AVK" V U" KLAMATH FALLS' OI'I'ICIAI. NKWSPAI'KK I l.lilli lr-M, u.uiu Jj hunting Herald 4,. PRINTS THE NEWS WHILE IT-IS-NEW1 J KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1913 ARLET-M'DOUGAL BONANZA SCHOOL BUILDING BOUGHT DISTRICT IS SUED BY C. E. I'ricw I'lte Cwria tiNhini ii t nits m , in.,,. ,,, llllllt IIMH hMi In II.. I..I ,r.i. Ill.l.llinrr IU. 'u,. M,I S.ailj IMI,IHMI M, I'H'l-ilj Im Mii I'ail ,, il,,. ni. H..I,,. lUllr.r Up II.. lufi.mwllini I ouirtiilii lUllniail I'lau. Vl IIMI llh III I im (iii MM I I sl s Mni.it inns vl Ill IIWMKI'S tin; IM M Will II Carranza Breaks With United States' station ; QUARTERS GIVEN Rebel Troops Capture Many Cities and Towns III ll, limit uf a deal cuuiplali-d Tgtad.y. Major Ch.rl A il' Inr .Umax. alh biii. ar. r.'.nr II m ... nimi,i,.,K,j rlll Hrlimil lll.tllrl No , . haiita t rimma. A lUitin, through' All... I,, l nt,( llarton allele. ,, I. ,u. IhliillKh ' blrarl. nf (onllail An.inllnr lo Hip nilll.U,, ,r I rhool lH.nr.1 ill th. lloimni, ,,irrti i.i mi it or ni:in.rri(i at. II Mil I'll lit Mtld: IICDIIV. in is 'in- uiii.hm iiv,iii ii u.i: ti-ri ui to hi: iikimi. sums in- ins iti:iii:i,i,ns nv Nil. I Mil H hi js mo l.llss ' lilKMSII id im; ri:ni:ittM j : Wurdeu ' '"' J""' "",,fp'1 " "filrn llh tltr.l I'l.. .ritlir i Mill lo frh ft I MohftiiiB IliU irm I UfuiuM II.. ubrr ul th. Ail.tt-Mr- , , . ,.'."," ' ' " M.g.1,,. N..I. In Ciial-lnlng m- K.i. 11.. CMIJ.I.II..I. ... In IU ..,. , .' ' '"V'' !,. . Brta-hboM.llod III IIOUU.I Th. Allrtt MrlMnoll iup., botll li) Altbut II Allrtt .nd ILtiJa Ullli ' Mtltiiui.ll tu Han I'lancl.fu Imli, a ho .r. ai.l knu.u lu .11 build ri mrr I hi- roa.l Tin fiirtnar ... IL. roMr.'lor alio liulll III. While I'.llr.h hotel, .tut tit. il.bi la 111. Wlill. IVIIr.h .lid Inr lb. lif. rami hiMtr .r. 1I1..11 bf Ml SlMu.ll Tti. Iiullilllic . rutidrurlrit .luiic lb. miMl in.cllr.l lih.i, ud II.. I"l o m.l.rl.U ( uinl Mot .lr llnio II.. Wlill. I'rlU.ii intii.r.l prlliii li un-l In I...I Ibr lilllldlBK TU imick.i. ul Oil. Hiiltr ti VI. Jul Wiiidm I. Ik. trruiid lt bit) h. k. ia.il. lb Ui.t l-.ll ill lu.n r r.nlll In In. Ib.u . ..r b. bu Ixiu.kt iu.rl) Ib.i. anrlli I'luilm.l.lr lli.uoo M.Jur Wuiil.n li .u uM ir.ld.bl ul IhU M-fllun, .nU I. tbuiuufblf run innl llh Iih-.I rondlllont, .nd h.i .1 .11 llmr. kr. . (Int. ). on lb. tr.litmrbt ut lb. ruunlrr At III. Ilm. Vlf. 1'lr.tdnlt Klutl fbolll lUltnl KUm.lb K.lli, b. nd hi. I'.IH r. rlnMlrd .lib M.Jur Wntd.n fur urn. llmr Th M.Jur k.. lll.l.lr.1 III. I Ills. ... Itl.l.l; II lflndlr tl.ll. bul in.nr trllrr II had drrMr .Idilflratir 11. Ill AllKUll. Ilir comlil.thl al. 