&B0WTP(tW WKIrMMIlAY, ,MV. I, laia TUB EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Herald's Classified Advs. AAMMMWWWm AMMWM FOR SALE KOIl MALI; It, I, , . ion motor 'tuck atiltaliU for drliverr put I'Mm, giiafanli.d In nut rlaaa ciwdl Hull Whet am I uRared' Uhnot I! N Haiti. II Mriniimlluii hot. I hun 37W I7jf FOR KENT WAAMAAAMMMW KOIl HAl.l.- Carefully a.lwl.J While Leghorn rooatere, (o each, li. I Applag.1. Klamath "alia. Ore It-It ELKS DEFEAT THE IS DEVELOPING McLean Lost Money on the Series A STAR DRUG TFAM FORWARD PASS KOII HUNT T-o-ioom hour on high achool lilll, lights and til; ws let. far muiitb Inquire W O Hnillli Printing Co tf Can't Collect Bonus Offered by St Louis if Sober I'l.AHIIHONT Kuralabrd loom., Irani heal II lu a week anil ui ll-IJl llltHf tltll'll li (Ml WIN Ih WON lit uini rthi. linn i. imm 1 ok i iv: (11 lltl: nl.A. II MI-IIISKIIII III' HOLTIIIiltS mi. mi, i.n, uiiii.un iii n.MM i I'O.v oil .sill I IUMI. Ill' OlMI. T tHIILAMI III iNKHUItlMJ The National Coimnlaalon probably Ilia Chief il Injurid. u going (o l- roiapolled to decide Mclean wu given f "SO a bl wliilli'T n man liai to pax (or the aharo of the. money received by tbe privilege of playing Id the world'. '(Hants from tbo series, aerlee At leaat that la the war Lorry Hut tbe St. Loul. management MISCELLANEOUS MIIH t'OOV Mplrltual Medium -. iih ah. I juatlona anawered Wed-h-ada) and I'll'Ur aithlnga Advice nil bualn... daily HiMiina and . not puatolnre t-ll ' CHILCOTE Italia gi-t farm Uaila. Melle ilMlrakU rlly uprlr. VUHn aurHf Imoita Wtllr ln.ot.axe tlial pays lolle.!. Ileal Iamia. money nn le i-late. L. Main HI. I'Im.im- OO The W. E. Pelly Bankrupt Stock of JEWELRY NwMSaleatFra8kM.l)ni tbe Jeweler I1T IU.t"" Knhn ami I'uca- aa bui. a llw) U lr naif 'H rt . All iilliw U lb ra il imIIun ( price., fall ami liu) unr OiflaUwaa II... I while till eli-h ta fuuiplrte FRANK M. UPP ( Aflei IimUik I ho mat ten fraint- by i lour iina and tlir at-ruml br too I'lna,' tin lUaltrt rrpti-rtitltK I hi- lnr.lt II I1 O i: lodge lait nljrht took a. brace 'end raptm,! tin- remaining! llllee calllaa ! Ihr rharmrlil frillll Hi" Irani arhl In I hi' I'luli allera by Ihn Hur KriiK euuipati) tin- lilka alaltnl mitli-a nllh J l: Hodge. I. U Van HrlUn. W O Ninltli and Auallh Harden Allrr thr third ram Hatty Aral? look W O rtnillli'a (ilatr 1'i.t Ihn iihamiarlala. KMh Am titi. l-o llouatnn. Arthur l.altl ami lluau II Irfwao rullrd Hntni ..h . .1. ..... . In I.. .M.Bb.1 .... J..I.F HIKH rH"Vll I. 1' IIIHII-, U' on lb. 1.1(1. amrr .lirf f"r lb. ""' """"r ll,l' ntlntath n ! all olio ma) ram to r. hratan thr rltnrinaDrn Thla thr Drat Inatrh (ami- nf n.r . ...ii Thrfr mar b orraulinl a Im.o Una laaiu In a f' arka MIND,NOTMAUER WINSINFOOTBALL If tin Klamalli rouulr blb icbool ftHithall train folia In win from Aah land dull In Ihn Kama at Aahlaud ThalikaKltlhK, II Mill nut Imi on ac iuiiiiI of link nf iractli. lor the local, Krldlrmi knlKhla nin Ih'Iiik drlllvd haul nrrr i-tiiilng r Coachi-a Mc- Cull and Klllott ' t Tl- Irani la raHiallr kent at nrk i,u thr Inroard iaaa Tbe bore hatn bit