
l-7iai in uxiiui inai iihi. par tnig Klatri. Ihr total
lumrnnirnl th uuallullrd portion of ta mill lio.oou i,
Hi Krim ranal fixl. Iiarnraa th u-liiiiha of th amount
if and fumlih rlrctrlrltr at In niatj
If. valrr UM-r In inak luhtrr thirl
larm nlk. and Mwallil)r for an rtrr
irk railroad. Irrrllrd a bl( UmmI at
Ihr rorllnc of th ttixaholdrra of thn
KUmatl. Water lra Aaouilon i
hrld In Hi npia linua laat nldit
Thla aa rrubodM In a frtttlou
hlli a alined If th alrr uarraj
prravnl Th priMUIosi of th ptl-
llou follo I
I Hueprnalon ol th roi,atrucllUH)u ,m ,)IN,, laiHIS i:NTi:H
lliar( lur flr ara
I liiilln lh III of th rontrarl.i
nwrallnn, malnlenanc and dralnai!
Iera not In rirrrd II pr aff r j
,r. ;
) llurlnc lh llf of th rontrart.
Water I'arra Aiaorlallon Io tr)r an.
aearxnielit nf 1 1 r acir per Jrar for .
Ihr iiirKMr nf farlllC In th (uirtn-lHIher Mnlal divlamatlou (otitrat of
limit Ihr uiialloltcd portion of h;tlir Mrriill i.ramh. Woinin'a I'hrla
tat uf Ihr Krlio ranal Th ranalltlau Trmprtanru 1'nlou. lll bn hrld
aH vlafcaalar atP " ' J
iaalaalaalaalaalaaC &T IflaaaV jUW'T
uot'i.i) MAitKi.T i:vi:hvtiiin(;
that ik k.isi:i
(.Ll.l.Ut, AMI Tlllll'OUT TO UK
In iilillllon lit l)MnillnK Klamatli
Kalla Crrainrrr, l'-wratlir Or
KAtilutloii W'ouM Takr Irrrr tlw
lml tXtndraf
K'ontlnutd on pa 4 1
atllr of the frill.
...cunt or.uci. Qiyn I irii man
;r:r.t";;: oAlo LltB nflo
i.u.wi: i. si.ovi:h coui:.(-ks
niLNTV irur.tiii:
HUM) AT Ml llllll.l. I Kill V 11V
W i T. V.
triiaff ("irrriKindncri
MKIIIIII.I.. Nor :o Thr annual
lll thru t.r laatu oirr, and Hirr
ilTrlord tr Ihr aaiiKlatton
At tha end nf flla Jtf, alrr
llarra lll rraumr patlnK Ihr flxfltet
al hatrrr Ihr filed rAtr li at that
Ill full thr prlltloii altned lail
night follow a
"Thr atiH-k holdrra nf thr Klamath
VValrr Ifarra Auorlallon hrtrhjf irtl
linn that Ihr Klamatli Water Carre
Aaanrlatlon b H-rmlllrd In lindrr
takr thn iiianaKPinviit, operation and
inalntriiantr of Ihr first unit of llir
Krldar atmlnc IhU U attracting
much attention
Thr rntranta In thr contut aro
Anna Crl Itulha t'arlr, VUlan
IIuiiIIik. Illanctiri t'opiMtck, Orraa
llrarhai'l. Jeannrttr llartrr and Aud
irr Toll Thr "III all Kile rrad
lima on trliiHiramr topic
Thr. (Ill adjuditrd llif lunrr will
l.o prrai'titi'd with n elhrr nivdal by
Ihr mitoii Tim iillirm Mill iiK'rUe
Kiild plna
Whrii fix. hatr huh illrrr uirdala
a Mitral lll lir hrld for a (old
Alli-Klnit that thr l.lnuton Havlntn
lank uttachvd for a ilbt owrd by V
I llhoada roM-rtjr formerly belonn
Ink to llhnadi that had beru told un
der a forrrloaurr, (Uarr M Hloter
haa romnienrnl ault acalnit the bank
in gulrt title K U Klllott li her at'
Tho proprrty tunaltta of srvral
llirrw arrca In Too Valley Thr plain
HIT a) tho attachment waa not inadr
until after thn property paued out
of thr hand of Hhoadi.