'llir M.hli.n i.iikllliill..n.lll. luiilr. Irr... '"or. .rr,.i noiit. that Ib.iini hl i,.i (r llr,lll. nii.ii bad bi-.ii annulled Wllh I.I. ,. , , , . . .. . . , , ', ,, , , ......... , , rll,m ,, r( ., ,. i'"lr I- n-d In liiin.ni. (nun Ku-i nir. and II... flt.l M.inHa In 11.1.1..'""""""''" """",M "" llial HI, lbr b. ..r.if.d al lb. m-IhhiI hiiUHi "" "l'l'l iIuHmu It"' m-.iiiIIimi Iii fulfill til. ninlr.rl but . t...i l.llii ninlr.rl . rd In Ir.rh llatliiii . that b. aunullliiK nl ibt Mililr.il ... ,. . a. l.li. lb. (I,, ut. nna r b. d.t. .i..nlml hi in iinm .rrurliK rm.ii) Kirnt .. a tr.rli.r I III. )r.r II. ..L. uu lb. oLr, fur lb. Irim frnm lb. dlrrturi In .Ji. Mi. ii h. a.ka Im. i.lmbur.rd IS ! Ibr n-n. nf tutnltic lo Klam.lh nmnt,. and .ant. ISuu ilam.itr. fur lb. bunilll.lli.il .laml tiM.n hlina.lf and family Th. Kh.Mil dltwliira ranrrIM lb I'hlrail llli llarun uin.ii th. ground lb. I hit M.ntlon ... nu a 1rl .rn rrdutr I.) lb. full board In hi. .l.r. Ihrr ..Irflist II.) I'. Ilurk, and tlnr. (i. bra-Inning of lb. .rbool irrm ih.rr bat l.rrn much .rinm.nt urrr lb. m.llrr In ll. Cloirr laf Oily I nlttO I'fui Henri. WAHIIINOTON. II C.Nciv l. . Oft.rlala liHlay mad. It .aln In t.'ar rania Ih.l ni-fi. tl.ll. ma xnul.l rml If lli.ir riiiilliniatloii ilrMiidrd Umiii I'arrama rrrrldnt a rani nf rrnlrn Hal. from William llar.nl Hal. ) Tli. I'nlli.l Kl.ti do., not lulcnl, In .rririllt llaln In Carranfa, a. audi j a fiMiHuro aould lnul. rrrii(bl- lion of I hi. r.vulullnn h r) "!xs. mtllllllllllllllllllHHKjCr liLMMkavi iS LHHIv aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBvamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa UflMKNti CIVIC I.K.ir.l1: Hi:CUIU I Ml I.STIM,TI UN FUII.MHII. I.MIS, hTC. T( Hi: ,VT CHAM. 111:11 or ceiLUKitti: At la.t olsolnc'i iatln( uf (bt 1 iiisibr of Coniruerco dlructon, lh orc.uliatlon turoi-d oter to ba Wo men a CI tic lajuu tba loMdla room -! tli off anliatlon'a quartan In tba Uiomlt bulldloc to b uid aa a r.t room. The room ll( bo on fourth auri't, bttai-cu Tina and Main. The offer of thu Cbaintwr of Cum- tu.n. ba. btn actcufad by tbo Cltlc league Tbo l-racuo bu Un bard REBELS CONTROL THREE STATES IN: NORTH OF MEXICO VKKKHTl.t.V.l CAIIII.l..l Ubll.d Pre.. Horlc MKXICO Cltr, N. !. Adylrra rvr.ltrd lirr. arr to th. rffrct tbat Ibr ron.lllutlonall.taa ar. routine In th. Ii.m of K.ttlnK their bark 'r. Wi.ul.l I'.iili.n laiir, I ri.l'r a Wa.blndnu d.l. lb. I'nrl l.nd Juurn.l I'llnl. a dlir-atch .tallnc that rlmiliitt Chamb.rlaln and l.an. Ii.. uftrd lb. rrldnt lo rontldrr Utiirttl) ai.llratlun fur a pardon for CI 0 Utr,, bo U In J.ll In Tort-' l.nd fur uiLc lb. ro.lli tn defraud I l.a., mralnl rll.nihcljr In Klam.lh rounlr f jwtra " Waul, (llimin, Till si. I. I ll.i In l! Mr. Itrborah V.n Ne.t uf Mlbrol.. I. I . nua V! tear, old ob tained a dhnrr. Irum l'orn.llut II Van .SV... a bo l.trr tn.rrlnl and ahodlnl In lll Hh. now Die. tult fur allinnnjr for 41 ,rar. al ItPO a )rar Admlnlilr.tnrt of the ratal, fltlr.i abr rrrrhrd 110,000 In full a.tll.iiirnt at the lira, of the dlturcr. hlrh ah. driitea Th. autrmr court bat taken lb. ra. under adtl.rmrut In look up lb. la iHilnta th rapltal III ( of an ligation It li believed tlat at Ir.at half of 11.. federal Ki. LONDON-. Nor. !. Tho admiralty lb. fnleral arm, In Norlhrrn Mnleo.jdi.ra