n aluo In uae thla during thrlr gami-a, and tbn coachi- are aniloua to hatn It Ihurougblr dofel-ii-d aa mm of thr Hlnrlial Inrana inf atlark I Aahlaml high achool baa clratird up I nt rrlhlng In thr aha-n nf a fiKitball J Inalli III Hillllhltll OfrUOU clCtpt Tliuae Irama liUjnl a arrnlra Kerne brrn a fi iirrka ago The irtutn game al AahUnd will !. hard fiiiiKht. and Uhiii Ita outcilUlr ill !. hiN i hi ihaliiiliihli of riouth rll, Hit-gun Thla la tbn Ural rear hi' Infal arhool liaa lurt othrr achool (aiiia on the grldlton, and a tham iliitiahli Miiuld nut gu half bad GAME ARRANGED ARMY AND NAVY : TICKETS SELL FAST Kl.tMATII KAU.H-MKnitll.l, CO.V. TII.V TIIOfHAM I'tAL'KOOM SALK TI,TWII.I. UK IIKMI AT MODOC ' fiOIIIII.KH L'l I.V HIIOUT TIMK. IMIIK O.V Tt'ltKHV IIAV UWAI. TIIIIKr! TI.MKH AH MAXY COUtO JIILV imiLLI.SU IIAVK III:K HOI.lt AH KAHILY On llir V) tu .MinMi I'lilled I'rraa Brrlre VASCOI'VKII. II C.Nov. I Tbe ' ' w. w3LV 7 Safle' eLLi J LjjajawaVAVeBweeaveRtVatwAazBaafaeaeaBVBaeaeaeeeeeaaaaaaaaaa The mucb-Ulked of game between United I'reaa Service I Merrill and Klamath Kalla will be NKW YOltK. Nor. !. Ten Uou lataKedatltoilocl'irk. Thla baa bwn,niJ 'ckeli 'ne Armr-Navy foot larttlcd br the mancer "f the rlrai " u ' ,h Pol football teama urounda Den. NovemDer lv, werw put The local organltatlon will bo com-' on "" ,0,Ur Th" "" aa,ck" iivMd of ome feat men, according led up. to tboiM, Interraled. The entire Unci Three tlrow that number couU up la being (elected from men who ' n "' l0 ,n mo1 PWle on numeral. In their earlier dari.ulr athletic event of the year. and all are welt veraed In the rudl- Hpeclal precaution have been Uk I menta of tbe came. en to prevent tbe niual New York I Krom the Alfalfa City come reporu ' Prmlttlng apeculalora to buy lot the banding together of a team up great block, of aeata to turn over thai 'la believed will annihilate any0 ba Pulltc l h'tt"r robbery thing In the abape of padded knight. Prlct- that the county .eat ran offer. TheiT" loaa of two games by the Merrill high ( ,000, wltb Intereat thereon at tbo achool team ha. Inatllled a kren de-tato of 10 per cent per annum froa Ire for real, aodden "r-r-retenKe,", the lOlh day of March, 1911, aatll and a combination of high achool paid; for the aum ot 4 41 with Inter player, and old .tar. I. preparing forfeit thereon at tbe Weal rata oa dav tbe wreaking thereof, to tbe aatUfac- llnquent tax certificate.: for Ua tlon of Merrill and vicinity and the turn of (273.00 attorney', few aad evrrlaatlng abame of Klamath Fall., for coil, and dlibunemeata herein; and alao for a decree forecloelnc the mortgage de.crlbed la the aald coal plaint, tewlt: a mortgage dated oa tbe 10th day of Jane. 1901, for Um Malnnry and lrnny Meet I'nlted 1'reaa Service I ST. LOL'IS. Nov. 19. Tommy Ma- ,um of 000.00 B,dt ,a4 .m unitv mcli:a.v Money, Kattern welterweight cbam 'plon, will meet Jack Denny of New Orleana tonight before the new by Krane L. Lee aad afterward aumed by tbe defendant herela, the following dexrlbed real "" ...w. ., ... ... . . ..nn i a,.' .-. -..