Chlrf of Poller. Smith recrlrd no
tlcr thl Afternoon that (lorernor
Writ had (ranted rrqulaltloa papn
for II. I.. Nelaon. who war placed un
der arrrat hers laat Friday on charts f
.iirrnii irraiiirry anil rarr on or grand larrtay, preferred by F. 1
I frrnrml l-nnlurr llu.lne .Mrrl- "B'"1"'"" ' San FranclfCO. Mr.
! Nclon a 111 probably leave tomorrow
nK . nmirmrr. nenooi iat .i(in ernn, for San FraneUco.
I Mr. Nelaon haa been In tho cars of
IA ro-oprratlre farmera' orcanlia-l deputy sheriff tlnco hit arrwt.
lion that will handle not only the wl,ln th action of the OTrnor.
dairy produeU, but all the exin, train I Th c" PPr to be rery com
hay. polatom and other produce i P11"1811 . " 'r. Nelaon li charied
ralard by Klamath county farmer li wllb ,he th'rt of ,500
I Ihr plan of thr Klamath County 1 According to Jlr. Nelson be bar-
Italrymen'a Asaoelatlon, aceordln to'0t,1 "00( '"" Mr. Uundiehud,
plans outlined at the meetlnc of the ,or wn,cn De "te bu no,e- Mnr
dlrtor hrld at thr Summera school ,l,rm D,ve P between the
laat t-renlnt:. two Plrt,' 'nc Iho arrest.
In addition to the directors, there. ,r' vl0 pUcax! f 1,000 la a
were a number of members of the',oc' banlt ' corr ln ",ebt on "
sacHlatlon and Intrrrstrd farmrra ""nder of the note, but Mr. Hund-
jrr.-aent. At this raetln the matter ,chuJ ln M nU lrM, raTww
waa dlacuased pretty fully, but no,10 Jmlt th eilstence of any notes.
I drnnltr action was taken. nJ ,U,M ,hlt ,he c u' db-
I Thr asaoelatlon has been at work ' ml"f1 " h U.000 U sent by pos-
lon tnis for some time, llefara ibt:'"1""'
Menlean IllcUtnr Trie Io Keep HI
Aithcrrnta l.yal by Telllauj Tbeea
the I'onera Will Happurt H4sa
Asalnat the l'alle.1 HUttas la Caaa
of latrrreation ('afalry Heat to
the tlonler Today
I'nlled Press Oerrle
MflXICO CITY, Nor. 10, Accord
Ins to well founded rumors, lluerU
and Dlanquett quarreled fiercely yes
terday. They are said to be dis
agreeing upon almost erery phase of
the government policy, and an opea
breach is predicted.
No crisis Is eipected today, aa Ha-
erta la sending bis son-ln-Iaw, Osaeral
Fuentes, to Washington. It la re
ported that he goes aa an emaauasary
to the White House.
Huerta has allowed his adbereata
to believe that he possesses Informa
tion thacthe powers will support hlsa
against, the United State.- That-Is
the reason the dispatch went out yes
terday about the tlrltlsh fleet sailing
for Vera Crui.
step Is Uken It Is the Intention of the ,lr ""n hern purchasing
dln-rtnrs to arqualnt all the dairy- wrK0 Quantities) of potatoes for shlp
mm and farmer with tho,-nt lo ,be California markets, and
So far all who have, discussed It are,D,,nK OD"' ' Here at thU t this way be U trying to create
enlhualaatlc. ,llmr will seriously Interfere with the an Impression among the common
In addition to arranging a eo-oper- ,UI"" "' "" "". " ne Had Just people that the Drltlsh cruisers are
athr market for thr farm nroduer. tt'bun hauling to the railroad
If llir Intention of the orranliatlon wb,,,, ,be Mt ' hls time baa
to acquire the Klamath Falls and the r"u! considerable annoyance and
Merrill rrrameries. noaalbly the Fort b"mlll"n t Mr. NeUon and family.
Klamath creamery, and operate these I " ' b"',r the matter will be
on a eo-opvratlie basis. straightened out without difficulty
The organisation. H Is ulanned. h'n Mr- Non reaches San Fran
will extend all over the county. The.tUco- "U ''lends llm that other
stock will all be owned by local ,l'ar,lM. not friendly to Mr. Nelson,
jhatr been responsible for the action
ol Mr. Hundscbuh.