would d-wrt to Uk ranki of jut raMnlcbt ordrrrd four cruUen a lib fearful low of life lib. rrb.li loyally to th. Ilucrtal.ta.lnnnl in th. Ilrltltti Wetl Indict Many am .r..arlnc to Irate the r.u.e I. by no meant lrnn. but the tn ircwrt to Vrra Crui. The aquad rlty frarlnc an Immrdlatit attack on majority of the troopa arr rem.lnlniCi ron hat tailed. Tln hl.lri. Ilrcorm' lM,rr Mle. Cl.ra .n4 nrl" I'rltrb aril. tln altlffi. Illm t Albau). N. V . .a..ril tbr recent bar riamlna Hun., anil lll ircllr laa Thry Ktaduatrd In l lt '!'. but bail tKblrh III. KUi-.la hlurked uratiar. at wall until 31 In b llrrnt.il. ,i Mnnkr, . a a Pinner IV. I urn A. a fratui. of a dinner at Ibr lifllevu.-Hlratfnrd hotel, 1'hlladfl. ,hlt. (lien b) lb. Kdward T. rltokra but)i. cb.llrrlnK munkey. rnlrrlaln ul lb. Kuril, by IrarlniC to plrcr. .rlirlra. orcblda wllli ahlrli the iiMimt h.d been drcoralrd Tbn rooiut l.j.l berii itecoraled ultli a nmfuilnn oi orrbbli and nranxr trrra, from Praises the Crater Roads CONCESSIONS ARE WANTED BY THEM ioitc tu.n m tiiochami ii.wi: .UTI.II.II Ml I'Alt I (lit AMIHi:. MIAT STAMH AT .THK IUI.1 WOlll.lfs I'.tllt Crnli-r IJkr Nalloual I'ark. returned l.,l rtinlnt from the park headquar tain Tbp park hat been clotod for tb. a Inter, and all tuppllet moted out and bulldlnc" locked up. Tbe hotel hat been cloae.l tine. October Tbe traton Jutt doted hat been the larcitt In thr number of tourlttt In Ihe hlttory of tl.o park The 'reg ular tourltt traton only UtU from' .bout the mlddlx of July to Septem ber 30th, and thlt year them were rrditered ,353 tourlttt, compared In 5.133 for the year of 1913. Per mit, for 773 tingle trip autoa were YOUNG MOTHER DIES SUDCENLY mils. ji:.ssi: imi:w uv yo.vxa KAI.I.S IX A K.ll.Vr AMI ALL KK I1IIITS KAII. Tt) lllTOUi: TIIK VITAL Sl'AKK CAITVIIi: OK (lAIIIIINO.V AT VIC TOIIIA IS MTrtT , IINlclira Inillralr Humlmlt Wera Hlnlit In Ttifa Kngacement Defeat of I'eilerala al Ttil. I'ohit I1ac4 In tlio llanil. of llrrolutloaJaU AoV illiloual AHUIrry, Maull Arm aad AiiiiitMBlllon. l'nl.l !-- ,!.. ' I -.. vu,vaa k,, , ,v. ; ,Kl.thou..nd b.U. under O.ntr.l " " -"""" -" '"".Oonialea today cruabeVl th 3,000 fe4- c l , . t . rl troopt (arrUoniar at Victoria, Iho U.iu It now aocurlBr ettl-' tltUiUlig ,ffu, ,0il.r mat., on tbe co.t of furnlthlnc. Oonxale. telegraphed rebel bead Plumbing, eu:.. for the rett room. TJi.'quwr, ,t M,Uoor,; that th, rib,u ..M-eur I. to b defrayal by a fundi iott fouf offlt(fl ,nJ fo,t. , n u the women are raUIng through ,,,, Tb(? fd.r,u Jot Mut loo chain of trn-cent teat. At rich ofl,,,,, Unto oach curat bring. 10 ccnU., y ukln, -,b. ,rUoa tt,'wlri, and gltet , a Ira l.trr, at which ten captured four cannon, m.nj.ria-, a "? m" im "If rt1?d' ., , ." "" of UUm Mil 300 ll.tldet thlt, tba Klamath Mints- tB,alry hortea. Irrlal AMoclatlon h.t voted to donate' T, ,,,,, w,r,,purut0 ,blny to the cut all the collection taken mllw from yictorU, becoming badly routed and dltorganlted. at Ihe union Tbanktgltrlng trrrlcea. WILL INSPECT LODGE TONIGHT; KMI.M-.NT CDMMAMIKH IIKIIK IHOM IHM.NTh 1'Ah.s IIA.Ngt'rX - WHO, rOLU)V.TO.MfiHTa CflU KMOXIAIJi I ulUd I'rett Settle tb i'AHO, Texat, Nor. 1. Hebel. conCrm tbe reported capture) of Vie Itorla. u' I Tbe ttatra of Soaora. Sl'sato'. Chi- liuahu. and Panhult. ira"mal,nlUJ . h ,t.a VaKaI- -l..