-.. - ln, louowing aeKUDM real proy- urld louring baarballlat. under Man- McU-au figure the raat. bu will Uy promlaed lrry a bonui of ioo ir ne Qanitury Athletic Club In an eight ny ,- Klamath Couaty Orate, ta- mi mis nil. i mi ii ui nu: ii.i.i- 1111 vt OCT (ll-IOltll.S We Owe You Firat cla Goods; the Bent KMlhtc acrvicc, nml cotirteotia treatment You Owe Yourself The habit of takinj: nil- vantaKc ' t',e 'Kt l''ace to buy GROCERIES Freaii I"rult anil VeKetobles VAN RIPER BROS. riioae n in lnlr. iixlav bailn roodbv to before the roogula. kept ill condition taroughout the en- Amrrirau .horea. The illani. White Ijirrr t up night, figuring how Urn traaon. I jrry kept to tbe atralght Mils AI i:isT syl til. WIHi'k,,, aggregation aalled from here to- bn fame out on tbe tranafer from the and narrow, but Mr. Ilrltton paued . . . -. a . a a.a a. m a fta.A aeaaai sM HiiMM.ICM. da) The Oral atop will be Yokoboma,,t l-oul. CarUlnau to tne uianu m uuc on me parami ui io -u. hre they are rcheduleld to .how tbajwhlrh got blm Into the big .how In to the tllanU, and McOraw p.aaed It iJana hnw Ihn American national faa- October. back. The ouly amwer prry can figure The ilinerrnco oeiween uu out la that It coat blm 150. And at ITSO 1. 150. unlea. they have changed that Mclean led tbn Olant. In bat- tbn arithmetics recently, ting agalnil the Athletic and he Larry flgnrea that he I. that much took Chief Meyer.' plc behind the out unlea. tbe Commlialon order. St. I.at In all bul tbe drat game, when l.oul to come acroee. round bout. I nlled I'rraa Hertlfr rilAMI'AUlN. Ill . Nov. 1 - Mlud la a big l.clnr In football aurceaa, and many team am routed through au-l-erlor tnrnt.lltr. according to Hubert I Zuppke. coach of the llllnoi I'nl triallr fixitball aiUad A rain's football ability la deter mined li a lll brain. eiecutlnK the tlirlalra nf an aggreaahe mind, dn- tared Zuppke The alronger tbn ImhIv II t-etter II IH ft In football aa an Implement for the guiding mind Thrre la mi doubt In my mind tlran la pla)ed, on December Id nei day they play In Kobe The involution of I'artneralilp Notice la hereby given tb.t Kliaer I. Krrnch lie. diapoaed of hi. Inter tat lu the Kl.matb Sheet Metal Work, to N I1 Campbell. All In-' debtednral la to be paid to N. I. Campbell or Jame. K. I'ade, at tbe Klamath Hardware company. 15-31 Legal Notices "' -' a. . (Equity No. 507) Summoaa In the Circuit Court of tbe 8tate of Oregon, In and for Klamath County. Lulu II. Sb.phard, 1'l.lntlff. wit: all of tbe south half ot Ua northea.t quarter, and the soalaaatt quarter of section J4: towuhlp St., 8. P.. 11 HE. W. M., and the mortk halt at lots 1 and 3 ot Sac t, twp. 39 S. jl. lift' K. W. SI.) all batist In Klamath County. 