Klamath prnjeit for a period of ntrunedal Ml" Allrr llndley. who ou
)rars, iiudrr inulual rontrart lwlwlilllir slhrr im-dl last )rar, la haiieil
Ihr rrlary nf Ihr Interior and Ihnj (rum this rar a rontesl, hut haa qul-
iifflirr nf Ihr aaaorlatlou, requiring lflril In rlilir the KM HlJI Coutest.
Mr Lionel Garden
Lord Cow dray, one of the most Ini
IKirlatit financiers of Kurupe, whose
holdings of ull land properties lu Mex
ico ure said tn be worth many mil
lions. If not liuudrtds of millions, aud
Sir Lionel t'ardvu, the llrltlsli niu-,
"" lussador to Mexico, hao beeu largely
I'l III.U SLItMCi: ItMII'OIIATIO.NH riaponalbli for the position taken by
i:Vi:ilVVlli:i(i: AUK AWAITI.MI ,,,,, nilsh cabinet In regard lo the
Srlal Friday.
coming to oppose the American ship.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Christian church will give a so
cial party at the church Friday even-
'Ing at i o'clock. There will be nol
charge, but a free wilt offering wilt
be taken up. Kveryone Is Invited to
- come and spend a pleasant evening.
United Press Service
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 20.
Executive ofllcers positively denied
the report that O'Shaughnessy would
gle a final American message to flu
erta, and then leave Mexico City.
"No additional Instructions have
been sent O'Shaughnessy," said Mr. ,
Ilryan. "So far the situation I un
changed In regard ro the government
sKruirrAiir ok tiik xavy ti:i.Cs
ST. MICH All.lKXti: TIIK LAY Her,. Kmm tl. Agency.
ist-tiMlM. WIILN PAUTY LIVKSl Hev. J. W. Worrell, from the in-!
with intkiikst
tiik :ask.
IHillcy uf President Wilson toward
United Press Service
ji:ffi:hson city, ., nu
United Press Service
ST. LOUIS. Nor 20. In an ad-
it raft aid llaat. f A.I ax W Uarlrat a aaa I.hI.iI.
!.... . ....v !...... - ..I........ ... ..... - "" 7. .... 1UUIIII
Hri. . :z. :r :;":"" y pt. outim th.
"". ' ...ii'wie.i, iuiiub m r.uBi-
liiuil, nud III tho Accepted custom of
iHilltlcul parties there and hero Is en
titled tn consideration, Tho Ilrltlsh
Sportsmen Eat. Elect Officers and Make Merry
The first annual meeting nf llir kIm serious cnnslderntloii tu Iho mat
Hptirtamnn Assnclittlou Has called lo ler. iiml solvit u man who iimlil, and
nriler last night by President lluutrr wniild, devoto n rensonnlilf iiinouut nf
Haldge, Just after the 71 inrmbi'r limn In Hie association.
Iirment mid assembled around the Perry l Uip, In a million In re
liuiuiuel tables at the White Pelican tain Mr Haldsr In Hie presidency,
hotel had sipped their Martini's. Mr. paid kUiwIiik tribute lo the work ac
Hiivldgw, hu la a. splendid presiding roiiuillsliiil hy the preslilcnt, nud his
nltlcer, liolli In appiariilico mill enl- inol Ion was seromled by nearly every
ileniy, made n brief resumo of the nun present. Mr. flavldgc. however,
object and iiiciimpllslimi.nts nf Iho declined Hie nomination, giving as his
iisaiielatloii. showing tho Kood results rnnsoii a lack uf time. B. II. Hall
ilr.n.iu r,u.iiril fne Klatnalh eountv Iheii noiillliuled C. I, Itoberls, who
tlirnugli thn vfforls of tho urganlsa-
"new freedom," Involving the elimi
nation of sectional prejudice and cre
ating Independent political thinking.
ii.mI.1.,,, rn, ..r i .i .., ... ""i'c "u" "'" nave a race oi
n utility company that bu. ..leetrlc Innr hern Lord r..,, ' v rn..,' h ""f!'" ""Kumps. moved by ov
-., - k..H, Ml... --V Ifl,,., f H ,lnl.l,l. . al.l !,
Is bettor to have tho narrow partisan
having n robust faith thau tho till
power from u water electric general-1 naturally takes tho sldo of tho Ilrltlsh
lug plout can also maintain u steam commercial Interests. These he and
plant nf Its own for emergency pur-'friends of Lord Cowdray. It Is be- nud tlguro the same In as n part IIowhI, think might bo Injured were
nf Its operating expenses In fixing' lln United States to forcibly Interfere
rates, Is expected here lu a few days In Mexico, Tho possibility of n light
by the statu public service commie-' with the Itockofeller oil interests In
slnu, which has been Investigating Mexico Is believed to make Hiera fear
cumpliiliils uf excessive. llgUtlug ful of great Inltumirti by the American
chnrges iiiadn by Springfield cltlieus, gnvcrnment.