-l Ik. -111. fLI butbua, Taraplco and .Ouayanaa. The ctly o Chihuahua la earrouad- , rd by the rebel., and th capture of Tamplco It predicted a eertaiaty. . Tbero laloeM unea.lneaa her bo taut i the It rf. TririH iltfi lieti border, while Qeaara Villa la co ctntratlns bit 7.000 raeaat jMrttL. . Th. ..,.! I.. r-..... ,n " 5 Iu-mUo, UX r '""ilaln tbat all tho Mexican faetloaa Mrt. Drew, wife of Jet.. Dr.w a igrantisl thlt yrar. and In 1913 there ouiK farmer of Vonna Valley, died .m 4S3. Thlt dor. not Include the hutrl uutot or raachlnra hating x-a- .on llrrntpt. The bole) at tbe lake Returned Official Reviews first Season's Work "JiiilKlng from tin- work already littler lb heavy tnowt of ibe vrluler . . nv uim imv. on. " I'" f'" "' .urfaclug .iint It lu of I hi. fliii-l .y.tenu of l,""l,,ru(,1,,r f roacailam. atpbull or otln-r mill ilrlt.iy In Cite country," tal.l ,al, aurfaoo iiwleilnl II I MuiiDi-r, wltii li J'"" rilumo.il ,.! aprltig work will bo uiiii- rriiiii'lho iiaik ' I ,',,"f,,U "l "" ,","", "'"' "' ,l'" l,rk Tl.it liullillnn f Hi" i"'l " M" nl Wllilcnl. "J It l fH'ocled lu com- ., .)- II... war .loparlmi.i.1 mul all ! '" ro.ul cU-r ll.rougl. lo Iho of ih work I. of tl... iuo.1 irmii..ilUr. from thu Klamath .do. Then iburiicler. Tho road camp wit. c.oo.l!.rk will be .Inr m llw road on for II..- y.'r about Iho inlddli. of Oclo-ilh-. Mr.lford .1.1... .r and U U llniil lo !" work lu addition l lha work dono II.U .,l t,.ar ... early tiIM. , ''X milnwni of the war do- IllUlJ.ll. ... I . nl.nJ.lll riii-iiriuli' I" now uil coiiipKiHi mii ! " -" --- y . ii.oui.Uln, .....I for a dl.l.nco of baa lU u crow of twenty-throe tueA III. I11IIU 3(i iiillii from ll' I""0 u" ",0 KIhiiiiiII. nullity "I'l". Till, ixtadway I. till riMidy for top MtirfacliiK. wnlc t.lll bu put on In Ibe .prlnif. lmoii alrallon work Im. boon done on tev il.l .trip, of road wllh different ur fnilliK nmlorUU. 'l wl ,,l,n,, on which make. Iho bt nwln ..rkli.K tho greater purl of tl.o aoa .on beuutlfyliiK the ground, along I In- .i.rmi.niut l.lghwoy.. All of tbe uuili-rbrutl. and dead Umber for a con.lilornblit dlttnuco on eat-h tide of Hit road, have been removed, mid now pre.ei.t. n viry nvtit mid altrac I Ivu apiwarunce. (llrmlil riHYUI Mrrtirr) 8AN KIIAXCIKl'O, Nov. 19. More than G, UOti appllcalluu. hate been ri- relt.-d for niniitemeut and other con-c-talitu. at lb. ranama-l'acinc Kxpo alllun It. 19lf. One hundred accept- rd lo dal.t llivoho a total ripendlture of about IT. 0U0.000. Morr that. 7. Don people will be em- plo)iil lu lb. rourruliiu. dl.trlcl. The Idol amount to be limited In amute- ivrul. In 101.'' will probably aggro- there I probably three feet of .now gat. 113.000.000. I at tbo lake at tho preeent time. A Among tho motl Important conce.