8UU of Or egon, together with the tsaaaaaata, hereditaments aad appurteaaseea thereto belonging or la aaywtae a I pertaining, the .aid mortgage bar ilng been recorded at paa 157 la volumn S of mortgage ot tbe Mort- In ileielop an aggreaaln mental atti tude like that a fighter poeaeaae. Konthall require and drielopes that leama am nlteli defeated becauae c ur.ge III rralatlng Willi the mina their opponent, meatcr them m-nt.1- Ihn degenerating tendencle. ot pain Ir They come on the field with more and moral cowardice, In forcing the .igoroua and vital bralna. nd over- mind, after ml.take ha. Imen made' po.er the moan aenaltlte and weaker In full lew of thou.and. of people, immla C the men thej oppoae There- Into a complete recovevry of all the It la of the greateit importance normal lacuiiien oi eii.Kwae.io GLASS OF SALTS CLEANS KIDNEYS II iOL'll HACK IH ACtlt.Ml OH IlLADIIKIl ItOTIIKlW, DIII.NK IMITS OK WATKH AND KAT LKS8 MILtT v.. Oacar C. U and Dora E. Lea, Da-,,,,,,. .,j. . vi.m.o, rntint. Oe. fendanu Ugon on the 27lh .j,, ot Juo,t ml In the name of tbe .tat ot Oregon. if-or . Iurlh,r order in(i ittttit th. rcu ana cacn oi you are nereoy .um-ltll0 rM, MtaU Mned ,. Ihu ,,, fore Protect YtMr Fawilies Don't leate them on th county when you peg out. Travelers Iisnrance Co. Will Keep Them Atk SPINNING 115 8o. BthSlraat Is It la ta lUraldt ll'a rljht, thaa. , You ay lad it la tba Waal ColuaiM The Most Complete Stock of Heaters IN TOWN HAS ARRIVED. NOW ON DISPLAY. ALL STYLES, RANGING IN PRICE FROM $2.50 to $16 WITH GUARANTEE OF QUALITY ON EACH OUR STOVES ARE ECONOMICAL IN WOOD SAVING, AND PLEASING IN APPEARANCE PERFECTION OIL HEATER IS ONE OF OUR LEADERS WILLIAM C. HURN HARDWARE and haa been ued for generation, to clem and .llmulate clogged kidney.; alio to neutralize the acldj In urine mn I, tin Inn... I- m murr. nr Irrl- latlon. thu. ending bladder we.kne..,ro,"u '" "" -" plaint may, be sold by th sharIC of Jad Salt. I. laexpemlve; cannot In- l'l'nt Hied In the above entitled ult I Klslmlth. Couaty ni 8UU of q,. Jure. make, a delightful efferecntwltl,,n ,lx "k r,er th fl"1 t,ubll,egon. a. under execution and a pro tltbla ater drink which every one ta,lon of ,hU m'5'": n XO" "'"Ivldcd by law for th aala of real aa .hould take now and then to kMp notice that If you fall to appear; ,. umler for.clo.ur. and that the their kidney, clean and active. Try "? "' wth,n "'-1 1 proceeda of such .ale. after paylas thla. alio keep up th. water drinking. I t,m,e' th, w?is 'or wnt, 'n"fthe co.u. dlibunemeaU, attorney' and no doubt you will wonder whalf"" PPr lo above entitled court ,,,. th, ,ppu,d upon tha jaeff i bream of your kidney trouble ndfrlthr' '' 'manded In hi. com.ment. and It tha proceed. ,t aaak narkarhr ' ,,u,nl Dled nreln' t0 wlt: "le be Iniufncient. th plalatHt kail For a judgment, order and decree h.ve Judgment and execution agalnat Oacar C. Lee In the .um of . (he defendant. Oicar C. Le. to r uch balance unpaid; and, further. that tbe .aid defendant., Oscar C. Lata , . . . Tin- .o-called Scotch pine is the When , our kldne,. bur and your fQ back teaU .ore don t get .cared and tl of h I proceed to load, our. omacU with a Uned lot of druca that excite the kidney' . 