Illei'tric nud utility companies front (
all Iho Important water nowor een.l '' I'mm Mai In
ters nf the country hud tupcrla pros
enl at tho Springfield hearing.
Hon, Ho made an earnest plea for
tlin runtliiuallou nf' the splendid
nrhlovcinents, and, In asking for
nominations for a president for the
ensuing term, begged the members to
una unanimously elected, whllo 11. J.
Darling held him lu his chair to keep
from declining.
J, K, lloilgo was elected vice prcs-
L-l--L-l-.-l.-l - -- -- .,.. I.MMWM
(Continued on page i)
Car nf Fruit Arrive:,
A car uf frt'Hli frulls and veget
ables Just arrived. Apples, pears,
tomatoes, celery, etc. Ashland Fruit
Store. 30-31
A, Knllua, who conducts a mercan
tile establishment at Mulln, was In
Iho county scat Wednesday, attend
ing to business matters. He reports
prosperous times tn tho llobemlan
lloiiniuit Men In Toivn,
J. I. Paddock and K. W. Hold
of llonunitt arrived In tho city Wed
nesday ou a short business trip.
SIhjc Mix.
This evening Is "stag night" at the
i:iks' Lodge. In addition to the reg
ular short business session, the spe
cial entertainment committee haa ar
ranged au Interesting program nud
refreshments will. also be served.
letanto mugwump voting by whim
and prejudice."
ln speaking of conservation Daniels
stated that: "The nation that ex
ploits all Its possessions In one gen
eration Is grinding Its seed com,"
Firemen' Hall.
The committee In charge of th
Firemen's ball, which will be given
at Houston's opera house Thanksgiv
ing evening, have decided not to
make a ticket-selling campaign by
soliciting ticket buyers on tho street,
but have placed tickets on sale at tha
Shasta caudy parlors, the Bonbon-
nlero nnd tho Kagle Peel room, where
tho)- rau bo procured by those wish
lug tn attend the dance.
A. J. Simmers, who has a ranch on
the Olene rond, spent Wednesday In
the county seat, attending to business
matters. is '
diau Agency, Is In the city for a da,
or two, a guest at tho Marshall house.
United Tress Servleo
LAHKDO, Nor. 30. Four troops)
of the Third Cavalry have been, or
dered from Fort Houston to this ptees)
to strengthen the border patrol. :
It Is reared that the rebels will at
tack Neuvo Ijtrrdo, across the river.
driving the refugeea here. ft
Study Club Will Meet.
Tho Women's Study Club will meet
Friday afternoon at the residence of
The Man Kruiu Itoystoa. Mrs. Maud Zlnk. In the Mills AddU
FranR White In In from lloyston on' tlou. Tho Invitation to attend It ei
a business trip. ' tended to every one.
4 A
Yale Supporters, However, Are Betting Hetrily
(Wrltten for t ho United Press)
NKW VOItK, Nor. 20 Everything
waa poised today tor the Dig Splash
In football for this year.
The annual Yalo-Harvard tussle la
on the brink of being called, and with
these two rivals at each other's
throats on Saturday, some tall and
lofty footballing Is always ou tap.
Yale or Harvard may be booted and
abused by other teams during the
season, but when they aro turned
looso on each other things are differ
ent. A new- Ore springs up where
spirits lagged before, and the team
th;It wins 'always come oat' with1 a
thorough understanding of what
means to be tn a fight.
Yalo Is usually represented. Jae
nerce-iooking bulldog, with-
hanging Jaw, Out the team that r
In tho early game qualltea
to the akl-terrler class. .War baek
this terrier's broedtBg,,aowerfVwi
be found a strain of the aaeteat
dog which the New Havea
expect to cling on to the mm ef
Harvard to the IImM. Xjrm,
It might be added.'ieaX-Mr.-At
sake of arguateat, however, (Mr
Ms .)
MSaferf j
(Coattased m
'! '.:
if' '-,'
Laaa- p s r
aft'V .-.
' 1
MNi :
4 , ' 'i
n ' .