- '""" ,no " fnlllue vhrn h '" tloua will be Tho Hrand Canyon of Tuday morning. Iho t'olor.do," a Working model of Ibe rauama canal; natul aub-marinet In operation, "Creation," bated ou the tint rhuptvr nf a e not It; "Toy- land", a reproduction of Ihe famou. clly of Nuremburg, tleriuany; "Klre ami Kwnrd," or tho fall of Adrian-, ople, an Iro pularo, "Korty-NlnenT Camp," "Mohnminrd'. Mountain," u tuddenly Tuetday aftrrnuon Mr. Drew- wa. talking and Uugb Ing with the people around her when Cummandrr, KnlghU T.mptar, IHwould comblia In defeaa. 8ome My bo bvld thl. rvrnlnc In Maaonlc hall. (tbr I'nlted'SUtea I. unprepared bar l.l.wlyn Jewell, the right emluentfnn.l at other border polnta In New commander of the atato commandry, i Mexico, Arizona and C.llfornla. arrlted latt evening' from Grant. .. I'iua to conduct th Intpectton. Tu Clieck I'aa of I'nliaa Following Ihe In.iwctlon and drill I Aa a rr.ult of many death, from, thl. evening a banqurt will b given (bichloride of mercury on tb ta in honor of the vltltlng ttate officer. had 3.360 giio.t. rrglttered during " .uddenly fainted, and from tbe Iho teuton. tul tho patted Into tbe great b- Augi.it wat the big month of theouJ without recovering contclout- e.non. when 3,003 tourlttt vltlted h'- Iho park. Mr. Moni)or lookt for a 'r lrew becamo a mother about much heatler Iratel nt tr.ton. week ago, and wat apparently grt- The hraty .now. bate act in at the "K I"B nicely, her natural high park ami Mr. Motner .talo. tbat ' "Plrlu cau.lng all to bellete that ho wa. rapidly com lug Into her u.ual rubutt hvalth. She wa. but 31 year, old, and had brrn married but a cou plo ut jcart to Jeo Prow, a brother of thu wife of County Superintendent 1'rler.ou She wiu tho daughter of! Kmll Kggert, a Vonua Valley ruueber. l'iur Air U Very Colli Tilt, made with b.lloont carrying meteorological Inttrument. on Call Una Itland. California, .how that tome balloon, reached an altitude of 0.3 roltea. At a height of eleteu mite, the temperature I. nearly nor mal; abote eleven mile. It I. 85 de-grt-e. below jero, and at twenty mile. IS degree, below. . atanc of Representative Mann of I1M nolt, two department; of tb govera ment are working on plana to prvat, the carelea. .ale of th poUon. lloiiir on a Vlalt. Mita Krma lloagland arrived no Tucday evening from Porilaad, ta vlalt for a couple of week with bar1 mother, Mr.. Nat Olterbeln. MI' Krma wa. accompanied by her cou.la. Mlit Chlora Rlppey. M Sportsmen Fasting Today , ij (Appeitites Whetted for this Evening's Baiqietj DAIRYMEN MEET AT MILLER HILL flilm-mi .-It), uud oilier.. MOMYER LEAVES NATIONAL PARK KViatvriiiMi ci.ohi:ii i-oit riu: WIXTiai 'ItH'lUHT TIIAVKI. TO Yiuti:h uvki: this hummdh tiik iihkati:ht KVKU II. K. Mom)vr, chief ranger and acting n.tl.tant .uperlntendent of at Tins i;i:mm;s iaiiii:iiim; MAVrCIt OP A CtMll'lIltATIVi: ciii:ami:iiv wii.i. hi: hhoi'iihtI i'l itm hiscusion' WORK FOR DRIVE "II tkllll'li all 1VIIIL'1IIL TIL'LV .'