'and Irritate the entire urloary tract., '" I Keep our kidney, clean like you r luoIutlou of Partnership J fkeep our boet cltan, by fluihlngj To , wnom ,h., mty cencrn: Notice I. hereby given that the Arm ot Taber Sly ba. thU day dUsolved partnerthlp, a. partner, doing bu.l-m-u on Fourth .treet, between Main and Klamath .treet.. In tho city ot Ulimatli Kail., lu the -Melha.e ft W (throw building, a. tbe Idle Hour It hum with a mild, barmleu salts hlch remotes the waste and .tlmu- Lite, them to their normal activity. The function of the kldneya I. to Al ter the blood. In 24 hour, they .train from It 500 gralna ot acid and waste. o wo can readily understand the vital Importance of koeplnc the kldneya i j. jjoom,t Mr. L. V. Sly having active. .old and tran.fcrred all hi. Intereat. Drink lots of water you can't drink too much;-alao get from any pharmaclat about four ounces ot Jad Salts; tako a tablespoonful In a glas. ot water before breakfa.t each morn ing tor n tew day., and your kidney, will act tine. Thl. famou. salts It made from the acid ot grape, and lemon Julro, combined with Ilthla, in the said stock and business to Hoy Tabor. All accounts and bills due aid firm to be collected by and nre payablo to Itoy Taber, and' all bills to bo presented and audited by him. ' Diited at Klamath Falls, Ore., this lltli day of November, 1913, L. V. SLY Airod HOY TAI1KR. 17-3th Gobble Gobble .a4!aT ir I Vrtt Bt3'H. j9kiVi21siBBBBBBK asQ aVrraJaSasaasav bsbw Jsa vsLaasil lajaaTr Q LaaaajVaM , 1 PPM A FIRM HOLD On our patronage wo are by doing tho best class ot work In our Una that could be done by any, one. We ara jrompt and efficient In our service, aud are competent to undertake tha biggest Jobs In Introducing new plumbing without Inconvenience to the household when you entrust your work to Greeley Turkeys dressed 23c lb. Turkeys live 20c lb. Cranberries 15c qt. Oranges, Lemons. Ba- nanas, Applet, Nuts, etc, at Lowest Prices Leave Your Orders Now ? Ashland Fruit Store and Dora E. Lee, aad 'all aaraeawy claiming under them, may ba barred $, and foreclo.ed ot all rights, claim or ( equity ot redemption to said araaslaaa jU or any part thereof, aad for aca ota- er and further relief that to thla A XjCourt may seem equitable. A Tl This Summons la published pur- S suant to an order of th Hon. Hsary V L. Demon, Judgo of th CbrcaR jj Court for Klamath Couaty, Oraaea. , made November 15, 1913, and IntE publication thereof Is toad on ta' 15th day of November, 1913, and tha last publication will be on tha ITta ( day of December, 1913. , , l W. H. BHAW, ft Attorney for tha natatef. K ll-15-12-27h L Jk Notice of Survey To C. W. Potter, W, L. Dodd, B. M. Heppw, M, Motwhenbacher, Joka .'tvui, . it roiiiuAi,tetuaa aaf , II. 8. Hammond, Jaa. H. Ma'taay, ). K. 1. ItnnVlr.a and awe - ... . s.w-..., H v. I ' poraon. who may ba, Inteiastad in tho following de.cilbad laadi: You ara hereby notified UukUtka undersigned, county .urveyor at lrtamnlh enntiti. AeAru, wHI fkai'tlAAi 10th day ot December, 1(11, or aa w soon thereafter aa la practleabla, ta- glu tho mrvoy of portion ot 21, 30, 37, 31, St and .11, of ship, 40 ., rsajpv )', aad .sell- 1. I and 13 of'towuibip'tl l "na K.( WllUmetU Merldlaa,1 Oreaaa. ' B. V. HaOWT, County Surveyor of K taarn- f xl" laaysBVaMBaBBBBaH A'tMi -.1 ; I i M, ' i 'i $ i' A fA 1 41 .'' C! m ' i: ' '.'' w UIVfVllA ' ,. i " iS -.1 iS