..; ........ a..v .;....-, , " i""i, A.tocUtlou. which will be bold :..."..'..... ......-.'... Il" vcnlng ut Iho ,.. ..'......i. m.. . ..., aa.t. III lll,Milll.M.SMI.N That leau and hungry look to be ben of the auoclatlon Sunday, and) obaerved on tho face of ome of the they aro being prepared by the Whit, ireiubeni of tbe Klauuth Dport.men'a, Pelican chef In a-manner IrroeUtlbl. .Wnoclatlou I. not tbo retult of terl- ' Tho menu follow.: i oiiH worry. It come, from a vlgorou. ;' ll.tlu training, No, not for any ath- Martina Cocktail T . telle conU-.t. bul for a BaatronoralctCana Anchovy r Hip OUT1 uon.ommo rrintanier Fried Filler of Bol nemoulad. J l'otatoe. Julienne I Hmall l'attlo of Bwetibread. TouloU I org) Tho afori-mvntloned t. o. I. the a iiual b.tnquct of thu Klamuth Sport.' A iiu-ftlni; of thu Klamath t'ouuty1 The ilo.lug of Wllllamiuu Itlver to Iliilr)iuen'. A.toclatlon will bo held thl. etenlug at tho Miller Hill .chool liou.r. A liirgo uttt'i.dance I. oxpect c.l, At toulght'H meet I he further coiitlderatlnn will be gltou to thu Idea nf taking over tl.o Klamath Kail, croninvry uud operating It upon u co ol erntlve ba.l.. Muny of the luvm ber. aro heartily lu tutor of thl. plan. log driving, n. reported In Tuotday'. Herald, will bo taken up with tbo fed eiul niithurltl.'.. Thl. wa. decided at latt night'. nu'OtliiK uf tho Chamber uf Commerco. Robert A, Johuiou, Charle. (Iruve. nud 11. J, Darling were naruod a. a i-ommtttco tu attend to tills. They will protett ugaln.t tbo tiotlng of tl.o rlter to thu llureau of Indian uffulm ut tho Whllo I'ellcan, At the nuue time, thu annual mcetluR will be held, and ulDcer. Willi bo elected fur tho entulug year, I 11. 0. Terry wa. In from Miller Hill aud tho Origou and California eu today. Ititor. and congre.uieu. . Iloa.t Wild Duck Currant Jelly j' MVlld'.RIc DrcMlnf J V Caudled SWreet'l'otatoea rt Celery Salad Mayonrutl & ' i-'ron. ,.,,irr.n ..-,ini. ih. Vtnllla Ico Croam A.ortd CakS buiiquit to bo served thl. evening-I. i' Daroltaai ., f fi ubaolutoly faultle... Nothing ha been I Klght o'clock1 thlt evening I tatrl overlooked that could bo thought of . appointed hour for this gaUloriBaT off iv III. nif.iat f naf litlmia fmm.n,..t ' .I.1a l.,n.li..Hi.H un hII h-.m.Ia.Vx wm.v .,vuvm..uvu, .ou ... Uf mv f ." aro .olemnly waru.d lo af4jHtJ and let thq'parllclpanti dUrTHP? ' by tbe most fastidious gormaud. TI.U being u gathering of .port. men, It goo. wthout .aylug that the wild fowl re.ldlng hereabout, havo bevu drawn upon to furnish a good part, of the menu. Ono hundred nice, fat, canva.back and mallard duck, and llto geote wore killed by mem- abllity with the food convyon.wNaV. wu. me isuai aauiuiauca m vaawaviaa.f Yo of the lantern jaw and i,i'iii complexion will hay aa pUat ai!Ml ...... . IV mighty feed, A " .4 i -nl )JM if v '-, M V